Is Empty Space Really Empty?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 132

  • @snivla4
    @snivla4 Месяц назад +27

    Dr Sutter a true hero of mine.. Im uneducated and 53 this year.. Since ive listened to this channel and seen other great scholars on TV im not so uneducated as I was and it really helps my mental illness . Thank you so very very much for your time sir .x

    • @jcdisci
      @jcdisci Месяц назад +4

      I'm the same at 66, too much time on my hands and getting a bit of add'l education. I'm finding Quantum Physics FASCINATING!! I now understand enough to understand that I do not understand...LOL!

    • @interdictr3657
      @interdictr3657 Месяц назад +3

      Nice, its never too late to start learning! Trying to understand the universe is such fun!

    • @johnmurray3346
      @johnmurray3346 Месяц назад +4

      You are clearly not uneducated my friend, you are smarter than most people, you seek out the things that interest you. 👏🏻

    • @jcdisci
      @jcdisci Месяц назад +2

      @@johnmurray3346 Wow. 😳Thanks, man.

    • @snivla4
      @snivla4 27 дней назад +1

      @@jcdisci x

  • @interdictr3657
    @interdictr3657 Месяц назад +5

    Love the long form video, thankyou for all the effort! You make us less ignorant.

  • @Ai-he1dp
    @Ai-he1dp Месяц назад +6

    Space is best imagined as another type of water.

    • @dexter8705
      @dexter8705 29 дней назад

      So true, but today to try and explain why if the sun disappeared you see the gravitational effects instantaneous you have to imagine space as LEGO's

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад +1

      and fluid dynamics can apply :)

    • @dexter8705
      @dexter8705 14 дней назад

      @@tybeedave they do, thats why rotating massive objects cause frame dragging around them...

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 13 дней назад

      @@dexter8705 yep

  • @zebrachess
    @zebrachess Месяц назад +3

    Excellent fun approach - the presence of absence, like footprints in snow

  • @schiaudano
    @schiaudano Месяц назад +5

    Thanks for uploading this, twice!

  • @Br3ntable
    @Br3ntable Месяц назад +2

    Great show! Actually, another great show!

  • @GeorgeStar
    @GeorgeStar Месяц назад +9

    Space is made of SPACE! That's why they call it SPACE!

    • @drex23100
      @drex23100 Месяц назад +1

      Space and dark matter are the same thing.

    • @THE_nerdgamr
      @THE_nerdgamr Месяц назад

      ​@@drex23100 i think your pants are on fire

    • @lorenbooker9486
      @lorenbooker9486 Месяц назад

      Idk I like to think of it as time

    • @dcquence
      @dcquence Месяц назад

      So what IS space?

  • @ryannunes2862
    @ryannunes2862 29 дней назад

    100% agree space has a real structure. You are always one of the few who makes me feel not insane. Been working hard on the maths.... Promise I won't message you about it 😂😂😂😂. Great video, Paul.

  • @0neIntangible
    @0neIntangible Месяц назад +3

    The real mystery is why vacuum is spelled with two u's.

    • @user-ks3ol3lw3b
      @user-ks3ol3lw3b Месяц назад +1

      -uus is an adverbial suffix. Vacare is Latin for 'to be empty.'

  • @wordsjustwords3156
    @wordsjustwords3156 28 дней назад

    Space itself is the most powerful thing in the universe 😮

  • @KuleRucket
    @KuleRucket 24 дня назад

    Also there is always time along with the space. It's hard to think about that being nothing.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @Gridl6
    @Gridl6 Месяц назад

    Thank you for another brain exercise. I love yours. Listening to both sides and trying to get a mental picture didn't make my brain hurt but I may have felt a momentary probability storm.

  • @FrancisFjordCupola
    @FrancisFjordCupola Месяц назад +1

    I think one issue is absolutism in definition. Somewhat related to the uncertainty principle; the more absolute and specific the definition, the less useful it becomes. We consider voids areas in spacetime where the average matter content is of magnitudes less. You could take that to describe a void as having a certain density, or a pressure. And if you can describe something in certain terms... ask if nothingness can even be described. For any quantity assigned something representing it cannot be nothing because it is something described.
    So let's call a vacuum something near-empty. Compared to air, Earth's atmosphere, if we can observe something within a vacuum, we can see a phenomenon in isolation and perhaps more clearly. And the big voids... do they locally influence the expansion of space? If it does, is it because a relative lack of mass? Plenty of things to ponder on without any "pure vacuum".
    Edit: and yes, please, Michelson-Morley.

  • @Stubby1085
    @Stubby1085 10 дней назад

    Thank you Dr Sutter!

  • @edibleapeman
    @edibleapeman Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for being a human and discussing these sorts of far/deep-minded topics. My feed is inundated with AI-generated crap and despite my fervent reporting/blocking of those channels, the deluge continues. Your continuing appearances on Event Horizon will bring further enjoyment into my dark world. All the best.

    • @edibleapeman
      @edibleapeman Месяц назад

      Also, to the point of this video: If a person believes that nothing *doesn't* exist, then they would therefore have to accept the existence of both the beforelife and afterlife. Death is nothingness, briefly observed by those left in its wake. Death is the unhousing of 'spirit' (I mean this term as broadly and as non-religiously as possible), and depending on what you believe, that 'spirit' either becomes nothing or returns to whence it came or is delivered someplace else entirely. This entire discussion reads to me as a fundamental debate about the nature of death, being the sole example of nothingness-incarnate I might ever conjure.

  • @markmaloney8154
    @markmaloney8154 27 дней назад

    Physicists aren't even in the ballpark in understanding the fundamental nature of the universe. The answer has always been staring them in the face; it’s in the volume composing space itself. Volume has tangible spatial properties, and tangible properties cannot just magically exist, they must have a substantive causation to structurally exist. Space is the largest component composing the universe, but scientists looked through space at what was in it and neglected to quantify the substantive makeup of space. The Rosetta Stone in deciphering the nature of the universe is in the substantive causation composing space itself. We can call this substantive causation ‘Protospace.’ Let’s talk about it…

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      dear sir dr,
      as i am composing this comment, i am watching your excellent vid, tks. i offer this from the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphore where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)
      see any merit to my model as i finish typing as this great vid ends???
      i think we are treading the same path....

