(G)I-DLE shuhua Cute and Funny Girl Cover Psycho (Red Velvet)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 165

  • @silentlyhappey8947
    @silentlyhappey8947 3 года назад +329

    reveluvs trying to cover psycho:

    • @ihssansej
      @ihssansej 3 года назад +8


    • @kirby2894
      @kirby2894 3 года назад +16

      But she does better

    • @maytheforcebewithu792
      @maytheforcebewithu792 3 года назад +62

      @@kirby2894 nope, she's worst, she's natural tone deaf

    • @igoridetilidie
      @igoridetilidie Год назад

      @@maytheforcebewithu792 💀💀💀

    • @theewool
      @theewool Год назад +3

      @@maytheforcebewithu792 well she was just having fun atl least she is famous not like u not even on the fame list

  • @tonyadhitiya670
    @tonyadhitiya670 3 года назад +83

    I think if shuhua would tried sing this song, she should sing in her range. Peace✌️✌️

  • @kampaginsungan_
    @kampaginsungan_ 3 года назад +213

    don’t throw bad comment to shuhua, she trained for the shortest time and she had bad trauma because ppl critized her because of her accent. She become unconfident and end up getting less lines , but SHE IS TRYING.
    just adding, CUBE didnt make a good planning for (G)I-DLE’s debut and they havent give shuhua more vocal training (because she actually wanted to appear on tv, but i don’t think she wanted to be an idol at the first place). i dont even understand why cube put her on debut line, but probably because she can dance and PROBABLY TRAINED DANCE FOR LESS TIME TOO IF YOU SAID SHE LACKS ON DANCING, IT IS BECAUSE CUBE DIDNT PREPARE THEM WELL.
    and also i really want to say, we all know WENDY’s and SEULGI’s vocal range is probably on other level, they are trained more on singing, WENDY is a main vocal, and SEULGI had been trained for a long time and worked so hard on singing, so its hard to sing that note, dont act like u sing as well as wendy or seulgi.
    MORE OVER if u said she didnt even put effort in singing, you can see that she keep REPEATING THE SAME PART. come on :((

    • @sanasgirlfriend6258
      @sanasgirlfriend6258 3 года назад +7

      You're so right

    • @seulgi.gyu.yoongi.jongseong
      @seulgi.gyu.yoongi.jongseong 3 года назад +9

      You're absolutely right. Not everyone has the same vocal range & tone. Then there would be dozens of Wendy in 3rd gen GGs! Some idols/singers may not sound as good as others but there's always room for improvement. We shouldn't crush their confidence... Heck even veteran singers have voice crack sometimes.

    • @randomgirl7308
      @randomgirl7308 3 года назад +14

      That's a lie, she wasn't trained to be an actress. She joined Cube as a trainee to be an idol. She said it herself in her introduction predebut

    • @kampaginsungan_
      @kampaginsungan_ 3 года назад +3

      @@randomgirl7308 my bad, sorry for the misleading information, she said she wanted to be on tv when she was a little, at first thought i think she wanted to be an actress but she was trained to be an idol. But ya among the other members, she trained in the shortest time (i also found that cube didn’t specify her training focus, among vocal, dance, or rap, so we can see that she is kinda lack on singing, not really focusing on dance, not even trained on rap) and still struggle in language issues.

    • @spheksophobiaurinal
      @spheksophobiaurinal 2 года назад +9

      @@kimmy2623 i agree, i think people just praise her tone deaf vocals because she is not from a big girl group. If she was a member of twice or blackpink everyone would understand that she is tone deaf, take a look at her snowman cover, she is always of tune. She an amazing person and is not the kind of bad singer that i wanna bring down, i just don't understand why everyone says she is a great singer

  • @nini0000
    @nini0000 3 года назад +165

    I don't see the reason to make fun of his singing...
    she tries, AND psycho is a difficult song and adding the fact that Shu was trainee for a very short time. I hope I never see a mockery of her "lack of talent" (which is not real)

    • @nini0000
      @nini0000 2 года назад

      @@Jg8jewetwwhcastelw3 equally not a reason to make fun of :/

    • @speedypanda4169
      @speedypanda4169 Год назад

      @@Jg8jewetwwhcastelw3 and yet she still making bomb songs and money

    • @FC-eh7ll
      @FC-eh7ll Год назад +15

      While mockery’s not nice, having been a “trainee for a very short time” isn’t really an excuse. If that had been the case, like too short to be considered well-trained enough to debut, then she shouldn’t have debuted (yet)

    • @rainbowtheunicorn9388
      @rainbowtheunicorn9388 Год назад

      Nd also this song was not practiced by her so she sang unintentiabally

    • @stantwittersconner
      @stantwittersconner Год назад

      lol even normal people can run those easy riffs =))) not u defending her right now, shes a tone deaf idol

  • @patriciathurmon9985
    @patriciathurmon9985 3 года назад +64

    Love this sweet, funny, beautiful, talented girl.

