For anyone following this guide in 2022 and wants to play Online PS2 Games: Testing the PS2's internet connection is difficult because the PS2 DNAS servers were taken offline in 2016. However there's a way around this. I had to troubleshoot with my Original FFXI PS2 HDD, my network adapter disc and several network adapters new and used to finally figure this out - When connecting your PS2 to the internet for the very first time, make sure you have a NAT Type 1 connection to the internet; Even if it means unplugging everything else and directly connecting your PS2 to your network. Once your PS2 makes that first connection to the internet, it'll work 100%. The problem with PS2 Online Gaming in 2022, is that you need network settings saved to your memory card to get online. The Network Disc 2.0 and 3.0 that comes with the network adapters, connect to the internet first, then runs DNAs to authenticate it. But because DNAs servers were taken down in 2016, you can't save it to your memory card. The best games to test out your network settings on are late PS2 games Like Phantasy Star Universe 1 and 2. Because they allow you to create, save and test your network settings from the title screen, without a DNAS check. Monster Hunter is also good too, but you'll need to create a character first to access the network settings. I haven't tired other online games yet, but games like DDR SuperNova and RE Outbreak file 1, won't work for testing because they will not allow you to save your connection. TL;DR. To get your sata PS2 to play online games in 2022. 1)use Phantasy Star Universe to create, test and save your network settings from the title screen. 2) When connecting your PS2 to the internet for the very first time, make sure you have a NAT Type 1 connection to the internet; Even if it means unplugging everything else and directly connecting your PS2 to your network. Once your PS2 makes that first connection to the internet, it'll work 100%. Hope this helps to anyone reading this in 2022 and beyond.
I'd also like to add the Nat type 1 nonscence isn't necessary, don't know why this guy is having issues. Create your net settings, plug in an ethernet cable and off you go!
Like he’s doing approximately here folks 10:21 make sure to wind the cables and connector so that the white cable goes up and rotates around. If you can make sense of what I’m sayin, which is what he’s doing, it will save you a lot of rage
I have a question, what is the name of the "base" (so to speak) that you use to mount the 2.5 "hdd sata so that it does not move inside the ps2? where you bought it? Great review!
Having said this, despite the slight butchery of the original adapter's *very* secure fixtures, the replacement SATA adapter does work... I was concerned there could be a shorting issue or too much flex without the original baseplate, but as it happens, even the original is kind of loose by design, and I've had no issues with my HDD. Probably wouldn't sell it now, but hey, this is a mod with long-term usage in mind anyway.
@@null140 Glad to hear it worked. I was able to retain the metal shield underneath the sata adapter, but the one for the molex I had to pry out with a screwdriver because I stripped the torx screw. The metal cover got slightly bent up in the process, so mine isn't exactly in sellable condition either lmao. Good thing I'm planning to keep it for the life of my system, which is hopefully forever (still has its original warranty sticker, I've never had to open it!)
@@busterscrugs Very nice. All's well that ends well I guess! On that note btw, if you do still want to get some use out of the optical drive and it gives up the ghost, it would be worth breaking that warranty seal and literally just dusting out the drive; the original PAL model that I'm using in my current setup was in storage for years since about 2005, presumed broken, until I took it apart a few months ago. Found loads of dust clogging up the drive rails and covering the laser. Since I cleared that out, it's worked like day one ever since 😮
@@null140 Good to know! Surprisingly the optical drive still works great. It's seen less than a dozen discs in its lifetime lol. I was thinking about taking it apart to dust out the fan and reapply thermal paste until I found out there's only thermal pads inside. Seems like these PS2's are really stout and built to last.
the ribbon cable sometimes comes with writting on the back or front. if anyone was using that as a guideline, don't. use the board orientation. if you attach the ribnon cable and can reasonable screw it into place where it should be, its in the right spot and connected properly. check it before connecting the ribbon cable. or just do blue side up
Ugg. My kit had the wrong thickness screws with different heads and only two. My board was green rather than purple. The adapter had a loose thin clear rectangle of plastic I hope was not too important. I'm thinking that is what the spacers were for. I 'll have to try it out on the PS2 tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Edit: Did not work. I think that one I got with wider, unusable screws and taller spacers was just probably overall poorly designed.