  • @edstauffer426
    @edstauffer426 Месяц назад +1

    The fascination with electrons began after reading a report about electrons moving faster than light. It seemed that electrons disappeared and reappeared at distances and time periods that meant that they had to move faster than the speed of light which physicists said was impossible. The most logical answer was that it was not the same electron. Vacuum energy appears and disappears all the time. It all had to come from somewhere.
    The obvious answer was that there was a soup of the building blocks of matter outside of spacetime. Unfortunately we have yet to figure out how to see it.
    Is it a wave or a particle? Quantum mechanics makes more sense to me if there are actually waves of particles outside of space time that pop in and out when we do a measurement . Outside of spacetime they could instantly be where they need to be, as there is no space between the pieces that fit so they can be there in no time. It was not a big jump to realize that these particles could be part of the missing dark matter. By definition waves move, flow and circulate. On our planet we have the water cycle, water runs downhill pools and accumulates. If it becomes warm enough it evaporates. It then joins other particles in the atmosphere and eventually falls back to earth restarting the whole process. The evidence suggests that like water, dark matter can phase transition. This phase transition would accelerate waves of particles that make up the fabric of spacetime and gravity would pull them back down, these would be the drivers of the motion in the dark matter cycle.
    I believe that the entirety of the universe formed as a pocket of spacetime all at once similar to a burst of vacuum energy. Once the fabric of the universe cooled most of it condensed and collapsed into swirling pools which pulled the baryonic matter into direct collapse black holes with the eddies forming the stars and galaxies. The dark matter of the fabric spacetime would collide and spray away from the center rather than be swallowed by the black hole. It would then rain back down on the plane of the galaxy. These pools of dark matter would only occupy about 0.1% of their former volume. The deepest gravity wells would experience time dilation and thus time would pass much more rapidly for areas not in them. Once stars and AGN formed they would begin the process of evaporating the liquid dark matter.. On average throughout the universe time would speed up from that point on while particle mass would slowly decrease as the average liquid dark matter content decreased. The altered ratio of dark matter to baryonic matter resulting from the vaporization process would then have influenced the formation and evolution of galaxies. Progressively smaller stars would have formed due to the shallower gravity wells. Larger diameter galaxies would also have evolved due to the lower LDM concentrations
    Like the clouds of water that surround our planet, clouds of dark matter surround our galaxy. These clouds like fog banks can settle into the galaxy or if two systems collide actually rain down causing bursts of star formation. Anywhere in the universe can contain a deep pool of dark matter as well as any area can become a desert..
    Dark matter is like the ocean it has currents and streams. It also has different salinities (concentrations of normal matter) depending on how much dust and gas has been accumulated.
    The distribution of dark matter in and around galaxies could also be explained by phase transitioning dark matter. The closer to the plane the higher the liquid dark matter content. As this dark matter encounters stars, planets and moons some of it is converted to gaseous dark matter and begins to rise away from the plane due to its phase transition acceleration. This causes it to circulate away from the plane until it encounters gas or dust and rains back into the gravity well. This whole process sweeps dust and gas back toward the middle of the galaxy. The plane of the galaxy would look like lake country with the flow from overflowing gravity wells streaming outward along the plane. This would be the (DDDM) double disk dark matter. Not necessarily a solid layer but more like a filamentary structure along the plane of the galaxy. The majority of dark matter that comprises the fabric of spacetime is movable. Mother nature was smart enough to ensure that wherever more material accumulated that the fabric that contained our spacetime bubble also accumulated more mass to contain it.
    Eventually solid dark matter (SDM) begins to form at the barycenter of the galaxy. It should be distinguishable from the stars and black holes that circle the SMB as it will not feed on gas or dust.
    The filaments of the cosmic web, like galactic halos are accumulations of dark matter, dust, gas and galaxies that collectively drain back to the depths of the gravity well to eventually feed galactic clusters. If not for the GDM and entrained LDM blasted out by the AGN and stars there would be considerably less circulation to move the gas and dust back to the depths of the gravity wells.

    • @jerrykrampera8145
      @jerrykrampera8145 Месяц назад

      Comments by viewers are sometimes more interesting than the video content with questionable veracity. Yours Sir is Stellar , mind opening, welcoming insights of clarity and rational thought. Thank you for some Sage common sense. Where my own reaction to this video was a troll indignation. My pathetic blurted diatribe reaction to being insulted is made insignificant by your eloquence and tact.
      copiedandpastedhere to save you the task of looking for it. You sound like a scholar who I would welcome to set me straight on my understanding of what is and is not.
      In their own words Michelson/Morley proved only that "WIND" does not exist to slow or increase the rate "C" of perturbation in the "Medium". "The substance that imbues the universe". Defined by Faraday and Maxwell as the Electromagnetic Spectrum, ranging from minimum [at rest] energy/gravity level (NOT ZERO) as in the Great Bootes Void, to the Maximum energy/gravity level we call Gallactic Cores or Supermassive Black Holes. Properties like "Space, Time and Gravitational Curvature needing a Cosmological constant were mathematically added to this "Vacuum energy" by Einstein. Plank measured the energy levels of Rogue spikes on Tsunamis of wave reinforcement and the Quantity theorists called stable level energy measurements "Electrons, Photons , Quarks and Bosons, actually spinning "Dynamos" with electric and magnetic "Fields" made of "Quantum Foam" . Which combine to form actual rightly called "Particles" with mass "Protons and Neutrons" building blocks of the Hydrogen Atom and its periodical table of stable energy level variations.
      Albert was asked "How does it feel to be the smartest man in the world? He replied "You should ask Nikola"
      Tesla said "Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether."
      This video telling the world "the Aether does not exist" is like Galileo's inquisitors insisting the earth is the center of the universe.
      I am looking forward to the Michelson/Morley episode fiasco, show us how smart you are.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @theorize999
    @theorize999 29 дней назад

    hey those funny face emotes are great

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    But space also can be a terminating duality like a shadow which is space without light or 0°temperature in which is 0° thermal energy

  • @lemdixon01
    @lemdixon01 Месяц назад

    Maybe vacuum has energy relative to matter like a potential difference in energy. The freezer is cold because the heat energy has been removed, but it only has energy because there is more or less heat to compare it with. So its the ineraction and potential difference which gives it substance.

  • @wcsxwcsx
    @wcsxwcsx Месяц назад +1

    Nothingness is what all the somethings in the universe move through.

  • @xptical
    @xptical Месяц назад

    Space is made of everything. Virtually anything I can think of is in space.

  • @saftheartist6137
    @saftheartist6137 Месяц назад +1

    A substance of Spacetime?

