Ken Johnson is one of my spiritual heros. He has been a large influence on the rekindling of my relationship with Yeshua the Creator. Wonderful to see him here again!
@StanSchmunk-r7f The groom also comes for the wise virgins at the midnight hour (middle of the night, middle of Israel's 70th week, just as the MotB is being rolled out). We see in Rev 14 that the 144,000 wise virgins (also the man child of Rev 12 sign) go up at that point. Where does Scripture say He only comes twice?
Great conversation so I just bought Ken's Book, 'The Rapture - 2nd Edition The Pre-Tribulational Rapture of the Church Viewed From the Bible and the Ancient Church' - By Ken Johnson. Thank you and Maranatha!
If there were no mortals that goes into the Millennial Reign, then why does Jesus have to return to save them? Just as Noah and his family were saved out, in their perfect DNA (as what Father created, in the Garden of Eden, in His Image), to repopulate the earth after the Great Flood. Same thing for the end of the Great Tribulation Age. And there would be no need for a Millenial Reign, but Scripture tells us that this is the reason why Satan is bound and chained in the Abyss during the Millennial Reign, and allowed out near the end of the Millennial Reign, to test those that are born during that period... where they can exercise their free will to choose between God Most High (which is the reason why Jesus and His Bride, those that have proven themselves worthy (2 Tim 2:15) to be "kept out of the hour of testing" (Rev 3:10) rule over the Millennial Reign... we're to be teaching these offspring that are born during the Millennial Reign the Ways and Commandments of Father... the reason why we co-rule with Jesus, our Teacher of Righteousness, King of Kings and Lord of Lords) and God Most High's Adversary (it's not Satan, he's just a facade for His REAL Adversary). Those that choose God Most High, enter into the New Earth, those that don't, enter into Lake of Fire. So, our job will be to teach them to be loyal to God Most High. NOT everyone is worthy to be in the Bride, who is raptured/snatched up, BEFORE the Great Tribulation Age. So, there will be millions that will be left behind to enter into the Great Tribulation Age. These are the ones that end up being martyrs, or they get assimilated into the Beast System, based on how strong they are in changing their ways, repenting, refusing to accept the worship of the Beast, refusing to take the Mark of the Beast, or not. The martyrs are the 'wedding guests' at the wedding supper of Jesus and His Bride at the end of the Great Tribulation Age, just before we return to take back the earth. The parable of the King's Son's Wedding explains this... these are the ones that end up UNDER the Great White Throne (Rev 6:9-11, the 5th Seal) to wait until the wedding supper is held, before they're given their white robes, their transfigured bodies are restored back to them. They stay in their spiritual states until then. The Bride gets her immortal transfigured bodies upon arrival, but the martyrs have to wait. Different translations of Scripture confuse people, by using the word 'saints' interchangeably. You have to use discernment to recognize that martyrs are a particular group of saints. Then there's a third group... those that somehow manage to survive in their mortal bodies. THESE are the ones that Jesus has to come back to save, before they're completely wiped out (martyrs). These are the ones that will procreate, reproduce, during the Millennial Reign. If they don't survive, then there's no reason for Him to come back! People who don't study the Word themselves don't discern this!
The reaction of pre-wrath guys toward pre-tribers many times is not biblical. In fact, in many cases, they should be ashamed. I am genuinely embarrassed for them.
I don't understand why the Rapture is so controversial, Pre, Mid, the most important thing in my mind is to always be ready for the LORD's return. It has nothing to do with my trust in Jesus Christ or my salvation. Jesus is going to return I have no doubt of that but even he doesn't know the day or the hour so how can anyone and if we are living for him whenever he comes I pray I will be found faithful.
It’s important only because it causes Christian to believe that God is going to make a special exception at the end of time, and give everyone that wasn’t raptured a “second chance” at coming to faith. This, even after he miraculously and physically disappears millions of people from the earth, thus revealing himself, his power, and might to all.
In Daniel's visions from GOD, the Angel told Daniel the understanding of these things would be revealed in the END Times. If anyone is understanding Revelations, you know it IS the end times.
Love this conversation Brothers!! Very insightful!! I'm not agreing about Daniel 12 refering to the rapture. Daniel is only prophecying about Israël. The church was a mystery just like the rapture. This is a reference to the resurrection of the old Testament Saint.
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod What I said Daniel was a Jewish prophet! The church was a mystery (Ef 3) the rapture was a mystery (1 Cor 15:51) . So there cannot be mystery truths in the old testament! The first time there is a reference to the coming Church is in Matthew 16. Jesus First coming was to accomplish His Kingdom on earth. They rejected The First Time. After the rejection of the Jewish leaders Jesus became talking about the coming Church and his suffering for us (Math 16:21). God bless you!
Love every bit of exposition I can find… but Suddenly the audio became separated from the video… I could see Ken was speaking and sound was Mondo! I rewound and reset and the issue disappeared.
Always sis. Please, sweet Lord Jesus, hear our prayers. We thank you for every blessing, both known and unknown. We lift up your holy name in praise, adoration, humility, worship, and your eternal glory. Bless your mighty name, always. Father, please be with this family in every way. Our hearts hurt for those that are still without your eternal, blessed salvation. Lord, open up her husband's and sons' eyes, hearts, and minds to having a love for the truth, something only You can bestow upon us. I pray that their hearts are softened and ears opened to hearing the truth. I pray they believe and trust in you before it's too late for them. Help them to get through every hurt and doubt that satan's used to tear them from You. Turn their attention to the true source of their unbelief so that they may see, understand, and return to You in repentance and sorrow. Please, save all of our loved ones, bringing them home to where we all belong. Lord, bless our sister with peace and joy in knowing that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We can only do so much, but You can do all things. Please help this precious family Father. Hear our prayers. In Jesus's name we pray, amen. Bless you all.
Hello praying for them also praying they get a move on, it does take time so praying for our patience as well . God bless you and family love you ❤ ❤ ❤
@@ros1424. Hi Rozzie❤ I know, it seems like it will never happen, but God can change things in a second. My mother in law who was a very self righteous catholic. Got saved a day or so before she died. To me that was a huge miracle. So we never know when God works on their hearts. So glad to hear from you, sweet sister.🌹. You are in my prayers everyday. God bless you. I love you too, sis. See ya soon.❤
Just a thought: Robert Breaker, amongst others has this chart/whiteboard methodology of clarifying complexities/schematically explanations on scripture/prophecy/doctrinal issues. This would be a great way of showing people how prophecies such as those mentioned from Daniel 12, for example fit together and how that shows us why certain struggles with concepts and dates can or cannot work for various cases. I get lost in subjects that require (experienced) thinking with words (too fast to follow when perhaps other questions arise during a discussion: modern lack of focus?), where my mind (and I believe we all have a more mathematical/mechanical mind functionalities) just naturally grasps pictorial type sketches/graphs/scripture verses etc. and when this photographic memory kicks in and I find 'memory storage' is much simplified.
"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."-2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti is a Watcher and he gives understanding to pre-mid-post . He has the most ordered, accurate explanations. And any of these events are about 3.5 years apart. 3.5 years is not a long time. So why argue.? It lines up with all rapture thoughts.
this is confusing to me, if we are raptured, and have new bodies, how would we age, even slower. or is that who receive Jesus in the tribulation, even before death, does this mean God will resurrect those who believed him in the trib will be restricted, made eternal as well as those who live and survive the tribulation, when would they receive a eternal body and must they keep living in a sinful body, made to age slowly, then die before they receive a new body and eternal life?
