The Promise Season 2 Episode 140

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • While Reyhan is in great danger, Emir is unaware of the trap prepared for him. Narin, who was very offended by Kemal's words; It will surprise Kemal the most.
    Ozge Yagız (1- 2. season)
    Gokberk Demirci
    Can Verel
    Munise Ozlem (1. season)
    Yağmur Sahbazova
    Cansu Tuman
    Berkant Muftuler
    Gul Arcan
    Cansın Mina Gur
    Ceyda Olguner
    Mustafa Simsek
    Esra Demirci Coban
    Derya Kurtulus Oktar
    Director: Ayhan Özen, Serkan Mut
    Scenarist: Nazmiye Yılmaz
    Production Company: Karamel Yapım
    Music: Minör

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @khojistakamgar3635
    @khojistakamgar3635 4 года назад +857

    For non Turkish viewers:
    E: but I.... i didnt do that!!!!..... ( flashback) it means she had seen it and that’s why she was so timid and stressed out!.... they must have blackmailed her with this! Or ... isn’t it so that they asked her to leave me or else they will use it against us???? But why!!!! Who can benefit out of this??? Who has set me this trap??? God damn you whoever u r!!!!! We literally divorced!!!!!!!
    Scene2: 14:50
    E: u will pay for it and it will cost u very hard!!!! U will pay for turning our life into hell!!! And cemre??? Which kind of connection can u have with such a person? Who made us face all this? Now!! Now I will face me god damn u!! Wait! Stop U lowlife!!! U r finished!!!!
    Cemre: you!! U caused me do all that to Emir by setting him that trap and now he is again with that ignorant girl!!! U better kill me than locking me here!!-R: my god thousands thanx Emir is innocent! She means he hasn’t shot that man ???!
    Scene3: 26:30
    Cemre: you??? What r u after!!! Don’t come any nearer to me! No no ! Help!!!!
    -R: shut up! Keep silent!-- ok make it fast plz he will come anytime!
    Talaz: wow! Look who’s here!!
    R: Don’t! Don’t come any closer!
    E: i said stop!!! .... god damn u lowlife!!!
    R: stop there! If u try to get close I’ll cut u!-- wow! So u have a knife??? What do u at about this pistol? C: my god this nightmare will never end up!!
    Talaz: u r brave enough to face some one like me with a knife!!!! But u r stupid! U took risk for. Someone who tried to finish u!!! Now u sit here together like sisters and wait for your end!-C: so u r playing heroic to make me ashamed? What r u expecting me to thank u?-R: I don’t need u to thank me! I came here to hear your explanation how could u do set such trap for Emir?-- is it all u found as a trick to use against me?-- don’t deny it anymore I heard it by my own ears!!!
    E: come here u lowlife!!! Tell me who commanded u to do this!!! Who wanted to ruin our life!!! U won’t get rid of me unless u tell me every detail one by one!!!
    C: yes i did it!!! And I’ll keep doing it as long as u r with him!!-- u r such a sick person!!!-- I did all this for my loves sake!! --do u still claim of loving him??-- you r no lover nor a friend but a selfish mental ill, who even can put the life of a person into risk, whom she claims to love!!’--you caused all these to him!!! If u didn’t come between us...-- u stilll are are blaming me ???? Why don’t u understand he would never love you even if i never entered in his life !!! Who can play such a dirty game with someone she loves? Didn’t u feel regret for a single while seeing him suffer so much??--bcz he is my only love and I don’t exist without him!! I did it bcz I can’t accept to lose him!! He can’t exist either if I don’t!!!! He where has to b mine or he won’t belong to anyone else!!!! And you? Could u ever dare to do what I did for my love??!!!-- no!!! Not at all!! I wouldn’t have done any of them what u did to him! Bcz a true love can’t b defined the way u did! It’s not true love!
    Scene5: 40:07
    E: listen to me speak up before I lose my control!!!!look at me u have to tell me the name of your undignified boss now!! or else-- come on then make me talk if u can!!! --Talaz: where the hell u r!! Come back soon!!! That rich man’s wife has found our place and she reached us!!!!-E: I’m coming u lowlife!!! And this time I’m coming to take your life!!! Wait there!!!!
    R: no one has harmed Emir more than you who claims to love him the most! U always hit him on the back! How kind of love it is! Love means to sacrifice your joy, comfort, and life for one u love!...... I .... told the man who was looking with all love and care into my eyes .... that I do t love him!! Why? Just to let him live ahead!-- can u do this for your love?-- bcz u r a coward and I was not like u!-- do u remember how did u try to hurt me by getting close to him and insulting me? But I never reacted do u know why? Bcz I was never afraid of u! I never hurt him or others for obtaining him! Or stealing him from anyone , why? Bcz there was no need of it! I found him and his love in his eyes! I found it whenever he looked into my eyes! So I never needed to fight with others to win him! -- C: stop it u stupid girl I don’t want to hear your nonsense anymore!!!!
    Scene6 :49:38
    Talaz: isn’t it a best solution to shut both of u up?--C: no no no plz don’t kill me I can give u anything u want! I’m too rich! I don’t wanna die!-- and u? Aren’t u begging me not to kill u?-R: ( reciting Shahadah, what Muslims testimony before death)
    E: this Time i won’t let u go and no one can make me do so today!!!
    Talaz: now I don’t need to bother myself for killing u! U both will b finishes at once with this wire!
    E: come on get going damn it!!! ...uffffff
    Come on!! No ! None is here to help me!
    C: Reyhan plz do smthing come on! Help! Help us someone!
    R:( don’t ever lose your hope! Bcz allah will help only hose who never give up! Who have always faith in him and fight for themselves!)
    C: help US plz say meine come and save me i don’t wanna die!
    C: Reyhan I don’t wanna die! Help me plz!
    R: my dear Allah thanx a thousand u came! Careful!!!!--C: Emir save us plz!
    ...... C: Emir untie me too.... Emir? Emir!
    The end
    [ sorry friends for not being able to translate kemal and Narin parts since I was being late and there was no progress in their story ]

    • @typing...1
      @typing...1 4 года назад +7

      thank you!!

    • @richonnefan237
      @richonnefan237 4 года назад +6

      Thanks for translating for us. Can't wait to hear what Cemre and Reyhan talked about!!!

    • @foufouarad
      @foufouarad 4 года назад +3


      @CHETANSINGH22 4 года назад +14

      Thankful to you dear friend always thankful to you from bottom of my heart
      May god bless you my friend
      U so kind

