Mecha Shots: iPhone Xs Bot Vs Consolezord

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @DarkonFullPower
    @DarkonFullPower 6 лет назад +248

    0:47 The four opening side latches are a lovely touch to the original.

    • @NCHProductions
      @NCHProductions  6 лет назад +46

      some of the rare comments that appreciate the tiny details put into it that wasnt in the first ver.

  • @PikaPetey
    @PikaPetey 6 лет назад +472

    My god. It's beautiful

    • @holyhobojill2301
      @holyhobojill2301 6 лет назад +2

      You Say That On Every Video I See You On

    • @Retro_Shaw
      @Retro_Shaw 6 лет назад +1

      this freak is omnipresent

  • @adolhein
    @adolhein 6 лет назад +552


    • @lvl10cooking
      @lvl10cooking 6 лет назад +19

      Roger! Final Fusion! Program! DRIIIIIIIIIVE!

    • @M3TAH34D
      @M3TAH34D 3 года назад


    • @goldey2353
      @goldey2353 3 года назад


  • @singletona082
    @singletona082 6 лет назад +1060

    Sony has enabled crossplay.

    • @Franky_Sthein
      @Franky_Sthein 6 лет назад +45

      Roger. Final Fusion Programm Drive!!

    • @Link3000XD
      @Link3000XD 6 лет назад +4

      they did what!?

    • @thezombot0462
      @thezombot0462 6 лет назад +15

      Link3000XD they allowed crossplay for ps4 and Xbox but only for fortnite unfortunately

    • @onup1475
      @onup1475 6 лет назад +9

      Better than nothing and soon more will fallow as the floodgates are now open

    • @asimplenobody7797
      @asimplenobody7797 6 лет назад +13

      Glad to see all the Gaogaigar references understood.

  • @GaoGaiKingTheGreatVA
    @GaoGaiKingTheGreatVA 6 лет назад +1148

    The day where Phone gaming may actually be dominate amongst the console market... Oh God...

    • @magnoliaeclair7822
      @magnoliaeclair7822 6 лет назад +5 no!!!!

    • @Pillmonger
      @Pillmonger 6 лет назад +16

      Hell no. Pc will dominate before that happens.

    • @arenkai
      @arenkai 6 лет назад +19

      But it's already dominating the video game market though.
      More people play games on their phones than on console or PC, and mobile games revenue is way higher than anything on the console/PC front.
      That's just a part of gaming that we don't necessarily see because we aren't the target audience.

    • @heroinji9144
      @heroinji9144 6 лет назад +3

      Wait until Intel starts making Phone CPU's or even a Threadripper CPU 0_o

    • @mrblackjacker32.03
      @mrblackjacker32.03 6 лет назад +7

      That day... Is where we'll put apart the differences between platforms to deal with the greater evil.
      Or we'll perish

  • @NCHProductions
    @NCHProductions  6 лет назад +799

    Time to get people looking up what "Idort" meant...

    • @POYO12353
      @POYO12353 6 лет назад +5

      Is this awesome

    • @gorg7837
      @gorg7837 6 лет назад +11

      but what about crossplay?

    • @sunny_shinyyy
      @sunny_shinyyy 6 лет назад +15

      According to google trends, it’s more popular than it’s *ever* been before

    • @mojonoahgamer5647
      @mojonoahgamer5647 6 лет назад +51

      "An intentional, humorous misspelling of idiot"

    • @Fey_Yoshida
      @Fey_Yoshida 6 лет назад +3

      David Kofie 4chan.

  • @oivatank
    @oivatank 6 лет назад +46

    Man, you’re really good at all of these robotic transformation scenes! I can’t imagine what your take on a Transformer would look like!

  • @seahqiheng1372
    @seahqiheng1372 6 лет назад +208

    A 3ds with a nintendo switch as a screen...
    *Top 10 Anime Crossovers*

    • @AshnSilvercorp
      @AshnSilvercorp 6 лет назад +6

      seriously, if Nintendo made a flip-open switch, it would print double the money.

