How I view the US after 6 years in VIETNAM

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 152

  • @TravisTravelsVN
    @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад

    For more information about living or traveling in Vietnam, check out my travel group ⬇

  • @azspeedster5465
    @azspeedster5465 8 часов назад +16

    Travis, you are absolutely spot on when talking about how friendly and welcoming the Vietnamese people are. The other day I took a taxi ride around the city and several popular spots. The driver spoke very good English and after a few minutes of conversation, he asked me where I was from and how old I was, I told him that I was from the US and I am 70 years old. He then told me that I was as old as his mother and started calling me father out of respect for my age. To make a long story short, I hired him for the rest of the day and we hung out like we’ve known each other for years and had lunch together at a Vietnamese restaurant he frequents. We spoke about our families and at the end of the day, we exchanged contact information and promised to keep in touch. My travel experience with the Vietnamese people have been positive and memorable. In the month that I have stayed here, from the hotel staff, to the local people I meet in restaurants and shops, everyone has been so friendly and amazing. I am definitely looking forward to planning my next trip back to Vietnam again soon. I may even stay longer next time. Keep up your great videos. Take care.

  • @Vahtacen
    @Vahtacen 7 часов назад +10

    Vietnam is such a wonderful country. I went there for the first time two years ago (Hanoi and Da Nang) with no idea what to expect. But I absolutely loved it. I did not have one single bad experience - even times when things went wrong I found that the locals were trustworthy, friendly and helpful, even with a language barrier! I have to compare two experiences I had, one in a nice hotel in France and one in a Da Nang resort. In both cases, I injured myself in the hotel. In France, the staff literally laughed at me and made fun of me (in French, which they didn't know I spoke). In comparison, when I injured myself in Vietnam, I had so much support and care - staff checking in on me, complimentary drinks and food, and they even organised a nurse to visit me and dispense some medication free of charge. Whether you were in the smallest hole-in-the-wall shop or a luxury restaurant, the quality of service was excellent and always delivered with a genuine smile.
    My only hope is that we don't infect them with our cultural problems. Hopefully they are able to protect their unique country and people.

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад

      Great points and thanks for sharing. Such a tricky balance of wanting to show off to this place but not attract the wrong type of people. Overall I try to show how I live well here while integrating into society. When I meet travelers here I try to show them around outside of the touristy areas and do everything vietnamese style.

  • @trdh5465
    @trdh5465 11 часов назад +21

    Canadian here, been living in Da Nang for over a year now. I agree 100% with everything you've said. I'll never go back to Canada, beside visiting family and friends. Life is so much better here. Not perfect, but better in every possible ways. Thanks!

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад

      Thanks for the message buddy

    • @bradley590
      @bradley590 8 часов назад +2

      honestly, these days.....anywhere is better than Canada. and I say that as a Canadian.

    • @le-phuongnguyen6181
      @le-phuongnguyen6181 6 часов назад

      I'm Canadian and wished i lived in da nang or hue (where my parents are from) -_-

  • @Alinck-A
    @Alinck-A 6 часов назад +6

    Living in a beautiful country like Vietnam for 6 years is great .

  • @thomaslevine405
    @thomaslevine405 8 часов назад +7

    I live here in Vietnam and I appreciate it more everyday. The country is up and coming, people are nice and hard working and there's plenty of things to keep you busy and happy.

  • @hisnameisvu
    @hisnameisvu 5 часов назад +4

    Youre a legend brother, thank you for loving Vietnam

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад

      Cheers Vu, hope you're alright mate haven't heard from you in a bit haha

  • @endurojugHandlebarTank
    @endurojugHandlebarTank 7 часов назад +5

    I want out of the US . And I'm looking and doing a lot of research. I'm in the manufacturing business of plastic products and I believe Vietnam has a great manufacturing industry. Thank you for all your great videos and awesome information . I learned a lot from you. I am watching all your videos and will subscribe and joinup. 👍

  • @NeilClough-kq1kh
    @NeilClough-kq1kh 4 часа назад +4

    Great video Travis. I relocate to Da Nang from Atlanta next month and I’m so looking forward to it! I’m sure our paths will cross at some point. Your input and views have really helped me in making the decision to move so thank you.

