When I popped a 3900X into a very similar A320 board, clocks dropped pretty hard. But as predicted, these 65W chips manage quite well with "cheap" power delivery.
Bryan, I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Thi si an oldie, but a goodie and helped me out with a PC I upgraded for my friends parents they ended up giving to me a couple of years later for free before they moved to Florida. Keep up the good work.
@@solo5603 the hell no. U shouldn't do that. If u did that it means your gay. Like if u seriously did it maybe u touched and damaged a pin which is not needed. There are many pins in the processor and some of them are useless so if u removed some of the pins and it still worked it means u removed a useless pin
I live in Brazil, and here only has national manufacture of A320 the difference to the B350 or B450 (which are not manufactured here) is more than double. So for poor third world devils it helps a lot. Thank you so much Yes City
Brazil's manufacturing tariffs are so fucking retarded. I'm sorry for your decades & decades of government idiocracy. They seem intent on ignoring the globalized economy to the point where your entire nation will have regressed back into poverty.
Love when people just tell “that thing” and don’t explain shit. Be an example for the new ones, leave an explanation for +15seconds of typing why you say that. ffs. So, B450 would be preferable for “future proofing of cpu BIOS support”. There. Lead by example! as abiola82 replied below: and better memory support, first gen ryzen motherboards had a lot more ram issues than the zen+ and zen 2
Thank you for showing us so much details about cpus, motherboards and ram. Especially combined with older generation technology reviews. I'm considering older build myselft! And also A320 is just fine fore 3600.
@@NaoVII In gaming doing that can actually hurt performance. If I leave my 3600 at stock it boosts to 4200 in games on all cores, but manual overclocking only gets me 4150. You're better off enabling PBO and Auto OC, and then I see cores hitting 4550 occasionally.
Just what I need. I was wondering whether my A320 Asrock can handle the 3600, then DING the notification for my exact use case appeared. Now I believe in telepathy
Great content, it's good to see that little a320 can keep up with ryzen 5 3600 without any probs. I wish i can see ryzen 5 3600 vs 2600 comparison soon. (Gaming Performance, Productivity Stuff, Power consumption test 12nm vs 7nm
@@severinonatividad5488 my ryzen 5 2600 stuttered a lot on my a320 too, but it turned out it was windows 10 giving me stuttering problems, try optimizing win10 for gaming, my stuttering stopped after doing it
Please add cad bench marks also? This may help show some productivity abilities along with the gaming bench marks! This should be done for all bench mark test. Thank you for your video's and have a great day.
@@yulusleonard985 many people buying x570 use 3600, the 3600 is simply the best price-performance part in the whole series, and many people think x570 is better so they spemnd the extra bucks on it, just like they spend the extra bucks for the 3600 instead of a 2600 thats 2x cheaper for 20% less performance.
I got a A320 from Asus with a R5 1600 really cheap a few weeks and I´m loving it. But I was I little sad because people had said before that the 300 series motherboards wouldnt support Ryzen 3000. But now I`ve found out they will support. So in the future, when the prices drops I`ll defenitily buy 3600 or 3600x. I´m really loving AMD now! Thanks for the video. Keep up with the good work. Greetings from Brazil!
@@Dinesh-ng6pb no problem here. It's important that you're case have a good air flow. My ryzen 1600 and the mobo keep temperatures under 60 degrees Celsius on full load and gaming. Just fine.
The Ryzen is basically a system on a chip and the motherboard doesn't add alot of logic to the CPU's performance. That's one reason I am really not pleased with reviewers who denigrate this motherboard. Sure, it may be inexpensive but price is not an indicator of quality in this case.
@@fredmorris3571 I have to do the prep again. Already drank the electrolyte and they cancelled the colonoscopy because the hospital lost power last night.
Nice vid, totaly on point, no bias no BS. I wish most youtubers would be like this, not trying to convince ppl buying more expensive stuff when they don't need it.
Thanks for this video. I've been looking for this test setup since the new ryzens came out. Now I know my next upgrade path. Although you should have tackled the supposed disadvantages i.e. the PCI-E speed difference etc.
Thank you for running these tests. I am in process of purchasing a Ryzen 7 desktop and was curious about all the motherboard options, so you've helped answer a big question as to A320 motherboards ability run 3rd generation Ryzen processors.
I own this motherboard with a r5 1400, when i did the build i never thought about it that far ahead, lucky me how i stumbled on that video cause i was about to switch cpu .
Just starting to watch this video. Running a 3600 with an a320 board which came out to be $5 after combo discount from Microcenter in SoCal. The extended warranty/replacement plan for the board came out to be about 70 cents lol.
Intels pins where prone of breaking, not amd-s. Thats the season why intel dosent have them any more. But its nicer to handle cpu better, he maybe dosent like AMD.
As a highly detail-oriented person, those bent fins at 4:41 drive me *nuts* . Holy mackerel, whatever caused the thiccboi to get so... _bent out of shape?_
But for a 3600 the hardware on the X570 is actually worse. The VRMs on X570 are really over-engineered and inefficient (until you hit 200-400A and these CPU's can't reach that). It's the same thing as running a 1200W PSU to use for a 300W system. There are efficiency curves and the 3000 series (even the 8 or 12 cores) barely starts getting into the start of the efficiency curve. The X570 chipset also uses 7-8W more power at idle. There's only so much software tweaking one can do.. you can't change the raw hardware. For the 12 or 16 core the X570's will be better, but even then.. I'd argue the X470 will be best.
