@@Jennifer-h5f I’ll never feel sorry for a Democrat who thinks they are on the right side of history.. I’ve never heard more racist things in my life than what comes from that party. “Who’s going to pick the fields”
And the level of selfishness when someone actually publicly declares regret because they can't work from home anymore, while others are being rounded up like cattle..
@@ak5659To my understanding, it means they take delight in Liberals getting angry and protesting about Republican legislation that harms people, even if it harms them as well.
“Both sides” rhetoric is dominantly used to assuage the conscience of people who know they are voting based upon self-interest and feel some amount of guilt over it. I didn’t see Libs “both sides”ing on their way to vote for Harris. It’s a deflection of guilt. I absolutely know Dems do bad stuff and suck. But at no point was it ever an option to vote tRump because of the moral and policy imbalance
I spent decades not caring about politics. It wasn't until Trump ran and I listened to him speak 1 time. I knew he was a POS. I started listening to him more and it was obvious he projected his faults. When he claimed he turned the economy around I knew from following the markets for decades that happened in Obama's first year.
Even though he was mentioned over 300 times in Proyect 2025, they believed him when he denied knowing anything about it. Because, you know, he has never lied.
My Canadian cousin, who has been living and working in the US for 10 years and a hardcore MAGA. The family cut all contact off with him and his racist, homophobic and transphobic, Trump voting wife. His sister called tonight to warn me his is ass is being deported back to Canada and his American wife can’t come back with him. He’s making his rounds with family expecting us to let him move in with one of us for the next four years until he believes he can go back to the US. So far no one is helping. I immediately blocked him on my phone and from emailing me. Leopards eating faces.
Don't feel bad, sounds like he wouldn't be there for any of the family, should the roles be reversed. I fully believe that someone still supporting Trump after everything he's done, is a person who really needs to learn life lessons the hard way.
@@kda61 oh, believe me. I do not feel bad at all. None of us do. He is a horrible human being and we are all ashamed he was ever a part of our family. He wants Canada to be annexed. Even his own parents will not answer his calls. He made his bed and now he can lay in it. This is his and his wife’s FAFO moment.
@@kda61nope. Not feeling bad for him or his wife. He was always a horrible person and cheered at the idea of Canada being annexed. Even his parents won’t answer his calls and texts. He and his wife are getting exactly what they wanted and what his wife wanted.
Yep. I live in Utah. They have been a right to work state forever and always vote against their own best interests. Not only that the predominant church tells them how to vote. They are in a cult. So cult like behavior is not uncommon in Utah.
That's what I'm trying to warn dems about. When you have rel*gion l*ing to you, telling you if you vote for anyone other than republicans then you are going to h*:l or that bad things will happen, people will never learn their lessons and they will still vote for republicans. And when they l*e& say that's just how things go I guess; what they are actually saying is that I have to vote for terrible things to happen in order to appease my re*igion or to score some fake easy heaven points.
@@PolarBearPredator Joseph Smith has been written out of Mormon history. Now it's all about the slave trader Brigham Young and the Latter Day cult leaders.
The Onion have lost it. Their articles becomes more and more real every passing day. Not because their articles are bad, but because reality becomes more and more satirical.
My college educated brother repeated all those lies mega tell, including the life that Trump knew nothing about project 2025. I am 100% sure my brother actually knew what was going on, but needed an excuse for his actions and poor decisions.
Yes, he did, over and over and over and over and over. You can't make this sh up. I fully believe that the reason why everyone is seemingly so stupid as of the past 10 years is 100% because of the internet and all forms of social media. Yes, Trump is also to blame, but he is NOT the reason why he was elected in the first place. Lack of education and ignorance was the reason he was elected.
Unfortunately there aren’t enough regrets. For me the last straw was the insurrection and the fact that Trump is a racist. And now we have Musk an unelected official running the country.
I'm just a couple of years younger than you, Tom, and I've never seen the regret so fast, either. The regret came literally *days* after the election when the searches from "red states" for "how do I change my vote" skyrocketed. They couldn't figure out beforehand they were being had by a lifelong conniving p.o.s.? FOH! Nah, they just thought the only people that were going to get it were brown and then black people, and the convict was going to leave their welfare untouched. They found out *real* quick everyone was fair game to the regime.
He broke the air traffic controllers union, Reagan is why we are here Tom. His administration belief in the unitary executive explains everything. History is not just a word.
Reagan like trump let loads of people get sick and be unalived, because they contracted HIV & unalived because of AIDS and he sat on his hands. He didn’t get scientists on it, because he thought of it as a gay disease. Reagan let it run rampant. In my country they had award winning ad campaigns, one had a heterosexual couple under a sheet on a bed, then as the camera panned out, it showed other beds with every one each of them had slept with and it went on forever. They were very effective here,plus lots of money was spent getting the safe sex message out there.
Yeah, Reagan was for using *his* union, and no others. And he specifically used his union to go after other unions, and ran essentially a purge of so-called "communists" out of his union. Reagan was just as anti-union as every other GOP member, he just was more hypocritical is all. The letters he wrote about his own union aren't even like, super positive about it...or rather, once he got wealthy suddenly they stopped being as positive. Pretty "neat" to track his thoughts on this out of his own mouth and his own pen.
"give it time". "He'll do better, this is just the start". These people... will eventually be hurt by him and they're starting to see what we told them all along.