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад

      Appreciate hearing that Neil, I'll see ya when you get here

  • @jefffazio8677
    @jefffazio8677 6 часов назад +4

    Spot on!! I am living outside the US as an Expat, but not in Vietnam. I am spending about 2 months per year in Vietnam though and I am looking to retire in Vietnam. It is so amazing here. Love your videos!

  • @gmeyer6657
    @gmeyer6657 2 часа назад +2

    You are correct on all points. Why I am following you over there, and most likely moving there in the near future. It is now my life, my time to change the course of my life. Ending up on a sofa, watching TV the rest of my life does not appeal to me, either. Da Nang checks all the boxes. I can’t believe the morning crew that hits the ocean at first light. My kind of place..looking forward to a 2 Mo visit in 2025! Oh..Travis you should be the US ambassador for Vietnam 🇻🇳 too!!😜💕🌸🙏🏻

  • @chrischaisson7480
    @chrischaisson7480 8 часов назад +4

    Brother, you hit the nail on the head! I traveled for a month in Vietnam last year and loved it. I’m definitely returning. I haven’t lived in the U.S. for many years and don’t miss it a bit, which is very sad! Be safe!

  • @limitlesszenproductions865
    @limitlesszenproductions865 6 часов назад +4

    Great social commentary. I am leaving Canada in about 26 days for Thailand and Vietnam. And I have no plans to return to Canada.

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад

      Appreciate it man, this style of video is a little more dramatic than what I usually do. It's nice to be able to share my perspective.

  • @GG-tw6xu
    @GG-tw6xu Час назад +1

    Great Video and excellent examples of the issues going on in the USA.

  • @billyjohnson9166
    @billyjohnson9166 3 часа назад +1

    A lot of great points. I live in the Philippines with my wife. We visited Danang two months ago and fell in love with it. Where coming back in January for three weeks.

  • @ryantascas5124
    @ryantascas5124 5 часов назад +3

    Same as Australia! We have been in Vietnam for two weeks and considering making it long term in 2025 ✊🏼

  • @DarylSolis
    @DarylSolis 8 часов назад +5

    Hey Travis, I am real proud of you, bro. I am from Scotland and currently living in Western Australia. I have been considering checking out Da Nang soon. I hope we can someday collaborate on a video together in Da Nang and share some insight. Cheers!

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад +1

      Thanks for the message Daryl, keep in touch when you get over this way

    • @DarylSolis
      @DarylSolis 4 часа назад

      @@TravisTravelsVN I just sent you an email haha

  • @SonXHuynh
    @SonXHuynh 4 минуты назад

    My wife moved here from Germany 7 years ago and never looked back since. I could have lived in Australia but opted to repatriate, and I gotta say, being in Vietnam makes you feel alive.

  • @philb8826
    @philb8826 2 часа назад +1

    Very honest video again Travis, I’m English and have lived in Dubai for the last decade and I’m planning to move to Vietnam in a few years time. I feel exactly the same the UK as much as I love it is not where I want to be, my Vietnamese wife and her family have made me a part of their family from day one and I’m looking forward to relaxing with them 👍 although I’m struggling with Vietnamese 😂 hopefully that clicks in when I move there though.

  • @davidsaunders6700
    @davidsaunders6700 3 часа назад

    Totally get it and thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us.

  • @kokalti
    @kokalti 10 часов назад +4

    I was working a high stress high paying job in the US. Got 80 pounds overweight. Constant heartburn, and other health problems. I decided to take 7 months off and go to SE Asia. 2 months in and I already lost 20 pounds without even trying. Heartburn getting better and other health issues improving. The high stress of a job makes you super hungry, so you overeat. I took away the stress and the weight just comes off. Making drastic changes can literally save your life.

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  10 часов назад

      Brother that's an excellent point most people don't realize. Living in America is stacking the deck against your health. It's easy to live healthy here.

  • @micahmendoza6318
    @micahmendoza6318 9 часов назад +1

    Great video! Visiting Saigon for Christmas!

  • @Nighthawk2211
    @Nighthawk2211 9 часов назад +1

    I hope you get a huge bump in subs, Travis. You deserve it!

  • @robbiewillford4601
    @robbiewillford4601 46 минут назад +1

    Excellent points about the food and healthcare. Plus, when you stay in the hospital, they give you a 3 month supply of milk to bring home. Haha. Most people know America has declined but don't want to admit it or do anything about it. Keep up the videos Travis!