@@adhahanif9792 unlikely. The pulse width is the same hence the switching frequency is the same. The only difference is that each of the 4 phases on A320 do more work than the 8 phases on the X570. JonW's reason with the efficiency curve is actually the most plausible.
AMD also already explained about the voltages, if you want a real measurement use the latest CPU-Z, it will give around 0.8V at idle and runs cooler, they said that all the measurement tools makes the CPU to think that has some load and it is boosting a little
I really love checking TYC before getting my parts for parts performance. I get a more accurate information weather what I want to buy will work together.
I found an a320 for 45 and a ryzen 3 1200 for 50$ and an 8gb kit of ram for 40$ on eBay the other day and I gave it to my little brother with my old 770
If your buying an rtx 3070 surely you can buy a new Mobo? Am4 motherboards, even a320 don't even sell that cheap used anymore and £30 here in the uk is considered a good deal on an am4 boards, you should be able to get a b450/b550 if you wanted
@@undersc0r a b450 doesn't even cost $100, less than $100, I've seen plenty for less than $90, and keep saving and you'll have enough and selling your old board should be easy since they seem to be in demand
Late to the party, but I'd like to add that i.e. the Gigabyte A320M-S2H comes with a B350 chipset on certain revisions... I've seen that board for under €50. Absolutely insane value there. Been running one for 6 months, Vrm temps top out under 70c with r5 2600 stock/boost. It might be all you need in a mobo. I had a more expensive UD5-H in my last build, which I loved, but it pays to not fall for the marketing.
my specs asus prime a320m-k cpu - ryzen 5 3600 ram - hyperx fury 3200mhz gpu - rtx 2060 super ssd- crutial 240gb ssd hdd- wd 1tb 7200rpm hddd stock cooler on the cpu m.2 nvme 512gb i get an idle temp of 35c-40c on cpu and max of 75 c and on the gpu idle is 45c max is 80c this pc was one of the best builds I've ever build for so cheap using all second hand parts
9:50 Actually, some of the point with having more phases is that you can have lower switching frequency then while keeping the same input and output ripple while a board with fewer phases require a higher switching frequency in order to achieve the same ripple. If it both have a low switching frequency *and* a low phase count then that means a high input and output ripple, and that in turn actually means more wear and tear on other components in the system. It's kind of like having a super budget crap PSU from back in the days when a budget PSU could blow up in your face... That said 4 phases isn't *horrible* as low phase count motherboards goes. Some motherboards had three phases when Ryzen first launched if I don't remember wrong... -_- Anyway, look up Buildzoids channel for more information about what phases actually does and what phases actually *is* and *exactly* how important they are.
Not quite correct. Since the pulse width is the same the switching frequency is the same. The difference is if you have 8 phases each phase works 1/8 of the time. If you have only 4 then each phase works 1/4 of the time. The advantage of having more phases is that they heat up less since, well, they work less. Not sure about the disadvantage. The performance difference was probably caused by other factors.
@@haudang3835 PC I made was a: Motherboard = gigabyte a320m-s2h CPU = AMD Ryzen 3 1200 GPU = RX-580 4GB Ram = 16GB DDR4 @ 2400Mhz. the PC now uses a Ryzen 5 3400g, if you can spare the extra cash for this CPU, Be a bit better.
@@LxaG_Sauce should work fine yes, the only ones you may have to check are the Ryzen 9's. I'd check with your motherboard manufacturer just incase but it should work right out of the box.
You did a really good job. My current PC is ryzen 2200G with MSI A320 motherboard. I was really want to find out whether I need to buy a new X570 motherboard for new Ryzen zen2 cpu's. I found my answer in your video. Thanks a lot.
I tried the same combination. It works great, but you've to buy good quality AMD approved memory. Using kingston value ram it did not work. Kingston fury hyperx worked.
I went to visit my brother about 6 months ago, and he had a pc case, and in the inside a msi a320 motherboard, at the beginning I didn't know that it could support a ryzen 3600, but I went to do a little research, and I asked my brother if i could have it, and he said yes, and I'm using this computer for video editing, and photography. I installed a 1050 ti graphics card, 16 gb of ddr4 Ram, a 500 gb m.1 hard drive and its working excellent....
@@lucashnz1262well both of the cpus are very affordable, I'll go with the r5 5600 it costs about 150 dls on amazon, but the r5 3600x costs about 90 dls on amazon. The performance difference is about 12-15% with the r5 5600 being the better performance.
Listen man, doubt that you will see this, but I thank you for doing this testing and giving me some peace of mind. I gave up hunting for a decent, ok priced GPU and I wound up buying a pre built for the rx5500xt 4gb and the ryzen 5 3600 from ibuypower for $699 off Amazon. I looked and looked, but I couldn't find the onboard components, motherboard, psu, ssd, they barely even list the specs. Well it arrived today and I about lost it in my shorts when I saw that motherboard inside of the big ass case. I also assumed wrongly that the Ryzen wraith cooler would be on the board and they have some no name plopped down on top too! Well your video brought me a little peace man, I was about to snatch it out of there and replace that mother! This is going to be for my son's gaming, so I'm going to fix the cooling system and get the Triton 3600 ddr4 x2 8gb, and add some m.2 storage and call it good. Thanks again man, I'm now subbed from the US.
These Cinebench results are interesting. I have a Ryzen 5 3600 on an MSI B450 Gaming Plus motherboard, with 16GB of 3200mhz CL 16 RAM. My single core scores are over 510 every time, and my multicore score is consistently over 3600. Those score are higher than your R5 3600 got on both the A320 and X570 boards, despite the fact that I have slower RAM.
