Ben 23's names are extremely basic for in his universe he is popular person who merchandised his aliens so he would have given them simple names. Maybe they be names his son would give his aliens.
For toepick I saw someone rename him to 'Knightmare'. A fusion between a knight (I think because of his helmet) and nightmare (His hideous face would leave his opponents to have nightmares).
Nah, I think Max would use their species (Tetramand, Kinceleran, etc) name which might be weird if he's talking to a member of said species, but at least it is better than the original Ben 10K not naming anyone.
I think the current names of the aliens sound silly because i mean... someone as goofy as ben came up with them, so hearing these names feel alot more creative but they kinda feel names for pokemon 😂
There is technically one alien you missed: Eon. In the live action Ben 10 movie Race Against Time, the version of Ben featured gets forcibly transformed into a Cronian, who Eon then body-snatches. There is no established name for this transformation as this film is not in the Prime timeline, so most just call it Eon to match the villain who created it.
Really like some of these, Subwolfer and Blizard are genius, seen an alternate name for crashhopper from someone else who I can't remember unfortunately, but I love it, which was "Crickochet" (Cricket+Ricochet). I also came up with Terrorsoar for Astrodactyl (Terror+Soar coming together to form a play on Pterasaur)
I renamed aliens once and I remember renaming grey matter to “inkling” I like it because an inkling refers to a hint that can evolve into a great idea, wand the suffix “ling/ing” denotes small size.
Check out these names I got Echo echo: White noise 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 or amplify (amp + multiply) Big chill: Frost bite 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Jetray: Aero fire 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Four arms: Quad nod 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 (Quad meaning four amd nod meaning like to hit)
I do like a good number of these names & I have thought of what I would call them which funny I too chose Jellyjolt, but here are a few others: - Brainstorm = Wattson (wattage & “Elementary my dear Watson”) - Clockwork = Timezone - Terraspin = Mach Turtle (mach speed & a play on Mock Turtle) - Upgrade = Highjack - Ditto = Multitask - Lodestar = Magnetix - Atomix = Radiance (radioactive is referenced) - Diamondhead = Emeraldbane (emerald vein + bane) - Gravattack = Orebit (ore + orbit) - Cannon bolt = Roller Derby
• In Albania Heatblast is called "Skëterra" which literally translates to "Inferno" i think that is preety cool Wildmutt is called "Qeni Memec" which is translated to "Mute Dog" so... not everything is an upgrade is it? Diamondhead is "Kokëdiamanti" or "Diamati" so depending on episode he is "Diamondhead" or literally just "Diamond" Xlr8 is just "Xlr8" • Fourarms is called "Dy herë dy" which translates to 2×2 (• I really like)
Heatblast-volcafire volcano+fire Wildmutt-beastniff beast+sniff Diamondhead-crystice crystal+ice Xlr8-fastirage fast+mirage Greymatter-i.a.s.s i am super smart Fourarms-six limbs he has 4 arms +his two legs which makes 6 limbs Stink fly-smella'fly Ripjaws-jawer Upgrade-levauper leval+upper Ghost freak-dreader dead+dread
some of these are hit or miss, not that i could do any better. but for cannonbolt for example: wreckingbolt would be perfect despite it already being a name for kevins alien.
Here is some of the names I thought off. Heatblast = Pyroflare XLR8 = VelocR8 (a play on velocity and the first words of 'veloc' in velociraptor) Frankenstein = Thunderstein Feedback = sparkplug Astrodactly = Flighterdactyl (Flighter meaning both flight and fighter as in fighter jet) Upgrade = Update Jury rigg = Gremrigg (a play on the word gremlin and rigg) Cannonbolt = crashout or rollout Wildvine = Vinetrap (venus flytrap anyone?) Wildmutt = Wildhunt Chromstone = Prismglow Nanomech = Nanobyte Big Chill = Frigid Alien X = CreaXtion The worst = indestructiwart (play on indestructible and wart) Gravattack = Orbito NRG = RedORV (play on radioactive) Ripjaws = Anglerbite (anglerfish and bite) Humongousaur = Gigantisaur Brainstorm = shellcerebrem Toepick = Cageing horror Echo echo = Echolicate (Echo and duplicate) Goop = Goo Gutrot = Chemigut
i hope you dont find this offensive But a lot of them just sound a little too dorky for how they look. like dyglypt, pterotwinkle and jellyjolt for armordrillo, astrodactyl and amphibian timeticker, zaplug, flibbert, and torbit just dont fit the awesomeness of clockwork, feedback, bullfrag and gravattack. then alchemist sounds too magestic for someone like gutrot then names like slippereel, plasmadung are too cool for a weak alien like walkatrout and a more underrated alien like ball weavile. but i think bravian and nictech work well.
wow the ferro fluid was cursed. also good names but in alot i noticed yea ben 10 actually had good names. also time ticker is much better than clockwork they should time travel to change it.same with frightmare.