@@brallanmartinez4744 Redid it with a new network adapter and purple replacement board and payed close attention to how to remove and orient the ribbon cable while watching this video before and during the process and it works this time. I've had it for a couple months but had other stuff going on. Now to get online.
The ribbon cable will not attach to the connector on the board. There is no lever or latch to open it, it's just a flat connector and the ribbon cable won't go in
Use this instead of the generic Game Star gives more compatibility and less issues while playing?? For example, in Out Run 2006, the in race music don't sound.
Thanks for this! I thought I'd be choosing between either a functioning ethernet port or a SATA drive (or I guess fucking around with adapters) but I'm glad this exists
Sometimes the HDD will not plug in properly, but after a few tries of taking out the HDD and plugging it back in (when the console is off, obviously), it works. Also, you did format the HDD into PS2 format right?
Genuinely mad at myself trying to do this upgrade because I got all the Phillips screws from the sides all off, but when I tried to take the smaller ones off to be able to flip that once piece over, one of them I was able to unscrew just fine, but the other, no matter how much I tried, it just wouldn't agree with my screw driver that I used. It didn't make sense as to why just the one couldn't unscrew and now that one screw is completely stripped and I can't take that piece out. I don't know what to do now :/
Last resort is to just drill the screw out (once you drilled the head off you should be able to grab the rest with pliers and twist it out) and then searching for a replacement screw
@@EpicLPer I won’t deny I am no pro when it comes to this and I’m going to sound stupid, but for such a small screw, I’m not sure how to drill the head off ;_;
Damn! I was thinking there was going to be some desoldering and soldering action here. If I get one, it'll probably be from AliExpress cause they didn't have it at the US Amazon site. Thanks for doing this, I've got a 1.5 TB hard drive that I'll end up using.
IDK if you are still looking to do this but this is the US Amazon Link:
@@HansCampbell That's simply not true. If anybody cares to read, there are multiple studies about the subject such as this one,over%20a%20multi%2Dyear%20period. Also, hardly anybody is going to put a fan to cool a mechanical HD within his PS2. I've actually never seen anybody that crazy, there's not any room for it and you'd struggle to get 12volts in there and it'd run at full capacity all the time which is nonsensical.
what sata numbers does bitfunx adapter support? is there a limit to what ps2 can handle/need? ive ordered my adapter just need a hdd now, guessing sata 1 will be enough havent heard anyone say sata 2 but not sure what I have in the old hdd box, just started finding some games to download but saw 6GB a game thats going to fill up if i go crazy haha
Ugh, I can't get the shield to sit flush because of the damned power wiring, I can't seem to get those to sit below the dip in the shield right by the PS2 connector. =/ Damn, the standoffs are about twice the height of yours there and its that oval metal bit hitting the shield not the wiring. Guess I have to figure something else out for those. *Sigh*
I like gamestar PS2 sata but after using the SATA adapter on a OEM network card to KEEP the network functionality I found that it is about 30% slower which is a small price to pay to beable to transfer games over FTP well HD srv ELF. I will keep my gamestar none network SATA adapter for now but in the end I think it will have been waste of money & I wish I would have just gone with this method off the bat
Couldn't I technically take apart my Gamestar adapter, take the SATA connector out of it and put that in my network adapter? Would it work the same or do I need this specific one?
Well you are right about that lol. I have some RF videos up on my channel , if you need help with something I could make a video or explain it. Just let me know
Are the standoffs necessary to it fitting properly? I bought a kit that doesn't include them and don't have any of my own. I'm just gonna refund it if I need them to set it up properly.
Working on the same thing, but realizing that this adapter doesn't like WD hard drives. Just thought I'd let y'all know, but if someone had better luck with WD, let me know.
Hey man, really cool video. I was just wondering what the name of the replacement part you installed was actually called? I've tried looking up all sorts of things relating to SATA and I can't find anything like what you've used in the video.