    • @jdayas6955
      @jdayas6955 4 года назад +4

      Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

  • @melocoton1659
    @melocoton1659 4 года назад +976

    Capitulo 140 en Español
    Emir dice pero yo no hice ésto ¿Cómo sucede eso? Reyhan lo vio (recuerda todo lo que dijo Suheyla y las preguntas de Reyhan sobre el disparo) cómo no me dijo ésto, quién la chantajeo entonces nos divorciamos por ésto, quién puede ser tan despiadado para inventar todo esto, o le dijeron que si no nos separábamos, usarían esta imagen, ¿Quién es? ¿Quién puede inventar tanta infamia? Reyhan escucha una conversación, Talaz dice princesa quién crees que vendría a salvarte o mejor dicho a la reina malvada, es un sueño vano, eres el peor enemigo hasta de las mujeres, eres peor que el diablo eres capaz de hacer cualquier cosa para lograr tus propósitos, hiciste que el hombre pareciera un asesino para separarlo, Cemre contestas no puedes echarme toda la culpa a mi, eres tan culpable como yo , Talaz si, pero por dinero y tu hiciste el plan. Kemal dice a Narin le dije que no debía quedarse en esa casa, Narin responde tienes razón , Kemal dice no quiero tener razón, no tiene sentido estar en lo cierto, no me trae de vuelta a Masal, por una sola vez en tu vida te dije en tu cara que no lo hicieras pero no, nada ha estado bien desde que entraste en mi vida, nada. Narin dice tienes razón en todo lo que dices (llorando) Kemal dice incluso aunque tenga la razón no quiero tenerla, perdí a mi hija, Oya que ha escuchado todo le dice a Narin, no le de mucha importancia el esta enojado deja que el tiempo pase , Narin contesta no estoy triste por lo que me dijo estoy triste por Masal , es mi culpa. Kemal , llega a la habitación y dice a Sheriye que quiere estar solo, la sirvienta escucha hablar a Kemal por teléfono y se desespera ya que está comprando un boleto para huir del país. Emir mientras conduce el auto dice el precio de convertir mi matrimonio en un infierno será muy alto, recuerda las 27 llamadas a Cemre y la conversación con su madre , y dice por qué no hablaste y tú también estás en esto Cemre, tú también con esos hombres. Cuando va pasando ve el auto que perseguía, se detiene y dice aquí debe estar, de repente ve al hombre y lo comienza a perseguir le dice para bastardo, para, no huyas. Cemre dice a Talaz ahora iba a ser mio y tu lo arruinaste todo. Reyhan piensa, gracias a Dios tengo que contarte todo, era una trampa terrible que no ha matado a nadie. Talaz forcejea con Cemre y ella dice déjame ir ya no puedo soportarlo, Talaz amenaza con matarla. Sheriye trata de avisar de lo que pasa a Narin y Oya, pero no están y no contestan el teléfono. ellas ven salir a Kemal. se preguntan si fue a ver a Masal, llega Sheriye y dice que deben detenerlo porque pretende raptar a Masal y huir. Narin lo llama pero no responde. Talaz amarra a Cemre y trata de comunicarse con el hombre que envió por comida, no tiene señal telefónica así que sale de la casa para encontrar señal. Narin dice como puede ser tan desconsiderado para pretender darle una vida así a Masal, y dice piensa , piensa llama al capitán de barco con el que iba a viajar y pregunta si Kemal ha intentado comunicarse con él, o si puede haber usado otro nombre, el capitán contesta que no pero si sabe algo se lo comunicará. Kemal se reúne con un hombre al que le entrega un sobre con dinero y pregunta si hay alguna posibilidad de viaje esta noche, el hombre contesta que mañana. Cemre continua gritando que la liberen, aparece Reyhan toma un cuchillo en su mano, Cemre dice que haces acá y grita por ayuda cree que la va a matar, Reyhan dice te soltaré, Cemre dice pero rápido, llega Talaz y dice hay otra persona buscando problemas , Reyhan dice no te atrevas a dar un paso más. Emir continúa tras el bandido este cae, Emir logra alcanzarlo y dice finalmente te atrapé bastardo. Reyhan dice saldrás de nuestro camino. Talaz apunta con un arma y dice tu tienes un cuchillo y yo un arma así se equilibran las cosas, siéntate eres mi invitada. En casa de Kemal todas están preocupadas, Narin dice que irá donde Masal ya que ahí puede estar. Kemal llega Narin dice por supuesto se que a quién estas tratando de salvar pero cómo se te puede ocurrir hacer algo así, debes calmarte, Kemal dice no debes hacer nada. Narin dice que Sheriye lo escuchó hablar de un viaje en barco, ¿no es con Masal? Kemal dice es para ti mañana saldrás a las dos, saldrás del puerto de Kalkan, siempre quisiste alejarte de Masal, ahora Masal ya no está y puedes ir donde quieras. No me siento bien contigo, ya sabes, recuerdo que usted hizo que mi hija se fuera, y entra a la casa. Talaz dice a Reyhan eres valiente , he dedicado mi vida a chantajear a gente como tu pero eres estúpida, la maldad gana. Cemre dice a Reyhan eras tu la que pretendía salvar mi vida qué estas mirando ahora, gracias. Reyhan dice se todo lo que hiciste , Cemre contesta nada es falso Emir mato un hombre , Reyhan dice aun sigues mintiendo se todo, que clase de ser humano eres que nos hiciste todo ésto.
    Emir comienza a golpear al hombre para que hable y le dice nadie puede evitar que te tome, comenzará a hablar y me dirá todo paso a paso, ahora me dirá quien hizo ésto habla. Cemre dice yo lo hice, lo hice por amor, Reyhan dice estas enferma, enferma aun dices que lo hiciste por amor, Cemre dice sí, por un gran amor que no puedes entender, Reyhan contesta no estás enamorado o algo así Cemre estás lo suficientemente obsesionado como para tomar a un hombre que no te ama, Cemre dice si obsesionado con un gran amor, Reyhan dice cómo una persona puede jugar un juego así a una persona que ama, no vistes cuánto sufrimiento tuvo Emir y no dijiste nada por qué, por qué, Cemre responde para no perderlo, mi único propósito en la vida es él, no tengo otro propósito estoy enamorada , me gusta, dime puedes hacer lo que hice, puedes, tienes la valentía ¿Podría arriesgarse a hacer la vida infeliz para evitar perder la vida tratando de evitar su felicidad? ese es mi amor, Reyhan dice no no podría porque el amor no es así. Narin mira desconsolada la bicicleta de Masal. Emir golpeando al hombre dice me dirás donde esta tu jefe, El hombre contesta no podrás hacerme hablar, Emir continua golpeándolo. llaman al hombre Emir toma el teléfono, Talaz dice donde estas tengo a la linda esposa de Emir, Emir responde voy , tomare tu vida hijo de ... me entiendes. Reyhan dice estas locas y no habrá ningún vestido de novia en tu mente, tu lo que haces es lastimar a Emir, es una pena no hay amor en tu corazón, porque no sabes lo que es amar, el amor no es como piensas, el amor no se trata de tomar todo para poder obtener lo que amas. el amor es hacer cualquier cosa para el bien, me entiendes, arriesgarse a destruirlo si es necesario para conseguirlo, pero eso no lo sabes, es lograr a un hombre que mira a los ojos con amor, pero eso no lo sabes , Cemre dice eres una cobarde, Reyhan dice siempre te has acercado a él y nunca Emir se ha acercado a ti con amor, y nunca tuve miedo, sabes por qué Había tanto amor en los ojos de Emir cada segundo sus ojos tocaban mis ojos, gritaba que nunca te miraría así hasta el día del juicio final. Cemre dice cállate cierra tu boca, Reyhan continua El primer día que vine a la mansión, usted lucho por Emir, pero no respondí como usted que piensa que debía porque no estoy en guerra contigo, encontré en los ojos de Emir el amor, Ojalá pudiéramos sentarnos y hablar, eres tan poca cosa que no puedes hacerme daño. Cemre dice cállate, Reyhan dice si pudieras dejar tus juegos sucios a un lado y mirarnos una vez. Cemre grita que se la lleven a otro lado, Talaz entra y dice comiencen a decir sus últimas oraciones. Oya dice a Kemal, heriste el corazón de una mujer que lo ha hache todo por ti y ahora quieres llevar a Masal al extranjero, Kemal dice no sabes nada quiero estar solo. Cemre llora que no quiere morir, Talaz dice les queda menos de un minuto y tu no vas a llorar dice a Reyhan, ella comienza a rezar. Emir dice esta vez no podrás hacer nada. Talaz comienza a disparar pero no hay balas, corta los cables y abre la llave del agua para que mueran electrocutadas. Emir queda atascado en el barro y no logra sacar el auto así que comienza a correr. Reyhan recuerda las palabras de la nana, Lee el versículo que Kursi Dios te salva de problemas mientras caes en la desesperación. Siempre hay esperanza. No olvides refugiarte en Dios, paciencia seguramente le dará a mi Señor y te recompensará. Kemal mira un video de Masal cuando cumplió su primer año, tocan a la puerta y dice ¿No entiendes que digo que quiero estar solo? es Masal a la que abraza con fuerza, y pregunta quien te trajo hasta acá, es Narin. Reyhan continua rezando, llega Emir, lo ve y dice Gracias a Dios, Emir corre a desatar a Reyhan mientras Cemre dice Emir sálvame, Emir desata a Reyhan y la abraza fuertemente mientras Cemre dice Emir desátame , desátame , pero Emir no lo hace....

