Harvard University Admission Test Tricks!✍️🖋️📘💙

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 7

  • @АндрейПергаев-з4н
    @АндрейПергаев-з4н 23 часа назад

    Лишние замены
    Разделили на 2^х
    (5/2)^х-1=2*sqrt (5/2)^x
    Замена sqrt((5/2)^х)=а>0
    Обычное квадратное уравнение

  • @2012tulio
    @2012tulio День назад +1

    Let 2^x= a, 5^x=b
    You will get a quadratic equation
    Solve for a/b and substitute ,you will get
    a/b = 5.828 or a/b= 0.1716
    Apply log for both sides and solve for x , take the positive value only
    X= 1.92

    • @superacademy247
      @superacademy247  День назад

      I appreciate your sharing your approach to solving this problem! It's always fascinating to see different ways to tackle math challenges. Thanks for pointing out this alternative solution! It seems very efficient. 👍💖💯

  • @dantallman5345
    @dantallman5345 День назад +1

    Cool problem.
    Question: What precludes x from having a negative value? We could choose the negative value of Sqrt(10^x) and the math would work. Is this just a matter of convention?
    I solved in a similar way but left it at m= 3+/- 2sqrt(2). The negative m was disqualified as it went inside the argument in a logarithm. By completing the square you no longer have a negative inside a log expression. But then you rejected the negative value for x without explaining why. Finding this extra solution justified the extra work imo.

  • @janekgoz
    @janekgoz День назад

    Ludzie! To troll. On rozwiązuje zadania jak najdłużej można, olewa krótsze metody, by mieć długie oglądalności nieco zarobić na reklamach.