[안방1열 직캠4K] 엔시티 드림 지성 '버퍼링' (NCT DREAM JISUNG 'Glitch Mode' FanCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2022.04.17.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 206

  • @user-ck1fy6fh1d
    @user-ck1fy6fh1d 2 года назад +7

    장신+메댄 조합은 진짜.. 신의 아이돌인 것 같음.. 흔하지도 않고 피지컬 좋으면서 춤 잘 추면 ㄹㅇ 세로직캠 보는 맛이 오짐

  • @jiji_2000
    @jiji_2000 2 года назад +38

    이야 지성아 너 진짜로 다 컸구나 므찌다 아들...

  • @myuniverse_js
    @myuniverse_js 2 года назад +159

    하 진짜 레전드다… 보라 제복 진짜 넘나 찰떡쿵야 ㅜ!!버퍼링 막방 직캠 너무 소중해 ..너무너무 수고했어 지성아아 눈과 귀가 모두 즐거웠던 활동이었엉 마니 사랑해 사랑둥이야 💖

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +3

    춤천재가 비주얼천재면 어쩌라는거야~.
    이건 불공평? 아니 God의 축복이고 선물이지. 저 모습을 보고 행복해할 인류를 위한~ 🤭🥰

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +4

    Jisung's appearance genius❣ Dance genius❣
    You are so fantastic💖💫💫

  • @김은혜-z2p
    @김은혜-z2p 2 года назад +39

    왕자님이세요.. 착장 미쳤다... 진짜 저런 의상 우주에서 제일 잘 어울림 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

  • @lover1529
    @lover1529 2 года назад +49

    인가 진짜 센스 오짐.., 이 착장에 피지컬이라 페이스캠이었으면 조금 아쉬울뻔 했는데 역시 돌잘알 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @HS_8912
    @HS_8912 2 года назад +2

    의상 진짜 잘 어울린다

  • @KaiSaLuEXOkaihun
    @KaiSaLuEXOkaihun 2 года назад +5

    Jisung dance was always amaze me,with this purple concept suit jisung really well,jisungie the best!!!

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +83

    Jisung's body proportions is an another topic that deserves to be talked about more.

    • @flamealligator6984
      @flamealligator6984 2 года назад +1

      As in, his body proportions are perfect! 😍💚🐝

  • @aera4763
    @aera4763 2 года назад +6

    Jisung is really a great dancer even when he's on stage or not he's still so amazing👏

  • @cookie6431
    @cookie6431 2 года назад +62

    벨트 날려버리는 직캠이라는 이유로 이번 활동 1위 직캠에 선정 되었습니다👏🏻

  • @Vexcnxz
    @Vexcnxz 2 года назад +3

    애기였던 지성이가 저렇게 멀대처럼 커갖고는 할미맴을 발랑발랑.. 나 죽어

  • @sellymarthasiahaan1560
    @sellymarthasiahaan1560 2 года назад +3

    Jisungiee oppa kiyowokkk♡♡

  • @뿌꾸빵-z6b
    @뿌꾸빵-z6b 2 года назад +27

    대비감 시원하게 잘받는 거 봐 아기왕자세요...
    벨트 던져버릴 때는 내 마음이 지성이한테 던져졌어 가슴 아려 심장 무너진다 무대천재 어디 안 감; 막방까지 너무 너무 고생했고 덕분에 3주가 즐거웠어💞❤️‍🔥 오늘도 내일도 계속 사랑해 햄송이 아프지말고 또 보자!

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +9

    Jisung the visual 💫

  • @Kh_Daegal
    @Kh_Daegal 2 года назад +24

    이런 게 사랑이면 오케이 할 때 혼자 손 ok로 만드는 거 귀여워서 기절할 거 같애 아무튼 사랑한다고

  • @hyeya7585
    @hyeya7585 2 года назад +11

    진짜 왕자님 같ㅇ.......... 이 의상 인가 아케이드 착장 다음으로 좋아요 ㅜ ㅛㅠ

  • @-romy9074
    @-romy9074 2 года назад +2

    자기전에 또 보러옴 너무 잘한다 너무 잘해

  • @user-ll8vk6uc9q
    @user-ll8vk6uc9q 2 года назад +26

    페캠이 아닌 세로직캠? 오히려 좋아 박지성 춤 잘보여서 좋아~~~

  • @Jisung_park_andy
    @Jisung_park_andy 2 года назад +2

    왕쟈님 등장💫🤍💜

  • @luckyham_25
    @luckyham_25 2 года назад +56

    지성아 막방까지 너무너무 멋있었어 !! 우리 지성이 무대 덕분에 3주라는 시간이 정말 행복했다는 걸 지성이도 알까? 이번 활동 수고 많았고 이렇게 다시 한번 성장한 지성이와 함께할 수 있게 해줘서 고마워 ♥︎ 많이 좋아하고 사랑해!🤍