  • @robertdeniro6632
    @robertdeniro6632 4 года назад +313

    I wish they both get married in real life too. They look so beautiful together and so natural, lots of love from India

    • @chathu3786
      @chathu3786 4 года назад +16

      Me too wish for the same. They are a matching couple

    • @meliyanamuhammad1878
      @meliyanamuhammad1878 4 года назад +17 too.....i hope they are couple in real life..

    • @nhitzsantos2533
      @nhitzsantos2533 4 года назад +12

      Yes! me too i lkke them as real wife and husband. the way they looked at each other that they really in love in real life.

    • @dandam1920
      @dandam1920 4 года назад +34

      They are a couple in real life !

    • @pubgkingstepsis7942
      @pubgkingstepsis7942 4 года назад +8

      @@dandam1920 really

  • @jdayas6955
    @jdayas6955 4 года назад +455

    I come here only for Reyhan and Emir. I do not care about sad or happy whatever the scene I love to watch them.
    And my special thanks for the people who give English translation. Really appreciate your great job here. without your English translation what we can do here? . nothing. So, again and again, thank you all so much......

    • @atiquaziazia9446
      @atiquaziazia9446 4 года назад +6

      Same here

    • @aseelaisaa428
      @aseelaisaa428 4 года назад +4

      True really appreciate

    • @mantashashaikh4511
      @mantashashaikh4511 4 года назад +3

      But where is that english translation

    • @jdayas6955
      @jdayas6955 4 года назад +3

      @@mantashashaikh4511 In this comment thread few people do that. One of them is Khojista Kamgar. If you read the English comments you will be able to find few more.......

    • @erminiasharpsteen5772
      @erminiasharpsteen5772 4 года назад +4

      You are absolutely right J Dayas! I don't think this show would have so many of us watching without them, we so much appreciate our translators friends!

  • @zahidkareemmahi
    @zahidkareemmahi 4 года назад +107

    Much love from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇹🇷
    This show getting better now love you all cast members
    Special emir Reyhan 💓💓🇵🇰🇹🇷

    • @noorulhuda405
      @noorulhuda405 4 года назад +4

      Yeah! At a snail's pace he got to know abt Cemre! What about Cavidan? He'll get to know very soon after 100 more episodes.

    • @sallyebenye8888
      @sallyebenye8888 3 года назад +1

      @@noorulhuda405 And doing more harm to Reyhan. All her problem is Reyhan. She hate Reyhan to a fault. Because the husband like her and her late mother. The wealth in that company is her and Emir. That's her problem. She will ever want to kill her.

  • @yunisa6017
    @yunisa6017 4 года назад +77

    Crossing my fingers 🤞🤞🤞 for #ReyEm to have each others arms back to where their love truly belongs..♥️♥️♥️ Missing their sparkling eyes and their genuine smiles ..🙏♥️

    • @zoliam9087
      @zoliam9087 4 года назад +1

      Hay si eso me gustaría 👏👏👏👏

  • @melocoton1659
    @melocoton1659 4 года назад +520

    Chapter 140 in English
    Emir says but I didn't do this. How does that happen? Reyhan saw it (remember everything Suheyla said and Reyhan's questions about the shooting) how he didn't tell me this, who blackmailed her then we divorced for this, who can be so ruthless to invent all this, or they said yes we would separate, they would use this image, who is it? Who can invent so much infamy? Reyhan hears a conversation, Talaz says princess who do you think would come to save you or rather the evil queen, is a vain dream, you are the worst enemy even of women, you are worse than the devil you are able to do anything to achieve your purposes, you made the man look like a murderer to separate him, Cemre answer you can not blame me, you are as guilty as me, Talaz yes, but for money and you made the plan. Kemal tells Narin I told him that I shouldn't stay in that house, Narin replies you're right, Kemal says I don't want to be right, it doesn't make sense to be right, it doesn't bring me back to Masal, for once in your life you I said in your face that you didn't do it but no, nothing has been good since you entered my life, nothing. Narin says you're right in everything you say (crying) Kemal says even though he is right I don't want to have her, I lost my daughter, Oya who has heard everything tells Narin, don't give him much importance he is angry let time Come in, Narin replies I'm not sad because of what he told me I'm sad for Masal, it's my fault. Kemal arrives at the room and tells Sheriye that she wants to be alone, the maid listens to talk to Kemal on the phone and despairs as she is buying a ticket to flee the country. Emir while driving the car says the price of turning my marriage into hell will be very high, remember the 27 calls to Cemre and the conversation with his mother, and say why you did not talk and you are also in this Cemre, you also with those mens. When he goes by he sees the car he was chasing, stops and says he must be here, suddenly he sees the man and starts chasing him, he tells him to bastard, stop, don't run away. Cemre tells Talaz now it was going to be mine and you ruined everything. Reyhan thinks, thank God I have to tell you everything, it was a terrible trap that has not killed anyone. Talaz struggles with Cemre and she says let me go I can't stand it anymore, Talaz threatens to kill her. Sheriye tries to warn what is happening to Narin and Oya, but they are not there and do not answer the phone. They see Kemal go out. They wonder if he went to see Masal, Sheriye arrives and says they must stop him because he intends to kidnap Masal and flee. Narin calls him but does not answer. Talaz ties Cemre and tries to communicate with the man who sent for food, he has no telephone signal so he leaves the house to find a signal. Narin says how he can be so inconsiderate to pretend to give Masal such a life, and says he thinks, he thinks he calls the ship captain he was going to travel with and asks if Kemal has tried to communicate with him, or if he could have used another name, The captain answers no, but if he knows something, he will tell him. Kemal meets a man who gives him an envelope with money and asks if there is any possibility of traveling tonight, the man replies that tomorrow. Cemre continues screaming to be released, Reyhan appears takes a knife in his hand, Cemre says that you are doing here and shouts for help he thinks he will kill her, Reyhan says I will let you go, Cemre says but fast, Talaz arrives and says there is another person looking problems, Reyhan says don't dare to take another step. Emir continues after the bandit falls, Emir manages to reach him and says I finally caught you bastard. Reyhan says you'll get out of our way. Talaz points with a weapon and says you have a knife and I have a weapon that balances things, sit down, you are my guest. In Kemal's house everyone is worried, Narin says she will go to Masal since she can be there. Kemal arrives Narin says of course I know who you're trying to save but how can you do something like that, you should calm down, Kemal says you should not do anything. Narin says Sheriye heard him talk about a boat trip, isn't it with Masal? Kemal says it's for you tomorrow you will leave at two, you will leave the port of Kalkan, you always wanted to get away from Masal, now Masal is gone and you can go wherever you want. I don't feel good about you, you know, I remember that you made my daughter leave, and enter the house. Talaz says to Reyhan you are brave, I have dedicated my life to blackmail people like you but you are stupid, evil wins. Cemre tells Reyhan it was you who wanted to save my life what are you looking at now, thanks. Reyhan says I know everything you did, Cemre answers nothing is false Emir killed a man, Reyhan says you're still lying to me, what kind of human being are you that you did all this to us.
    Emir starts beating the man to talk and tells him nobody can stop me from taking you, he will start talking and he will tell me everything step by step, now he will tell me who did this talk. Cemre says I did it, I did it for love, Reyhan says you're sick, you still sick say you did it for love, Cemre says yes, for a great love you can't understand, Reyhan answers you're not in love or something like that Cemre you're enough obsessed as to take a man who doesn't love you, Cemre says if obsessed with great love, Reyhan says how a person can play such a game to a person he loves, you don't see how much suffering Emir had and you didn't say anything why, why, Cemre responds not to lose it, my only purpose in life is him, I have no other purpose I am in love, I like it, tell me you can do what I did, you can, you have the courage Could you risk doing life unhappy to avoid lose your life trying to avoid your happiness? That's my love, Reyhan says no he couldn't because love isn't like that. Narin looks dismayed at Masal's bicycle. Emir hitting the man says you will tell me where your boss is, The man answers you can not make me talk, Emir continues to hit him. They call the man Emir take the phone, Talaz says where you are I have Emir's pretty wife, Emir answers I go, I'll take your life son of ... you understand me. Reyhan says you're crazy and there will be no wedding dress in your mind, what you do is hurt Emir, it's a shame there is no love in your heart, because you don't know what it is to love, love is not as you think, the Love is not about taking everything to get what you love. love is to do anything for good, you understand me, to risk destroying it if necessary to achieve it, but you don't know that, it is to achieve a man who looks into the eyes with love, but you don't know that, Cemre says you are a coward, Reyhan says you've always approached him and Emir has never approached you with love, and I was never afraid, you know why there was so much love in Emir's eyes every second his eyes touched my eyes, he screamed that I never I would look like this until the day of the final judgment. Cemre says shut up shut your mouth, Reyhan continues The first day I came to the mansion, you fought for Emir, but I did not answer as you think I should because I am not at war with you, I found in the eyes of Emir love, I wish we could Sit down and talk, you're so little that you can't hurt me. Cemre says shut up, Reyhan says if you could leave your dirty games aside and look at us once. Cemre screams to be taken away, Talaz enters and says start saying his last prayers. Oya says to Kemal, you hurt the heart of a woman who has done everything for you and now you want to take Masal abroad, Kemal says you don't know anything I want to be alone. Cemre cries that she doesn't want to die, Talaz says they have less than a minute left and you won't cry, she says to Reyhan, she starts to pray. Emir says this time you can't do anything. Talaz starts firing but there are no bullets, cut the wires and open the water tap so that they die electrocuted. Emir gets stuck in the mud and fails to take out the car so he starts running. Reyhan remembers the words of the lullaby. Read the verse that Kursi God saves you from trouble as you fall into despair. There's always hope. Do not forget to take refuge in God, patience will surely give my Lord and reward you. Kemal watches a video of Masal when he turned his first year, knocks on the door and says Do not you understand that I say I want to be alone? Masal is the one he hugs tightly, and asks who brought you here, is Narin. Reyhan continues to pray, Emir arrives, sees him and says Thank God, Emir runs to unleash Reyhan while Cemre says Emir save me, Emir unties Reyhan and hugs her tightly while Cemre says Emir untie me, untie me, but Emir does not .. .