    • @Ttegegg
      @Ttegegg Год назад

      @@AshnSilvercorp how would you do that anyway

  • @UnlimitedFlyers
    @UnlimitedFlyers 6 лет назад +26

    That animation was impressive. And the "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" shouted from the top of his lungs truly capture the rage that is your typical day at /v/... refreshed every 10secs. Indeed, a masterpiece.

  • @RiderAerix
    @RiderAerix 6 лет назад +250

    He knows they can’t combine, but yet he keeps trying to combine them every time

    • @shamanrauger9040
      @shamanrauger9040 6 лет назад +33

      it will work! This time!
      Doesn’t work.
      It will work! Next time!

    • @asurashun9695
      @asurashun9695 6 лет назад +14

      It's just a matter of getting proper software

    • @maxspecs
      @maxspecs 6 лет назад +8

      Well, there's less than a 1% chance of it working properly...

    • @Raptor_Killer01
      @Raptor_Killer01 6 лет назад +2

      he is a hero because of this...

    • @DaRkLoRdZoRc
      @DaRkLoRdZoRc 5 лет назад +7

      @@maxspecs But it isn't 0%. And for him, that makes it the same as a 100% chance!

  • @phoenixruin6640
    @phoenixruin6640 6 лет назад +46

    Though its not the same with out "Fight the Power" playing, ya did make the right move with Gao

    • @Blaze-nm1uh
      @Blaze-nm1uh 3 года назад

      Unfortunately not anymore

  • @dwrash21
    @dwrash21 6 лет назад +26

    man, this guy never gets a break. The price of power I guess

  • @OwinBlazer
    @OwinBlazer 6 лет назад +65

    The way those mechanical parts open and combine... always so fantastic. If only there's a slow mo button... OH WAIT HA 0.25 SPEED TIME

  • @Eduardo9304
    @Eduardo9304 6 лет назад +65

    When you transcend pc master race and become the HYBRID MASTER RACE.

    • @Interrobang212
      @Interrobang212 6 лет назад

      Idort life

    • @astronaut3248
      @astronaut3248 4 года назад +2

      2 years late. I think using "Master" both times seems to water down the distinction between the two races. How about "Hybrid CHAMPION race" instead?
      ...Or you could just put "GRANDmaster" and call it a night.

    • @FlameRat_YehLon
      @FlameRat_YehLon 3 года назад

      @@astronaut3248 or just "the all platformers"

    • @MDG-mykys
      @MDG-mykys 3 года назад

      Cross platform race

  • @SpheroJr3289
    @SpheroJr3289 6 лет назад +6

    The transformation sequence, IT’S so BEAUTIFUL.

  • @ronrowe5612
    @ronrowe5612 Год назад +2

    I'm loving the gao gai gar references, it makes me happy to see someone paying respects to a classic

  • @125rman
    @125rman 5 лет назад +7

    No joke, the references of GaoGaiGar brought a tear to my eye.

  • @thelastcube.
    @thelastcube. 6 лет назад +24

    We don't deserve such quality animation

  • @caseytenebris1979
    @caseytenebris1979 5 лет назад +9

    Sometimes i wanna see a fight where the consoles combine and actually stay combined for a proper fight. But this is still awesome to X3

  • @aramk2663
    @aramk2663 6 лет назад +11

    The way the zord just blows apart is hilarious to me for some reason.

  • @Milenos
    @Milenos 6 лет назад +6

    Best part of robot transformation ever!