  • @holgerjrgensen2166
    @holgerjrgensen2166 Месяц назад

    Yaeh, Empty Space, means 'Space-less Space',
    Space is Not empty, and is also part of the Creation,
    the Motion-Ocean, physical reality.
    So, the 'Empty space', is the Living Being,
    the Only Real Steady Point, in Existence.
    So, the analysis of Life's Centrum', is the most simple,
    always Here and Now.
    But the Consciousness, Life-side and Stuff-side,
    is a very extensive study.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphore where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @Objectivebeatz
    @Objectivebeatz Месяц назад

    Space is time, so no space = no time. No time means theirs nothing.. 🤔

  • @jerrykrampera8145
    @jerrykrampera8145 Месяц назад

    In their own words Michelson/Morley proved only that "WIND" does not exist to slow or increase the rate "C" of perturbation in the "Medium". "The substance that imbues the universe". Defined by Faraday and Maxwell as the Electromagnetic Spectrum, ranging from minimum [at rest] energy/gravity level (NOT ZERO) as in the Great Bootes Void, to the Maximum energy/gravity level we call Gallactic Cores or Supermassive Black Holes. Properties like "Space, Time and Gravitational Curvature needing a Cosmological constant were mathematically added to this "Vacuum energy" by Einstein. Plank measured the energy levels of Rogue spikes on Tsunamis of wave reinforcement and the Quantity theorists called stable level energy measurements "Electrons, Photons , Quarks and Bosons, actually spinning "Dynamos" with electric and magnetic "Fields" made of "Quantum Foam" . Which combine to form actual rightly called "Particles" with mass "Protons and Neutrons" building blocks of the Hydrogen Atom and its periodical table of stable energy level variations.
    Albert was asked "How does it feel to be the smartest man in the world? He replied "You should ask Nikola"
    Tesla said "Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether."
    This video telling the world "the Aether does not exist" is like Galileo's inquisitors insisting the earth is the center of the universe.
    I am looking forward to the Michelson/Morley episode fiasco, show us how smart you are.

  • @user-xb8vb6sd9j
    @user-xb8vb6sd9j 23 дня назад

    It's an area, with no matter in it but it's still just an area. You're welcome.😌

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Space clearly has Fields within it and otherwise the laws of nature time and space and all of that is something

  • @Slo-ryde
    @Slo-ryde Месяц назад

    Nothingness as we know it… cannot exist per se, within this universe…the “ big bang “ destroyed nothingness!

  • @MekazaBitrusty
    @MekazaBitrusty Месяц назад

    I would love to see a video on the point of philosophers in today’s world. Surely science has replaced whatever philosophers did.

  • @jcdisci
    @jcdisci Месяц назад

    Is it not true that 'nothing' is NOT 'something', rather is it not the ABSENCE of 'something'? Much as 'cold' is not a state within itself, but is an absence of 'heat', just as 'darkness' is the absence of 'light'?

  • @prometheus010
    @prometheus010 Месяц назад

    I don't agree with the premise, a vacuum isn't truly nothing. For it is still a space. True nothing isn't a space or a void. So a vacuum and nothing can both exist. Since nothing isn't a vacuum. Great video. All very important questions. We need to understand what space is, more effectively

  • @jaylove5555
    @jaylove5555 29 дней назад

    Chairs and babies catching strays in the first 5 min 😅😅😅

  • @MuzixMaker
    @MuzixMaker 26 дней назад

    0:14 looks like Caligula to me

  • @Sprengstoff
    @Sprengstoff Месяц назад

    Nothing cannot exist, if it did, it would be something - which is not nothing.

  • @starsreflectingsky
    @starsreflectingsky Месяц назад

    I appreciate the video. You explained a lot of really cool things along the way and ultimately you hit on the same thing that I think many of us think about... Space is something. We don't know what it is but stuff that bends is something.
    I recently really actually thought about nothing. It was in the context of a religious conversation where somebody said something can't come from nothing and I actually really thought very thoughtfully about what nothing is. And it was only a glimpse and it was kind of humbling and breathtaking. For a moment my brain glimpsed the concept that we are even here that there is even anything anywhere. That anything exists for whatever reason is.... Well it's something evolution didn't prepare me for. I don't have symbols for that.
    Putting the religiosity aside, nothing could have just been reality. The fact that there is something is breathtaking. That doesn't assign special designers and all that stuff but just knowing that nothing could have been....
    I don't think something came from nothing and that leaves me to believe that something is always a thing. I'm something. I'm proof of something. I have no evidence of nothing.
    Perhaps the closest we get to a real type of nothing is time in the sense that the moment upcoming and the moment just passed cease to exist. There is no matter floating beyond this current moment and there is no matter in the upcoming moments. Matter AKA the stuff that exists and the energy and all that stuff and space.. it all exists only now. Where things used to be or where things might be or just ideas and memories but they're not real. You can't go to them and touch them but even that in our brain seems to occupy some kind of something but that really is nothing. It's probably the closest we can get to an actual nothing.
    And even that's hard to understand. Everything that's happening is happening right now for every individual entity with its own now. But it's all now.
    That version of nothing is an example I think I can think of that has no impact because it's still not real. And another version of nothing that I can possibly think of is that if the universe is expanding from a smaller place then it's expanding into nothing. And of course there have been plenty of ideas of what if you could go to the edge of the universe... If you could go to the edge of the universe and then go a little bit further you would be taking something with you as you went beyond the edge.
    It's that concept of nothing that is incorrect that we're moving into a nothing. It's not a thing. we just quite literally can not comprehend an actual nothing. Every example of nothing we have involves some things that resemble a lack of a thing but in no way represent nothing.
    Now I mean a creative story that somebody's going to write 200 years from now right now is nothing but that doesn't mean anything. In the same space that that story will exist is also nothing.
    I think like the video shows where Newton kind of created this unlimited universe with coordinates and we can't help but imagine that a finite universe can be looked on from outside of that but any observer outside the universe has brought something with them and made that no longer nothing.
    Bring up Newton was very interesting and I'm more recently learned that his competitor who appears to have written or made up calculus around the same time had a very different comprehension of what space is. He thought it was a relationship between things as opposed to just this vast coordinate system from what I remember.
    Just imagine that his concept of the relationship between objects in the universe creating space through their relationship with each other... Just imagine if we'd had 300 years of that if it had been true and maybe it is I don't know...
    We don't know what space is. But it's definitely not nothing.

  • @redfields5070
    @redfields5070 26 дней назад

    Everyone knows there is something inside a vacuum, it's called suction! lololol

  • @chadbarnard3620
    @chadbarnard3620 Месяц назад

    Of course Otto was mayor. He probably gave himself a permit for that thing!

  • @thankxsomuch
    @thankxsomuch Месяц назад

    Enjoying your presentation! Thanks!