If Ben's aliens were named by Pokémon localizers instead of a 10-year-old
I like that
These names feel more like the blue Omnitrix Ben from Omniverse would make...
Ben 23
No, his names are so garbadge
Specifically when they were still decent
Ben 23's names are extremely basic for in his universe he is popular person who merchandised his aliens so he would have given them simple names.
Maybe they be names his son would give his aliens.
Except these are actually good
New names: pokemon names
Original names: alien slurs
My main man Ben thought he had the passes upon getting his fresh clock
For toepick I saw someone rename him to 'Knightmare'. A fusion between a knight (I think because of his helmet) and nightmare (His hideous face would leave his opponents to have nightmares).
I would of picked Frightmare.
@@whitefox7776same with both
Imagine upgrade being renamed to up'date'
I feel like these are what Max would name his aliens if he got the Omnitrix.
Nah, I think Max would use their species (Tetramand, Kinceleran, etc) name which might be weird if he's talking to a member of said species, but at least it is better than the original Ben 10K not naming anyone.
The fact that he made new names for the reboot aliens just makes me feel happier
But what about Bashmouth?😢
@@reddan75 GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!
I would call big chill polargeist
That's also a geometry dash level
I prefer Chiller Moth
Glaciale is cool
Hailraiser for me. Either that or Cold Case.
@@infinityalbi9840 bro nice 👌
Here in Italy:
- Heatblast is called Inferno;
- Four arms is called 2×2;
- Ghostfreak is called Pelle d'Oca, which literraly means "goose bumps".
Heatblast is also called inferno in french
I'm adding to this thread - Heatblast is named "Inferno" in polish as well.
Absolutely appreciate that you just jumped right into it. No long overblown intro. Just, "let's do this"
These are really creative i wish i had your naming skills lol i thing ghost bite is a good name for big chill (frost bite +ghost)
Since Four arms is about the number 4, I think quarterback is a good name
What about quad punch.
Cool Names! Definitely giving off Pokemon vibes
yeah the Pokemon naming conventions was what I was going off of
U sure punchamp wasn’t a reference to machamp either ?
machamp is also a play on the world macho which means overly masculine in spanish and champion,so machamp also plays off the word champ so..
I think the current names of the aliens sound silly because i mean... someone as goofy as ben came up with them, so hearing these names feel alot more creative but they kinda feel names for pokemon 😂
There is technically one alien you missed: Eon. In the live action Ben 10 movie Race Against Time, the version of Ben featured gets forcibly transformed into a Cronian, who Eon then body-snatches. There is no established name for this transformation as this film is not in the Prime timeline, so most just call it Eon to match the villain who created it.
Why not call him Chronicle or Chronos
This, combined with The alien’s Pokèmon types, is straight UP Pokèmon fr
Wildmutt: Blindog
XLR8: Dinogati
Wildvine: Plantacle
Waybig: Giant Guy
Snare Oh: Bandage Man
Frankenstrike: Lightning Zombie
Upchuck: Eatoad
Brainstorm: Intellicrab
Spider Monkey: Four Arms 2.0
Rath: Tiggressive
Nanomech: Tiny Helicopter
Ampfibian: Jellectric
Clockwork: Time 2 Stop
Feedback: Benelectric
Crash Hopper: Mantijump
Gax: 10 2 Cool (Tentocool)
Slapback: Strength Cloner
argross for eyeguy. it's a combination of 'gross' because of his aberrant appearance. and 'argus' who's a figure in greek mythology with 100 eyes
The names I’ve thought of are
Heatblast: Sunburn
Wild mutt: DK9 (decay+canine)
Diamond head: Sharp Tank (shark tank)
XLR8: Blurraptor (blue+blur+raptor)
Stinkfly: Fly Booger (fly+eye booger)
Upgrade: Feral Fluid (feral+ferrofluid)
Four Arms: Quadred
Grey Matter: Ladpole (lad+tadpole)
Rip Jaws: Neptooth (neptune+tooth)
Ghostfreak: Jumpscare
Cannonbolt: Roly-Bowly (roly poly+bowling)
Wildvine: Overgrowth
Buzz Shock: Zip Zap
Snare-oh: Stale Mate
Blitzwolfer: Carnivour (carnivore+devour)
Frankenstrike: voltear (volt+tear(rip))
Spitter: Loogiguana (loogie+iguana)
Arcticquana: B-Lizard (like blizzard)
Way Big: Catastrosus (catastrophic+colossus)
Really like some of these, Subwolfer and Blizard are genius, seen an alternate name for crashhopper from someone else who I can't remember unfortunately, but I love it, which was "Crickochet" (Cricket+Ricochet). I also came up with Terrorsoar for Astrodactyl (Terror+Soar coming together to form a play on Pterasaur)
U gave em the types, u gave em the names, now All u gotta do is turn em into pokemon designs themselves
To be honest I would rename Fasstrack to Fastline (mixing Fast and feline cause people compare Fasttrack to a cat)
As a kid I always thought Feedback was a better name for Upchuck but then Ben actually got an alien called Feedback
Why do I feel like most of these names sound like Pokémon?Am I the only one who thinks this!? Seriously a lot of them sound like pokemon names!