So it has to affect them personally. Got it. Zero empathy. If you are still wondering why they 'want them back in the office' - it's because there aren't thousands of people sitting in traffic and logjams on freeways burning gasoline. The Drill Baby Drill people are losing money.
Also, the businesses that are set up around office buildings (especially here in DC) were angry because 90% of their income is from office workers who were no longer there. It affected parking garages, too (again, I can only speak for those in DC). No matter what, it always boils down to rich people wanting to be richer at the expense of those who can't afford it. And you are 100% correct on the gas lobby.
@@dr.braxygilkeycruises1460 if it was me and I was working in DC, I would be biking or taking public transportation. I would walk if nothing else. Brown bag lunches too.
Some of the non-white Americans thought it was magic, if they voted for him. They thought if they voted for him. Their non-citizen friends and family members, had some sort of protective shield. 😂😂😂😂
@Toni_SnarkI keep hearing that and I realize, when they heard him say "the criminals", they didn't realize he was calling ALL OF THEM criminals. So he means all and any of them. They seriously thought, that when Trump looks at them, that he would differentiate between law abiding, "good" Latinos vs Latino criminals. For real, that is so dumb. Y'all thought he had any ounce of respect for brown skinned people. He cheats and steals for the entirety of his adult life, as a rich white man, you thought he is interested in helping good Latino people. That is ridiculous
I am in a union. I was not stupid enough to vote against my own best interest. I am a disabled vet. I was not stupid enough to vote against my best interest. So many union co-workers and fellow disabled vets were stupid enough to vote against OUR best interests. Now we will all suffer the consequences.
They regret their vote...what do you expect when you cheer for hate, lie about others, deny reality, constantly whine cuz nothing is good enough, deny others advancement and rage on the weakest/smallest of those around you. Hate won - you got what you wanted now live with it.
These people need to swallow their regrets totally, because they said so many times how they were the smart ones. They knew *exactly* what they were in for when they selected Glorious Leader.
The midterms will (I hope) show if this buyer's remorse trend is sincere. My guess most just wouldn't vote for Trump again if they could do it all over again but probably would still support the MAGA republican enablers for state and federal legislators.
@@lipshamorrissey4636 That all depends on We the People. We must join in civilized, civic action, and ask our friends and families to do the same. Many things are not going Trump's way. Judges, some Trump appointed, are ruling in favor of our Constitution and We the People. We do not concede defeat. We keep working and do not give up! PS I'd love for you to be wrong, as well. Countless people are working ceaselessly to bring this about.
We're talking about people who denied COVID was real even as they lay in their hospital beds dying of the disease. That's the very definition of "unteachable."
...AND get paid migrant wages...oh, wait. Actually, they are on their way to experiencing just that very thing, now that they no longer have any right to bargain collectively for better working conditions and pay. That's some kind of self-owning FAFO, right there...
10 years? More like 25 years. Trump announced his first ever bid for presidency in October 1999 and ran a presidential campaign for the year 2000 election. Nobody took him seriously until 2016
Ask the air traffic controllers around at the time Raygun fired them en masse for, horrors, going on strike. The fact that airport is named Regan International is a sucker punch to all those hard working people.
@@Beatles0223 Yup, that's what PATCO is. Reagan may have been in a union, but his presidency was the beginning of dismantling union protections narionwide
@georgeswanson9483. I am railing about this on my other account. I wanted those not around them to be educated and I wanted those that were around to remember and tell the story of how it all started.
@Toni_Snark Pushing people to other countries while bragging with the beach front properties is beyond cartoon villain. While he complains about people that want to live in the USA.
None of those people were paying much attention to what trump said at his rallies. He plainly said that he was going to do all of these things. So I'm not sure why these people think they have any right to complain. Those of us who didn't vote for trump have every right to complain because we told everyone what would happen. They didn't listen, now it's all happening just like we said it would. Now we all have to suffer because of their stubbornness and stupidity.
Yep, as California’s governor during the 60s, he made it a point to eat grapes during the UFW grape boycott. He also signed legislation ending California’s version of open-carry when Black Panthers started showing up during police arrests of black people. He couldn’t get that piece of legislation signed fast enough.
I'm skeptical. Go check out their echo chambers and realize there are not that many people leaving. Way less than I would hope. 38% approval rating of Elonia today. Just how? That's still tens of millions of people.
This is exactly why this election broke my view of Democracy. When so many citizens are unwilling to even pay attention to what they are choosing, that is a fatal flaw in democracy. We have been shouting for decades about why education is so critical not only to Americans personal well being in todays world, but it is also CRITICALLY important to the security, stability, and survival of the democracy that has made your lives so great.
I’m a Utah resident and part of a union. I don’t vote republican, I’ve been a registered democrat since I became of age to vote in 95. I knew how important unions were before I became part of one. I learned the importance in history classes in school, maybe it’s not being taught anymore. Unfortunately, many of us in unions are in the minority in this state. I’ve fought with friends and family members my whole adult life in this state about how important unions are. Every one that I am friendly with in my union did not, nor did we ever vote for Trump. Every election we vote democrat and we lose almost every time. Please don’t assume that we voted for him or other republicans in our state.
I know Trump is a prolific liar and all, but did his voters listen to anything he said ? I'm beginning to think they did not. Oh well, so sad for them.