  • @eric_james_music
    @eric_james_music Месяц назад

    I always wondered if it was just semantics. When we say EM waves can travel through space, is the fabric of spacetime essentially just an ether for light? I guess the important difference is that both matter and light can travel through the "ether" of space, so it's not unique to light like the "lumineferous" version they dreamed up.
    Quantum field theory seems to embrace ether! Every particle has its own ether, we just call it a field now.

    • @jerrykrampera8145
      @jerrykrampera8145 Месяц назад

      I tend to equate the E in "E=mc2" as ElectroMagnetic Spectrum where ALL things (light and matter) is composed of ether in various stable energy levels. Matter and Light are the same as sound waves. You're partially right , QFT call ether "Quantum Foam" now, or the Higgs Field and every thing is a particle including gravity by adding "on" to the word. I see the EM wave reinforcement spikes as Dynamos with fields they call them particles.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphor where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @d_s_x414
    @d_s_x414 Месяц назад

    I just accepted that nothing can't exist and moved on.

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Space in matter are codependent and causal to each other and if thermal equilibrium becomes universal and entropy becomes maximum a heat death occurs that means all the matter within space will evaporate whether through Hawking evaporation or becoming causally disconnected due to the distance separating it from all other things or the fact that heat death means no kinetic energy thermal energy or movement or vibration so no matter or energy either space itself will evaporate and disappear as well because without matters space does not exist because it's only reason to exist is for there to be a place where matter can exist for one thing, and subjectivity and consciousness and movement form light and time in many other things as well. Every terminating duality that I speak of is literally linked to an absence on one side and a Infiniti that extends only in One direction on the other side or is the opposite of that where there is a completed Infiniti in duality with a measurement that can be taking arbitrarily along any point making it relative and that is exactly how thermal energy and temperature works when you're talking about hot and cold those two terms are relative but when you're talking about absolute zero degrees that is an absence of thermal energy and this is a special type of duality because with no thermal energy there's no movement and this doesn't occur in nature because of the continuation of space because heat will be radiated although we can artificially create zones that can get that cold I believe but if this was to occur everywhere that would be matter in space with both disappear and not exist physically in the universe anymore so there wouldn't be a universe. Thanks to relativity and the fact that hot and cold are relative terms and the separation point is arbitrarily determined by a subjective measurement when entropy becomes maximum and thermal equilibrium is achieved even if the temperature is millions and millions of degrees hotter than what it is now it is literally the exact same thing as 0° or it becomes zero degrees in reference to the larger framework and then the same fashion what is a subjectivity can be combined with other subjectivities to form objectivity and then from a larger frame of reference that objectivity is just a subjective as every objectivity has its own frame of reference into its own self it's subjective I think this and fractal patterns reality is basically like a gigantic series of nested Russian doll fractals of alternating subjectivity in objectivity but at the same time it's also chaos becoming probability because of the influences of gravity imposed upon it by order. That's why quantum mechanics deals with probabilities while relativity is completely ordered end subject subjective even though it deals with the Continuum and the infinity which is an objectivity. From the framework of the particles they come from a place that is literally chaos to a larger framework yet in their own frame of reference they are literally the macroscopic and order are the shapes that order makes out of chaos and probability which is exactly what we are. I have learned a new way of thinking about infinity and calculating with infinityand I've actually figured out a way to prove that there is literally a way to have two different sized Infinity with the same cardinality which is like literally impossible any other way and it drove cancer crazy trying to think of a way to put different cardinality of infinity into a hierarchy I figured out how to do that as well. The speed of light is the terminating duality that is the most important one I'd say because it represents the fact that infinite velocity is impossible even outside of time and space as instantaneous velocity is the norm there and that is why quantum physics and quantum entanglement in particular happens the way it does the only reason instantaneous velocity is not achievable within time and space is because of the friction of space and the friction of absolute nothingness which space is expanding into and this is what determines the speed of light as well. Friction and inertia because space and absolute nothingness both have inertia and it is literally infinite inertia equals the energy it would take to accelerate an electron to the speed of lightthat is the key secret to everything because there's one difference between the electron and a photon and that is literally what it is carrying which I explained as a backpack but then I realized it can't be a backpack because the electron is not the one that is actually doing the driving it is just a vehicle and the backpack is literally the driver so this is basically potential consciousness and it is where the subjective frame of reference actually is in the quantum realm because chaos in the quantum realm and all of that is completely about objectivity and that might seem kind of weird but it's not when you think about how the fact that objectivity is group subjectivity and it's literally never correct like it never describes any reality that ever happened in time and space. It's not actual reality which is something that's outside of objectivity and subjectivity both and not reachable by anything except for absolute nothingness and perhaps I completed Infinity as I actually think that is what actual reality is is the completed Infinity but objective reality is just the sum total of all subjective realities averaged.and that means that it never describes any reality that ever existed real for real. It is the only thing that can best describe all of the realities that existed but it never describes any of them absolutely correctly a perfectly when no inaccuracies yet every single subjective reality describes its own self exactly and perfectly with no errors but it cannot describe any other subjective reality or objective reality either although they can come very very close and it can actually described it exactly but that's just basically mirroring it it's not the original and it's not produced by the sum total of them averaged there might be some things about it that changes the the overall picture a little bit to wear no subjective reality can mirror it exactly and I think that is the fact that it is literally the sum total of all subjective realities average while the subjective reality itself comes from only one source and that means they can't be mirrored completely show there will be one detail that can never ever be identical between the two things and every other single thing can yet that it makes the world of difference. And you run into many of these little details throughout the this logic of symmetry and dualities that I have discovered. I mean you can't accelerate an electron to like 99.9% the speed of light but without infinite acceleration or energy to boost it over that last little hump which literally you can't it will always remain just under the speed of light but moving is relative since time and space don't really even exist at the fundamental level of reality and they are just a way for an infinite multiplicity to differentiate itself out of a continuum which is how time and space becomes quantified as well to where you have discreteness and this is done with the present moment now. And since all of these infinities are impossible to actually physically exist at least within physicality except for a select few like an infinite density or a singularity which carries all of the other infinities when inside of it like a seed and the singularities are actually carried out of it in various very clever ways that really amazes me when I started realizing what's going on and it's the fact that the electron is identical to a photon without Massand you can literally change it to an electron into the phone into a photon by firing photons at certain types of metal that have extra electrons already so what are isotopes or perhaps it's extra neutrons or something how do I believe it's electrons here because I'm a neutron is a hadron right in the electromagnetic particles I like many many thousands or 100 times smaller I forget the exact values here and I am actually going to make sure I learned much of these things pretty rapidly and pretty soon PS4 longest time I wasn't at the place where I would have had the ability to actually do any equations or math myself and I still don't know any University level algebra or trigonometry or calculus although I do know the basic concept of what they are accomplishing with these ways of measuring things but that is the little beauty of mathematics because you could devise your own kind of mathematics to do any of those things that you do with calculus and trigonometry

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphore where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @TheOicyu812
    @TheOicyu812 Месяц назад

    I'd always assumed it was made up of puppy dog tails and everything nice.