Crashcourse 🗣🔥🔥🔥
nice pfp ghost
I renamed aliens once and I remember renaming grey matter to “inkling”
I like it because an inkling refers to a hint that can evolve into a great idea, wand the suffix “ling/ing” denotes small size.
Love this video but I would change walkatrout name to tunaslip
Cool vid bro 🎉
The band “ Static x / reverse ( Static Shock )
My names:
Wildmutt: Sniff Dogg (reference to Snoop Dogg)
NRG: Cell Serious (sounds like Celsius)
Buzzshock: Electrickery
Arcticguana: Coldblood (Because lizards are cold blooded)
Blitzwolfer: Soundhound
Cannonbolt: Pangowler (Pangolin + Bowler)
Ditto: Crowdsurf
Echo Echo: Rear Accord (Rear accord = agreement to watch each other's backs, also sounds like Rerecord)
Eye Guy: Visionnaire (Vision + Legionnaire)
Fourarms: Quadrupummel (Quadruple + Pummel)
Heatblast: Hotshot
Ripjaws: Rootin' Tooth (Rootin' Tootin' + Rotten Tooth)
Snare-oh: Bandamage (Bandage + Damage)
Upchuck: All Swallow (No chew, All Swallow)
Way Big: Big Ben
alien x: democrazy
Big Chill: Hypothermoth (Hypothermia + Moth)
Brainstorm: Aristocrust (Aristocrat + Crustacean)
Chromastone: Power Metal
Goop: Stratagel (Stratagem + Gel)
Humongosaur: Expandapod (Expanding + Theropod)
Rath: Unwrest (Civil Unrest + Wrestling)
Spidermonkey: Webape (Webpage + Ape (We thought of the same idea lol))
Swampfire: Hi-Octhane (High Octane + Methane)
Armodrillo: Jackham (Jackhammer)
Clockwork: Continyoom (Continuum + Nyoom (the sound that a speeding racecar makes when it passes you because Clockwork can slow time)
Fasttrack: Strollympian (Stroll + Olympian)
Juryrigg: Factoni (Factory + Oni)
Shocksquatch: BigVolt
Water Hazard: Crying Hood (Red Riding Hood + Crying (water excretion))
Astrodactyl: Ypterror (Pterodactyl + Terror (I just thought the Y sounds cool)
Atomix: Heroshimmer (Hiroshima + Hero + Shimmer)
Bloxx: Piecewalker (THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD)
Feedback: In-N-Outlet
Gutrot: Heisenblergh
Pesky Dust: Sleeper Agent
Toepick: Freakshow
Whampire: Smack-bat (Smackbang + Bat)
Gax: Navy Bones (Davy Jones + Navy + Bones)
Kevin named his heatblast hotshot
Nice job naming the aliens,dude. I kinda wish the creators made ben 23 name his aliens all these names.😊😊😊
Tbh If I was Ben I would name my aliens after song/bands and albums
Nice names
Feature weight
Hi Dwight
@@bobbyahmad5197 What up
@@dwightnorton3398 how you been bro
@@bobbyahmad5197 Good man
@@dwightnorton3398 I’m glad bud
Check out these names I got
Echo echo: White noise 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 or amplify (amp + multiply)
Big chill: Frost bite 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
Jetray: Aero fire 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
Four arms: Quad nod 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 (Quad meaning four amd nod meaning like to hit)
I still prefer the original ones but those are good names
Even toepick
Most of this are better than than the names Ben 23 comes up with.