  • @mrbudgeable
    @mrbudgeable 5 часов назад +2

    Love your attitude, all the very best to you Man. I love love love South East Asia x

  • @sumosprojects
    @sumosprojects 3 часа назад +1

    Sounds interesting how you’ve adapted mate, many Aussies go abroad to Asia to find better living than home & that says something

  • @kevrushton654
    @kevrushton654 3 часа назад

    Great video, and absolutely spot on 👍

  • @RonanTOC
    @RonanTOC 23 минуты назад

    videos keep getting better 👍

  • @Mr_Mgun
    @Mr_Mgun 3 часа назад

    Great video Travis.

  • @danielnguyen8621
    @danielnguyen8621 9 часов назад +2

    I am a 49ers season ticket holder and I just saw the 49ers played your Bears a couple of weeks ago. Sorry abut Da Bears 😊
    Will be in Da Nang on 01/03. First time back since 1975.

  • @charlesedward4290
    @charlesedward4290 56 минут назад

    Great Content. Wise man.

  • @larsolsson2424
    @larsolsson2424 10 часов назад +1

    Greetings from Denmark.
    It's a pleasure following you 2!
    Take care of yourselves and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • @phatle2737
    @phatle2737 10 часов назад +5

    in vietnam most people live in their house that they completely owned and dont have to pay house taxes so even when you retired and living on fixed income you dont worry you might have to sell your house or your children cant inherited it because of high house taxes, and its a agriculture tradition so food are cheap so all the most basic needs are covered(this is only true if you owned a house ofcourse, most people do but young people from different provinces coming to big cities they are stressed because they have no house there) also in western world you mostly have to go to more expensive restaurants for the good food that make with fresh ingredients but in vietnam going to more expensive restaurants are mostly for show and status, even the rich people eat at a random snail restaurant on the street that everyone can afford, so the classes can mingle daily, in the US im observing that the elites are really detached from other classes, and the middle and poorer classes fight each others while the elites are looting them thru printing money and government lobbying . im not a communist but the propagandized americans are so brainwash to think that classes dont exist in a society and if you mention classes you instantly labeled a leftist/marxist while they always yapping about the elites and the middle class but when you talk about the lower class they just say "its the students/people living paycheck to paycheck/the lazy/the basement dwellers/the homeless" but never the lower class. i think all the racial movement are stem from this mental barrier of the us society that demonized talking about classes so they just switch to races, blm etc are controlled opposition funded by the elites to divide and conquer the lower classes, if you talk about class you can unite both left and right, black and white to stand up for themselves.

  • @TBara-e5e
    @TBara-e5e 6 часов назад +3

    Agree 100%

  • @kimyork4945
    @kimyork4945 7 часов назад +2

    bless you... great to hear your view... and you are so right the difference between the western world and Vietnam, love that you embrace the culture! You put me to shame with your Vietnamese (I can understand more then I thought, but am not confident in speaking it lol) I was born here and left when I was 3ish.. retired from my corporate life last year to travel, found myself by Vietnam without meaning to... and I fell in love with this country - only been to Hanoi and DaNang... But going back to my point... your content is so refreshing and we always look forward to your content! xx

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад

      Thanks for the comment Kim, I appreciate hearing from you

  • @armyguytravels
    @armyguytravels 4 часа назад +1

    You come here and get stuck…… because it’s so amazing

  • @davids5710
    @davids5710 11 часов назад +3

    Congrats man, takes a lot of guts to move your life across the world to a different country with an entirely different culture. Glad it’s working out well 💪

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад +1

      Appreciate that comment bro, very grateful for how everything has worked out

  • @tedku9931
    @tedku9931 10 часов назад

    Travis, thanks for sharing your amazing story!!

  • @AsiaStreet365
    @AsiaStreet365 4 часа назад +1

    Cool mate. I'm based in SE Asia and can Identify totaly.

  • @DucNguyen-wz8iz
    @DucNguyen-wz8iz Час назад +1


  • @hkt48man57
    @hkt48man57 10 часов назад

    Another good one, thanks!