They listened but they did not think he meant that he would hurt them, just the dems, the libs, the women, the lgbtq+ community, the libs and so on but not them, never them! They spent so long taking the words he said and then magas planning what he really meant when he said something. Like they had some special code book to understand what the orange human cockroach was saying and suddenly they can’t believe he wasn’t following the code book and wink to keep them out f the shit show, the shit show was meant for everyone but them. When you vote for the face eating leopard party, it seems a bit odd to be shocked when they leopards turn and eat your face also. 🤣😂Gotta love how karma works. 🎵🎶 No I never thought the leopards would eat my face..🎵🎶
They listened, they...just...DIDN'T...CARE. He h*t*s the same people that they h*t* and he's not afraid to say it out loud, and in public. That's why they voted for, and support, him to begin. They thought that the only ones in this country who would be hurt, are the same ones that THEY H*T*. Sucks to be THEM.
Duh, I’m dumb because Drumpfists and their ilk have said so for ages - over sixty years, now. They’re the smart ones, or so they say. Even I knew/know that when Drumpf spoke of evil, he needed to be taken seriously. I grew up under people like him, so I have that (and the mental problems that go with it.)
First they came for the socialist and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Martin Niemoller, I never thought this quote would be so relevant in the USA 😔
For fuck's sake people! Don't you realize that there aren't going to BE midterms OR a 'next' Presidential election if we don't slam the breaks on this shitshow soon? Like, very damn soon. Weeks at the most.
You're being very hyperbolic here. Republicans WANT mid-terms. There's a split in both the Senate and the House. There are the classic Republicans and the Trumpy Republicans. The classics know insanity when they see it. They want the Trumpy ones out as much as the Trumpy ones want them gone.
I saw 2 videos yesterday about 'buyers remorse' - 1 - A *firefighters union* who voted for him were freaking out and angry (I think New York, but not sure) 2 - An *organized group of Venezuelans in Florida* were crying and up in arms that they might be deported. They voted for him because their area GOP candidate told them 'when he's in office, he's only deporting immigrant 'CRIMINALS' - but now at any moment they could be kicked out. I NEVER liked him before, and now, as a 🇨🇦 Canadian, I couldn't despise anyone more👿 It's not so much the tariffs as it is the LIE he came up with for doing it. >> 💯 times worse, is him thinking he can take my country as the 51st state. We are FURIOUS up here, boycotting American products.
I hope Dems stay quiet and let the pain happen. I literally have read comments like 'Dems will save us'. I've called my Reps and said do NOT fight it. It's what people voted for and if they feel no pain, they won't understand. My entire lifetime the GOP has passed tax cuts for the rich, screwing up our economy, Dems fix it and the cycle repeats. Let America feel the pain. I know I'm tired and will NOT be ruining the next four years following this madness.
The hell is wrong with you? It's not just the Trump voters that are going to suffer. Some of us can't grit our teeth and bear it so that some people can learn a lesson. Damage control is necessary until we reach 2026 when HOPEFULLY the Democrats retake the House.
So many people googled tariffs after the election. If you don't know what the hell the person you are voting for is talking about or understand anything they are trying to do then you probably shouldn't vote for them in the first place.
All those union members who are at the state capital upset about no longer being able to collectively negotiate will still vote Republican in whatever next election. Let that sink in.
From an outsiders perspective: Your problem is education. Make it free and available to everyone. Lack of education and ignorance is what despots thrives on. The moment you are able to see what is about to happen, the despot has lost. Take back your country, brothers and sisters. When the job is done, you have loads of repairs to take on. This has already gotten very expensive.
The Repubdumbkins in my neighborhood are always trying to make conversation with me on my daily walk. Yes. I'm a black woman surrounded by them. I just smile and move along happily. They got what they voted for.😊
I commute in the DC metro, and damn Trump for that RTO mandate. Things were so much better on the trains most days when people were working a hybrid schedule. Things were so much more quiet and peaceful and there was less traffic congestion.
He was also vehemently anti-union. He busted the Air Traffic Controllers union. Let’s not pretend he was something he wan’t. There’s a straight line from Reagan to Trump.
You would have had to be in a coma from 2016 to 2020 to not expect exactly what is happening. They knew it was going to be a disaster but we're just focused on how much it would hurt people they don't like.
Reagan fired the traffic controller union members, he was very anti-union once he left Hollywood. Major reason he ran as a Republican when he used to be a Dem was how poorly he ran the actor's union. He's not as union friendly as you're saying Tom.
I wondered what it would take for them to “snap out of it” and here we are. They were under the Trump spell until he started signing executive orders and within days they found themselves in custody. The idiots who killed remote work and made the mistake of moving out of town from their office and bought a house in said different state are a special kind of phucked 😳
I will NEVER feel sorry for a union member who votes Republican.
@@Jennifer-h5f I’ll never feel sorry for a Democrat who thinks they are on the right side of history..
I’ve never heard more racist things in my life than what comes from that party.
“Who’s going to pick the fields”
Retired Teamster Here, I’m in Solidarity with you both. United we bargain Divide we beg. Union Solidarity ✊✊
@@Jennifer-h5f you got to vote in the primary for a candidate? I thought K was who they TOLD you to vote for…
@@lancebuttermore5973just because you don't understand the process doesn't mean the rest of us were as clueless as you
Several more examples of “he was supposed to hurt other people, not me!”
Yes 😂😂😂😂😂
Yep. Their selfishness and stupidity led to this disaster.
