@@MODEST500 Hey yes, you can even export as 4k video. And you can import After Effects animations to Lottielab too using the bodymovin plugin. So this should fit into a video creation workflow
@ as ChatGPT’s brother I can safely confirm I’m a bot. I’m sorry if my vocabulary is a little too much for this platform or just your limited language.
@@XGhozt. the DALL-E thing? Wasn't it more to show the "image generating" icon in an app? The dubbed line by the narrator also emphasized it that it is about "leading product teams" using Lottielab, not that it is integrated in it.
Hey @Lottielab , few questions here : - How are you in comparison to "RIVE" ? - In terms of rendering. - In terms of performance. - Open source availability of both renderer and runtime - Offering of multiple runtimes (i.e. rive-flutter , rive- react , etc)
Rive for web apps / games Lottie for the web Using rive for web is suicide Using lottie for games or performance intensive apps is cumbersome Choose lottie format for app’s dashboard animations, multimedia content dashboards etc.. Chose rive where you have enough overhead for a runtime and performance is crucial Lottie as a format doesn’t require runtime. It’s a file format
@@Mugruokgt I disagree with the statement that 'using Rive for web is suicide' because: - Rive's runtime is optimized to efficiently render animations using WebGL when available - It enables smoother animations with lower CPU usage - It handles complex animations and real-time interactions better - Being compiled, it executes animations more efficiently than interpreting JSON (like Lottie does) You seem to be mixing two different concepts: - The initial cost of loading the runtime (download weight) - The execution performance once loaded The reality is: - Lottie is lighter initially because it doesn't need a runtime (just interprets JSON) - Rive can have better execution performance once loaded thanks to its optimized runtime Therefore, using Rive on the web isn't "suicide" - it's a trade-off between initial weight and execution performance that should be evaluated based on your project's specific needs.
i don't think i was ever sold on a product so fast. I used to make animations in a pirated copy of macromedia flash as a child. If you're telling me I can animate again like that as a web dev, SOLD.
I think it would be useful to mention that it's specifically for app animations. Showing After Effects in the beginning was a bit misleading. I thought it was going to be as powerful.
Dropping the most annoying part of the Lottie ecosystem (Adobe) while still taking advantage of the huge support for Lottie integration, and adding Figma style collaboration--this is really huge. Adobe should be even more worried, honestly.
The keyboard keeps changing troughout the ad. Closeup was a different keyboard than the one on the desk. And earlier in the stock footage was an OSX keyboard. 0/10
1 year and lottie lab will become the industry standard
Not sure, I cant decide between this and Rive
Rive has already set this as the industry standard.
It's going to be huge
looks like it, gotta start using and learning it
Wow. 2024 and a new software didn’t mention a single thing about AI!!! That is spectacular.
we do see the chat-gtp 4o logo...
@@Mkvkuv It as nothing to do with AI integration
Don't be dumb bruv@@Mkvkuv
0:27 - GPT-4o
@@derciojds It's still a mention of it tho
Today is a great day. This is the second insanely useful and fairly priced program I've found today.
Which is the first one?
What was first?
what was the first bro😊
Feather 3D, an app that lets u draw sketches in 3D
i think combined, these two are gonna work wonders
Just tried it, and it's SOO GOOD!
making animations was so easy in LottieLab than other applications.
Looks amazing. Congratulations on going from 0 to 1.0
OMG, the industry has needed this sorely. Can't wait to try!
okay i just tried it and oh my gosh its so intuitive
i had so much fun in the editor playing around with UX elements
11/10 product
How much did they pay you for this comment?
I can already see @schoolofmotion covering this on motion mondays!
Wow, that sounds like an incredible project! I can't wait to dive in and give it a try!
Flash? Is that you?
It’s back 😂
Wooow! This sounds exciting. After effects just sucks! Excited to look into it, guys, good work
i am not into UI AND UX i just want to know if i can export these animations for video editing purpose coz that would be really good.
@@MODEST500 Hey yes, you can even export as 4k video. And you can import After Effects animations to Lottielab too using the bodymovin plugin. So this should fit into a video creation workflow
After Effects is the best thing Adobe makes. it's Adobe that sucks. But de-coupling Lottie from AE is just genius. They're gonna fly.