  • @kiwijohn9250
    @kiwijohn9250 9 часов назад +1

    Great video travis, I feel the same way about NZ, I can't wait to get to Vietnam and my new life

    • @goldvideo
      @goldvideo 8 часов назад

      Wow, that's surprising. New Zealand is supposedly one of the best places to live.

  • @lanceh3237
    @lanceh3237 22 минуты назад

    Thanks! From the 🇺🇸 with ❤️. I like your video content. 👍🎉🎈

  • @MicksA
    @MicksA 10 часов назад +4

    Mate I don’t blame you for going on about the situation in the USA, and how good it is in Vietnam. I’m Australian and the country is going to the dumps too. I’ve been living in Thailand for 6 months and I feel the same! People are not materialistic here, they are all just getting on in life and care about each other. There’s a pulse in this region of the world that feels alive. Western culture has gone down the drain sadly.

  • @khanh8541
    @khanh8541 10 часов назад +3

    The America you grew up in is long gone. It’s harder to make it as a young person now. Vietnam grew a lot in the last decades in contrast. Living in VN to save up for future life in the West is a good idea as well.

  • @mississippiapple1078
    @mississippiapple1078 10 часов назад +3

    OMG! Didn't watch to the end before I commented. Whoa! The commercials are true! $1100 For all that! In America that's the price of a band-aid!

    • @caothuy5538
      @caothuy5538 6 часов назад +1

      that true, Many Vietnamese people living abroad return to Vietnam to perform difficult surgeries. Some of the best doctors in the world, reasonable costs.

  • @JakelopeTravels
    @JakelopeTravels 11 часов назад +2

    Nailed it man. Inspiring to hear your story. I'm lining myself for a life on that side as well. Keep in touch 🤙

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад +1

      Thanks man appreciate it. You know you can hit me up if you need anything

    • @JakelopeTravels
      @JakelopeTravels 10 часов назад

      @@TravisTravelsVNThanks. Waiting to hear back about a job in HCMC. Your vids ease some of the angst. Happy to collab sometime if it ever makes sense.

  • @mkimagery
    @mkimagery 10 часов назад

    I’m from Vietnam, I’m so happy that you love it there. I’ll probably go back in 2026, probably hit you up with some help then.

  • @ElJefe0719
    @ElJefe0719 11 часов назад +2

    Congrats, and I feel the same way (living in Mexico) about my returns to the States. Condolences on your Bears... my Vikings worked them pretty good on Monday night. 😆

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад +1

      Why you got to bring that up bro? Its bad enough already haha

  • @BO-mb8rr
    @BO-mb8rr 11 часов назад +6

    The ambulance ride alone would be 2x-3x that in the U.S and $30K-$40K cost.
    Plus, I see you get a fit attractive nurse too boot. 😮

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад

      Ya not bad right?

    • @BO-mb8rr
      @BO-mb8rr 10 часов назад

      My grandpa was raised during The Great Depression in Southside Chicago.

    • @cbot4425
      @cbot4425 6 часов назад

      Imagine what would be a final check if he bothered to have any simple local medical insurance.
      I've lived for a couple months in HoChiMihn, and there was one time I needed to visit pediatric with a kid, just to sleep well knowing nothing crazy is happening :)
      I visited a clinic with good rating, 1 hours after I called it on a phone.
      Everything including medicine for the whole treatement (some antibiotics, vitamins, etc.) cost around 50$.
      In US I'd spend more on an uber to get to the clinic and back :)
      BUT! What is needed to be mentioned - this is all fun until your income comes from outside of Viet. With local income you'd look at all these prices differently

  • @SawItWithMyOwnEyes
    @SawItWithMyOwnEyes 10 часов назад +1

    Holy s!it man that accident was crazy. Im american too bro and people are still realize this...

  • @TheSnakeisLong
    @TheSnakeisLong Час назад

    Very well explained, especially the part about disconnection. You sound like a European talking about the USA.

  • @Jack-2day
    @Jack-2day 11 часов назад +1

    Definitely agree with the near death experiences concerning scooters, mopeds & motorbikes Especially when they fly by you without warning on the friggin sidewalks! Won't stop me from returning tho! (this time with a motorbike licence lol) Cheers

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад

      Haha that's the spirit! You'll get the hang of it.