And the level of selfishness when someone actually publicly declares regret because they can't work from home anymore, while others are being rounded up like cattle..
Who could have predicted that leopards don't ask about party affiliation before their first bite?
I have lost the ability to be cordial and polite to the people who voted for a traitor.
Long ago
Wow this is so brave.
Don’t be.
Yeah you need to wake up. The government on both sides want this divide.
I guess "Owning the Libs" is expensive and life changing huh!
Inflation hits everything. ;^}
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what 'own the line's means.
@@ak5659To my understanding, it means they take delight in Liberals getting angry and protesting about Republican legislation that harms people, even if it harms them as well.
Does that mean they're libs? Seems like they owned themselves... *shrugs*
i know i will - but i never want to hear "both sides are the same!" ever again, from any american - ever.
“Both sides” rhetoric is dominantly used to assuage the conscience of people who know they are voting based upon self-interest and feel some amount of guilt over it. I didn’t see Libs “both sides”ing on their way to vote for Harris. It’s a deflection of guilt.
I absolutely know Dems do bad stuff and suck. But at no point was it ever an option to vote tRump because of the moral and policy imbalance
I spent decades not caring about politics. It wasn't until Trump ran and I listened to him speak 1 time. I knew he was a POS. I started listening to him more and it was obvious he projected his faults. When he claimed he turned the economy around I knew from following the markets for decades that happened in Obama's first year.
I could not agree more. I am beyond sick of hearing this BS. They are not the same. Not even remotely close
Agreed. "False equivalency" is another way for them to lie to themselves.
If only people had warned you abou.....Oh wait...Nevermind.
Even though he was mentioned over 300 times in Proyect 2025, they believed him when he denied knowing anything about it. Because, you know, he has never lied.
But he spawned out of nowhere right before the 2020 election! Oh, wait, he didn't.
They get indignant when we call them stupid, yet they keep giving us more and more evidence of their stupidity.
My Canadian cousin, who has been living and working in the US for 10 years and a hardcore MAGA. The family cut all contact off with him and his racist, homophobic and transphobic, Trump voting wife.
His sister called tonight to warn me his is ass is being deported back to Canada and his American wife can’t come back with him. He’s making his rounds with family expecting us to let him move in with one of us for the next four years until he believes he can go back to the US.
So far no one is helping.
I immediately blocked him on my phone and from emailing me.
Leopards eating faces.
Don't feel bad, sounds like he wouldn't be there for any of the family, should the roles be reversed.
I fully believe that someone still supporting Trump after everything he's done, is a person who really needs to learn life lessons the hard way.
@@kda61 oh, believe me. I do not feel bad at all. None of us do. He is a horrible human being and we are all ashamed he was ever a part of our family. He wants Canada to be annexed. Even his own parents will not answer his calls. He made his bed and now he can lay in it. This is his and his wife’s FAFO moment.
@@kda61nope. Not feeling bad for him or his wife. He was always a horrible person and cheered at the idea of Canada being annexed. Even his parents won’t answer his calls and texts.
He and his wife are getting exactly what they wanted and what his wife wanted.
It's a shame Canada can't refuse him entry.
Leopards be feasting
At this rate, they won't be able to stand up. Their legs won't take the weight.
Buying stocks in Gaviscon right now. Gonna be a lot of leopards with indigestion.
Leopards be taking Ozempic soon
Yep. I live in Utah. They have been a right to work state forever and always vote against their own best interests. Not only that the predominant church tells them how to vote. They are in a cult. So cult like behavior is not uncommon in Utah.
With religious zealots taking over the country, the Mormon Church is going to find itself out of favor. Actions have consequences
Maybe you can pray to your mormon God john smith to save you all 😂😂😂
That's what I'm trying to warn dems about. When you have rel*gion l*ing to you, telling you if you vote for anyone other than republicans then you are going to h*:l or that bad things will happen, people will never learn their lessons and they will still vote for republicans.
And when they l*e& say that's just how things go I guess; what they are actually saying is that I have to vote for terrible things to happen in order to appease my re*igion or to score some fake easy heaven points.
Sigh 😔 grew up in Utah and most of my family belong to both cults. They are completely off their rockers😢
@@PolarBearPredator Joseph Smith has been written out of Mormon history. Now it's all about the slave trader Brigham Young and the Latter Day cult leaders.
The Onion just posted an 'article': " _FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States_ "
A repeat article from 2014. But we know the onion is prophetic.
😂 Sounds about right.
The Onion have lost it. Their articles becomes more and more real every passing day. Not because their articles are bad, but because reality becomes more and more satirical.
@poskeegget8043 That moment you realize fate has hired new writers and they're much more satirical than the last cohort.
They thought Project 2025 was suggestions. They were his todo list.
No, they believed him that he had nothing to do with project 2025, although he managed to contradict himself three times in this statement alone.
My college educated brother repeated all those lies mega tell, including the life that Trump knew nothing about project 2025. I am 100% sure my brother actually knew what was going on, but needed an excuse for his actions and poor decisions.
The irony is that Trump verbalized exactly what he was going to do
Cognitive dissonance can be fatal.
But just as the Bible, people only take away what they want.
Yes, he did, over and over and over and over and over. You can't make this sh up. I fully believe that the reason why everyone is seemingly so stupid as of the past 10 years is 100% because of the internet and all forms of social media. Yes, Trump is also to blame, but he is NOT the reason why he was elected in the first place. Lack of education and ignorance was the reason he was elected.
