A lot of people are doing killing black spells on me and I trust in Allah that I will rip them off one day and reach Allah, they destroyed my family, my job, my health , my life but I trust Allah , he will emerge me as victorious one day.
Asaalam Alayekum Brothers and sisters. Please pray for me. I’m 21 years old woman who is 8 months pregnant and I been having difficulties, I have been affected by black Magic MayaAllah protect us all. Please pray for me and my kids and the unborn baby to be delivered safe and sound next week on Thursday InshaAllah. Have me in your pray MayaAllah guide us all 🙏🙏
I am a Muslim and I say this is absolut bull sht, why would allah punish me because someone had negative emotions about me, which I can’t control and completely unaware of, wtf, that does not sound like any fair God to me, I’m considering converting to Christianity
Assalamualaikum Pls make dua for me. Im affected by black magic and really in worse condition.there are many things i wanted to do in life and wish in life, may Allah make it easy for me and you.Ameen
Allah SWT is the Most Powerful, all Hearing all Knowing, indeed what Sheikh Mufti is saying is total true... Nothing evil will harm you if you truly believe in Allah The Almighty, let them cast whatever they cast but Allah SWT will protect you. Jazakallah Khair
Please keep me & my husband in your dua. My husband has changed over the years, he only listens to his sisters. He now doesn't care about his 2 little children.
This helped me so much!Thank u! I was in a community and was listening to music which would make a specific person text you back I didn't really listen to it seriously,I kinda listened to it for a joke- Then this person comes and replies to me saying that they casted a spell for it to happen- I wasn't serious,but they put some random numbers I began to get scared Once I came to this video,I realised that I am protected by Allah!Even though the person wasn't doing something horrible and was just trying to help me,I didn't want ANY black magic or witchcraft to happen I lay my trust on Allah,He is protecting me I am a preteenager and don't know everything about my religion,but I believe Allah has got my back ♡ Thank u,this video calmed me down and I believe that Allah is protecting me in every way I am proud and more than happy to be Muslim!♡
Thanks to the Almighty Allah for making me a Muslim and thanks alot Sheack Muftis Menk for your good teaching may Allah bless you and all Muslim. Alhamdulilah
For people with jinn affliction please always have 100% cold pressed extra virgin olive oil recite ayahs of ruqya and blow in the oil and when you feel jinn in the head or ears legs just apply olive oil in that section but you can actually apply the oil all over the body like after bathing, before sleeping and always stay with wudhu. The oil provides temporary relief atleast not necessarily removing the jinn
Please pray for me and my family ,I believe we have been affected by some kind of magic,I have been worried and anxious since as everything has changed in my home,but after listening to this ,I believe Allah Almighty, the knower of the unknown and one who watches over me will protect, guide and guard me.May he protect us all from the evil of this dunia.Ameen
Shukra Allahumdulillah Sir Ur explaination was worth it to guide me for my help. As I, started reading Quran Allah helped me out in many ways.I got shifa also.
Play manzil and surah Baqarah daily evening/till it gets dark- play daily for six months and maybe for life 😊 2. Last 3 Surahs of Quran 3 times 3. Last two verses of surah Baqarah 285-286 4. Recite Bismillah Al lazi la yuddarru be isme hi Shayeen fil ardh wa ma di Sama ho wal samee Ul aleem- 5. Auzu be kalimate tamatey min sharrey ma khalaq 3 times and sleep 6. Aytul kursi 2 times Do this morning sunset and night befor sleep Give sadaqah Also recite 9Times no.4 before eating at anyone house - will protect from magic done via food items U can stop meeting those who have jealousy from u.
SubhanAllah! Jazakallah khairan for this video. I felt the presence of the jinn "Kareem" since I was a kid. Alhumdolillah I fought the urge to believe what was going through my mind. Allah guided me to this video and finally I can be at peace knowing what has been going on with me and how the jinn was turning me against people I already had difficult relating to. I am so grateful to Mufti Menk for speaking about this. Without this I would still be psychologically disturbed thinking it's the pain people caused me.
