  • Опубликовано: 11 окт 2024

Комментарии • 968

  • @LightUpUs
    @LightUpUs 8 лет назад +339

    Sono così abituata a sentire lamentele sul nostro paese che mi scioglie il cuore sentire quanto tu ti sia trovata bene qui da noi! :)

    • @bastille2469
      @bastille2469 8 лет назад +1


    • @GRiLLan89
      @GRiLLan89 8 лет назад +1

      è il bello di sentire le buone notizie....visto che ultimamente ne siamo rimasti privi....

    • @beautybys9142
      @beautybys9142 7 лет назад +10

      Io sono andata in Polonia in vacanza e mi sono resa conto che siamo un paese molto accogliente sempre dolce e gentile e PER NIENTE razzista!!! Siamo molto fortunati ,e abbiamo i giusti valori.. spero li porteremo avanti anche negli anni a venire :)) insomma ..

    • @alemassa6632
      @alemassa6632 3 года назад +1

      Siamo dei lamentoni, è innegabile, ma questo serve per migliorare sempre. Certo che se ti lamenti e non fai nulla per migliorare sei un idiota. In fin dei conti noi miglioriamo continuamente, basta guardare come sono messi gli altri Paesi.... forse una volta gli stranieri non se ne accorgevano, ora ne sono più consapevoli.

    • @dp2404
      @dp2404 3 года назад

      @Veronica Pascucci si, ci sono tanti razzisti in Italia. La nostra particolarità è che siamo democratici: parliamo male di quelli del paesino accanto al nostro così come di tutti gli stranieri, africani, asiatici, dell'est Europa... spariamo a zero su tutti.

  • @TheSlivy
    @TheSlivy 8 лет назад +42

    "The more you criticize Italy, the more Italian you are" :) truth, with your meaning explained just before: not criticize to destroy it, but to analize and reword thoughts about that. Thank you!

  • @alessiaa198
    @alessiaa198 8 лет назад +334

    descrivi l'Italia in un modo che la fa sembrare così bella

    • @gaiapiccolo1099
      @gaiapiccolo1099 8 лет назад +78

      l'Italia È bellissima, siamo noi italiani che la critichiamo dalla mattina alla sera riguardo all'aspetto politico dimenticandoci delle bellissime risorse di cui siamo in possesso tra mari, montagne, città, arte, cultura e molto molto altro.
      Dovremmo apprezzare di più il nostro paese..

    • @matteocapuzzo1944
      @matteocapuzzo1944 8 лет назад +5

      è così bella... se hai seguito tutto il video

    • @alessiaa198
      @alessiaa198 8 лет назад +5

      non fraintendetemi, io amo l'Italia e apprezzo molto tutti i suoi lati positivi. Volevo solo dire che la descrive in un modo che la fa sembrare ancora più bella di quello che è

    • @valenesco45
      @valenesco45 8 лет назад +10

      +alessia E tu ,come molti italiani, la fai sembrare più brutta di quanto non lo sia realmente.

    • @matteocapuzzo1944
      @matteocapuzzo1944 8 лет назад +5

      +valenesco45 perché insultare gratuitamente una persona che neanche conosci?

  • @mellyru7289
    @mellyru7289 8 лет назад +90

    I used to complain a lot about Italy, but now that I am abroad I miss it. I don't know, I have no friends or relatives left down there, but there is something that makes me want to go back in Italy.

    • @JohnDoe-di1zj
      @JohnDoe-di1zj 8 лет назад +4

      How can you not have friend or relatives in Italy if you're italian? You killed them off?

    • @mellyru7289
      @mellyru7289 8 лет назад +11

      John Doe No, I was one of those weirdos that was not able to make friends. Did I answer you properly?

    • @JohnDoe-di1zj
      @JohnDoe-di1zj 8 лет назад +1

      E non c'hai neanche una famiglia? Morti loro?

    • @mellyru7289
      @mellyru7289 8 лет назад +36

      John Doe Ma saranno problemi miei, no?

    • @andreaurru4990
      @andreaurru4990 8 лет назад

      +Melly Ru I really get you pal. I'm way too young to think about emigrating right now( I'm only 18), but even if on paper it seems like the perfect idea I've always got a bad feeling 'bout it. Side note, I'm also a pretty friendless person, no gf and my familiar situation is fucked up lol

  • @okadatoru5776
    @okadatoru5776 8 лет назад +144

    Io sono il primo a criticare l'Italia, il mio paese. Mi lamento degli italiani, mi lamento della politica italiana, mi lamento di tutto ciò che riguarda l'Italia, ma allo stesso tempo non potrei pensare di vivere in un altro posto. Io amo questa terra, la amo al punto da sopportare ogni suo difetto ed accettarla così com'è (certo questo ragionamento non vale per tutto, MOLTE cose spero cambino presto).

    • @solocongliocchi
      @solocongliocchi 8 лет назад +1

      la penso come te!

    • @riotakeouchi1192
      @riotakeouchi1192 8 лет назад +1

      Sono d'accordo

    • @NKG_Grimm
      @NKG_Grimm 8 лет назад +1

      Io penso che qualunque italiano che vive ed è cresciuto in Italia sotto sotto la pensi come te. Insomma siamo forse il paese con più difetti in Europa, ma nonostante tutto lo amiamo in modo incondizionato, infatti sono anch'io della tua opinione!

    • @okadatoru5776
      @okadatoru5776 8 лет назад

      BadGalaxy sono sicuro che *****​ non volesse attaccarti :) comunque condivido entrambi i vostri pensieri

    • @cecilia8585
      @cecilia8585 8 лет назад

      oh bene voglio farti una domanda allora. Un che modo stai dando del tuo, per cercare di migliorare il nostro paese?

  • @vappole
    @vappole 8 лет назад +9

    I'm an Italian who has lived abroad: I studied and worked in New York for about 9 years, among other countries :) This year for the first time I went back to my home country with an attitude of appreciation. I left as soon as I turned 18 due to my really bad experiences growing up in my home country and never really looked back. Later on in life I grew and overcame those experiences, and now I look at my country with different eyes. For the first time in my life I really appreciate its amazing beauty. I also see its very deep problems with a more realistic perspective. Your videos are refreshing and fun to watch, and they have intrigued me on my journey back home, as you have the opposite perspective of a foreigner living in my country. I really appreciate them :)

  • @marcocappelli6279
    @marcocappelli6279 8 лет назад +18

    As an italian that has lived in America and is married to an american woman I find all your videos extremely insightful, you have a bright, analytic mind that can spot all the little nuances in cultures and people. It will bring you far in your life, I am 100% sure. In bocca al lupo!

    • @marcocappelli6279
      @marcocappelli6279 8 лет назад

      PS: we have another thing in common. I went to Bocconi, and I work in Marketing: I would hire you in a heartbeat, but mine is not a business you would be interested into. Regardless, if you need any tip on how to navigate the job market in Italy...let me know.

