I would have peed my jeans with excitement if i had been there, man!! Lucky you. -- Best wishes from the Ukrainian Kinkdom, buddier! Metal is forever ;) Cheers!
We're totally on the same page! Been there die-hard fan since was 8!!! My older brother turned me on to them. Now i am 44 and i'm still in love with their music.
Reliquia de archivo, gracias por compartir.
¡Hola, fanáticos de Judas Priest de Ucrania! ¡Gracias por tu comentario, amigo! 🤘
Before Painkiller there was Ram it down....Absolutely blistering piece of hard steel!!
Great to hear from you, Bruno!!! Yes, RAM IT DOWN is one of the best Heavy Metal albums i can ever think of! And i know quite many ... ;)
I was there!!! Local Road Crew for the arena. Still have my back stage pass.
I would have peed my jeans with excitement if i had been there, man!! Lucky you. -- Best wishes from the Ukrainian Kinkdom, buddier! Metal is forever ;) Cheers!
Best metal band ever
We're totally on the same page! Been there die-hard fan since was 8!!! My older brother turned me on to them. Now i am 44 and i'm still in love with their music.
@@vano758 I'm 64 and still my favourite HM band!💯💪🤝
Buenos recuerdos de 1988 grande judas x siempre
¡Me siento totalmente identificado!
Amazing video and sound!! What a voice!!
f...cking Vocal God!!
fantastic mix!
look up this whole gig in this quality here on youtube. absolutely worth a play. at least once: from beginning to end.
Thanks for uploading… that’s still Dave Holland on drums, right ? RIP
Love his drumming a lot, too ! Did you hear him with the group Trapeze?
the truest metal songs ever ;)
The audio doesn't match the video.