That's no suprise since Cinebench doesn't care much for RAM speed. If you got a higher score in cinebench, you got either a better quality chip, your BIOS is more agressive with precision boost etc., better temperatures or a combination of those..
Great video! The true value would be the ryzen 5 2600, as those are selling for almost half the price of the 3600! For gaming on a budget, the six core twelve thread ryzen chips are royalty, simply because they'll run on any board and do it damned well.
With the compatibility issues Ryzen 3600 has on older motherboard I think if we want to play safe Ryzen 2600 is still a better choice which is cheaper too
The difference is probably down to the BIOS, as soon as you overclock on a X570 you'll obviously blow the A320 out of the water but stock clocks are what the A320 is designed for 👍
Yes...I'm planning to upgrade to R-3600. I have Asrock A320M-HDV. I've updated the bios 4 times. It's amazing how versatile this board. You have to remember that AMD didn't cut any single corner (Full PCIe lanes in the cheapest mobo) except RAM Overclocking.
Dhanar Putra did u make ur upgrade? I have the Asrock A320m-HDV r4.0. We kinda have the same mobo except i have the 4th revision, so a lot has been fixed perhaps. U think i can plop in a 2700x, 3700x, or 3800x on my mobo? Its a 6 power phase design
Just bought my wife a new PC for her birthday next week using this motherboard with a Ryxen 5 1600 (AF) and 16Gb or RAM. She might try a few mediocre games but generally speaking its going to be just for browsing and work. Thanks for the video Marco. You must have quite a few ladies checking out your video reviews, you are quite a handsome man.
It might. But remember that A320 or B450 is just the chipset. The actual *motherboard* VRM quality is independent of what chipset it got, with some B series AMD motherboards (B350, B450 etc) being *better* then the lower end X series motherboards and others being *worse* then the higher end A series motherboards. Yours may in fact be worse. And sure, it might be working great. But if the VRM isn't up to snuff it might cause issues down the road due to added wear and tear on other components in your system due to input and output ripple.
@Brian The higher temps at idle are due to the coolers needing a re-designed. The traditional cooler config is to take the heat from the center of the CPU's heatspreader the fastest. Any of the chiplet designed CPU's and SOC's have the most heat produced around the outside by the Core chiplets.....they are very dense, and can retain more heat in the silicon after working them a bit. Just be greatfull the Zen 2 silicon is actually rather efficient. I can't wait to mod a waterblock to push a R9 3950X....😁
You're the best men! You actually answer all my questions, release my doubts about a320 because some says its bad, but when I watch this my mind is relieved. I want to build cheap but great pc for my studies (programming) and some stuff like editing and streaming games. Maybe I will buy like ryzen 2600 or 3100 for a320 mobo. Thanks for this men. Even it's a year ago I think it helps me well. Cheeeeerrss!
MapOfEurasia Is that for real? So yes? Can i pair this mobo with the R5 3600 and a gigabyte rx 580 8gb gaming Would that even make Sense? I dont know pls help i all ready own the gpu
didn't expect this video would mention the idling issue. This is the first time I saw it mentioned in a RUclips video, please do make a video about it :)
4:04 _Just because it's crappy, doesn't necessarily mean it's bad_
-Bryaneasy, 2019
Heyo Macko!
@@stevethea5250 Hi Steve!
Polo. Bet you've never heard that one before :P
@@GearSeekers Oh no, never. Not once. Zip, Nada, Zilch, Zero, Nessuno, Niente, 完全沒有, 0.
1:05 This man doesn't fear death.
I was about to say the same. Lol
@Flights And The Universe he could have bent the pins
@Flights And The Universe you should never handle your ryzen cpu like that
Is there something exceptional about Ryzen cpu pins? I've dealt with hundreds of Intel pins, never bent any of them.
@@LuisMendez-up5te ????????????????? bruh ?????????????
When I popped a 3900X into a very similar A320 board, clocks dropped pretty hard. But as predicted, these 65W chips manage quite well with "cheap" power delivery.
Looking forward to the A320 3950X video! How low can we go!
Hello do some more videos with your gamer wifey
@@MarcoGPUtuber a320: mr. User, I don't feel so good
i seen your vid lol
You need a X470 to reek the benefits of an AMD Ryzen 3900x.
Bryan, I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Thi si an oldie, but a goodie and helped me out with a PC I upgraded for my friends parents they ended up giving to me a couple of years later for free before they moved to Florida. Keep up the good work.
When he pulled out the cpu like that my heart dropped
... they've been lying to us the whole time we can touch the pins
@@solo5603 the hell no. U shouldn't do that. If u did that it means your gay. Like if u seriously did it maybe u touched and damaged a pin which is not needed. There are many pins in the processor and some of them are useless so if u removed some of the pins and it still worked it means u removed a useless pin
Better safe than sorry.
@@adiii774 pins are harder to bend then you think
Wow. That is a very interesting find fams! I dig it!
hi nick
@@nahrizulashraf hi
@ your neckbeard is showing
@ WOW! You really need to check yourself.
Fam is cool, just... don't use the word fams lol that's not a thing
A320...advantage: cheap
Disadvantage: Cheap
btw, I like the Airbus A320 XDD
Does It fly faster than the X370?
Did they decrease the throttle after liftoff or did it stay cool?
@@BenIsAliveYT Unfortunately it landed in Islamabad and never returned....
Finally I found a person like me! I like both aviation and computers.