  • @muskangurungggg
    @muskangurungggg 2 года назад +9

    Jisung’s visuals is getting more and more unreal like he look so damn FINE in this outfit and his stage presence is literally insane

  • @문아람-m2f
    @문아람-m2f 2 года назад +42

    천사지성아...... 버건디 넘 잘어울리고
    막방이었던만큼 잘해버렸다
    사랑해....... 최고야 !!!!!!!!💙🤟🥺💚

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +3

    The reason why Jisung's dancing is so special it's because you can easily find him despite of him being not in the center. He mastered his popping technique and adapted it to his moves. Jisung’s dance foundation is pure popping/locking/hip-hop and it's really visible. He adds certain pops and locks to the moves so they become his own.
    Other members are great dancers but whenever you see Jisung you are enchanted by his unique dancing style. He dances as If choreography is his own and that's one of the most important factors of being a great dancer.
    A dancer who found his style, found his foundation and advantages are superior compared to others simply because they stand out from the crowd.
    Park Jisung is one of those rare type of dancers in K-pop. He is not just an idol dancer, he is a professional one.

  • @병락이-c8j
    @병락이-c8j 2 года назад +2

    지덩이 왤케 아름당워😁🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +87

    His dancing is sharp yet smooth? He is detailed but not lacking energy or power. He is always on beat. Not to mention his wise usage of his hair, neck and head during dancing. He is that detailed!
    Jisung is absolutely insane.

  • @허벌라이프-m9d
    @허벌라이프-m9d 2 года назад +15

    지성이 직캠보니 무대 마치고 뭔가 다른 날과는 다르게 시원섭섭함이 묻어나는 얼굴이랄까요,, 3주동안 수고했어 지성아💚

  • @nguyennhung9102
    @nguyennhung9102 2 года назад +4

    Jisung body proportions are perfect

  • @-romy9074
    @-romy9074 2 года назад +12

    아니 이 착 진짜 레전드로 잘 어울려... 미쳤어 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +5

    The belt couldn't match with Jisung’s dancing skills lmao. Jisung’s power y'all.

  • @evergreenlove1616
    @evergreenlove1616 2 года назад +1

    걍 완벽한 직캠이네 박지성 사랑한다

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +2

    Still in love with this look on him.

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +25

    Jisung looks like a prince.👑 His appearance and dance are so cool💖💖💖

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +2

    My prince🤴~ you are so handsome and cool 💖😍⚘

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +2

    와아~멋진 왕자닷🤩 반해썽☺ 싸랑해성😍 조아ㅏㅏ

  • @looooouuuuuuuu
    @looooouuuuuuuu 2 года назад +4

    Jisung talented king and breathtakingly beautiful

  • @yuuun19
    @yuuun19 2 года назад +1


  • @씬쥬
    @씬쥬 2 года назад +2

    지성아 춤 진짜 잘춘다 감탄만 나옴

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +28

    Park Jisung is a god-tier dancer. He is one of the best in his craft even among older idols who were in the industry for a long time now. If he was in any 4th generation's group he would've been treated like a literal diamond.
    He is so talented and beautiful 🤍

  • @japwwtd1551
    @japwwtd1551 2 года назад +44

    0:38 that was so smooth. JIsung the professional perfomer

  • @yippiee01
    @yippiee01 2 года назад +4

    best dancer

  • @narutotrickzxtv3D
    @narutotrickzxtv3D 2 года назад +4

    Hands down jisung is honestly one of Sm’s best dancers like everything about his dancing is flawless the speed, the execution. The right amount of power with just enough poise and control the way he moves his body is astounding he literally had to rearrange his performance fit from all the power of his dancing lol. Glitch mode is honestly his era for me he has the look he has the moves, and he just shines so bright!