  • @jaei_kng
    @jaei_kng 3 года назад +163

    She's so cute lol ❤️

    • @eldize6771
      @eldize6771 2 года назад

      No She looks like mysterious attractive Irene .Her vocal is also husky like Irene vocals .

  • @tomiekawakami6794
    @tomiekawakami6794 3 года назад +47

    I love her so much

  • @panellope6668
    @panellope6668 3 года назад +21

    that's just so relatable ! all reveluvies can feel it lol

  • @molliefilm
    @molliefilm 3 года назад +21

    i love her so much 😭😭

  • @roo7643
    @roo7643 Год назад +4

    i am truly and utterly speechless. wow

    • @roo7643
      @roo7643 Год назад +1

      xoxo sincverelyt dr doofenshmirt. back to more mikegasms

    • @roo7643
      @roo7643 Год назад +1

      i know right

    • @roo7643
      @roo7643 Год назад

      @@MomosFlowers mind your business

  • @lefrog5239
    @lefrog5239 3 года назад +95

    yall leave my girl shu hua alone >:( dude she's trying her best anyone would sound like that singing out of their vocal range
    she's actually really good and her parts, however short, are always my favorite part of the song. if yall keep sending hate, she'll just get less confident and more shy and she deserves to shine as an artist cause she worked hard, so lay. off.

    • @holicdoll666
      @holicdoll666 2 года назад +26

      Be realistic pls, logic!!!

    • @esth____er
      @esth____er 2 года назад +28

      Lmao at this point yall will forgive anything a pretty girl does if it was an ugly one yall will make fun of them first more than anyone

    • @tuan4482
      @tuan4482 Год назад

      WORKED HARD? u really call someone who has debuted for almost 5 years but still can’t hit mid-range notes in her own songs, literally no technique at all and get flat and wobbly with a very ugly voice tone all the time?

    • @tuan4482
      @tuan4482 Год назад +13

      pls it sounds good because it was heavily autotuned😂 soyeon also spent a lot of time to instruct her, also she had to add layers of other members’ voice to shuhua’s parts too

    • @kuromi68892
      @kuromi68892 Год назад +7

      Who told you she's working hard? She does nothing. She can't learn korean and how to sing after 6 years of debut

  • @celinecommuneau5699
    @celinecommuneau5699 Год назад +6

    She's voice is beautiful

    @TOURGRLXOXO Год назад +11

    I love shuhua! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @BLINK-vm8ne
    @BLINK-vm8ne 3 года назад +20

    Shuhua so cute..😘😘

  • @shuhuasbabbolandarmyzen9086
    @shuhuasbabbolandarmyzen9086 3 года назад +8


  • @moiitsdanielle7138
    @moiitsdanielle7138 Год назад +5

    Is it me or for a second I thought it was Miyeon singing instead of Shuhua😂😮wow! Wait…Miyeon did sing nvm! I for a sec thought it was shuhua really trying to sing lol.

  • @ethelmana3464
    @ethelmana3464 Год назад +1

    She's so cute she's having fun let her

  • @xiannie017
    @xiannie017 Год назад +2

    i love her

  • @laramagalhaes5359
    @laramagalhaes5359 4 года назад +25

    I LOVE THIS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @zohanakhan7290
    @zohanakhan7290 3 года назад +10

    Love u shuhua ❤🥺💜🤗😙😙😻😻

  • @dellaryn
    @dellaryn 3 года назад +17

    The seulgi's key literally not suit sua's key so thats way she can't reach her note

  • @hwang_hyunjin7672
    @hwang_hyunjin7672 Год назад +1

    Her beauty😍😍

  • @kpopstann292
    @kpopstann292 4 месяца назад


  • @lenanoldor6789
    @lenanoldor6789 3 года назад +9

    Me trying to sing psycho intro 😆😢

  • @neonu_snows965
    @neonu_snows965 Год назад +2

    So cute 🥰 boss baby 🐥

  • @Nervillia
    @Nervillia Год назад +9

    The biggest mystery why cube scout her

    • @ayubisf
      @ayubisf Год назад


    • @nishkas1687
      @nishkas1687 10 месяцев назад

      Visuals , she was chosen as a idol while she originally auditioned for being an actress just becoz she looked good

