I think thst highspeed is making a comeback because after charlie and bantech left the game received another extension and metro return and charlie in 2017/18 cancelled metro but the new devs decided to put metro back so that means that Highspeed is going to return with Stepford Victoria receiving ankther upgrade in the future and return of stations like, Berrily Denton Road or more
There are more chances for operators like nightly sleepers and Freight 👍🏻
Freight would not come because half of the operators are passenger type and Nightly sleeper takes a long time and the longest route is 45 min
I think thst highspeed is making a comeback because after charlie and bantech left the game received another extension and metro return and charlie in 2017/18 cancelled metro but the new devs decided to put metro back so that means that Highspeed is going to return with Stepford Victoria receiving ankther upgrade in the future and return of stations like, Berrily Denton Road or more
That's great I've always preferred high speed