I live in Brazil, and here only has national manufacture of A320 the difference to the B350 or B450 (which are not manufactured here) is more than double. So for poor third world devils it helps a lot. Thank you so much Yes City
Brazil's manufacturing tariffs are so fucking retarded. I'm sorry for your decades & decades of government idiocracy. They seem intent on ignoring the globalized economy to the point where your entire nation will have regressed back into poverty.
Finally a BR thats watch TYC
P4RANOID Me to, this tipe of channel is Amazing for us to know how to build a PC with a small budget!
@@p4ranoid231 yeah, most of brs think "mw informatica" is a good channel lol
Meanwhile, I'm going to build Ryzen 5 1400 with B450 XD
This is exactly the info I was looking for! Thank you so much!
Another awesome, unique vid from Tech YES. Only discovered the channel a month ago. Time to hit the subscribe button I think.
It's impossible! Its make new Ryzen 3600 almost godlike in value for money
Shhh everyone will want one.
Try with a 2600 - they’ve gone down to £120 on Amazon here
Not true, it costs more than 2600 by 80%!! for like 10-15 fps more, if you care about budget for gaming then get 2600 and better gpu.
@@BITCOIlN +1 (at least in my country) its absolutely not worth and 2600 is best value for money by far at the moment...
@SadEuropean Man my light bulb consume more electricity than both cpu
unless the A320 is really on sale I'd rather spend 20 bucks more on a B350
or a b450
Definitely B350
Love when people just tell “that thing” and don’t explain shit.
Be an example for the new ones, leave an explanation for +15seconds of typing why you say that. ffs.
So, B450 would be preferable for “future proofing of cpu BIOS support”.
There. Lead by example!
as abiola82 replied below:
and better memory support, first gen ryzen motherboards had a lot more ram issues than the zen+ and zen 2
2019 is really weird year ... imagine you upgrade from x570 to a320 to get more performance... 😂🤷🏻♂️??
Edit: nvm 2020 is more weirded then 2019 lol
The x570 motherboard are only a prime buy. There is no need to buying them!
@@winchelln.1013 specially that the 3000 series had no headroom for really good oc ... I think a decent b450 will be the sweat spot for even the 3900x
No you downgrade
@@savalije2405 r/ wooosh
@@asakuraXyoh No need x470
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I wonder if the A320 can handle the 3600x just as well.
Thank you for showing us so much details about cpus, motherboards and ram. Especially combined with older generation technology reviews. I'm considering older build myselft! And also A320 is just fine fore 3600.
Honestly its not that bad of a choice now since Ryzen 3000 doesn't have much OC headroom anyway.
Or any really it doesn't really gain perf with it so you can save a lot on motherboards imo unless you need some extra stuff.
@@illuminatieyes2351 and save money on heatsink coolers
Bruh OC still needed if you need to get the maximum frequency at all cores, at all time.
@@NaoVII In gaming doing that can actually hurt performance. If I leave my 3600 at stock it boosts to 4200 in games on all cores, but manual overclocking only gets me 4150. You're better off enabling PBO and Auto OC, and then I see cores hitting 4550 occasionally.
@@NaoVII Yeah but it doesn't really make it perform any better and as you saw he was already hitting 90C which is really hot so no headroom to OC.
Killer video idea. Astonishing results. I dunno whether to trash x570 or cheer the a320!
Why not both
same difference, you do one, you do both, implicitly. :D
Trash it and then tell us your location.
Cheer the A320 for handling the CPU nicely, but don't trash the X570. The overclocking features will blow the A320 out of the water
Just what I need. I was wondering whether my A320 Asrock can handle the 3600, then DING the notification for my exact use case appeared.
Now I believe in telepathy
WHICH moo in this vid??
@@stevethea5250 gigabyte a320-f I think or a320-h.
@@VoldoronGaming definitely not asrock 3:52
Steve Thea It’s still an A320 motherboard..
@@stevethea5250 yeah I knew it's not an ASrock but it's still A320, that's my concern
Great content, it's good to see that little a320 can keep up with ryzen 5 3600 without any probs. I wish i can see ryzen 5 3600 vs 2600 comparison soon. (Gaming Performance, Productivity Stuff, Power consumption test 12nm vs 7nm
I have the ryzen 5 2600 and it stutters in gsme its proably somthing in my pc thats not right
@@severinonatividad5488 my ryzen 5 2600 stuttered a lot on my a320 too, but it turned out it was windows 10 giving me stuttering problems, try optimizing win10 for gaming, my stuttering stopped after doing it
@@gilvinzalsos3762 yeah i fixed it it was 1 of my settings on my windows
@@severinonatividad5488 what was the settings?
@@knightzack104 enable GPU acceleration or VRR in windows would be my first two guesses
Please add cad bench marks also? This may help show some productivity abilities along with the gaming bench marks! This should be done for all bench mark test. Thank you for your video's and have a great day.
The 19 dislikes is probably from the people who's currently using x570 😂😂😂
I dont want to like because you have 19 likes lmao
I doubt people with that budget will use 3600.
@@yulusleonard985 I can't see too many people spending $200 on a 3600 and $200 on a x570 mainboard (i.e., Gigabyte Elite or Asus TUF).
@@yulusleonard985 many people buying x570 use 3600, the 3600 is simply the best price-performance part in the whole series, and many people think x570 is better so they spemnd the extra bucks on it, just like they spend the extra bucks for the 3600 instead of a 2600 thats 2x cheaper for 20% less performance.
