2020 IDLEWILD OPEN | FINALF9 LEAD | McBeth, Koling, Hammes, Castro | Jomez Disc Golf

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 362

  • @JomezPro
    @JomezPro  4 года назад +70

    Hey, thanks for watching!! Set your bell notifications if you haven't already because we have the 2020 Ledgestone Insurance Open coverage beginning this FRIDAY and we have a very special sponsor that's hooking everyone up who watches early!! More info coming soon.

    • @CeilingPanda
      @CeilingPanda 4 года назад +2

      What's the song you use for intros and when panning courses?

    • @detectivecluggins3843
      @detectivecluggins3843 4 года назад +1

      CeilingPanda Big Disc Energy by band camp

    • @JomezPro
      @JomezPro  4 года назад +7

      Big Disc Energy by Star Frame. Available on his band camp page or our website. Check the video description.

    • @surgegamer
      @surgegamer 4 года назад

      Hopefully will get to see ya'll there, but only doing spotter volunteer work at Northwood so probably not

    • @DannyWallisRuns
      @DannyWallisRuns 4 года назад +1

      Please show the overall leader board at the start of the round...

  • @joeferguson2187
    @joeferguson2187 4 года назад +115

    legend has it Paige is still looking for that disc on hole 4.

  • @kylespencer3430
    @kylespencer3430 4 года назад +78

    Jeremy, your outfit is out of this world. A+

  • @tompackman
    @tompackman 4 года назад +159

    Everyone is worried about Rona, but it’s a different Jerm they need to worry about

    • @averyprice9422
      @averyprice9422 4 года назад +5


    • @stvsmith1791
      @stvsmith1791 4 года назад

      That first putt just got up and walked away
      rofl hadda replay that 1, cause ive lived it.

    • @dylanberry4279
      @dylanberry4279 3 года назад

      Big Jerm has been powered up by the Rona!

    • @Azriel884
      @Azriel884 2 года назад

      🤣🤣🤣🤣 nice

  • @adamk5305
    @adamk5305 4 года назад +70

    I just woke up and found out I have the day off work, and this drops 5 mins ago? Couldn't be happier!

    • @hatchlingone
      @hatchlingone 4 года назад

      That’s like the best morning ever!

    • @jmccrory24
      @jmccrory24 4 года назад

      Get some donuts😂

    • @adamk5305
      @adamk5305 4 года назад +7

      @@jmccrory24 Yeah that would have been a good idea, but instead I got out a mixing bowl and put about 4 bowls worth of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in it lol

    • @jmccrory24
      @jmccrory24 4 года назад +1

      Adam K Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the bomb 💣

    • @minusthepain
      @minusthepain 4 года назад

      Go Wings!

  • @jetblackp0pe
    @jetblackp0pe 4 года назад +79

    Jerm - “I think Eagle was 9 down through 9 at this point.”
    Uli - “That’s a pretty good start.”
    This commentary has me rolling 😂😂

  • @isaiahcannon6690
    @isaiahcannon6690 3 года назад +1

    I swear watching disc golf and playing disc golf has a different vibe and I love it

  • @bigtuna9223
    @bigtuna9223 4 года назад +57

    Stoked that koling is still on the card

    • @mal2ksc
      @mal2ksc 4 года назад +7

      Made me laugh when he gave himself the sad trombone treatment after hole 1.

    • @goaliepro6887
      @goaliepro6887 4 года назад +6

      He finally made it not just his discs

    • @dohtainundrwearxx8791
      @dohtainundrwearxx8791 4 года назад

      @@mal2ksc that cracked me up. The ol price is right sound when they lose.

  • @jond1234
    @jond1234 4 года назад +1

    These guys are absolutely incredible. Not only their athletic ability but their mental stability to move on after a bad break and act like nothing happened when they throw their next shot. This is why I love watching Jomez.

  • @samcurran6764
    @samcurran6764 4 года назад +75

    Who else thinks big jerm looks like the average dad at Disneyworld😂😂😂

    • @Postermaestro
      @Postermaestro 4 года назад +1

      i mean he’s got the dad jokes down to a T

  • @jetblackp0pe
    @jetblackp0pe 4 года назад +51

    “He’s good at great shots.” - Uli 😂😂

  • @JohanLind
    @JohanLind 4 года назад +8

    Pau Ulibarri truly got the hang of the mental aspects of this game! Epic commentary from both of you!

