Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta - Long Live Enver Hoxha (English Lyrics)

  • Опубликовано: 12 июн 2020
  • Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta (Long Live Enver Hoxha) is an Albanian political song written and first performed by Arif Vladi about the first leader of socialist Albania and First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania, Enver Hoxha.
    Enver Hoxha led the Albanian national liberation movement against the German and Italian fascist occupiers, almost completely destroying their hold over Albania by 1943, before the Red Army even arrived, and liberating all of Albania in 1944. Hoxha and the Communist Party of Albania (name later changed to the Party of Labour of Albania after a suggestion from Joseph Stalin) were then elected as the leaders of the new, independent Albania. Under Hoxha's leadership, Albania went from a poor, underdeveloped, agrarian backwater to a shining example of socialism's successes. Hoxha's policies guaranteed every citizen of Albania had a house, lowering homelessness to 0%, lowered unemployment also to 0% and raised literacy 20% before socialism to 100%. On top of that, Hoxha's Albania was at the time internationally recognized as one of, if not the best country in the world for women's rights and social equality, furthermore, despite Khrushchevite attempts to sway the Albanian socialists from Marxism-Leninism, Hoxha and the PPSH maintained a staunch Anti-Revisionist stance openly condemning the Khrushchevite anti-socialists beyond any extent any other Eastern Bloc leader would be willing to, and resisting Soviet-attempted imperialism into Albania and condemning their unjust invasion of Czechoslovakia.
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Комментарии • 66

  • @tironsi9414
    @tironsi9414 9 месяцев назад +9

    Rrespekt per atdhetarin dhe udheheqsin e shquar te kti kombi Enver Hoxhen , rrespekte gjigand.

  • @LetsGoGetThem
    @LetsGoGetThem 2 года назад +47

    During the Balkan War of 1912, Albania declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire but remained a feudal society plagued by pervasive poverty, blood feuds, epidemics, and widespread illiteracy. After the German Winter Offensive the communist partisans regrouped, attacked the Germans and gained control of southern Albania in April 1944. In May a congress of the National Liberation Front was held in Përmet, during which an Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation to act as Albania's provisional government was elected. Enver Hoxha became the chairman of the council's executive committee and the National Liberation Army's supreme commander. The communist partisans resisted a German Summer Offensive (May-June 1944) and defeated the last Balli Kombëtar forces in southern Albania by mid-summer 1944 encountering only scattered resistance from the Balli Kombëtar and Legality forces when they entered central and northern Albania by the end of July. On 29 November 1944 partisan forces liberated Shkodra and this is the official date of liberation of the country. A provisional government the communists which has been formed at Berat in October 1944, administered Albania with Enver Hoxha as prime minister up to the elections of December 1945, in which the Democratic Front (successor to the National Liberation Front) won 93% of the vote. Albania (aside from Greece) was the only country to liberate itself of fascism in East Europe without assistance from the Red Army.
    In face of the grinding poverty of the country Hoxha inherited in 1944, he diversified the economy through a programme of Soviet-style industrialisation, raised the standard of living, reduced the influence of divisive factors (such as regional, clan and occasionally religious loyalties) on Albanian society, defended Albania's territorial integrity and independence; and made specific improvements in areas such as health, education, and women's rights. Local people's councils developed special courses for peasants and the armed forces developed similar classes for illiterate military personnel. These compulsory programs were highly successful, raising the literacy rate from an estimated 20 percent in 1945 to more than 95 percent by the mid-1980s. In addition the Hoxha government fused elements of the Gheg and Tosk dialects to create a common language. Though previously denied education, girls were given equal access to all levels of schooling.
    Not long after his death, Sali Berisha, Albania's leading cardiologist, who had been both a communist and a candidate-member of the party’s central committee succeeded him to became the leader of the country. By the time he became Albania’s president in 1992, he saw the anti-communist banner as the wave of the future and found revenge against former communists useful in distracting the population from his own record. Berisha presided over profound economic and social "change". He adopted the International Monetary Fund’s familiar economic "shock-therapy": rapid privatisations, ending import-restrictions, abandoning price-controls, phasing out subsidies to unprofitable or even marginal businesses. The resulted was mass unemployment and - for the tens of thousands who had become dependent on government subsidies and services - even deeper poverty. Hundreds of thousands of Albanians fled abroad, which continues to this day.