  • @mississippiapple1078
    @mississippiapple1078 10 часов назад +2

    Thanks for helping children with autism

  • @antonycepernic474
    @antonycepernic474 9 часов назад +1

    Hi Travis
    Comming to da nang around end of January 2025.
    Hopefully catch up for a coffee and guidance. 🤝

  • @EuodiaMedia
    @EuodiaMedia 9 часов назад +2

    So much of Western culture is about keeping up with the Jones's. Everyone follows the same path and no one questions anything, they just work and struggle with little to no freedom or joy. The rising cost of living in Australia is getting absolutely ridiculous and our government gives literally no f*cks. I tried to become a "digital nomad" in 2022 and failed. April next year is round 2! I'm taking all the lessons I learned and applying them. Da Nang here I come!! 🌴☀🌊

  • @Geronimo-mo7qg
    @Geronimo-mo7qg 11 часов назад +1

    Great way to speak up and frame your views!! Very mature and sincere! But How did you end up in Vietnam first of all?

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад +2

      Appreciate the comment! I'm a behavioral specialist for Autistic kids. I came to teach privately for 1 family for about 4 years. Eventually the child didn't need my help anymore so I know I make youtube videos haha

    • @Jack-2day
      @Jack-2day 10 часов назад

      @@TravisTravelsVN on a side note, is Vietnam having the same rising numbers of kids with autism as North American? I’d be surprised but my only guess is that diet may have a determining factor

  • @chrismichaels6928
    @chrismichaels6928 7 часов назад +1

    Travis .. I didn’t know you played guitar! I used to play in blues bands in the US for many years. Is there any jam sessions around. My brother was shocked I didn’t bring my guitar but now I’m regretting it. Seems like they sell mostly acoustic guitars here….

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад +1

      Plenty of open mics, I think there's a few jam sessions around. to be honest I mostly just mess around at home by myself. you can get a decent electric here

  • @dalesmf4310
    @dalesmf4310 6 часов назад +2

    Trav, which city you live in?

  • @joshseligman6211
    @joshseligman6211 8 часов назад +1

    Yes, had a health scare in USA and needed to go to Satellite ER, not majot downtown hospital, for tests. I'm good, phew, but that bill will be $10-$20 K, for possible minor stroke. Other countries with better healthcare system or Universal Healthcare, not so much...

    • @davidbrown4271
      @davidbrown4271 8 часов назад

      You don’t have health insurance?

  • @davidli1795
    @davidli1795 11 часов назад +2

    I can’t agree more about America. One more to add about the commercial is the Sportsbook commercial. The abundance of these junk food and shit on TV is really aggravating. All they want from you is to make you fat sick and lose money. The cost of living is out of hands nowadays it’s not worth the stress to live here.

  • @CaptainKarisma69
    @CaptainKarisma69 5 часов назад +1

    Good video
    But need to emphasis a few things. Travis like a lot of other RUclipsrs who tell you to come to live in vn have a nomadic job in which being a RUclipsr allows them a paycheck and flexibility to work anywhere and make a decent living
    It’s an adventure, it’s different and exciting
    But for average joe blow, unless you have a really boring existence in your home country , moving to vn is not all roses. Far from it.
    The heat, the noise, the pollution and the traffic will wear you down.
    Like anywhere else, if you have money and a decent job, you can have a comfortable life
    But the majority of Vietnamese here are grinding away doing long hours
    Ask many local vn and t don’t be surprised to find a large portion would love to move to a more developed country because it can be a tough life in vn
    Just wanted to point out it’s not all roses and offer a different perspective too. Keep up the good work with the videos

  • @shaunpierce4174
    @shaunpierce4174 9 часов назад

    I'm glad you brought up the subject of health insurance. What are the best options for me here? Are there any particular insurance companies I should buy a policy from?