  • @DiodatoScarpato
    @DiodatoScarpato 8 лет назад +204

    6° way: we have the bidè...
    ;) Grazie Tia, bel video

    • @sabrina4489
      @sabrina4489 8 лет назад +5

      essenziale :D

    • @DiodatoScarpato
      @DiodatoScarpato 8 лет назад +6

      Margherita M non potrei vivere senza

    • @spinosauro666
      @spinosauro666 8 лет назад +1

      Il bidè è inutile

    • @GLT473
      @GLT473 8 лет назад +4

      +spino Dillo poi alle donne che ti vedranno li sotto😂

    • @GLT473
      @GLT473 8 лет назад +10

      Mi sento sporco dentro se non lo uso

  • @junbird
    @junbird 8 лет назад +108

    È affascinante vedere uno straniero che loda l'Italia, una volta tanto. Di solito siamo noi che "eh, ma in Svezia...", "eh, ma in Austria...", "eh, ma in America...", eccetera, eccetera. L'italiano generalmente sottovaluta parecchio l'Italia, forse perché non siamo molto patriottici (o perlomeno non lo siamo quanto voi statunitensi, o i francesi, o gli inglesi, affatto). L'erba del vicino è sempre più verde, no?
    Vedere un punto di vista esterno fa un po' capire che alla fin fine pure qui ci sono dei pro, non solo tutti quei contro dei quali agli italiani piace lamentarsi.
    E sì, hai proprio ragione, più si è critici e più si è italiani, e ti dirò che credo che in fin dei conti sia una cosa fantastica, nonostante possa avere i suoi lati negativi.

    • @tifloki3216
      @tifloki3216 8 лет назад +6

      beh l'ultima volta che siamo stati patriottici ci siamo buttati in una guerra inutile..

    • @JohnDoe-di1zj
      @JohnDoe-di1zj 8 лет назад +6

      Il magico patriottismo ci ha fatto perdere due guerre. Ma ok!!!
      Comunque non capisco perché solo per il fatto che io sia italiano debba piacermi l'Italia. Ci sono nato, e quindi? Molte persone hanno genitori di merda, però dato che sono i loro genitori devono amarli?
      L'erba del vicino è sempre più verde certo che lo è se la nostra erba sta bruciando rifiuti tossici e letali.
      La critica è l'unico strumento per migliorare, la critica ci porta a chiederci se una cosa sia sbagliata o no e a migliorarlo. È meglio lamentarsi 24/7 che tapparsi gli occhi.

    • @junbird
      @junbird 8 лет назад +6

      John Doe Non comprendo il tono polemico.
      1) non ho detto che bisogna farsi piacere il proprio paese a tutti i costi, bensì che non bisogna solo vedere i lati negativi ignorando tutti quelli positivi.
      2) non ho detto che il patriottismo è necessariamente una buona cosa, anzi, generalmente ritengo che non lo sia.
      3) Ho lasciato intendere che le critiche sono qualcosa di positivo.
      Quindi, esattamente con chi ce l'hai? Non limitarti a leggere in fretta e furia messaggi a caso prima di andare in quarta e rispondere in maniera incazzosa. Magari cerca di comprenderne a fondo il contenuto, prima, altrimenti rischi di collezionare magre figure.

    • @tifloki3216
      @tifloki3216 8 лет назад +1

      John Doe
      non ho detto che il patriottismo sia la causa dell'enorme perdita di vite nelle due guerre mondiali, ma credo che il patriottismo offuschi il razionalismo e la libertà di pensare.
      Se non lo sai un motivo che portò allo scoppio della prima guerra mondiale e di conseguenza della seconda, furono i numerosi sentimenti romantici e patriottici che erano presenti in europa nel 1914 e la meravigliosa idea che il morire per la patria fosse in qualche modo giusto.
      E credo che tu stia prendendo tutta questa questione troppo sul personale , poichè credo che una coppia di cattivi genitori non può influenzare l'opinione riguardo TUTTA l'Italia

    • @JohnDoe-di1zj
      @JohnDoe-di1zj 8 лет назад

      Non ero contro di te, +IAmNutrak x , il mio messaggio era a tuo favore. Era in completa risposta a quello che diceva il tipo sopra. Comunque era un esempio di processo mentale, non era un paragone letterale.
      +Jun Bird a furia di leggere gli stessi commenti idioti ho finito per esagerare, forse.

  • @TiberioBernardini
    @TiberioBernardini 7 лет назад +34

    You strike me as a clever, sensitive, thoughtful girl who's growing into a mature, intelligent woman. Thank you for this video, for it was very interesting, actually it's pleasant even to just hear your calm voice and follow you into your self-discovery journey... One of very few 'vlogs' that leaves you with something special and I won't forget. Keep up the good work and good luck with the resto of your life ;)
    P. S. You also kinda remind me of Michaela Pratt (AKA Aja Naomi King) from How To Get Away With Murder ABC series 😂

  • @backgroundvideosbymarta
    @backgroundvideosbymarta 6 лет назад +4

    Tia, I'm writing this in english because I want you to read this in your own language so I hope it's good enough for you. I know this is an old video but, I discovered your channel just yesterday and I've already watched I think 20 video at least, and let me tell you, you are so precious. You are so inspirational to me, you're so smart and funny, you say things just right, sometimes you analisis on italian issues or staff are even better than a lot of italians, young and not young, would do. For me you are so brave, just the way you stand there and be like you are despite ignorant people that tell you rude things in the comments, wow. I've studied in Milan for 3 years too in Cattolica (and by that you should know that we would have been "enemies" ahah) and I'm literally so upset that I didn't had the chance to met and get know you. I'm moving to Paris next year to study there, and I hope I could be there just as good as you have been here in Italy. I'm so glad after watching this video, I love the fact that you love Italy that much, and yes, strange enough but true, you make me even prouder to be italian. Thank you, Tia. ALL the love

  • @LindaTinahTV
    @LindaTinahTV 8 лет назад +20

    Isn't it interesting how you talk to your friends and family more when you're away? It is that money is not that 'pronounced' among Italians. You will be surprised how well off but still really humble many Italians really are. This is a very refreshing video Tia.

  • @Federica199327
    @Federica199327 8 лет назад +11

    I would like to thank you because, you know... I'm Italian and I'm always curious about how foreigners see us and usually I'm really pissed off about my country and my people. I'm seeing a lot of things going wrong and I have lost the ability to look to the good things. Thanks for let me see, through your words, what's still beautiful about us. Thank you so much!
    I hope to leave Italy soon: I do not want to leave my country because of work or because of the crisis, I need to leave it in order to grow up, I can feel it. I have this deep desire, an urgent need that I can't ignore and I'm looking forward to it. I hope I will be able to know other cultures, to prove myself, to know myself and to appreciate my country and my family more than I do now.
    So thank you! I rarely use RUclips and even more rarely I comment videos but I had to thank you from the bottom of my hearth and yes I'm sure this video will inspire a lot of people, I'm one of them :')

  • @kirstymacdonald2112
    @kirstymacdonald2112 8 лет назад +1

    I moved from Scotland to Tanzania and lived there on and off for 12 years. I adore it there and it changed me for the better in so many ways. I now have what I call my "English and Swahili brains" that allow me to think about one thing from two totally different perspectives. One of the greatest things about living somewhere and really immersing yourself in the language and culture is that it truly shows you that there is more than just one way of being and experiencing life. It broadens you as a human being to an extent that I'm struggling to even put into words right now. What I consider to be one of my greatest achievements in life is when after about 8 - 10 years Tanzanians started to ask if I (a Scot) was born there! Living in Tanzania certainly never made me wealthy, but I plan to move to Italy soon and immerse myself in the same way as I did in Tanzania, as doing so enriched my life to an indescribable extent. I would love to go back and live in Tanzania again, further deepening friendships and my knowledge and understanding of such an incredible country. But for now, beautiful Italy is on the cards!! :)