  • @_moses_980
    @_moses_980 4 года назад +6

    Jordan , if you read this , mad respect for your composure game throughout this final round.

    • @Azriel884
      @Azriel884 2 года назад

      I read it, does that count??🤣

  • @ghdisc_golf4606
    @ghdisc_golf4606 4 года назад +18

    Jomez pro posts at the perfect times

    • @mikehosier1239
      @mikehosier1239 4 года назад

      Yep! I love this! And back 9 will be up shortly... can't wait to see this conclusion

    • @nilswedman9818
      @nilswedman9818 4 года назад

      @@mikehosier1239 eagle won

    • @mikehosier1239
      @mikehosier1239 4 года назад +2

      @@nilswedman9818 thanks troll. nobody likes you.

    • @johnsumner4356
      @johnsumner4356 4 года назад +2

      Nils Wedman so basically you’re the worst person ever. bet you’re fun at a party

  • @michaelmargillo4155
    @michaelmargillo4155 4 года назад

    I’ve been telling my friends!!!! JomezPro has the best disc golf tournament video coverage

  • @DJOrbitDecker
    @DJOrbitDecker 4 года назад +68

    When was the last time Mcbeth missed from that range
    "1997" yeah sounds about right

  • @ghdisc_golf4606
    @ghdisc_golf4606 4 года назад +5

    Thanks everyone who made it possible!

  • @johnbowers8270
    @johnbowers8270 4 года назад +1

    Big Barri: Great coverage guys! I have two comments to make. First, and I've been meaning to say this for awhile, Jerm, Uli and Nate all do such an exceptional job of commenting as though it's happening live. We devoted viewers know that you know exactly what transpired and greatly appreciate how fine a job you do of not revealing too much. Big thanks!
    Second, (spoiler alert) Jerm, I'm pleased you neglected to mention Eagle's eagle on hole 2. As soon as you talked about not checking scores and Paul saying to you do you see what's going on out there, I immediately paused this video and started watching the chase card coverage with Terry Miller and Nate Perkins. Seeing unexpected throw-ins is just so awesome, especially so when you're pulling for that particular player. I'm getting as close to live coverage as I can and loving it. ... And now to watch two cards play the back nine, possibly switching between each from hole to hole. Thanks again!

  • @Chris.Davies
    @Chris.Davies 4 года назад

    Paul is rapidly becoming my favourite DG voice. His easy style and natural delivery pull us even more deeply into the coverage. Nothing against Big Jerm, here - if Big Jeremy "Amoeba" Koling is talking disc golf, I'm listening. Thanks, Jomez.

  • @Davedoesthat
    @Davedoesthat 4 года назад

    Minute 11 and your commentary is already 1000 times better then the live DGPT. . . Js. Good tournament J Koling.

    @THEFLASHISKING 4 года назад +6

    “Butt pucker, for sure” -Big Jerm during hole 8. Can’t believe I missed that the first time through round 3... Big Barri commentary is getting right up there with Big Sexy. Jomez, you must know how to make a really good PB&J sandwich, cause darn you’re good at putting two things (commentary) together! And let’s not forget how great your video’s are, compared to the other competition, as well! Thank you, as always!

    • @Jesse_Johnson
      @Jesse_Johnson 3 года назад


  • @iam2658
    @iam2658 4 года назад

    What a great course and you did great work as always. Thank you for helping our sport grow!
    Loved watching the boys playing #7
    That hole is a Great one.
    Hit your landing spot which is fair and another good and fair throw
    and its a bird ... nothing Heroic required really.
    Good job Jerm!
    Owhhh Paul wow. I've done things that look like you did I'm sad to say.
    Adam had one bad one lucky and one Amazing. One way of getting a three. So cool to see these 4 Best in the world guys playing on a hole
    I helped course designer Fred Salaz grunt stumps out on.
    A hole I Birdied maybe approaching 50% of the time - or how I now choose to remember- back in the late 90's. Thanks so much for the great footage and have a happy new year🖖🏼

  • @alanhunt3772
    @alanhunt3772 4 года назад

    Love the commentary! That's the only thing keeping me alive after Paul hit that double bogey

  • @tollbooth22
    @tollbooth22 4 года назад

    Uli is really growing on my as a commentator. Still such a big fan of Nate and Jerm together but Paul brings his own unique style to the booth. Also, his hole breakdowns are great perspective on how pros are approaching that hole.
    Thanks and keep up the great work.

