I am currently a senior student at Oral Robert's University and even shared some classes with Jared this past year. Many things Jared says in this video lack supporting information and have been taken out of context. Please follow along in this comment and replies to see other viewpoints from a student who has attended the university longer and has even been employed by the institution. 0:58 There is a curfew. However, this is only for students attending ORU from their first year out of high school or a minor under the age of 18. After your first year in college (directly out of high school), you no longer have a curfew for the remaining years spent at ORU. 1:06 Toward the end of this year (21-22), ORU opened back up their "open dorm policy" where students from other genders/dorms may enter the opposite sex dorm on Sunday afternoons. Jared was at ORU when this policy opened up again. To say you were "never" allowed to have the opposite sex in your dorm is false. (The only reason open dorms were halted for a time was due to Covid restrictions.) 1:16 The fifty dollar chapel fine occurs every third time you have an unexcused absence from chapel. Therefore, you could miss five times and only incur fifty dollars in fines. Furthermore, there is a chapel excuse form available to all students on the ORU app. These forms are reviewed individually on a case by case basis by staff. Students are even excused from all chapels during the year due to work and other circumstances. Students are emailed a list of dates on record where they are not present in chapel along with a link to submit documentation of where they were to dismiss fines before they are charged. 3:12 Where in the employee handbook does it say you must speak in tongues to be hired? I know multiple people who teach and work at ORU who openly say they do not speak in tongues. 3:42 In the 80's, Oral Roberts locked himself in the Prayer Tower as an act of devotion to God. Who are we to question what the Lord spoke to him? After speaking to someone who knew Oral Roberts personally, he explained to me that this story has been widely misconstrued. Oral locked himself in the tower because he felt he was unworthy to keep living if he could not complete the mission God so heavily laid on his heart. 4:09 ORU is not largely into the prosperity gospel. They teach the full truth of scripture without cherrypicking. To say a complete university (meaning you would include the staff, faculty, and students) is for "prosperity gospel" is bold and untrue. In fact, alumni who are considered to be prominent prosperity teachers now are rarely (if ever) mentioned at ORU. Even when talking about famous graduates, I have not once heard their names come up. 4:22 What documentation do you have to support Dr. Wilson telling the basketball coach what players he could recruit? 4:44 If you currently go to the Oral Roberts Mens Basketball media pages, you will see multiple pictures of athletes with tattoos. This is false. 5:04 There were some problems when Richard Roberts was the president of ORU. Yet that is because we are all inherently sinful human beings. That "scandal" says nothing about the university currently. Since then, ORU has worked extra hard to build back better with the help of many others (like the Green family) who believe in the mission and values at ORU. 5:21 I have looked into ORU donor lists. I have not found any casinos on these lists. Not to say your information is not true, but again, where is your documentation? 5:22 ORU did not try to revoke anyones degree based on their sexuality. The case mentioned in this video revolved around issues with absences. 5:59 ORU does not currently have any black jerseys, but there is no source that says that is because black is a "satanic color." The entire senior student body wears black robes (along with the president and other admin) at the graduation ceremony. In addition to this, ORU printed black t shirts to hand out to students for free at basketball games and even had "blackout" themes (this year). 6:27 A lot of people do not go to ORU for free tuition. In fact, many students struggle to pay for school at ORU. I personally applied for many different full tuition scholarships and never received one. The scholarship Jared was awarded ("The Whole Person Scholarship") was due to many factors including an interview process, campus visits, questions, grades, and more. 6:43 The wording here makes it sound like students are not allowed to have tattoos. This is not true. Many students have tattoos (including myself) and there is nothing against it. 7:05 From my own experience, ORU teaches that the "outside world" is a place to show love and the power of the Holy Spirit. It was never described to me as scary. It was described as a place to "go where [Gods] light is dim, where [Gods] voice is heard small, and [Gods] healing power is not known, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth," as described in the university vision statement. This is also why ORU sends large sums of missionary groups out. Not in fear...but in hope and love. 7:57 The day described in this video does take place. However, ORU does not teach that every person will/can speak in tongues. They do however believe in devotional tongues or prayer languages (which they back up with scripture). I have had personal conversation with the President about this matter where he says: "Prayer language or devotional tongues are meant for everyone and then some people are used in the demonstration of the gift of tongues." He continues to explain the differences between these and their purposes. It is misunderstood that he is saying every believer will speak in the demonstration of the gift of tongues because he does not say that. 8:13 ORU classes are not easy. Classes have rankings of levels. When you are a freshman (like Jared) you take lower level classes in the 100s-200s. This is planned out by administration and your success coach (who makes your schedule your first semester) to ease you into the college process. I am also in the college of Theology as Jared was, and I can safely say the classes are not easy. ORU graduates are highly skilled intellectually, spiritually, and interpersonally while at ORU. Many firms in Tulsa seek out ORU grads for this reason. I even know some business owners who have said they will only hire ORU graduates. This is certainly not because we are lacking in intelligence or skills to interact with the world.
8:33 The majority of people from ORU were not homeschooled. This is majorly false. This information must pertain only to the group of people Jared surrounded himself with while there. 9:38 It is important to note that there is also an alternative option to wearing a fitbit. You can track your own aerobic points and turn a log in to your instructor. Many students at ORU (including myself) choose this option over a fitbit. 9:59 The required field test is measured very strictly. However, Jared forgets to mention that you also have the option to walk the distance (with a different grading, time scale). 10:22 The lifestyle quiz mentioned in this video is not accurately described. It was used as a helpful tool to help you personally track your growth over the year AND it did not contribute to the overall grade in the course. 11:02 The coordinators of the missions office would not pull people from a trip based on their past actions unless it possibly showed present problems today pertaining to them traveling across the country representing ORU. I would be interested to hear what story Jared is talking about here. ORU also has an "amnesty and restoration policy" where students can confess struggles and disapproved behavior without punishment. 11:28 The dean described in this story is older in age. It is important to note generational differences here. ORU does not teach that women are in any way second to men in any part of life - especially not when listening to the voice of God. 12:06 ORU is no way tries to "convince" professors that they have to be at ORU to be where God has plans for them. Instead, they constantly push the staff/faculty to pursue God wholeheartedly and be obedient to wherever the Spirit leads them (even if that is away from ORU). After many encounters with professors, I can safely say they are there because they love the school, love its values, love their peers, and love the students. 12:10 Professors are not prohibited from speaking in chapel. In fact, there is a whole day committed to staff/faculty preaching where more than one individual has the chance to share their heart on any matter of choice. I tried to get one of my professors to speak in chapel and he declined saying he knew he was meant to teach in class and not speak to the entire student body. Perhaps this could be more the case than the proposed option that they "were not allowed to." 12:31 Not every speaker who visited and spoke at ORU chapel had a pentecostal/charismatic background nor did they try to perform healings every week. I remember one speaker specifically this year who was from the baptist church background. 12:45 President Wilson did not say that "people who are gay are possessed by demons." He noted people were struggling with same sex attraction and then said "like a demon is chasing them." This makes it safe to assume that he was speaking in analogy and in no way, shape, or form said they were possessed by demons. Please upload the video, so that people can hear themselves. 13:33 There is no way Jared can accurately know all the reasons people decided to attend ORU. I would suggest, again, that these results are based off of the people he hung out with. Over the years I have been at ORU, I have learned that many people can point out the exact moment they felt God call them to ORU despite their parents wishes and their lack of finances. Jared also (at one time) felt called to ORU despite his parents desire for him to attend A&M.
These explanations are in no way a means to bring any hate to Jared or cancel out his opinion to leave ORU. Instead, it is an effort to reveal the full picture that is sometimes left behind in the mess of other details. Jared - I am sorry that ORU was not the right fit for you. However, your video suggests that it is not the right fit for anyone else either. It is unfair to make a video of only negative things at ORU without mentioning any of the positives. Considering my boyfriend was your resident advisor, we went cliff jumping together, shared meals in the deli together, and classes together - I think, it is safe to assume there were aspects of ORU you enjoyed. Please do not hesitate to present all the information, so that the viewers can make an accurate decision for themselves about this institution. ORU has changed my life forever. It was here that I made life long friends, truly learned to hear the Holy Spirit's voice, got in better shape, laughed a lot, and learned under some of the best leaders and mentors. These lessons are things that will far outweigh anything on earth and definitely have an eternal impact. I only wish others had the chance to experience the same freedom and joy I have at ORU. I encourage you to seek more viewpoints and make decisions based off your own experience and guidance from the Lord. I believe ORU could change your life too!
I went to ORU for a short time. I have to say it was one of the best experiences in my life. It was a 10/10. The friendships, the activities, the experiences I will always treasure the memories. It was the best time in my adult life, nothing since has even came close to replacing that fun time period.
Honestly, I love ORU and I can't wait to go back this fall. Yes, there are critiques and flaws, but every school has them. I am thankful for their Christian principles and influence. (The Lord knows its needed in this world). There is no place like Oral Roberts University and no college can compare.
As a current student, I have enjoyed being surrounded by a community of believers at ORU. My relationship with God has grown significantly during my time. Oral Robert’s is all about what you make it like many things in life. ORU isn’t perfect and also isn’t for everybody. It can be easy to find the negative in anything these days. If you are thinking about attending ORU I would encourage you to go experience it for yourself and make a decision from there. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised by what you discover! Jared, I’m glad you found a school that best serves you. Love you, bro!
What is up with all the Masonic symbology? Your prayer tire sits right in the middle of it all seeing eye your prayer hands are Masonic hand gestures and the geometry of the entire campus layout is Masonic. Just curious why a secret society who only requires it's members to be a believer of a higher power not being Abba or Yahweh but any God.
I was passing by Tulsa while traveling. I couldn't help but go visit the campus. I was awe struck & greatly inspired by what I saw. I am a pentecostal pastor. So all that the young spoke of as odd restrictions are things I have lived from age 19 to 55. When God gets a hold of you, you want to please him in ALL aspects of life.
ORU is a school that empowers its students to live by the Spirit (The Holy Spirit), that's not concealed from students or held secret in the enrollment process. While that may not be everyone's preference, every student is given the freedom of choice to know what ORU stands for and decide if it's for them. For me personally, my experience has been life-changing. There's nothing like wanting to have an education and being able to get it at a university where your personal faith can grow. After my undergrad, I am currently back at ORU to further my studies because there's so much more to get out of ORU- four years just wasn't enough! It's an exciting time at ORU: enrollment hit historic numbers this fall 5,000+, the campus is expanding with new buildings and new renovations to further serve its students, and the men's basketball team is #1 in the Summit League with 10 consecutive wins, and I'm loving all of it! I've recommended ORU to others who are currently enjoying their experiences as well. Sorry ORU wasn't the right fit for you Jared, best wishes on your journey.
I went to ORU and the curfew was 11pm; slept in my car when I couldn't get back in time. You had to wear pants and a collared shirt in the GC/LRC (Graduate Center & Learning Research Center) and men couldn't have facial hair. ORU had some strict rules but I promise you it was most relaxed than other private Christian colleges at that time. Yeah, there were crazy rules, but it was the best experience of my life. I have stayed with friends at other party schools and there is so much worldly junk that comes with that. I'm not saying I didn't party at ORU, but the good out ways the bad by far. Name another school who's enrollment has gone up every year for the past 10 years. I loved every minute of my time there; even when I lost sleep for sleeping in my car in the Mabee Center parking lot. Good times. Edit: Also, everything you mention when it comes to gambling, tattoos, going to bars, etc are backed up by scripture. The administration of the school didn't make these rules so students can't have fun. They made these rules because it's founded on a Biblical belief. All of these issues you had were specifically because it's a Christian university. Not to mention ORU wins national academic awards almost every year. The alumni network is full of very very successful people. You have nothing to worried about if you go to ORU.
