It would be interesting to compare if any weight gain resulted from oil cooled to the new water cooled. The shaft drive is on the left side now so it looks like the whole boxer engine was redesigned. Damn fine motorcycle!
I assume the excuse to leave the fins on the cylinder heads is to use smaller radiators, but in reality i think with only water cooling the engine wont have any risk of over heating, the fins don't look to be deep enough to dissipate a lot of heat. Triumph on the other hand looks more convincing as the radiators on the new street twins are very thin and small for a 900cc engine.
Because of the shape, you get air cooled boxer engine no matter what. But it's not enough to make decent hp. Just look at those oversized, air cooled american V-twins making 50-60 hp which is pathetic.
Žal je slišati in videti, da današnji izdelki tovarne BMW več niso tisto, kar so bili pred 30 in več leti. Po servisih je vse več motornih koles BMW, kvari se to, kvari se ono, stroški popravila pa enormni (!). Tudi sam vozim motor R65 iz te tovarne, a moj je l.1983. Lahko rečem, da se še nič vitalnega ni pokvarilo, čeprav mi števec kaže cca. 160kkm. Zakaj cca.? Že pred leti se mi je pokvaril števec kilometrov, a ga ne bom zamenjal. Razlog je nerazumno visoka cena novega. Rabljenega pa ne bom deval gor, ker se ravno tako lahko takoj pokvari. Tudi zvok motorjev tistega časa je značilen in neprekosljiv. Moja dva topova sta sicer že pred časom "mutirala" a ju ne bom zamenjal, ker so cene poživinjene. Popraviti sem moral lotne spoje na diodni plošči (počeni loti pri velikih diodah), zamenjal sem tesnila na ceveh, kjer drsijo štangice za krmiljenje ventilov, zamenjal sem pogon odmične gredi (2 zobnika in veriga) ter ležaja in semeringa na prednjem kolesu. To pa je v glavnem tudi vse. Motor teče zelo kultivirano in lepo drži štandgas v hladnem stanju na 250rpm, ko je vroč pa pri 800rpm. V glavnem, motor mi je brezčasno lep in ga ne zamenjam za nobenega tulečega japonca, ki pri speljevanju pod 4000rpm crkne. Moj v 5. prestavi suvereno pospešuje že od 1200rpm, kar pomeni, da krivulja navora narašča zelo strmo s toražo. Želim si le, da bi cene rezervnih delov bile nekoliko manj zasoljene... Gooogle trenslate: Sorry to hear and see, that today's BMW factory products are no longer, what they were 30 years ago and more. After servicing, there are more and more motorcycles in BMW, it's ruining this, it's ruining, and the cost of repair is enormous (!). I also drive the R65 engine from this factory, but it's mine in 1983. I can say that nothing vital has broken down yet, even though the counter tells me cca. 160kkm. Why a cca.? Even a few years ago, I missed a mileage counter, but I will not replace it. The reason is the unreasonably high price of the new one. But I will not make it worse, because it can immediately break down. Even the sound of the engines of that time is characteristic and unbearable. My two cannons have "mutated" a while ago, but I will not replace them because the prices are vibrant. I had to repair the couplings on the diode board (I was busy turning on large diodes), I replaced the seals on the pipes where the valve bolts slid, I replaced the camshaft drive (2 sprockets and chain) and the bearing and the front-wheel bearing. And that's mostly everything. The engine runs highly cultivated and beautifully holds the stand-up in the cold state at 250rpm when hot at 800rpm. In general, my engine is timelessly beautiful and I do not exchange it for any tufted Japanese, which, when running under a 4000rpm church. My 5th gear has been accelerating since 1200rpm, which means that the curve of the torque rises very steeply with the torso. I just want the spare parts price to be slightly less salty ...
Miran Rižnar sve stoji sto si napisao.Puno ih je u servisima zato sto ih je puno prodatih i isto toliko ih je na cesti.Ja vozim Capo ETV 1000 i odlicna je ali sljedeci motor RT ili GS.
La he probado; y el ruido que hace, me ha decepcionado muchísimo. Suena a motor desajustado. Ya no durará toda la vida, como el clásico motor boxer; porque de sobra sabemos, que el agua con el tiempo, lo pudre todo.
What a shit design. Coupled with their "made of glass and gum wrappers" final drive, a BMW owner is destined to sit in the dirty customer waiting area of a dealership drinking bad coffee all day while you wait to here "how many digits" the repair might be. Get a JAPAN MADE BIKE.
Perfect animation and Unveiling!
It would be interesting to compare if any weight gain resulted from oil cooled to the new water cooled. The shaft drive is on the left side now so it looks like the whole boxer engine was redesigned. Damn fine motorcycle!
the weight increased in 12 kilograms. But you have a more reliable engine and better cooled, thats the most important part on a 20.000 euros bike....
Amazing! Looks like a completly new engine to me! The clutch!!! Date of the changes?
Wow, to think all this is going on between me legs!
TheMissendenFlyer That's wat she said
TheMissendenFlyer +23107776527
TheMissendenFlyer I
Aww I need to step up my animation and modeling game. That was sick!
Is it blow off or getting fire?
Like dezel engines
The motorcycle is shaft driven, because the rider is usually shaft driven as well. (meself included)
Hell, this is awesome! Somebody do the same thing for the 2 valve flat engines pls!
Попробывали бы про урал такой же видос сделать))
Перс Персиянцев ага, там на 10 мин будет только как коленвал правильно устанавливается)
Très belle animation ! Merci
Très belle animation qui nous permet de comprendre le fonctionnement du « boxer ».