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +2

    우와~ 비주얼이 딱 동화속의 왕자님 그 자체야🤩
    저 비주얼로 쩔어주는 춤을 추다니..😍
    왜이래 왜이래 왜이래.. 왜이러세요? ㄱ설레게시리..ㅎ🤭🥰💓💓💓

  • @pushpa03
    @pushpa03 2 года назад +13

    jisung's body control goes CRAAAZY .... watching him dance is so satisfying to me i love the way he can go from sharp movements to soft & fluid ones so naturally & he just commands attention i cant help but be drawn to him. I can't help but fall in love with this man for the millionth time😭😭

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +1

    자연스럽게 벨트를 빼서 던지는 나의 왕자님, 센스쟁이👍👍

  • @rere22nd
    @rere22nd 2 года назад +2

    Jisung very cute, handsome 💚

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +2

    왕자님~ 왕자님이 춤을 너무 잘춰용.🥰
    그냥 멋진 성의 왕자님 모습을 바라만 봐도 반하게 되는데, 춤이 ㄱ쩔어주시니 내가 빠질수밖에~~~🐋~♡♡

  • @Ak_0239
    @Ak_0239 2 года назад

    Jisung So Cute🥰😍😘❤💕

  • @hoangquan2936
    @hoangquan2936 2 года назад +53

    my heart is still fluttering hearing jisung's voice during his line + the way he dance is always too perfect???? 😭 ofcourse his visuals which is driving us all insane 😢 PARK JISUNG YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +2

    왕자님 보구시펐어용❤⚘

  • @5o828
    @5o828 2 года назад +2

    왜이렇게 잘해요 왜이렇게 잘생겼어요..

  • @mochimochii2634
    @mochimochii2634 2 года назад +1

    Prince Jisung

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +5

    0:38 Jisung the professional 👏

  • @dream_7234
    @dream_7234 2 года назад +8

    아기왕자님 궁전이라도 지어드리고 싶네요.. 울 지송이 막방까지 넘넘 멋있었구 수고했어💚

  • @엘레나-r5w
    @엘레나-r5w 2 года назад

    우리애기 인가 버건디자켓 너무잘어울렸어ㅠㅠㅠ 게다가 벨트 빠지려고하니까 춤추면서 자연스럽게 벨트빼버리는 지성이 자연스럽게 수습하고 멋지다 지성아 ㅠㅠ

  • @cipabydumpie.
    @cipabydumpie. 2 года назад +2

    my favorit main dancer🔥🔥

  • @무무-k4f
    @무무-k4f 2 года назад +3

    🥺💗 나.. 이 썸네일 로설 표지에서 본거 같은데 . .

  • @sophiebrinas1182
    @sophiebrinas1182 2 года назад +3

    Park Jisung 💚

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +1

    🤩왕자님~ 너모 멋있어성 연모하게 됐었어여 ☺💓💓

  • @z00merang18
    @z00merang18 2 года назад +23

    HE IS REAAALLYY AMAZIIINNGGG!!! His expressions, his powerful dance, vocals, rap everything about him is amazing. GO JISUNG ✊💚

  • @adrianarg994
    @adrianarg994 2 года назад +5

    I love this outfit so bad!
    Jisung is amazing on stage

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +2

    Oh prince~ why are you so cool? 💞💞💞

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +7

    1:03 This Jisung is too bad for my health. He looks so mature and serious and handsome 🥲🤍

  • @nogwanshimm
    @nogwanshimm 2 года назад +31

    Yeyyyyy i’ve been manifesting for jisung to have a fancam for this outfit ㅠㅠ as expected, you’re like a prince jisungie

  • @AngelDawnReacts
    @AngelDawnReacts 2 года назад +24

    I don’t know much about this man, but I know he is exceptionally fine. I was drawn to his thumbnail but I stayed for the whole fancam because of his dancing. Wow talk about captivating 😳

    • @xiuolo8116
      @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +6

      He is Nct Dream's maknae Park Jisung who is a main dancer of the group and also one of the three main dancers of the Nct brand.

    • @QueenHela240
      @QueenHela240 2 года назад +3

      Fine indeed.

    • @AngelDawnReacts
      @AngelDawnReacts 2 года назад +1

      @@xiuolo8116 ooh okay thank you! I could definitely tell he was a main dancer from this fancam omg

  • @vrvr_nct5087
    @vrvr_nct5087 2 года назад +2

    So handsome😭😭💚💚

  • @먹토리쮜송
    @먹토리쮜송 2 года назад +1

    이게 사람이야 천사야..

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +4

    박력지성 왕자님 너무 조아용👍👍☺🥰

  • @wisheriana3688
    @wisheriana3688 2 года назад +20

    His dance performance never disappoint

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад

    This jacket on him is chef's kiss.

