The yellow stuff on the back of the circuit board is flux. It's very commonly found on consumer electronics, as the type of flux they use during manufacture is usually the non-corrosive no clean variety, so there's no real harm in leaving it on the board, no matter how gross it looks.
That thing is kind a High End for me. And I always wonder where that thing go when the owner is bored or replace it with better one. I don't think there are market for used high end product like this.
A, After having my Sony mini component "83" system repaired, it finally died. I still have and using an SMSL, the "NICE" speakers it came with. Best, D. p.s. Thank for reminding me how old I am🕑.
Enjoying the look back at older systems and units. Nice job on the clean up.
The yellow stuff on the back of the circuit board is flux. It's very commonly found on consumer electronics, as the type of flux they use during manufacture is usually the non-corrosive no clean variety, so there's no real harm in leaving it on the board, no matter how gross it looks.
Thanks for that. Great to know
That thing is kind a High End for me. And I always wonder where that thing go when the owner is bored or replace it with better one. I don't think there are market for used high end product like this.
A, After having my Sony mini component "83" system repaired, it finally died. I still have and using an SMSL, the "NICE" speakers it came with. Best, D. p.s. Thank for reminding me how old I am🕑.
Great video x
Olvidó cambiar el bombillo del tuner .
chief has tyís sterió