I don’t see what is the issue, at my job I am recruiter and I love to hire ORU graduate because of their integrity they are one of the best employees and we need more people from ORU good ethical workers
Thank you so much for sharing. I had a truly traumatic experience at ORU a few years ago. I went because I got massive scholarships, like you, but soon realized just how disturbing it is under the surface. It got to the point where I was scared to leave my dorm room because so many students would interrupt me and demand to pray for me (I’m disabled). Everyone wanted to be the next great faith healer and I was ground zero. It was one long endless stream of public humiliation wherever I went. Seeing someone else share their story really makes me feel less alone.
I'm shocked that ORU would admit a disabled person. That would mean they might have to spend extra money to accomodate you. Personal boundaries do not exist in Pentecostal culture. They feel entitled to lay hands on you. I would pray against their prayers.
My two kids went from public high school to ORU. We are from Michigan. Is the school perfect no, however both of them have loved it. Both were high school class presidents. My oldest got a communication degree. My oldest landed a good job. We are very happy with the school overall
I left ORU after my freshman year as well, but simply because it wasn’t the right fit for me. My brother graduated there and loved it. I have many friends there that love it. The majority of what is said in this video is either false, misleading, or twisted truth. Jared, I understand where you coming from bro, but attacking the school isn’t the best way to go about this. It’s ok if it was a good fit for you, but please consider not trashing a place where the Holy Spirit is at work.
I read off the honor code, then explained the university beliefs. Not sure what is so false and misleading about that. And if that’s what the Holy Spirit looks like, I want zero part in it
@@jaredshult it’s more the stuff about the employees. I respect what you said about the honor code, and I personally disagree with alot of what Billy Willy says, but some things you said just don’t have anything to back it up. No disrespect towards you though, I’m sorry if you didn’t feel loved there, I felt the same. I’m glad you’ve found somewhere you think you’ll do better!
A lot of information provided in this video was false. I am a senior at ORU, and I personally know that a lot of things said in this video is not true. 1. Chapel fines only occur after you miss 3 chapels. You can also provide a work or funeral excuse to where you are allowed to miss as many as needed 2. The lifestyle quiz mentioned in this video is not counted toward your grade 3. Yes the classes your FRESHMAN year are easy (ESPECIALLY as a theology major, no offense) but that does not mean ORU does not prepare you. ORU professor work very hard to get you connected with people from the workplace 4. I go to the country dance place you mentioned every weekend and nobody ever cares or says anything A lot of other things in this video were misinterpreted, but at the end of the day you should always do your research. Every school has flaws, so at the end of the day you should choose what fits you best.
They were 3 hour segments! 🙂 ORU put them on pause because of COVID but they’re implanting them again going forward. You could have done your research at least 💅 but anyways, if this is the issue that gets your panties in a wad then I guess choose another school 🤷🏻♀️
You referenced homeschooled students a few times. My children were homeschooled through 8th grade. We used mostly Christian curriculum and I added what I wanted to broaden their education. I gave them the opportunity to go to private high school which further broadened their educational experience and academic classes to prepare them for college. My daughter went to all girl school and son went to all boy school and both schools are on the same campus shared with a Christian Catholic University. My son was able to continue his competitive swimming in high school and my daughter transferred from competitive swimming to color guard in a band at another all boy high school in Chicago. From home school to high school my children had same experiences good and bad that most other students have. My daughter last minute changed her mind from Calvin College to Butler University where she now is working as an assistant director. She wanted to continue her band life experience and Calvin College had no band at that time. She graduated and continued at Tufts University graduating during the shut down. My son went to Marquette University and also graduated during the covid shut down semester. He continued at Indiana University Bloomington in data science. Both are working and adulting very well. Homeschooled students thrive and often make great college and career moves. I think you definitely should go to college where your experience will be what you want. Transferring is a great option! Enjoy your university and have a great career and life!
Thank you for having the courage to be honest and share this! I was at ORU when the scandal almost shut it down and the first few years of the aftermath. Sounds like not much has changed in 15 years, you hit the nail on the head of so many problems I also experienced in my time there. Good luck at A&M and wherever life takes you, trust me you won’t regret leaving ORU.
I left home to attend ORU Jan '87. I signed and complied with their mandatory Honor Code. I worked hard and by God's grace, graduated '90 magna cum laude. I took my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ seriously. I never dated nor misled someone into thinking that I might be interested in them. OR himself, however, was of a mutually exclusive theological persuasion altogether. I kept my focus on the Lord alone. Not man. Never man.
NOBODY GIVES UP FREE TUITION IN TODAY'S INFLATED ECONOMY BECAUSE THEY DISAGREE WITH PROFESSOR SALARIES OR NOT BEING ALLOWED TO SQUARE DANCE! I have no dog in this race but as an adult who already completed college, I can tell you all that this is very standard for a young person who transfers and it should not be taken seriously. I went to a well-known school that people both love and hate. It literally changed my life and I am still friends with my classmates years later. I heard good and bad stories from people who chose not to give the school a full chance and none of it was ever fully accurate. Do you know why? It's because people like to project their experiences and viewpoints onto others. It justifies their feelings and opinions even more in their minds. Jared seems like a decent guy but I listened very carefully and heard very little about HIS own experience at ORU. What I did hear were a lot of rumors and second hand stories from as far back as the '70s that were not his own. He referenced old news stories about Richard Roberts over a decade ago (that may or may not be true as far as I know but have never been proven and have ZERO effect on Jared today). He referenced a casino rumor that he heard about (zero effect on Jared today) . He referenced a chapel fee rumor that he heard about (zero effect). He referenced many things (co-ed socializing, tattoos, local dance hangouts, etc.) that current and past students have denied in these comments. Some of these people hung out with Jared at ORU and had great times with him that he did not deny in the comments but failed to mention in the video. In fact, he used the words "allegedly" and "rumor" repeatedly because he spent so much time on things he had no proof of that did not relate in any way to his own actual experiences. I saw this A LOT in college and I see that it hasn't changed. A student will leave as a Freshman (or even just complete a campus tour in the WINTER when you couldnt see the beautiful surroundings) and then bash the school after never having the full experience. Living amongst Freshman is not the same as the next three years because you learn and grow with each passing year. Each rank is going to bring you more challenging courses no matter where you attend. The first year is always the easiest as with all schools from Kindergarten to Senior year of college. What if everyone just quit high school because 9th grade was easier than 12th? To say that "the intelligence wasn't always up to par" was not godly or kind in any way and those of you who know the Word should know NOT to receive that. It was an insult just to elevate himself and that is unfortunate. It's also one of the most common myths used by transfer students. Besides, it has been proven that homeschooled children often score 15-30% higher than public school kids. He had a huge issue with the rule about not working at places that could negatively impact ORU. Well, welcome to the REST OF THE WORLD, Jared. You will be following that rule for the rest of your life. That's why teachers and doctors and everyone else gets fired for doing certain things outside of work on social media, vacations, etc. No company is going to risk its bottom dollar in this judgmental cancel culture because of an employee's outside activities. In your perfect world, we could all do what we want but people are so quick to blame entire institutions and companies for one person's actions that no one can take the risk anymore. Again, this is an example of what people will say when they're inexperienced or don't have any money to lose based on another person's actions. Jared, you are now at Texas A&M where there are PLENTY of problems and scandals. They have also had many students leave and they can give you stories of illegally buying athletes and campus rapes that are much worse than a supposed $50 chapel fine (which you didn't even experience but just repeated a second-hand story). My point is that any student can complain about any school at any time. In the end, everyone needs to make these decisions for him/herself. As you get older, you learn to stop making life-affecting decisions based on what someone else said. For every ORU complainer like Jared, there are even more students complaining at Texas A&M, Harvard, Vanderbilt, UCLA and your local community college. All of you would be wise to take these videos with a grain of salt because most of these people are just venting and you should have learned at ORU what the Bible says about complainers. Based on his words, Jared did not appear to heavily subscribe to a devout type of Christian lifestyle from the start. He even said that he never really agreed with Oral Roberts before he went there. He said that he went there for free tuition, which is NOT why you should attend a devoutly serious Christian school like this. These types of schools are for people who plan to dedicate all, if not a significant portion of their lives, to serving the church while also engaging in the regular workforce. If you went there to avoid paying tuition, then you did not go there with a sincere heart to begin with and, as a result, you blocked your own blessings while there. Your heart has to be right. That tuition should have gone to a student who really wanted to be there and now it will. Again, Jared seems like a nice young man but he is just too inexperienced and too unaware of the fact that one year does not make an entire college experience and he will soon find that there will always be a person complaining over his/her own experiences no matter where he goes, whether it's school or work. In a few years, he will be complaining to everyone about his job if he doesn't find a way to stop spreading negativity. At some point, you have to stop complaining to the world about your problems, step back and take inventory of what was good and bad about it and then learn from it and move on. Spreading negativity based on your personal experience or unsubstantiated rumors does nothing to educate others, as you say you want to do. In fact, you are possibly preventing them from amazing experiences of their own. Don't forget that we are all responsible for the words we say to others. There is a big difference in trying to help people make educated decisions based on supportive factual information and putting out a bunch of "allegedly" this and "I heard" that. I certainly wish Jared and all of you the best but please seek God and not man for these types of decisions that will ultimately shape the rest of your lives.
Thanks for sharing your opinions. ORU is not for everyone but it is an amazing university and I am very thankful for my degree. 3 of my family members have degrees from there. I knew everything ahead going into it. It really isn’t as dramatic as this video makes it. Congrats on A&M. I am from Texas as well!
Interesting….few things: 1. I don’t see the relevance of bringing up rumors if you aren’t able to prove or solidify them. 2. To call their rules “old religious beliefs,” when it’s based on The Bible, is alarming. The word of God doesn’t change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. 3. Tattoos are not biblical and are very worldly. The only reason why believers get them is because of the world’s influence. If the world wasn’t doing it, we wouldn’t. It does not honor God. Our bodies are not our own…we are God’s temple. No where in The Bible we see holy men or women of God marking their bodies as such. 4. The Bible tells us to come out from among the world and to be separate. As believers, we don’t need to go to those worldly places. We know we aren’t winning anyone to Jesus; we’re just participating in their sin. 5. The problem is we live in a generation where we are being taught by these social media backslidden preachers who don’t preach the true Gospel. They’re seeker-sensitive and appeal to a carnal people. We don’t want the truth-we would rather believe lies, and live life the way we want to. 6. The educational standard at ORU is high. It is not the easiest at all and I attended a very reputable university before coming to ORU. 7. To say professors were not allowed to speak in chapel is false. They literally had them speak before. Could there be more opportunities for them to speak? Possibly. Even further, every class session they have as Professors is like a sermon. They don’t have to preach in chapel. 8. Also, I didn’t see this energy when you were on the screen making chapel announcements. Why did you agree to do those if you felt this way? Why would you want to participate in something you don’t agree with? 9. Honestly, this whole video was all fluff and was basically about spirituality more than anything else. nevertheless, ORU is an INCREDIBLE institution. I am thankful that there is still an educational system that believes in righteousness and holiness in a godless society. I am thankful for an institution that believes in THE BIBLE and the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for a university that challenges and holds me accountable to live a life pleasing unto God. This world desperately needs more institutions like Oral Roberts University!
continue to stay on fire for the Lord young man. You seem like you are hungry for God as the one Jesus talks about in Matthew 5:6. Just remember in your hunger to not forget what verse 6 is sandwiched between: being humble in verse 5 and being merciful in verse 7. I'm not necessarily talking about your interaction on this post, but going forward in life. Offer grace to others as God has offered to you. Continue to be a light on a hill sir 👊🏽
I also went to ORU Jared and I agree with certain parts of what you said. I did have an enjoyable experience but that does not mean I do not have issues with them. For example the part about not being allowed to do certain things off campus is BS. I'm not an alcohol drinker but I do feel like people should be able to have sips of it when people are off campus as long as they don't cross a certain boundary. Not only that I had a guy living in my dorm harass me and my RA did not do anything to resolve it. I am severely sensitive to loud noises to the point where it could damage my hearing and he pushed a button in the elevator that blasted a horrendous noise in my ears. He was told to stop several times. And it was not until I threatened to call campus security on him and maybe even have him charged for harassment or even sue him that he was even willing to comply. He only complied because I has his back against the wall. And my RA tried to make it like "It's not against the honor code" and "It's not his intention". I call BS on that. I don't care what people say to me. I'm never speaking to that guy again. In my mind he is not a man of God when he does things like this and tries to point the finger at you. So yes I partly agree with what you said but most of the time I had a pleasant experience. I made a ton of friends there. Some of them I still work with to this day and graduated with a degree in Filmmaking. I also had really good professors that cared about me and if it wasn't for them I would not be where I am now.