@@budgetking2591 I dont think people buy 12 phases just to run 6 cores. People often skip the mother board to save money on GPU.
I got a A320 from Asus with a R5 1600 really cheap a few weeks and I´m loving it. But I was I little sad because people had said before that the 300 series motherboards wouldnt support Ryzen 3000. But now I`ve found out they will support. So in the future, when the prices drops I`ll defenitily buy 3600 or 3600x.
I´m really loving AMD now! Thanks for the video. Keep up with the good work. Greetings from Brazil!
Is that Asus Ex prime A320m?
@@Dinesh-ng6pb asus prime a320m-k sold here in Brazil
@@murilobolsoni is there any overheating issue or fine?
@@Dinesh-ng6pb no problem here. It's important that you're case have a good air flow. My ryzen 1600 and the mobo keep temperatures under 60 degrees Celsius on full load and gaming. Just fine.
I'm impressed that the 3600MHz kit works absolutely 100% on such a cheap motherboard.
The Ryzen is basically a system on a chip and the motherboard doesn't add alot of logic to the CPU's performance.
That's one reason I am really not pleased with reviewers who denigrate this motherboard. Sure, it may be inexpensive but price is not an indicator of quality in this case.
Good video, clarified the doubt I had.
Here in Brazil have not taken this test yet.
Great value combo. Keep testing older mobo's with Ryzen 3000. Good review 😎👍
Would I be getting in trouble if I slap a Ryzen 3 3100 on an A320 board?
I had a crappy kebab and shat my pants for 2 days.
@@Aussie_Damo "crappy"
I'm drinking the electrolyte solution for a colonoscopy, could I use that kebob instead?
Try yufka
My colonoscopy is Monday my third one so I know what you mean, I don't mind the test but I hate the prep.
@@fredmorris3571 I have to do the prep again. Already drank the electrolyte and they cancelled the colonoscopy because the hospital lost power last night.
I died a little when you pulled the chip out of the package and manhandled the pins like that
Thank you for the video, i have an a320m-k and i wanted to upgrade but now i think my motherboard can stay with me more time :D
Nice vid, totaly on point, no bias no BS. I wish most youtubers would be like this, not trying to convince ppl buying more expensive stuff when they don't need it.
Thanks for this video. I've been looking for this test setup since the new ryzens came out. Now I know my next upgrade path. Although you should have tackled the supposed disadvantages i.e. the PCI-E speed difference etc.
Thank you for running these tests. I am in process of purchasing a Ryzen 7 desktop and was curious about all the motherboard options, so you've helped answer a big question as to A320 motherboards ability run 3rd generation Ryzen processors.
I own this motherboard with a r5 1400, when i did the build i never thought about it that far ahead, lucky me how i stumbled on that video cause i was about to switch cpu .
iTechGaming GR bro 7 months later and I did the same thing with the same cpu and found this vid afterwards
Still watching til today. 😁 Thanks for this
Nice to see total power draw there.... 👍👍👍
Just starting to watch this video. Running a 3600 with an a320 board which came out to be $5 after combo discount from Microcenter in SoCal. The extended warranty/replacement plan for the board came out to be about 70 cents lol.
holy shit thats awesome dude
Tustin microcenter represent
that's what im talkin'bout
Tech YES City we miss you in Los Angeles :(
So if your doing this as a first time build and don't have a older cpu around you can't update the BIOS correct?
Is nobody taking about at 1:07 he was holding it by the pins lol
I came back to the comment section after seeing that, I was pretty sure someone also would be devastated just like me
Intels pins where prone of breaking, not amd-s.
Thats the season why intel dosent have them any more.
But its nicer to handle cpu better, he maybe dosent like AMD.
This is the dude that used to clean motherboards in the sink and brush them with a dish washing brush. He knows how far he can go.
The pins are actually strong lol I’ve held my cpu by the pins many times
Im so scared when he's holding like that.
meanwhile when im install procecor im always get sweat on my hand. rofl.
"It's a good deal at the moment"... until the guy uploads these types of videos to the internet and prices rise XDDDD
As a highly detail-oriented person, those bent fins at 4:41 drive me *nuts* . Holy mackerel, whatever caused the thiccboi to get so... _bent out of shape?_
Your not the only person who noticed😆
To anyone who has still doubts about this combination. Its been a year since i tested this. My PC is still alive and not burning! Thanks to this man
Shorter traces? Maybe. My first thought was that the BIOS for that Gigabyte X570 is not mature yet. We will see.
But for a 3600 the hardware on the X570 is actually worse. The VRMs on X570 are really over-engineered and inefficient (until you hit 200-400A and these CPU's can't reach that). It's the same thing as running a 1200W PSU to use for a 300W system. There are efficiency curves and the 3000 series (even the 8 or 12 cores) barely starts getting into the start of the efficiency curve. The X570 chipset also uses 7-8W more power at idle. There's only so much software tweaking one can do.. you can't change the raw hardware. For the 12 or 16 core the X570's will be better, but even then.. I'd argue the X470 will be best.
I think it's much more on the VRM switching issue.
@@adhahanif9792 unlikely. The pulse width is the same hence the switching frequency is the same. The only difference is that each of the 4 phases on A320 do more work than the 8 phases on the X570. JonW's reason with the efficiency curve is actually the most plausible.