May Allah grant everlasting protection to each and everyone who have listed things they are going through here....and everyone who is thinking about stuff they're going through in their mind or heart as they listen to the video...Amin.
Salaam to everyone I have found if I read darood sharif 11 before and after then read aytul kurci 111 then blow on water then drink the water inshallah u will get better inshallah plus it all depends how bad the black magic is may Allah paak bless u all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much you have helped me learn so much about Islam and how to protect myself are used to do a lot of haram things but your videos help me learn about islam thank you so much ❤️😊😊🕋🕋
Thanks a lot my good brother .... Allah blessed you.... You always motivated me... Keep up the good work.... I wish you all the best..... Stay blessed.... Be safe out there.... Real talk..... Good teaching.... I learned a lot from you..... Thanks be to Allah for everything you've done for your brothers and sisters... I wish you long life with lot of happiness without ends... I love Allah and the Qur'an so much my good brother..... Thanks again for everything you've done for the people.... ✌
Tq u Tq u so much for all ur narrated the facts of Allaha n for my Imaan strong Sir I'm syeda Ameena who embrassed Islam through my brother-in-law my own sister who was a born Muslim He converted my sister into Muslim n got married so with His precious Islamic message me also embrassed Islam I felt v v generous to listen to ur n made my Imaan v v strong May Allaha shower all His precious priceless countless blessings on u n ur family
I need someone to help me pray against what ever it is that my enemies has put on me my body is in pain from whatever some done I'm praying and I know God see all
Ya sheikh may Allah reward you for taking us to Quran, quran is enough for us to live alhamdo lillah. May Allah increase us in our submission to his book. Amin
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته My brothers and sisters in Islam I hope this helps May Allah grant everyone shifa امين يارب العالمين Include me in your prayers ان شاء الله HOW TO PERFORM RUQYAH: The exact process is to make supplication to your palms just as you would when making a dua’a. After blow into your hands and wipe the area which is causing pain or discomfort or you may recite these verses to a bucket of clean water, drink a cup and bathe with it QURAN VERSES FOR RUQYAH: Here’s a list of the different verses from the Quran which can be recited. Surah Fatiha Surah Falaq Surah An-Nas Surah Ikhlas Ayatul Kursi (Surah Baqarah ayat 255) Surah Al A’raf Ayat 106-122 Surah Taha Ayat 65-69 Surah Al-Kafirun
Please pray 🙏 for my family! Every efforts of mine has been going in vain. Now I'm jobless n homeless. So desperate n broken Im in need of ur prayers. Thank you....
It is narrated that the Prophet PBUH got 🌼🌼🌼hijama done on his head (crown area of the head), when Sihr (Black magic) was done on him. He PBUH also got hijama done when he had a headache while he was in a state of Ihram.🌼🌼🌼
I think my entire family is afflicted by black magic. My father has social phobia, has severe paranoia and curses a lot, my brother has autism and when he was in hospital he had epilepsy for the first time in his life (I don't know what those doctors did with him during his stay), my sister has severe anxiety, and my body is jerking when I'm starting with my salah or praying.. What can we do? I recite my morning adhkar, surah falaq, nas, and so on, what should we do?? My family is not very religious btw.