Oh man, to be young again, with your whole life ahead of you. Time rushes by so, damn, fast and one becomes old before they know it. You never age on the inside, if only the body could follow suit. Find the sacred within yourself Brother, and let no one tell you any different. My Best. Out.
For the people who came to the comment section to see the REAL TEA…ORU is not perfect, but it’s a good school. It’s not for everyone, but as a current student who came from fairly similar background it’s really not that bad. This vid is a bit dramatic tbh. There are problems at every school. Wish u the best Jared!! We love you!! 🥳🥳
@Mikayla Joi Hi! Would you mind sharing your experience as a Black person and a woman at ORU? I’m Black and Christian, dead set on attending a Christian university. I was wondering, what has been your experience? Have you dealt with any micro aggressive racism or sexism? ORU is after all a PWI. I hope I’m not asking for too much information.
@@christfollower247 hahahah yeah of course not!! ORU has so much diversity!! I haven’t experienced any racism or sexism being there. Everyone is for the most part understanding and very open to everything as long as it aligns with Gods word! I would 100/10 recommend you coming!! The people here are like no other!! WE WOULD BE SO BLESSED TO HAVE YOU!!
Welcome to Aggieland! I’m involved in a great community! It’s called Chi Alpha! It’s really helped me grow closer to God and I’ve never seen people my age on fire for God!
I'm only half way through your video so far. I think the reason why they go to the extremes with the rules at the university is because of what Billy Graham said. "If this institution ever moves away from faith in the Bible and faith in God and putting God first, then let us this day pronounce a curse on it." You might roll your eyes at the thought of taking that seriously. But I don't think many people would be willing to tempt fate if someone curses your school if they don't follow the guidelines.
The speaking in tongues thing is so strange to me. As far as I know speaking In tongues is a rare gift and can only be used around an interpreter. Why would that be a requirement of an employee and why is that so expected from the students. I don’t fully understand tongues but that just seems so unfair. It probably made a lot of people feel like they weren’t good enough and that breaks my heart. I’m glad you are doing what’s best for your future. God has a plan for us all no matter what college we go to or what we major in. Do what calls you!
ORU is not without its faults and wrong thinkings, however it is not quite as described. I am current student, same class as Jared, I have visible tattoos, and have crazy hair. There are sone who are very touchy about casinos and dance halls, but you should know most are going to disagree because that’s their conviction, not what they’re parents told them. I too came from a big public high school in Texas, and being a business major the classes were not easy. In the end it is not perfect, and some things that go on don’t sit right with me, but this is mostly false and or past tense things that don’t happen anymore
ORU has a legacy and they are doing everything to protect it. It's a whole christian education that makes graduate whole as the bible expects us to be, you cannot keep 9 commandments and break 1. I have never been to a campus that actually has the presence of GOD in the atmosphere like ORU. This entire experience transform lives and you can go there and yield and allow GOD to work in you or sadly leave because you prefer to live your own life as this young man did. It is a wonderful place to be. It is sad you left and I pray that someday you will look back and realise it was not the best decision but this is not to say that GOD cannot still meet you wherever you. In fact he loves you so dearly and there is no where you try to go that you will not find him because he is with you always. He promised to be with always. I wish you all the best Jared.
America today is telling you that you're free, but real freedom is one within limits, as a believer you're meant to be under the "law of life in Christ Jesus " , also you're meant to be within the limits of the rules "while you're studying. You can do all u want when u get out, now you won't know what effects you would have had in your life had u been disciplined enough to follow through! U can look up Arc Bishop Benson Idahosa, he was a Nigerian and one of the 1st graduates from ORU, he transformed the world through his ministry.
I went there. I thought it sucked. Now to be fair, I went there when Richard Roberts was scamming the University in his position as President. The best thing I experienced was meeting my wife. Other than that, most of it was a blur and what feels like a nightmare. The honor code was much more strict when I was there. While much of it I agree with, some of it I do not. When I went, God showed me the issues with the President and administration. No one would listen to me. It was like hell. I felt like everyone was blind. While everyone around me was in their little bubble, I was seeing the behind the scenes hell that was happening. Over a decade later, someone finally leaked what was taking place resulting in the removal of Richard Roberts and his family from the grounds and any association with the university. Finally, what I knew in my spirit came out. I'm glad that the University has experienced much change since. People I know who went there love to argue with me about how I felt from what I was seeing because they had the complete opposite experience. All I know is that I was there for a reason. If that was to meet my wife and that's all then I'm glad I went.
Yeah I went to ORU and this has a lot of false statements in it. Not all of it is wrong but a lot of it is! Plus every school has its faults. I’m glad you got blessed with a full ride and now leaving off of a bunch of false info and hearsay. You are only making this video because you know ORU is getting bigger and you’re just trying to get more views. Also, it’s nice to hear I wasn’t the only person who came to ORU from a public school background. Dream Big
Do you know if Rex Humbard had any connections to the City of Faith? The ORU made quite a name for itself because of the grand vision of it all much like The Crystal Cathedral. I think some people were enraptured by it.
ORU is a wonderful place. I attended in 2003-2004 and 2007-2010. I was a resident advisor. You seem to be exaggerating some things or maybe you were just genuinely confused. ORU isn't for everyone. However, if you're a sincere Christian, it can be an awesome experience, as it was for me. In my experience, the administration is not out to get students or punish them for minor infractions. Many students I knew "got away with" breaking the rules frequently. However, that was never my intention and I always wanted to go to chapel and had no issues with dress code. If you cant get back to the dorm by 1am, you have a problem.
These sound like the type of teachings that continually drive people away from Christianity. I’m a junior BIMS major at tamu. I wanted to go to Baylor because of their Christian background but when I chose TAMU I was worried about finding that community. I have found the best group of people and church. I’m sure you will love it!
I understand your concerns. I don't agree 100% with the honor code and the ideology but I respect it when on campus, off campus I do my own thing because I am an individual. The rules do cut out a lot of nonsense so people can study and learn more efficiently. However, I do disagree with the judgemental attitudes towards breaking the honor code or being "different" but we are adults this isn't highschool, even though I personally, have only received little judgment when being open about it. And frankly, I think straying away from that beige oatmeal colored cardigan Christian aesthetic gives me advantages and shines a light on the reality of different life experiences we have. The chapel fine is ridiculous especially if your denomination is along the lines of Catholicism or Orthodoxy where a theatrical form of worship isn't preferred and I have had multiple friends and classmates confide in me, their concerns about this. No institution is ever going to be perfect, I chose ORU to meet more Christians. I'd rather take slight judgment for not being bold and genuine, than attending a university that will force me to take a "lesbian dance theory class" and be ostracized for not using they/them pronouns. And the few people at ORU that do judge, tend to be young, sheltered, and naive. They have their own lessons to learn throughout their life. And the mandatory chapel service manifests a lot of resentment, spiritual and emotional exhaustion in myself.
I’m sorry but Jared you are wrong about a lot. I mean ORU wasn’t for me because I didn’t like what they were doing but some of your information is false.
@@jaredshult the law suit with the girl, she was fighting the university on her degree because she had absences. During the law suit is when it came out that she way gay. So her being gay was not the reason for the university trying to revoke her degree. The social dancing? ORU literally held a dance for us. They didn’t want students doing it on campus under the ORU name, as far as going to a place to dance? No one cares, I was talking out loud near the president about going to a dance hall and no one cared again. The chapel fees were only if you miss three or more chapels… and you can get permission for a funeral and work and other things, I had to do that so idk what your friend did because she obviously missed more then two Unexcused. You not wanting to put out the video of president Wilson is not because you don’t want to start anything (which you’ll accomplish from this video a long. Oh and on the homosexual thing? Do you know how many openly gay people there are on campus? And no one cares… and those classes may have been easy for you but they aren’t for others. You went to a big public school and took AP? So that’s why they are easy? I went to a big public school and took AP. The AP classes are made at college level to help you with your college level courses in the future, that’s why it came naturally to you. You have spread false information without even checking to see if it was real
I’m a freshman and it’s hell. People are rude and bully for no reason . I find myself constantly shaking and throwing up and crying every day I wish I could go back into time and choose a different college
@@dodioxoopey8843 why would I make it up? I have nothing to lose however they, blocked me on Instagram for speaking out about my experience. I’m just telling people what I went through you need both kinds of criticism before choosing a college. I hope the college is good to you however.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you. It sounds like a demonic attack. I would suggest that you listen to Isaiah Saldivar, Vlad Savchuk, Alex Pagani, and Mike Signorelli on Spiritual warfare. I really hope this helps.
95% of the information shared is incorrect. I’d recommend confirming your stuff before sharing information inaccurately. I just graduated from ORU, and although the university isn’t perfect, which other schools aren’t either, most of the time ORU has the best intentions. A lot of what you mentioned is based on hearsay without confirmation. I am glad you found a university that works for you, but this is exactly how rumors and even more false information is spread.
Bro I attended Eastern University ( a Christian college) same honor code common among Christian University’s furthermore ORU is a conservative Pentecostal university. Speaking in tongues is a fundamental Pentecostal doctrine ( btw I’m a Pentecostal pastor) Tattoo’s going to movies etc is an old school forbidden practice especially among Pentecostal’s. It clearly wasn’t a good fit for you but these things are pretty common for conservation Pentecostals. I’m glad you found somewhere you like.
hey dude love that you’re talking about this! so many of these people live in such a bubble and it becomes so isolating to be around. I hope the rest of your college experience goes better!
Hey Bru: Did you hear about the Aggie who won the gold-medal in the Olympics? He took it home & had it bronzed. Just pok'n fun at your academia. Don't let bad experiences with people who should know better wreck your faith. About the "Tongues" thing ... that happened to me at a secular university. Changed my life. But years of study gave me insight that it's not about the experience but the fact that God has a nexus to your brain. There have been studies done (active brain scans) and the speech that comes thru a person during that event does NOT come thru the normal language center of the brain. I'd say that Paul's advice on the matter in his letter to Corinth is sound, wise advice.
I graduated from ORU. I transferred from a public university. Attending and graduating from ORU was the best thing I ever did. It's not for everyone! Everyone that I met at ORU and graduated from it became very successful in their careers. I feel bad for those that bash this great university.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like your instincts for leaving was spot on. I have a question. Mart Green from the hobby lobby family bailed out ORU and was placed on the board. Have you heard of him or seen him there?