4:25 I thought you said Diglett.
i have water hazard as sea shell and armadrillo as gold digger
also feedback could be spark plug and bloxx as legorilla
I do like a good number of these names & I have thought of what I would call them which funny I too chose Jellyjolt, but here are a few others:
- Brainstorm = Wattson (wattage & “Elementary my dear Watson”)
- Clockwork = Timezone
- Terraspin = Mach Turtle (mach speed & a play on Mock Turtle)
- Upgrade = Highjack
- Ditto = Multitask
- Lodestar = Magnetix
- Atomix = Radiance (radioactive is referenced)
- Diamondhead = Emeraldbane (emerald vein + bane)
- Gravattack = Orebit (ore + orbit)
- Cannon bolt = Roller Derby
• In Albania Heatblast is called "Skëterra" which literally translates to "Inferno" i think that is preety cool
Wildmutt is called "Qeni Memec" which is translated to "Mute Dog" so... not everything is an upgrade is it?
Diamondhead is "Kokëdiamanti" or "Diamati" so depending on episode he is "Diamondhead" or literally just "Diamond"
Xlr8 is just "Xlr8"
• Fourarms is called "Dy herë dy" which translates to 2×2
(• I really like)
I once renamed all of them for fun so here we go.
Heatblast: Skullfire / Magma
Wildmutt: Tracker / Maul / Lonewolf
Diamondhead: Rockslide
XLR8: Velocirator / SK8-R
Fourarms: Quartersmack / Armageddon
Stinkfly: Stinger
Ripjaws: Merman - Mr Eyeball man
Upgrade: XEQT / Terrorbyte
Greymatter: Grey Cell
Ghostfreak: Spooktre (jinx!)
Cannonbolt: Hardcase / Rollout
Wildvine: Thornstrike
Buzzshock: Powercut / Milivolt
Spitter: Gutstrike / Gutblast / Upchuck
Arcticguana: Coldblood
Upchuck: Spit Take / Spitter (upchuck spits and spitter upchucks, IT MAKES SENSE)
Benwolf: Scowl
Snareoh: Pharaoh Nuff
Frankenstrike: Thundervolt
Ditto: Dupe
Eyeguy: Blindside
Waybig: Stormbuster
Feedback: Livewire
Swampfire: Choloroblast
Echo Echo: Beat
Humungosaur: Megasaurus Wrecks
Jetray: Lightshock
Big Chill: Polterg-Iced
Chromastone: Ultraviolent
Brainstorm: Headcrab
Spidermonkey: Webtail / Slingshot
Goop: Slimeball
Alien X: Godmode
Nanomech: Microbe
Rath: Rath
Lodestar: Magnetude
Ultimate Humungousaur: Rampage
Ultimate Swampfire: Napalm
Ultimate Spidermonkey: Gorilla Warfare
Ultimate Cannonbolt: Blueball
Ultimate Big Chill: Freezer Burn
Ultimate Echo Echo: Bassdrop
Ultimate Wildmutt: Bloodhound
Ultimate Waybig: Maelstrom
Ultimate Greymatter: Insaniac
Waterhazard: Shellshock / Hydrohands
Terraspin: Airpod
NRG: Nuke
Armodrillo: Jackhammer
AmpFibian: Jellyfizz
Fasttrack: Speedslip
Chamalien: Invisilizard
Clockwork: Chromos / Timeout / Speedbreak
Eatle: Smash Mouth / Nom / Bite N Blast
Juryrigg: Gizmo
Bloxx: LEGOrilla
Shocksquatch: Buzzkill
Gravattack: Zero-G
Crashhopper: Jumpstart
Ball Weevil: “This f***ing thing” / A mistransformation / WHY
Walkatrout: Slipstream / Slipkipper
Pesky Dust: Bedbug
Molestache: Weapon Stache / Secret Stache
The Worst: Blubber
Kickin Hawk: Eagle Knievel
Astrodactyl: Terrahawk
Toepick: Grossout
Bullfrag: Toadtrooper / Frogmarch
Atomix: Nuku / Flare / Flashbang
Gutrot: Stinkbomb
Whampire: Transylmaniac
Heatblast-volcafire volcano+fire
Wildmutt-beastniff beast+sniff
Diamondhead-crystice crystal+ice
Xlr8-fastirage fast+mirage
Greymatter-i.a.s.s i am super smart
Fourarms-six limbs he has 4 arms +his two legs which makes 6 limbs
Stink fly-smella'fly
Upgrade-levauper leval+upper
Ghost freak-dreader dead+dread
nice new names bro and nice that u actually used the absolute zero you used in the og but then y[u gpt me
Screw it, let me try some of these:
Heatblast: Infermantle (Inferno + Mantle [bc he looks like he's made of magma])
Wildmutt: Trackshund (Track + Dachshund)
Diamondhead: Carblitz (Carbon [what diamonds are made of] + Blitz [because it can attack in many different ways])
XLR8: Velociracer (Velocity + Velociraptor + Racer)
Fourarms: Broadruple (Broad [because big and muscular] + Quadruple [because four arms])
Stinkfly: Bugscum (Bug + Scum)
Grey Matter: Newtron (Newt + Isaac Newton [because smart] + Neutron [because small])
Ripjaws: Fangler (Fang + Anglerfish)
Upgrade: Teramorphous (Terabyte + Amorphous)
Ghostfreak: Phantase (Phantom + Phase)
Cannonbolt: Spinstrikel (Strike [bowling] + Spin Cycle)
Wildvine: Terroot (Terror [because he ambushes, which is scary] + Root)
Blitzwolfer: Howlume (Howl + Volume)
Snare-Oh: I got nothing, Snare-Oh is the only name that truly fits this guy.
Frankenstrike: Viconductor (Victor [you know the guy] + Conductor [because his coils conduct electricity)
Upchuck: Conspewme (Consume + Spew [get it? It's what he does])
Ditto: Copeel (Copy + Peel [because his clones peel out from the original])
Eye Guy: Corneacopia (Cornea [eye part] + Cornucopia [because the eyes have a bunch of different powers])
Artiguana: Avalander (Avalanche + Salamander)
Buzzshock: Manywatt (Many [Nosedeenians can clone too] + Megawatt)
Waybig: Blastitan (Blast + Titan)
Spitter: Who cares, he's barely canon
Swampfire: Heatmoss (Heat + Peat Moss)
Echo Echo: Screamultiply (Scream + Multiply)
Humongosaur: Tyrannexpand (Tyrannosaurus + Expand [because he grow])
Spidermonkey: Would said Arachnichimp, but Ben 23 beat me to it, so I got nothing.
Big Chill: Mothundra (Moth + Tundra)
Jetray: Zoomanta (Zoom + Manta Ray)
Chromastone: Imprism (Imprison [because trapping energy] + Prism [because reflecting energy as light attacks])
Brainstorm: Geniustacean (Genius + Crustaceans)
Goop: Lugeeforce (Loogie [cause he a boogerman] + G-force [because gravity stabilizer])
Alien X: X-Machina (X + Deus Ex Machina [because that's what he is])
Lodestar: Omegnet (Omega + Magnet)
Rath: Felivid (Feline + Livid)
Nanomech: Microsquito (Microscopic + Mosquito)
Waterhazard: Crayser (Crayfish + Geyser)
Armodrillo: I once again have nothing that works like Armodrillo does.
Ampfibian: FuseBox (Fuse box, but also Box Jellyfish)
NRG: Pulczar (Pulsar [uncontrollable radioactive star] + Czar [because Russian accent])
Terraspin: Tortaero (Tortoise + Aerodynamic)
Jury Rigg: Quick Fix (because he does that)
Chamalien: Scamouflage (Scam + Camouflage)
Eatle: Chompeetle (Chomp + Beetle)
Fasttrack: Blue Shift (because super fast things look blue fsr)
Clockwork: Rewindup (Rewind + Wind-Up)
Shocksquatch: Yetilectric (Yeti + Electric)
Feedback: Exircuit (Exert + Circuit)
Gravattack: Lmao idk
Blox: (even tho it would never happen bc copyright) Legolem (Lego + Golem)
Crashhopper: Bouncsect (Bounce + Insect)
The Worst: Stank (this alien stinks, but it's also very durable, like a tank)
Walkatrout: Sardander (Sardine + Wander)
Pesky Dust: Spritemare (Sprite + Nightmare)
Ball Weevil: Orbombard (Orb + Bombardier Beetle)
Molestache: Rodentleman (Rodent + Gentleman)
Bullfrag: Insert new "I got nothing" quip here
Gutrot: Smogastro (Smog + Gastrointestinal)
Astrodactyl: Pterostar (Pterosaur + Star)
Toepick: Barriscarri (Barricade + very scary)
Kickinhawk: Laturducken (Lateral Muscles + Turducken)
Atomix: Reactroid (Reactor + Android)
Whampire: Imposferatu (Impose [because mind control] + Nosferatu)
Reboot aliens: Don't care.