Trump said he was going to be a dictator on day one.
They probably thought it was just another lie coming out of his mouth.
Unfortunately there aren’t enough regrets. For me the last straw was the insurrection and the fact that Trump is a racist. And now we have Musk an unelected official running the country.
I'm just a couple of years younger than you, Tom, and I've never seen the regret so fast, either. The regret came literally *days* after the election when the searches from "red states" for "how do I change my vote" skyrocketed. They couldn't figure out beforehand they were being had by a lifelong conniving p.o.s.? FOH! Nah, they just thought the only people that were going to get it were brown and then black people, and the convict was going to leave their welfare untouched. They found out *real* quick everyone was fair game to the regime.
You should ask them if "owning the libs" was worth it.
"i didnt think he would actually do it", Famous last words. haha
That’s what I don’t understand- if you didn’t think he would do what he said he was going to do, why did you vote for him?
@Toni_Snark Then what did they think he was gonna do?
@Toni_SnarkThey figured he'd do what he said he was gonna do to the "other" people
Why would you vote for someone who said they were going to do something and not believe that they would:
They didn't think it was going to happen to them. And they are finding out real fast what we already knew, he is a pos, con, horrible person.
He broke the air traffic controllers union, Reagan is why we are here Tom. His administration belief in the unitary executive explains everything. History is not just a word.
I seem to remember him breaking a lot of small businesses and farmers too.
Yep, goddamn Reagan.
Reagan like trump let loads of people get sick and be unalived, because they contracted HIV & unalived because of AIDS and he sat on his hands. He didn’t get scientists on it, because he thought of it as a gay disease. Reagan let it run rampant. In my country they had award winning ad campaigns, one had a heterosexual couple under a sheet on a bed, then as the camera panned out, it showed other beds with every one each of them had slept with and it went on forever. They were very effective here,plus lots of money was spent getting the safe sex message out there.
Yeah, what the fuck is Tom talking about?
Yeah, Reagan was for using *his* union, and no others. And he specifically used his union to go after other unions, and ran essentially a purge of so-called "communists" out of his union. Reagan was just as anti-union as every other GOP member, he just was more hypocritical is all. The letters he wrote about his own union aren't even like, super positive about it...or rather, once he got wealthy suddenly they stopped being as positive. Pretty "neat" to track his thoughts on this out of his own mouth and his own pen.
"give it time". "He'll do better, this is just the start". These people... will eventually be hurt by him and they're starting to see what we told them all along.
Unfortunately it is just the start... e_e
They're already being affected by him, but, yeah, give it time, etc. Meanwhile, they didn't give Joe Biden sh**. F them all.
If only they held Trump to the same standards they DEMANDED of Biden
Yep, that’s exactly what the maga idiots say…
The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club is you don't know you're a member of the Dunning-Kruger club. Dunning
Very unchristian of me, but I am having a hard time mustering any empathy for these folks. HE TOLD YOU THE WHOLE TIME! WE TOLD YOU!!!!
"You knew I was a snake when you voted for me"
trump told us what he would do, and he is doing it.
Problem is they are allowing it to happen.
@@SaraShockley lol allowing it?.. you made sure the people who COULD stop it, had zero power to do anything about it.
@@Noreb we made sure? Who’s we? I voted Kamala. And the fact that the Supreme Court gave trump a pass has a lot to do with it.
@@SaraShockleyWho's they?
Exactly he's keeping his promises.
So it has to affect them personally. Got it. Zero empathy.
If you are still wondering why they 'want them back in the office' - it's because there aren't thousands of people sitting in traffic and logjams on freeways burning gasoline. The Drill Baby Drill people are losing money.
@@TeasLouise i just love all these pity parties.
A real estate person as president, and a very rich man that owns a car company. A critical thinking skill test here.
Also, the businesses that are set up around office buildings (especially here in DC) were angry because 90% of their income is from office workers who were no longer there. It affected parking garages, too (again, I can only speak for those in DC). No matter what, it always boils down to rich people wanting to be richer at the expense of those who can't afford it. And you are 100% correct on the gas lobby.
@@MickeyC-o6v Unfortunately many didn't pass that test.
@@dr.braxygilkeycruises1460 if it was me and I was working in DC, I would be biking or taking public transportation. I would walk if nothing else. Brown bag lunches too.
Stupid is as stupid does
Remember those kids who just had to touch the hot stove?
And MAGATs are as stupid as they come.
Forest Gump was a genius compared to these people; they're not even on his level😂
Not "does", but 'votes'.
People are shocked that when they vote republican, they get republican policies. Brilliant, American voters. Brilliant.
Why is it every time" he didn't mean it " until it's something they want...
Narcissists think that way 😂😂😂😂
. Yes. And so do morons. 😅😅😅
And why would we want someone in office who’s so often misunderstood?? 🤦♂️
Some of the non-white Americans thought it was magic, if they voted for him.
They thought if they voted for him. Their non-citizen friends and family members,
had some sort of protective shield. 😂😂😂😂
They thought it would just be the “criminal” ones.
@Toni_SnarkI keep hearing that and I realize, when they heard him say "the criminals", they didn't realize he was calling ALL OF THEM criminals. So he means all and any of them.
They seriously thought, that when Trump looks at them, that he would differentiate between law abiding, "good" Latinos vs Latino criminals.