    • @millicentwilson-morris2248
      @millicentwilson-morris2248 4 года назад +3

      Thanks a lot from Jamaica

    • @letymichels751
      @letymichels751 4 года назад +2

      THANK YOU!!!

    • @melocoton1659
      @melocoton1659 4 года назад +3


    • @marucreyes5615
      @marucreyes5615 4 года назад +5

      Thank you again. Have a wonderful weekend. Glad episodes are starting to get better for us!!!!

    • @colibribleu6747
      @colibribleu6747 4 года назад +1


  • @saraodisho2929
    @saraodisho2929 4 года назад +73

    loved how he ignored Cemre

  • @lime9227
    @lime9227 4 года назад +183

    I think Goberk should get best hugger award

    • @aishagull4302
      @aishagull4302 4 года назад +21

      Yup nd best cheek and forehead kisses nd for giving sooooo deep emotions with his eyes.....😍😍😍😍

    • @jasminahir1188
      @jasminahir1188 4 года назад +2

      @@aishagull4302 👍

    • @winawantinasari8966
      @winawantinasari8966 3 года назад +2


    • @sallyebenye8888
      @sallyebenye8888 3 года назад +3

      @EuropeanAmericanAustralian& someAsiansArePerverts just seeing the video he just understand everything

    • @sonianobre948
      @sonianobre948 2 года назад +1

      Gostaria do ressumde cap 140

  • @reyhancleary1285
    @reyhancleary1285 4 года назад +84

    I really want a little Masal in my life . She's so cute. 💕

  • @babyjanesalasdacasin6475
    @babyjanesalasdacasin6475 3 года назад +38

    Ohhh myyy God my Heartbeat sooo Fast when Emir hug his wife Reyhan.. At long series passed by to solve their problem now see them hugging again wow i so happy for them.. 💖💖

  • @نننن-ف9ن
    @نننن-ف9ن 4 года назад +49

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 i can't stop cemre was like a shadow in front of Emir 😂😂😂 omg

  • @awonkasar3639
    @awonkasar3639 3 года назад +28

    Really I appreciate Reyhan. She's a beautiful and strong woman I love her ❤❤❤👍

  • @amanciamartin2621
    @amanciamartin2621 4 года назад +110

    Por fin un rayito de luz en medio de tanta oscuridad, deseo de todo ❤ que EMIR Y REYHAN disfruten muchos momentos de felicidad se lo merecen y todas las que seguimos esta serie también, el final del capítulo estuvo genial sobre todo ver la cara de Cenre cuando vio que EMIR solo se preocupó por abrazar a Reyhan.

    • @lucyfleitas3753
      @lucyfleitas3753 4 года назад +8

      Asi mismo... Esta impagable esa escena... Ignorando a Femre.. Solo se preocupo.. Por su Reyhan

    • @awildatorres3179
      @awildatorres3179 4 года назад +5

      Falta la otra bruja la madre de Emir.

    • @ticaferreira3689
      @ticaferreira3689 2 года назад +10

      Eu amei isso, ver a suberba da Cemre cair por terra qundo Emir abra a Reyhan todo carinhoso ❤ e cheio de amor 😍😍😍😍😍Uffa isso fois maravilhoso!!!
      Chora Cemre pelo seu grande amor 💘. Disse q o Emir era seu e ele está nos braços da Reyhan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      O amor verdadeiro sempre fala mais alto
      O Brasil ama vcs Reyhan e Emir 💞💞💞🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🌹🌹🌹🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷

    • @mariagloriareycastro1618
      @mariagloriareycastro1618 Год назад


  • @РозалияАхмедова-у7в
    @РозалияАхмедова-у7в 3 месяца назад +6

    Bu qədər təhqirlərə nədən dözürsən Narin, hanı sənin qürurun?Ruhi xəstə Kemalın acı sözlərinə nə qədər dözəcəksən? Bu dizidə möhkəm xarakterli bir neçə nəfər var, onlardan biri də sənsən. Çıx get sakit həyatını yaşa,bu ruhi xəstə nə istədiyini özü də bilmir. Sənə çox acılar yaşadacaq, ona inanma. Onun çox istədiyi Masaldır, ondan başqa heç kimi nə düşünür, nə də çox istəyir.