Easiest way to remove those without a proper tool is to take a flathead screwdriver and slightly jam it into one of the triangle sides. Should work. Or if you're adventurous try the "Gamebit Melting Method" for that screw I showed in another of my older videos.
hmm, i got one old fat PS2 still lying around, though the laser of that is busted, so i would have to fix that first and then i rather just use one of the slims i have lying around that still work perfectly fine because the previous owners hardly ever played with them.
PS2 emulation isn't fully accurate yet and many games have gnarly visual bugs as a result. on top of this, games that use pressure sensitive face button functionality require a DualShock 3 and special HID drivers to utilize them properly. if you want to play the PS2 Metal Gear games, emulation is not good enough.
@@LittleVboh how does Aether handle pressure sensitivity? because without it you cant aim without firing, or hold people up without immediately killing them. and every emulator has visual bugs, whether you notice or are bothered by them is a different question.
For anyone following this guide in 2022 and wants to play Online PS2 Games: Testing the PS2's internet connection is difficult because the PS2 DNAS servers were taken offline in 2016. However there's a way around this. I had to troubleshoot with my Original FFXI PS2 HDD, my network adapter disc and several network adapters new and used to finally figure this out - When connecting your PS2 to the internet for the very first time, make sure you have a NAT Type 1 connection to the internet; Even if it means unplugging everything else and directly connecting your PS2 to your network. Once your PS2 makes that first connection to the internet, it'll work 100%.
The problem with PS2 Online Gaming in 2022, is that you need network settings saved to your memory card to get online. The Network Disc 2.0 and 3.0 that comes with the network adapters, connect to the internet first, then runs DNAs to authenticate it. But because DNAs servers were taken down in 2016, you can't save it to your memory card.
The best games to test out your network settings on are late PS2 games Like Phantasy Star Universe 1 and 2. Because they allow you to create, save and test your network settings from the title screen, without a DNAS check. Monster Hunter is also good too, but you'll need to create a character first to access the network settings. I haven't tired other online games yet, but games like DDR SuperNova and RE Outbreak file 1, won't work for testing because they will not allow you to save your connection.
TL;DR. To get your sata PS2 to play online games in 2022.
1)use Phantasy Star Universe to create, test and save your network settings from the title screen.
2) When connecting your PS2 to the internet for the very first time, make sure you have a NAT Type 1 connection to the internet; Even if it means unplugging everything else and directly connecting your PS2 to your network. Once your PS2 makes that first connection to the internet, it'll work 100%.
Hope this helps to anyone reading this in 2022 and beyond.
Actually you CAN save network settings with Biohazard Outbreak Games. Factual information would be nice if you are pretending to know it all.
I'd also like to add the Nat type 1 nonscence isn't necessary, don't know why this guy is having issues.
Create your net settings, plug in an ethernet cable and off you go!
You can create network saves on multiple games. Tribes: AA is one such game, oh and it's also free from the devs/publisher.
Like he’s doing approximately here folks 10:21 make sure to wind the cables and connector so that the white cable goes up and rotates around. If you can make sense of what I’m sayin, which is what he’s doing, it will save you a lot of rage
I have a question, what is the name of the "base" (so to speak) that you use to mount the 2.5 "hdd sata so that it does not move inside the ps2?
where you bought it?
Great review!
Curious here about it too, cause I think I would be needing that.
5:19 torx t6?
Yes. I thought it was a t7, but it was actually a t6 that got those screws out
Getting those torx screws out was a pain. One of them stripped and I ended up just popping out the entire metal plate that the molex was attached to.
Same :/ not quite as simple as I assumed
Having said this, despite the slight butchery of the original adapter's *very* secure fixtures, the replacement SATA adapter does work... I was concerned there could be a shorting issue or too much flex without the original baseplate, but as it happens, even the original is kind of loose by design, and I've had no issues with my HDD.
Probably wouldn't sell it now, but hey, this is a mod with long-term usage in mind anyway.
@@null140 Glad to hear it worked. I was able to retain the metal shield underneath the sata adapter, but the one for the molex I had to pry out with a screwdriver because I stripped the torx screw. The metal cover got slightly bent up in the process, so mine isn't exactly in sellable condition either lmao.