I totally understand how you feel. As a Christian, I felt morally obligated to attend a Christian college. After a year in, I felt even further away from God. From the mandatory chapel to some crazy sexist, racist, etc comments that I’ve heard, I knew that I had to transfer. Now I am a rising sophomore at Boston University and have never felt better in my decision and my pursuit of God.
ORU is one of the most diverse colleges in America and has many international students. If you heard "crazy sexist, racist" comments, they were not condoned by the school. Unwise comments from 19-year-old students happen everywhere. And yes, my co-workers from Massachusetts are champions with their insensitive comments which they somehow think are funny.
I got taken off the mission trip after raising all the money for my trip because "I had nothing to give" according to the head of missions. They literally called me to the chapel to sit me down and tell me that.
love you so so much J. makes me sad that people misrepresent Jesus like this. this place sounds so wrong and i can’t imagine. i’m sorry for all the hurt you had to go through. always here for you and praying you have the best time in your next chapter 🤍🤍
Thanks for making this video. I was supposed to go to Liberty University this fall and I found concerns and similar issues within the institution and I'm glad I stepped away before this fall. Im not going to a public university as well. God bless you. Have fun at A&M.
Do you think you left farther from God because of the environment? Ik that sounds like a dumb question, but it is an honest question bro. Glad you’re going to A&M it’s such a great school!
The male students were required to get their haircuts checked by the Dean of Men before they could get their meal tickets for the month. It was just one of those things they had to get used to doing. It's almost comical that the "no dancing" rule is still in effect after 50+ years.
You were free to leave, right? I remember the ORU Administration constantly reminding the students that if they didn't like something, they were free to leave and not let the door hit us on the way out. There was no hand-holding or catering to students' "feelings" throughout the 1970-1990s. Cults don't usually encourage people to leave. (I hear now things are better at ORU.)
I came across this video of yours man. I got to say. I agree with you with majority of everything you said. I am an alumni at ORU. I graduated in 2012. I'll be honest when I went to college weekend and also came and visited campus every once in a while because my mom worked at ORU at the time. I felt God's presence at ORU and I still think it's a blessed university. But life delt me a bad hand. From being a naive high school student with beliefs in Jesus (I didn't fully become a true Christian until I was 28 years old, But I thought I was a Christian younger in life until I really started understanding who Jesus really was The older I gotten but that's a completely different story) feeling the presence of God alongside other potential students and current students of ORU. Then actually experience being a student was completely different. I went through two different roommates within the first semester of being a freshman. My first roommate treated me like garbage, He wanted me to put away his clothes for him, He ate my food without asking me, basically took advantage of my kindness. What I actually got a new roommate it turned out he was a kleptomaniac. He stole from me and many other students and sold their items on craigslist. And my RA did absolutely nothing about it. Matter of fact the same roommate that stole from me He also took my notes in textbooks when I needed a study for a big exam. Roughly about a whole day before the test I found My textbooks and my notes in his pile of laundry in his closet what I knew I've kept them in my desk. I was also introduced to alcohol at 19 years old by some students at ORU as well living on campus too. I remember working at college weekend one time and the people in charge of college weekend said we need to pretend that we're the most perfect university for these students even though we have our own crap we deal with. And I think the Honor code is a bunch of BS. I understand that while living on campus you're going to be underage most of your time there. But no one should ever be held accountable with a piece of paper or else you're expelled or suspended. Let people live their lives off campus. Let the professors and students of age enjoy a beer or a glass of wine with dinner with their families, friends or going out on a date. The Bible is actually pro-alcohol. The word just says don't be a drunkard and don't get drunk with wine but on the Holy Spirit. Trust me the wine Jesus made is not grape juice, Jesus made the best stuff! Lol 😂 And also if you didn't go to church every Sunday you're also violating the honor code. How much more church can a student have? When you're forced to go to a chapel every Wednesday and Friday and then make you go to church on a Sunday? I would say that the time it over you for me was very bittersweet because there were some pretty awesome professors, I had a pretty decent education, And I'm still friends with some of my roommates today. So I had a time and reason under the eyes of God that I went to ORU. There was a purpose that I was there. I would say that my walk with God was a lot farther going to the Christian University. But at the same time I could understand some of the okay things about it but I think a lot of the ideologies and legalism is forced horribly on the students. They need to allow the students to grow up and develop their own relationship with God. Not be held by a piece of paper. Thank you for your honesty about this video, I wish someone like you posted a video like this 13 years ago when I was still in high school. This video will definitely help other students that love the Lord but also can make a sound decision if they would like to go to university like ORU. By the way I just subscribed to your RUclips channel, Your TikTok, and follow you on Instagram 😊 God bless you kind sir enjoy your time at Texas A&m and I hope and pray that you'll draw close to Christ out there.
soooo the classes were easy, you got a B in HPE, and you couldn’t get 100 min of cardio and somehow you were the “fastest” in your class.. that’s the reason you left the school? lmao 💀
Hey Jared I’ve only seen you on TikTok but you’re really well spoken. I think you should be careful about what you post on TikTok because it might make some people not take you seriously when you have some good things to say. Seems like you felt like the school was legalistic but anyway God bless
After spending 5 years at a Christian HS, I knew I needed to go to a public college or a school that didn’t force religion on us. My current college is a Christian college but nothing religious is forced. I left HS being far from God bc my high school was similar to the bs on ORU, but within my first year in uni after not going to church or reading my Bible. The only reason I came back to God was by my own choice. The typical Christian college model is so incredibly flawed and it’s a bubble that just matriculates emotionally and socially stunted adults. I’m happy you got out :)
Decently strict. You could sometimes get away with shorts, especially as a guy, but depending on your professor and who you come in contact with it could be different
Oral Roberts was a charlatan and it’s pretty evident all throughout his life. I’m genuinely interested in your theology and beliefs now after the fact.
Lots of false statements in this video! Very sad that you would feel the need to bash a Christian school that is doing a lot of good! If you don’t like it, then leave but why bash it?? Sounds like you want to be a Christian in title only! Shame on you!!
@@jaredshult i actually go to ORU and a lot of the things we’re VERY false and a lot of them were also stretching the truth. one quick example is the mission trip kicking people out for their past. i went on a mission trip this year and the missions department is NOT like that. they don’t ask people about their past, and even if circumstances from your past was brought up then they would not kick you out. whoever told you that was either lying or not telling you the whole truth of what happened. also a lot of what your saying isn’t personal experience? actually more than half of what was said is about the “belief systems” or rules. ORU is a great school and has changed my life for the better.
Be careful... Some of us who went and graduated have documented stories of FAR WORSE than any of this. You'll understand one day when you have some miles and experiences behind you. Peace.
Thanks for making this video because, I was being recruited to the school and, I just officially de committed from the school. Because, I couldn’t go to the school for the restrictions. No disrespect to those that go to the school but, it’s not for me. But, I REALLY REALLY appreciate you for making this video for real bro!
You sound like tattoos are are normal and biblical, Lev.19.28 - You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.(NKJV)
To be clear you can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues. Either way that’s sketch cause its not something you can force. You can pray to receive it but ultimately God has to give you the gift and not everyone receives that gift. Sounds like a more extreme and off the rails Pentecostal or Charismatic school
I’m excited to graduate. Not because I can have a degree, but because I can leave the cult that I’m trapped in. Oral Roberts has brought me so much pain and spiritual suffering than growth like they intend. It has made me question whether God loves me, whether I should love myself or if I should walk away from the faith. I consider myself to be a strong believer and I love Jesus with all of my heart, but ORU does not provide safe spaces for worship. I have some personal stories that can incriminate myself in a youtube comments section so I won’t elaborate. Let’s just say that ORU doesn’t like people who are different and don’t fit their cookie cutter mold. To anyone who is considering Oral Roberts, run away from those praying hands. Run to the cross instead.
Hey kid one recommendation don't confuse intelligence with education level. Just because somebody can't punctuation as well as you does not mean that they're not just as intelligent or maybe even more intelligent than you.
I still owe too many $50 fines to count, everything from parking in the wrong spot to chapel fines to other random things. We always used to say the Bible says the wages of sin is death but at ORU it’s a $50 fine 😅
You left a great school like Oral Roberts University because you are in search of unrestricted freedom, and you are here yapping on about it. Grow up kid. Real men submit to discipline and regulations!
Oral Roberts sounds like the total opposite of what a Christian college should strive to be. Glad you left from there. Did u keep the same major or did u change it?
I am currently a senior student at Oral Robert's University and even shared some classes with Jared this past year. Many things Jared says in this video lack supporting information and have been taken out of context. Please follow along in this comment and replies to see other viewpoints from a student who has attended the university longer and has even been employed by the institution.
0:58 There is a curfew. However, this is only for students attending ORU from their first year out of high school or a minor under the age of 18. After your first year in college (directly out of high school), you no longer have a curfew for the remaining years spent at ORU.
1:06 Toward the end of this year (21-22), ORU opened back up their "open dorm policy" where students from other genders/dorms may enter the opposite sex dorm on Sunday afternoons. Jared was at ORU when this policy opened up again. To say you were "never" allowed to have the opposite sex in your dorm is false. (The only reason open dorms were halted for a time was due to Covid restrictions.)
1:16 The fifty dollar chapel fine occurs every third time you have an unexcused absence from chapel. Therefore, you could miss five times and only incur fifty dollars in fines. Furthermore, there is a chapel excuse form available to all students on the ORU app. These forms are reviewed individually on a case by case basis by staff. Students are even excused from all chapels during the year due to work and other circumstances. Students are emailed a list of dates on record where they are not present in chapel along with a link to submit documentation of where they were to dismiss fines before they are charged.
3:12 Where in the employee handbook does it say you must speak in tongues to be hired? I know multiple people who teach and work at ORU who openly say they do not speak in tongues.
3:42 In the 80's, Oral Roberts locked himself in the Prayer Tower as an act of devotion to God. Who are we to question what the Lord spoke to him? After speaking to someone who knew Oral Roberts personally, he explained to me that this story has been widely misconstrued. Oral locked himself in the tower because he felt he was unworthy to keep living if he could not complete the mission God so heavily laid on his heart.
4:09 ORU is not largely into the prosperity gospel. They teach the full truth of scripture without cherrypicking. To say a complete university (meaning you would include the staff, faculty, and students) is for "prosperity gospel" is bold and untrue. In fact, alumni who are considered to be prominent prosperity teachers now are rarely (if ever) mentioned at ORU. Even when talking about famous graduates, I have not once heard their names come up.
4:22 What documentation do you have to support Dr. Wilson telling the basketball coach what players he could recruit?
4:44 If you currently go to the Oral Roberts Mens Basketball media pages, you will see multiple pictures of athletes with tattoos. This is false.
5:04 There were some problems when Richard Roberts was the president of ORU. Yet that is because we are all inherently sinful human beings. That "scandal" says nothing about the university currently. Since then, ORU has worked extra hard to build back better with the help of many others (like the Green family) who believe in the mission and values at ORU.
5:21 I have looked into ORU donor lists. I have not found any casinos on these lists. Not to say your information is not true, but again, where is your documentation?
5:22 ORU did not try to revoke anyones degree based on their sexuality. The case mentioned in this video revolved around issues with absences.
5:59 ORU does not currently have any black jerseys, but there is no source that says that is because black is a "satanic color." The entire senior student body wears black robes (along with the president and other admin) at the graduation ceremony. In addition to this, ORU printed black t shirts to hand out to students for free at basketball games and even had "blackout" themes (this year).