For real, that is so dumb. Y'all thought he had any ounce of respect for brown skinned people. He cheats and steals for the entirety of his adult life, as a rich white man, you thought he is interested in helping good Latino people. That is ridiculous
I am in a union. I was not stupid enough to vote against my own best interest. I am a disabled vet. I was not stupid enough to vote against my best interest. So many union co-workers and fellow disabled vets were stupid enough to vote against OUR best interests. Now we will all suffer the consequences.
They regret their vote...what do you expect when you cheer for hate, lie about others, deny reality, constantly whine cuz nothing is good enough, deny others advancement and rage on the weakest/smallest of those around you. Hate won - you got what you wanted now live with it.
They're really going to be hurt in those red states if Vought is confirmed by their Republican officials who are ready to bankrupt their own states
They thought he only hated people that look like me. Now they know. He hates everyone *_Who Isn't HIM._*
These people need to swallow their regrets totally, because they said so many times how they were the smart ones.
They knew *exactly* what they were in for when they selected Glorious Leader.
Hey! *They "did their research,"* remember?! 😐🤨
Republican's silence is consent! MAGA leadership at it's finest.
The midterms will (I hope) show if this buyer's remorse trend is sincere. My guess most just wouldn't vote for Trump again if they could do it all over again but probably would still support the MAGA republican enablers for state and federal legislators.
I think they won’t ever learn or do better. They are cruel ignorant small minded haters.
@@Decster4everer 👍🏾🎯💯❤️
Midterms! 😂As though. There won't be any midterms. Watch and see. I'd love to be wrong.
@@lipshamorrissey4636 Exactly. Remember he clearly said, *"You'll never have to vote again."*
@@lipshamorrissey4636 That all depends on We the People. We must join in civilized, civic action, and ask our friends and families to do the same. Many things are not going Trump's way. Judges, some Trump appointed, are ruling in favor of our Constitution and We the People. We do not concede defeat. We keep working and do not give up!
PS I'd love for you to be wrong, as well. Countless people are working ceaselessly to bring this about.
I have no symapthy for them but at least their eyes are starting to open a bit. I hope they keep them open.
They won’t. And most people who voted for the orange felon are very content with their vote.
Not everyone regrets their vote.
I love this for them…as one of the 92% of Black women who voted for KAMALA…we tried to tell them but we are minding our business now. Carry on!
White woman here voted for Kamala. Living in the deep red state for three years don’t be so sure only 8% of black women did not vote for Kamala.😢
Be an educated voter for gods sake DUH!!!
Therein lies the problem.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You actually think anyone this time was an educated voter? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Most voted on their feelings more than anything.
We're talking about people who denied COVID was real even as they lay in their hospital beds dying of the disease. That's the very definition of "unteachable."
Sorry you used the E word. Thats the one slur they refuse to use.
They couldn't even google tariffs for goodness sake until it was too late.
WHAT DID THEY THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?!?!?!? Trump was saying this stuff OUT LOUD for the entire campaign.
I'm not sure they thought at all
I have no sympathy. If they say “they didn’t know” etc., they weren’t paying attention.
It's almost like all corporate media either sane washed or down played him for years!
@JackStraw1961 sorry, sarcasm is difficult via a comment.✌️
@ 'S'all good man. ;^}
They need to do the migrant farming jobs. Duh
...AND get paid migrant wages...oh, wait. Actually, they are on their way to experiencing just that very thing, now that they no longer have any right to bargain collectively for better working conditions and pay.
That's some kind of self-owning FAFO, right there...
10 years since he announced his candidacy the first time and NOW they're shocked and dismayed??!!
10 years? More like 25 years. Trump announced his first ever bid for presidency in October 1999 and ran a presidential campaign for the year 2000 election. Nobody took him seriously until 2016
I'd ask the PATCO union members whether or not Reagan was a pro-union president. He wasn't.
Ask the air traffic controllers around at the time Raygun fired them en masse for, horrors, going on strike. The fact that airport is named Regan International is a sucker punch to all those hard working people.
@@Beatles0223 Yup, that's what PATCO is. Reagan may have been in a union, but his presidency was the beginning of dismantling union protections narionwide
@@Beatles0223They all voted to reelect him in 1984. I remember watching the interviews on tv.
That is also the reason there are not enough air traffic controllers today. Hired at the same time, retired at the same time.
@georgeswanson9483. I am railing about this on my other account. I wanted those not around them to be educated and I wanted those that were around to remember and tell the story of how it all started.
He's a real estate guy. Offices full of workers make rent. Greenland and Canada are just a property expansion.
And now Gaza to be the “Riveria of the Middle East-“ Mind-boggling.
and Gaza, don't forget that big beautiful beach front property
@Toni_Snark Pushing people to other countries while bragging with the beach front properties is beyond cartoon villain.
While he complains about people that want to live in the USA.
They can sing and dance all they want at their capitols. Republicons will be too busy counting all the money they got from back-room dealings.
They can change the words in that Union song their singing to , My Daddy screwed me and it it wrong.
The problem is that we ALL suffer because of them.
I had my first fafo experience at a Sam's club today at the checkout! It was glorious!
Well.. don't leave us hanging. Spill the beans!
@@RiiDii 🍿🥤
@ 🍻
Well?... What happened???
Please divulge.