Mashallah on u mufti love ur video's u explain things in such calm an peaceful way an not in a way like others do wen they start yelling an screaming an who make people fear the religion each time they talk bout things an make people feel like they are the worst in the world,,,but mashallah with u ur the type who makes people wana be closer to Islam an u don't judge or talk in a bad way as ur words are always respectful an always explaining things very clear,,, may Allah bless u...an yes its sad how people get afflicted by this evil sihir an how it wreaks a person's life,,,as I'm in the similar situation where my life always feels depressing an not wanting to do anything an always have really bad anger an stuff..anthr feeling where I don't wana do anything in my life at all...an the worst part is that they say that if. A person dreams of a black snake then it indicates that the person has had black magic done on them which was very frightening for me wen I saw it on my dream... I have tried everything?? I sometimes pray an then I stop but I do recite Qur'an on an an things like that.. I also don't do any bad sins hamdullah ...but yet I'm still conflicted by it?? Is there anything a person can drink to help get rid of any black magic that has been done on them??? Especially the one where they do of on u coz of jealousy an envy??? Or even if its normal water an to read any specific ayat on it to drink it??? May Allah protect us an may Allah punish the evil ones who do sihir on others an to give em the deepest hell fire....👍👍👍😩😩😩😢😢😢😢🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨💥💥💥⚠⚠👍👍👍👍
Alhamdulillla Alhamdulillla Jazakallahu Khairan Respected Mufti Menk and team to help us understand existence to help take care of ourselves and children IsA. 😭😭😭Ameen ya Rabbil Alaameen!!!! 🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌 Glory be to you oh Allah Almighty Salaam and salawaat upon our beloved Prophet SALALLAHU alihay wa salaam!!!!! Jazakallahu Khairan Respected Mufti Menk and entire Team. Alhamdulillla Alhamdulillla.
There is a black magic on me and my husband. Please dua for us. He's such a nice guy but when he sees me now he just sees hate and anger
May Allah grant shifa to all those who are suffering in silence 🌹
Ayatul Kursi x3 Al Iklas x3 Al Falaq x3 An Naas x3 every morning every evening
1. Honey
2. Jam jam water
3. Ajwa dates
4. Black seeds
All of you who are suffering. May Allah cure you all and grant you the best in this world and achirah. Ameen jamee3 elmuslimin
Hmmmm. I am a Christian and I truly just want to know God more.
A lot of people are doing killing black spells on me and I trust in Allah that I will rip them off one day and reach Allah, they destroyed my family, my job, my health , my life but I trust Allah , he will emerge me as victorious one day.
Please make dua for my family ... may Allah protect us all
im a christian , an adventist to be precise but Dawah's teachings help me alot
In a lot of pain!!!! Please pray for my protection! Forever appreciated. Peter Arthur
Asaalam Alayekum Brothers and sisters. Please pray for me. I’m 21 years old woman who is 8 months pregnant and I been having difficulties, I have been affected by black Magic MayaAllah protect us all. Please pray for me and my kids and the unborn baby to be delivered safe and sound next week on Thursday InshaAllah. Have me in your pray MayaAllah guide us all 🙏🙏
I have been effected by magic and it made my life v bad.kindly pray for me may Allah heal and protect me
Am a Christian. Thank you for your teachings there are real insightful
Istighfar Dua " Ya Allah forgive us for all sins which deprived us of your mercy and blessings'
I'm not Muslim but I believe you. I love hearing you speak. I hear honest and love. Thank you. Il be following for more life information
I am a Muslim and I say this is absolut bull sht, why would allah punish me because someone had negative emotions about me, which I can’t control and completely unaware of, wtf, that does not sound like any fair God to me, I’m considering converting to Christianity
786,Iam suffering from black magic after my marriage(12 years)Ihave 2God gifted son,please duwa 4 my family and my husband.
Ya Allah Protect Our family from black magic 😭😭😭
I absolutely needed this ! Alhamdulillah 😢 May Allah for give me and guide me on the straight path and protect me his Ummah from all devils Ameen !
I am a christian but pls make dua to my family Amen
I'm a revert Muslim please make dua for me and my family.
Recite last 3 surahs of the Qur'an every morning and evening
My eyes are tearing up mashallah
May allah grant us all with good health and guide us with right knowledge
Please make dua for me I am 36 yrs can't get married no luck in my bussiness.. cannot move forward
Assalamualaikum Pls make dua for me. Im affected by black magic and really in worse condition.there are many things i wanted to do in life and wish in life, may Allah make it easy for me and you.Ameen
Reciting surah Baqarah daily is very good, and stay away from sins. Shayateen get closer when one commit sins regularly.