6:27 A lot of people do not go to ORU for free tuition. In fact, many students struggle to pay for school at ORU. I personally applied for many different full tuition scholarships and never received one. The scholarship Jared was awarded ("The Whole Person Scholarship") was due to many factors including an interview process, campus visits, questions, grades, and more.
6:43 The wording here makes it sound like students are not allowed to have tattoos. This is not true. Many students have tattoos (including myself) and there is nothing against it.
7:05 From my own experience, ORU teaches that the "outside world" is a place to show love and the power of the Holy Spirit. It was never described to me as scary. It was described as a place to "go where [Gods] light is dim, where [Gods] voice is heard small, and [Gods] healing power is not known, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth," as described in the university vision statement. This is also why ORU sends large sums of missionary groups out. Not in fear...but in hope and love.
7:57 The day described in this video does take place. However, ORU does not teach that every person will/can speak in tongues. They do however believe in devotional tongues or prayer languages (which they back up with scripture). I have had personal conversation with the President about this matter where he says: "Prayer language or devotional tongues are meant for everyone and then some people are used in the demonstration of the gift of tongues." He continues to explain the differences between these and their purposes. It is misunderstood that he is saying every believer will speak in the demonstration of the gift of tongues because he does not say that.
8:13 ORU classes are not easy. Classes have rankings of levels. When you are a freshman (like Jared) you take lower level classes in the 100s-200s. This is planned out by administration and your success coach (who makes your schedule your first semester) to ease you into the college process. I am also in the college of Theology as Jared was, and I can safely say the classes are not easy. ORU graduates are highly skilled intellectually, spiritually, and interpersonally while at ORU. Many firms in Tulsa seek out ORU grads for this reason. I even know some business owners who have said they will only hire ORU graduates. This is certainly not because we are lacking in intelligence or skills to interact with the world.
8:33 The majority of people from ORU were not homeschooled. This is majorly false. This information must pertain only to the group of people Jared surrounded himself with while there.
9:38 It is important to note that there is also an alternative option to wearing a fitbit. You can track your own aerobic points and turn a log in to your instructor. Many students at ORU (including myself) choose this option over a fitbit.
9:59 The required field test is measured very strictly. However, Jared forgets to mention that you also have the option to walk the distance (with a different grading, time scale).
10:22 The lifestyle quiz mentioned in this video is not accurately described. It was used as a helpful tool to help you personally track your growth over the year AND it did not contribute to the overall grade in the course.
11:02 The coordinators of the missions office would not pull people from a trip based on their past actions unless it possibly showed present problems today pertaining to them traveling across the country representing ORU. I would be interested to hear what story Jared is talking about here. ORU also has an "amnesty and restoration policy" where students can confess struggles and disapproved behavior without punishment.
11:28 The dean described in this story is older in age. It is important to note generational differences here. ORU does not teach that women are in any way second to men in any part of life - especially not when listening to the voice of God.
12:06 ORU is no way tries to "convince" professors that they have to be at ORU to be where God has plans for them. Instead, they constantly push the staff/faculty to pursue God wholeheartedly and be obedient to wherever the Spirit leads them (even if that is away from ORU). After many encounters with professors, I can safely say they are there because they love the school, love its values, love their peers, and love the students.
12:10 Professors are not prohibited from speaking in chapel. In fact, there is a whole day committed to staff/faculty preaching where more than one individual has the chance to share their heart on any matter of choice. I tried to get one of my professors to speak in chapel and he declined saying he knew he was meant to teach in class and not speak to the entire student body. Perhaps this could be more the case than the proposed option that they "were not allowed to."
12:31 Not every speaker who visited and spoke at ORU chapel had a pentecostal/charismatic background nor did they try to perform healings every week. I remember one speaker specifically this year who was from the baptist church background.
12:45 President Wilson did not say that "people who are gay are possessed by demons." He noted people were struggling with same sex attraction and then said "like a demon is chasing them." This makes it safe to assume that he was speaking in analogy and in no way, shape, or form said they were possessed by demons. Please upload the video, so that people can hear themselves.
13:33 There is no way Jared can accurately know all the reasons people decided to attend ORU. I would suggest, again, that these results are based off of the people he hung out with. Over the years I have been at ORU, I have learned that many people can point out the exact moment they felt God call them to ORU despite their parents wishes and their lack of finances. Jared also (at one time) felt called to ORU despite his parents desire for him to attend A&M.
These explanations are in no way a means to bring any hate to Jared or cancel out his opinion to leave ORU. Instead, it is an effort to reveal the full picture that is sometimes left behind in the mess of other details.
Jared - I am sorry that ORU was not the right fit for you. However, your video suggests that it is not the right fit for anyone else either. It is unfair to make a video of only negative things at ORU without mentioning any of the positives. Considering my boyfriend was your resident advisor, we went cliff jumping together, shared meals in the deli together, and classes together - I think, it is safe to assume there were aspects of ORU you enjoyed. Please do not hesitate to present all the information, so that the viewers can make an accurate decision for themselves about this institution.
ORU has changed my life forever. It was here that I made life long friends, truly learned to hear the Holy Spirit's voice, got in better shape, laughed a lot, and learned under some of the best leaders and mentors. These lessons are things that will far outweigh anything on earth and definitely have an eternal impact. I only wish others had the chance to experience the same freedom and joy I have at ORU. I encourage you to seek more viewpoints and make decisions based off your own experience and guidance from the Lord. I believe ORU could change your life too!
Very good, Natalie.
Thank you Natalie!
I went to ORU for a short time. I have to say it was one of the best experiences in my life. It was a 10/10. The friendships, the activities, the experiences I will always treasure the memories. It was the best time in my adult life, nothing since has even came close to replacing that fun time period.
Honestly, I love ORU and I can't wait to go back this fall. Yes, there are critiques and flaws, but every school has them. I am thankful for their Christian principles and influence.
(The Lord knows its needed in this world). There is no place like Oral Roberts University and no college can compare.
I guess I would argue the flaws of Oru are far worse than that of other colleges
Thanks for the information. I’d totally avoid it. I’m looking for education, not woke cult, not religion cult either.
@@jaredshult daddy’s money
As a current student, I have enjoyed being surrounded by a community of believers at ORU. My relationship with God has grown significantly during my time. Oral Robert’s is all about what you make it like many things in life. ORU isn’t perfect and also isn’t for everybody. It can be easy to find the negative in anything these days. If you are thinking about attending ORU I would encourage you to go experience it for yourself and make a decision from there. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised by what you discover! Jared, I’m glad you found a school that best serves you. Love you, bro!
What is up with all the Masonic symbology? Your prayer tire sits right in the middle of it all seeing eye your prayer hands are Masonic hand gestures and the geometry of the entire campus layout is Masonic. Just curious why a secret society who only requires it's members to be a believer of a higher power not being Abba or Yahweh but any God.
I was passing by Tulsa while traveling. I couldn't help but go visit the campus. I was awe struck & greatly inspired by what I saw. I am a pentecostal pastor. So all that the young spoke of as odd restrictions are things I have lived from age 19 to 55. When God gets a hold of you, you want to please him in ALL aspects of life.
ORU is a school that empowers its students to live by the Spirit (The Holy Spirit), that's not concealed from students or held secret in the enrollment process. While that may not be everyone's preference, every student is given the freedom of choice to know what ORU stands for and decide if it's for them. For me personally, my experience has been life-changing. There's nothing like wanting to have an education and being able to get it at a university where your personal faith can grow. After my undergrad, I am currently back at ORU to further my studies because there's so much more to get out of ORU- four years just wasn't enough! It's an exciting time at ORU: enrollment hit historic numbers this fall 5,000+, the campus is expanding with new buildings and new renovations to further serve its students, and the men's basketball team is #1 in the Summit League with 10 consecutive wins, and I'm loving all of it! I've recommended ORU to others who are currently enjoying their experiences as well. Sorry ORU wasn't the right fit for you Jared, best wishes on your journey.
I wish I could go, just don’t know how to afford it
I went to ORU and the curfew was 11pm; slept in my car when I couldn't get back in time. You had to wear pants and a collared shirt in the GC/LRC (Graduate Center & Learning Research Center) and men couldn't have facial hair. ORU had some strict rules but I promise you it was most relaxed than other private Christian colleges at that time. Yeah, there were crazy rules, but it was the best experience of my life. I have stayed with friends at other party schools and there is so much worldly junk that comes with that. I'm not saying I didn't party at ORU, but the good out ways the bad by far. Name another school who's enrollment has gone up every year for the past 10 years. I loved every minute of my time there; even when I lost sleep for sleeping in my car in the Mabee Center parking lot. Good times.
Edit: Also, everything you mention when it comes to gambling, tattoos, going to bars, etc are backed up by scripture. The administration of the school didn't make these rules so students can't have fun. They made these rules because it's founded on a Biblical belief. All of these issues you had were specifically because it's a Christian university. Not to mention ORU wins national academic awards almost every year. The alumni network is full of very very successful people. You have nothing to worried about if you go to ORU.
I don’t see what is the issue, at my job I am recruiter and I love to hire ORU graduate because of their integrity they are one of the best employees and we need more people from ORU good ethical workers
They were probably ethical before they went to Oral Roberts University.
Thank you so much for sharing. I had a truly traumatic experience at ORU a few years ago. I went because I got massive scholarships, like you, but soon realized just how disturbing it is under the surface. It got to the point where I was scared to leave my dorm room because so many students would interrupt me and demand to pray for me (I’m disabled). Everyone wanted to be the next great faith healer and I was ground zero. It was one long endless stream of public humiliation wherever I went. Seeing someone else share their story really makes me feel less alone.
It's sad that the church created an environment where you feel less welcome. I hope things are going well now.
I'm shocked that ORU would admit a disabled person. That would mean they might have to spend extra money to accomodate you. Personal boundaries do not exist in Pentecostal culture. They feel entitled to lay hands on you. I would pray against their prayers.
My two kids went from public high school to ORU. We are from Michigan. Is the school perfect no, however both of them have loved it. Both were high school class presidents. My oldest got a communication degree. My oldest landed a good job. We are very happy with the school overall
“i openly broke the honor code, and people told me that was wrong. this place sucks!”
@@michaelcoleman2180 what does this even mean?
I left ORU after my freshman year as well, but simply because it wasn’t the right fit for me. My brother graduated there and loved it. I have many friends there that love it. The majority of what is said in this video is either false, misleading, or twisted truth. Jared, I understand where you coming from bro, but attacking the school isn’t the best way to go about this. It’s ok if it was a good fit for you, but please consider not trashing a place where the Holy Spirit is at work.
I read off the honor code, then explained the university beliefs. Not sure what is so false and misleading about that. And if that’s what the Holy Spirit looks like, I want zero part in it
@@jaredshult it’s more the stuff about the employees. I respect what you said about the honor code, and I personally disagree with alot of what Billy Willy says, but some things you said just don’t have anything to back it up. No disrespect towards you though, I’m sorry if you didn’t feel loved there, I felt the same. I’m glad you’ve found somewhere you think you’ll do better!
i went to ORU in my freshman year and i can say that it was the WORST YEAR OF MY LIFE, thank you so much for this video
A lot of information provided in this video was false. I am a senior at ORU, and I personally know that a lot of things said in this video is not true.
1. Chapel fines only occur after you miss 3 chapels. You can also provide a work or funeral excuse to where you are allowed to miss as many as needed
2. The lifestyle quiz mentioned in this video is not counted toward your grade
3. Yes the classes your FRESHMAN year are easy (ESPECIALLY as a theology major, no offense) but that does not mean ORU does not prepare you. ORU professor work very hard to get you connected with people from the workplace
4. I go to the country dance place you mentioned every weekend and nobody ever cares or says anything
A lot of other things in this video were misinterpreted, but at the end of the day you should always do your research. Every school has flaws, so at the end of the day you should choose what fits you best.