  • @GodIsAnAtheist666
    @GodIsAnAtheist666 29 дней назад

    Hello Dr Sutter, i love space, i have a question. Is the plank lenght increasing between Galaxies and decreasing inside black holes?
    That could explain space expansion without dark energy and the space is the same as it was in the begining. Thanks, love your chanel.

    • @dominikschneeweihs9538
      @dominikschneeweihs9538 27 дней назад

      The plank length is a unit of measure like a meter, it does not increase or decrease because space expands.

  • @Cowface
    @Cowface Месяц назад

    I think asking whether we can create an area of space within our universe where there is true nothingness, and whether true nothingness is even possible at all are two separate questions. The answer to the former is obviously no, imo. How are we going to remove all these quantum fields and the dimensions of spacetime themselves. We’d have to punch a hole in the universe itself somehow. I think the answer to the latter is also no, but it would have to exist outside our universe. But my thing is, if true nothingness were ever to exist, that’s all that would ever exist because nothing cannot beget something and we wouldn’t exist. Whatever existed before the Big Bang was not nothing. True nothingness is a thought experiment, an abstraction created by the human mind that does not, and probably cannot exist in reality.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphor where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @redfields5070
    @redfields5070 26 дней назад

    Nothing where something was, describes our educational system in America.

  • @911review
    @911review Месяц назад

    What about time? If you built that black box, and sat in it, would you get older ? Would your watch work ?

  • @kevind6425
    @kevind6425 Месяц назад

    Ok so if the speed of light is reliant on the vacuum then there are only pockets where light travels at speed c, and everywhere else light interacts with charged particles at different densities, then light both never really travels at c and only travels at c?
    Ok but what was the universe like when the higgs minimum was zero? What is curvature in this context, and if all "particles" traveled at the speed of light, does the vacuum still matter and does time even exist in the same way if matter is ignoring or not yet commanded by how space tells it to move? Sorry

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Anything that can be described with language or an abstract definition or anything is a thing so anything you can't talk about literally is a thing even absolute nothingness which is a very mother of all existence but paradoxically cannot exist so that's why there's something instead of nothing add all other things in existence follow after this and I know exactly how it happens I can describe it mathematically perfectly and I need help I guarantee whoever helped me will be getting half of a Nobel prize I promised that because I am right I guarantee it

  • @lemdixon01
    @lemdixon01 Месяц назад

    If space-time effects mass and the propagation of light, well maybe the cause of this is the aether.

  • @jcdisci
    @jcdisci Месяц назад

    "...have we created a true vacuum, have we achieved true 'nothingness'?" Are you asking if we have created nothing...out of...something? 😳😶‍🌫😶

    • @wcsxwcsx
      @wcsxwcsx Месяц назад +1

      We have merely eliminated something.

  • @findyourlevel9601
    @findyourlevel9601 Месяц назад

    Nothing is a man made word that describes the lack of anything. If it weren't for sentient beings there would be no description of nothing.
    You can have a region devoid of everything but it only happened once before anything existed anf can't be reinvented.

  • @TON__618.
    @TON__618. 28 дней назад

    Question. Don't we live in a 4-dimensional world? I mean, I know you were talking about it in terms of space. But saying that we live in a 3 dimensional world would be a little bit of misinformation.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphor where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @BlizzAz
    @BlizzAz Месяц назад

    "Nothingness" is an abstract concept; a theoretical state of nonbeing that cannot actually exist. Very cool video.

  • @NoddyShoulder
    @NoddyShoulder 29 дней назад

    Why there is something rather than nothing? Well, the universe was born from nothing, because nothing can't exist.

    • @redfields5070
      @redfields5070 26 дней назад

      Imagine there is nothing. It almost breaks your brain.

  • @garrettrlusk74
    @garrettrlusk74 Месяц назад

    Dark matter is the aether

    • @wcsxwcsx
      @wcsxwcsx Месяц назад

      I think the Higgs boson field is the æther.

  • @shaundubai8941
    @shaundubai8941 Месяц назад

    It always Dust

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    The thing that literally keeps nothingness from being possible is information literally it's language or mind because mind and information and data are the very same thing cuz my mind is in the business of storing information that's what it does a consciousness is how the mind learns the information and experience is it in differentiates it because it needs consciousness to record it for one thing and it also needs it to create the present moment because the present moment is literally a gift that's given to us directly from consciousness as nothing else experiences the present moment as things are affected by it but they don't experience it consciousness causes it by the fact that it is literally the subjective framework that is in duality with the objective framework so every subject of framework is going to have the present moment glue to it wherever it goes and when consciousness is there with it and controlling it then all time and space are going for a ride along with it. It can't be carried by electrons and transferred like kinetic energy the subjective frame of reference and that's how you can cause a an electron to become a photon and that's why an electron cannot travel the speed of light while the full time literally does but as soon as you got that electric company because it's carrying the sub subjective framework that houses the potential for consciousness in fact that is what is driving the electron the electron is like a vehicle and this is easy to prove because of the fact that the speed of light is the same for all reference points that means it's objective and the electron can't travel the speed of light but he can travel any other speed in between with whatever Adam and mass in molecules and everything else that's attached to although when it's freed if it still has kinetic energy or mass attached to it I think it automatically travels at 99.9% speed of light I'm not sure how that works yet as I've literally just decoded light into my system this far already had it accounted for through entropy and heat death and things like life in photosynthesis and gravitycuz this is how he is radiated back into the fabric of space so it can come back into space as light and create matter again there are like three fundamental kinds of energy and they are gravity kinetic energy and then chemical energy are biological energy Life energy some people say there's four types of energy I think one of these things is actually what are the three I'm speaking of divided in half but the processes of life and entropy and photosynthesis and heat death and gravity and condensation of matter and energy the story deals with the expansion of space and that causing gravity and the acceleration of the expansion through the various terminating dualities and things I've described a little bit to my other comments I could demonstrate how space and matter time and energy are literally the same thing because they reverse polarity at a certain point after they evaporate and when they come back into existence they are the opposite because all the matter is is condensed and contracted into singularities but within those singularities that matter is literally infinite areas and volumes of space and time that is being constantly divided into units for locality to be possible so the differentiation of all things can occur and it is always expanding and multiplying while the matter and energy is always contracting and condensing in a singularities and in each one of those it's another whole complete universe and this is an infinite pattern of nested Russian dolls that in nature and it's a feedback loop that is open like a spiral and the expansion of space itself is what's fueling it in one sense because the more space there is the faster the acceleration is and that is just something that is even more amazing than just like free energy dislike free energy on f****** crankjust the act of expanding will cause more space so the expansion is literally accelerating just from the fact that there's more of it this provides the energy that is pushing the whole thing including the causal directions of time and entropy and everything else and consciousness is writing it like a wave kind of