  • @redonk1740
    @redonk1740 7 часов назад +1

    Oh, you used to live in Chicago. That explains a lot. People being warm and friendly and chatty is definitely a regional thing that varies a lot in the states. We have medicaid and medicare. I've never paid more than a $50 copay with or without insurance. Sorry that you had a crappy insurance company, but that's on you to switch. Yeah, insurance companies suck, but imagine how much worse they would suck without existing in a capitalistic free market. I'm not saying the industry doesn't have a bunch of problems, but people need to stop pretending paying $1500 out of pocket for an ambulance ride or paying cash for a surgery is normal when that almost NEVER happens. Once you get out of big and/or democrat controlled cities, the cost of living drops fast. You can get a 4 bedroom house with land in TN, WV, etc. for the price of a small apartment in NY or CA. You don't have to eat McDonalds. Granted all of our food is generally worse across the board, but we also have unrivaled access to variety of products, and there are plenty of sources of good, healthy food if you take the time to look for it. That being said, in America, you *will* have to look for it. Chicago literally has the worst "gun violence" in the entire country, and they also literally have the strictest laws in the entire country (rivaled only by NY, CA, and HI). There are tons of places with gun ownership rates that dwarf Chicago, but their murder rates are nowhere near Chicago. News flash - the guns ain't the problem. In a place like Chicago, a gun might be the only thing keeping you from having a problem. That's not a concern in the vast majority of the country. It's concentrated into small areas of big cities with high poverty and lightweight sentencing for serious crimes. I'm glad you're happy in Vietnam, but maybe don't be so quick to paint the whole country with the same brush. I honestly think most of the things you mentioned in this video do not apply to most people living here. As far as the work life grind mindset - who cares what other people think? Again, that's on you. Nobody actually cares if you have a big house or fancy car - only you should care about that stuff (assuming that's even stuff you care about). You just think everyone cares - and even if they do - so what? Why should you care? It's just kinda funny to me that all the stuff you said you didn't like in America is all stuff you don't have to leave to avoid.

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад

      Pretty fair points, thanks for sharing. I'm mostly just sharing my perspective. It's a big country I don't expect everyone to agree with me.

  • @_SeeIt
    @_SeeIt Час назад

    I feel all of this just after staying in VN for 9 months.

  • @davidbrown4271
    @davidbrown4271 8 часов назад +1

    Your young and fit , the worlds your oyster bro , must be nice , I’m coming anyway with a body totally falling apart from head to toe , ran it pretty hard when I was young 🤣, keep up your great videos brother .

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад +1

      I hear ya buddy. I've played rugby for 20+ years so my body is falling apart even though it doesn't look like it haha. Appreciate the message

    • @davidbrown4271
      @davidbrown4271 Час назад

      @ so you get it , rugby 🏉 is very tough sport , good job 👏

  • @frenchtelemarketer
    @frenchtelemarketer 6 часов назад +1

    You are an ethic white, anglo saxon or Germanic.
    In Asia, it goes along ethnic line.

  • @mayle6307
    @mayle6307 2 часа назад

    You right

  • @DrFurb
    @DrFurb 8 часов назад +1

    Travis. I am looking to visit in 2025 with a view to moving permeantly in 3.5 years. I hope to get advice from you and your online group.
    I've had enough being taxed into oblivion here in the UK.

  • @MaxEvans-cz2no
    @MaxEvans-cz2no 29 минут назад

    I've been watching your videos for awhile now and Vietnam sounds like an amazing experience and your criticisms of the US are valid. However, people from western countries tend to have a skewed experience when visiting less developed countries where its cheaper to live. You're able to live this lifestyle there because most of the friendly locals can't afford to live like you do. It sounds like you had a tough job in the US and now you are an entrepreneur -- so that has a lot to do with it as well. Anyway, as I'm typing this comment, I see a video entitled "Living in Vietnam sucks as a suggestion. Here's Why" so clearly not everyone shares your experience.

  • @yongxing1848
    @yongxing1848 11 часов назад +1

    Bro I just eat at that place yesterday. Let me buy you a drink next rime

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  11 часов назад

      The hu tieu joint? Solid right? I'm there a few times a week lately

  • @liveourbest2067
    @liveourbest2067 9 часов назад

    How is the dog culture in Da Nang? I just spent the last 6 months in Mexico City and Colombia.Both are very dog friendly...I am coming to Dang Nang in 2 weeks to check it out.

  • @brendataylor8388
    @brendataylor8388 7 часов назад

    Thanks for this video. I just retired and am moving to Cambodia. Coming from a family of veterans they think I’m abandoning them. I just want to be happy like you🤣😉

  • @nocancelcultureaccepted9316
    @nocancelcultureaccepted9316 10 часов назад

    You should make an effort educating the Vietnamese the benefits of NOT throwing garbage everywhere and hygiene.