When we are raptured, we will receive a new, glorified, immortal body and it will be like Jesus's resurrected body. We will no longer age or break down. No more pain or sickness, just an eternity with our Lord. There will be people who will be saved after we are raptured out of here, they're the tribulation saints. Most of them will die, but those few who survive until the Lord's second coming will be healed in all ways in their mortal bodies, gathered to the Lord by the angels (different from the rapture bc jesus Himself raptured us all) and will be the ones to go into the millennial kingdom reign of Christ to repopulate the world...they'll be the ones the Lord Jesus will rule and reign over, with us beside Him. As they are still alive, they will age as slow as trees. The ones who die at 100 years old will be like babies dying. The children they have will still have the adamic nature and thus will have the ability to choose to love and follow Jesus like us or reject Him and do what they want to do (which will be dealt with by the Lord who'll rule with an iron scepter). By the end of the thousand years, many people will have rejected the Lord Jesus bc satan will be able to gather countless people to go up against Jesus in Jerusalem one last time, only to be immediately dealt with by God raining fire down from the sky and ending them! That will be the end of rebellion and sin. This world and universe will be destroyed by fervent heat, the Great White Throne judgement of Jesus Christ will take place for the lost, and a new heavens and earth will be created by God. God will bring His heavenly home, New Jerusalem, down out of the third heaven it's in right now, and He'll set it down upon the new earth. God's going to live amongst His people, finally! He will be our God, and we will be His people! Pastor Allen Nolan has some wonderful teachings on the end times events, where he thoroughly walks us through the entire Bible and how it's all connected. It's a blessing. I pray this helps a little.
@dianepick5705, 1. Those who are alive and remain and are caught up won't age and won't die. Paul told us in 1Cor 15:51 that "we shall not all sleep." So instead of dying, those who are caught up in 1Thess 4:17 will put on incorruptible bodies or their bodies will be transformed and become like the body of Jesus when He rose from the dead as Phil 3:20-21 tell us. 2. Only those the righteous, that is those who are saved during the tribulation that survived the tribulation will go into the millennium. The rest, that is the wicked will all die at Christ's coming to earth. That's very clear in the parable of tares and wheat and parable of the dragnet in Matt 13:24-30, 36-43; 47-50. 3. Those who survived the tribulation will then repopulate the earth. When they die, they will get resurrected after the millennium in my opinion. Those who'll be born in the millennium will still have their sin nature and will have to decide whether or not to follow Jesus. Many of them, like the sand on the seashore, will be deceived by satan when he's released from the Abyss and join him in his final revolt against God after the millennium. Rev 20:7-10.
Interesting point on the word heretic meaning a divisive person and not about someone misinterpreting doctrine. I’ve noticed there are teachers out there who are very cruel with their words and accusations toward others about pretrib. It didn’t feel right in my Spirit to listen to such a person.
Jesus sat down to eat at the table. The host says, "Jesus, you didn't wash your hands b4 you sat down." Jesus said, "You didn't wash your heart, pass the salt." 😂 -Dr. Ruckman
It doesn’t take going to seminary to study theology to interpret the pre tribulation rapture. Literally two (2) hours after my daughter was pronounced ( passed) from a sudden tragic death; I had 2 hours b4 having to go to funeral home to plan funeral; I opened several Bibles, weeping as God showed me 1st Cor 15:50-51, 1st Thess 4:16-18, along with other scripture promises & I knew…that was 26 years ago as of 1/25
Thanks Mondo and Ken. When people say how could God allow this or that and are blaming him. We make choices? Lucifer made a choice? Adam and Eve made a choice? So did God I’m totally thankful God made this choice from his So Loving Heart. John 12:32
God doesn't make His choice, until we have made our own choices. He wants to tell us the consequences of our actions, by giving us His Word. It behooves us to study and understand His Warnings, given in the Word. But many don't even think about these things in that context. God Most High is the ultimate Mathematician, a Supreme Computer Programmer... a basic 'If, Then, Else' algorithm. If you do this, then this is what you will have happen to you, unless you repent and turn away from the teachings of the fallen angels, who want to destroy you. That's what it boils down to. Most don't see it this way.
@@rhondaalbrecht Maybe people don't see it that way, because people don't understand what you are trying to say. Who are the "most" people you're talking about, believers, or, non-believers? What do you mean by, "God doesn't make His choice, until we have made our choices."? What is God choosing? He knew from the Beginning where you, and I, and all the people He created, would spend Eternity. He knows what we are going to choose before we choose. He knew everything we would do, and not do. I can't agree, or, disagree, with you, because I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Have a blessed day! Get back to me if you can.
@@sandragambrel9721 Believers who DON'T read the Bible for themselves, but listen to what is taught from the pulpit, fully trusting that person in the pulpit to be teaching them the Word of God. What God wants is for YOU to read His Word, yourself. That way you develop a personal relationship with Him, just as He wanted in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. That way, the Holy Spirit Himself reminds you of what Jesus taught when He was here on earth nearly 2,000 years ago. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, that's when the Holy Spirit comes and indwells us. The Holy Spirit is sent by Father God Most High, and the Holy Spirit is actually Father, Himself, in spirit. Our bodies are His Temples... where the Holy of Holies, Father's place of dwelling until Jesus came, in the Temples and Tent of Assembly (at Shiloh) was His dwelling, after the 2nd Temple was destroyed, after Jesus, after the Church was born at Pentecost, our bodies became His dwelling, His temples. God Most High gives us ALL free will to choose. Yes, He knows in advance, but He does nothing to interfere in our own choices, until we've made that decision. If you don't choose Him, then He won't chase after you. Many non-believers don't want to be chased, do they? They want you to shut up, leave them alone. That's what God Most High does! He leaves them alone, until they come to the point of choosing Him. He'll put them in situations where they have to make a decision, but if they don't choose, then He'll let them be. Think of the father in the parable of The Prodigal Son. Did the father chase his son down, to discourage him and force him back? No. He let his son find his own way, and find his way back, after he realized that he was worse than the pigs he was supposed to be taking care of. That's what Father does here with us.
@@rhondaalbrecht Thank you for responding. Now, I understand your first comment a lot better, lol. I've been reading the Bible since learning to read, around nine. But, I had been taken to Church as a child, and when I was around 5, or 6, I started seeking the Father. I didn't understand why the Son was more important than the Father (5 yr old concept), but, when I understood the Good News, I believed, and confessed my Faith in Jesus as Lord, and Savior of my Life. I was 12. I'm going to be 69 this month, and I couldn't agree more with you about developing a relationship with our God. Childlike faith grows overtime, like we do, amen! Love, Grace, Peace, and Joy, to you, and your loved ones, from the Lord Jesus Christ, amen!!! Be blessed!!! Amen, and Hallelujah!!!!
The Holy Spirit taught me the pretrib catching away of the body of Christ/church in Genesis chapters 18 and 19. With Abraham representing the church and Lot representing Israel. I've never heard any preachers teach it that way. Also,the example of the days of Noah suggests the amount of destruction to the earth itself. Noah and those in the ark with him represent those who are neither the church nor Israel but will survive the Tribulation.
I don't think we need to answer the critics about the Rapture. When it occurs will be proof enough. And no, you don't win people to Christ by giving them the Rapture, you give them the gospel.
Don't you think it's a touch insulting to think someone like Mondo or Ken doesn't know unsaved people need the gospel above all? I'm certain they do. They're ministry is to teach the whole counsel of God ..and eschatology happens to be a very major part of the whole counsel of God.
Matthew 24:36 is not talking about the rapture, you have to proof text to make it so. Context does not support it! The statement "Of the day" tell you to look at what was just stated or ask of yourself of what day? The overall context is Jesus answering the disciples three questions in Matt.24:3 Temple being destroyed, signs of the end of the age (which age is not specified, Torah or Grace), and signs of your coming. You have to read into the passage rapture. That having been said, I am a firm believer in the pre-trib rapture I just do not accept the doctrine of imminence the way that is taught.
The Day of the Lord begins with the rapture - it’s the morning star. It’s all connected. We are His body & must be removed. Tribulation is the dawning. The 1000 years are the Day proper. Can’t chop it up so much.
@ Again, scripture does not support this, one can make a good argument that the signing or enforcing the covenant with Israel by the Anti-Christ does mark the beginning.
