China's intercontinental missile "Dongfeng-31AG" test launched successfully

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • For the first time in 44 years, Beijing test-fired an intercontinental missile into the Pacific Ocean, what does it mean?
    High-definition photos of the launch site of the Lufa intercontinental missile nuclear ace "Dongfeng-31AG"!
    The test launch of an intercontinental missile has attracted attention and the Ministry of Defense of the Army has revealed the reason: it is completely legal and reasonable!
    The test launch of the ICBM is to test the performance of weapons and equipment and the level of training of troops!
    After 44 years, the range of land-launched intercontinental missiles covers the US mainland, and the purpose behind it has been revealed
    What kind of land-launched "intercontinental missile" is available? Nuclear ace "Dongfeng-31AG"!
    The Dongfeng-31AG has a range of 12,000 kilometers
    The "Dongfeng-31AG" has a range of 12,000 kilometers, and it is a strategic consideration to "show its muscles" to the United States
    The People's Liberation Army test-fired an "intercontinental missile" Expert: The main object of deterrence is "United States"!
    Land test launch choice "Dongfeng-31AG" is not "Dongfeng-41"? Li Zhengjie: Confidential!
    The DF-31AG is an improved version of the DF-31 series that can carry at least 3 nuclear warheads
    If the PLA launches the "Dongfeng-41A" into the Pacific Ocean, it can fly to New York in 21 minutes
    China's high-profile projectile hides details Analysis: Intimidating the world and sending three major signals!
    Xi Jinping took this opportunity to release the "purge" of the Rocket Army, which has been completed and has firmly controlled the service
    The military significance of the test launch of an intercontinental missile shows that the technology of land long-range missiles is mature!
    Giving the new US president a "strategic weapon" capability is already in the past
    The range of the intercontinental missile covers the US mainland Expert: Obviously release a message to Washington!
    Beijing shows the strength of the Rocket Force to counter all kinds of "doubts and rumors" from the outside world in recent years
    The mainland rarely test-fired an intercontinental missile on the high seas, and Japan said it had not been notified, and the United States said it was!
    Big and small eyes? Land test launch of intercontinental missile Japan: No prior notice is worrying!
    Reduce misunderstandings and miscalculations The United States Department of Defense confirmed that China had notified before the test launch!
    United States confirmed that it was "notified", but hopes that China will clearly stipulate a more standardized "bilateral mechanism"
    Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan: China's "test launch" of intercontinental missiles was not notified to "Japan" in advance!
    Lin Fangzheng: It has aroused the concern of Japan and the international community!
    The picture of the People's Liberation Army's test launch of an intercontinental missile was exposed, and Japan, New Zealand and Australia were not dissatisfied
    New Zealand Foreign Minister: Test launch of an ICBM is an unwelcome and worrying development

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