  • @SammieWeiss
    @SammieWeiss 6 лет назад +5

    >Hears the yelling and screaming
    I think I know who that is
    >GaoGai did the screaming and yelling

  • @applehead2134
    @applehead2134 6 лет назад +6

    I don't really associate myself with 4chan, I wasn't there during the time that 3AngeledBlue was around, or that whole "Pools Closed" raid, but I still feel nostalgic looking back. I feel happy that people enjoyed (and still do) the website so much that they devote time and effort into stuff like this. The very fact that you can get all this based on a remake of an animation based on a comic featuring personified website boards is beautiful. I salute to NCH, I salute to 3AB, and I salute to every content creator out there.
    P.S. He's gotta learn eventually to stop summoning that thing near his house.

  • @exobolt9712
    @exobolt9712 5 лет назад +4

    This was the best thing Ive seen all day and I just woke up XD Very cleanly animated NCH, all the details work really well together and flow perfectly into one another. Really captured that nostalgic Power Rangers, Super Sentai, Voltron feeling, take your pick haha. Amazingly done!

  • @KARS_K
    @KARS_K 6 лет назад +9

    I know It's an excuse for reusing animation but God damn I love it.

  • @voyt8tele363
    @voyt8tele363 6 лет назад +11

    0:24 the power of... 4chan ?

  • @errymikh3353
    @errymikh3353 6 лет назад +55

    Never gets old 1:25
    Cause this is the second time I've seen it 🤣😂

    • @Scouragous
      @Scouragous 6 лет назад +1

      he's really doing Alex a homage here.
      bless you nch. tell 3 I still love his goofy ass please.

    • @GM-ei7th
      @GM-ei7th 6 лет назад

      Me too buddy

  • @obnoxiousclowntv108
    @obnoxiousclowntv108 6 лет назад +1

    The transforming part was sooo satisfying to watch! Awesome work!

  • @phatoume227
    @phatoume227 6 лет назад +3

    Holy shit!
    I didnt even notice you were working on this!
    This is the greatest megazord of all time

  • @Sparkbomber
    @Sparkbomber 6 лет назад +15

    Toooo true on Apple's repair costs. Also, the /v/egazord looks great, maybe give it the crossplay update to keep succesfully combined?

  • @l1ghtd3m0n3
    @l1ghtd3m0n3 6 лет назад +3

    This NEEDS to be a series

  • @Lonject
    @Lonject 6 лет назад +1

    Funny and the Gaogaigar reference was brilliantly done.

  • @Raptor_Killer01
    @Raptor_Killer01 6 лет назад +3


  • @jaycewastaken7810
    @jaycewastaken7810 3 года назад +1

    This is a man who doesn’t prioritize some consoles over others. That is the type of power you cash achieve with that power.

  • @LordVerkins
    @LordVerkins 6 лет назад +3

    Heard there’s a guy in a Sega Megazord laughing offscreen. Must be the blast processing.

  • @estelsoldaccount2338
    @estelsoldaccount2338 6 лет назад

    OH MY GOD THIS IS A 1986 TRANSFORMERS MOVIE REFERENCE. Man I love you, this scene gave me goosebumps as a kid.

  • @IvailoStoychev
    @IvailoStoychev 6 лет назад +5

    If all the video game companies formed to make Voltron, this is the finished product

  • @mr.lafitte336
    @mr.lafitte336 6 лет назад +1

    The details are simply amazing

  • @daniellclary
    @daniellclary 6 лет назад +100

    I don't like phone gaming much. Its a tiny screen, the controls are on the screen, so your hands are blocking what little screen you had. Would admit that they are putting better games on there. But still not interested in them. From what I can see, PC is still much better. but if people want to be on the phone, then that's fine. I just hope that it's all evenly destrebuted so we both can continue to enjoy games on the platforms we like.

    • @r.m.d.d9626
      @r.m.d.d9626 6 лет назад +9

      Depend on the games, i mean if i play something simple/time waster i don't mind playing on phone. But if its something complex like fps ,i prefer pc and console

    • @AirahsELL
      @AirahsELL 6 лет назад +2

      Stuff like Fire Emblem works well on it because of the turn based nature of it. Games like that tend to do well simply because you scroll through menus anyway.