Good thing I'm planning to keep it for the life of my system, which is hopefully forever (still has its original warranty sticker, I've never had to open it!)
@@busterscrugs Very nice. All's well that ends well I guess! On that note btw, if you do still want to get some use out of the optical drive and it gives up the ghost, it would be worth breaking that warranty seal and literally just dusting out the drive; the original PAL model that I'm using in my current setup was in storage for years since about 2005, presumed broken, until I took it apart a few months ago. Found loads of dust clogging up the drive rails and covering the laser. Since I cleared that out, it's worked like day one ever since 😮
@@null140 Good to know! Surprisingly the optical drive still works great. It's seen less than a dozen discs in its lifetime lol. I was thinking about taking it apart to dust out the fan and reapply thermal paste until I found out there's only thermal pads inside. Seems like these PS2's are really stout and built to last.
My adapter have less microcircuits because it's the model without DSL connection port. SATA hard drive work more faster and quiet than IDE.
the ribbon cable sometimes comes with writting on the back or front. if anyone was using that as a guideline, don't. use the board orientation. if you attach the ribnon cable and can reasonable screw it into place where it should be, its in the right spot and connected properly. check it before connecting the ribbon cable. or just do blue side up
Ugg. My kit had the wrong thickness screws with different heads and only two. My board was green rather than purple. The adapter had a loose thin clear rectangle of plastic I hope was not too important. I'm thinking that is what the spacers were for. I 'll have to try it out on the PS2 tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Edit: Did not work. I think that one I got with wider, unusable screws and taller spacers was just probably overall poorly designed.
Same bro
@@brallanmartinez4744 Redid it with a new network adapter and purple replacement board and payed close attention to how to remove and orient the ribbon cable while watching this video before and during the process and it works this time. I've had it for a couple months but had other stuff going on. Now to get online.
the proper name is a torx screw but everyone calls the hex screws anyways
Whoever thought it wise to have these things all-but-soldiered into those aluminum fitters needs a thorough re-education
I still wanna keep online capabilities on my ps2 so I’ll be going this route
The ribbon cable will not attach to the connector on the board. There is no lever or latch to open it, it's just a flat connector and the ribbon cable won't go in
My GameStar adapter crapped out and now I'm here planning to do this to my PS2 one.
Use this instead of the generic Game Star gives more compatibility and less issues while playing??
For example, in Out Run 2006, the in race music don't sound.
It's been quite a while and not sure if there were some PS2 Homebrew updates, but back then it definitely helped with compatibility.
Thanks for the video. Just installed mine and man was that MOLEX cable a biatch.
If you modify the PCMCIA Port to the newer one you get 133MB/s instead of 66MB/s.
PCMCIA port?
@@JohnSmith-qn3ob CardBus
Oh interesting, how do you do this?
And here comes the twist. SATA are still IDE.
Thanks for this! I thought I'd be choosing between either a functioning ethernet port or a SATA drive (or I guess fucking around with adapters) but I'm glad this exists
Can we get an update on the loop at the end? Was the issue and did you fix it?
I haven't turned my PS2 on since I made this video so nope, haven't tried to fix it yet.
@@EpicLPer how about now
My adapter had less circuit boards and different metal strip but think i got it going, good video don't think anyone else has posted it
hey i just followed this but when in opl it says no HDD detected any help @EpicLper
Maybe try updating your opl or possibly look into funtuna
Sometimes the HDD will not plug in properly, but after a few tries of taking out the HDD and plugging it back in (when the console is off, obviously), it works.
Also, you did format the HDD into PS2 format right?
Genuinely mad at myself trying to do this upgrade because I got all the Phillips screws from the sides all off, but when I tried to take the smaller ones off to be able to flip that once piece over, one of them I was able to unscrew just fine, but the other, no matter how much I tried, it just wouldn't agree with my screw driver that I used. It didn't make sense as to why just the one couldn't unscrew and now that one screw is completely stripped and I can't take that piece out. I don't know what to do now :/
Last resort is to just drill the screw out (once you drilled the head off you should be able to grab the rest with pliers and twist it out) and then searching for a replacement screw
@@EpicLPer I won’t deny I am no pro when it comes to this and I’m going to sound stupid, but for such a small screw, I’m not sure how to drill the head off ;_;
Damn! I was thinking there was going to be some desoldering and soldering action here. If I get one, it'll probably be from AliExpress cause they didn't have it at the US Amazon site. Thanks for doing this, I've got a 1.5 TB hard drive that I'll end up using.
