@@marklarter3962 Hmmm the only thing I can advise is maybe trying again and following my file structure on your usb. Then make sure that you follow every step exactly. I know they work for me. Don't forget to make sure you put the .adf on your m3u, as windows doesn't automatically highlight it when you copy and paste
@@YouveBeenGamed Strange. For some reason it didn't work for me. I managed to "save as" in wordpad, from the drop down menu, changing the file extension to m3u. The logo changed, but there was no verifying the change. *scratches head* Works fine now (y)
awesome thank you. all my previous attempts resulted in the workbench screen. works great now
You're welcome I'm glad it helped! Happened to me too. I guess it was just a matter of directing the m3u to the right folder
Very nicely explained for those having issues.
Thanks very much, I hope it helped
Keep up the excellent content. Thanks
Thanks my friend and thanks for watching
Fully watching now my friend
Thanks as always Mel
Great job and info !
Thanks my friend
Please I m missed in one thing... how do you select the disk when the system ask for change disk?
You press and hold the 'home' button, then press 'R' to change the disk. Hope that helps
Thanks for the videos! 🙏
No problem at all! Did you get it working then?
My games keep coming back as failed return code -31.Can you please advise.
I have never seen that error before. Are you trying to make a playlist or is this something else?
@@YouveBeenGamed l was making a playlist for USM & SWOS.
@@marklarter3962 Hmmm the only thing I can advise is maybe trying again and following my file structure on your usb. Then make sure that you follow every step exactly. I know they work for me. Don't forget to make sure you put the .adf on your m3u, as windows doesn't automatically highlight it when you copy and paste
TY so much!
My pleasure, happy to help!
Windows 10 won't let me convert the file to m3u?! Resulting in the mini not finding the file...
You should be able to just change the extension to m3u by renaming it to .m3u and then verifying it of course
@@YouveBeenGamed Strange. For some reason it didn't work for me. I managed to "save as" in wordpad, from the drop down menu, changing the file extension to m3u. The logo changed, but there was no verifying the change. *scratches head* Works fine now (y)
@@n74productions37 very weird that, but hey whatever works, right!
Seriously, you have to do the entire path? You can't just list the files?
Sadly not. It doesn't take long with copy and paste though to be fair