    • @TheDragonfriday
      @TheDragonfriday 6 лет назад

      Lord Kiyo umm most of the fans sucks...

    • @daniellclary
      @daniellclary 6 лет назад +2

      fans of what? fans of both? fans of all? the ceiling fan?

    • @daniellclary
      @daniellclary 6 лет назад

      I can agree with that. I personally don't do time waster games because I am always doing something.

  • @FriskyBrisket
    @FriskyBrisket 6 лет назад +2

    I was like, OH MAN! I BETTER HEAR THAT GAOGAIGAR MUSIC AGAIN! Was not disappointed.

  • @temutemacular
    @temutemacular 6 лет назад +49

    This has no defect...
    ...except Siri isn't here.

    • @7emv
      @7emv 6 лет назад

      But isn't that a mac

    • @temutemacular
      @temutemacular 6 лет назад +1

      Blupon Its an Iphone, not a Mac

    • @7emv
      @7emv 6 лет назад

      @@temutemacular Oops my mistake, I meant apple

  • @bently200100
    @bently200100 6 лет назад

    Gao did a really good job with the old anime mecha combine sounds and you with animating the transition. I swear it never gets old and only gets nostalgic every time.

  • @heroinji9144
    @heroinji9144 6 лет назад +30

    and after the iphone XS gets fixed they announce the iphone XXSS with a screen 2 inches bigger and cost 2000$

    • @soggytoast6805
      @soggytoast6805 6 лет назад


    • @ThatFantasma
      @ThatFantasma 6 лет назад

      Lol apple are how realeasing iPhone Xr I’m not even joking, it’s just another money grab

    • @FlameRat_YehLon
      @FlameRat_YehLon 3 года назад

      And 2 years later... iPhones actually aren't "that expensive" now. All phones are more expensive, with "gaming" actually means "budget" in phone market

  • @Baburun-Sama
    @Baburun-Sama Год назад +1

    Vegazord: Dies from Being Idiotic
    iPhone: Dies from a Atom-sized Meteor

  • @maxbaby1984
    @maxbaby1984 6 лет назад +7


  • @EnviousPersian
    @EnviousPersian Год назад

    The vocals really fit him, even if he’s just screaming
    The whole thing was overall very good

  • @mintyfresh9279
    @mintyfresh9279 6 лет назад +4

    This is my type of Mechazord fight!

  • @Mangadude901
    @Mangadude901 2 месяца назад

    All it needs is an anime soundtrack and an awesome fight sequence and you've practically got the next awesome crossover! I know a lot of gamers would be ELATED if this became real.

  • @uTanamaru
    @uTanamaru 6 лет назад +9


  • @iceasaurusrex7774
    @iceasaurusrex7774 5 лет назад +1

    Gotta love that gaogaigar reference

  • @KittinRAC
    @KittinRAC 6 лет назад +4

    Nice transformation and one little scratch makes it explode so relatable

    • @Dushess
      @Dushess 6 лет назад

      600 $ repair fee, just new iphone(tm) costs less.

    • @KittinRAC
      @KittinRAC 6 лет назад


  • @wolfborn74
    @wolfborn74 6 лет назад +4

    Just hearing the gaogaigar final fusion theme was hype as all hell.

  • @foehammere4192
    @foehammere4192 6 лет назад +1

    i loved that GOW-GAI-GAR transformation

  • @headphones_guy777
    @headphones_guy777 6 лет назад +6

    Oh come on, he just fixed that house XD

  • @flargarbason1740
    @flargarbason1740 6 лет назад +1

    Please make more of these. These are absolutely amazing

  • @SergioPerez-vm8zw
    @SergioPerez-vm8zw 6 лет назад +31

    Oh, poor /v/

  • @crystallinegamer2934
    @crystallinegamer2934 6 лет назад

    Yep, I know that type of screaming for sure. Definitely GaoGaiKing.

