The man’s concepts are revolutionary and progressive. One needs to listen with care and attention in order to understand and decipher not only what he is saying, but rather what he means. Back in 1993, I am thankful to have been one of professor Pule’s students and my appreciation and gratitude towards this man is lifelong.
Podcast interessanti imma wiehed m'ghandux jassumi li dak li qed jinghad hu fattwali ghax mhux jifhem ezatt x'qed jinghad, nahseb Jon irid jibda jaghmel ftit homework estiz biex ikun f'pozizzjoni li jikkontro-dibatti fejn hemm bzonn. Ezempju car hu t-teorija tal-intelligenza fil-kesha li anke gharfien baziku tal-istorja jurik li m'ghandhiex bazi. Fuq spunt iehor, ta min jistaqsih x'ghamel biex zamm mentalment daqshekk lucidu minkejja l-eta tieghu, f'xi punti semma li l-gisem hu opra ta' ingerija, jaf dahal fid-dettal fuq x'hemm bzonn biex izommu jahdem sew fit-tul.
I fully understand that this gentlemen is from another time. To not challenge him, however, on some of the absurd comments he made is much worse. Nowadays in Africa there are engineers 10x brighter than him. Check among many others Rwanda's medical drone project. Also, regarding the "in Africa they have drums only" comment. I mean, it's widely agreed that almost every existing genre of music on Earth has its roots in African communities and their diasporas around the world. Einstein got nothing on you, promise.
Not to mention his crackpot "theories" about telepathy and the afterlife. Which are not even his, mind you. Modern day psychics and mystics have been jumping onto the EM wave bandwagon (and even more recently on quantum theory, eg. Deepak Chopra, the king of woo) to explain supposed paranormal phenomena for decades. None of these theories hold up when exposed to cold, hard scientific inquiry. As an engineer, I would have expected profs Pule' to substantiate his theories by actually running experiments to detect the EM waves emmitted by a humam brain and how they modulate the supposed carrier and how they would be picked up by a second brain in telepathy, etc. Except that these experimemts have already been previously attempted, with zero results in the way of explaining the paranormal. I would have expected a man of science to refrain from using the word "theory", which has a very well-defined meaning in science, when talking about his own personal feel-good flights of fancy.
What he speaks is fact. Science is not politically correct. Science only speaks to cold hard facts. You can challenge the science, but not the man. And so far, what he said are facts.
@@royalstarfish17 you can repeat the word "facts" until you're blue in the face, but that won't change that a lot of what he said is absurd and nowadays proven to be false or inaccurate by science itself. Even a cursory examination of history easily shows you that his statement that cold climate breeds greater intellect (or whatever) doesn't hold water. When the Nordic Germanic tribes were still living in straw huts, Rome (to their South) had built a worldwide empire with engineering feats that stand to this very day. The Roman empire was built on ideas generated by the Greek civilisation (even more south) which gave us philosophy, democracy, mathematics, engineering - you name it. And the Greeks based their civilisation on the art, literature and governance of the ancient Egyptian civilisation (Africa) who also attained feats of engineering that baffle our best minds of today. If what Pule' stated in this podcast were accurate, then one would expect the center of civilisation to have arisen in Iceland or Lapland, not a balmy archipelago of islands in the eastern Mediterranean or a sun-drenched desert in Africa.
The effect of climate on human ingenuity is pretty flawed - what about Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and Ancient China.......pretty sure the ancient Egyptians weren't shivering in the cold when they were building the pyramids 🙂
Profs Pule' might an excellent engineer, but he severely overestimates his own prowess when it comes the study of anthropology. The hogwash he put forward with regards to evolution of intelligence from Africa is nowadays recognised to be completely wrong and rooted in racism, not very much different from the ideas prevalent at the beginning of the 20th century and which gave fuel to nationalist movements such as Nazism. Perhaps he should leverage the learning skills he is so proud of and use them to learn some humility.
Insibha kurjuża kemm hi iktar "aċċettabbli" li inġinier, bravu kemm hu bravu, jista' jxandar tali teoriji fuq il-qasam umanistiku hekk...qisu xejn m'hu xejn. Kieku John kellu jġib professur tal-letteratura, per eżempju, u din toħroġ b'xi teżi dubjuża/skreditata dwar ix-xjenza nissusspetta li l-backlash l-ewwel li tiġi mill-fakulta' tagħha stess! (Minkejja dan ikolli ngħid li dan l-episodju xorta laqatni ħafna)
@@carpeinfinitum jien pjuttost nahseb li qieghed tissopravaluta il-livell ta' interess ta' certi fakultajiet fl-universita'. Bizzejjed naraw x'jiktbu regolarment certu esponenti (ejja ma naghmkux ismijiet halli ma naqilghux polemici).
This has to be the best podcast you've produced. Prosit Jon
Bhala engineer naqbel mieghu perfettament. Hawn hafna karrieri parassiti li xogholhom jixorbu frott il bniedem produttiv fis silenzju.
The man’s concepts are revolutionary and progressive. One needs to listen with care and attention in order to understand and decipher not only what he is saying, but rather what he means.