  • @REALPERSON-mv9mp
    @REALPERSON-mv9mp 9 часов назад

    I feel your pain at 4-10
    Commercials are painful with that record.. you hardly notice them when you're 12 - 2
    ✌️ from a beautiful PNW Washington farm

  • @MrEKS-st6mc
    @MrEKS-st6mc 11 часов назад

    I'll sum it up by saying this: money goes where it's treated best, and the pockets follow ! Southeast Asia in general "got the goods" just find your favorite flavor and your home ! Now in BKK but headed to PQC then DAD for my 90 day recharge and good living vibes ! Peace

    @RIGHTOCRYPTO 9 часов назад

    Daughter just made me a grandfather again today by caesarean and it's all free. Australian healthcare

  • @welovedji1116
    @welovedji1116 10 часов назад +3

    So 100% true! Not just US, almost all western countries!
    After 6 years, i wish Vietnam would give u some 1-2 year visa instead of 3 months? Are u still not tired of visa runs? 😅
    Life here in Norway is rough man. I make 6000$ after tax each month. Last year i made 91000$ total.
    Still i cant afford to take my family out for rood more than 2 times/month 😵
    Like u Said.
    Ppl stress
    Ppl wanne earn earn earn more money
    Ppl dont go out much, bcuz everything so expensive
    Ppl dont say hi to ppl
    Get a big house, but most important get an nice car.
    Life here gets very boring, ppl just keep for them self....
    Then again i sound like you 🤣 sounds like i hate Norway, maybe a little bit.
    But how lucky am I, my parent came here in the late 70s as refugees from Nha Trang Vietnam to get a better life.
    And we did! Free education, even gets paid/stipend to get education.
    "Free" healthcare, everything! Everyone pays for everyone, is in the taxes.
    That situation with you, would cost a norwegian citizens 0, absolutely zero. Includes everything.
    And we got 0 homeless here, protected by law against homelessness, rock bottom we get somewhere to stay with food and a warm bed anyway, i been there.
    As a Viet Kieu 36 years now, i cant wait to be in Vietnam and Danang for the VERY FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!
    Will get a lots of questions answeed.
    I truly looking for if Vietnam, specially Da Nang is a place i can live in, in the futher. But also a place i can eacape those depressing long cold winters in norway where we almost gets no daylight and sun between january-march.
    Thats my plan. Every jan-march for the rest of my life, i wanne spend in Vietnam.
    Love your videos Travis!
    Me and my dad watch all your videos with some Vietnamese food always!
    Wish u good Heath and lots of success in life 🙏

    • @nttrannn
      @nttrannn 6 часов назад +1

      With 3 months visa there are already so many backpackers working as English teachers without certification. If u r Viet Kieu and holding no hate against motherland, it worth to do some research and get 5 years visa. Some of my buddies from Canada and US even just got their viet passport as dual citizenship so they can buy house and land.
      U can actually extent your visa without leaving the country tho if u able to find a good service company.

    • @welovedji1116
      @welovedji1116 6 часов назад

      @nttrannn ye the ambassade did suggest me getting that one. I love vietnam ❤️ vietnam culture and life suits me more than the life in Norway.
      Leta see how i feel after my first trip in February 🙏

    • @nttrannn
      @nttrannn 4 часа назад +1

      @@welovedji1116 be positive and open minded and u will be fine bro. Ofc there are a lot of things that can’t be compared to west side but life will be way easier, more laidback. Even u have to do visa run every 3 months it’s still ok cuz u can just take a 2 hours flight to Thailand or Singapore or Hongkong for a short adventure lol, flights are cheap anyway.

    @xB1GKILLERX 11 часов назад +3

    I am scared I might end up in your boat I love usa it's just a monster

  • @rookieproducer
    @rookieproducer 4 часа назад

    How long does it take for your head injury to heal without any sign of scar?