  • @auriauri4668
    @auriauri4668 8 лет назад +106

    Alla fine del video stavo quasi per piangere :D Sei dolcissima

  • @_crismar
    @_crismar 8 лет назад +311

    L'unica cosa che dobbiamo fare noi giovani italiani è rimanere qui, in Italia. Puntare i piedi e dire: "questo è il mio paese, io da qui non me ne vado, mi invento un lavoro, creo qualcosa di nuovo, ma no, io non me ne vado." Abbiamo dannatamente bisogno di una ventata d'aria fresca. Viviamo in uno dei paesi più belli del mondo, che è ricco culturalmente e soprattutto pieno di grandi cervelli; utilizziamoli. Niente cambia se non ci rimbocchiamo le maniche e facciamo qualcosa di materiale per cambiare. Seguiamo le nostre passioni, i nostri sogni, le cose fatte col cuore sono quelle che vengono meglio. Basta pensare al 'fai quello, con quello guadagni di più'. Basta con i genitori che 'vai a quella scuola là, così avrai un futuro migliore'. In una società che funziona c'è bisogno di tutto: dallo spazzino al falegname, dal dottore all'avvocato. Facciamoci valere, mostriamo ciò che valiamo.
    big hugs from Rome xx

    • @Buffy98
      @Buffy98 8 лет назад +23

      Finalmente qualcuno che la pensa come me! Se in Italia non c'è lavoro, se in Italia "si sta male" siamo NOI che dobbiamo sistemare le cose, perché se scegliamo la strada facile e ce ne andiamo tutti, il Paese non farà altro che peggiorare... io sono italiana, amo il mio Paese e per questo VOGLIO migliorarlo per me e per la mia futura famiglia

    • @filippoborri1
      @filippoborri1 8 лет назад +2

      Sono pienamente d'accordo con quello che dite: a mio parere uno dovrebbe cercare di restare per migliorare le cose, dovrebbe cercare fortuna altrove chi non ha altre alternative (come molti nostri avi che hanno cercato fortuna negli Usa per sfuggire alla triste realtà che li circondava). Credo anche che chi abbia la fortuna di poter studiare e aspirare ad incarichi di prim'ordine (siano essi in politica, legislatura o medicina ecc., am anche edilizia o architettura...) non debba "fuggire" all'estero in cerca del benessere: anche e soprattutto queste persone dovrebbero contribuire alla rinascita e alla riqualificazione di un Paese.

    • @bennysmiley
      @bennysmiley 8 лет назад

      È quello che dico sempre. Concordo in pieno!

    • @JenLaRock
      @JenLaRock 8 лет назад +6

      Siamo in 2 Chris!!! Non si molla, l'Italia siamo noi! Sarò ancora una irriducibile "romantica", ma questo è il mio pensiero. E se si parte per fare nuove esperienze (sempre positivo), si parte solo per tornare!!

    • @JohnDoe-di1zj
      @JohnDoe-di1zj 8 лет назад +16

      Ma perché scusa? Se qualcuno vuole andare all'estero perché in italia si vive male cosa deve fare, aspettare che qualcuno trovi un lavoro per lui? In italia mancano centinaia di figure professionali che in altri paesi sono ben pagate, perché quindi rimanere qua e non vivere una buona vita all'estero? Ma che senso ha?

  • @tutorialsandstuff1466
    @tutorialsandstuff1466 8 лет назад +9

    Incredibile come noi italiani viviamo in questo paese e ce ne lamentiamo continuamente, vogliamo fuggire dall'Italia e via dicendo, mentre poi questa ragazza intelligente e in gamba ha trovato proprio nell'Italia la sua grande ispirazione per crescere in meglio. Davvero fantastico e d'ispirazione..

  • @TheFrancyxx92
    @TheFrancyxx92 8 лет назад +43

    "We don't think": YES! I love US, and my lifedream is living over there for a while, but I swear, whenever I try to argument some sort of disagreement with an American, they immediately start to say how they do everything better, how they live better, how they are better. And how pizza is theirs (which makes me become furious)

  • @minacmakeup7678
    @minacmakeup7678 8 лет назад +14

    Ciao Tia, sentirti parlare cosi dell'Italia è bellissimo. Io al momento vivo in inghilterra da 3 anni e il mio parse e la Mia genre mi man a ogni giorno. I'm not going to lie, non tornerei in Italia al momento, anche perchè vengo da un piccolo paesino in Campania che non ha tanto da darmi. Anche se non è questa la ragione per cui vivo in Inghilterra. Ogni giorno sento persone dirmi di non tornare perché ormai in Italia non si trova niente più, ed io invece spero sempre un giorno di tornare e fare il lavoro che amo nel mio paese. Grazie . Grazie per avermi ricordato ed aver ricordato agli italiani ancora una volta che l'Italia è bella. E mi manca ogni giorno.

  • @giadacozzi216
    @giadacozzi216 8 лет назад +6

    Mi sono emozionata veramente,sono felice che tu abbia trovato tutti questi aspetti positivi dell'Italia quando spesso all'estero ci ricordano solo per pizza e mafia ,grazie per fare video con il cuore e non solo per i like e le views 💕

  • @zodd0001
    @zodd0001 8 лет назад +51

    It is a great day today, an american has finally realized americans don't think, great !!

  • @silviag.184
    @silviag.184 8 лет назад +2

    you nearly made me cry Tia! I really wish all italians could see Italy through your eyes..you are beautiful outside, but you are precious inside!!

  • @Dariachuu
    @Dariachuu 8 лет назад +94

    You literally encouraged me to actually set my goal to move and study in Italy. You motivate me to learn italian too. Im thinking of doing Masters degree next year but in a public university. Can you tell me the pros and cons between public and private universities? 😊

    • @BambiRory
      @BambiRory 8 лет назад +4

      What's your field of study?
      If you want to study art, fashion or design the best universities for those fields are private. Otherwise, there's no difference at all except for the price and I'd apply for a public univesity if I were you.

    • @revengerknight92
      @revengerknight92 8 лет назад +5

      I can help you! It depends what you want to study, but there are some really good public universities in Italy. Milan, Padova, Trento, Bologna,Modena, these one have really good business/economics faculties, and they have english courses. In Italy there are really few good private university, and Bocconi, which Tia is attending, is the best and the most renowned in Italy (and in Europe), but the rest to be honest is not worthy at all (probably "La Cattolica" is good as well, still private, less expensive than Bocconi but still expensive). The main difference is the price! Public universities are not expensive as much as the private ones (especially the italian courses, english courses could be more expensive but around 3 thousand for a year I would say). If you choose a good public university, you can really compete with every private university (except Bocconi probably, which is, as I said, really renowned).

    • @Dariachuu
      @Dariachuu 8 лет назад

      +Bambi A i am more into International Relations or Marketing type courses. What do you think?

    • @Dariachuu
      @Dariachuu 8 лет назад +1

      +Giulia Gazzi thank you 😀😀😀😀

    • @Dariachuu
      @Dariachuu 8 лет назад +2

      +revengerknight92 thank you for the reply. I actually looked into Sapienza which i felt that it suited me but as i have never been to italy before, sapienza is the first university i came across 😅 so i cannot judge or give opinion. If you can help me, i would really appreaciate it. I am looking into something along International Relations or Marketing or Economics (can be law). I know they are so different than eachother but they all interest me :)))

  • @carlodefilippi6914
    @carlodefilippi6914 8 лет назад +10

    Thank You Tia! For your kind, heartfelt, words about the many ways Italy changed you, and in this very sad moment of our history, for your words of sympathy for the many afflicted by the earthquake in the centre of the country. Hugs!

  • @elvishelen6
    @elvishelen6 8 лет назад +8

    la fine del video mi ha fatto commuovere... guardare i tuoi video mi ha insegnato a guardare il mio paese dalla prospettiva di chi non da per scontato le cose che ha e mi ha fatto innamorare dell'italia sempre di più... grazie

  • @InnerPower4me
    @InnerPower4me 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for the amazing video . Living in America , Italy is one of my top places places I will visit . Just scrolling thru your comment section, so many Italians are giving you so much love and admiration... it was so beautiful to see ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Gid444
    @Gid444 8 лет назад +4

    Tia you're so cute!I'm Italian and I really love my country;when I watch your video you make me happy because of what you say about Italy.
    Keep doing your best as you're doing now,I support you! ;)

  • @stellina2990
    @stellina2990 8 лет назад +163

    Purtroppo noi italiani spesso critichiamo il nostro paese e basta, senza renderci conto che "l'estero" non è sempre e solo migliore di noi. Abbiamo tante cose positive in Italia ma pochi italiani che le mettono in pratica.