  • @petermassey4808
    @petermassey4808 2 года назад

    It’s pretty cool to have seen Adam’s evolution. He’s put on some muscle and experience between this tournament and now.

  • @Royalcityfeelix
    @Royalcityfeelix 4 года назад

    All this coverage is fantastic, but Paul's wheel of fortune loss noise on hole one is the best part! I spit my beer out!

  • @darinladd5312
    @darinladd5312 4 года назад

    Once again, Uliboling to the rescue! Best commentary since last time! Card was so low-energy from the start. The players made the mistake of anchoring off each other. Other cards were hungry. Can’t wait to “see how it all plays out.”

  • @jrapattii9941
    @jrapattii9941 4 года назад +4

    Okay but why does Jeremys outfit look so good on him

  • @BigSacCombo
    @BigSacCombo 4 года назад

    I love how people bash Nikko for getting frustrated and showing it, but no one says the same about McBeth. Round 2 he’s chucking discs in his bag and this round he takes them out to slam in the ground. People need to get over that this is a sport and the players are passionate and emotions can come out. And thank you Jomez for bringing the quality content as usual.

    • @WayneLunsford
      @WayneLunsford 4 года назад +1

      Agreed, but I've also noticed that Paul (and others) do it much less frequently than Nikko...

    • @BigSacCombo
      @BigSacCombo 4 года назад

      @@WayneLunsford Yes it is much less than Nikko. I'm just tired of seeing the comments bashing Nikko whenever he is on any coverage. I honestly get a kick out of some of his outbursts. I think it was round 1 of this tournament when he was yelling about his Stiletto being too understable lol

  • @slurpelover
    @slurpelover 4 года назад

    Woke up and saw this posted... Best birthday present!!!

  • @micah_lee
    @micah_lee 4 года назад

    Shout out to pdga supporting the coverage!!

  • @jomarmanosa123
    @jomarmanosa123 4 года назад +2

    Our boyyyyy is in the lead card ♥️

  • @stonemad35
    @stonemad35 4 года назад

    So awesome to see Big Jerm on coverage! Keep going big man!

  • @weekendwarrior7117
    @weekendwarrior7117 4 года назад

    Uli is KILLING IT on the commentary! Love the insight..You guys need to add third chair in the booth!!

  • @Jaimbis
    @Jaimbis 4 года назад

    Ahh morning coffee and disc golf. Thanks Jomez.

  • @joshworthy9756
    @joshworthy9756 4 года назад +13

    Totally caught the Price is Right reference from Big Jerm after Hole 1. Feels bad, man.

    • @geefunk1026
      @geefunk1026 4 года назад +1

      I can't stop giggling about him singing that. I feel so bad for him, but it made some hilarious content.

  • @FerretL0ve
    @FerretL0ve 4 года назад

    Sick coverage guys. Really engaging. Thanks for bringing such awesome content!

  • @jwoellhof
    @jwoellhof 4 года назад +24

    Jerm, "He's barely in bounds. Only six inches."
    Barri, "Good enough."
    That's what She said!

    • @Azriel884
      @Azriel884 2 года назад


  • @strangexgiant5950
    @strangexgiant5950 4 года назад +4

    Big Germ out here with some actual fashion sense for a straight guy! Much Respect bro keep up the trendy threads my guy

    • @strangexgiant5950
      @strangexgiant5950 4 года назад

      @Marvin Gardens Your a fool

    • @Trudeausucks2024
      @Trudeausucks2024 4 года назад +1

      @@strangexgiant5950 **cough** You're.... or You are..

    • @strangexgiant5950
      @strangexgiant5950 4 года назад

      j belo Either way, it was clear what I meant so who cares. Your on something LoL

    • @Trudeausucks2024
      @Trudeausucks2024 4 года назад +1

      @@strangexgiant5950 I was literally just being a smart-ass.

