Just out of curiosity, does anybody within the community happen to have a spare circuit board for one of these? While I was working on one of these, the board shorted out on the battery contacts. Now the audio files play out of sequence, so I'm pretty sure the IC is bad, as well.
How is this not blocked?
What the fuck are you talking about?
It SHOULDN'T be blocked.
ignore those channels made by Colton, you guys are awesome!
*Not, ps, I'm not Colton, read the channel description.
+Halloween Haunter Don't think so? I don't know what to say other than scram.
Just out of curiosity, does anybody within the community happen to have a spare circuit board for one of these? While I was working on one of these, the board shorted out on the battery contacts. Now the audio files play out of sequence, so I'm pretty sure the IC is bad, as well.
I have the whole hank lol
I got that one
Wait so the reason the old channel got terminated cause you had adds on the old review of this?
We tried monetizing, but it didn't work out and I'm sure we got copyrights
@@gemmymasteranimatronics768 so this has the full song that got copyrighted but it nothing won't happen if there isn't adds?
This isn't the full song, but it doesn't matter, it still gets copyright. The only reason this one hasn't is because it's lower pitch