A Post trib rapture also doesn't make sense in that for Jesus to come to meet His Bride in the air to take us with Him to be in heaven for the wedding supper of the Lamb, then it would make no sense for the whole world to see Him reverse turn back to heaven (conflating His very visible Second Coming as an 'almost, but not quite' with the Rapture, which presumably is unseen by the unbelieving world)
Thing is, the Rapture is not 'secret'. The world WILL see it occur. How do you explain 120 million+ people disappearing, simultaneously? That's 1/3rd of the American population, for comparison purposes. The only thing 'secret' about the Rapture is that 'no man knows the day or hour'. We're to be watching, and studying the Word, and we can determine the season (summer, based upon Genesis 8:22, Matthew 24:20 and 32, Song of Solomon), and we can mathematically calculate the year of Jesus' return, based upon the Shemitah and Jubilee year cycles. Jesus marked the 'Year of the Lord' when He read Isaiah 61:1-3 in the year He was crucified. 'Year of the Lord' is another idiom for a Jubilee Year. So, He set a marker, Himself, that year. So, we count every 50 years for Jubilee Years, from 32 AD. He will return in an even year from 32 AD. So, how many cycles have passed already? 39. We're IN the 40th cycle (there's that holy number that is repeated consistently throughout Scripture... 40), and we are approaching the final 7-year Shemitah cycle of the 40th Jubilee Year cycle. 40x50 years is 2,000 years. 2,000 years from 32 AD is 2032 AD. Count back one Shemitah cycle of 7 years. What year are we in? You just calculated, using Scripture, when the Great Tribulation Age is going to occur. We know that the Jewish calendar begins on the Spring Equinox, studying Leviticus 23 and 25. That's the start date of Nisan 1, immediately following the Spring Equinox. Passover is always 15 days from the Spring Equinox... we don't count the day of the Spring Equinox, but from the next day, so that's 14 days. Leviticus 23:5. So, we're not in the actual year, yet, for the final Shemitah cycle, according to Father's calendar (, which was recently re-discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and correctly interpreted by Dr. Johnson here. The year won't start until Nisan 1, which falls on March 19th. That's also the beginning of the season of summer. So, according to Jesus' own words in Matthew 24:20 and 32, it's NOT going to be in winter, which begins on the Fall Equinox. Father doesn't recognize Spring and Fall, but uses the equinoxes to divide the two seasons of summer and winter (Genesis 8:22) on His calendar. So, based upon this, we know that the summer of season ends on the day before the Fall Equinox, which is September 16th this year. This is when the Rapture will occur... sometime between March 19th and September 15th. I'm leaning towards the end of the season, following the pattern established in the last Great Judgment, the Great Flood, when Father shut up Noah and his family inside of the ark (a prototype of Heaven being the Bride's 'ark' during the Great Tribulation Age) 7 days before the Great Flood began. This would also be consistent with the season of Pentecost (yep, it's NOT a single day but actually a season of 150 days (or five months)... where have you seen the references to 150 days, or 5 months in Scripture??? Genesis 7:1-5, Revelation 9:5... both connected to judgments). The season of Pentecost ends 10 days before Feast of Trumpets (Yom Te'Ruah), the day after the Fall Equinox, which is in the season of winter. There's your beginning of the Great Tribulation Age. Jesus has to return in a Jubilee Year (2032) and on one of Father's Appointed Days, or moe'din, as given in Leviticus 23:23-25... the last 3 that Jesus hasn't fulfilled yet (He fulfilled the first 4 in His 1st Coming, He'll fulfill the remaining 3 in His 2nd Coming, post Great Tribulation Age... 2032 AD). So, the Great Tribulaton Age will begin and end on Yom Te'Ruah... when the Last Trumpet blows at the beginning, and the Great Trumpet blows at the end... a 'coronation' blowing of the trumpet to signify a change in rulership. Remember, Jesus is King of Kings, and Satan has rule over the earth during the Great Tribulation Age... when Father gives up control of the earth to Satan for a time, times, and a half... 7 years total (Daniel 7:25, 12:7, Revelation 12:14). So, when Jesus comes back, that's when He takes control of the entire earth, and the false 'kings' (fallen angels) who have controlled the earth for those 7 years are put to death... die like men... Psalm 82 fulfilled. This is ALL in Scripture, if you're studying it, and discerning everything in the understanding of the Jewish people, not what most Christians understand today and have been erroneously taught, because the Jewish context has been removed from theology.
problem is, at that point there will be no "Buying and selling, Planting and building, eating and drinking and marrying" as we do today. Because people will be just surviving, going to 15 funerals a day, as (if you do the calc's) 4 billion people would have either died already or still be dying from all that Revelation speaks of. Sometimes I just rest in the logic of it all. Like it is said in Gen18:25 "Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” God took out both Noah and Lot before He poured out His wrath.
So, by the rapture, God is going to reveal himself and his full power to all who dwell on earth by removing millions of people all at once. And so, those people who remain on earth will have an advantage no other generation has had, which is that they are now fully aware of the physical reality of God’s existence and his power. A gift to all the doubting Thomas’s of the world, they won’t need faith because they’ll just know. Lucky them.
Peter and the twelve didn't believe in a pre trib rapture. It was part of the mysteries revealed unto Paul that was hard to be understood, as spoken by Peter at the end of his life. Early church fathers have nothing to add or change from Paul's writings. He is the first, he is the pattern. If it doesn't jive with Paul 100 % Then it isn't true.
I'm a little confused by your question. But I hope this answers at least a couple of your questions... There will be a difference between those who are raptured (which includes those believers who are resurrected at the time of the rapture) and the tribulation saints. (Those who refuse the mark of the beast.) I don't know what you're referring to when you say raptured people will grow old slowly, but those who are raptured won't grow old at all. At the time of the rapture and in the twinkling of an eye our new glorified and eternal bodies. Bodies like Christ house so we can see him as he is according to the word. That was murdered during the tribulation or the very very very very very very few that survive will not have been given glorified bodies until after the millennial reign of Christ. It is these tribulation saints that will populate the Earth for that thousand years marry and have children. It is likely these people that you are referring to growing Old slowly. Scripture doesn't tell us how long they will live but it does compare if a baby dies during a thousand year millennium it would be compared to a child today dying add just a few years old. So by that ratio, perhaps it could be assumed that people will live for a thousand years but we just don't know that cuz scripture doesn't come out and say so. But there's a difference between those who have put on their glorified bodies during the rapture (AKA the bride of Christ) and the tribulation saints. The bride of Christ rules and reigns with Christ during the millennium. Their eternity is sealed. There is no chance of them falling at the end of the tribulation when the devil is loosed for a short time. The tribulation saints however can lose their eternity especially at the end of the thousand years when the devil is turned loose to try to deceive as many as he can. Those who stay faithful along with their children that stay faithful will be given eternal bodies. Those who rebelled during the millennial reign will be judged along with every other human being that ever lived that rejected God at the great white throne judgement. Believers don't have to go through the great white throne judgement. But none of their names will have been written in the Lamb's Book of Life and they will spend eternity in hell.