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Of course nothing is something because of information. No matter what the thing is you're talking about whether it's an absence an Infiniti or number there is information describing what it is and this information is literally the reason something exists instead of nothing because absolute nothingness is really completely impossible because of those words right there. Whatever the languages or whatever the context is or whatever is absolute nothingness what to actually exist the information describing what it was what exists as well otherwise it wouldn't be absolutely nothingness it would be something else and that is the point of paradox where reality actually is born. I have devised a system that describes the whole process using duality and symmetry and logic that literally reconciles quantum physics and relativity while solving the riddle in the fact that mutually exclusive and incompatible forms of reality can\must be and are, never the less in mutually dependant and causal duality and relationship to each other. Things like chaos in order are not compatible with each other in any way yet they are codependent and causal to each other and in duality. I show how this is possible with the clever manipulation of subjectivity and objectivity which is also the fundamental core of a reality at the very first thing that comes out of nothingness is the completed Infinity are the singularity that is the seed to all the other infinities because an infinite density has all other infinity's locked within it as well. Some people call it the monad I would call it the completed Infinity or the point. This can also be called the self and the not self. And that is the very first relationship established. There is another duality outside of the completed infinity and absolute nothingness and that would be number and absolute nothingness. Are literally the physical universe which is a potential Infiniti and a multiplicity that's why I call it number it is literally the stage where the differentiation of all things what's happening at differentiation must occur within time and space cuz that is the only place that complete separation and autonomy and discreteness and quantification can occur. you have separation every single thing must have a boundary or an event horizon.

  • @rrntexas
    @rrntexas Месяц назад

    Music (or whatever that noise is) is unnecessary, annoying and distracting.

  • @tybeedave
    @tybeedave 15 дней назад

    dear sir dr,
    as i am composing this comment, i am watching your excellent vid, tks. i offer this from the Popcorn Model of Reality.
    The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
    Using the metaphore where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
    the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
    1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
    2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
    3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
    4th * weak nuclear force
    5th * gravity
    6th * time
    This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
    between nothing and everything is something :)
    see any merit to my model as i finish typing as this great vid ends???
    i think we are treading the same path....

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Richard Feynman demonstrated how that can actually cut out thousands of steps I'm working out mathematical problems when he made his diagrams because to actually do the calculations it involves hundreds and hundreds of steps in some of the calculations get the diagrams demonstrate what he is trying to get across and in some very very simple shapes at least comparatively yet he has a problem with infinities in his diagrams that he figured a way to deal with that a lot of people don't understand. I think I have a better way or a similar way that deals with infinity using the terminating dualities that I have discovered and and the speed of light and other things however it applies because you can calculate with infinity by translating it to different types of infinities that have different values depending on where they're at and infinity can be calculated just fine as well buy turn it into fractions because fractions are literally finite numbers that you can do mathematics with and thanks to the magic of like set theory and perhaps category theory but I don't know much about that but because of the fact that there's different types of things within different cardinalities you could turn Infinity into fractions and ratios that are easily written down with little simplevalues and equations and numbers and at the very same time ones that are irrational numbers you can always represent with geometry and these are also terminating dualities that are windows into Infinity. You cannot write the digits to the Golden ratio or to pie any easier than you could write an algorithm that could prove prime numbers are infinite and name each prime number but with a couple strokes of the pen you can draw a circle and a line and demonstrate pi within seconds or you can draw a right triangle or a rectangle or a spiral and demonstrate phi in the golden ratio as well as pie also and the golden spiral indeed are literally Windows into Infinit because they have an infinite non-repeating series of numbers when you try to write out the exact value. But some numbers you can either rotate 90° to the imaginary plane and I think that's how you can write an irrational number out as an exact amount with numbers I'm not sure if that's when it becomes a complex number or not even though I know a complex number is a mixture of a real number and an imaginary number I believe anyways any involves rotating the orientation of its number line or number plane depending on how many dimensions are talking about 90°so that way you're like literally not counting on the same number line but it's a number line with an order identical to the real numbers but the value that is completely crazy it seems at first. And I mean you have to like literally make a certain value that is easy to make an endless it's like calculate able to any other imaginary art complex number like literally you have to figure out how to write the square root of negative one and used the number you did to do that to do the same thing with other negative numbers as they cannot have a square root of natural or real numbers but by rotating geometry 90°you can literally reverse the polaritieslong enough to do the multiplication to where you won't have two numbers with the same polarity creating positive and opposite polarities always being negative you can manipulate it in such a fashion to where the reverses to I guess you should say but the answer is something that can be one or negative one. Mathematically it could be either one of them and it wouldn't it wouldn't be wrong and it wouldn't cause any false calculations either depending on what you're trying to do. Play mathematician so this is just my flawed understanding of the way it works but I know that time is actually just like this that's why we don't see the dimensions of time even though they literally are a special dimension as well because that's what makes our universe into a cube from the outside it would seem to be a sphere though but a spear is actually a cube and that's because of duality and the fact that chaos in order must be reconciled in so much quantum mechanics and relativity and subjectivity and objectivity and every other type of thing that seems to be mutually exclusive and somehow actually mutually dependent and causal to each other and in duality. But three-dimensional space is a sphere as soon as you add the dimension of time it becomes a cube or a rectangle basically and that is how the different types of geometry are also in duality with each other but they are literally one half of a duality in reference to both geometry without any real shape like how random shapes would be nothing like platonic solids or any other patterned shape with angles and sides and points which is something that is completely the child of form just like Spears are spheres and oblong shapes or any type of curve encircle geometries brighten duality of those you would just have random shapes that don't have any pattern or even just scribbled lines. But once you get rid of the chaos didn't you have a duality that is just order that would be the platonic solids and then the spheres in circles on the other side once again this is the nested Russian dolls at work and the fractal universe working its magic.and one side can also be thought of as the golden spiral and ratio and pi all working to build the universe and give form to things because it is the very first outline of form in the universe and everything grows to these patterns that's why the golden ratio and the golden spiral prevalent everywhere and special and if you notice they're always in growing things and moving things. And waves and things that don't have any like atomic structure but are either a conglomerate or group of things with atomic structures but not the same atomic structure or herds of animals or anything that has some type of collective that could be build a shape and is the most economic way to package in a given area and just so many other things as all you mathematicians know how special the golden ratio and all of them things really are. And you also know how prevalent they are along with things like and especially the prime numbers add every number there is in existence is literally the product of prime numbers so after the outline has been made by the golden spiral the prime numbers would add dimension to spaceand then the product of the prime numbers is what fills it in and makes it solid yet there's still one thing missing. That's where qualia comes from and that's where the story comes from. This is what is outside of computation as well but it is still a mathematical concept if you think of it like I am explaining it right now. It's a concept of language and information as well. Because the same process I just described with the prime numbers and the regular numbers and the golden ratio and such can be described with alphabets and letters because every letter will carry information it sound and it has like a visual actual physical shape and stuff so letters have dimensions to them just like numbers do. And then the next step up would be words and they all carry data information but there's not a story there yet except the story of how that word came into being of course so I guess that could be called memory. And then the next level up would be context and this is when things would go from chaos and randomness to probability and from there to order. This is where contacts would begin as paragraphs in sentences were written get that it's not much of a story though but the thing that defines it as a story is a relative thing because every story has a different length once you have a paragraph you have a story. That's what qualia comes from the story is where qualia comes from and this is something that's not computational with a multiplicity or number but people have to remember how they use complex numbers and how geometries can represent irrational numbers like the golden ratio and such and people need to remember that things to terminating dualities we can have Windows into Infinity to where we can get past these kind of problems because there's a set of values somewhere that can determine qualia and this is literally the same place where information consciousness in mind come from and it is the most fundamental thing there is in existence except for nothingness itself which is the mother of all other things and impossible to existplay sweat literally exist at all times but it has a duration list moment is always in existence but since the moment is always moving like the present moment is and has zero duration it literally has no effect upon this reality and it gets flickering from nothingness to completed Infinity back and forth this is where we get electricity from we are literally an electric current in a larger frame of reference and it establishes polarity.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      to paraphrase dr feynman: one can know the names of all the birds and know nothing about birds.
      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphor where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