    • @danielhosszu8384
      @danielhosszu8384 2 месяца назад +1

      Kemal o iubeste pe Narin cand ii rezolva problemele cand se întâmpla ceva rau o arunca la cosul de gunoi fara nici o remuscare!Rusine regizorului care a creat un asemenea personaj!!!! Bravo pentru actorie Yagmur!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

    • @РозалияАхмедова-у7в
      @РозалияАхмедова-у7в 2 месяца назад +1

      @@danielhosszu8384 Təşəkkür edirəm.🙏🙏❤️🇦🇿

  • @juinaik5039
    @juinaik5039 4 года назад +73

    Last scene 😂emir ignores cemere like she is invisible 😂😂

    • @delphinefaha7452
      @delphinefaha7452 4 года назад +2


    • @gayanisilva1125
      @gayanisilva1125 4 года назад +2

      Jui Naik 😂

    • @adiop051
      @adiop051 4 года назад +1

      Jui Naik hilarious 😂 😹😹😹😹😂😂😂

    • @haneymoon5272
      @haneymoon5272 4 года назад +7

      awa diop
      When he sees Reyhan he doesn’t see other people so I understand the well deserved ignoring that evil Cemre 👍🎉🎉💪❤️👏

    • @murieljah5480
      @murieljah5480 4 года назад +5

      yes, in spite of everything cemere still has hatred in her

  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 4 года назад +113

    It felt incredible to have Reyhan in his arms. It didn’t matter that she’d divorce. It didn’t matter that she’d hesitated.
    The moment she fell into his arms and clung to him? He knew they were still good. He knew she still needed him just as much as he needed her. Is that what this is about? About Cemre being a spoiled brat? Is that why the sudden divorce? The silent treatment? They’re pressuring you to end it with me because Cemre doesn’t like it? So that’s what this is, then. It’s not you deciding to break up with me, it’s Cemre deciding that even if she doesn’t want her toy, she doesn’t want anyone else to have it, either. Then you let me handle it. You let your husband take care of you. Cemre want me to choose her over you? It’s never going to happen. Not now. Not ever.

  • @viera5405
    @viera5405 4 года назад +150

    Everybody is happy Cemre is punished me too, but I admire her for her acting performance. She is an amazing actress. She managed to earn the hatred of the whole Yemin world. Her job was to make us want to punish her. She was more than successful. She was awesome in her role, great job Cemre!

  • @mrinalagarwal6
    @mrinalagarwal6 2 года назад +11

    Why would Reyhan not go to police or go tell Emir in the first place? Poor Emir needs to fight the goons and come save her each time 😂

  • @mariaespinola1584
    @mariaespinola1584 Год назад +8

    Kemal se desquite con la pobre Narin ,ell a cometió un error pero no se vale se cobre tan feo el kemal 😪😪😪😪😭 la Narin fue terca .pero, El se porto bruto.

  • @gulnarquliyeva6321
    @gulnarquliyeva6321 Год назад +8

    Ah Kemal Bizim gözəl Narinimizi üzmə😢💞💙❤🇦🇿🇹🇷oda çox üzülüb axı nə bilərdiki pis insanların tələsinə düşəcəyinizi

  • @angeliqueacres764
    @angeliqueacres764 3 года назад +20

    yes finally Reyhan speaks up and gives Cerme a piece of her mind she is a brave soul

  • @elysiatrevenge7276
    @elysiatrevenge7276 4 года назад +114

    That very moment when his eyes smiled at her ..... we haven't really had that for a long, long, long, long time

  • @tahirbaig3113
    @tahirbaig3113 4 года назад +28

    I've lost count of how many times reyhan has been kidnapped

  • @tarheel715
    @tarheel715 4 года назад +54

    I'm not quite sure the final scene was enough of a reward for the past 20 episodes of torture the audience has had to suffer before of Cemre's obsession with Emir, but it was definitely a close second, as well was the previous conversation where Reyhan explained to that crap pot the difference between real love and whatever the hell Cemre has done for months. It's the same advice her mother tried to give to her before she died but Cemre is too emotionally disturbed to understand or believe. Too bad seeing Emr completely ignore her and embrace Reyhan still isn't enough of a wake up call for her crazy ass.

    • @deborahgharakhani710
      @deborahgharakhani710 Год назад

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, not crazy ass 😂😂😂

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 Год назад +1

      Really Cemre is one crazy ass witch I've ever seen

    • @sandrarendongarces4997
      @sandrarendongarces4997 Год назад

      ​@@deborahgharakhani710😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👋👋👋🙅🙏 Saludos, abrazos y bendiciones desde Medellin, Colombia 🇨🇴 09-09-2023.

  • @janinedumalig5511
    @janinedumalig5511 4 года назад +22

    too bad Cemre...emir only untie you witness how they love each other....he doesn't love you....he only see you as a friend nothing more so stop your evil plan that doesn't succeed...They love each other very much...poor Cemre....

  • @ghibtaghazali6642
    @ghibtaghazali6642 4 года назад +99

    I’m die hard fan of Gokberk Demirci 🔥

  • @ghibtaghazali6642
    @ghibtaghazali6642 4 года назад +68

    Reyhan finally Won the Battle ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @ale22751
      @ale22751 4 года назад +7

      But the war is still on!!! And if she doesn't learn from her past mistakes, Cavidan will keep winning every time. If, on the contrary, she will learn what she has to learn, that is, be stronger and not believe anyone else but her husband, she might contra attack and Cavidan not winning all the time.

    • @klm7457
      @klm7457 4 года назад +6

      ... but the war is not over. I hope now Emir and Reyhan team up to uncover everything to the last bit. The fight is on:
      goodness/love vs. evil

    • @haneymoon5272
      @haneymoon5272 4 года назад +5

      Khadija Mohamud
      For first around 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 go Reyhannnnnnnnnnnn

    • @zoliam9087
      @zoliam9087 4 года назад +1

      Hay nooooo😡😡😡😡

    • @irfan4715
      @irfan4715 2 года назад +2


  • @elcintagyev7049
    @elcintagyev7049 4 года назад +49

    Mende cox sevindim bu serialda Rehanla Emir nehayet ki qovusdular

  • @onelove8512
    @onelove8512 4 года назад +54

    01:01:34 That moment between Reyhan&Emir❤ it was like cemre wasn't in the room😍

  • @nitalopes515
    @nitalopes515 4 года назад +31

    Emir driving for ever in his fancy car 🚙 Reyhan has super speed shoes as they got her to snake 🐍 pit faster by walking 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @maryhelsbodollo7619
    @maryhelsbodollo7619 4 года назад +51

    This is what ive been waiting for...i love this epiaode. Hugging reyhan so tight.. So sweet

  • @tarheel715
    @tarheel715 4 года назад +34

    Yeah I know that technically the custody fight isn't over and it was ultimately Yonja and Talaz who told the authorities about the separate house, but Kemal is right, Narin is the one who gave them leverage over him. Her whole purpose for being there is to help with the custody battle, but instead of remembering that and or thinking about Masal, she made a ridiculous problem out of nothing. Like Kemal said, he made a mistake. He found himself getting more attached to the idea of them being married and Narin being around and he got scared and reacted impulsively. But eventually, before there was any real damage, he realized his mistake and cancelled the apartment. He never even mentioned it to Narin which should have been her first clue that he thought better of it. But instead she wouldn't let it go. She had to make a point that she was independent and could just leave at any time and even after he apologized and apologized, admitted he made a mistake and begged her to come home, she stubbornly stayed at a place neither of them had any good explanation for her being at if they were truly married for love. She knew they were being watched, that between the lawsuit and Talaz, someone was clocking everything they did, so why did she think she could just move out of the house and no one would notice, especially right before the preliminary hearing, especially when they were subject to surprise visits from Social Services? She was so hung up on calling Kemal a moron and not admitting her own developing feelings for him, she lost sight of the whole point of this entire exercise.