1 Corinthians 15:20-29 Paul explains the order: Death, resurrection, reign then delivered up to God even the Father. Revelation 20,21,22 John was given the same order. Death, resurrection, reign then delivered up to God even the Father. We will be hidden from the wrath of God through the resurrection. Isaiah 26:19-21 Isaiah 57:1-2 Israel has not returned yet as foretold by the prophets. That will be the thousand year reign after the resurrection. Ezekiel 37 Isaiah 66 Those in the first resurrection (Revelation 20:5-6) will not have glorified bodies during the thousand year reign. Ezekiel 37 Flesh and blood is put back on the bones and they are planted in their own land to dwell safely. It is appointed unto men once to die then the judgement. In Adam all die but in Christ shall all be made alive. The wages of sin is death but eternal life is through Jesus Christ our Lord. What pre trib belief does is it just explains away the fact that in Adam all die and it is appointed unto men once to die. We can't just explain that away by saying some won't die. If you say what about Enoch and Elijah? I don't know but I will say this... John 21:19-23 If the Lord wishes they should tarry until he comes, what's that to us? We follow Christ Jesus. Or you may ask... what about the alive and remain verse? Those in the first resurrection will be made alive to reign with Christ. For Christ must reign until all enemies are put under His feet then He will deliver the kingdom up to God even the Father. Revelation 20:5-6 1 Corinthians 15:20-29 At the end of the thousand years when the rest of the dead are made alive, they in the first resurrection who reigned with Christ in flesh bodies (Ezekiel 37) will be changed in a moment ar the last trump. That's when we go up. The only way to accept that the wages of sin is death, is realizing that Jesus Christ defeated death, hell and the grave and will raise us up on the last day to eternal life. He will open our graves and the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will also quicken our mortal bodies. If the Spirit of God dwells in us. Always be ready because Luke 12:18-21 says... We don't know when our soul will be required of us. The restoration of the house of Israel will be after the resurrection. (Revelation 20:4:6) The church will be apart of that. We are joint heirs with Christ. Romans 8:17 Look at it all from a resurrection, restoration and redemption stand point. That resurrection (of whom Jesus Himself is, John 11:25) is our victory from eternal death. Our collective redemption. Our restoration back to life. Everything I just said is sound. It's through out the whole Bible. For the dispensation of grace people... Grace is given to the gentiles to join the true house of Israel. To be apart of the restoration and redemption to eternal life through Jesus Christ's resurrection.
Please explain how all of the Church Elders, Book written on it, all of the Pastor teaching this using Paul's writings over-ride the words of Christ in Matthew 24 29-31 No offense meant, but Christ's words on when He will appear matches all of Paul's descriptions of the event. When does Christ say He will return? Immediately after tribulation. The word of Christ over-rules all other "interpretations"!
Agree. If the believers were not gonna be here, then why were believers warned about various things such as, when you see the abomination of desolation. Not talking to unbelievers.
If you read your neighbors mail and he has been called to a job interview, do you feel summoned to go there too? Matthew is the most Jewish of all the 4 gospels, is it incredible that Jesus was speaking to the Jewish people?
@@With-one-wing When you put it in the correct context, that the Scriptures are written to God's Chosen People, then you'll understand what Scripture is talking about. WHEN was Jesus on the earth? Was it before or after Pentecost, when the Church was created? So, there were no 'saved' believers prior to Pentecost. The Church consisted of Israelites that chose to follow Jesus, not from Gentile nations (pagan) at Pentecost. The word 'Christian' wasn't coined until the 2nd century AD, by the Roman general, Titus, as a derogatory term against Jesus' followers, all from the House of Israel. So, they're Jewish... these are God's Chosen People... the Jews. This is why we who come from the Gentile nations, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, are grafted INTO the House of Israel, the House that Jesus came to save first (Matthew 15:24). The House of Judah is set aside for a future time... the Great Tribulation Age is when THEY will be saved, but after Great Tribulation... think of on a level that the Holocaust was such persecution... that time will be mild in comparison to what is coming for the Jewish people during the Great Tribulation Age. So, Jesus is talking to the Jewish people in Matthew, NOT the gentiles, because the Church hadn't been created yet. Everything in the Bible is to the Jewish people, not gentiles. Any 'gentiles' that become saved are today's Christians. So, post-Pentecost, they were evangelized by saved Israelites. All of the 7 churches in Asia Minor (now called Turkiye) were started and run by Israelites, those that were dispersed amongst the nations through diaspora. Christians who do not recognize these details in history, assume that we have displaced the Jewish people... the essence of 'Replacement Theology'. And that's where we have lost the understanding that the early Church fathers recognized WHO the Rapture includes. If you understand who is behind this lost knowledge, using the Roman Catholic Church, where the founder, Constantine, made a state religion, so forced everyone in the Roman Empire to denounce anything Jewish, or be put to death, then they had to come up with another narrative. This was what happened in the 3rd century... the early Church fathers had to renounce the roots of Scripture... for God's Chosen People, the Jews. That's when Augustine started changing the narrative. It's ALWAYS been about the Jewish people, who are God's Chosen People. When you understand that this is all about the TWO Houses of the nation of Israel, and that gentile believers are grafted into the House of Israel, as 'wild branches', adopted in, then we can then know that we are included in the promises given to the House of Israel believers (not all Israelites by birth are believers). So, keep it in the context of the Jewish people, not pagan Gentiles. Then it will come together for you.
@@appaloosa42 Just put whatever words you want in his mouth WE know you think Jesus got the last day wrong by 1,007 years John 6 39 40 44 54 Jesus says at the LAST DAY four times Don't look for any scripture Just trust Mystery Babylon and add the church to the thousand year reign without one Bible verse that supports it Revelation 7 14 White robes Revelation 20 4 thousand year reign
The Bible says to pray that you are worthy of escape of death. It also says that the living will envy the dead during the events of revelation. Why would anyone want to be counted worthy of escaping death if we have to endure the wrath of Jesus, who said that we aren’t appointed to wrath. Ps JESUS IS GOD! He is not pulling the seals off in love and happiness, he’s pissed off at the unbelievers who received not the love of the truth who will not escape! The church is going up before the very first seal(The revelation of the Antichrist). Because we received the love of the truth(faith in Jesus). This really isn’t hard to understand, I’m not reading anything in the text, that’s all the plain statements of scripture. The events of revelation destroys the entire earth. Just like Lot had to be out of the city before the Lord on earth called down fire from the Lord in heaven. So to must the church be removed from the earth as Jesus brings down curses from the Father!
I’ll add this. It’s called the time of Jacob’s(Israel’) trouble, the church is not in trouble we received Jesus, 70 weeks are appointed to you Daniel and your people(Jews) to anoint the most high, make an end to sacrifice, and bring in ever lasting righteousness. The whole purpose of the seventieth week is to bring Israel to Jesus(Romans 8), the church has believed without seeing, Thomas didn’t and had to wait seven days after everyone else to see the resurrected messiah. I have a lot more, but you’re going to ignore it all because you love this life, not the life to come!
@Ronwjr Matthew 24 9 martyrs for Jesus of ALL NATIONS before the mark of the beast Matthew 24 10 the great falling away Matthew 24 15 Man of sin is revealed Matthew 24 16 Jesus tells the Jews to flee Now the Mark of the beast Jesus gave you an escape Matthew 24 9 MAN REMOVES THE CHURCH before the Antichrist even shows up
Ken Johnson is one of my spiritual heros. He has been a large influence on the rekindling of my relationship with Yeshua the Creator. Wonderful to see him here again!
Go tell it on the mountains that Jesus Christ is Lord! Alleluia!
Let's go. Maranatha!
Great discussion. I find this kind of talk helps to settle me and establish me in the things I believe are correct
The King 👑 is Coming, The King 👑 is Coming, The King 👑 is Coming!
At the end of the Laodicean church age, yes. But we're still in Sardis.
Ken Johnson is a scholar and a true Gentle man. His brilliant mind dwells on scripture not text comments.
There will be no pre-trib rapture. Scriptures tell about a first coming and a second coming. Acts 1:11 and Hebrews 9:28.
Yes he does, great on the dead Sea Scrolls and if is not sure he says so. I think we learn so so much from him. ❤ ❤ ❤
@StanSchmunk-r7f The groom also comes for the wise virgins at the midnight hour (middle of the night, middle of Israel's 70th week, just as the MotB is being rolled out). We see in Rev 14 that the 144,000 wise virgins (also the man child of Rev 12 sign) go up at that point. Where does Scripture say He only comes twice?
What a pleasure to see Dr. Ken Johnson on here! I have learned SO MUCH from him ❤
Amen ❤
Really appreciate the excellent work you AWESOME BROTHERS DO.. THANKYOU.. FROM.. South Africa with prayers ❤❤❤
Thanks! this is the truth! Keep standing up against the attacks against it.
Thank you, gentlemen. God bless you in your efforts.
What an anointed discussion.