  • @MayerJune
    @MayerJune 3 года назад +45

    I love her but shuhua sweetie- 😭 you're supposed to be a singer

    • @Jg8jewetwwhcastelw3
      @Jg8jewetwwhcastelw3 3 года назад +30

      Right- idk why everyone wants to make an excuse she’s supposed to be a I D O L a SINGER

    • @reereereena
      @reereereena 3 года назад +9

      bro im a singer but this notes are hard af to hit, specially when they're not her key. she's trying to sing along with wendy who's voice is insane. the person who edited this added miyeon singing after but she's not nearly on the same key as the original song, she lowered it. minnie's voice range is wilder than most ppl's and she's been training since she was a kid. yeah, shuhua has to improve but it is unfair to compare her to ppl who have had a lot more years of training, specially when she was trained to be an actress and not a singer. blame cube for not investing in her, she won't magically improve without help.

    • @name9171
      @name9171 3 года назад +25

      @@reereereena but she still off key when she sing maria by hwasa. that song has easy lyrics, the tone is not too high or low, but shuhua still can't sing it

    • @reereereena
      @reereereena 3 года назад +3

      @@name9171 the end of my comment answers this. she's not naturally a singer, didn't audition to be a singer, but somewhere along the road cube decided she'd be fit for gidle. ofc she has improvement to do, but just commenting about how she can't sing, can't do this or that won't do anything!

    • @name9171
      @name9171 3 года назад +21

      @@reereereena she's not naturally a singer, but she should atleast master the basic. she trained for 2 years, enough time for practicing the basic do re mi fa sol. she is an idol. its her job to be able to sing and dance. improvement? its already 3 years since her debut, 5 years including the trainee day, and she didn't improve much

  • @Enhalove12
    @Enhalove12 Год назад +1

    Ahh so cute 😭❤️

  • @minayeon2059
    @minayeon2059 2 года назад +5

    She can sing really well but that part is too high for her🫶🏻

  • @nishkas1687
    @nishkas1687 3 года назад +82

    After seeing this i think even i can sing

    • @theghostwholivesinsmbuildi1073
      @theghostwholivesinsmbuildi1073 3 года назад +9

      but you don't even look like her nail

    • @Kissme77463
      @Kissme77463 3 года назад +4

      Are you making fun of her?

    • @Jg8jewetwwhcastelw3
      @Jg8jewetwwhcastelw3 2 года назад +21

      @@Kissme77463 who wouldn’t she can’t sing 💀

    • @sanjanasarkar2840
      @sanjanasarkar2840 Год назад +2

      I'm a Neverland but i have to be honest, she was extremely weak at vocals and was absolutely not confident but now she improved quite a lot.. but i won't deny she sounded horrible back then

    • @nishkas1687
      @nishkas1687 10 месяцев назад

      @@theghostwholivesinsmbuildi1073 comparing looks instead of talent shows you value her looks more than her singing ability

  • @Rosie_Posie_i
    @Rosie_Posie_i Год назад

    So cute❤❤❤❤❤

  • @imnobody5027
    @imnobody5027 3 года назад +4

    This is so me 😭😂

  • @مومنت-خ2ض
    @مومنت-خ2ض 3 года назад +7

    حلو صوتها

  • @valentinamarip8180
    @valentinamarip8180 Год назад

    She looks like OK chan mi from revenge of others

  • @Angecristal742
    @Angecristal742 Год назад


  • @AllenChibi
    @AllenChibi Год назад +2

    Red velvet song is hard. It's ok shuhua.

  • @Wooedbyjwwww
    @Wooedbyjwwww 2 года назад +1

    2:02 that makeup is so nice 🥰

  • @seenjeans
    @seenjeans 3 года назад +5

    Shuhua just doesn’t know how to utilize falsetto.
    And What was the point of putting Miyeon singing it? *they’re not even singing in the same key ☠️* Miyeon lowered the pitch a lot. And psycho is a hard song, don’t even try and say “isNt sHe A SiNgEr”
    Girl put any member of Gidle to sing this song in the original key and they’re not gonna sound much better

  • @nessaayln__7959
    @nessaayln__7959 2 года назад +2


  • @spongebob-xt5lb
    @spongebob-xt5lb Год назад +11

    We have to be honest guys, shuhua is not a good singer idk what are y’all lying for

    • @Rainielslayyy18
      @Rainielslayyy18 5 месяцев назад

      What did you say again????😂😂

  • @avocaroses
    @avocaroses Год назад +1

    i don't know why baby neverlands think it's cute

  • @jinraigami3349
    @jinraigami3349 2 года назад +1

    What a loud baby.