    • @tifaug4587
      @tifaug4587 Год назад +1

      Very right sometimes I get annoyed because of her actions

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 Год назад +2

      Our prides sell us out sometimes. We only see when the damage has been created already

  • @shaistaajmal7456
    @shaistaajmal7456 4 года назад +54

    Rayhan reached so safely and quickly Emir is driving and running around the world 😁😁

    • @veragelever346
      @veragelever346 4 года назад +3

      Haha very funny 😁

    • @Zohmingliani
      @Zohmingliani 3 года назад +4

      Your absolutly right 😂😂😂

    • @lavernphillips8779
      @lavernphillips8779 3 года назад +1

      😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 too funny

    • @geminielabado2837
      @geminielabado2837 3 года назад +1


    • @nadinemateta346
      @nadinemateta346 3 года назад +3

      @ Shaista Ajmal True talking my dear that’s how smart and wise woman think before reacted in any situation 🌹

  • @nikhithaboby6623
    @nikhithaboby6623 3 года назад +7

    Reyhan could start a private detective agency as she is excellent in digging out hidden truths.especially when it comes to kidnap cases...she is far too brilliant than CBI agency ...😅😂

    • @KeertanaNool
      @KeertanaNool 3 месяца назад

      How you all are converting this in english

  • @laxmanyadavvv5659
    @laxmanyadavvv5659 4 года назад +16

    If u ever feel useless look at talaz 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm laughing at him since season 1 ... Kidnaper has no bullet on his gun what cud be more funnier 🤣🤣🤣

    • @socoisis10
      @socoisis10 2 года назад

      UFFFF Pistolet à eau !!! Mort de rire.

  • @aishagull4302
    @aishagull4302 4 года назад +36

    Every one is talking about the last minutes but i m impressed starting 5:00 minutes my Goku stole the show....😚😚😚
    What an intense actor he is.. seriously whenever i watch his intense anger scene it just hold my breath nd literally i take breath when he take breath believe me.... wo jaisy urdu ma bolty hn is ki sannssooo k sath meri sansyn chalti hn i mean same timing 🙈🙈🙈🙈😂😂😂😂😂... i really feel his acting especially when he is angry young man mood 😉😉😉

  • @chourineelneus8565
    @chourineelneus8565 4 года назад +49

    The glow in Emir eyes was all I been wanted.

  • @jineidarosariorosario2743
    @jineidarosariorosario2743 3 года назад +26


  • @rhin_bhee1261
    @rhin_bhee1261 4 года назад +57

    Oh cmon cemre loving emir is like you are waiting a boat at the airport. Tsk tsk tsk! 😞😜

  • @sowmyargopalan
    @sowmyargopalan 4 года назад +62

    For a guy who couldn't put two and two together till now, emir did whole calculus in one episode and figured everything out. Bravo

    • @helloworldwassup
      @helloworldwassup 4 года назад +5


    • @zrmmrz5652
      @zrmmrz5652 4 года назад +7

      He would have figured out earlier if his mute and dumb wife had given him any clue ,,,but the problem was his mute wife didnt even know the sign language,she couldnt even write ,,,his wife knows just one thing ,,STARING,,,,,staring into nothingness

    • @haneymoon5272
      @haneymoon5272 4 года назад +7

      zrm mrz
      So what do you think if you wanted my answers when Yemin wanted to be resolved they keep their promise so set back and enjoy the ride . I say to that maid at Yemin style .🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @eli.quluzadeeli.quluzase8902
      @eli.quluzadeeli.quluzase8902 4 года назад +1

      Ele alındı rehan tez gatdı söz tapırsan demeye

    • @sikhabhowal1
      @sikhabhowal1 4 года назад


  • @shahruhkkhan7557
    @shahruhkkhan7557 4 года назад +34

    Sana sesleniyoruz sayın senarist yönetmen ler bu defa çabuk ayirmayin aşklarını bol bol görmek istiyoruz lütfen 🤗

  • @duazehra8592
    @duazehra8592 4 года назад +75

    Emir loves rehyan

    • @olgameier7662
      @olgameier7662 3 года назад

      Tacno je Da Emir je volio Reyhan
      Koliko h e suze Reyhan prolila i loliko patnjr.vredjanje od Cavidan.Morala se razvesti znog laznig videa.Cemrw je bila zlocesta iso kao Cavidan.Kad je slu ajno Reyhan videla da je video lazno potrazila pomoc od Emira da pronnadju Cemre.Shvatio je od Reyhaninog telefona da je bila Reyhan ucenjivana i zato se razvela.Oslobodio Reyhan od Talasovog vezanja i shvstio je da je Cemre ta koja im je napravila zamku da se oboje muce.Tad joj je Emir rekso da nece da cuje ni glas ni da je vidi.cemre je orizbala da ga ludo voli i da je Reyhan ta koja je uzela Emira od nje.No u trecoj sezoni Emir je zaboravio te reci.zaboravio sbe sto de zakleo da ce Reyhan voljetoli do poslednnog daha.ali zivot ide dalje

  • @yagmurcumsudlu8863
    @yagmurcumsudlu8863 4 года назад +30

    Her zaman iyilik kazanır ..cemre etdiyin pislikler dönüb dolaşıb kendi başına geldi 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • @sehriyarcebrayilov9639
    @sehriyarcebrayilov9639 4 года назад +38

    Cemre əsil işgəncəni emirle reyhanı bir birinə sarılarkən çəkdi))

  • @marthadelrosarioduartevall6574
    @marthadelrosarioduartevall6574 2 года назад +40

    Para la comunidad latina seria de mucha satifacion que la tradujeran en español ya que somos fan de las series turcas

  • @amaliaflores8794
    @amaliaflores8794 2 года назад +8

    Emir para que se lastimó las manos golpeando al hombre para q le diga dónde está su cómplice si con la llamada de Talaz sale corriendo para allá sin q le dijera dónde es el lugar jajajaja

  • @bextsizinsan5551
    @bextsizinsan5551 4 года назад +24

    Ox,canına deysin Cemre.
    Emir seni heç umursamadı.

  • @ashinafasilvlogs1201
    @ashinafasilvlogs1201 3 года назад +20

    Gokberk acting is out standing 🔥🔥🔥

    • @dimakatsodintwe2846
      @dimakatsodintwe2846 Год назад

      I think that helped coz at the end he got time to go through Reyhan's phone and saw the video now he knows the truth

  • @hhhhmr2024
    @hhhhmr2024 4 года назад +19

    Kyrgyzstandan 🇰🇬🇰🇬🇰🇬🇰🇬🇰🇬selamlarrrrr🤗🤗🤗🤗 like for Reyhan♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @Jiminqxwe
    @Jiminqxwe 4 года назад +150

    Reyhan kimi səbirli olmaq lazımdı dönüb dolaşıb haqq öz yerini tapır da

  • @SurayAgabyova
    @SurayAgabyova 4 года назад +47

    Ne yaxşı ki Cemre tutuklandı ele sevindim keşke Cavidanda tutulsaydı bir gündə Cavidan tutular

    • @yagmurcumsudlu8863
      @yagmurcumsudlu8863 4 года назад +4

      Az kaldı ..senaristler uykudan oyandı dizi canlandı

    • @henryd3519
      @henryd3519 4 года назад +4

      Sabr et oninda vaxti gələr🤔hacansa

    • @SurayAgabyova
      @SurayAgabyova 4 года назад +5

      Səbr edirəm Diana Live

    • @SurayAgabyova
      @SurayAgabyova 4 года назад +3

      Doğru deyirsən Yağmur Çümşüdlü

    • @SurayAgabyova
      @SurayAgabyova 4 года назад +2

      İnşallah Cavidanda tutular Ruslan Ismayilov

  • @user-rp1yz1nb6g
    @user-rp1yz1nb6g 4 года назад +89

    Reyhan ve Emir aşkı daimi olsun

  • @ghibtaghazali6642
    @ghibtaghazali6642 4 года назад +74

    I’m so happy to see cemre in this state & now i want cavidan too

    • @sumairakamran9917
      @sumairakamran9917 4 года назад +2

      For javaidan ,you wait until season 3 ends good luck

    • @shaziashakeel3442
      @shaziashakeel3442 4 года назад +1


    • @نننن-ف9ن
      @نننن-ف9ن 4 года назад +2

      😂😂😂😂atleast 1 is better than zero

    • @klm7457
      @klm7457 4 года назад +4

      After all that has happened to her, Cemre is not done yet with her evilness. Did you see the hate in her face when Emir runs to Reyhan and holds her tight in a hug? The witch is already planning evil

    • @haneymoon5272
      @haneymoon5272 4 года назад +4

      Khadija Mohamud
      What ever she might do now she is exposed so Emir knows some parts of the truth and he is back with his beautiful princess 👸

  • @adilasblog505
    @adilasblog505 4 года назад +32

    Kaç bölüm gerizekalı kimi düşünen Emir, bir saniyede nasıl da herşeyi anladı...