AMD also already explained about the voltages, if you want a real measurement use the latest CPU-Z, it will give around 0.8V at idle and runs cooler, they said that all the measurement tools makes the CPU to think that has some load and it is boosting a little
I really love checking TYC before getting my parts for parts performance. I get a more accurate information weather what I want to buy will work together.
ryzen 1600x and 3000mhz ram on asrock a320 pro4 the vrm mosfets burnt out after 12 months of running stock and boost disabled
I found an a320 for 45 and a ryzen 3 1200 for 50$ and an 8gb kit of ram for 40$ on eBay the other day and I gave it to my little brother with my old 770
I was almost worried I would have to spend money on upgrading my $60 motherboard when I upgrade to a 3600 and a rtx 3070.
If your buying an rtx 3070 surely you can buy a new Mobo? Am4 motherboards, even a320 don't even sell that cheap used anymore and £30 here in the uk is considered a good deal on an am4 boards, you should be able to get a b450/b550 if you wanted
@@fewik8567 if I have $500, and i spend $140 on a motherboard, I no longer have enough money to buy an rtx 3070
@@undersc0r a b450 doesn't even cost $100, less than $100, I've seen plenty for less than $90, and keep saving and you'll have enough and selling your old board should be easy since they seem to be in demand
@@fewik8567 a *good full size atx* b550
@@undersc0r TUF b450 is less than £100, it's £80 here in the UK and that's a solid b450
Late to the party, but I'd like to add that i.e. the Gigabyte A320M-S2H comes with a B350 chipset on certain revisions... I've seen that board for under €50. Absolutely insane value there. Been running one for 6 months, Vrm temps top out under 70c with r5 2600 stock/boost. It might be all you need in a mobo. I had a more expensive UD5-H in my last build, which I loved, but it pays to not fall for the marketing.
This build is good for saving electricity,,,
I was really worried at first coz I bought exactly like this A320M. In the end I felt lucky. All I thought it'll be a failure all the way
just scored this cpu for 50 bucks and the mobo for 30 bucks!! Thanks for the intel on it mate. Great content as usual mate!
my specs
asus prime a320m-k
cpu - ryzen 5 3600
ram - hyperx fury 3200mhz
gpu - rtx 2060 super
ssd- crutial 240gb ssd
hdd- wd 1tb 7200rpm hddd
stock cooler on the cpu
m.2 nvme 512gb
i get an idle temp of 35c-40c on cpu and max of 75 c
and on the gpu idle is 45c max is 80c
this pc was one of the best builds I've ever build for so cheap using all second hand parts
Can we talk on ig pls dm me destroyer_tae
0:57 I think that ryzen slim hexacore beast is insulted you called it a 'little CPU'. Is it the little CPU that could? :P
It's the little guy that could propel you into the 3950th dimension.
@@techyescity If I'm goin to a dimension, It's the 3950Xth Dimension or bust! If you wanna come, take exit X570 to get there.
@Wasted waster I'm just surprised we call them 6 core CPUs. Whatever happened to Hexacore? Octacore? Decacore? Dodecacore?
It's the "little CPU that could".. choo choo.
@Wasted waster Sad. X-Core just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Would be sweet to see how well it does also with 2400MHz ram on that board. I suspect that the ram that you used costs an arm and a leg.
Actually, some of the point with having more phases is that you can have lower switching frequency then while keeping the same input and output ripple while a board with fewer phases require a higher switching frequency in order to achieve the same ripple.
If it both have a low switching frequency *and* a low phase count then that means a high input and output ripple, and that in turn actually means more wear and tear on other components in the system.
It's kind of like having a super budget crap PSU from back in the days when a budget PSU could blow up in your face...
That said 4 phases isn't *horrible* as low phase count motherboards goes.
Some motherboards had three phases when Ryzen first launched if I don't remember wrong... -_-
Anyway, look up Buildzoids channel for more information about what phases actually does and what phases actually *is* and *exactly* how important they are.
Not quite correct.
Since the pulse width is the same the switching frequency is the same. The difference is if you have 8 phases each phase works 1/8 of the time. If you have only 4 then each phase works 1/4 of the time. The advantage of having more phases is that they heat up less since, well, they work less. Not sure about the disadvantage. The performance difference was probably caused by other factors.
You do videos of all of the things I'm considering for an upgrade. First the Aliexpress Xeon 2689 and now this!
Videos like his are why I always watch your channel! No shill.. All chill haha
3700x is 65w ... Just saying....time for round 2 of the a320?
The clock speed will go down regardless
Technically the board support R9 3900X right? then why not use it on a320?
Plz more videos about the same topic or try b350 gaming plus
Thanks for your video, now i am thinking of updating the bios of my A320 and replacing my beloved r5 1600 with a r5 3600.
ryzen 5 260 with a320 gigabayte work good or no ?
@@kingwalker6190 Well, it might work good (depends on the board). Have now a 3600 working in my ASRock A320 board with no problems.
Konkretertyp bet still no problems?
@@dreweck still no problems... maybe it's just my board was a higher quality a320 board... but still runs like a charm
Konkretertyp I have a ASROCK A320M is that good for the ryzen 5 3600
Got a 1300x and a a320 board back in 2017. Just upgraded to a 3600 and the board is perfectly fine after a bios update. Pretty good $50 if you also me
I'm very glad that you mentioned updating the BIOS, several other reviewers neglect talking about this.
I just build a budget gaming rig with an A320 Motherboard, glad to know it is decent and great value for money.
Michio's Graphics what are your specs with it if you don’t mind sharing? Planning a budget build right now for 1080p gaming.