  • @Apollo52_
    @Apollo52_ 6 лет назад +5


  • @FreelanceGamerFilms
    @FreelanceGamerFilms 6 лет назад


  • @jasonmnosaj
    @jasonmnosaj 6 лет назад +4

    Tell that to the sega systems.

  • @laukinath194
    @laukinath194 Год назад

    This is just so slick. I love it!

  • @Kayhotech
    @Kayhotech 6 лет назад +7

    Was that a four chan blaster

    • @joao-gq7by
      @joao-gq7by 6 лет назад +3

      the entire animation is based on /v/-tan, an anthro version of 4chan's videogame board /v/. It's obvious that it would have a 4chan reference lol

    • @Kayhotech
      @Kayhotech 6 лет назад +1

      @@joao-gq7by i know that. Im just talking about the blaster part

    • @Dushess
      @Dushess 4 года назад +1

      Someone just never visited the boards, like me

  • @lorddrakkongaming
    @lorddrakkongaming Год назад +1

    though everyone is pointing out the gaogaigar references, nobody is acknowledging it's called consoleZORD like the megaZORD from the power rangers franchise, this in itself is a greater reference to super sentai, tokusatsu etc.

  • @equalibrium_
    @equalibrium_ 6 лет назад +22

    I don't think that /v/ understands that consoles aren't weapons that join together.

    • @Sassaparilla
      @Sassaparilla 6 лет назад +2

      I mean... They have lasers...

    • @sinteleon
      @sinteleon 6 лет назад

      Then again, there're those megadrive stacks...

    • @FlameRat_YehLon
      @FlameRat_YehLon 3 года назад

      @@Sassaparilla just an update, they doesn't now

  • @kitsunehanyou09
    @kitsunehanyou09 6 лет назад

    That combination sequence is so good!

  • @chrischow6497
    @chrischow6497 6 лет назад +6

    Is he playing dragalia lost?

  • @Xzeros
    @Xzeros 2 года назад

    Ohhh..., so the special attack of the Super /v/gazord is selfdestruction..., worth it for the assamble sequence...
    And the music was just glorious...

  • @Kayhotech
    @Kayhotech 6 лет назад +12

    You forgot to look up a walkthrough to combine your consoles its a delecate process, plus you need to buy a 2,000 dolla. Flimsy adapter that could break easily for each port of the consoles, and don't even get me started on the P.C.

    • @Aereto
      @Aereto 6 лет назад +1

      A dedicated mid tier build is less than $2000.
      That's coming from someone who spent $1700 for a complex-storage gaming/development multi-role build.

    • @Raptor_Killer01
      @Raptor_Killer01 6 лет назад

      i think that the /v/egazord have adapters that costs more than 2000$...

    • @sinteleon
      @sinteleon 6 лет назад

      They forgot to blow the ports. :V

  • @The_mechanick
    @The_mechanick 6 лет назад

    I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the GGG theme/transformation.

  • @melynxforce36
    @melynxforce36 6 лет назад +9

    IPhone = no battery +p2w console= no p2w (except EA games) and memory

    • @AshnSilvercorp
      @AshnSilvercorp 6 лет назад

      more like equals a white brick that has "good software"

  • @torricoarksha833
    @torricoarksha833 5 лет назад

    This is one heck of a ride
    Really enjoyed it

  • @nothisispatrick4644
    @nothisispatrick4644 6 лет назад +11

    Theres a voltron reference here somewhere. I just cant put my finger on it

  • @OrificeHorus
    @OrificeHorus 3 года назад +2

    The more I watch these and listen to nogames, the more I want a legit Consolezord model

  • @killer-kd1ks
    @killer-kd1ks 6 лет назад +5

    Quality comes with a cost.
    Exept in apple. Apple sells 5 Dollar Produkts for 5000 Dollar.