    • @stellina2990
      @stellina2990 8 лет назад +7

      Ed esattamente quello che molti italiani non capiscono, e che a volte (non dico sempre) non c'è bisogno di scappare all'estero, ma di buttarsi, reinventarsi, tirare fuori nuovi progetti, nuove idee, e restare in Italia. All'inizio può essere dura, ma gli sforzi poi vengono ripagati.

    • @martinaspanu1709
      @martinaspanu1709 8 лет назад +3


    • @osimonacolucci3110
      @osimonacolucci3110 8 лет назад +6

      Hai ragione e di certo l'italia é uno dei più bei paesi al mondo , cn la nostra grande storia , la nostra bellissima cultura e di sicuro non possiamo lasciarla in mano a sti str.... , ladri egoisti che la stanno rovinando. Uno dei modi ( il più importante) é educarsi . Bisogna accettare e rendersi conto dove viviamo, siamo in Italia, il bel paese chi non la ama?

    • @matteocaroti6416
      @matteocaroti6416 8 лет назад

      +OSimona COLUCCI Of hahahahahhahahaha ma dove

    • @osimonacolucci3110
      @osimonacolucci3110 8 лет назад +2

      Matteo Caroti ma dove? cavolo sei cieco? Non ti sei mai guardato intorno? I bellissimi borghi medievali, il mare stupendo, le bellissime montagne , l'arte , architettura che risale ai romani e di tutto e di piu'. Non ti rendi conto che sei in un paese dove tanti all'estero vogliono vivere, il paese con piu' siti dell' Unesco al mondo e tanti altri da scoprire. Sei in un paese che e' tra i migliori al mondo se non il migliore in cui si mangia bene. Se non vuoi vedere "cavati gli occhi" perche' non ti servono anzi non te li meriti proprio.

  • @marcomartini6092
    @marcomartini6092 8 лет назад +6

    Sono davvero contento che tu abbia questa considerazione di noi. Guardare i tuoi video mi ha aiutato molto a cambiare le mie prospettive e i miei punti di vista, mi ha reso più curioso, mi ha aiutato a pormi domande che prima non mi facevo, mi ha fatto capire quanto il mondo sia grande ma allo stesso tempo è come un piccolo paese. Sei una ragazza intelligente che sa il fatto suo, e sono sicuro che raggiungerai importanti traguardi. E spero che anche se tu non dovessi vivere permanentemente in Italia, tu possa cmq avere un bel ricordo di noi e che tu ci aiuti a farci conoscere meglio dal resto del mondo 😘

  • @simplyshama
    @simplyshama 8 лет назад +201

    Your first point is so important! Trump recently said that Obama started ISIS, instead of being like wtf? where'd you get that information from? the entire crowd just cheered. I was like wow, do they not question anything?

    • @fran791
      @fran791 8 лет назад +5

      omg I saw that too, like they belive in every word he says

    • @HelloWorld1947
      @HelloWorld1947 8 лет назад +28

      Obama might not have started ISIS as they are a branch shoot off of Al-Qaeda, but he does fund them by ways of sending weapons, vehicles, and refusing to call them an Islamic terrorist group. If it had not been for Obama there would be no ISIS! Trust me this president has been in the top 5 worst presidents America has ever had! He's evil to the core. Most black people are blinded to these facts because they see color before they see character, something that would have made MLK ashamed of today's black people.

    • @TM-pf1hs
      @TM-pf1hs 8 лет назад

      +Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት who would you name as your top 5 worst presidents? you have already listed mr. obama; who else?

    • @HelloWorld1947
      @HelloWorld1947 8 лет назад +8

      Tiesha Milay Bush, Clintons (both of them), Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Woodrow Wilson. However, that doesn't mean there are no other presidents who were bad. But, these five including Obama have brought hell on this planet.

    • @TM-pf1hs
      @TM-pf1hs 8 лет назад +3

      +Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት good job. Perfect thought out answer. I agree

  • @theempowermentdiaries3491
    @theempowermentdiaries3491 8 лет назад +3

    Tia, I've been watching you since that first Sleek makeup haul and I just want to say you are SUCH an inspiration! As a young, black woman, I look up to you, your tenacity, your confidence, and your ability to speak up for what you believe in. I'm a Ghanaian American and I found myself nodding so much when you mentioned how we Americans are a docile population and questioning the government or America in general is looked down upon. I just recently found the courage to speak up about how I really feel about America(in a public 'forum') and it has been so liberating. And another thing I've learned is that you're absolutely right. We as Americans have failed ourselves. I recently came to the realization that I am quite oblivious to current affairs, politics, etc. but also that it is my responsibility to be informed. Even though people pay thousands for an "education" in college, our curriculums aren't integrated enough, we don't have to know about the voting process or about politics if we aren't poli sci majors. Even with the current election, I think a lot of us young people are in conflict because it's having to choose the lesser of two "evils." It's hard because we can look back at what we as blacks had to go through to get voting rights, and as a black woman, it doesn't feel right not voting but I have to juggle this feeling with trying to be informed and voting for someone I really want to lead the country. Keep up the great work. This was my favorite video of yours, to date. 💯💖 And congrats on 100k, you deserve it. 🎇🎉🎊🎆

    • @misstiataylor_
      @misstiataylor_  8 лет назад +1

      That's a long time! :') Thank you so much for watching and I'm just really glad that I'm in the postion to show girls like us back home that there is so much more for us out there in the world. Furthermore that it's important to stay informed and active public issues. It's a really terrible time in American politics but all we can really do is try to stay positive and ride it out. Thanks again for watching

  • @elichristalia
    @elichristalia 8 лет назад +4

    You're a very Smart and strong woman! Come back to italy! We need you! 😊

  • @alessandrosola3354
    @alessandrosola3354 8 лет назад +8

    Veramente, sei da esempio per tutti! L'Italia è orgogliosa di averti con se💪🏻 sempre fantastica Tia😘💪🏻

  • @SebastianoZanda
    @SebastianoZanda 8 лет назад +1

    You are such an humble person, listening your words are truly inspiring me as a young guy in Italy to do my best and always keep doing what I want to do, so just thanks you for everything.

  • @victoriafuller9964
    @victoriafuller9964 8 лет назад +3

    Thank you for this video, Tia. All of your insights were spectacular. As an American, I particularly agree with point #1.

  • @GutsAndGall
    @GutsAndGall 7 лет назад +3

    About #1 My time studying in Spain in college really got me to see my own country (the US) from a different perspective. I think it's why I have always asked those critical questions you're talking about. I'm glad you posted this because it helped remind me why I have a different thinking process than those around me.

    • @GutsAndGall
      @GutsAndGall 7 лет назад

      PS I'm working on getting my Italian citizenship and I really want to move there now!

  • @explorerpigeon8462
    @explorerpigeon8462 8 лет назад +3

    Hello! I lived in a lot of countries and each of those contributed to the person I am now, and all the cultures I came into contact, they enriched me as a person. I totally rely on a couple of facts that you mentioned. Living all over the place has given me the ability to think outside the box and analyse things from multiple perspectives instead of just one.
    Btw one of the countries I lived was Italy☺
    p.s I love your videos, and they are amazing.