Awesome program 🙏❤️🙏 God Bless both of you. Thank for preaching the Bible
Outstanding.:.: excellent interview…Thanks
Good information
Great conversation so I just bought Ken's Book, 'The Rapture - 2nd Edition The Pre-Tribulational Rapture of the Church Viewed From the Bible and the Ancient Church' - By Ken Johnson. Thank you and Maranatha!
If there were no mortals that goes into the Millennial Reign, then why does Jesus have to return to save them? Just as Noah and his family were saved out, in their perfect DNA (as what Father created, in the Garden of Eden, in His Image), to repopulate the earth after the Great Flood. Same thing for the end of the Great Tribulation Age. And there would be no need for a Millenial Reign, but Scripture tells us that this is the reason why Satan is bound and chained in the Abyss during the Millennial Reign, and allowed out near the end of the Millennial Reign, to test those that are born during that period... where they can exercise their free will to choose between God Most High (which is the reason why Jesus and His Bride, those that have proven themselves worthy (2 Tim 2:15) to be "kept out of the hour of testing" (Rev 3:10) rule over the Millennial Reign... we're to be teaching these offspring that are born during the Millennial Reign the Ways and Commandments of Father... the reason why we co-rule with Jesus, our Teacher of Righteousness, King of Kings and Lord of Lords) and God Most High's Adversary (it's not Satan, he's just a facade for His REAL Adversary). Those that choose God Most High, enter into the New Earth, those that don't, enter into Lake of Fire. So, our job will be to teach them to be loyal to God Most High.
NOT everyone is worthy to be in the Bride, who is raptured/snatched up, BEFORE the Great Tribulation Age. So, there will be millions that will be left behind to enter into the Great Tribulation Age. These are the ones that end up being martyrs, or they get assimilated into the Beast System, based on how strong they are in changing their ways, repenting, refusing to accept the worship of the Beast, refusing to take the Mark of the Beast, or not. The martyrs are the 'wedding guests' at the wedding supper of Jesus and His Bride at the end of the Great Tribulation Age, just before we return to take back the earth. The parable of the King's Son's Wedding explains this... these are the ones that end up UNDER the Great White Throne (Rev 6:9-11, the 5th Seal) to wait until the wedding supper is held, before they're given their white robes, their transfigured bodies are restored back to them. They stay in their spiritual states until then. The Bride gets her immortal transfigured bodies upon arrival, but the martyrs have to wait. Different translations of Scripture confuse people, by using the word 'saints' interchangeably. You have to use discernment to recognize that martyrs are a particular group of saints.
Then there's a third group... those that somehow manage to survive in their mortal bodies. THESE are the ones that Jesus has to come back to save, before they're completely wiped out (martyrs). These are the ones that will procreate, reproduce, during the Millennial Reign. If they don't survive, then there's no reason for Him to come back! People who don't study the Word themselves don't discern this!
Of course there are mortals in the millennium. How else would some who dies at 100, considered a baby, be able to occur?
Beautiful. Thank you 🙏🕊🙏
The reaction of pre-wrath guys toward pre-tribers many times is not biblical. In fact, in many cases, they should be ashamed. I am genuinely embarrassed for them.
Maranatha Yeshua!
I don't understand why the Rapture is so controversial, Pre, Mid, the most important thing in my mind is to always be ready for the LORD's return. It has nothing to do with my trust in Jesus Christ or my salvation. Jesus is going to return I have no doubt of that but even he doesn't know the day or the hour so how can anyone and if we are living for him whenever he comes I pray I will be found faithful.
It’s important only because it causes Christian to believe that God is going to make a special exception at the end of time, and give everyone that wasn’t raptured a “second chance” at coming to faith. This, even after he miraculously and physically disappears millions of people from the earth, thus revealing himself, his power, and might to all.
@@Gary-z5y That’s not t. There’s no proof of any second chances. Btw, how can they get saved if the Holy Spirit is gone?
In Daniel's visions from GOD, the Angel told Daniel the understanding of these things would be revealed in the END Times. If anyone is understanding Revelations, you know it IS the end times.
Love this conversation Brothers!! Very insightful!!
I'm not agreing about Daniel 12 refering to the rapture. Daniel is only prophecying about Israël. The church was a mystery just like the rapture. This is a reference to the resurrection of the old Testament Saint.
Based on...?
What I said Daniel was a Jewish prophet! The church was a mystery (Ef 3) the rapture was a mystery (1 Cor 15:51) . So there cannot be mystery truths in the old testament!
The first time there is a reference to the coming Church is in Matthew 16. Jesus First coming was to accomplish His Kingdom on earth. They rejected The First Time. After the rejection of the Jewish leaders Jesus became talking about the coming Church and his suffering for us (Math 16:21). God bless you!
Love every bit of exposition I can find… but Suddenly the audio became separated from the video… I could see Ken was speaking and sound was Mondo! I rewound and reset and the issue disappeared.
I noticed that as well
Good presentation. Feast of Trumpets is 2 uncertain days; you could say on the Feast if Trumpets and still say “we don’t know the hour”.
All 7 years are the "Wrath" of God. Daniel 9 describes the "Indignation" in Hebrew is ZAAM which is "Wrath" in english.
💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙Please pray for MY HUSBAND, PETE AND TWO SONS, CHRIS AND NICK FOR SALVATION. THANK YOU🌹
Always sis.
Please, sweet Lord Jesus, hear our prayers. We thank you for every blessing, both known and unknown. We lift up your holy name in praise, adoration, humility, worship, and your eternal glory. Bless your mighty name, always.
Father, please be with this family in every way. Our hearts hurt for those that are still without your eternal, blessed salvation. Lord, open up her husband's and sons' eyes, hearts, and minds to having a love for the truth, something only You can bestow upon us. I pray that their hearts are softened and ears opened to hearing the truth. I pray they believe and trust in you before it's too late for them. Help them to get through every hurt and doubt that satan's used to tear them from You. Turn their attention to the true source of their unbelief so that they may see, understand, and return to You in repentance and sorrow. Please, save all of our loved ones, bringing them home to where we all belong.
Lord, bless our sister with peace and joy in knowing that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We can only do so much, but You can do all things. Please help this precious family Father. Hear our prayers. In Jesus's name we pray, amen.
Bless you all.
Hello praying for them also praying they get a move on, it does take time so praying for our patience as well . God bless you and family love you ❤ ❤ ❤
@@ros1424. Hi Rozzie❤ I know, it seems like it will never happen, but God can change things in a second. My mother in law who was a very self righteous catholic. Got saved a day or so before she died. To me that was a huge miracle. So we never know when God works on their hearts. So glad to hear from you, sweet sister.🌹. You are in my prayers everyday. God bless you. I love you too, sis. See ya soon.❤
Just a thought: Robert Breaker, amongst others has this chart/whiteboard methodology of clarifying complexities/schematically explanations on scripture/prophecy/doctrinal issues.
This would be a great way of showing people how prophecies such as those mentioned from Daniel 12, for example fit together and how that shows us why certain struggles with concepts and dates can or cannot work for various cases.
I get lost in subjects that require (experienced) thinking with words (too fast to follow when perhaps other questions arise during a discussion: modern lack of focus?), where my mind (and I believe we all have a more mathematical/mechanical mind functionalities) just naturally grasps pictorial type sketches/graphs/scripture verses etc. and when this photographic memory kicks in and I find 'memory storage' is much simplified.
Once upon a time I used to enjoy watching Robert Breaker……
"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."-2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
This proves that there will be no pre-trib rapture. Vs 3 ‘it will not come except…’
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti is a Watcher and he gives understanding to pre-mid-post .
He has the most ordered, accurate explanations.
And any of these events are about 3.5 years apart. 3.5 years is not a long time. So why argue.?
It lines up with all rapture thoughts.
this is confusing to me, if we are raptured, and have new bodies, how would we age, even slower. or is that who receive Jesus in the tribulation, even before death, does this mean God will resurrect those who believed him in the trib will be restricted, made eternal as well as those who live and survive the tribulation, when would they receive a eternal body and must they keep living in a sinful body, made to age slowly, then die before they receive a new body and eternal life?