IDK if you are still looking to do this but this is the US Amazon Link:
Druaga1 senses are tingling....
It's ridiculous how much cheaper 500GB SATA hard drives are nowadays compared to IDE drives.
I need to get this upgrade kit ASAP.
Working on mine with a 640GB... Put the cart before the horse as I dont own an electronics screwdriver kit and the smallest torx I have is T10
@@HansCampbell That's simply not true. If anybody cares to read, there are multiple studies about the subject such as this one,over%20a%20multi%2Dyear%20period. Also, hardly anybody is going to put a fan to cool a mechanical HD within his PS2. I've actually never seen anybody that crazy, there's not any room for it and you'd struggle to get 12volts in there and it'd run at full capacity all the time which is nonsensical.
it found with hdd barracuda segate 2tb? 2tb hdd supported with this version 1.0?
Where u get the baggie with the screws and gummies??
I got it with the adapter kit I bought on Amazon
Thanks mate! I didn't realized about the data cable! I thought I was wrong and saved it for months. Now I see how dumb I was. Thanks again!
my favorite system mod. thanks for the walkthrough.
what sata numbers does bitfunx adapter support? is there a limit to what ps2 can handle/need? ive ordered my adapter just need a hdd now, guessing sata 1 will be enough havent heard anyone say sata 2 but not sure what I have in the old hdd box, just started finding some games to download but saw 6GB a game thats going to fill up if i go crazy haha
Ugh, I can't get the shield to sit flush because of the damned power wiring, I can't seem to get those to sit below the dip in the shield right by the PS2 connector. =/
Damn, the standoffs are about twice the height of yours there and its that oval metal bit hitting the shield not the wiring. Guess I have to figure something else out for those. *Sigh*
I like gamestar PS2 sata but after using the SATA adapter on a OEM network card to KEEP the network functionality I found that it is about 30% slower which is a small price to pay to beable to transfer games over FTP well HD srv ELF. I will keep my gamestar none network SATA adapter for now but in the end I think it will have been waste of money & I wish I would have just gone with this method off the bat
How the heck did this guy get the flat cable in so easily?
Its held down with little push down/pull up clamps. You pull them out put the cable in and push them back down and it 'clamps' the cable in.
@@mbe102 yeah but mine was a bitch to do
@@TyuErt Yeah, one end of the clamp usually breaks off when you loosen it
i found a V2.0 version of this SATA connector, is this just a newer revision or it works only with Fat V2.0 Playstation 2?
It's referring to the board versión.
What screwdriver(s) are required to open the adapter up?
A small phillips head
And a Torx T6
Thank you for making this video. I got a gamestar adapter too which doesn’t work.
I got one of those two and it worked, but games would freeze to load. Anyone else have that?
@@Kman2097 exactly.
Couldn't I technically take apart my Gamestar adapter, take the SATA connector out of it and put that in my network adapter? Would it work the same or do I need this specific one?
He said in the video that he tried it and it didn't work.
Good idea to preserve that old drive and replace it with a modern one!
Saw your comment about getting started with SDR on another video. Are you still looking for assistance?
RF Shibe I'm quite interested still tho I also saw how fast this can become one he'll of an expensive hobby :P
Well you are right about that lol. I have some RF videos up on my channel , if you need help with something I could make a video or explain it. Just let me know
Until I remove the screen from the adapter it did not work.
Could you leave the molex connector inside after you put the sata connector just for the aesthetics.. or it doesn't fit ?
It wouldn’t allow a 3.5inch hdd
Are the standoffs necessary to it fitting properly? I bought a kit that doesn't include them and don't have any of my own. I'm just gonna refund it if I need them to set it up properly.