Back in 1993, I am thankful to have been one of professor Pule’s students and my appreciation and gratitude towards this man is lifelong.
Podcast interessanti imma wiehed m'ghandux jassumi li dak li qed jinghad hu fattwali ghax mhux jifhem ezatt x'qed jinghad, nahseb Jon irid jibda jaghmel ftit homework estiz biex ikun f'pozizzjoni li jikkontro-dibatti fejn hemm bzonn. Ezempju car hu t-teorija tal-intelligenza fil-kesha li anke gharfien baziku tal-istorja jurik li m'ghandhiex bazi. Fuq spunt iehor, ta min jistaqsih x'ghamel biex zamm mentalment daqshekk lucidu minkejja l-eta tieghu, f'xi punti semma li l-gisem hu opra ta' ingerija, jaf dahal fid-dettal fuq x'hemm bzonn biex izommu jahdem sew fit-tul.
I fully understand that this gentlemen is from another time. To not challenge him, however, on some of the absurd comments he made is much worse. Nowadays in Africa there are engineers 10x brighter than him. Check among many others Rwanda's medical drone project. Also, regarding the "in Africa they have drums only" comment. I mean, it's widely agreed that almost every existing genre of music on Earth has its roots in African communities and their diasporas around the world. Einstein got nothing on you, promise.
Not to mention his crackpot "theories" about telepathy and the afterlife. Which are not even his, mind you. Modern day psychics and mystics have been jumping onto the EM wave bandwagon (and even more recently on quantum theory, eg. Deepak Chopra, the king of woo) to explain supposed paranormal phenomena for decades. None of these theories hold up when exposed to cold, hard scientific inquiry. As an engineer, I would have expected profs Pule' to substantiate his theories by actually running experiments to detect the EM waves emmitted by a humam brain and how they modulate the supposed carrier and how they would be picked up by a second brain in telepathy, etc. Except that these experimemts have already been previously attempted, with zero results in the way of explaining the paranormal. I would have expected a man of science to refrain from using the word "theory", which has a very well-defined meaning in science, when talking about his own personal feel-good flights of fancy.
What he speaks is fact. Science is not politically correct. Science only speaks to cold hard facts. You can challenge the science, but not the man. And so far, what he said are facts.
@@royalstarfish17 You are either joking or a fascist.
@@royalstarfish17 you can repeat the word "facts" until you're blue in the face, but that won't change that a lot of what he said is absurd and nowadays proven to be false or inaccurate by science itself. Even a cursory examination of history easily shows you that his statement that cold climate breeds greater intellect (or whatever) doesn't hold water. When the Nordic Germanic tribes were still living in straw huts, Rome (to their South) had built a worldwide empire with engineering feats that stand to this very day. The Roman empire was built on ideas generated by the Greek civilisation (even more south) which gave us philosophy, democracy, mathematics, engineering - you name it. And the Greeks based their civilisation on the art, literature and governance of the ancient Egyptian civilisation (Africa) who also attained feats of engineering that baffle our best minds of today. If what Pule' stated in this podcast were accurate, then one would expect the center of civilisation to have arisen in Iceland or Lapland, not a balmy archipelago of islands in the eastern Mediterranean or a sun-drenched desert in Africa.
The effect of climate on human ingenuity is pretty flawed - what about Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and Ancient China.......pretty sure the ancient Egyptians weren't shivering in the cold when they were building the pyramids 🙂
Dak handikapat qal? Imbasta bravi.
Is this THE Carmel Pule??
Profs Pule' might an excellent engineer, but he severely overestimates his own prowess when it comes the study of anthropology. The hogwash he put forward with regards to evolution of intelligence from Africa is nowadays recognised to be completely wrong and rooted in racism, not very much different from the ideas prevalent at the beginning of the 20th century and which gave fuel to nationalist movements such as Nazism. Perhaps he should leverage the learning skills he is so proud of and use them to learn some humility.
Insibha kurjuża kemm hi iktar "aċċettabbli" li inġinier, bravu kemm hu bravu, jista' jxandar tali teoriji fuq il-qasam umanistiku hekk...qisu xejn m'hu xejn. Kieku John kellu jġib professur tal-letteratura, per eżempju, u din toħroġ b'xi teżi dubjuża/skreditata dwar ix-xjenza nissusspetta li l-backlash l-ewwel li tiġi mill-fakulta' tagħha stess! (Minkejja dan ikolli ngħid li dan l-episodju xorta laqatni ħafna)
@@carpeinfinitum jien pjuttost nahseb li qieghed tissopravaluta il-livell ta' interess ta' certi fakultajiet fl-universita'. Bizzejjed naraw x'jiktbu regolarment certu esponenti (ejja ma naghmkux ismijiet halli ma naqilghux polemici).
@@etiennebonanno Iva veru minn daqshekk. Is-silenzju jtarrax.
Windsor Knot
Issa qed nifhem ghala Mintoff beda jewden li l-Amerikani qed isusu warajh........
3££25 😅😅_😅