@@haudang3835 PC I made was a:
Motherboard = gigabyte a320m-s2h
CPU = AMD Ryzen 3 1200
GPU = RX-580 4GB
Ram = 16GB DDR4 @ 2400Mhz.
the PC now uses a Ryzen 5 3400g, if you can spare the extra cash for this CPU, Be a bit better.
My build board is a320
@@MichiosGraphics i have the same board that says 3000 desktop ready, you think a ryzen 5 3600 will work fine?
@@LxaG_Sauce should work fine yes, the only ones you may have to check are the Ryzen 9's.
I'd check with your motherboard manufacturer just incase but it should work right out of the box.
I'm running my ryzen 3600 on an Asus Prime B350-Plus. It runs great. :)
I used the same A320 motherboard for my office PC with Athlon 200GE
When the first Zen2 APUs show up you should consider a upgrade. ;-)
You did a really good job. My current PC is ryzen 2200G with MSI A320 motherboard. I was really want to find out whether I need to buy a new X570 motherboard for new Ryzen zen2 cpu's. I found my answer in your video. Thanks a lot.
yes, just update to the latest bios 😉
Just bought the ASRock A320M-HDV Pro 4.0 and i paired it with a Ryzen 5 3500, performance is pretty good so far for what im doing, very satisfied
I tried the same combination. It works great, but you've to buy good quality AMD approved memory. Using kingston value ram it did not work. Kingston fury hyperx worked.
Man. PBO seems like a wicked feature for the A series mobos.
I have a320m-k with ryzen 5 rtx 2060 super and it performs perfectly, 91% score on benchmark for gaming
What’s your specs please?
Nice! Same specs here !
I went to visit my brother about 6 months ago, and he had a pc case, and in the inside a msi a320 motherboard, at the beginning I didn't know that it could support a ryzen 3600, but I went to do a little research, and I asked my brother if i could have it, and he said yes, and I'm using this computer for video editing, and photography. I installed a 1050 ti graphics card, 16 gb of ddr4 Ram, a 500 gb m.1 hard drive and its working excellent....
I buy this mobo a320m-k and have a 1050ti, 16gb ddr4 ram too. But idk if i should buy a r5 3600 or r5 5500 in this motherboard, can you help me?
@@lucashnz1262well both of the cpus are very affordable, I'll go with the r5 5600 it costs about 150 dls on amazon, but the r5 3600x costs about 90 dls on amazon. The performance difference is about 12-15% with the r5 5600 being the better performance.
I'm planning on putting an r5 3500 on an a320 motherboard that came with my pre-built to upgrade from an Athlon
Can you try the 3700x as well?
Who knows? It's a 65W TDP cpu after all.
l guess that's it. For a budget build that's nothing wrong using A320.
i own the 3600 with b450 tomahawk and a 1070 loving it.
What perf are you getting? Might consider upgrading my CPU to that exact same setup
@@pierrecesario6446 depends on the games and what settings you play at I'm its basically a 8700k at stockish.
Nice job, the b350 and b450 tomahawk boards are exceptionally good at their price point, and the VRMs are top notch
@@kaz05050 So you didnt have any issues
@@darkoniketic2836 none runs great.
Listen man, doubt that you will see this, but I thank you for doing this testing and giving me some peace of mind. I gave up hunting for a decent, ok priced GPU and I wound up buying a pre built for the rx5500xt 4gb and the ryzen 5 3600 from ibuypower for $699 off Amazon. I looked and looked, but I couldn't find the onboard components, motherboard, psu, ssd, they barely even list the specs. Well it arrived today and I about lost it in my shorts when I saw that motherboard inside of the big ass case. I also assumed wrongly that the Ryzen wraith cooler would be on the board and they have some no name plopped down on top too!
Well your video brought me a little peace man, I was about to snatch it out of there and replace that mother! This is going to be for my son's gaming, so I'm going to fix the cooling system and get the Triton 3600 ddr4 x2 8gb, and add some m.2 storage and call it good.
Thanks again man, I'm now subbed from the US.
These Cinebench results are interesting. I have a Ryzen 5 3600 on an MSI B450 Gaming Plus motherboard, with 16GB of 3200mhz CL 16 RAM. My single core scores are over 510 every time, and my multicore score is consistently over 3600. Those score are higher than your R5 3600 got on both the A320 and X570 boards, despite the fact that I have slower RAM.
That's no suprise since Cinebench doesn't care much for RAM speed. If you got a higher score in cinebench, you got either a better quality chip, your BIOS is more agressive with precision boost etc., better temperatures or a combination of those..
Great video!
The true value would be the ryzen 5 2600, as those are selling for almost half the price of the 3600!
For gaming on a budget, the six core twelve thread ryzen chips are royalty, simply because they'll run on any board and do it damned well.
And with an affordable graphics card, like the GTX 1660 or upcoming RX 5600(XT) you will never notice the difference.
Newegg had a four-day sale on the Ryzen 7 2700 for $150 USD that sold out in two days. I would have gotten if I had the cash on hand.
@@CDReimer I'm not sure if that sale will be back, but $199 for the 2700X should be back for BlacK Friday.
h310 + i5 9400f + 2400mhz ram = best value. Total: 250€.
With the compatibility issues Ryzen 3600 has on older motherboard I think if we want to play safe Ryzen 2600 is still a better choice which is cheaper too
The difference is probably down to the BIOS, as soon as you overclock on a X570 you'll obviously blow the A320 out of the water but stock clocks are what the A320 is designed for 👍
I use my Ryzen 1600 on a320 board ... and works very well. I don't need to overclock my cpu.
that being said can i put a ryzen 3600 i laso have a a320sh gogabyte
Pfft..I've put R7-1700 and it's ok..😆
can i add r5 2600 + ram 8gb 2400 mhz with a320-s2h gigabayte pls answer
Yes...I'm planning to upgrade to R-3600.