    • @lirard
      @lirard 8 месяцев назад

      thank you.
      your data on the literacy needs correction. Not sure of your source. Below is correct info, although a bit extended:
      "The war against Illiteracy became one of the integral parts of the Communist Party of Albania program for national and social liberation, for the raising of the consciousness of the popular masses, and for economic and cultural progress.
      Since during the National Liberation War, another war began for doing away with the Illiteracy, in the ranks of the partisan detachments, and also among people in the liberated areas.
      Immediately after Liberation, it was presented as one of the main tasks of the new state. Its solution was made in a revolutionary way, giving it the priority in the framework of the ideological and cultural revolution - it was connected with the democratization of the educational system, inviting the wide participation not only of teachers, but also of young men and women who led the courses, and of the villagers and citizens who made room in their homes to conduct literacy lessons.
      It was done under the fighting slogans: "No illiterates in the new Albania!" and "The more bread, the more culture for the people!"
      As a major political and cultural action, the war against Illiteracy went through two main stages. In stage I (1945-1949) it relied mainly on the voluntary initiative of the working masses and mass organizations. An outstanding example was the activity of the teacher Ndrec Ndue Gjoka, Teacher of the People. lyricstranslate.com/en/kenge-mesuesin-e-popullit-ndrec-ndue-gjoka-so.html
      In stage II (1949-1955), in order to complete it in the shortest possible time, the action took on a full state character.
      Since 1945, a special directorate was created under the Ministry of Education. Courses were opened everywhere, premises and books were provided, measures were taken for the preparation and rapid qualification of the teaching staff. Facilitating conditions were created for employees participating in anti-illiteracy courses. The war campaign against the Illiteracy was developed with a great educational political work, to convince the illiterate of the need to learn, but it was also accompanied by the fight against class enemies, who went as far as criminal actions, such as the murder of Marta Tarazhi and Prenda Tarazhi.
      The Educational reform (1946), the Government's decision of February 1947 on obligating male citizens up to 50 years old and female citizens 40 years old to learn to read and write, the National Conference on this problem (October 1949), the measures taken for the expansion and massification of further education, made it possible for the Illiteracy to disappear once and for all within a period of almost 10 years (1944-1955). This was a great victory of the Party of Labor of Albania policy in this field, and an event marked in the history of education and the Albanian school."

  • @lushan1959
    @lushan1959 4 года назад +38

    Party and Albania!Enver Hoxha!

  • @GreaterAlbania1
    @GreaterAlbania1 4 года назад +112

    Enver Hoxha thank you for modernizing Albania 🇦🇱 sorry the capitalists have ruined our nation today

  • @rozamehmeti4030
    @rozamehmeti4030 3 года назад +8

    4-1-2021 Emocionate

  • @eduardsjasinskis2981
    @eduardsjasinskis2981 2 года назад +12

    Албания страна где строился подлинной социализм и уважаю энвера ходжу зато что не предал учение Ленина Сталина и зато что активно боролся с евро заразой

    • @denkapeneva2018
      @denkapeneva2018 Год назад

      You should to be Ashmamed analbania is just fake country created by austro-hungary learn history kid and real Russians doesn't like analbanians

    • @josemourinho9235
      @josemourinho9235 Год назад

      @@denkapeneva2018Hahahhahah,I know hurts a bit that Albania has history!

    • @denkapeneva2018
      @denkapeneva2018 Год назад

      @@josemourinho9235 yes from 1912-2023🤣🤣

  • @seljuk11
    @seljuk11 3 года назад +27

    Büyük insandın Enver hoca sovyetlere bile kafa tutan hakiki komünist.

    • @alesba1187
      @alesba1187 2 года назад +5

      Los revisionistas*

    • @PatrioticMan41
      @PatrioticMan41 Год назад +2

      Sovyetler Birliği ideolojiden saptığı için onlarla yolunu ayırdı. Yoksa Sovyetlere kafa tutmasının sebebi gösteriş falan değildi. Bazı tarihi örneklerde de hakiki komünist olmak için Sovyetler Birliğini savunmak lâzım ayrıca.