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад

    I hope this time Jisung will get what he truly deserves as a performer, as an artist. SM is pushing him back whenever he starts gaining popularity and attention, but this time they should do him justice. He is a main dancer for a reason, after all.
    We need a lot of screentime, a decent amount of NOT SHARED lines, a center with a point move of the choreography and a NOT SHARED, members leading dance break. We've been waiting for 2 years in a row already. Is that so hard to give him a proper amount of time to shine?

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +2

    I was happy to see Glitch Mode activities. Jisung, you did a great job. I love you 💖💗💚

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +3

    Jisung dances so well, and his dance is so cool and amazing💫💫

  • @tothemoonandback8571
    @tothemoonandback8571 2 года назад

    Jisung has grown up so well and has become even more talented so much so that he has become my fav dancer in NCT. He looks very handsome in this outfit and SM knew what they were doing when they used him in the thumbnail. Stay healthy and strong for us, your fans, so that we can give you all the love you deserve!!! 💚💚💚💚💚

  • @protect_NCT
    @protect_NCT 2 года назад

    지성아 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
    이거 안본사람들 정말 억울하겠다...
    레전드 직캠 돈내고봐야함 ㅠ

  • @multothetitothestan1530
    @multothetitothestan1530 2 года назад +2

    his dance skills are on point

  • @tatiksuwarni6145
    @tatiksuwarni6145 2 года назад

    Jisungie Kiyowoo 😍🥰 good luck 🤲

  • @zip3906
    @zip3906 2 года назад +7

    막방까지 너무너무 수고했다아아💚
    와중에 벨트 빼는거...😇🔫

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад

    이 왕자님 몸의 비율이 완벽하넹. 얼굴 잘생기고 몸매좋구 춤 🐕‍🦺잘추고 목소리 좋구 글 잘쓰고 센스있고 미소천사구.. 아니 혼자 다 가지면 딴 사람들은 어떡하라구~ㅋ
    암튼 나 빠수니?(헐!)은 행복합니댕댕댕. 😁🥰

  • @u14enthusiast73
    @u14enthusiast73 2 года назад +2

    he's getting more talented and handsome ♡♡♡

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +1

    왕자복 너무 너무 잘 어울령😍🥰

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +8

    Oh my, JISUNG is so handsome and so coolllll 💖💖💖

  • @j2471865
    @j2471865 2 года назад +15

    0:38 박력 진짜… 우리 지성 이제 애기 아니야!!! 다 컸어!!!

  • @anzeni8583
    @anzeni8583 2 года назад +2

    정말 감탄이에요 🥺 너무 잘 했습니답~

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +7

    Our main dancer is killing it as always 🤍

  • @fatiaalifah3560
    @fatiaalifah3560 2 года назад

    Oppa Jisung is really funny 😂😂😆😆😆😆😆And keep spirit Oppa nct dream 😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️Keep spirit Oppa nct dream 😊😊😊☺️☺️💚💚💚💚

  • @astrawberries5567
    @astrawberries5567 2 года назад +1

    지성 왕자님이세요..,,,,

  • @nathaliefaithabubo927
    @nathaliefaithabubo927 2 года назад +4

    Always the best.

  • @alice85850
    @alice85850 2 года назад +9

    햄찌지성🐹 무대천재❤❤

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +2

    👤정말 너무 멋지고 아름다워서 눈물이 날것 같아요.😭
    🗣누가 우리 딸 울리냐?
    👤진정하시어요 어머니. 이것은 감격의 눈물, 기쁨의 눈물이옵니당. 흐흐🤧🤟

  • @chiweit
    @chiweit Год назад +1


  • @율무차-d9o
    @율무차-d9o 2 года назад

    염색부터 제복까지 찰떡이다 지송아 …
    우리 지성이 ㅠ 🐹🐹🐹

  • @zeldaj2024
    @zeldaj2024 2 года назад +1

    왕자님이양 왕자님🤩 너무 멋져. 심쿵💘

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад +3

    JISUNG prince is so wonderful🐹👑💖💖💖

  • @jisungsprettyforehead4688
    @jisungsprettyforehead4688 2 года назад +5

    No.. but, jisung is a cool guy😍

  • @xiuolo8116
    @xiuolo8116 2 года назад +1

    Jisung looks good in red...

  • @happy-37
    @happy-37 2 года назад

    Wow, Jisung is such a good dancer.👍👍
    The more I see Jisung, the more wonderful and amazing he is.💫🙉
    Oh, my! My heart...My 💘

  • @ssfw4567
    @ssfw4567 2 года назад +5

    jisung always slay! love his outfit too

  • @jisung_02
    @jisung_02 2 года назад +1

    왕자 지성