None of those people were paying much attention to what trump said at his rallies. He plainly said that he was going to do all of these things. So I'm not sure why these people think they have any right to complain. Those of us who didn't vote for trump have every right to complain because we told everyone what would happen. They didn't listen, now it's all happening just like we said it would. Now we all have to suffer because of their stubbornness and stupidity.
Make sure they never forget it! Please
Reagan may have belonged to a union but he actively did union busting. See PATCO 1981
Actually, Reagan was anti-farm workers' union. He sided with the farmers and ranchers on that one.
Also tried to break the Air traffic Controllers union.
Yeah, he had a HISTORY with unions, but was an anti-union president.
Quintessential conservative pulling the ladder up behind him.
Yep, as California’s governor during the 60s, he made it a point to eat grapes during the UFW grape boycott. He also signed legislation ending California’s version of open-carry when Black Panthers started showing up during police arrests of black people. He couldn’t get that piece of legislation signed fast enough.
When someone shows you who they are believe them!!
And I'm sure that in 2 years or so, they will learn absolutely nothing from any of this.
In Utah they rely too heavily on Magic Underpants!
Yes, Ronnie Ray Gun also loved busting unions up. Remember Patco?
We all need to remember that Trumpers are not to ever be forgiven for their decision. EVER.
The dumbest thing "Merca" ever done....giving the keys to the clown car to Chump.
Boy if federal employee lady didn't like the return to office order, I gotta wonder how she's feeling now...
Maybe she took the buyout.
I'm skeptical. Go check out their echo chambers and realize there are not that many people leaving. Way less than I would hope. 38% approval rating of Elonia today. Just how? That's still tens of millions of people.
Please don't believe any of these polls. Have you ever been polled, because I know I've never been? They are ALL full of 💩.
Most of them are a little slow, give them time to realize how fucked they are.
We are two weeks in. They're going to continue to hurt. Things are going to get a lot worse once inflation ramps up again.
They still seem to be getting very select parts of the news.
@ Yeah but... "Sleepy Joe caused all these prices to go up!!" I can just hear them already.
Trump's new motto should be 'Making Promises I Can't Keep Again'.
Making Promises I have no intention of Keeping again.
It's hard to feel sorry for them. They were warned. Over and over and over.
Reagan was probably a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).
Vote for democracy. Vote for self determination.
They didnt
Nothing this man does surprise me. He does and says what he wants. Because he knows that others will not challenge him.
This is exactly why this election broke my view of Democracy. When so many citizens are unwilling to even pay attention to what they are choosing, that is a fatal flaw in democracy.
We have been shouting for decades about why education is so critical not only to Americans personal well being in todays world, but it is also CRITICALLY important to the security, stability, and survival of the democracy that has made your lives so great.
We also need news that is not tied to political parties or owned by billionaires who own so many other parts of our economy.
Empathy is gone along with the normalities of politics. No fucks to give to the MAGATS
I hope UK wakes up before Farage can get elected. We need more effective opposition
I’m a Utah resident and part of a union. I don’t vote republican, I’ve been a registered democrat since I became of age to vote in 95. I knew how important unions were before I became part of one. I learned the importance in history classes in school, maybe it’s not being taught anymore. Unfortunately, many of us in unions are in the minority in this state. I’ve fought with friends and family members my whole adult life in this state about how important unions are. Every one that I am friendly with in my union did not, nor did we ever vote for Trump. Every election we vote democrat and we lose almost every time. Please don’t assume that we voted for him or other republicans in our state.
United we bargain, divided we beg! I come from a longtime union family
Trump is doing exactly what he promised. Not a single Trump voter is regretting their decision. Keep coping
Wow so it's ok to deport hard working people but poor me I have to by o back to the office.
I know Trump is a prolific liar and all, but did his voters listen to anything he said ? I'm beginning to think they did not. Oh well, so sad for them.
They listened but they did not think he meant that he would hurt them, just the dems, the libs, the women, the lgbtq+ community, the libs and so on but not them, never them! They spent so long taking the words he said and then magas planning what he really meant when he said something. Like they had some special code book to understand what the orange human cockroach was saying and suddenly they can’t believe he wasn’t following the code book and wink to keep them out f the shit show, the shit show was meant for everyone but them.
When you vote for the face eating leopard party, it seems a bit odd to be shocked when they leopards turn and eat your face also. 🤣😂Gotta love how karma works.
🎵🎶 No I never thought the leopards would eat my face..🎵🎶
They listened, they...just...DIDN'T...CARE. He h*t*s the same people that they h*t* and he's not afraid to say it out loud, and in public. That's why they voted for, and support, him to begin. They thought that the only ones in this country who would be hurt, are the same ones that THEY H*T*. Sucks to be THEM.
Duh, I’m dumb because Drumpfists and their ilk have said so for ages - over sixty years, now. They’re the smart ones, or so they say.
Even I knew/know that when Drumpf spoke of evil, he needed to be taken seriously.
I grew up under people like him, so I have that (and the mental problems that go with it.)
I’m not the least bit sorry for them. They’re getting exactly what they voted for. So, too bad.
Reagen disbanded the air traffic controllers union.
Right to Work FOR LESS.
First they came for the socialist and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Martin Niemoller, I never thought this quote would be so relevant in the USA 😔
My phrase to every Orange man voter or non-voter, “We told you so!” There are always consequences to actions, it’s only going to get worse.