Also! I forgot to mention that you CAN have the opposite gender in your rooms. Not all of the time obviously, but they do allow this at the school.
In 2 semesters there were 4 2 hour segments I can remember. And door open, feet on the floor, RA check every 30 minutes
They were 3 hour segments! 🙂 ORU put them on pause because of COVID but they’re implanting them again going forward. You could have done your research at least 💅 but anyways, if this is the issue that gets your panties in a wad then I guess choose another school 🤷🏻♀️
You referenced homeschooled students a few times. My children were homeschooled through 8th grade. We used mostly Christian curriculum and I added what I wanted to broaden their education.
I gave them the opportunity to go to private high school which further broadened their educational experience and academic classes to prepare them for college.
My daughter went to all girl school and son went to all boy school and both schools are on the same campus shared with a Christian Catholic University.
My son was able to continue his competitive swimming in high school and my daughter transferred from competitive swimming to color guard in a band at another all boy high school in Chicago.
From home school to high school my children had same experiences good and bad that most other students have.
My daughter last minute changed her mind from Calvin College to Butler University where she now is working as an assistant director. She wanted to continue her band life experience and Calvin College had no band at that time. She graduated and continued at Tufts University graduating during the shut down.
My son went to Marquette University and also graduated during the covid shut down semester. He continued at Indiana University Bloomington in data science. Both are working and adulting very well. Homeschooled students thrive and often make great college and career moves.
I think you definitely should go to college where your experience will be what you want. Transferring is a great option! Enjoy your university and have a great career and life!
I’m so glad that I left ORU last year. Very relatable video.
Thank you for having the courage to be honest and share this! I was at ORU when the scandal almost shut it down and the first few years of the aftermath. Sounds like not much has changed in 15 years, you hit the nail on the head of so many problems I also experienced in my time there. Good luck at A&M and wherever life takes you, trust me you won’t regret leaving ORU.
Thanks! It’s been a great transition. Texas A&M has been awesome
I left home to attend ORU Jan '87. I signed and complied with their mandatory Honor Code. I worked hard and by God's grace, graduated '90 magna cum laude. I took my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ seriously. I never dated nor misled someone into thinking that I might be interested in them. OR himself, however, was of a mutually exclusive theological persuasion altogether. I kept my focus on the Lord alone. Not man. Never man.
Aren’t you a perfect human being.
Thanks for sharing this video. Couldn’t have been easy, you’re a sharp dude.
NOBODY GIVES UP FREE TUITION IN TODAY'S INFLATED ECONOMY BECAUSE THEY DISAGREE WITH PROFESSOR SALARIES OR NOT BEING ALLOWED TO SQUARE DANCE! I have no dog in this race but as an adult who already completed college, I can tell you all that this is very standard for a young person who transfers and it should not be taken seriously. I went to a well-known school that people both love and hate. It literally changed my life and I am still friends with my classmates years later. I heard good and bad stories from people who chose not to give the school a full chance and none of it was ever fully accurate. Do you know why? It's because people like to project their experiences and viewpoints onto others. It justifies their feelings and opinions even more in their minds. Jared seems like a decent guy but I listened very carefully and heard very little about HIS own experience at ORU. What I did hear were a lot of rumors and second hand stories from as far back as the '70s that were not his own. He referenced old news stories about Richard Roberts over a decade ago (that may or may not be true as far as I know but have never been proven and have ZERO effect on Jared today). He referenced a casino rumor that he heard about (zero effect on Jared today) . He referenced a chapel fee rumor that he heard about (zero effect). He referenced many things (co-ed socializing, tattoos, local dance hangouts, etc.) that current and past students have denied in these comments. Some of these people hung out with Jared at ORU and had great times with him that he did not deny in the comments but failed to mention in the video. In fact, he used the words "allegedly" and "rumor" repeatedly because he spent so much time on things he had no proof of that did not relate in any way to his own actual experiences.
I saw this A LOT in college and I see that it hasn't changed. A student will leave as a Freshman (or even just complete a campus tour in the WINTER when you couldnt see the beautiful surroundings) and then bash the school after never having the full experience. Living amongst Freshman is not the same as the next three years because you learn and grow with each passing year. Each rank is going to bring you more challenging courses no matter where you attend. The first year is always the easiest as with all schools from Kindergarten to Senior year of college. What if everyone just quit high school because 9th grade was easier than 12th?
To say that "the intelligence wasn't always up to par" was not godly or kind in any way and those of you who know the Word should know NOT to receive that. It was an insult just to elevate himself and that is unfortunate. It's also one of the most common myths used by transfer students. Besides, it has been proven that homeschooled children often score 15-30% higher than public school kids.
He had a huge issue with the rule about not working at places that could negatively impact ORU. Well, welcome to the REST OF THE WORLD, Jared. You will be following that rule for the rest of your life. That's why teachers and doctors and everyone else gets fired for doing certain things outside of work on social media, vacations, etc. No company is going to risk its bottom dollar in this judgmental cancel culture because of an employee's outside activities. In your perfect world, we could all do what we want but people are so quick to blame entire institutions and companies for one person's actions that no one can take the risk anymore. Again, this is an example of what people will say when they're inexperienced or don't have any money to lose based on another person's actions.
Jared, you are now at Texas A&M where there are PLENTY of problems and scandals. They have also had many students leave and they can give you stories of illegally buying athletes and campus rapes that are much worse than a supposed $50 chapel fine (which you didn't even experience but just repeated a second-hand story). My point is that any student can complain about any school at any time. In the end, everyone needs to make these decisions for him/herself. As you get older, you learn to stop making life-affecting decisions based on what someone else said. For every ORU complainer like Jared, there are even more students complaining at Texas A&M, Harvard, Vanderbilt, UCLA and your local community college. All of you would be wise to take these videos with a grain of salt because most of these people are just venting and you should have learned at ORU what the Bible says about complainers. Based on his words, Jared did not appear to heavily subscribe to a devout type of Christian lifestyle from the start. He even said that he never really agreed with Oral Roberts before he went there. He said that he went there for free tuition, which is NOT why you should attend a devoutly serious Christian school like this. These types of schools are for people who plan to dedicate all, if not a significant portion of their lives, to serving the church while also engaging in the regular workforce. If you went there to avoid paying tuition, then you did not go there with a sincere heart to begin with and, as a result, you blocked your own blessings while there. Your heart has to be right. That tuition should have gone to a student who really wanted to be there and now it will. Again, Jared seems like a nice young man but he is just too inexperienced and too unaware of the fact that one year does not make an entire college experience and he will soon find that there will always be a person complaining over his/her own experiences no matter where he goes, whether it's school or work. In a few years, he will be complaining to everyone about his job if he doesn't find a way to stop spreading negativity. At some point, you have to stop complaining to the world about your problems, step back and take inventory of what was good and bad about it and then learn from it and move on. Spreading negativity based on your personal experience or unsubstantiated rumors does nothing to educate others, as you say you want to do. In fact, you are possibly preventing them from amazing experiences of their own. Don't forget that we are all responsible for the words we say to others. There is a big difference in trying to help people make educated decisions based on supportive factual information and putting out a bunch of "allegedly" this and "I heard" that. I certainly wish Jared and all of you the best but please seek God and not man for these types of decisions that will ultimately shape the rest of your lives.
Thank you for letting me know my intentions 🤝
@@jaredshult you'll see when you get older this person is right too bad it will only be when you're trying to convince a youngin the same
Thanks for sharing your opinions. ORU is not for everyone but it is an amazing university and I am very thankful for my degree. 3 of my family members have degrees from there. I knew everything ahead going into it. It really isn’t as dramatic as this video makes it. Congrats on A&M. I am from Texas as well!
Interesting….few things:
1. I don’t see the relevance of bringing up rumors if you aren’t able to prove or solidify them.
2. To call their rules “old religious beliefs,” when it’s based on The Bible, is alarming. The word of God doesn’t change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.
3. Tattoos are not biblical and are very worldly. The only reason why believers get them is because of the world’s influence. If the world wasn’t doing it, we wouldn’t. It does not honor God. Our bodies are not our own…we are God’s temple. No where in The Bible we see holy men or women of God marking their bodies as such.
4. The Bible tells us to come out from among the world and to be separate. As believers, we don’t need to go to those worldly places. We know we aren’t winning anyone to Jesus; we’re just participating in their sin.
5. The problem is we live in a generation where we are being taught by these social media backslidden preachers who don’t preach the true Gospel. They’re seeker-sensitive and appeal to a carnal people. We don’t want the truth-we would rather believe lies, and live life the way we want to.
6. The educational standard at ORU is high. It is not the easiest at all and I attended a very reputable university before coming to ORU.
7. To say professors were not allowed to speak in chapel is false. They literally had them speak before. Could there be more opportunities for them to speak? Possibly. Even further, every class session they have as Professors is like a sermon. They don’t have to preach in chapel.
8. Also, I didn’t see this energy when you were on the screen making chapel announcements. Why did you agree to do those if you felt this way? Why would you want to participate in something you don’t agree with?
9. Honestly, this whole video was all fluff and was basically about spirituality more than anything else.
ORU is an INCREDIBLE institution. I am thankful that there is still an educational system that believes in righteousness and holiness in a godless society. I am thankful for an institution that believes in THE BIBLE and the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for a university that challenges and holds me accountable to live a life pleasing unto God.
This world desperately needs more institutions like Oral Roberts University!
I will respectfully disagree haha. Have a good one brotha
continue to stay on fire for the Lord young man. You seem like you are hungry for God as the one Jesus talks about in Matthew 5:6. Just remember in your hunger to not forget what verse 6 is sandwiched between: being humble in verse 5 and being merciful in verse 7. I'm not necessarily talking about your interaction on this post, but going forward in life. Offer grace to others as God has offered to you. Continue to be a light on a hill sir 👊🏽
It's called soft conditioning - a form of brainwashing. Sounds more like a cult compound than a legitimate school.
@@kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 and that’s where you’re wrong.
Ok - you hold onto that thought. It's textbook soft conditioning.
I also went to ORU Jared and I agree with certain parts of what you said. I did have an enjoyable experience but that does not mean I do not have issues with them. For example the part about not being allowed to do certain things off campus is BS. I'm not an alcohol drinker but I do feel like people should be able to have sips of it when people are off campus as long as they don't cross a certain boundary. Not only that I had a guy living in my dorm harass me and my RA did not do anything to resolve it. I am severely sensitive to loud noises to the point where it could damage my hearing and he pushed a button in the elevator that blasted a horrendous noise in my ears. He was told to stop several times. And it was not until I threatened to call campus security on him and maybe even have him charged for harassment or even sue him that he was even willing to comply. He only complied because I has his back against the wall. And my RA tried to make it like "It's not against the honor code" and "It's not his intention". I call BS on that. I don't care what people say to me. I'm never speaking to that guy again. In my mind he is not a man of God when he does things like this and tries to point the finger at you. So yes I partly agree with what you said but most of the time I had a pleasant experience. I made a ton of friends there. Some of them I still work with to this day and graduated with a degree in Filmmaking. I also had really good professors that cared about me and if it wasn't for them I would not be where I am now.
Oh man, to be young again, with your whole life ahead of you. Time rushes by so, damn, fast and one becomes old before they know it. You never age on the inside, if only the body could follow suit. Find the sacred within yourself Brother, and let no one tell you any different. My Best. Out.