Allah SWT is the Most Powerful, all Hearing all Knowing, indeed what Sheikh Mufti is saying is total true... Nothing evil will harm you if you truly believe in Allah The Almighty, let them cast whatever they cast but Allah SWT will protect you. Jazakallah Khair
Someone with a negative intent can cast evil on you. I am surrounded by evil intent people. Allah deliver me from them please.
Thank you.
Alihamdulillah may Allah protect us from black magic
We must believe that Allah is sufficient for us in our sufferings
May Allah shower his blessings on you and your entire family and to those learnt and followed
Please keep me & my husband in your dua. My husband has changed over the years, he only listens to his sisters. He now doesn't care about his 2 little children.
This helped me so much!Thank u!
I was in a community and was listening to music which would make a specific person text you back
I didn't really listen to it seriously,I kinda listened to it for a joke-
Then this person comes and replies to me saying that they casted a spell for it to happen-
I wasn't serious,but they put some random numbers
I began to get scared
Once I came to this video,I realised that I am protected by Allah!Even though the person wasn't doing something horrible and was just trying to help me,I didn't want ANY black magic or witchcraft to happen
I lay my trust on Allah,He is protecting me
I am a preteenager and don't know everything about my religion,but I believe Allah has got my back ♡
Thank u,this video calmed me down and I believe that Allah is protecting me in every way
I am proud and more than happy to be Muslim!♡
I am Christian pray for me 🙏 I am experiencing this in my life.
Dua will protect from black magic unless if u have evil thoughts
May Allah cure whosoever effect by this evil
I believe there is black magic on me and my loved one. Please make dua for us. Please help my brothers and sisters. Thank you!
Thanks to the Almighty Allah for making me a Muslim and thanks alot Sheack Muftis Menk for your good teaching may Allah bless you and all Muslim. Alhamdulilah
Alhamdulila thanks Allah for granting me Islam. Most powerful most loving religion of all
For people with jinn affliction please always have 100% cold pressed extra virgin olive oil recite ayahs of ruqya and blow in the oil and when you feel jinn in the head or ears legs just apply olive oil in that section but you can actually apply the oil all over the body like after bathing, before sleeping and always stay with wudhu. The oil provides temporary relief atleast not necessarily removing the jinn
I always see black smoke voming from my eyes and mouth when listening to quaran or say dua what does it mean
Please pray for me and my family ,I believe we have been affected by some kind of magic,I have been worried and anxious since as everything has changed in my home,but after listening to this ,I believe Allah Almighty, the knower of the unknown and one who watches over me will protect, guide and guard me.May he protect us all from the evil of this dunia.Ameen
Me and family was cursed blackmagic plz pray for us to cure from this evil spirit Thk U
Shukra Allahumdulillah Sir Ur explaination was worth it to guide me for my help. As I, started reading Quran Allah helped me out in many ways.I got shifa also.
Play manzil and surah Baqarah daily evening/till it gets dark- play daily for six months and maybe for life 😊
2. Last 3 Surahs of Quran 3 times
3. Last two verses of surah Baqarah 285-286
4. Recite Bismillah Al lazi la yuddarru be isme hi Shayeen fil ardh wa ma di Sama ho wal samee Ul aleem-
5. Auzu be kalimate tamatey min sharrey ma khalaq 3 times and sleep
6. Aytul kursi 2 times
Do this morning sunset and night befor sleep
Give sadaqah
Also recite 9Times no.4 before eating at anyone house - will protect from magic done via food items
U can stop meeting those who have jealousy from u.
SubhanAllah! Jazakallah khairan for this video. I felt the presence of the jinn "Kareem" since I was a kid. Alhumdolillah I fought the urge to believe what was going through my mind. Allah guided me to this video and finally I can be at peace knowing what has been going on with me and how the jinn was turning me against people I already had difficult relating to. I am so grateful to Mufti Menk for speaking about this. Without this I would still be psychologically disturbed thinking it's the pain people caused me.
May Allah grant everlasting protection to each and everyone who have listed things they are going through here....and everyone who is thinking about stuff they're going through in their mind or heart as they listen to the video...Amin.