Right to work - you have the right to work as many jobs as t takes to keep you afloat.
For fuck's sake people!
Don't you realize that there aren't going to BE midterms OR a 'next' Presidential election if we don't slam the breaks on this shitshow soon?
Like, very damn soon. Weeks at the most.
Ok, how do you propose doing that?
You're being very hyperbolic here. Republicans WANT mid-terms. There's a split in both the Senate and the House. There are the classic Republicans and the Trumpy Republicans. The classics know insanity when they see it. They want the Trumpy ones out as much as the Trumpy ones want them gone.
Massive work strikes, tens of millions protesting in DC and State houses. Shut it all down.
Ain't that strange 🤔. Not one red hat on any of them. Maybe they are feeling the shame 😂😂😂
I voted for Trump in 16 and 20 and Harris in 24.
And I will NEVER vote republican again
You're right, Tom. Ronald Reagan was not only a member, but the friggin' president of the Screen Actor's Guild.
I saw 2 videos yesterday about 'buyers remorse' -
1 - A *firefighters union* who voted for him were freaking out and angry (I think New York, but not sure)
2 - An *organized group of Venezuelans in Florida* were crying and up in arms that they might be deported. They voted for him because their area GOP candidate told them 'when he's in office, he's only deporting immigrant 'CRIMINALS' - but now at any moment they could be kicked out.
I NEVER liked him before, and now, as a 🇨🇦 Canadian, I couldn't despise anyone more👿 It's not so much the tariffs as it is the LIE he came up with for doing it.
>> 💯 times worse, is him thinking he can take my country as the 51st state. We are FURIOUS up here, boycotting American products.
Solidarity is a funny thing for them to be singing about, since their solidarity during the last Presidential Election is what caused the problem.
Regret or don’t regret it is now too late. The country and the world will suffer because of those voters.
There should be a test you have to pass to be able to vote...
Yeah, well that's what happens when you live in that hateful Fox echo chamber.
I hope Dems stay quiet and let the pain happen. I literally have read comments like 'Dems will save us'. I've called my Reps and said do NOT fight it. It's what people voted for and if they feel no pain, they won't understand. My entire lifetime the GOP has passed tax cuts for the rich, screwing up our economy, Dems fix it and the cycle repeats. Let America feel the pain. I know I'm tired and will NOT be ruining the next four years following this madness.
The hell is wrong with you? It's not just the Trump voters that are going to suffer. Some of us can't grit our teeth and bear it so that some people can learn a lesson. Damage control is necessary until we reach 2026 when HOPEFULLY the Democrats retake the House.
So many people googled tariffs after the election. If you don't know what the hell the person you are voting for is talking about or understand anything they are trying to do then you probably shouldn't vote for them in the first place.
Biggest search after Brexit? "What is the European Union".🤦
You’re right. In other words “Stupidity 101”
All those union members who are at the state capital upset about no longer being able to collectively negotiate will still vote Republican in whatever next election. Let that sink in.
Protests in D.C.
From an outsiders perspective:
Your problem is education. Make it free and available to everyone.
Lack of education and ignorance is what despots thrives on.
The moment you are able to see what is about to happen, the despot has lost.
Take back your country, brothers and sisters.
When the job is done, you have loads of repairs to take on.
This has already gotten very expensive.
They knew he was a snake when they let him in
Exactly. So why are they surprised the snake bit them?
And he told them! Whaddya think his 'snake' story was actually about. FAFO
"I don't care about you, I just want tour vote"-Donald Trump
They thought only (insert dog whistle) would be affected..
Selfish voter he is not an avocate of paying workers. Great answer 😂😂😂😂😂
I remember Reagan firing all the air traffic control controllers to break their union and then they hired new ones non-union.
The Repubdumbkins in my neighborhood are always trying to make conversation with me on my daily walk. Yes. I'm a black woman surrounded by them. I just smile and move along happily. They got what they voted for.😊
I commute in the DC metro, and damn Trump for that RTO mandate. Things were so much better on the trains most days when people were working a hybrid schedule. Things were so much more quiet and peaceful and there was less traffic congestion.
Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild twice, from 1947 to 1952 and from 1959 to 1960.
He was also vehemently anti-union. He busted the Air Traffic Controllers union. Let’s not pretend he was something he wan’t. There’s a straight line from Reagan to Trump.
And happily participated in the McCarthy witch hunts.
He broke the air traffic control union.
"I never thought leopards would eat MY face," sobbed a voter for Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.
Trump said (out loud) vote for me and you'll never have to vote again.
What part of that did they *_not_* understand?
You would have had to be in a coma from 2016 to 2020 to not expect exactly what is happening. They knew it was going to be a disaster but we're just focused on how much it would hurt people they don't like.
Tommy, when it comes to these idiots, I think your late “cousin” Colin said it best, “You broke it, you bought it.”
Reagan fired the traffic controller union members, he was very anti-union once he left Hollywood. Major reason he ran as a Republican when he used to be a Dem was how poorly he ran the actor's union. He's not as union friendly as you're saying Tom.
Trump types in the Federal Government? YOU TAKE THE BUYOUTS!
I wondered what it would take for them to “snap out of it” and here we are. They were under the Trump spell until he started signing executive orders and within days they found themselves in custody. The idiots who killed remote work and made the mistake of moving out of town from their office and bought a house in said different state are a special kind of phucked 😳