    • @strangexgiant5950
      @strangexgiant5950 4 года назад

      j belo So was I LoL notice my use of your instead of you are or you're again lol

  • @evanstanek5838
    @evanstanek5838 4 года назад +1

    I'm from Wisconsin and my parents grew up in Austin, MN so this is an especially uniquely set up card for yours truly lol

  • @biblesaurus6862
    @biblesaurus6862 4 года назад +2

    Anyone else keep refreshing waiting for final B9 to be uploaded?

  • @gull2112
    @gull2112 4 года назад

    I like the sound of the approaching jet as the disc finishes the approach.

  • @nellesgaming7334
    @nellesgaming7334 4 года назад +1

    This tournament have been so intense the whole time. Can’t wait for the back 9, I clicked the bell today. It would be nice to have the live leaderboard in between holes like in ball golf coverage. The second card is nipping heels!

    • @nilswedman9818
      @nilswedman9818 4 года назад

      Eagle mcmahon won

    • @nellesgaming7334
      @nellesgaming7334 4 года назад

      Nils Wedman ya I’m sure I could have googled that. But I was waiting to watch the back 9. Thanks.......

  • @christalley6946
    @christalley6946 4 года назад +2

    Big Jerm - "This is my new look, you better get used to it" That is a high-quality reply.

    • @rickmorty8697
      @rickmorty8697 4 года назад +1

      Exactly what thought! Nothin like that final-round lead-card confidence.

  • @samibberg105
    @samibberg105 4 года назад

    Real nice to see Big Jerm rippin the course!

  • @PlaySA
    @PlaySA 4 года назад +1

    I like this course. A lot of sidearm-appropriate holes which is my favorite throw to do and watch. Also a lot of heartbreaking knocks from those pesky trees which makes the games more interesting than some wide open powerfest

  • @trevorkuhfuss3968
    @trevorkuhfuss3968 4 года назад

    That Price is Right reference tho.....🤣. Playing that on trombpne to make your high school friends mad never gets old

  • @jackreagan2081
    @jackreagan2081 4 года назад

    Just my favorite commentary!

  • @jond1234
    @jond1234 4 года назад

    I love Big Uli commentary

  • @dr05guitar
    @dr05guitar 4 года назад +6

    For some reason, it's always a little tough watching McBeth struggle...I think just because I'm used to seeing him shredding the courses so often, it doesn't feel right when he's not!

  • @harleybk3
    @harleybk3 Год назад +1

    An amusing reminder of the whole “run for the hills, ma!” mentality of the whole Covid thing.

  • @josephsaggerson3627
    @josephsaggerson3627 4 года назад

    Lol he’s really good at great shots 🤪Paul is the best commentator actually they are a great duo 👍

  • @coltongoodman1656
    @coltongoodman1656 4 года назад +2

    Not the best final round for Adam but love seeing him on the lead card!

  • @nathansmith8878
    @nathansmith8878 2 года назад

    Big Jerm's hat is truly funky!

  • @willhowarddg
    @willhowarddg 4 года назад +2

    Legend has it that Jeremy’s tee shot on 5 hasn’t been released yet...

  • @Bleachman555
    @Bleachman555 4 года назад +1

    Uli saying that he's doing well instead of doing good is everything

  • @chakadog100
    @chakadog100 4 года назад +8

    Adam- "Im the best long distance putter in the world"... Misses every outside circle putt. lol

    • @aarondyck8528
      @aarondyck8528 4 года назад +1

      Imagine thinking you're the best putter with guys like Paul, Ricky and Eagle out there.

    • @herhawk2093
      @herhawk2093 4 года назад

      Aaron Dyck THIS IS ME

    • @carlwilliams9642
      @carlwilliams9642 4 года назад

      I mean, I get what you're saying, but he hit a 60 footer on 7. Sooooo..... yeah, not true.

  • @marcsandias2758
    @marcsandias2758 4 года назад

    Oh my! That roll away on first hole. When that happens to me it makes me chuckle. When it happens to someone else though it makes me sad.