  • @Cristal98ify
    @Cristal98ify 8 лет назад

    È sempre bello sentirsi dire che il proprio paese ha ancora una chance, che viene ancora apprezzato e che ha ancora tanto di buono da dare a noi e alle tante persone come te che hanno voglia di impegnarsi e di mettere in gioco se stesse. Ascoltarti ringraziare l'Italia e gli Italiani per ciò che sei diventata mi ha fatto sentire fiera del nostro paese e della nostra cultura! Grazie a te, Tia!

  • @ValiCarry
    @ValiCarry 8 лет назад +9

    L'Italia è una paese meraviglioso, proteggiamolo.

  • @matteogilardoni1455
    @matteogilardoni1455 8 лет назад

    I hope more people like you will come to Italy.
    I am happy to hear how Italy changed you in positive and I say thank you to be part of Italy because we can learn from you and you can enrich Italy with your culture, skills, and persona. I wish Italy will become more multi culture and open to people around the world.

  • @letiziacapelli6298
    @letiziacapelli6298 8 лет назад +4

    Tia io ti amo. Noi ti amiamo. Significhi molto per noi, davvero, con il tuo piccolo hai portato molto all'Italia. Spero col cuore che non ti penta ti essere venuta qui, e mi raccomando sappi che ci saremo SEMPRE per te. Non dimenticarlo. MAI

  • @micben7786
    @micben7786 7 лет назад

    Thank you so much for loving our contry as it is....and thanks you highligthed all the good we have in Italy and we sometimes forget about

  • @RobyGuardiero
    @RobyGuardiero 8 лет назад +4

    Grazie Tia per aver parlato del terremoto. Qua in Italia lo apprezziamo molto e ti ringraziamo per il supporto e la solidarietà dimostrata davanti a questo evento davvero triste per tutti noi.

  • @lovdeth
    @lovdeth 8 лет назад

    Amen! Love what you had said.. I had lived in Italy for 9years and i now i moved to Canada. You are so true about how Italy changed your life and so my life, they focus more on what makes their soul happy instead of killing their body at work just to earn. They know how to value their life and living it the way they want it. It sad thou that people can't get a permanent job there anymore but i would still love to come back ......for vacation. Keep it up Tia. Cheers

  • @AppleLets
    @AppleLets 8 лет назад +3

    All these points and thoughts are so nice and interesting. And I think it's beautiful to realize how much an experience like living in a foreign country can positively change you and make you grow, as an adult and as a human being. I don't know you personally but I have the feeling that you're such a good person. Loved this video! 💚

  • @adafreeman
    @adafreeman 5 месяцев назад

    Tia this is my life right now...... Going through your old videos. Indeed when you find yourself in a new environment; Find a job or create a business that will solve problems or offer what you have that the environment needs.

  • @lilpoundcake4655
    @lilpoundcake4655 8 лет назад +3

    Ciao :) I'm italian and I love watching your videos, because you're nice but honest. I love how you don't say "oh in Italy everything is amazing" because it's not always true.
    Ciao Tia, continua cosí :)

  • @MissEmme91
    @MissEmme91 7 лет назад

    I've been watching your videos for one week, once in a while, during my study breaks to improve my english listening skills and, by now, i do REALLY feel like saying "thank you" because of all the cool things you say about my country that us italians aren't able to nitice anymore apparently.
    You are right, we complain about everything and constantly behave as we were the worst country in the world, and hearing sincere, hearty compliments and appreciations makes me remember that we are NOT that bad.

  • @mightminn4872
    @mightminn4872 7 лет назад +3

    siamo davvero orgogliosi tutti di te tia, in effetti l'italia è un posto magico

  • @SinaLaJuanaLewis
    @SinaLaJuanaLewis 8 лет назад +1

    Wise beyond your years! I am in my mid-40s and just now adopting the philosophies. As I look to live in Italy myself this speaks volumes. I notice that many of my Italian friends have reached out to help me move over there. It's so humbling since in the US for the most part people aren't as open to helping on the level Italians have offered to me. Amazing!

  • @ellomgbofu1174
    @ellomgbofu1174 8 лет назад +4

    Thank you for this video, I share a lot of the same perceptions as you do, and I am moving to Italy in two weeks so I am really excited to hear how this country has developed you, and I am excited about how it'll develop me!

  • @jimmiesutton8468
    @jimmiesutton8468 8 лет назад

    Hello, This was very inspiring and you are a very nice young lady! I took my very first trip out of America the past summer, and yes, it was to Italy,Wow! I really have not gotten back yet. I've always wanted to travel abroad and Italy was forever my first choice. It will remain my treasure for the remainder of my life. If I live and take another trip, It will be, you guessed it, Italy! Lots of Love. You are Amazing!

  • @michelattt7596
    @michelattt7596 8 лет назад +8

    Sei fantastica! You love Italians and Italians love you

  • @paolacasella1918
    @paolacasella1918 7 лет назад

    Hai trattato il periodo con molta più delicatezza tu che tanti altre persone Italiane.. ho scoperto il tuo canale solamente ieri ed ho divorato tutti i tuoi video, penso davvero tu sia una bella, bella persona.. E se c'è gente che come te riesce a dire queste cose così belle parlando dell'Italia, penso che davvero di tanto in tanto qualcosa di buono la combiniamo anche noi.. Un forte abbraccio ed un grosso in bocca al lupo per tutto dalla Sicilia! :*

  • @Lilyrose23
    @Lilyrose23 6 лет назад +56

    As a black person it’s always scary to go to a predominately White country because of history and the racism we have to face so I was very reluctant to go there or live in Europe. However, watching your video I’m realizing that no country is perfect, I live in Trump’s America and that haven’t changed my interactions with white people. I guess it’s the people you surround yourself with that matter and with that I’m going to visit Italy thanks to your courage for taking risks while you were young and getting the benefit of growing and improving your world

    • @alex.profi27
      @alex.profi27 5 лет назад +3

      What history wtf
      And racism is everywhere i assure you :))
      Asians are more racists than Europeans

    • @joemoschetta1541
      @joemoschetta1541 5 лет назад +3

      italy is not racist at all,remember italians are the first latins and most italians are mixed race ,what you see on t v is alot of non italians in italy or false news

    • @nicolescott89
      @nicolescott89 5 лет назад +2

      @@joemoschetta1541 Actually my italian friends say that Italy is becoming more racist, esp in the last 5 years. which i have seen, I'm from London so it doesn't make a difference to me too much as I try not to go to that persons close minded level, they have no right to judge someone they don't know. Though the people I know are really nice and welcoming so its cool. Racism is everywhere. You cant escape it. All you can do it not become a racist and be a kind warm welcoming person who accepts all as they are and hopefully make friends and relations to people who are as warm welcoming and kind as you. obviously you cant get along with everyone, someone will rub you the wrong way but you wont see that person forever so let it hurt for the time that it hurts abit then move on. For every 1 nasty person there are 2+ nice people waiting to meet you so fairdo's

    • @simonebosticardo964
      @simonebosticardo964 4 года назад +1

      @@joemoschetta1541 in realtà l'italia è una dei paesi più razzisti in Europa secondo le statistiche

  • @richyrich2006
    @richyrich2006 7 лет назад +2

    absolutely love this. It totally reflects my experience of Italy and Italian people

  • @maiorino92
    @maiorino92 8 лет назад +6

    You're smart Tia. Really smart

  • @ZauberinNini
    @ZauberinNini 7 лет назад +2

    Le tue parole mi hanno commosso e mi hanno fatto sentire orgogliosa di essere Italiana.Sei una giovane donna intelligente e sensibile e la bellezza dell'Italia si riflette nella tua.
    Torna presto!