For the people who came to the comment section to see the REAL TEA…ORU is not perfect, but it’s a good school. It’s not for everyone, but as a current student who came from fairly similar background it’s really not that bad. This vid is a bit dramatic tbh. There are problems at every school. Wish u the best Jared!! We love you!! 🥳🥳
This is a fair take. Thank you for your consistent love and kindness mikayla. You’re awesome
@Mikayla Joi Hi! Would you mind sharing your experience as a Black person and a woman at ORU? I’m Black and Christian, dead set on attending a Christian university. I was wondering, what has been your experience? Have you dealt with any micro aggressive racism or sexism? ORU is after all a PWI. I hope I’m not asking for too much information.
@@christfollower247 hahahah yeah of course not!! ORU has so much diversity!! I haven’t experienced any racism or sexism being there. Everyone is for the most part understanding and very open to everything as long as it aligns with Gods word! I would 100/10 recommend you coming!! The people here are like no other!! WE WOULD BE SO BLESSED TO HAVE YOU!!
@@mikaylajoiii Alright, thank you so much for answering my question. God bless you!
Welcome to Aggieland! I’m involved in a great community! It’s called Chi Alpha! It’s really helped me grow closer to God and I’ve never seen people my age on fire for God!
I'm only half way through your video so far. I think the reason why they go to the extremes with the rules at the university is because of what Billy Graham said. "If this institution ever moves away from faith in the Bible and faith in God and putting God first, then let us this day pronounce a curse on it."
You might roll your eyes at the thought of taking that seriously. But I don't think many people would be willing to tempt fate if someone curses your school if they don't follow the guidelines.
We really didn't need that curse from Billy.
An argument so convincing I thought I was listening to a podcast from the Onion after the first few minutes.
The speaking in tongues thing is so strange to me. As far as I know speaking In tongues is a rare gift and can only be used around an interpreter. Why would that be a requirement of an employee and why is that so expected from the students. I don’t fully understand tongues but that just seems so unfair. It probably made a lot of people feel like they weren’t good enough and that breaks my heart.
I’m glad you are doing what’s best for your future. God has a plan for us all no matter what college we go to or what we major in. Do what calls you!
It’s not a requirement for employees there, his info was misleading. Hope this helps!
ORU is not without its faults and wrong thinkings, however it is not quite as described. I am current student, same class as Jared, I have visible tattoos, and have crazy hair. There are sone who are very touchy about casinos and dance halls, but you should know most are going to disagree because that’s their conviction, not what they’re parents told them. I too came from a big public high school in Texas, and being a business major the classes were not easy. In the end it is not perfect, and some things that go on don’t sit right with me, but this is mostly false and or past tense things that don’t happen anymore
Thanks for helping me to choose the right college for my girl, I love the rules and principles of the place.
ORU has a legacy and they are doing everything to protect it. It's a whole christian education that makes graduate whole as the bible expects us to be, you cannot keep 9 commandments and break 1. I have never been to a campus that actually has the presence of GOD in the atmosphere like ORU. This entire experience transform lives and you can go there and yield and allow GOD to work in you or sadly leave because you prefer to live your own life as this young man did. It is a wonderful place to be. It is sad you left and I pray that someday you will look back and realise it was not the best decision but this is not to say that GOD cannot still meet you wherever you. In fact he loves you so dearly and there is no where you try to go that you will not find him because he is with you always. He promised to be with always. I wish you all the best Jared.
America today is telling you that you're free, but real freedom is one within limits, as a believer you're meant to be under the "law of life in Christ Jesus " , also you're meant to be within the limits of the rules "while you're studying. You can do all u want when u get out, now you won't know what effects you would have had in your life had u been disciplined enough to follow through! U can look up Arc Bishop Benson Idahosa, he was a Nigerian and one of the 1st graduates from ORU, he transformed the world through his ministry.
I went there. I thought it sucked. Now to be fair, I went there when Richard Roberts was scamming the University in his position as President. The best thing I experienced was meeting my wife. Other than that, most of it was a blur and what feels like a nightmare. The honor code was much more strict when I was there. While much of it I agree with, some of it I do not. When I went, God showed me the issues with the President and administration. No one would listen to me. It was like hell. I felt like everyone was blind. While everyone around me was in their little bubble, I was seeing the behind the scenes hell that was happening. Over a decade later, someone finally leaked what was taking place resulting in the removal of Richard Roberts and his family from the grounds and any association with the university. Finally, what I knew in my spirit came out. I'm glad that the University has experienced much change since.
People I know who went there love to argue with me about how I felt from what I was seeing because they had the complete opposite experience. All I know is that I was there for a reason. If that was to meet my wife and that's all then I'm glad I went.
Could you tell me the issue?
Yeah I went to ORU and this has a lot of false statements in it. Not all of it is wrong but a lot of it is! Plus every school has its faults. I’m glad you got blessed with a full ride and now leaving off of a bunch of false info and hearsay. You are only making this video because you know ORU is getting bigger and you’re just trying to get more views. Also, it’s nice to hear I wasn’t the only person who came to ORU from a public school background.
Dream Big
I agree Cyrus, majority of ORU is from a public school background.
In my own experience, I would say around 10% came from a public school background
I’m definitely not leaving based off false info and hearsay haha. These were personal experiences. There was WAY more I didn’t share as well
Do you know if Rex Humbard had any connections to the City of Faith? The ORU made quite a name for itself because of the grand vision of it all much like The Crystal Cathedral. I think some people were enraptured by it.
Independent fact-checkers have reviewed this information to be false or misleading
ORU is a wonderful place. I attended in 2003-2004 and 2007-2010. I was a resident advisor. You seem to be exaggerating some things or maybe you were just genuinely confused. ORU isn't for everyone. However, if you're a sincere Christian, it can be an awesome experience, as it was for me. In my experience, the administration is not out to get students or punish them for minor infractions. Many students I knew "got away with" breaking the rules frequently. However, that was never my intention and I always wanted to go to chapel and had no issues with dress code. If you cant get back to the dorm by 1am, you have a problem.
Honestly, well said, I respect you for not dogging too much on ORU, either way; hoping the best for you Jared
Thanks so much!!
These sound like the type of teachings that continually drive people away from Christianity.
I’m a junior BIMS major at tamu. I wanted to go to Baylor because of their Christian background but when I chose TAMU I was worried about finding that community. I have found the best group of people and church. I’m sure you will love it!
Public university>>>
they’re driving the carnal, backslidden “Christians” away. those who don’t want the true Gospel. those who don’t want the truth.
I don't think you are saying the complete truth though
Most of the information is from the Oru website
Carlos Jürgens punching the air rn cos he has a tattoo 🤧
I understand your concerns. I don't agree 100% with the honor code and the ideology but I respect it when on campus, off campus I do my own thing because I am an individual. The rules do cut out a lot of nonsense so people can study and learn more efficiently. However, I do disagree with the judgemental attitudes towards breaking the honor code or being "different" but we are adults this isn't highschool, even though I personally, have only received little judgment when being open about it. And frankly, I think straying away from that beige oatmeal colored cardigan Christian aesthetic gives me advantages and shines a light on the reality of different life experiences we have.
The chapel fine is ridiculous especially if your denomination is along the lines of Catholicism or Orthodoxy where a theatrical form of worship isn't preferred and I have had multiple friends and classmates confide in me, their concerns about this. No institution is ever going to be perfect, I chose ORU to meet more Christians. I'd rather take slight judgment for not being bold and genuine, than attending a university that will force me to take a "lesbian dance theory class" and be ostracized for not using they/them pronouns. And the few people at ORU that do judge, tend to be young, sheltered, and naive. They have their own lessons to learn throughout their life. And the mandatory chapel service manifests a lot of resentment, spiritual and emotional exhaustion in myself.
From the wise words of Dale Brisby- “you ain’t no cowboy”
I went back in 2020 a girl I knew got all her scholarships taken away for speaking against Billy Wilson's philosophy on tongues
I’m sorry but Jared you are wrong about a lot. I mean ORU wasn’t for me because I didn’t like what they were doing but some of your information is false.
What information is false?
@@jaredshult the law suit with the girl, she was fighting the university on her degree because she had absences. During the law suit is when it came out that she way gay. So her being gay was not the reason for the university trying to revoke her degree. The social dancing? ORU literally held a dance for us. They didn’t want students doing it on campus under the ORU name, as far as going to a place to dance? No one cares, I was talking out loud near the president about going to a dance hall and no one cared again. The chapel fees were only if you miss three or more chapels… and you can get permission for a funeral and work and other things, I had to do that so idk what your friend did because she obviously missed more then two Unexcused. You not wanting to put out the video of president Wilson is not because you don’t want to start anything (which you’ll accomplish from this video a long. Oh and on the homosexual thing? Do you know how many openly gay people there are on campus? And no one cares… and those classes may have been easy for you but they aren’t for others. You went to a big public school and took AP? So that’s why they are easy? I went to a big public school and took AP. The AP classes are made at college level to help you with your college level courses in the future, that’s why it came naturally to you. You have spread false information without even checking to see if it was real
@@jaredshult as far as the tattoos? Have you seen the basket ball players?
@@chloemccurdy4936 YES!!!!
I’m a freshman and it’s hell. People are rude and bully for no reason . I find myself constantly shaking and throwing up and crying every day I wish I could go back into time and choose a different college
I'm a freshmen there right now. I seriously hope you aren't making this up.
@@dodioxoopey8843 why would I make it up? I have nothing to lose however they, blocked me on Instagram for speaking out about my experience. I’m just telling people what I went through you need both kinds of criticism before choosing a college. I hope the college is good to you however.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you. It sounds like a demonic attack. I would suggest that you listen to Isaiah Saldivar, Vlad Savchuk, Alex Pagani, and Mike Signorelli on Spiritual warfare. I really hope this helps.
95% of the information shared is incorrect. I’d recommend confirming your stuff before sharing information inaccurately. I just graduated from ORU, and although the university isn’t perfect, which other schools aren’t either, most of the time ORU has the best intentions. A lot of what you mentioned is based on hearsay without confirmation. I am glad you found a university that works for you, but this is exactly how rumors and even more false information is spread.
Well said Dillon!
“Most of the time Oru has the best intentions” that isn’t exactly a comforting statement
95% is incorrect? I read off the honor on the website lol
@@jaredshult watch this Vid called "SRA at ORU"
Bro I attended Eastern University ( a Christian college) same honor code common among Christian University’s furthermore ORU is a conservative Pentecostal university. Speaking in tongues is a fundamental Pentecostal doctrine ( btw I’m a Pentecostal pastor) Tattoo’s going to movies etc is an old school forbidden practice especially among Pentecostal’s. It clearly wasn’t a good fit for you but these things are pretty common for conservation Pentecostals. I’m glad you found somewhere you like.
I am so that glad that ORU is absolutely walking in truth. I like their core values cause I think they want believers to be holy for our God is holy.
Like oral said, that's the vision of opening the university and not to please the world.
I agree 👍 I don't understand why a person would want to attend a Christian school if they don't want to live as a Christian.
hey dude love that you’re talking about this! so many of these people live in such a bubble and it becomes so isolating to be around. I hope the rest of your college experience goes better!
Thanks so much!!
Thank you for your honesty...
....I am a Spirit filled Christian from Canada...
...God bless
How did you get free tuition?
Hey Bru: Did you hear about the Aggie who won the gold-medal in the Olympics? He took it home & had it bronzed. Just pok'n fun at your academia. Don't let bad experiences with people who should know better wreck your faith. About the "Tongues" thing ... that happened to me at a secular university. Changed my life. But years of study gave me insight that it's not about the experience but the fact that God has a nexus to your brain. There have been studies done (active brain scans) and the speech that comes thru a person during that event does NOT come thru the normal language center of the brain. I'd say that Paul's advice on the matter in his letter to Corinth is sound, wise advice.