When we are raptured, we will receive a new, glorified, immortal body and it will be like Jesus's resurrected body. We will no longer age or break down. No more pain or sickness, just an eternity with our Lord.
There will be people who will be saved after we are raptured out of here, they're the tribulation saints. Most of them will die, but those few who survive until the Lord's second coming will be healed in all ways in their mortal bodies, gathered to the Lord by the angels (different from the rapture bc jesus Himself raptured us all) and will be the ones to go into the millennial kingdom reign of Christ to repopulate the world...they'll be the ones the Lord Jesus will rule and reign over, with us beside Him.
As they are still alive, they will age as slow as trees. The ones who die at 100 years old will be like babies dying. The children they have will still have the adamic nature and thus will have the ability to choose to love and follow Jesus like us or reject Him and do what they want to do (which will be dealt with by the Lord who'll rule with an iron scepter).
By the end of the thousand years, many people will have rejected the Lord Jesus bc satan will be able to gather countless people to go up against Jesus in Jerusalem one last time, only to be immediately dealt with by God raining fire down from the sky and ending them! That will be the end of rebellion and sin.
This world and universe will be destroyed by fervent heat, the Great White Throne judgement of Jesus Christ will take place for the lost, and a new heavens and earth will be created by God.
God will bring His heavenly home, New Jerusalem, down out of the third heaven it's in right now, and He'll set it down upon the new earth. God's going to live amongst His people, finally! He will be our God, and we will be His people!
Pastor Allen Nolan has some wonderful teachings on the end times events, where he thoroughly walks us through the entire Bible and how it's all connected. It's a blessing.
I pray this helps a little.
1. Those who are alive and remain and are caught up won't age and won't die. Paul told us in 1Cor 15:51 that "we shall not all sleep." So instead of dying, those who are caught up in 1Thess 4:17 will put on incorruptible bodies or their bodies will be transformed and become like the body of Jesus when He rose from the dead as Phil 3:20-21 tell us.
2. Only those the righteous, that is those who are saved during the tribulation that survived the tribulation will go into the millennium. The rest, that is the wicked will all die at Christ's coming to earth. That's very clear in the parable of tares and wheat and parable of the dragnet in Matt 13:24-30, 36-43; 47-50.
3. Those who survived the tribulation will then repopulate the earth. When they die, they will get resurrected after the millennium in my opinion. Those who'll be born in the millennium will still have their sin nature and will have to decide whether or not to follow Jesus. Many of them, like the sand on the seashore, will be deceived by satan when he's released from the Abyss and join him in his final revolt against God after the millennium. Rev 20:7-10.
@@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGodexcellent explanation 💯👏 tyvm for taking the time to share this 😊
Interesting point on the word heretic meaning a divisive person and not about someone misinterpreting doctrine. I’ve noticed there are teachers out there who are very cruel with their words and accusations toward others about pretrib. It didn’t feel right in my Spirit to listen to such a person.
Very much agreed
Jesus sat down to eat at the table. The host says, "Jesus, you didn't wash your hands b4 you sat down." Jesus said, "You didn't wash your heart, pass the salt." 😂
-Dr. Ruckman
It doesn’t take going to seminary to study theology to interpret the pre tribulation rapture. Literally two (2) hours after my daughter was pronounced ( passed) from a sudden tragic death; I had 2 hours b4 having to go to funeral home to plan funeral; I opened several Bibles, weeping as God showed me 1st Cor 15:50-51, 1st Thess 4:16-18, along with other scripture promises & I knew…that was 26 years ago as of 1/25
Thanks Mondo and Ken. When people say how could God allow this or that and are blaming him. We make choices? Lucifer made a choice? Adam and Eve made a choice? So did God I’m totally thankful God made this choice from his So Loving Heart. John 12:32
God doesn't make His choice, until we have made our own choices. He wants to tell us the consequences of our actions, by giving us His Word. It behooves us to study and understand His Warnings, given in the Word. But many don't even think about these things in that context. God Most High is the ultimate Mathematician, a Supreme Computer Programmer... a basic 'If, Then, Else' algorithm. If you do this, then this is what you will have happen to you, unless you repent and turn away from the teachings of the fallen angels, who want to destroy you. That's what it boils down to. Most don't see it this way.
@@rhondaalbrecht Maybe people don't see it that way, because people don't understand what you are trying to say. Who are the "most" people you're talking about, believers, or, non-believers? What do you mean by, "God doesn't make His choice, until we have made our choices."? What is God choosing? He knew from the Beginning where you, and I, and all the people He created, would spend Eternity. He knows what we are going to choose before we choose. He knew everything we would do, and not do. I can't agree, or, disagree, with you, because I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Have a blessed day! Get back to me if you can.
@@sandragambrel9721 Believers who DON'T read the Bible for themselves, but listen to what is taught from the pulpit, fully trusting that person in the pulpit to be teaching them the Word of God. What God wants is for YOU to read His Word, yourself. That way you develop a personal relationship with Him, just as He wanted in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. That way, the Holy Spirit Himself reminds you of what Jesus taught when He was here on earth nearly 2,000 years ago. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, that's when the Holy Spirit comes and indwells us. The Holy Spirit is sent by Father God Most High, and the Holy Spirit is actually Father, Himself, in spirit. Our bodies are His Temples... where the Holy of Holies, Father's place of dwelling until Jesus came, in the Temples and Tent of Assembly (at Shiloh) was His dwelling, after the 2nd Temple was destroyed, after Jesus, after the Church was born at Pentecost, our bodies became His dwelling, His temples.
God Most High gives us ALL free will to choose. Yes, He knows in advance, but He does nothing to interfere in our own choices, until we've made that decision. If you don't choose Him, then He won't chase after you. Many non-believers don't want to be chased, do they? They want you to shut up, leave them alone. That's what God Most High does! He leaves them alone, until they come to the point of choosing Him. He'll put them in situations where they have to make a decision, but if they don't choose, then He'll let them be. Think of the father in the parable of The Prodigal Son. Did the father chase his son down, to discourage him and force him back? No. He let his son find his own way, and find his way back, after he realized that he was worse than the pigs he was supposed to be taking care of. That's what Father does here with us.
@@rhondaalbrecht Thank you for responding. Now, I understand your first comment a lot better, lol. I've been reading the Bible since learning to read, around nine. But, I had been taken to Church as a child, and when I was around 5, or 6, I started seeking the Father. I didn't understand why the Son was more important than the Father (5 yr old concept), but, when I understood the Good News, I believed, and confessed my Faith in Jesus as Lord, and Savior of my Life. I was 12. I'm going to be 69 this month, and I couldn't agree more with you about developing a relationship with our God. Childlike faith grows overtime, like we do, amen! Love, Grace, Peace, and Joy, to you, and your loved ones, from the Lord Jesus Christ, amen!!! Be blessed!!! Amen, and Hallelujah!!!!
The Holy Spirit taught me the pretrib catching away of the body of Christ/church in Genesis chapters 18 and 19. With Abraham representing the church and Lot representing Israel.
I've never heard any preachers teach it that way.
Also,the example of the days of Noah suggests the amount of destruction to the earth itself. Noah and those in the ark with him represent those who are neither the church nor Israel but will survive the Tribulation.
I don't think we need to answer the critics about the Rapture. When it occurs will be proof enough. And no, you don't win people to Christ by giving them the Rapture, you give them the gospel.
Don't you think it's a touch insulting to think someone like Mondo or Ken doesn't know unsaved people need the gospel above all? I'm certain they do.
They're ministry is to teach the whole counsel of God ..and eschatology happens to be a very major part of the whole counsel of God.
Guys how close are we?
Does Isaiah 60 v1 and2 refer to the Rapture?
Why not let the guest talk?
I noticed that too! Mondo took over most of the conversation!