May Almighty Allah shower his countinous blessings upon you
Allah bless us all to overcome our sins...
May allah protect each and everyone of us ameen ❤️
Allah is sufficient for us
Sheikh I always feel like listening to you, day and night
Salaam to everyone I have found if I read darood sharif 11 before and after then read aytul kurci 111 then blow on water then drink the water inshallah u will get better inshallah plus it all depends how bad the black magic is may Allah paak bless u all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Me and my wife are suffering from black magic please pray for us
Pls make dua for myself and family though I’m a Christian but enjoy your teachings
Thank you so much you have helped me learn so much about Islam and how to protect myself are used to do a lot of haram things but your videos help me learn about islam thank you so much ❤️😊😊🕋🕋
Please make dua tomy daughter getting waswas in prayer🤲😥
Some one did something really really bad to my mom.... her health is getting worse and worse... please pray for her
Mashaallah Mufti Menk may Allah bless you InShaaAllah
May Almighty Allah forgive me n have mercy on us.May Allah continue to increase ur knowledge Masha Allah.
Aameen remember me and my kids and family in your prayer
Please pray for my family we are the victim of this magic from many years .my elder brother age 33 about to turn 34 not married 😭pls pray for us
Thanks a lot my good brother .... Allah blessed you.... You always motivated me... Keep up the good work.... I wish you all the best..... Stay blessed.... Be safe out there.... Real talk..... Good teaching.... I learned a lot from you..... Thanks be to Allah for everything you've done for your brothers and sisters... I wish you long life with lot of happiness without ends... I love Allah and the Qur'an so much my good brother..... Thanks again for everything you've done for the people.... ✌
May Allah reward you my brother for such great teachings.
Pray for me and my family May Allah protect all of you and us from all evil ameen!
Please make a dua for me and my family may God protect us. Thank you so much I really appreciate it.
Tq u Tq u so much for all ur narrated the facts of Allaha n for my Imaan strong Sir I'm syeda Ameena who embrassed Islam through my brother-in-law my own sister who was a born Muslim He converted my sister into Muslim n got married so with His precious Islamic message me also embrassed Islam I felt v v generous to listen to ur n made my Imaan v v strong May Allaha shower all His precious priceless countless blessings on u n ur family
jazakallaha sheikh for the reminder to lay trust on Allah during uncontrolable situation
So knowledgeable. I enjoy listening to his lectures . Very peaceful voice. Mashallah. Keep up the good work.
Yes! Mufti ji this did scare me. May allah protect us from all evil things in this 🌎
I need someone to help me pray against what ever it is that my enemies has put on me my body is in pain from whatever some done I'm praying and I know God see all
May Allah protect us from every evils of people, May Allah make a way out of our difficulties with khair o afiyat & shower his mercy upon us 🤲
My health is very bad. I don't know what to do. Please help. Make dua for me and my family. Please make dua.
Masha'allah.....Lovely......Now my Iman get more stronger on Allah
Plz pray for my sis who is going thru this...
Salam Bros & Sister, please make dua for me & my fam as we are definately under the influence of something. Allahu Alem. 🤲🏼
Please make dua for me that all black magic goes i am protected I read aytul kursi and still I get bad dreams astacfirullah
Ya sheikh may Allah reward you for taking us to Quran, quran is enough for us to live alhamdo lillah. May Allah increase us in our submission to his book. Amin
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My brothers and sisters in Islam
I hope this helps
May Allah grant everyone shifa
امين يارب العالمين
Include me in your prayers
ان شاء الله
The exact process is to make supplication to your palms just as you would when making a dua’a. After blow into your hands and wipe the area which is causing pain or discomfort or you may recite these verses to a bucket of clean water, drink a cup and bathe with it
Here’s a list of the different verses from the Quran which can be recited.