Nice 👍
Another alternate name for Lodestar I thought up a while back is POLORD (polar+lord)
The four horsemen is a cool name for jury rigg
some of these are hit or miss, not that i could do any better. but for cannonbolt for example: wreckingbolt would be perfect despite it already being a name for kevins alien.
I always thought Plug Source was a good name for Feedback
I would call ball weevil “Spit ball”
That Benwolf name is so much better
These names are cool
My favs are:
Cerebuzz (its hard to beat brainstorm but this is pretty good)
X-Cell (most names are better than alien x tbh)
Water Hazard is actually apparently based on a mollusk not a crustacean. Well according to the Ben 10 wiki
Here is some of the names I thought off.
Heatblast = Pyroflare
XLR8 = VelocR8 (a play on velocity and the first words of 'veloc' in velociraptor)
Frankenstein = Thunderstein
Feedback = sparkplug
Astrodactly = Flighterdactyl (Flighter meaning both flight and fighter as in fighter jet)
Upgrade = Update
Jury rigg = Gremrigg (a play on the word gremlin and rigg)
Cannonbolt = crashout or rollout
Wildvine = Vinetrap (venus flytrap anyone?)
Wildmutt = Wildhunt
Chromstone = Prismglow
Nanomech = Nanobyte
Big Chill = Frigid
Alien X = CreaXtion
The worst = indestructiwart (play on indestructible and wart)
Gravattack = Orbito
NRG = RedORV (play on radioactive)
Ripjaws = Anglerbite (anglerfish and bite)
Humongousaur = Gigantisaur
Brainstorm = shellcerebrem
Toepick = Cageing horror
Echo echo = Echolicate (Echo and duplicate)
Goop = Goo
Gutrot = Chemigut
Benwolf/Blitzwolfer = Houndwave
Benviktor/Frankenstrike = Frightning/ Frightning Strike
Arctiguana = B'Lizzard
Astrodactyl = Terrorsoar
Whampire = Xenoctis/Spectracula
Why do I low key like a few of these more
i hope you dont find this offensive
But a lot of them just sound a little too dorky for how they look.
like dyglypt, pterotwinkle and jellyjolt for armordrillo, astrodactyl and amphibian
timeticker, zaplug, flibbert, and torbit just dont fit the awesomeness of clockwork, feedback, bullfrag and gravattack.
then alchemist sounds too magestic for someone like gutrot
then names like slippereel, plasmadung are too cool for a weak alien like walkatrout and a more underrated alien like ball weavile.
but i think bravian and nictech work well.
My Idea for a Vilgax-Alien was Tentakill and Doomhowler instead of Blitzwolfer
Names are cool bit Ben isn't as smart to name them like that.
You knew what were you doing with "Upquake"
wow the ferro fluid was cursed. also good names but in alot i noticed yea ben 10 actually had good names. also time ticker is much better than clockwork they should time travel to change it.same with frightmare.
I like clock work because i have heard it so so many times but wtf does clock work mean 😂😂
@@eyadikramy7674 well ig the clock isnt broken and works
@@yousufkhurram9585 I imagine a Neanderthal Ben naming all his alien the same way like ”legs fast ” “fire hot ”😂😂😂
@@eyadikramy7674 yea lol
You don’t need to rename mole-stash his name is perfect!
For wildvine i made nature danger and for wildmutt i made scratch And dash or u can swap the scratch and dash
I would’ve named
fourarms qaudriceps,
Humongousaur to Rex-L
And worst to something like indestructiblob
But gnawtilus is awesome
I made two new names for rath and gax,which are ragetiger and inderstructapus.
5:32 a watt is a measure of power not electricity
I would name eyeguy to bateye.
Actually looking at what you said whilst talking about Walkatrouts name I'll take back those two other comments i wrote
you should renamed echo echo, Ear splitter.
My names would be
bro forgot ghostfreak i think but thougt of a name phantom flair
4:23 that’s a just Pokémon name
Arctiguana is better name than absolute zero, sorry dude ben 23 version of Arctiguana is called Blizard
every time he says something is cool in the video