Um dia vou ter uma GS R 1200
That was really cool.
I assume the excuse to leave the fins on the cylinder heads is to use smaller radiators, but in reality i think with only water cooling the engine wont have any risk of over heating, the fins don't look to be deep enough to dissipate a lot of heat. Triumph on the other hand looks more convincing as the radiators on the new street twins are very thin and small for a 900cc engine.
Why Air and Water Cooling?
Because of the shape, you get air cooled boxer engine no matter what. But it's not enough to make decent hp. Just look at those oversized, air cooled american V-twins making 50-60 hp which is pathetic.
Congratulations. You finally managed to complicate the shit out of a Beemer.
BMW 😘😎
Now i know what is going on beneath me when I'm riding my bike. Neat
This is a gorgeous engine but tbh I rather have it on an R 1200 RT. I don't like GS.
Žal je slišati in videti, da današnji izdelki tovarne BMW več niso tisto, kar so bili pred 30 in več leti. Po servisih je vse več motornih koles BMW, kvari se to, kvari se ono, stroški popravila pa enormni (!). Tudi sam vozim motor R65 iz te tovarne, a moj je l.1983. Lahko rečem, da se še nič vitalnega ni pokvarilo, čeprav mi števec kaže cca. 160kkm. Zakaj cca.? Že pred leti se mi je pokvaril števec kilometrov, a ga ne bom zamenjal. Razlog je nerazumno visoka cena novega. Rabljenega pa ne bom deval gor, ker se ravno tako lahko takoj pokvari. Tudi zvok motorjev tistega časa je značilen in neprekosljiv. Moja dva topova sta sicer že pred časom "mutirala" a ju ne bom zamenjal, ker so cene poživinjene. Popraviti sem moral lotne spoje na diodni plošči (počeni loti pri velikih diodah), zamenjal sem tesnila na ceveh, kjer drsijo štangice za krmiljenje ventilov, zamenjal sem pogon odmične gredi (2 zobnika in veriga) ter ležaja in semeringa na prednjem kolesu. To pa je v glavnem tudi vse. Motor teče zelo kultivirano in lepo drži štandgas v hladnem stanju na 250rpm, ko je vroč pa pri 800rpm. V glavnem, motor mi je brezčasno lep in ga ne zamenjam za nobenega tulečega japonca, ki pri speljevanju pod 4000rpm crkne. Moj v 5. prestavi suvereno pospešuje že od 1200rpm, kar pomeni, da krivulja navora narašča zelo strmo s toražo. Želim si le, da bi cene rezervnih delov bile nekoliko manj zasoljene...
Gooogle trenslate: Sorry to hear and see, that today's BMW factory products are no longer, what they were 30 years ago and more. After
servicing, there are more and more motorcycles in BMW, it's ruining
this, it's ruining, and the cost of repair is enormous (!). I also drive the R65 engine from this factory, but it's mine in 1983. I can say that nothing vital has broken down yet, even though the counter tells me cca. 160kkm. Why a cca.? Even a few years ago, I missed a mileage counter, but I will not replace it. The reason is the unreasonably high price of the new one. But I will not make it worse, because it can immediately break down. Even the sound of the engines of that time is characteristic and unbearable. My two cannons have "mutated" a while ago, but I will not replace them because the prices are vibrant. I
had to repair the couplings on the diode board (I was busy turning on
large diodes), I replaced the seals on the pipes where the valve bolts
slid, I replaced the camshaft drive (2 sprockets and chain) and the
bearing and the front-wheel bearing. And that's mostly everything. The engine runs highly cultivated and beautifully holds the stand-up in the cold state at 250rpm when hot at 800rpm. In
general, my engine is timelessly beautiful and I do not exchange it for
any tufted Japanese, which, when running under a 4000rpm church. My 5th gear has been accelerating since 1200rpm, which means that the curve of the torque rises very steeply with the torso. I just want the spare parts price to be slightly less salty ...
Miran Rižnar sve stoji sto si napisao.Puno ih je u servisima zato sto ih je puno prodatih i isto toliko ih je na cesti.Ja vozim Capo ETV 1000 i odlicna je ali sljedeci motor RT ili GS.
ще б такое видео про серию 1100... а тут с конструкцией явно перемудрили )
Когда нибудь и у меня будет мот BMW
Muito massa
Тоже такой хочу)
BMW класс
Wow..... But not affordable. Please produce bikes between Rupees 150000 to 300000.
If you want two cylinders, air cooling, a sprawling low powered motor, and iffy reliability, Harley and BMW are the names to know.
This bike have water cool too!
Finally have !
it is too noisy without reason
Corrige esse motor pelo amor de Deus
E muito feio e perigoso esse cilindro na canela
La he probado; y el ruido que hace, me ha decepcionado muchísimo. Suena a motor desajustado.
Ya no durará toda la vida, como el clásico motor boxer; porque de sobra sabemos, que el agua con el tiempo, lo pudre todo.
José luis Far Mer que ignorante!
bmw ok
I think I came
What an unefficiant technology. It is more than 100 years old
LOL this guy below me
Dos tumores a cada lado de la moto,
What a shit. How they have complicated a clear and logical concept. It doesnt make sense to go on with the Boxer.
Jerked! :)
What a shit design. Coupled with their "made of glass and gum wrappers" final drive, a BMW owner is destined to sit in the dirty customer waiting area of a dealership drinking bad coffee all day while you wait to here "how many digits" the repair might be. Get a JAPAN MADE BIKE.
JP Stone u can also go for KTM
You have no idea …
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