    • @marcsandias2758
      @marcsandias2758 4 года назад

      @@ronjones-6977 yup yup...my bro lives near that course so play there everytime visit...there should be a trained and licensed therapists on site to help discers overcome the trauma from roll aways there

  • @johnnycage9283
    @johnnycage9283 4 года назад

    That rollaway on 1 was brutal 😫

  • @Jason-cz6de
    @Jason-cz6de 4 года назад

    21:06. Can anyone explain this throw to me? What is it called? How to do it? Would be much appreciated

  • @akselim7403
    @akselim7403 Год назад

    The 2020 theme song was sooooo good 👊

  • @HaikesXO
    @HaikesXO 4 года назад +1

    Jordan’s form is great

  • @MasonBentley-x7n
    @MasonBentley-x7n 4 года назад

    I love how someone is chilling in a hammock on 3 lmao in the drone shot

  • @CR-zv5fp
    @CR-zv5fp 4 года назад +1

    Is there any video of the chase card?

  • @moif
    @moif 4 года назад +2

    Here's my comment to boost ratings. You guys kick ass and I'm glad you're all safe.

  • @RJNamorr
    @RJNamorr 4 года назад

    Jeremy Dundee should be a new alter ego for Koling, love the commentary as always

  • @greatdane6117
    @greatdane6117 4 года назад

    Love it!!! Big Jerm with a -21!!!! Love the commentary with you and Uli, do miss Big Sexy though! Keep it up, take that tournament!!!

  • @17gtpdestroyer
    @17gtpdestroyer 4 года назад +1

    What putter does Jordan Casto putt with?

    • @willhowarddg
      @willhowarddg 4 года назад +1

      I doubt he’s still putting with them, but I watched a tournament with him a few months ago. He was putting with a matrix (midrange)

    • @willhowarddg
      @willhowarddg 4 года назад +1

      I just looked it up. He putts with electron anodes.

  • @maxjenkins6862
    @maxjenkins6862 4 года назад +1

    “Well the good thing isss...... you’re in bounds??” 😂😂

  • @jedtaitano1306
    @jedtaitano1306 4 года назад

    That roll away is so brutal

  • @MadeWthRealChz
    @MadeWthRealChz 4 года назад

    I can't say I'm a huge P McB fan. But I gotta give him credit for two things. He has a deep bag of tricks. And he makes the shots. Obviously why he's #1.

  • @michellegh100
    @michellegh100 4 года назад

    hey la verdad re lindo video me gusto necesito el proximo grabación los dejo les envio kisses muchas gracias

  • @Ex7r3m3r
    @Ex7r3m3r 4 года назад +1

    Where has Nate Sexton been? just curious

    • @willhowarddg
      @willhowarddg 4 года назад +2

      He’s not touring because he doesn’t want to expose his friends and family to COVID-19. I made a video about it on my channel if you want to check it out!

  • @kellyperry8020
    @kellyperry8020 4 года назад +1

    Love seeing Team MVP on lead card!

  • @LakeBath
    @LakeBath 4 года назад

    Jeremy’s drive on 3. Beautiful forehand flex. I had no idea he was this strong of a player.

    • @rickmorty8697
      @rickmorty8697 4 года назад +1

      You sure as heck better check your lack of idea.

  • @BinaryBard64
    @BinaryBard64 4 года назад

    Great job, Big Jerm!

  • @yougotcrad1
    @yougotcrad1 2 года назад

    As a new player watching back to some of old competitions, I was surprised to find this random old Guiness Book video of Jerm's entry for the most times ever getting robbed.

  • @devinfuhrmann7197
    @devinfuhrmann7197 4 года назад

    Jerm with around the world tap in on 5. Highlight central!

  • @robbanks4356
    @robbanks4356 4 года назад

    how much editing time does it take to do follow flight? it would be nice if was follow flight on half the shots, similar to the pga.

  • @cincystreaming
    @cincystreaming 4 года назад

    Fun fact: during this round there was one ace. On hole 3 Trey Martin, a local, hit a tree on 3 and banked it in. It was the only ace in the field that was also in the Ace fund, and he won last year's carryover ace fund as well. He threw a Raptor

  • @jaxdog1049
    @jaxdog1049 4 года назад

    Great coverage

  • @westarchildren7197
    @westarchildren7197 4 года назад +1

    For some reason YT is no longer putting new JomezPro videos in my feed.. I’ve had to go to the channel to see new uploads.. so it’s one of my top searched channels too.. not cool. Thank you Jomez!!

    • @JomezPro
      @JomezPro  4 года назад +2

      Subscribe and turn on the bell notifications. Problem solved 👍🏽

    • @westarchildren7197
      @westarchildren7197 4 года назад

      JomezPro Haha true! 😅

  • @CarlTempleton77
    @CarlTempleton77 4 года назад +1

    Who’s covering Chase Card?