    • @polpot1684
      @polpot1684 Год назад

      @@alesba1187 Enver revisionist? Go away g*nzaloid freak

    • @eduardsjasinskis2981
      @eduardsjasinskis2981 7 месяцев назад +1

      Да сегодня такого человека не хватает который способен бросить вызов сильным мира сего

  • @enthusiastisch1922
    @enthusiastisch1922 3 года назад +4

    Just to add the description, Enver Hoxha hated the Soviet Union as much as Yugoslavia.

    • @MFTQ
      @MFTQ 3 года назад +26

      That's a dishonest framing of things. Enver hated the Khruschevite revisionist USSR. He was perfectly fine with Comrade Stalin's USSR.

    • @kholeka8475
      @kholeka8475 2 года назад

      @@MFTQ He wasnt just "ok" with Stalin, he f*cking loved him!
      and he hated Yugoslavia more than revisionist USSR.

  • @Flandre-Wallonie
    @Flandre-Wallonie 4 года назад +3

    Wow 😲

  • @osumiosumi3624
    @osumiosumi3624 3 года назад +18

    💖💖💖Burre i madh i kombit 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

  • @historycam9880
    @historycam9880 3 года назад +35

    Glory to the First Secretary of the People's Socialist Republic Of Albania Enver Hoxha. Without him, Albania would not be where he is today. It would be annexed by it's neighbors. Many people do not understand what Comrade Hoxha actually did for Albania, and they are too quick to only realize the bad things. First, the death count by his regime is much lower then the real truth because many people that say they ''suffered'' under his rule, lie this to get fame or publicity and with that comes money, and it's a very unfortunate truth and the death rate is not even that high, he only killed the spies the West or the U.S.S.R sent to kill him and disrupt the nation, plus A small nation like Albania could never kill as many as huge nations like U.S or USSR or China have and kill to this day. Second, Albania before Enver was at a extremely poor and degraded state because of WW2 and 500 years of Turkish Rule that got the nation really backward, since Albania in the 13th century was really advanced with many universities and schools but it all got disrupted by the Turkish Occupation and the Turks did not let the Albanians learn their language freely, thus leading to many of the Albanian population being illiterate. Prior to Enver, Albania barely had any doctors and the illiteracy rate was at 90 percent, homes were not electrified and crime and corruption by the monarchy was very widespread. Albania had been one of the most, if not the most, patriarchal countries in Europe. When Enver took control, and these are facts by the way, the nation trained it's own doctors, got a strong and stable military running, became the first nation in the WORLD that was FULLY electrified in 1970, became fully literate, people had free healthcare and no one paid a single cent for that or school, people were guaranteed a job because if not, the state would even help you find one and made women truly equal to men and the Politburo and the People's Congress was run by many females and he even made a whole Congress for Women's meetings and made Albania a richer state then it was and made sure to combat inequality. And also, keep in mind all of these achievements happened even though Albania was frequently sent many spies from many nations to kill and destroy the regime, the cruel embargos set by the Western nations, the billions of dollars of cash pumped by the Big powers to install a new regime that would benefit THEM, and being closed off to the world for this exact reason, and Still was able to achieve these things and many more. Just imagine what he could achieve if he was more open to the world and if the West did not take brutal actions against him. Now of course, every single politician and ruler in the world has and always will never be perfect, and with this I just want to simply conclude that while he did some things he could have done better differently such as the closing up with the world which was the main thing that killed off the stability and the nation, he did many great things which many people tend to forget and overlook at.

    • @Based-1962
      @Based-1962 2 года назад

      А то что благодаря Сталину Ходжа ко власти пришёл не смущает?
      А 300 тысяч бункеров?

    • @stratospheric37
      @stratospheric37 Год назад +1

      Great comment! Summarized my thoughts about him very well.