    • @leylaaliyeva9047
      @leylaaliyeva9047 4 года назад +1

      Adila Sblog 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣indi ise Kemal gerizekali oldu,ne kadarda abartdi

    • @cicekleriyi9768
      @cicekleriyi9768 4 года назад +1

      Haahaa evet kafa calisti

  • @kizildeniz1706
    @kizildeniz1706 4 года назад +23

    Lütfen Azerbaycan da bir bölümde olsa çekin. Nahçıvan veya Bakü de. Bu kadar çok Azerbaycanlı bu diziyi izliyor ve bence hakediyorlar...

    • @inni9631
      @inni9631 4 года назад +4


    • @naileliyev8556
      @naileliyev8556 4 года назад +5

      @@nicatnuriyev235 duzdu izleyirler azerbaycandada yaxsi film olsaydi baxmazdiq

  • @maurene881
    @maurene881 3 года назад +29

    How many of us finally made it to the green pasture.
    That was quite a long journey.
    I almost gave up

    • @fifilogose4136
      @fifilogose4136 3 года назад +1

      Surely if u r not patient enough 😂u can give up.I almost did so but again my inner person told me to continue watching. Now atleast am out of danger with preasure

    • @lavernphillips8779
      @lavernphillips8779 3 года назад


    • @emmaespanola5733
      @emmaespanola5733 3 года назад


    • @gloriamutoni5137
      @gloriamutoni5137 3 года назад +1

      I came here for the comments to see if there is really green pasture, I am well and good, until other schemes of the evil women restart..

  • @aasishapathak7628
    @aasishapathak7628 4 года назад +20

    A lot of thanks for tha translator who always did a great jab for non Turkish viewer.

    • @KeertanaNool
      @KeertanaNool 3 месяца назад

      How to see English translation

  • @كمرهنسوسو-ك8ط
    @كمرهنسوسو-ك8ط 4 года назад +77

    يكفينا فخر بأننا لدين محمد(صلى الله عليه وسلم )ننتمي ...تحيه لكل عربي مر من هنا ☻💙

    • @rabiasaghi518
      @rabiasaghi518 4 года назад +2

      اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه اجمعين

    • @rabiasaghi518
      @rabiasaghi518 4 года назад +1

      اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه اجمعين

    • @rachidalgdar9934
      @rachidalgdar9934 4 года назад

      اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين

  • @hellalemma4074
    @hellalemma4074 4 года назад +70

    I watched the end 140 Times the hug they make my day 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @piniseru7651
    @piniseru7651 4 года назад +11

    Didn’t know you are a tough talker Rehan ! You should have saved your marriage had you retaliated and spoken out while your mother in law and Cemre were tormenting you, resulting in your divorce...soo sad

  • @maryjanecailing8650
    @maryjanecailing8650 4 года назад +41

    My winning episode 140 thank you so much writer😘😘 you give me hope to continue watching YEMIN😂😂 i hope that the truth rason of divorce is totally reveal and the REYMIR ❤ will merriage agian😘😍

  • @sughrankhan2173
    @sughrankhan2173 4 года назад +18

    Cemre is paying for her deeds hope the same goes for Cavidan!!

  • @samrukiye3961
    @samrukiye3961 4 года назад +9

    Sonunda bu bölümüde gördük hele yeni frangman nazmiye hayırdır şaşırttın beni böyle devam artık EMİR'DEN şöyle romantik bir evlilik teklifi bekliyorum

  • @sammudusy1073
    @sammudusy1073 4 года назад +23

    Reyhan Emir... both you are superb pair. Im here only for you....i couldnt understand what they are talking but i know their feelings emotions in their eyes...eyes are speaking....
    Lots of love from srilanka....

  • @sheharamalshi7574
    @sheharamalshi7574 3 года назад +15

    Emres twinkling eyes and deep ocean like eyes of rehan❤

  • @كاترين-ث3ت
    @كاترين-ث3ت 4 года назад +40

    امير عندى الك فكرة كثير حلوه شو رايك تترك ريحان وجيمرى ينتفو بعض وتجى اتجوزك انا ونعيش بسبات ونبات ومافي مشاكل ولا في حد بخطفنى 💔😂😂
    نظرة جيمرى بنهاية الحلقة مو مريحتنى وراها مصيبه و ريحان عاملا حاله بطله رايحه تساعده انتى امير بساعدك بدك تساعدى جيمرى الكاتبة فاصلة ع اخر💔😬

    • @romaysaa4659
      @romaysaa4659 4 года назад +6

      ههههههه ابعثي ليا دعوة لما يوافق امير انو يتجوزك مشان احضر عرسك

    • @zaidalirak6194
      @zaidalirak6194 4 года назад +3

      الحب ما يدغير

    • @كاترين-ث3ت
      @كاترين-ث3ت 4 года назад

      تمام خلى يقبل بالاول💔😂😂

    • @halaal-awadi1747
      @halaal-awadi1747 4 года назад

      والله كسبتى فينا ثواب تريحينا من خناقهم على الواد 😂😂😂😂😂👍👍👍👍🌹🌹

  • @martacastaneda4548
    @martacastaneda4548 4 года назад +23

    La cara de odio de Cemre al final del capítulo presagia grandes problemas para la pareja, No perdona el amor de Emir por Reyhan y continuaremos con las maldades, habrá que ver si no presenta ese video a la policía para complicar a Emir. No los dejará tranquilos ya que negará su participación y la de la madre de Emir en la manipulación del video. Ni Emir ni Reyhan hasta que aparezca Talaz podrán estar seguros que ellas fueron las promotoras de todo el problema. Quizas ahora veamos la escena del matrimonio de ellos en ese auto.

    • @sarimanresaruiz7937
      @sarimanresaruiz7937 4 года назад +2

      Esta claro que aún queda algo y gordo como se escape de la cárcel o la suelten se arma la marimorena. Y es que verdaderamente no se porque se la llevan presa si la policía la encuentra atada y sin armas .esta policía turca es para echar a correr.

  • @qonceqonce1704
    @qonceqonce1704 4 года назад +21

    Talasın Cemrənin başına vurmağı mənə ləzzət etdi.Onsuz o düzələn deyil.

  • @imylala9950
    @imylala9950 4 года назад +11

    شحال عجبتني كي نطقت الشهادة 😍و لا كي تفكرت تقرا اية الكرسي كي تعود فخطر ❣

  • @richonnefan237
    @richonnefan237 4 года назад +44

    It's actually funny that Reyhan hide the truth about the video from Emir for so long and in the end the information about the video (somehow) came from her. 😀😀😀😀

  • @sheymaaeylm
    @sheymaaeylm 4 года назад +50

    The moral of this episode is truth always triumphs and everyone reap what he sows. In your face Cemre !😂😂

  • @aygunpasayev5440
    @aygunpasayev5440 4 года назад +102

    Allaha şükürlər olsun Emir gerçekləri öyrəndi, Reyhanla qovuşdular,off bə,dərin 1 nəfəs aldım🙏🙏

    • @azizahuseynova7813
      @azizahuseynova7813 4 года назад +6

      Oyrendi ammaaa her defe bir problem cixir olar qovusanda kim oyun oynayacak goresen

    • @cicekleriyi9768
      @cicekleriyi9768 4 года назад +2

      Evet bravo akil calisti

    • @kalbim1441
      @kalbim1441 4 года назад

      Barisdilarda ama 3 bölûmden sonra yene hûsrani bize yaşatirlar her zaman oldugu gibi

    • @aidavelieva3545
      @aidavelieva3545 4 года назад +2

      Cavidan o konakda varkən yenə birşeylər düşünür.