Good on you for using your thinker!!
I graduated from ORU. I transferred from a public university. Attending and graduating from ORU was the best thing I ever did. It's not for everyone! Everyone that I met at ORU and graduated from it became very successful in their careers. I feel bad for those that bash this great university.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like your instincts for leaving was spot on.
I have a question. Mart Green from the hobby lobby family bailed out ORU and was placed on the board. Have you heard of him or seen him there?
Yeah he was there often at chapel. At least once a month if not more
I totally understand how you feel. As a Christian, I felt morally obligated to attend a Christian college. After a year in, I felt even further away from God. From the mandatory chapel to some crazy sexist, racist, etc comments that I’ve heard, I knew that I had to transfer. Now I am a rising sophomore at Boston University and have never felt better in my decision and my pursuit of God.
I have never felt happier not being at a Christian school :)
ORU is one of the most diverse colleges in America and has many international students. If you heard "crazy sexist, racist" comments, they were not condoned by the school. Unwise comments from 19-year-old students happen everywhere. And yes, my co-workers from Massachusetts are champions with their insensitive comments which they somehow think are funny.
I got taken off the mission trip after raising all the money for my trip because "I had nothing to give" according to the head of missions. They literally called me to the chapel to sit me down and tell me that.
I’m okay with the rules you listed it’s a Christian university!
love you so so much J. makes me sad that people misrepresent Jesus like this. this place sounds so wrong and i can’t imagine. i’m sorry for all the hurt you had to go through. always here for you and praying you have the best time in your next chapter 🤍🤍
Oh youngin I graduated in ‘89 i have lots of stories
Thanks for making this video. I was supposed to go to Liberty University this fall and I found concerns and similar issues within the institution and I'm glad I stepped away before this fall. Im not going to a public university as well. God bless you. Have fun at A&M.
Glad you did your research before you attended. Proud of you
everyplace is worst than here,but oru is better one amidst many problem
Was the transfer process pretty easy for you?
what questions were you asked to get the scholarship how did you get the scholarship?
Thanks for making this video, im sure it will help people. I was curious, as I've been studying the Prosperity Gospel movement and televangelists.
Do you think you left farther from God because of the environment? Ik that sounds like a dumb question, but it is an honest question bro. Glad you’re going to A&M it’s such a great school!
One moves farther away from God when they sin. That’s why Jesus said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near.” Unrepentance breeds more sin.
The male students were required to get their haircuts checked by the Dean of Men before they could get their meal tickets for the month. It was just one of those things they had to get used to doing. It's almost comical that the "no dancing" rule is still in effect after 50+ years.
Oral Roberts lied many times. So why do people try to stick up for con men? Who their whole ministry was about making money?
Every time I watch a cult documentary, I think of my time at ORU.
You were free to leave, right? I remember the ORU Administration constantly reminding the students that if they didn't like something, they were free to leave and not let the door hit us on the way out. There was no hand-holding or catering to students' "feelings" throughout the 1970-1990s. Cults don't usually encourage people to leave. (I hear now things are better at ORU.)
I came across this video of yours man. I got to say. I agree with you with majority of everything you said.
I am an alumni at ORU. I graduated in 2012. I'll be honest when I went to college weekend and also came and visited campus every once in a while because my mom worked at ORU at the time.
I felt God's presence at ORU and I still think it's a blessed university. But life delt me a bad hand.
From being a naive high school student with beliefs in Jesus (I didn't fully become a true Christian until I was 28 years old, But I thought I was a Christian younger in life until I really started understanding who Jesus really was The older I gotten but that's a completely different story) feeling the presence of God alongside other potential students and current students of ORU. Then actually experience being a student was completely different.
I went through two different roommates within the first semester of being a freshman. My first roommate treated me like garbage, He wanted me to put away his clothes for him, He ate my food without asking me, basically took advantage of my kindness. What I actually got a new roommate it turned out he was a kleptomaniac. He stole from me and many other students and sold their items on craigslist. And my RA did absolutely nothing about it. Matter of fact the same roommate that stole from me He also took my notes in textbooks when I needed a study for a big exam. Roughly about a whole day before the test I found My textbooks and my notes in his pile of laundry in his closet what I knew I've kept them in my desk.
I was also introduced to alcohol at 19 years old by some students at ORU as well living on campus too.
I remember working at college weekend one time and the people in charge of college weekend said we need to pretend that we're the most perfect university for these students even though we have our own crap we deal with.
And I think the Honor code is a bunch of BS. I understand that while living on campus you're going to be underage most of your time there. But no one should ever be held accountable with a piece of paper or else you're expelled or suspended. Let people live their lives off campus. Let the professors and students of age enjoy a beer or a glass of wine with dinner with their families, friends or going out on a date. The Bible is actually pro-alcohol. The word just says don't be a drunkard and don't get drunk with wine but on the Holy Spirit. Trust me the wine Jesus made is not grape juice, Jesus made the best stuff! Lol 😂 And also if you didn't go to church every Sunday you're also violating the honor code. How much more church can a student have? When you're forced to go to a chapel every Wednesday and Friday and then make you go to church on a Sunday?
I would say that the time it over you for me was very bittersweet because there were some pretty awesome professors, I had a pretty decent education, And I'm still friends with some of my roommates today. So I had a time and reason under the eyes of God that I went to ORU. There was a purpose that I was there.
I would say that my walk with God was a lot farther going to the Christian University. But at the same time I could understand some of the okay things about it but I think a lot of the ideologies and legalism is forced horribly on the students. They need to allow the students to grow up and develop their own relationship with God. Not be held by a piece of paper.
Thank you for your honesty about this video, I wish someone like you posted a video like this 13 years ago when I was still in high school. This video will definitely help other students that love the Lord but also can make a sound decision if they would like to go to university like ORU.
By the way I just subscribed to your RUclips channel, Your TikTok, and follow you on Instagram 😊 God bless you kind sir enjoy your time at Texas A&m and I hope and pray that you'll draw close to Christ out there.
Fair take. Sorry for your bad experience as well. Apparently I’m just a devil worshipper because I wanted to leave lol
@@jaredshult hahaha nah brother you're good. If anything you made a great decision 🙂 enjoy your time at Texas A &M
This young man sounds like he is not a Christian, he wanted females in his dorm, that there is as far as i neede to go in this video.
Ah yes both of those qualities definitely disqualify all of my experiences and opinions
I recommend watching 2strong.
soooo the classes were easy, you got a B in HPE, and you couldn’t get 100 min of cardio and somehow you were the “fastest” in your class.. that’s the reason you left the school? lmao 💀
Um did you watch the video?😂
That was one of the least relevant reasons
That's all the reason, you should go there!
Hey Jared I’ve only seen you on TikTok but you’re really well spoken. I think you should be careful about what you post on TikTok because it might make some people not take you seriously when you have some good things to say. Seems like you felt like the school was legalistic but anyway God bless
Idk, I feel like his TikToks are great!
After spending 5 years at a Christian HS, I knew I needed to go to a public college or a school that didn’t force religion on us. My current college is a Christian college but nothing religious is forced. I left HS being far from God bc my high school was similar to the bs on ORU, but within my first year in uni after not going to church or reading my Bible. The only reason I came back to God was by my own choice. The typical Christian college model is so incredibly flawed and it’s a bubble that just matriculates emotionally and socially stunted adults.
I’m happy you got out :)
how strict is ORU on the dress code?
Decently strict. You could sometimes get away with shorts, especially as a guy, but depending on your professor and who you come in contact with it could be different
So lucky to have escaped that place.
Same here
You’re literally Him bro - Himmy Neutron type
We gotta talk, would love to hear more from you!
Some of these things should have been a given. Why was it a surprise?
Oral Roberts was a charlatan and it’s pretty evident all throughout his life. I’m genuinely interested in your theology and beliefs now after the fact.
Oral Roberts hell of a name you sound like he was going to eat his congregation
Lots of false statements in this video! Very sad that you would feel the need to bash a Christian school that is doing a lot of good! If you don’t like it, then leave but why bash it?? Sounds like you want to be a Christian in title only! Shame on you!!
Which statements were false? I got my information from the Oru website and shared my personal experience
@@jaredshult i actually go to ORU and a lot of the things we’re VERY false and a lot of them were also stretching the truth. one quick example is the mission trip kicking people out for their past. i went on a mission trip this year and the missions department is NOT like that. they don’t ask people about their past, and even if circumstances from your past was brought up then they would not kick you out. whoever told you that was either lying or not telling you the whole truth of what happened. also a lot of what your saying isn’t personal experience? actually more than half of what was said is about the “belief systems” or rules. ORU is a great school and has changed my life for the better.
@@jaredshult have you been on a mission trip with ORU??
Be careful... Some of us who went and graduated have documented stories of FAR WORSE than any of this. You'll understand one day when you have some miles and experiences behind you. Peace.
@@divineappointments7797 man now i'm curious. It makes me even question more about the school's teachings
Thanks for making this video because, I was being recruited to the school and, I just officially de committed from the school. Because, I couldn’t go to the school for the restrictions. No disrespect to those that go to the school but, it’s not for me. But, I REALLY REALLY appreciate you for making this video for real bro!
You alone made this entire video worth it. Happy to help!
Your video seems to have reached all ORU students and employees 😵
Thank you for sharing your experience!
You sound like tattoos are are normal and biblical,
Lev.19.28 - You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.(NKJV)
Wow. Glad you got out. God bless you brother ❤️
To be clear you can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues. Either way that’s sketch cause its not something you can force. You can pray to receive it but ultimately God has to give you the gift and not everyone receives that gift. Sounds like a more extreme and off the rails Pentecostal or Charismatic school
Can’t forget about their 2021 Cinderella run🙄
What is the Cinderella run?
Welcome to Aggieland! If you’re a big fan of two stepping like I am, Hurricane Harrys will be your best friend ;)
Pumped to be in cstat!
praise the Lord
I’m excited to graduate. Not because I can have a degree, but because I can leave the cult that I’m trapped in.
Oral Roberts has brought me so much pain and spiritual suffering than growth like they intend. It has made me question whether God loves me, whether I should love myself or if I should walk away from the faith. I consider myself to be a strong believer and I love Jesus with all of my heart, but ORU does not provide safe spaces for worship.
I have some personal stories that can incriminate myself in a youtube comments section so I won’t elaborate. Let’s just say that ORU doesn’t like people who are different and don’t fit their cookie cutter mold.
To anyone who is considering Oral Roberts, run away from those praying hands. Run to the cross instead.
I’m so sorry you had a similar experience to me. You are loved always!! You aren’t alone
Hey kid one recommendation don't confuse intelligence with education level. Just because somebody can't punctuation as well as you does not mean that they're not just as intelligent or maybe even more intelligent than you.
Thank you for sharing
I transferred from ORU after my freshmen year and have never felt better. I still didn’t pay that chapel fine either 💀 because that’s ridiculous.
I still owe too many $50 fines to count, everything from parking in the wrong spot to chapel fines to other random things. We always used to say the Bible says the wages of sin is death but at ORU it’s a $50 fine 😅
You left a great school like Oral Roberts University because you are in search of unrestricted freedom, and you are here yapping on about it. Grow up kid. Real men submit to discipline and regulations!
Spoken like a true slave.
Oral Roberts sounds like the total opposite of what a Christian college should strive to be. Glad you left from there. Did u keep the same major or did u change it?
Yeah it was not a good place to be haha. I am majoring in communications now!
@@jaredshult yayyyy comm majors together!!!
oral is amazing bring up many inspirational people of all communities..yeah there maybe some but majority its better,,