Matthew 24:36 is not talking about the rapture, you have to proof text to make it so. Context does not support it! The statement "Of the day" tell you to look at what was just stated or ask of yourself of what day? The overall context is Jesus answering the disciples three questions in Matt.24:3 Temple being destroyed, signs of the end of the age (which age is not specified, Torah or Grace), and signs of your coming. You have to read into the passage rapture. That having been said, I am a firm believer in the pre-trib rapture I just do not accept the doctrine of imminence the way that is taught.
By the way, you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
The Day of the Lord begins with the rapture - it’s the morning star. It’s all connected. We are His body & must be removed.
Tribulation is the dawning.
The 1000 years are the Day proper.
Can’t chop it up so much.
@ Again, scripture does not support this, one can make a good argument that the signing or enforcing the covenant with Israel by the Anti-Christ does mark the beginning.
Thanks for your kind and gracious response it is appreciated.
I personally believe Matthew 24:36 was superseded by Rev 1:1-2 and Rev 3:3. Ie you will not know the hour of his return if you are NOT watching.
i feel like this video was put out 2-3 times already lol
And I don't see people being stung by demon horse scorpions, nor the antichrist being seen yet.
A Post trib rapture also doesn't make sense in that for Jesus to come to meet His Bride in the air to take us with Him to be in heaven for the wedding supper of the Lamb, then it would make no sense for the whole world to see Him reverse turn back to heaven (conflating His very visible Second Coming as an 'almost, but not quite' with the Rapture, which presumably is unseen by the unbelieving world)
Thing is, the Rapture is not 'secret'. The world WILL see it occur. How do you explain 120 million+ people disappearing, simultaneously? That's 1/3rd of the American population, for comparison purposes.
The only thing 'secret' about the Rapture is that 'no man knows the day or hour'. We're to be watching, and studying the Word, and we can determine the season (summer, based upon Genesis 8:22, Matthew 24:20 and 32, Song of Solomon), and we can mathematically calculate the year of Jesus' return, based upon the Shemitah and Jubilee year cycles. Jesus marked the 'Year of the Lord' when He read Isaiah 61:1-3 in the year He was crucified. 'Year of the Lord' is another idiom for a Jubilee Year. So, He set a marker, Himself, that year. So, we count every 50 years for Jubilee Years, from 32 AD. He will return in an even year from 32 AD. So, how many cycles have passed already? 39. We're IN the 40th cycle (there's that holy number that is repeated consistently throughout Scripture... 40), and we are approaching the final 7-year Shemitah cycle of the 40th Jubilee Year cycle. 40x50 years is 2,000 years. 2,000 years from 32 AD is 2032 AD. Count back one Shemitah cycle of 7 years. What year are we in? You just calculated, using Scripture, when the Great Tribulation Age is going to occur. We know that the Jewish calendar begins on the Spring Equinox, studying Leviticus 23 and 25. That's the start date of Nisan 1, immediately following the Spring Equinox. Passover is always 15 days from the Spring Equinox... we don't count the day of the Spring Equinox, but from the next day, so that's 14 days. Leviticus 23:5.
So, we're not in the actual year, yet, for the final Shemitah cycle, according to Father's calendar (, which was recently re-discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and correctly interpreted by Dr. Johnson here. The year won't start until Nisan 1, which falls on March 19th. That's also the beginning of the season of summer. So, according to Jesus' own words in Matthew 24:20 and 32, it's NOT going to be in winter, which begins on the Fall Equinox. Father doesn't recognize Spring and Fall, but uses the equinoxes to divide the two seasons of summer and winter (Genesis 8:22) on His calendar. So, based upon this, we know that the summer of season ends on the day before the Fall Equinox, which is September 16th this year. This is when the Rapture will occur... sometime between March 19th and September 15th. I'm leaning towards the end of the season, following the pattern established in the last Great Judgment, the Great Flood, when Father shut up Noah and his family inside of the ark (a prototype of Heaven being the Bride's 'ark' during the Great Tribulation Age) 7 days before the Great Flood began. This would also be consistent with the season of Pentecost (yep, it's NOT a single day but actually a season of 150 days (or five months)... where have you seen the references to 150 days, or 5 months in Scripture??? Genesis 7:1-5, Revelation 9:5... both connected to judgments). The season of Pentecost ends 10 days before Feast of Trumpets (Yom Te'Ruah), the day after the Fall Equinox, which is in the season of winter. There's your beginning of the Great Tribulation Age. Jesus has to return in a Jubilee Year (2032) and on one of Father's Appointed Days, or moe'din, as given in Leviticus 23:23-25... the last 3 that Jesus hasn't fulfilled yet (He fulfilled the first 4 in His 1st Coming, He'll fulfill the remaining 3 in His 2nd Coming, post Great Tribulation Age... 2032 AD). So, the Great Tribulaton Age will begin and end on Yom Te'Ruah... when the Last Trumpet blows at the beginning, and the Great Trumpet blows at the end... a 'coronation' blowing of the trumpet to signify a change in rulership. Remember, Jesus is King of Kings, and Satan has rule over the earth during the Great Tribulation Age... when Father gives up control of the earth to Satan for a time, times, and a half... 7 years total (Daniel 7:25, 12:7, Revelation 12:14). So, when Jesus comes back, that's when He takes control of the entire earth, and the false 'kings' (fallen angels) who have controlled the earth for those 7 years are put to death... die like men... Psalm 82 fulfilled.
This is ALL in Scripture, if you're studying it, and discerning everything in the understanding of the Jewish people, not what most Christians understand today and have been erroneously taught, because the Jewish context has been removed from theology.
I have always been a Mid/Late Trib believer(assuming it happens).
The first half of the 7 years is nowhere near as bad as the second.
problem is, at that point there will be no
"Buying and selling, Planting and building, eating and drinking and marrying" as we do today.
Because people will be just surviving, going to 15 funerals a day, as (if you do the calc's) 4 billion people would have either died already or still be dying from all that Revelation speaks of. Sometimes I just rest in the logic of it all. Like it is said in Gen18:25 "Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” God took out both Noah and Lot before He poured out His wrath.
So, by the rapture, God is going to reveal himself and his full power to all who dwell on earth by removing millions of people all at once. And so, those people who remain on earth will have an advantage no other generation has had, which is that they are now fully aware of the physical reality of God’s existence and his power. A gift to all the doubting Thomas’s of the world, they won’t need faith because they’ll just know. Lucky them.
Peter and the twelve didn't believe in a pre trib rapture. It was part of the mysteries revealed unto Paul that was hard to be understood, as spoken by Peter at the end of his life. Early church fathers have nothing to add or change from Paul's writings. He is the first, he is the pattern. If it doesn't jive with Paul 100 % Then it isn't true.
I'm a little confused by your question. But I hope this answers at least a couple of your questions...
There will be a difference between those who are raptured (which includes those believers who are resurrected at the time of the rapture) and the tribulation saints. (Those who refuse the mark of the beast.)
I don't know what you're referring to when you say raptured people will grow old slowly, but those who are raptured won't grow old at all. At the time of the rapture and in the twinkling of an eye our new glorified and eternal bodies. Bodies like Christ house so we can see him as he is according to the word.
That was murdered during the tribulation or the very very very very very very few that survive will not have been given glorified bodies until after the millennial reign of Christ. It is these tribulation saints that will populate the Earth for that thousand years marry and have children. It is likely these people that you are referring to growing Old slowly. Scripture doesn't tell us how long they will live but it does compare if a baby dies during a thousand year millennium it would be compared to a child today dying add just a few years old. So by that ratio, perhaps it could be assumed that people will live for a thousand years but we just don't know that cuz scripture doesn't come out and say so.
But there's a difference between those who have put on their glorified bodies during the rapture (AKA the bride of Christ) and the tribulation saints. The bride of Christ rules and reigns with Christ during the millennium. Their eternity is sealed. There is no chance of them falling at the end of the tribulation when the devil is loosed for a short time. The tribulation saints however can lose their eternity especially at the end of the thousand years when the devil is turned loose to try to deceive as many as he can. Those who stay faithful along with their children that stay faithful will be given eternal bodies. Those who rebelled during the millennial reign will be judged along with every other human being that ever lived that rejected God at the great white throne judgement. Believers don't have to go through the great white throne judgement. But none of their names will have been written in the Lamb's Book of Life and they will spend eternity in hell.