    • @youtubebane7036
      @youtubebane7036 15 дней назад

      @@tybeedave space is more real than matter is

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      @@youtubebane7036 yes, but it is all nature's reality

  • @carlbell2226
    @carlbell2226 Месяц назад

    Thanks how come nothings getting bigger?

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      its is by 2 neutrinos at a time

  • @carlbell2226
    @carlbell2226 Месяц назад

    If you've in it its not empty

  • @kjetilhvalstrand1009
    @kjetilhvalstrand1009 26 дней назад

    is not red shift, prof of friction.

  • @johnnyz3073
    @johnnyz3073 Месяц назад

    Being and Nothingness

  • @DLee1100s
    @DLee1100s Месяц назад +1

    How long until our descendants look back at us and laugh at our silly theories the same way we laugh at the helio-centric model now.

  • @lastchance8142
    @lastchance8142 Месяц назад

    Common sense insight. Space must be "something", otherwise matter and radiation couldn't be there. True "nothingness" is only a concept, not a physical reality that can exist or be comprehended. Same for infinity.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphor where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @mb_ytc1
    @mb_ytc1 Месяц назад

    Nothing is outside the universe unless the universe is infinite, in which case nothing can’t exist. Btw, I’ve run a, 90% convincing, experiment proving you can push against it 😊

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      i have an almost 100% confidence in PMR experiments

  • @XC0r3
    @XC0r3 26 дней назад

    God is
    Space within space

  • @Leif-yv5ql
    @Leif-yv5ql Месяц назад

    Nope. The vacuum is the dark energy.

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Who cares about vacuum energy man you got to have dimensions of space and time before you can even have that space itself is something and just like matter is to space spaces to nothingness and nothingness is to matter it's like a gigantic game of rock paper and scissors and this is expected it's like nested Russian dolls like I keep saying that's why matter is literally made up of nothingness it's 99.999% nothing and whatever there is that we can detect it just little vibrating points of energy to have zero dimensions and zero area or volume but depending on what your frame of reference is it can have infinite density because if you could shrink all the way down to the Planck length then to you Amazon point the vibration would become singularities in the side and inside of stellar massive black holes and if you shrink down any further which I wouldn't cause you to fall through the cracks and down into the next lower universe because the Planck length is basically a doorway people don't understand that the stellar massive black holes become supermassive black holes in the next level of realityadd all of the particles that you would be made of would literally be exact copies of this universe that I am in right now from the outside. In infinite number of duplicate universes would be what you would be made of thanks to the fact that everything is a strange feedback loop. My theory is like a mixture of Douglas hostetler and Roger Penrose my favorite physicist of course and one of the only ones that's actually close to right. And my other main influences are people like George Cantor and Kurt goodell in Richard Feynman all of these people have had their hands in creating what I have created and other more esoteric sources like Helena blavatsky and of course the one and only Pythagoras and his disciple Plato because that is a disciple even even if not a name I mean everyone knows their starter was Plato's disciple but Play-Doh just teaches pythagoreanism he doesn't ever say that that's his teacher although I'm pretty sure they got a relationship somehow. Aristotle Aristotle was an idiot compared to these other guys I don't know what happened to him I think someone dropped him on his head but he's the least of the the philosophers that really matter to me