  • @monique2939
    @monique2939 Год назад


  • @rosessecretdaughter2848
    @rosessecretdaughter2848 3 года назад +56

    She can't sing,she can't dance, she can't rap. So what does she can do?

    • @tenitornado4484
      @tenitornado4484 3 года назад +31

      Everything that you just listed she can do. Listen to their bsides, watch Shuhuas freestyle, and why do you expect a foreigner to rap in Korea when it isn’t their first language? There’s like 2 rappers in the entire kpop industry that aren’t Korean. Blinks need to shut up and keep the gidle members names out of their mouths.

    • @iminoutterspace986
      @iminoutterspace986 3 года назад +2

      @@tenitornado4484 yeahh

    • @karikatures
      @karikatures 3 года назад +3

      trigger you

    • @tenitornado4484
      @tenitornado4484 3 года назад

      @@karikatures What?

    • @karikatures
      @karikatures 3 года назад +6

      @@tenitornado4484 no, i'm not replying to you. i mean another thing shuhua can do to the person behind that comment is trigger them. shuhua is juts breathing and got them triggered

  • @Lipqotoyp0014
    @Lipqotoyp0014 3 года назад +25

    She’s tone deaf

  • @kuromi68892
    @kuromi68892 Год назад +2

    The fact that she can't sing is funny and cute?

  • @prachigautam3913
    @prachigautam3913 3 года назад +89

    She is a singer right?? But she not even sing well kpop put her in grp because of her visual its bad

    • @mirimeii
      @mirimeii 3 года назад +14

      she's really good dancer

    • @jalankaki5138
      @jalankaki5138 3 года назад +58

      @@mirimeii dont fool yourself honey, we knew she is still bad at singing and just so so at dancing.

    • @minyoonji2229
      @minyoonji2229 3 года назад +25

      Shes a good low singer. If you listen to lion live shes way better at low notes but since minnie and yuqi are better with the lower notes and their voice suits them really well too. The trend I notice is that their songs (when it has a high and low mix, mainly high) have lower parts which go to mainly minnie or yuqi so she gets stuck with random lines that dont suit anyone so they just give it to her. Like in Lion or Maybe her voice is showcased but in other songs, even psycho, she tries to sing high but her voice cant do it since shes a low singer

    • @minyoonji2229
      @minyoonji2229 3 года назад +2

      I hope this made sense

    • @prachigautam3913
      @prachigautam3913 3 года назад +18

      @@jalankaki5138 i dont hate her but i dont understand a singer vocal are good and kpop industry is well strict so how she selected for a group i listen her voice but its not seem good at live so as a fact i thought she is so pretty thats why a kpop select her for a group her fan is more than other member

  • @n.n.n._nnsp
    @n.n.n._nnsp 3 года назад +40

    -Can't sing
    -Can't dance
    -Doesn't have stage presence
    -Has not interest in composing/producing/writing lyrics
    She is just the "pretty face" of the group
    Role that Miyeon and Yuqi can fulfill without her

    • @kampaginsungan_
      @kampaginsungan_ 3 года назад +19

      at least she has better personality and attituide than yours:)

    • @viryanisiever3023
      @viryanisiever3023 3 года назад +14

      But her visual is preetier than you, right? ;)

    • @theghostwholivesinsmbuildi1073
      @theghostwholivesinsmbuildi1073 3 года назад +6

      you don't even look like her foot finger why are you even babling here??

    • @name9171
      @name9171 3 года назад +15

      @@kampaginsungan_ no lol her attitude is bad and rude

    • @kampaginsungan_
      @kampaginsungan_ 3 года назад +1

      @@name9171 ahahah i just found out that you probably know nothing about her:) and just wanna tell that you also have bad attituide😩

  • @linhlinh6973
    @linhlinh6973 2 года назад +11

    She sing badly,it hear very funny,i sure i sing better than her

  • @Angecristal742
    @Angecristal742 Год назад +3

    These kpop girls are definetly not singers

  • @ssabielll
    @ssabielll 3 года назад +20


    • @soojincult3335
      @soojincult3335 3 года назад +2

      Any problem??

    • @laraib2824
      @laraib2824 3 года назад +1

      Dude what's your problem??????

    • @molang4693
      @molang4693 2 года назад

      @@laraib2824 problematic-💀

    • @soojincult3335
      @soojincult3335 Год назад

      @@jollybegood you okay bro? Or are you on drugs?

  • @ภัทรพงษ์ทีปานนท์-ฟ7ล


  • @fanirifqoh
    @fanirifqoh 3 года назад +13

    Very bad vocals

  • @petarelive5241
    @petarelive5241 3 года назад


  • @venuslights_
    @venuslights_ Год назад +1

    Terrible 😭