  • @NomeCognome-rz3hz
    @NomeCognome-rz3hz 8 лет назад +104

    Talking about money... in Italy for example it' s so rude asking how much is your salary. In America is the normality.

    • @AnnaPighin
      @AnnaPighin 8 лет назад +6

      non è vero; dipende dalla regione e dai rapporti che hai con le persone.

    • @NomeCognome-rz3hz
      @NomeCognome-rz3hz 8 лет назад +19

      hai ragione anche tu, ma per esempio se tu stai conoscendo delle persone da cui sei a cena e loro ti chiedono quanto guadagni, non è il massimo dell' educazione, per lo meno da me in Sardegna.

    • @JenLaRock
      @JenLaRock 8 лет назад +12

      oddio, io sinceramente concordo con virginia... Non è molto carino chiedere il conto in banca.

    • @PINE1berry
      @PINE1berry 8 лет назад +18

      No...it really is rude in America too.

    • @NomeCognome-rz3hz
      @NomeCognome-rz3hz 8 лет назад +1

      really? sometimes it happened to me

  • @anna45677
    @anna45677 8 лет назад

    I've changed the view of my country thanks to you. I used to not like Italy, but now i love my country, even thought of our mistakes and bad habits. People lime you are welcomed in Italy. You are truly a gift!

  • @ron9403
    @ron9403 8 лет назад +3

    Such an inspiring video. Well done !

  • @fede9799
    @fede9799 8 лет назад

    I'm glad you came here, I'm glad you talked about the earthquake and you said that you'll help as much as you can. You're so genuine and nice, thank you for all of you videos and sorry for my poor English

  • @Pidgey95
    @Pidgey95 8 лет назад +4

    Con il primo punto hai vinto tutto! Date una medaglia a questa ragazza :)🏆

  • @gigimalvassora9682
    @gigimalvassora9682 6 лет назад +1

    "The more you are Italy critic the more you are italian"
    This mede me learn a deep reality .... maybe due to the fact I' am italian and it is normal for me to do so ... but that's ture... we are extreamly critic to tour Country and I have never realized ... that is because of our love for it and de want it to be respected by other cultures.
    Great video Tia! Thank you!
    PS As a kid I lived in Seattle for two years and I love US as well.

  • @albertoredaelli6858
    @albertoredaelli6858 8 лет назад +4

    Grazie Tia

  • @christinenanteza642
    @christinenanteza642 5 лет назад

    You know, I decided to move from Canada to Italy a year ago because of the very reasons you stated. I’ve been to Italy thrice before and it was because of the kindness of most Italians, and passion for living that I decided to move. I’m using the education route and I know it will be very difficult, but it is worth every moment of stress and frustration. Thank you for making these videos, Tia. Whenever I want to give up on this journey, I watch one of your videos and regain my motivation. Grazie mille :)

  • @krental
    @krental 8 лет назад +6

    Non ho mai sentito un americano dire così tante cose buone degli italiani e dell'Italia. Wow

  • @albertol.verdeciaa.3816
    @albertol.verdeciaa.3816 8 лет назад

    Thanks for this video. Watching your videos makes me feel more confident to spend a time in Italy. This video, especially, has described some things that I experienced when I was in China last year. This year I'm in Estonia and definitely Italy is going to be one of my places to visit. And please, do NOT stop uploading videos! You've got an audience, who deserve videos like this.

  • @martinaspanu1709
    @martinaspanu1709 8 лет назад +9

    Sei una delle ragazze più intelligenti che abbiamo qui su You Tube!

  • @gabrieles2848
    @gabrieles2848 7 лет назад

    i just discovered you yesterday but watching this video , I felt really touched cause it's beautiful seeing that my country gave you so much.

  • @lionel4046
    @lionel4046 8 лет назад +8

    Ci voleva una ragazza americana per sentirsi dire che, pur con i nostri problemi e non sono pochi, abbiamo un gran bel paese sotto tanti aspetti ma che troppe volte nemmeno ce ne accorgiamo. :)

  • @accapiamericasia.madeinita5304
    @accapiamericasia.madeinita5304 8 лет назад +1

    I totally agree with you. I am Italian 100%. I lived in Monza, near Milan. Now I'm living in Florida. I can see the difference ;-) Good Luck!

  • @lalaellen
    @lalaellen 7 лет назад +5

    YASSSSS! THINK CRITIQUELY, ASK QUESTIONS! Want to know and understand more! Well said girl. Good grief, I wish more people understood the lessons you've learned.

  • @LineMarlenS
    @LineMarlenS 7 лет назад

    I just came back home from staying in Italy for a year, and I agree with this video so much! Watching your videoes really makes me miss italy so much!

  • @RozZinDisguise
    @RozZinDisguise 8 лет назад +75

    Tia sono d'accordo quasi su tutto. Per quanto riguarda l'aspetto economico però forse hai una versione distorta della realtà italiana, forse perché vivi a Milano che è una città molto particolare.
    Anche solo vivere (figuriamoci studiare) a Milano senza avere alle spalle una famiglia che ti fa da salvagente economico è impossibile se non hai un buon lavoro. Una volta che consideri un affitto mensile medio di €500 (che cambia da zona a zona) e spese per spostarsi, mangiare e tasse e tassette varie per vivere decentemente devi assolutamente mettere da parte soldi e richiede molto tempo e sacrifici. Se hai un'auto e devi aggiungerci bollo, assicurazione e benzina sei letteralmente fot**to!
    Al giorno d'oggi vivere in Italia non è per niente semplice per gli italiani, forse avresti dovuto menzionare che l'Italia è un Paese sempre più vecchio perché sempre più giovani la lasciano perché non ce la fanno più a vivere una vita di stenti ed essere in continuazione sottovalutati e sottopagati.
    Forse hai avuto accesso a sussidi o borse di studio che ti hanno ammortizzato i costi ma se posso dare un consiglio a chi vuole venire a vivere in Italia, ci pensi due volte perché non siamo al livello della Grecia di qualche anno fa ma siamo sulla strada giusta.
    Per il resto mi piace la tua intraprendenza e il tuo entusiasmo ;)

    • @xItalianChocolate
      @xItalianChocolate 8 лет назад +17

      Non ha mai detto che gli italiani non lavorano e devono fare sacrifici, ma è la mentalità riguardo i soldi che è diversa. Ho cugini in America ed è vero: loro sono molto fissati con l'idea di lavorare continuamente per fare sempre più soldi… in Italia la gente è meno fissata sotto questo aspetto, non ha senso infatti vivere solo per fare soldi, ci sono altre cose importanti e più belle nella vita. Come l'ho interpretato io voleva proprio dire questo.

    • @RozZinDisguise
      @RozZinDisguise 8 лет назад +1

      Non mi riferisco a quello, da quello che dice mi sembra che dica che lavorare in Italia non è così difficile, quando in realtà non è così ed è sotto gli occhi di tutti ed è per questo voglio che chi sta pensando di venire in Italia ne sia consapevole.
      Anche a me in effetti hanno detto che gli americani danno fin troppa importanza al lavoro e questo si ripercuote sulla qualità dei rapporti umani e famigliari.

    • @xItalianChocolate
      @xItalianChocolate 8 лет назад +1

      +Il canale di RozZ - Action figures, model kits & more secondo me hai capito male, ma forse Tia legge il tuo commento e può dirci cosa voleva dire esattamente. Per il resto posso solo darti ragione, in Italia è difficile trovare lavoro soprattutto per i giovani, ma questo l'ha detto anche lei in diversi video!