  • @noopy24
    @noopy24 8 часов назад

    Very cool 😎 and that food looks amazing with such nice bowls they put it in.... Sorry about your Bears 🐻... I'm a Washington fan . I actually went to the same high school as Caleb Williams and I'm rooting for him. But I will say I'm happy that "Redskins" picked Daniels ... And Chicago's a cool city. I've got some friends there that are Eastern Europeans. It seems there's a community there of a lot of Eastern Europeans. But I think I'd take Vietnam over Chicago ,especially in the winter.... I think it's about to be about 0° there ❄️... Peace you brother 🙏... I'll keep watching...
    PS Also God bless you for working with autistic children. My sister has that job in a school system in Virginia and she's so patient with them...

    • @noopy24
      @noopy24 7 часов назад +1

      I commented before I heard that rant about commercials 😂... I never watch commercials... That's why I have a subscription to RUclips... Sometimes I let my subscription lag for a few days before paying it again and when I see these commercials I realize they take the joy away from life because they're always telling you what you need. They are such a buzz kill 😛... Again I commented before the end That's crazy about the hospital and it was only $1,200... America is such a rip off... It's capitalism at its worst... I was a Bernie Sanders fan because he spoke the truth but they shut anybody up who speaks the truth and as long as I brought it up I believe without a doubt that DT stole the election... That's the last time I'll get into politics on my comments but this is a scary time for all of us in America..

  • @reedyg666
    @reedyg666 11 часов назад +1

    Fuck Yeah! preach brother

  • @matthiasbaumgaertner6242
    @matthiasbaumgaertner6242 9 часов назад

    To be fair , Vietnamese care a lot about money and status. Most conversations with men are about job and income and with women about your love live and why aren’t you married or have kids ^^ way more relaxed and private in Thailand . But I love Vietnamese don’t get me wrong

    • @matthiasbaumgaertner6242
      @matthiasbaumgaertner6242 9 часов назад

      Been living in Vietnam for 7-8 years in total

    • @caothuy5538
      @caothuy5538 6 часов назад

      that true, we care about money, but we dont die for it.

  • @erikwilson32
    @erikwilson32 10 часов назад

    How do you get to stay for a long period of time?

  • @randysvids4774
    @randysvids4774 Час назад

    Dude I am so sorry……..about your 🐻. I think eventually they will be good though

  • @blahblahblah-ju8sb
    @blahblahblah-ju8sb 10 часов назад


  • @BromptonChpt3
    @BromptonChpt3 7 часов назад +1

    Question, all is good for you now, but what about retirement years? What pension will you be living on? Are you even paying into SS? What you are doing is for older people with pensions. Old age will come. I hope your family will leave you a huge bunch of money. If not, back to US work so to pay in the system for retirement. Wasting your productive years for retirement is all you’re doing.

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад +1

      Thanks for your concern, I've tried to be smart about my savings. I did this YT thing for more than a year without ever making a dollar. After 2 years it pays the bills. Eventually it will pay more than any job I ever had.

  • @Nathan-pm8mh
    @Nathan-pm8mh 9 часов назад

    Travis, you gotta populate some good looking children in Vietnam.

  • @Deadfoot-Dan
    @Deadfoot-Dan 10 часов назад

    The system is broken in America. Not just medical care and the cost of everything but humanity is lacking and people just don't care for each other. The greed is out of control, and yes, the advertising in the NFL (greed) has made it almost unwatchable. Maybe Caleb Williams figures it out next year.

  • @musk-eteer9898
    @musk-eteer9898 10 часов назад +1

    2:06 LOL, he said omg in vietnamese when a scooter honking by

  • @VanminhVn2
    @VanminhVn2 2 часа назад

    Because you are foreigner, they need your money. They need your english skill., in the near future, they don’t need you. The cost of leaving will rise. Your little money will buy nothing then you’ll be out on the street a lot of Friday night could not make it in Korea or Japan. Vietnam will be like korea or Japan .

  • @walterbishop3668
    @walterbishop3668 58 минут назад

    That flag is a red flag

  • @stephenjohnson6146
    @stephenjohnson6146 5 часов назад +1

    Mate why din’t you move to Cambodia or Thailand

    • @TravisTravelsVN
      @TravisTravelsVN  4 часа назад

      I had a job opportunity in Vietnam. I've traveled all over SE Asia, I think Vietnam fits me well

  • @stephenjohnson6146
    @stephenjohnson6146 6 часов назад +1

    Mate why din,t you want to move to Cambodia or Thailand

  • @leilujh
    @leilujh 20 минут назад