Surah Fatiha
Surah Falaq
Surah An-Nas
Surah Ikhlas
Ayatul Kursi (Surah Baqarah ayat 255)
Surah Al A’raf Ayat 106-122
Surah Taha Ayat 65-69
Surah Al-Kafirun
May the almighty Allah protect me from black magic and evil eyes
Ya Allah help us and protect us all from evil eyes and black magic 😭
Subhan Allah ...I was so worried but after listening I am satisfied.jazak Allah
🙏 Thank You So Much ALLAH for Your Protections & Good Blessings for All Worthy Ones! Amin / Amen! 🕯
Please make dua for my family.. Allah protect us from these things...
Jazakallahuhira for your precious advice. It's really impressive.
True... from birth to till date... I had a black Magic effects... That effect made me remember and speak everything about me.
May Allah grant us all happiness. Thank you
May Allah bless u and us. ❤
I seek refuge /protection and shelter , with Allah, The Most Merciful, The Merciful Redeemer.. that's it..
Ma sha Allah,may allah protect us from the magic.
May Allah subahanahu wata"ala rewards you for guiding us to get shifa in a sunnah way
Please pray 🙏 for my family! Every efforts of mine has been going in vain. Now I'm jobless n homeless. So desperate n broken Im in need of ur prayers. Thank you....
What I love about these brothers ?.
First it is said in Arabic then seamlessly into English?.
Such a powerful reminder
It is narrated that the Prophet PBUH got 🌼🌼🌼hijama done on his head (crown area of the head), when Sihr (Black magic) was done on him. He PBUH also got hijama done when he had a headache while he was in a state of Ihram.🌼🌼🌼
May Allah protect us from those evils
This is one major problem in my country especially between women, and also against couples. May Allah always protect us
I think my entire family is afflicted by black magic. My father has social phobia, has severe paranoia and curses a lot, my brother has autism and when he was in hospital he had epilepsy for the first time in his life (I don't know what those doctors did with him during his stay), my sister has severe anxiety, and my body is jerking when I'm starting with my salah or praying.. What can we do? I recite my morning adhkar, surah falaq, nas, and so on, what should we do?? My family is not very religious btw.
Inshallah..may allah swt protect us and guide us from the evil spirit..Ameen
Please make dua for me & for my family 😭
Mashallah on u mufti love ur video's u explain things in such calm an peaceful way an not in a way like others do wen they start yelling an screaming an who make people fear the religion each time they talk bout things an make people feel like they are the worst in the world,,,but mashallah with u ur the type who makes people wana be closer to Islam an u don't judge or talk in a bad way as ur words are always respectful an always explaining things very clear,,, may Allah bless u...an yes its sad how people get afflicted by this evil sihir an how it wreaks a person's life,,,as I'm in the similar situation where my life always feels depressing an not wanting to do anything an always have really bad anger an stuff..anthr feeling where I don't wana do anything in my life at all...an the worst part is that they say that if. A person dreams of a black snake then it indicates that the person has had black magic done on them which was very frightening for me wen I saw it on my dream... I have tried everything?? I sometimes pray an then I stop but I do recite Qur'an on an an things like that.. I also don't do any bad sins hamdullah ...but yet I'm still conflicted by it?? Is there anything a person can drink to help get rid of any black magic that has been done on them??? Especially the one where they do of on u coz of jealousy an envy??? Or even if its normal water an to read any specific ayat on it to drink it??? May Allah protect us an may Allah punish the evil ones who do sihir on others an to give em the deepest hell fire....👍👍👍😩😩😩😢😢😢😢🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨💥💥💥⚠⚠👍👍👍👍
Alhamdulillla Alhamdulillla
Jazakallahu Khairan Respected Mufti Menk and team to help us understand existence to help take care of ourselves and children IsA. 😭😭😭Ameen ya Rabbil Alaameen!!!! 🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌 Glory be to you oh Allah Almighty Salaam and salawaat upon our beloved Prophet SALALLAHU alihay wa salaam!!!!! Jazakallahu Khairan Respected Mufti Menk and entire Team. Alhamdulillla Alhamdulillla.