Yes, else the board will sit too low. But normally there should be some standoffs already mounted on the board.
Got 2 scripted screws now great
how is the transfer speed via ftp ? good speed stable ?
Working on the same thing, but realizing that this adapter doesn't like WD hard drives. Just thought I'd let y'all know, but if someone had better luck with WD, let me know.
Public in Space of course I read this, AFTER buying a WD hdd. I’m still waiting on the adaptor.
@@Christophthegeek so, does it only takes some brands then?
@@derekk.1750 I’m not sure tbh. But the drive I bought worked like a charm!
@@Christophthegeek so, what brand did you end up using?
what screw driver type i need Torx what ?
I needed a Torx T7 for mine
where did you buy this base to put the HD?
I bought an original one from eBay back then
@@EpicLPer Under what name to find it ? Thx.
@@hans-haraldcz2483 It's just a ps2 network adapter. Get the original Sony one if you want to install the sata board.
Does this provide power to 3.5” hdds?
@@mbe102 how much were you able to get them for?
Got it working! Thank you
Thanks for the video! The green board was a failure, but with the purple board and some experience it works great!
Yours specifically didn't work?
i have old PS1 and PS2.
i hope we can use HDD for PS1 to ~
>>i hate cd/dvd optical drive !!
The Xstation. There's some vids about it on RUclips. I'm looking into that for PS1 myself😄
Hey man, really cool video. I was just wondering what the name of the replacement part you installed was actually called? I've tried looking up all sorts of things relating to SATA and I can't find anything like what you've used in the video.
entering "PS2 IDE to SATA upgrade kit" should lead you to the right part, either on amazon or ebay
SATA freezes for me whereas pata / ide reads perfect. Is there some remedy to this? its hard to find PATA with enough storage.
You don't even know how much this video anoyed me...
Without lost network fonctionnality ?
You won't lose that
The sata board won't have any effect on the adapter cause you are only modifying the BUS board
Does it the right way and says it's a tiny bit better lmao
fucking Sony man, my HDD adapter has tri-screw heads on there and they are a bitch to take out. Literally only have one tool for it and it sucks
Easiest way to remove those without a proper tool is to take a flathead screwdriver and slightly jam it into one of the triangle sides. Should work.
Or if you're adventurous try the "Gamebit Melting Method" for that screw I showed in another of my older videos.
@@EpicLPer I got the drill out and drilled the screws out lol luckily this the new part came with replacement screws. Thanks for the follow up tho !
hmm, i got one old fat PS2 still lying around, though the laser of that is busted, so i would have to fix that first and then i rather just use one of the slims i have lying around that still work perfectly fine because the previous owners hardly ever played with them.
checl out freemcboot or fortuna. will allow you to boot off a usb stick. lense operation not needed
Hey! Remember me? The one who assumed that you made irl ponies videos? 😂😂😂
The china adapter work ;) u use the false filesystem
It'd be better if you got an IDE to SD adapter so you could put standard SD cards in there, like a 128GB one. but that's your call.
But in these sizes they're already far too expensive for Buck per Gigabyte. A 1TB HDD costs less than 100€ so yeah.
fair enough
pls chanel picture
Early af
it is really much easier to emulate a ps2 than doing all of this
PS2 emulation isn't fully accurate yet and many games have gnarly visual bugs as a result. on top of this, games that use pressure sensitive face button functionality require a DualShock 3 and special HID drivers to utilize them properly. if you want to play the PS2 Metal Gear games, emulation is not good enough.
@@TheLegendaryZed I had no issue with metal gear games on emulator. I'm not using pcsx2, but athersx2. I can even play EyeToy games on emulators.
@@LittleVboh how does Aether handle pressure sensitivity? because without it you cant aim without firing, or hold people up without immediately killing them. and every emulator has visual bugs, whether you notice or are bothered by them is a different question.
Can you play others online with emulators like you can on the independent servers set up for PS2 network?
@@smillstill aren't there online servers for ps2 emulation as well?
But, what kind of game can you play actually online for the ps2??
Will this adapter for the the network adapter work with a 3.5 inch hard drive?
It will!