    • @xItalianChocolate
      @xItalianChocolate 8 лет назад

      +Il canale di RozZ - Action figures, model kits & more è più una cosa riguardo la mentalità secondo me, visto anche che il video parla di come l'Italia ha cambiato lei e quindi la sua mentalità

    • @misstiataylor_
      @misstiataylor_  8 лет назад +16

      +Il canale di RozZ - Action figures, model kits & more non ho mai detto che è facile trovare lavoro in Italia... I literally said it's not easy at all but when there were no conventional ways for me to get a job, (I applied at restaurants, I even worked as a club promoter for like a week) I decided to get creative and figure out how I was going to make the Italian economy work for me, as shitty as it is. Enter: teaching English (this type of thing would be impossible in America... Even if it was another subject or language, tutoring and teaching isn't really doable in America because there is no real demand for it and certainly you can't charge 20 euros an hour doing it). In the video I just I said people need to be creative. I didn't have "access" to scholarships, I applied to them, went through months long processes to secure them and have to maintain grades in order to keep them. They pay for my tuition, and SOME of my rent. Other than that I use money from teaching English to pay the rest of my rent and the other bills me and extra expenses related to school... Guess what, nothing in LIFE is easy, no matter what country. If I was in America, yep I could easily find a minimum wage job but I'd have plenty of other problems to worry about. At the end of the day, the people who are willing to be creative, make sacrifices, and manage their money well are the ones that find some sort of success, meanwhile the people that want to make excuses for themselves, will continue to do so. 👌🏾

  • @annapegoraro3541
    @annapegoraro3541 8 лет назад

    Mamma mia starei ore ad ascoltarti! Adoro i tuoi ragionamenti e come parli, non sei banale e ogni singola cosa che dici porta con sè un ragionamento logico. I miei complimenti per essere una Donna così in gamba e cosi intelliggenti! Non perderti mai Tia e come hai detto tu, vivi vivi vivi!! Cerca la tua felicità e portatela fino alla fine, grazie per le belle parole che dici verso il mio, e il nostro paese ma sappi che ció che ammiriamo di te è la tua testa e come ti esponi! Sei molto ma molto matura, continua così!!

  • @Bella.Regina
    @Bella.Regina 8 лет назад +11

    This is really nice.. I wish could move back to Italy... But my experience was not that great And so I have different plans in life...

    • @Bella.Regina
      @Bella.Regina 8 лет назад

      I was planning to make a video on it..

    • @N.a.r.i
      @N.a.r.i 8 лет назад

      I'm sorry about that

    • @margheritamarinozzi1185
      @margheritamarinozzi1185 7 лет назад +4

      GlamorousRegina oh god, really? I'm italian and I feel so bad for it... like my biggest fear is that Italy is considerated an old nation, also about not enough open minded people, but I'd like to tell you that there's so much more. But obviously I really can't change you experience so I just apologize, as an italian , for whatever happened to you

  • @yleniacovalea4196
    @yleniacovalea4196 8 лет назад

    you're so kind and your words are making me proud of my coutry, i'm proud that you're felling happy here (: i wish you all the best!

  • @Reciomane
    @Reciomane 8 лет назад +6

    italians complain about italy beacuse they care about it. the "no fucks given" thing so common in US and UK just don't apply in italy.

    • @johnsmithjnr9628
      @johnsmithjnr9628 3 года назад

      Hm in uk we complain all the time, its just we dont do much about the problems

  • @condorondor1838
    @condorondor1838 8 лет назад +1

    thank you so much, my country is grateful to you for showing everyone who we really are!

  • @HelloWorld1947
    @HelloWorld1947 8 лет назад +7

    Tia, i hate to rain on your parade. But, regarding your point about voting. It doesn't make a difference whether you're in Italy, America or anywhere else on this planet. You're just given the illusion that your participation in politics matter, when they don't. And here is an example where the government proved that our vote don't matter. American's were give the chance to vote on whether to legalize homosexual marriage, the overwhelming majority voted NO, the government overturned that and legalized it anyways. In my state in CA, we voted 4 times, not to legalize homosexual marriage and in the end one judge overturned our vote. Now i don't care if someone thinks homosexual marriage should be legal but to overturn people's vote, disrespecting the populace is a sure sign that our opinions mean nothing for those who have an agenda in high places. But, hay, if it make people sleep well fantasizing that your vote matters, then by all means sleep well.
    "If voting made a difference, they would make it illegal." - Mark Twain

    • @iloveicecream127
      @iloveicecream127 8 лет назад +1

      I did not know this....this is just....great..

    • @misstiataylor_
      @misstiataylor_  8 лет назад +15

      I'd say participation in Italy counts a lot more. The laws in Italy are VERY people oriented (vacation time, maternity leave, cheap schooling, essentially unlimited workers rights etc). They have referendums all the time on serious issues, unlike us. I'd go as far as to say the people have TOO much power in Italy sometimes and it prevents the government from ever taking swift and sweeping actions without fear of the coalition governments collapsing exhibit A: the current banking crisis.
      I wouldn't say that votes don't count. There are plenty of good politicians that run for congress but Americans, especially minority and young Americans do not vote in those elections at all. So then it's obvious that the greedy, corrupt, career politicians win. Americans do not participate in the political process and now that it's been hijacked by the rich everyone wants to cry about it.
      As for the gay rights battle in California, it doesn't matter what you guys voted if the constitutional court rules banning gay marriage as unconstitutional, which it did. Thank god for those checks and balances too because if it weren't for the judicial branch (and not the executive like everyone thinks) we would still be segregated in schools and have anti-miscegenation laws in certain states. It's not disrespecting the populace, that's just the constitution.

    • @thesummertune
      @thesummertune 8 лет назад +1

      I'm glad for you Tia, you're a smart girl. but Italy is not a paradise...we have many problems as other countries and some good thing. Unfortunately money are important for everyone to live, if without a work then no money, you can become a homeless.

    • @klaudio29751
      @klaudio29751 8 лет назад

      YOU ARE RIGHT !!!!!! It does NOT work even in Switzerland,just see the last one they had . The Federal Assembly will have some problems to implementing it following the will of the people . And like in California the politicians (not a judge)will overturn or twist the popular vote.....So is better live in a Commune,sure more democracy there. ciao ciao

    • @DendraEkta
      @DendraEkta 8 лет назад

      ...You re saying that if most of the people ,in a democratic state , are nazist, the democratic state should respect what people want, even if they are nazist... in theory you can do that, but in the real life, democracy can t accept inside ,something that would destroy the base of the same democracy... with your vote, you asked to give less rights to a specific group of persons identifyied only on the base of their sexual orientation...ok... you asked, but unfortunately for you, a democratic state with a democratic constitution can t accept this type of discrimination... because of tomorrow, most of the people could ask to kill each person called Aksum... and to reign over everyone you must respect the rights of everyone... if not, you aren t the state of everyone...

  • @Effielil
    @Effielil 8 лет назад

    i mean i was delighted throughout this whole video, specifically the first point because thinking critically is my motto.
    but the fifth point, it brought me to tears. that is kind of the essence of being italian for me. i am so proud of you and its weird because i dont even know you, but i am.

  • @antoniolosciale
    @antoniolosciale 8 лет назад +10

    It's been three years since I left Italy and moved to London. Honestly, I'm not missing Italy at all. Just completed my Master here and I managed to get a good job after a bunch of months. Incredible! In UK it's possible to work with your own degree and university standards are pretty high. Italy has been facing major political-economical matters and nowadays, it's very hard even attempting to plan whatsoever future. We've got just one live and I chose not to waste my time there. Despite Brexit, the UK is still a great country and we have so much to learn from such an inspiring mentality. Above all, I learnt not to complain anymore, always putting my words in actions, rather than criticise everything and everyone. Unfortunately, Italy is not the ideal place for a healthy and personal inner growth. It goes without saying that things are never going to change, as Italians will stay exactly the same.