  • @ucnguyenhuu5852
    @ucnguyenhuu5852 6 лет назад


  • @Bootleg7GrandDad
    @Bootleg7GrandDad 6 лет назад +18

    Iphone wins cause console guy forced to play mobile and all his consoles ruined 🤣

    • @AklyonX
      @AklyonX 6 лет назад +4

      The iphone got scratched and blew up, though. Thats probably an android phone.

    • @k-bot2246
      @k-bot2246 6 лет назад +1

      @@AklyonX lol . I have a android and its some how survived my clumsy self . Also its got apple logo for weapons so ???

    • @TheSuicidalGiraffe
      @TheSuicidalGiraffe 6 лет назад +1

      @@k-bot2246 he means the phone in the guys hands not the giant death machine trying to kill him

  • @redcobra9588
    @redcobra9588 3 года назад +1

    Why the heck this not getting 1 million views in 2 YEARS ?!

  • @asimplenobody7797
    @asimplenobody7797 6 лет назад

    Gaogaigar mixed in with a bit of SRX, particularly the hands and face...
    I LOVE IT!🐴

  • @ZetsubouKyosuke
    @ZetsubouKyosuke 6 лет назад

    Jesus, I haven't heard the GaoGaiGar fusion soundtrack in years. Nice touch with the SRX head combination.

  • @msexiar2
    @msexiar2 6 лет назад

    dear sir this is some refined taste i must say

  • @guymanitoba3347
    @guymanitoba3347 6 лет назад

    Lol the way you express how expensive XS is just beautiful!

  • @m1ssmar1
    @m1ssmar1 6 лет назад +1

    Some transformations are this one, the *Bowsette* *T E R R I F Y I N G*

  • @Kritzomega
    @Kritzomega 6 месяцев назад

    0:28 *comicly and awesome long fussion begins*

  • @alterheart1992
    @alterheart1992 6 лет назад

    MAN~ This is PRETTY AWESOME!! Remind me the GaoGaiGar.

  • @pyramidlad260
    @pyramidlad260 6 лет назад

    This is the quality content I Subscribed for 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

  • @jamesiewalters2360
    @jamesiewalters2360 6 лет назад

    in a fighter game; that'd be a hilarious special move! also, nice one gao.

  • @void7816
    @void7816 5 лет назад

    That Mecha can become reality now that the console wars is becoming more peaceful at this current time, much more then last year

  • @angelfrans1219
    @angelfrans1219 5 лет назад +1

    MORE /V/ pls we all love this

  • @Eienartha
    @Eienartha 6 лет назад

    Using "Yesterday in the Depths of the Heart" is what make me cried the most. (Mostly because I only watch Z3 on youtube and never play myself, but I recognized the song from the Get Go)

  • @DS_MOD
    @DS_MOD 7 месяцев назад

    Im having one of those "i get it now" moments and im so happy

  • @shylinastok9971
    @shylinastok9971 6 лет назад

    There was allot of detail in that art.....also really funny at the end though XD

  • @josemoreno7961
    @josemoreno7961 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much I like this video that you can rated as part of the consoles and I really appreciate it

  • @paranoidxfailure
    @paranoidxfailure 6 лет назад

    This was awesome! Good job 😍😍

  • @melodyelegino156
    @melodyelegino156 5 лет назад

    Thank you for the gundam sounds

  • @zombieslaya3456
    @zombieslaya3456 6 лет назад +1

    Love this too much

  • @RailRide
    @RailRide 5 лет назад +2

    [$599 repair fee]
    I think Louis Rossman would get a kick out of this too :D

  • @MrLuigiBean1
    @MrLuigiBean1 6 лет назад

    I love how the shelf in the back at 0:10 is called *BILLY.*😂

  • @peterdingle5128
    @peterdingle5128 2 года назад +1

    Now that’s what I call a super consul 1:18

  • @lode7080
    @lode7080 6 лет назад

    I wasn't prepared for this xD

  • @DxSkeith
    @DxSkeith 6 лет назад

    10/10 best iteration yet