You need to listen to them again. They didn't say raptured people will grow old slowly.
1 Corinthians 15:20-29
Paul explains the order:
Death, resurrection, reign then delivered up to God even the Father.
Revelation 20,21,22
John was given the same order.
Death, resurrection, reign then delivered up to God even the Father.
We will be hidden from the wrath of God through the resurrection.
Isaiah 26:19-21
Isaiah 57:1-2
Israel has not returned yet as foretold by the prophets.
That will be the thousand year reign after the resurrection.
Ezekiel 37
Isaiah 66
Those in the first resurrection (Revelation 20:5-6) will not have glorified bodies during the thousand year reign.
Ezekiel 37
Flesh and blood is put back on the bones and they are planted in their own land to dwell safely.
It is appointed unto men once to die then the judgement.
In Adam all die but in Christ shall all be made alive.
The wages of sin is death but eternal life is through Jesus Christ our Lord.
What pre trib belief does is it just explains away the fact that in Adam all die and it is appointed unto men once to die.
We can't just explain that away by saying some won't die.
If you say what about Enoch and Elijah? I don't know but I will say this...
John 21:19-23
If the Lord wishes they should tarry until he comes, what's that to us?
We follow Christ Jesus.
Or you may ask... what about the alive and remain verse?
Those in the first resurrection will be made alive to reign with Christ. For Christ must reign until all enemies are put under His feet then He will deliver the kingdom up to God even the Father.
Revelation 20:5-6
1 Corinthians 15:20-29
At the end of the thousand years when the rest of the dead are made alive, they in the first resurrection who reigned with Christ in flesh bodies (Ezekiel 37) will be changed in a moment ar the last trump. That's when we go up.
The only way to accept that the wages of sin is death, is realizing that Jesus Christ defeated death, hell and the grave and will raise us up on the last day to eternal life. He will open our graves and the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will also quicken our mortal bodies. If the Spirit of God dwells in us.
Always be ready because Luke 12:18-21 says...
We don't know when our soul will be required of us.
The restoration of the house of Israel will be after the resurrection. (Revelation 20:4:6) The church will be apart of that. We are joint heirs with Christ.
Romans 8:17
Look at it all from a resurrection, restoration and redemption stand point. That resurrection (of whom Jesus Himself is, John 11:25) is our victory from eternal death. Our collective redemption. Our restoration back to life.
Everything I just said is sound. It's through out the whole Bible.
For the dispensation of grace people...
Grace is given to the gentiles to join the true house of Israel.
To be apart of the restoration and redemption to eternal life through Jesus Christ's resurrection.
Please explain how all of the Church Elders, Book written on it, all of the Pastor teaching this using Paul's writings over-ride the words of Christ in Matthew 24 29-31
No offense meant, but Christ's words on when He will appear matches all of Paul's descriptions of the event. When does Christ say He will return? Immediately after tribulation.
The word of Christ over-rules all other "interpretations"!
Did you listen and hear the whole podcast?
Agree. If the believers were not gonna be here, then why were believers warned about various things such as, when you see the abomination of desolation. Not talking to unbelievers.
If you read your neighbors mail and he has been called to a job interview, do you feel summoned to go there too?
Matthew is the most Jewish of all the 4 gospels, is it incredible that Jesus was speaking to the Jewish people?
@@With-one-wing When you put it in the correct context, that the Scriptures are written to God's Chosen People, then you'll understand what Scripture is talking about. WHEN was Jesus on the earth? Was it before or after Pentecost, when the Church was created? So, there were no 'saved' believers prior to Pentecost. The Church consisted of Israelites that chose to follow Jesus, not from Gentile nations (pagan) at Pentecost. The word 'Christian' wasn't coined until the 2nd century AD, by the Roman general, Titus, as a derogatory term against Jesus' followers, all from the House of Israel. So, they're Jewish... these are God's Chosen People... the Jews. This is why we who come from the Gentile nations, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, are grafted INTO the House of Israel, the House that Jesus came to save first (Matthew 15:24). The House of Judah is set aside for a future time... the Great Tribulation Age is when THEY will be saved, but after Great Tribulation... think of on a level that the Holocaust was such persecution... that time will be mild in comparison to what is coming for the Jewish people during the Great Tribulation Age. So, Jesus is talking to the Jewish people in Matthew, NOT the gentiles, because the Church hadn't been created yet. Everything in the Bible is to the Jewish people, not gentiles. Any 'gentiles' that become saved are today's Christians. So, post-Pentecost, they were evangelized by saved Israelites. All of the 7 churches in Asia Minor (now called Turkiye) were started and run by Israelites, those that were dispersed amongst the nations through diaspora.
Christians who do not recognize these details in history, assume that we have displaced the Jewish people... the essence of 'Replacement Theology'. And that's where we have lost the understanding that the early Church fathers recognized WHO the Rapture includes. If you understand who is behind this lost knowledge, using the Roman Catholic Church, where the founder, Constantine, made a state religion, so forced everyone in the Roman Empire to denounce anything Jewish, or be put to death, then they had to come up with another narrative. This was what happened in the 3rd century... the early Church fathers had to renounce the roots of Scripture... for God's Chosen People, the Jews. That's when Augustine started changing the narrative. It's ALWAYS been about the Jewish people, who are God's Chosen People. When you understand that this is all about the TWO Houses of the nation of Israel, and that gentile believers are grafted into the House of Israel, as 'wild branches', adopted in, then we can then know that we are included in the promises given to the House of Israel believers (not all Israelites by birth are believers). So, keep it in the context of the Jewish people, not pagan Gentiles. Then it will come together for you.
Such manipulation of scripture to read into it what you want. I like Ken, but he’s doing the same thing all the other pre-tribbers do.
What? You think Jesus sacrifice wasn’t sufficient to cover your sins so you mist endure the Great Tribulation? That’s essentially what you are saying.
Just put whatever words you want in his mouth
WE know you think Jesus got the last day wrong by 1,007 years
John 6 39 40 44 54
Jesus says at the LAST DAY four times
Don't look for any scripture
Just trust Mystery Babylon and add the church to the thousand year reign without one Bible verse that supports it
Revelation 7 14 White robes
Revelation 20 4 thousand year reign
The Bible says to pray that you are worthy of escape of death. It also says that the living will envy the dead during the events of revelation. Why would anyone want to be counted worthy of escaping death if we have to endure the wrath of Jesus, who said that we aren’t appointed to wrath. Ps JESUS IS GOD! He is not pulling the seals off in love and happiness, he’s pissed off at the unbelievers who received not the love of the truth who will not escape! The church is going up before the very first seal(The revelation of the Antichrist). Because we received the love of the truth(faith in Jesus). This really isn’t hard to understand, I’m not reading anything in the text, that’s all the plain statements of scripture. The events of revelation destroys the entire earth. Just like Lot had to be out of the city before the Lord on earth called down fire from the Lord in heaven. So to must the church be removed from the earth as Jesus brings down curses from the Father!
I’ll add this. It’s called the time of Jacob’s(Israel’) trouble, the church is not in trouble we received Jesus, 70 weeks are appointed to you Daniel and your people(Jews) to anoint the most high, make an end to sacrifice, and bring in ever lasting righteousness. The whole purpose of the seventieth week is to bring Israel to Jesus(Romans 8), the church has believed without seeing, Thomas didn’t and had to wait seven days after everyone else to see the resurrected messiah. I have a lot more, but you’re going to ignore it all because you love this life, not the life to come!
Matthew 24 9 martyrs for Jesus of ALL NATIONS before the mark of the beast
Matthew 24 10 the great falling away
Matthew 24 15 Man of sin is revealed
Matthew 24 16 Jesus tells the Jews to flee
Now the Mark of the beast
Jesus gave you an escape
Matthew 24 9
MAN REMOVES THE CHURCH before the Antichrist even shows up