    • @eduardsjasinskis2981
      @eduardsjasinskis2981 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@Based-1962Энвер пришёл к власти без помощи Сталина скорее даже при помощи Тито который имел на Албанию свои виды Ходжа единственный который освободил страну своими силами Но а бункера он строил для защиты страны учитывая местность Албании а почему он строил товарищ из своей страны всё прекрасно обьяснил

    • @Based-1962
      @Based-1962 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@eduardsjasinskis2981 ну, почти, Сталин всё же помог

    • @eduardsjasinskis2981
      @eduardsjasinskis2981 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Based-1962 Энвер пришёл к власти без помощи Сталина так как пользовался огромным авторитетом у народа Сталин действительно оказал помощь Албании за которую Ходжа был благодарен до конца своей жизни

  • @rozamehmeti4030
    @rozamehmeti4030 3 года назад +4

    25-10-2020 ⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤

  • @danielhuber5713
    @danielhuber5713 3 года назад +8

    English translation of the second verse is completely incorrect

    • @Moojingles_
      @Moojingles_ 3 года назад

      What's it meant to be?

    • @danielhuber5713
      @danielhuber5713 3 года назад +1

      @@Moojingles_ Sadly I don't speak Albanian well enough to translate it myself, but I know the lyrics of the 2nd verse are not what the subtitles are saying. I was hoping someone else might be able to provide a correct translation.

    • @enverhoxhaisbased4856
      @enverhoxhaisbased4856 3 года назад

      @@lirard This is another version of the song

    • @user-ff8ur1bf9m
      @user-ff8ur1bf9m 2 года назад

      @@lirard What do you think about Enver Hoxha

  • @luxann292
    @luxann292 Год назад +4

    Albianian has the most interesting history in the world.

  • @JS-cu5fq
    @JS-cu5fq 4 года назад +16

    What's that building at 0:37?

  • @igorquerubin5846
    @igorquerubin5846 6 месяцев назад

    O grande camarada Enver Hoxha nunca terá seu legado esquecido! Viva o marxismo-leninismo. *☭*

  • @IS-ke3ck
    @IS-ke3ck 3 года назад +3


  • @Moojingles_
    @Moojingles_ 3 года назад +6

    What you've put in the description seems too good to be true.... Where there any bad things that happened during his time in power (things like Stalin had Gulags)?

    • @kanyegaming5296
      @kanyegaming5296 3 года назад +4

      around 250k people were imprisoned for political reasons

    • @enverhoxhaisbased4856
      @enverhoxhaisbased4856 3 года назад +23

      @@kanyegaming5296 American Wars have caused more victims but all people say nothing negative about USA in this sense

    • @LuizAlexPhoenix
      @LuizAlexPhoenix 3 года назад +16

      If you are looking for a perfect society, you are looking into the wrong ideology. You shall only find realists in those that follow materialist dialectics, those that expect their model to be perfect are those either incapable of comprehending that they are limited by their own material conditions or too cowardly and egotistical to act without the perfect conditions which they dreamed up of.

    • @thechekist2044
      @thechekist2044 3 года назад +6

      Kid you're like 12 why are you even here.

    • @zurdddtk3025
      @zurdddtk3025 3 года назад +6

      What's wrong with gulags?

  • @muverrih-imaderzad3478
    @muverrih-imaderzad3478 4 года назад

    Long live the Ottoman spirit!

    • @daglar2991
      @daglar2991 4 года назад +13

      Ne osmanlısı yav

    • @muverrih-imaderzad3478
      @muverrih-imaderzad3478 4 года назад +1

      @@daglar2991 Arnavutluk=Osmanlı. Kardeşliğimizi bozan tüm milliyetçilikler mahzurludur, tıpkı Enver Hoca'nınki gibi.

    • @GreaterAlbania1
      @GreaterAlbania1 4 года назад +2

      Ufuk Yılmaz fuck the Ottoman Empire

    • @historycam9880
      @historycam9880 3 года назад +13

      Vdekje Turqise

    • @Arbeniot
      @Arbeniot Год назад +2

      @@historycam9880 vdekje Turqise👏🏼

  • @user-kr3vi3cq8e
    @user-kr3vi3cq8e 7 месяцев назад

    Enver gerneta, daulle e verteta