I have Asrock A320M-HDV.
I've updated the bios 4 times.
It's amazing how versatile this board.
You have to remember that AMD didn't cut any single corner (Full PCIe lanes in the cheapest mobo) except RAM Overclocking.
tell me does it work well when u already upgrade it cause im having same mobo and plan to upgrade to 3600 too
Dhanar Putra did u make ur upgrade? I have the Asrock A320m-HDV r4.0. We kinda have the same mobo except i have the 4th revision, so a lot has been fixed perhaps. U think i can plop in a 2700x, 3700x, or 3800x on my mobo? Its a 6 power phase design
@@akirakato3755 hey man you still have the a320m hdv r4.0? If yes, with wich cpu
Just bought my wife a new PC for her birthday next week using this motherboard with a Ryxen 5 1600 (AF) and 16Gb or RAM.
She might try a few mediocre games but generally speaking its going to be just for browsing and work.
Thanks for the video Marco.
You must have quite a few ladies checking out your video reviews, you are quite a handsome man.
We ended up buying the Ryzen 3400G and used the MSI A320M A Pro MAX. The MSi "MAX" boards support Ryzen 3000 out the box.
Get a B450 board. Something like an MSI Tomahawk (Good VRM so you could upgrade to higher core count Ryzen cpu down the line)
tomahawk has been having huge issues with zen2. Check msi forums
what about the Tomahawk Max, has MSI ironed out the bugs in the Max version of that board?
This video came out in Jul 2019, but you have a corona folder on your desktop. What aren't you telling us!? :P
thats probably for corona renderer
I like these type of rig build videos. Tired of looking at unrealistic 7k-10k builds Linus keeps showing. Jayz does occasional realistic builds too.
Saying both mainbords have the Latest bios doesn’t tell the whole story. We need to know what agease versions those “latetest mainbords biosses” have.
I build my pc before 3 years with ryzen 5 3600x and a320m and its still work perfect and playing games
A320 + ultra cheap Ryzen 3 1st Gen = awesome PFsense router, or nas box, or mini game server.
It's not recommended, but with the current price of mATX boards a combo like this is the king of value/performance/price
H310 + i5 9400F + 2400mhz ram is king of value imo.
A320/B450 + R5 3600 + 3200mhz ram is what most users only need
ordered yesterday for my new rig, no regrets, esp after watching this.
and the asus one looks cool too with the red design.
He did it, so that you don't have to do it for yourselves.
Mad respect.
For helping us justify budget builds now that gpu are skyrocketing in prices.
Great video per usual Kevin !!!
Testing budget motherboard with 3600MHz memory which costs 2 of the motherboards...
to show that it can handle it
3 times here. The mobo is 50€ here, but 3600 16-16-16 b die is 160€, lel
and I was worried to put ryzen 7 2700 in my b450 ds3h 🤣 it works perfectly
It might.
But remember that A320 or B450 is just the chipset.
The actual *motherboard* VRM quality is independent of what chipset it got, with some B series AMD motherboards (B350, B450 etc) being *better* then the lower end X series motherboards and others being *worse* then the higher end A series motherboards.
Yours may in fact be worse.
And sure, it might be working great.
But if the VRM isn't up to snuff it might cause issues down the road due to added wear and tear on other components in your system due to input and output ripple.
@@Luredreier thank you for these info, next time I'll choose more carefully.
@TechReside get a separate fan controller then
hey hey... i have the same ds3h mobo but how can i control my all 4 rgb fans...
I have the same Motherboard and it works perfectly with ryzen 7 3700X
Breaking the f*ckin money bags of the companies. Excellent vid as always !!
@Brian The higher temps at idle are due to the coolers needing a re-designed. The traditional cooler config is to take the heat from the center of the CPU's heatspreader the fastest. Any of the chiplet designed CPU's and SOC's have the most heat produced around the outside by the Core chiplets.....they are very dense, and can retain more heat in the silicon after working them a bit.
Just be greatfull the Zen 2 silicon is actually rather efficient.
I can't wait to mod a waterblock to push a R9 3950X....😁
You're the best men! You actually answer all my questions, release my doubts about a320 because some says its bad, but when I watch this my mind is relieved. I want to build cheap but great pc for my studies (programming) and some stuff like editing and streaming games. Maybe I will buy like ryzen 2600 or 3100 for a320 mobo. Thanks for this men. Even it's a year ago I think it helps me well. Cheeeeerrss!
Please if you noticed this or someone out there. Give me some advice thanks.
Brian, try the V2 version of this board.
It has the B350 chipset instead of the A320 chipset, sounds weird but it's true 😅
I've got one. The same good,as in video
Is that for real?
So yes?
Can i pair this mobo with the R5 3600 and a gigabyte rx 580 8gb gaming
Would that even make Sense?
I dont know pls help i all ready own the gpu
I use A320s' all the time for PC builds, great value for money, I usually buy mine from Aliexpress. A Maxsun motherboard to be exact.
For anyone watching this, I would suggest to get
thanks, imma pick this one up lol
didn't expect this video would mention the idling issue. This is the first time I saw it mentioned in a RUclips video, please do make a video about it :)
Currently £19.99 on amazon absolute steel fantastic budget build board