    • @isasirinov2275
      @isasirinov2275 4 года назад

      Düz deyirsan qaqaş bir şeyler olmalıdır mutleq hebise bele olur ona gore

  • @doreenphillip474
    @doreenphillip474 4 года назад +17

    Woopie!!! For Reyhan and Emir yes, yes. Wicked creme needs to be in phycriatic care, in a way her mom won't be there to witness her craziness

  • @sophiak.2914
    @sophiak.2914 2 года назад +5


  • @doragomes6403
    @doragomes6403 4 года назад +35

    O amor é lindo ele só olho pra amada dele ❤😍😄só pensou em abraçar ela é tira ela dessa situação ruim 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @armeenrizwan1675
    @armeenrizwan1675 4 года назад +23

    What a hugggg emir😍😍😍

  • @rizwanmuhammad6086
    @rizwanmuhammad6086 4 года назад +20

    Khojista kamgar...I hope u r ok...plzzz we can't wait❤

  • @sujathasridharan8245
    @sujathasridharan8245 5 месяцев назад

    So much love emir has for reyhan...the way he hugs reyhan as if he won't let her go....and totally ignores cemre....

  • @victoriavalerio4879
    @victoriavalerio4879 2 года назад +5

    La serie esta genial me gusto ver ah emir y ah reyhan cundo emir la abrasa tan loca mente que hermoso felicidades

  • @elysiatrevenge7276
    @elysiatrevenge7276 4 года назад +16

    Kemal & Emir is head to head in the happiness department today.

  • @C3yl0
    @C3yl0 4 года назад +30

    Love this series omg 😁. Reihan & Emir 💕

  • @sutlucay8926
    @sutlucay8926 4 года назад +8

    Nazmiye hanım sana teşekkür borcum var Ayetel Kürsi okudırdın ya

    • @abdullahkul114
      @abdullahkul114 4 года назад +2

      💚💚💚Aynen bak bu konuda ALLAH razı olsun .💚💚💚

  • @elainiroa3217
    @elainiroa3217 4 года назад +55

    Que abrazo tan reconfortante y rico ❤️y más alante de cemre👌

  • @yousraammi6322
    @yousraammi6322 4 года назад +13

    It would be great if amir waited till they got home and huged reyhan. Now that witch cemra saw them and she will be more jealous. She never dies 😂😂😂😂

  • @hesenallahyarov4809
    @hesenallahyarov4809 4 года назад +43

    Çox şükür Allahıma.Allah səbrliləri sevir,mükafatını da layiqincə verir.Emirlə Reyhan çox mutlu olsunlar,onların haqqı.

  • @melixxx451
    @melixxx451 4 года назад +6

    Gokberk Demirci-Emir najbolji Tutski glumac. Sve pohvale broj 1 mada ima.jos Turski glumaca dobri ali on je neponovljiv. Bravo momce,gledam seriju samo zbog tebe.

  • @teresallorensortuno6097
    @teresallorensortuno6097 4 года назад +12

    Ole mi niño... El sólito, en tres segundos ve el vídeo, las llamadas de Cenre, las palabras de Suheyla y ata los cabos y desenreda la madeja sin dejar ni un hilo suelto... Igualito que Reyhan, que ni dándoselo por escrito....

  • @shahruhkkhan7557
    @shahruhkkhan7557 4 года назад +30

    Şimdi bunlar kovuşdilar senaris 3 bölümden sonra yene bir şeyler bulur yene ayırır her defa yapdigi gibi kavurdurur barisdirir hemende ayirir bizide onlarida mutsuz edir 😞

    • @banualiyeva3500
      @banualiyeva3500 4 года назад

      Tamamile dogru . Üç bolum iyi olur 30 bolum kotu. Alıştık artık

    • @gulermemedova5829
      @gulermemedova5829 4 года назад


    • @naileliyev8556
      @naileliyev8556 4 года назад

      Mence artiq finala teref getseler yaxsi olar

    • @shahruhkkhan7557
      @shahruhkkhan7557 4 года назад

      Yok nerde bu senaristlerin gözü hem aç dizileri saçma sapan bir duruma dönüştürene kadar final olmuyor Elimi bırakma dizisinde aynen öyle yapdilar halbuki 1 sezonda bitseydi daha iyidi 🤦

    • @shahruhkkhan7557
      @shahruhkkhan7557 4 года назад

      @Sebnem Nesibova yok senaristin tek derdi reymirdi yalnız sadece onları mutsuz ediyor bizide ciltirdiyo🤦

  • @Maria-br5eb
    @Maria-br5eb 4 года назад +27

    En sevdiyim dizi .Gokberk Demerci rolunu cok guzel oynuyo

  • @lidyaandalos6761
    @lidyaandalos6761 4 года назад +26

    They should name it how to get way from your kidnaper with rayhan not yemin

  • @shahruhkkhan7557
    @shahruhkkhan7557 4 года назад +47

    Çok gözel bölümdü teşekkürler sizlere keyfnen izledik bu gün heb beklediyimiz bölümdü emeği kecene teşekkürler 😃

  • @ranughosal147
    @ranughosal147 3 года назад +7

    Giant elephant lifted from the heart! At last everything fell into place. Gokberk Demirci stole the show 💖#Reymir
    Also : Gokberk and the royal blue colour on him 🔥

  • @aquarius--it3ro
    @aquarius--it3ro 3 года назад +19

    Reyhans prayer is very powerful, and their love is strong , strong as like the big post on MRT stations 😍. Masal is super cute 😍

    • @1enigmatic
      @1enigmatic 3 года назад +1

      But does this prayer work in real life too ?

    • @aquarius--it3ro
      @aquarius--it3ro 3 года назад

      @@1enigmatic that's the big question that we cant answer it. But as I believed if you pray from the bottom of your heart it will be granted ☺😇

    • @1enigmatic
      @1enigmatic 3 года назад +1

      @@aquarius--it3ro Do you have any idea about the entry of a new actress in S3 ??

    • @aquarius--it3ro
      @aquarius--it3ro 3 года назад +1

      @@1enigmatic sorry No.. I haven't watch S3 seriously . When Reyhan is gone, I been lost interest to watch it😢

    • @1enigmatic
      @1enigmatic 3 года назад +2

      @@aquarius--it3ro It's ok no woes. I ain't watching S3 because Özge left the series. But in twitter you can see the official account of Yemin wherein they have mentioned the entry of a new girl. I hope Yemin will have a better ending.

  • @zsidzs8203
    @zsidzs8203 4 года назад +19

    🤣🤣🤣Sorry Cemre... He's taken. You have to wait for another trips. Yours might be lost in traffic jammed 😉

  • @meryemhacatova851
    @meryemhacatova851 4 года назад +58

    Cox sukur emirle reyhan qovusdu hec ayirmasin

  • @rosileneguimaraes4485
    @rosileneguimaraes4485 2 года назад +11

    a parte dessa serei que eu gosto e quando Emir sempre luta pra salvar Reyhan

  • @sevammmdova8848
    @sevammmdova8848 4 года назад +16

    Nahayet gozmuz aydin hepmizin emir gordu goruntunu

  • @cinthyaromero1940
    @cinthyaromero1940 4 года назад +54

    Jijijijiji 👉 en tu cara Cemre , me encanto 👍👏👏👏 que bueno que se está poniendo la novela , era hora 😁 gracias escritores por apiadarse de nosotras 🙏🙏🙏😁😁😁👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👉♥️

  • @sosen.9156
    @sosen.9156 4 года назад +25

    Ohhhh beeee cekenler nerde ?? Cok sükür yaaa kabus bitti ŞiMDiLiK 😉