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Could you do a collaboration with me please I literally have figured out a way to describe these things mathematically that is in line with quantum physics and relativity and it's like accurate exactly. That's why I'm so excited because I've been working these things out for years actually bad been a slow process until I actually found the trail but from their I've been just following causal connections from one thing to another and every time I predict something's going to happen or I run into a dead end the answer is shown to me and it's literally exactly right every time like like a piece of a puzzle and it's just such a trip but I'm progress so far down this path that literally connect the whole thing like doing a dot dot drawing or something sending coloring it in and I know for a fact that my description reality is the way it actually works and it's literally the the correct onebecause every time I predict something it turns out to be exactly right and it's not like a lot of other physics where people are like oh you can have this degree of difference error you know they give these like equations and amounts and it says there's this margin of error well I don't have any margin of error the things that I am like learning match up one one with no errors at all perfectly and it is a trip because everything falls into place that I've been just kind of following the path am I fascination with infinity and set theory and number theory and why there's something instead of nothing and I mean so many other things and then the fact that I'm very spiritual so I've always studied all the old wisdom traditions has literally shown me the truth and it's 100% scientific description it doesn't have any woo that's not explained in a physically common Sense logic and mathematical way. It describes why there's something instead of nothing and it describes what consciousness is where everything comes from if there's a God or not everything all the questions about reality I figured out how to answer. I've been asking so many people to help me spread the message. You seem like the person that will do it for some reason because you seem like a very smart person yourself and you're very nice and I think if you start following along when I'm saying a little while your mind is smart enough to get what I'm saying you just need a picture of Russian dolls and fractals and duality that don't necessarily divided right in the center because there are fundamentally two dualities at work. The very first thing is absolutely nothing is and then Infinity as in the completed Infinity that is a singularity and the infinite density in the seed to all the other infinities. There's another fundamental duality at work too and that's absolutely nothingness and something or number or multiplicity. This is the potential energy that is our universe that is contained within a singularity from the outside anyways it seems to be inside of it it is a potential Infinity because it'll never quit expanding to our reference point and this is literally the wave function being collapsed from our perspective. What we don't think about when the wave form collapses in quantum physics is the fact that in the very act of collapsing into a point all the leftover wave and Continuum must go somewhere as well and that is literally why spaces expanding. But the matter is being condensed and contracted while space expands that is literally the wave function collapsing from our reference frame which is macroscopic level and this wave function is actually collapsing at the level of someone a couple of infinite cycles of existence larger than us but at the same time the top of their existence is literally the ground floor of ours because he's nested Russian dolls that are freckled are also feedback loops or feedback spirals strange loop that are not closed they're open so they're strange loop spirals. Thanks to relationship and identity and this is something that I've actually learned how to use to give hierarchy to a different cardinalities of infinity and to prove that the same cardinality Infinity can have different sizesif you go completely through the whole cycle of all the different types of infinity that it can be and multiply it by Infinity to each one of those by the time you complete a revolution it is literally infinitely larger than it was but it's the exact same cardinality it's kind of like comparing the real numbers to the natural numbers and asking what why the natural numbers are accountable in the real numbers aren't. And that's really why space is expanding and accelerating as it expands because the more space expands the more space there is to expand and this is all the force you need to explain everything in existence. This acceleration and by the way an acceleration is just velocity with Mass are gravity. It's the inertia of space and gravity is literally just a reaction to the expansion of space because it is accelerating the acceleration is causing gravity as it has to all accelerations cause equal and opposite forces to occur. The very fact that space has more space as it expands which causes it to expand faster and causes it to accelerate literally causes all things because that's the space expands into nothingnessshadows and other parcel absences which is things I call relative nothingness and most of these are actually terminating dualities like to talk about but anything that is a relative absence which means where it's something like a region of space that has no thermal energy in it that's absolute zero degrees and other things were there actual absences of fundamental forces that are part of all creation and normally they're part of the an Infiniti or something but these relative absences are part nothingness since they're missing somebody fundamental things but they're not completely absolutely nothing though but they're not the same as the potential Infinity because actual Infinity doesn't have any of the nothingness in it it's everything else because it's everything that nothingness isn't potential Infiniti is part of both of them and the completed Infinity doesn't have any partial or parcel absences either because everything that could be absent in a partial absence is present in complete Infinity cuz everything's there so there's no partial absences either so completely Infinity doesn't have any nothingness within it what the potential Infinity that is our universe literally starts out as nothing and will end is nothing.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      math is an imperfect description of nature's reality
      the Popcorn Model of Reality.
      The Hamonics and Harmony of Our Universe in the context of everything:
      Using the metaphor where 1 musical note represents natures reality;
      the note * this is the realm of the lord, the almighty GOOD, the real note of everything. what follows are just harmonics of the supreme force of reality.
      1st harmonic of reality * the human mind
      2nd harmonic of reality * commonly referred to as our universe
      3rd * dark matter, strong nuclear force
      4th * weak nuclear force
      5th * gravity
      6th * time
      This not everything. Undescribed harmonics extend ad infinitum above and below the note and harmonics listed above, so, space is never nothing.
      between nothing and everything is something :)

  • @stevedrake6529
    @stevedrake6529 Месяц назад

    Do you have a music free version of this video??

  • @henrycobb
    @henrycobb Месяц назад

    Spacetime is made of entropy.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      entrophy is a small component of everything but there is more than entropy in nature's reality.

  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 Месяц назад

    Of course space is not empty there wouldn't be space there if it was completely empty. There is nothing that is completely empty in fact as absolutely nothing is an impossibility. Space is a partial absence I call it shadow. And I also call things like this terminating dualities which are literally a window into infinity and they exist in things like 0 for the natural numbers. Because they only extend to Infinity on one side or potential Infiniti I should say just like space itself. But the reason it's a window to Infinity is because you can literally work out mathematics using negative integers by using the real numbers. Absolute zero degrees thermal energy is another one and the curvature of space around the singularity is another one as well. End the fact that the speed of light would equal infinite inertia for an electron to move at that speed yet a photon which is literally exactly the same thing almost with something missing that gives it Mass.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 15 дней назад

      mass casts shadows in the field which manifests as gravity. gravity is a property of space, not mass.

    • @youtubebane7036
      @youtubebane7036 15 дней назад

      @@tybeedave it's a property of both. The rate of a fall is the same for all objects yet the amount of kinetic energy transfered upon impact and the strength of the gravitational field is dependent upon the combined mass of the objects involved. Space is a continuous structure and so is time. It is the mass and measuring devices within them that determine the point of measurement, and give discreetness to time and space and quantification occurs only at the present moment of now for time but everywhere for space. This is how the differentiation of things is accomplished, allowing a continuous unity to become a discreet quantified multiplicity. Order uses relativity and gravity to force the chaos into form through quantum mechanics and probability.

    • @tybeedave
      @tybeedave 14 дней назад

      @@youtubebane7036 cool explanation tho i still feel that mass is acted upon by gravity and plays no part in the causality of gravity.

    • @youtubebane7036
      @youtubebane7036 14 дней назад

      @tybeedave think of it like water displacement, when you set a boat in water then there is a corresponding rise in the water level of the body of water even though it's to my Newt you cannot see it in a large body. The kinetic energy of a moving object is not a corresponding increase in mass due to the velocity. The energy is a combination of the rest mass multiplied by the velocity. This is a combination of the quantum and the relative. I think gravity is much the same. You can think of it as two opposing forces traveling in the opposite directions of causality because as time and space is expanding eternally matter and energy are Contracting and condensing eternally and this keeps our physical Universe within finite limits. And the point where the two opposing forces meet is the present moment and the point where gravity is created. I think gravity is universal but it is the objects that regulate its strength.

    • @youtubebane7036
      @youtubebane7036 14 дней назад

      @tybeedave without matter there would not be any space. And vice-versa!