  • @scotttaylor8902
    @scotttaylor8902 4 года назад

    Tilley hats are the best!

  • @detectivecluggins3843
    @detectivecluggins3843 4 года назад

    My alarm went off dang....0h wait it’s Jomez, FULLY AWAKE

  • @Spuddy21
    @Spuddy21 4 года назад +2

    29:00 me everytime I go to play

  • @mikehosier1239
    @mikehosier1239 4 года назад +2

    Thanks jomez ❤

    • @JomezPro
      @JomezPro  4 года назад

      You're welcome Mike, thanks for watching!

    • @mikehosier1239
      @mikehosier1239 4 года назад

      @@JomezPro I purposely didn't check udisc for no spoilers yesterday. I knew I would be home today watching the baby. No better way to develope a growing brain than force feeding him some jomez coverage.

  • @spencerlivsey6872
    @spencerlivsey6872 4 года назад

    Does the plane only fly when McBeth is throwing?

  • @the40yogamer
    @the40yogamer 4 года назад

    when I drive it hurts my hand too much what can I do to make less impact on my hand its self?

  • @juststartmedia1801
    @juststartmedia1801 4 года назад

    What do they keep patting their disks with?

  • @ThingsYouMightLike
    @ThingsYouMightLike 3 года назад

    Been binging these videos just because of the announcers.

  • @christianmiller7893
    @christianmiller7893 4 года назад

    16:06 Is that Paige pierce in the water? Pls Explain...

    • @EZPCNZ22
      @EZPCNZ22 4 года назад

      What is there to explain?

    • @Jesterian
      @Jesterian 4 года назад

      Tim how

    • @EZPCNZ22
      @EZPCNZ22 4 года назад

      @@Jesterian seriously?
      She threw a disc in the water and went to retrieve it. Good Grief!

    • @Jesterian
      @Jesterian 4 года назад

      Tim why

  • @jackdenial9768
    @jackdenial9768 4 года назад

    i love this sho jomezpro!!

  • @punkleruckus
    @punkleruckus 4 года назад +1

    What's up with no Follow Flight for Jordan Castro's 6th hole tee shot? Lame.

  • @chrisjensen9941
    @chrisjensen9941 4 года назад +1

    Jordan looking FIT!

  • @JokerJack2012
    @JokerJack2012 4 года назад

    Jeremy looking like freddy kreuger with the stripes and hat came in to final round looking to be Paul's nightmare lol

  • @joconnell8145
    @joconnell8145 4 года назад +2

    Hole 7: Here I am!
    McBeast: And??
    Hole 7: you ARE human!

    • @postscript3150
      @postscript3150 4 года назад +1

      It's weird, but I physically was uncomfortable watching the hack-job up the fairway. So uncommon to see that it was painful.

    • @joconnell8145
      @joconnell8145 4 года назад

      @@postscript3150 Agreed.

  • @Abrasumentex
    @Abrasumentex 4 года назад +1

    Jomezpro, been kind of curious about why nate sexton hasn't been commentating? I absolutely enjoy Paul and big jerm, don't get me wrong but just wanted to know if things were all good with nate.

    • @willhowarddg
      @willhowarddg 4 года назад +2

      He isn’t touring because he doesn’t want to expose his family and friends to COVID-19. I did a video about it if you want to check it out,

    • @Abrasumentex
      @Abrasumentex 4 года назад +1

      @@willhowarddg I figured as much and honestly I don't blame him for wanting to stay safe. Hope you makes a solid return in the future.

    • @willhowarddg
      @willhowarddg 4 года назад +1

      By the time he returns, he might just retire...

    • @Abrasumentex
      @Abrasumentex 4 года назад +1

      @@willhowarddg I certainly would hope not, the dude is a great player. Would be sad to see him hang up the bag that way.

    • @willhowarddg
      @willhowarddg 4 года назад +1

      @Shawn Weindorf I hope he doesn’t retire but he is getting older.

  • @jjwebbert
    @jjwebbert 4 года назад

    What kind of cart is that Jerm is using?

  • @skunkked
    @skunkked 4 года назад

    what do you use to measure