    • @JohnSmith-fy1tt
      @JohnSmith-fy1tt 8 лет назад +12

      Oh well , I'm sure Uk Is heaven on earth and english peoples are perfect too. I'm Italian, live and work in Italy and I feel that my life is just fine as yours. I'm also sure that the world's economic crisis haven't affected UK either. Remenber that Brexit is just in standby, and I suspect that when it'll be in full effect, UK will be facing some major political-economical matters too. Will you move somewere else then, to find the ideal place for your healthy and personal inner growth and will not miss the UK either ?

    • @fancydeer
      @fancydeer 7 лет назад +3

      You gotta live the life that makes you happy. You didn't feel fulfilled living and studying and working in Italy but you moved to the UK and found yourself. She moved to Italy and found that part of her life she had been missing.

  • @GogylovesRock
    @GogylovesRock 7 лет назад

    I am so glad and happy to hear you say the good things you say!
    I know all the problems Italy has, and also about all the good things either.
    But I am very glad that a person from another country is able to speak about mine in a such a good way.
    Anyway, I'm glad that you feel like becoming a better, more complete person thanks to your stay here. I hope you can/wanna stay here and enjoy your time forever

  • @Bherf
    @Bherf 8 лет назад +10

    "[...] life in Italy is not money stressful [...]"
    In which Italy are you living? XD

    • @misstiataylor_
      @misstiataylor_  8 лет назад +2

      +Bherf "in comparison to the US" is always the underlying idea.

    • @misstiataylor_
      @misstiataylor_  8 лет назад

      +Bherf lol

    • @Bherf
      @Bherf 8 лет назад +2

      Then living in US must be a nightmare for unemployed people... at least in Italy you can "arrangiarti" and live "alla giornata"! XD
      But even if you have a job with an average retribution u can afford your house, a car and nothing more, at least if you don't want a money stressful life!

    • @taroksoft
      @taroksoft 8 лет назад

      bherf!!! sei quello dei video del grande Germano? ODDIO!!!!!! ODDIOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Fanne ancora ti prego, guardo ancora Resurrection of Mosconi e L'incubo delle porte, oltre che Might and Magic :D :D :D

  • @jessicagolden1631
    @jessicagolden1631 6 лет назад

    Watching this two years later (referring to your first point) this has changed now a days and i am really happy that we are now growing. But you make a valid point and I am glad that this has opened my eyes. (:

  • @revengerknight92
    @revengerknight92 8 лет назад +1

    You are totally right, especially about money. We, Italians, are not so used to talk about money with our friends, probably we could talk about that with our family, but sometimes even if my parents have some financial problems, they try to not involve their sons and try to not think about that as much as they can!

  • @tripps4285
    @tripps4285 6 лет назад +1

    I'm just binge-watching your older videos ahahah I'm going through a weird phase this months, I just started to get sick of Italy and to criticize everything, I don't feel I belong here anymore and then I found this video that reminded me some of the good we still have. I feel like Italy is converging the 'bad' sides of America (I hope I don't sound offensive..), because USA has always been an inspiration to Italy, it's the land of opportunities, a lot of italians moved to Americato find a better life, so I think everything happens in America is seen as positive, even when it's not. I'm happy to see that you find Italy a good place to live in, at least 2 years ago.

  • @kevinlong5842
    @kevinlong5842 4 года назад

    Wow, I hope you listen to this post occasionally, it's amazing what truths we learn in our youth. Thank you for reminding me.

  • @EnvyAndrogyny
    @EnvyAndrogyny 8 лет назад

    First of all I wanna thank you for your videos: I've watched all of them and what I can say is that you really are a smart person. I've never seen someone analyzing so well a different country. really, kudos for that.
    Not only Italy as a whole, you described Milan as no Italian has ever made before, really. it's so refreshing to watch your videos.
    Also, I lived for only three months in Tokyo so in a certain way I can understand your struggles and your joys of living abroad. I'd really like to meet you someday in Milan to have a chat, really you're such a nice person :)
    Grazie ancora e continua così ~

  • @FrancescoCaraArt
    @FrancescoCaraArt 8 лет назад

    Amo vedere i tuoi video Tia! adoro il fatto che non sei la tipica youtuber che fa sempre le stesse cose solo per accalappiare like, parli sempre di argomenti interessanti e sei una ragazza molto postitiva! Vederti mi mette di buon umore!

  • @alwaysstraitup
    @alwaysstraitup 5 лет назад

    I love your videos and how well you speak and teach. Your well spoken, eloquent, use critical thinking! Its so refreshing. Plus your fast and get to the point. I love that!! Im so tired of these long drawn out tube speakers who always say ummmmm, yeah, so, ummm. Its so boring. But your the opposite and have so much thoughtful smart things to say! Im saving up to move to Italy!

  • @margiekn
    @margiekn 4 месяца назад

    I really enjoyed watching this video. You are right. So often we are taught what to think, and not how to think. I like your spirit of change, adventure of moving to a foreign country and your work ethic. You are an inspiration.

  • @BigioBio
    @BigioBio 8 лет назад

    You're incredibly smart... and humble. Don't change, and keep up with these great videos

  • @HayleyAlexis
    @HayleyAlexis 8 лет назад

    Watching your video while
    On the beach in Sardinia 😘
    Everything you saidwas so sweet and it's so sad what happened!!

  • @merylstreep4981
    @merylstreep4981 8 лет назад

    I love your videos: they show off your intelligence, you really understood Italy and used this experience to reflect about the scenario you come from, keep speaking, you'll open many people's eyes ;)

  • @ronerynation
    @ronerynation 8 лет назад +1

    Thank you Tia for your sweet words. We love you too.

  • @nicholascaruso428
    @nicholascaruso428 7 лет назад

    I spent 16 months working in Italy between 2015 and 2017. I enjoy your videos because my experiences were parallel to yours! I hated to come back to the states! Over time I'll comment on most of your videos. Great job! I wish I'd found your videos when I was there the learning curve was a little bumpy 😉

  • @ilaria4778
    @ilaria4778 7 лет назад +2

    Era un po' di tempo che guardavo i tuoi video "Italia vs America" e credevo che l'Italia e gli italiani facessero schifo,ma poi ho visto questo vecchio video, e stavo per piangere, mi hai riempita di speranze per il futuro,avevo intenzione di andare in America a studiare e a costruirmi un futuro,credevo che l'Italia non desse abbastanza opportunità,ma grazie a te ho capito che tutto dipende dalla propria forza interiore, perché se ci si impegna al masimo l'Italia ha tanto da offrire. Thank you for this video, you opened my eyes.I hope your dreams come true. Love u.

  • @virginiasavino7242
    @virginiasavino7242 8 лет назад

    Non si perché ma alla fine del video mi sono messa a piangere giuro. Fa piacere sentir dire che l'italia ti abbia cambiata in meglio perché a parer mio fa sentire ogni italiano che guarda il video ancora più orgoglioso di essere italiano. E come se stessi ringraziando me o una prof della Bocconi o il tizio che vedi in giro per strada che va a scuola tutte le mattine, il nonno che si prende cura del nipote. L'italia sono gli italiani e da italiana io ti dico prego per averti dato la possibilità di cambiare in meglio ma ti dico anche grazie, che è una parola che forse le persone prendono un po ' troppo alla leggera, perché mi hai resa ancora più orgogliosa del mio paese e di tutte le persone altruiste, amichevoli, sincere, umili e altre centinaia di aggettivi positivi che ci vivono insieme a me. Grazie