I can't think of a better saying than: what a time to be alive :)
Ok okayy.. you have my attention. Let's take it for a spin!
This is probably one of the more impressive pieces of software I’ve seen in a while.
@ as ChatGPT’s brother I can safely confirm I’m a bot.
I’m sorry if my vocabulary is a little too much for this platform or just your limited language.
damn this is exactly what i needed . what i have been searching for lately, just randomly shows on my feed🌀
Its just 1.0... looking forward to a few centuries later 🎉🎉🎉
Looking forward to see more of you! Cool video!
It's like Rive! Thats cool
Really cool! Excited to try it
OH MY GOD ! This is damn crazy 🔥🔥🔥
This is going to be a hit.
I love competition. Such a great time to be in motion :)
@schoolofmotion gonna love this
In motion... you mean alive?
Finally we will get some better ui and icons 😅
omg thanks a lot guys you are awesome
We need Tutorials 😃
We're working hard on this, keep an eye out on our socials! 💜
Finally! So excited! Need tutorials ASAP
Sure as this tool looks promising & not that complex to learn. Also, handy!!!
Exactly we need lottie lab 101 tutorials
Definitely !
I don’t need it and never heard before of it, but it looks fantastic.
Ok, you got my attention. This seems legit, will be checking it out!
This is insane 🔥🔥💯
Going right next to Figma and Spline for me
I'm about to try this out. Purely because it is SO refreshing to see a new app which doesn't have AI in it.
They are gonna add AI into it %100. Just like Figma did. Not like that's inheritly a bad thing tho.
It shows that it has AI in it if you watch the video.
tell me your dumb without telling me
@@undefined-env tell us you're rude and unhappy without telling us. do better
@@XGhozt. the DALL-E thing? Wasn't it more to show the "image generating" icon in an app? The dubbed line by the narrator also emphasized it that it is about "leading product teams" using Lottielab, not that it is integrated in it.
My emojis on another level. 😎
this looks absolutely fantastic.
Need tutorials on showing product features in a bento grids and stuffs like that.
This is really impressive. 🔥
Looks good, looking forward for this
Looks promising!
Been following you for a while, great job :) thank you for NOT saying Ai
ngl this is super cool, i might try it out soon
As an After Effects Motion designer, this is pretty wild
Time will tell how good it is
this is next level
Great tool Did you have student tariff? Btw thanks for supporting Safari 15.6
Wow looks so noce 🥳
Very promising. Very cool
With no AI garbage? This is incredible!
Here before it’s popularity
It's momentous
i am future designer i am huge fan from the intro itself
what is a future designer? like a terminator?
@@barchuk422 lol i meant i am learning designing
Trying this now!
I was here. Remember this name Samuel Diokpo
Hey @Lottielab , few questions here :
- How are you in comparison to "RIVE" ?
- In terms of rendering.
- In terms of performance.
- Open source availability of both renderer and runtime
- Offering of multiple runtimes (i.e. rive-flutter , rive- react , etc)
Rive for web apps / games
Lottie for the web
Using rive for web is suicide
Using lottie for games or performance intensive apps is cumbersome
Choose lottie format for app’s dashboard animations, multimedia content dashboards etc..
Chose rive where you have enough overhead for a runtime and performance is crucial
Lottie as a format doesn’t require runtime. It’s a file format
@@Mugruokgt I disagree with the statement that 'using Rive for web is suicide' because:
- Rive's runtime is optimized to efficiently render animations using WebGL when available
- It enables smoother animations with lower CPU usage
- It handles complex animations and real-time interactions better
- Being compiled, it executes animations more efficiently than interpreting JSON (like Lottie does)
You seem to be mixing two different concepts:
- The initial cost of loading the runtime (download weight)
- The execution performance once loaded
The reality is:
- Lottie is lighter initially because it doesn't need a runtime (just interprets JSON)
- Rive can have better execution performance once loaded thanks to its optimized runtime
Therefore, using Rive on the web isn't "suicide" - it's a trade-off between initial weight and execution performance that should be evaluated based on your project's specific needs.
i hope they add dark mode
This is an incredibly well made introductory trailer. You got me interested in something I don’t even have a use for 💀
It has motion graphics that is used to wow dumb people😂
WHAT??? no A.I.???
i am in!
Lets Go!🔥
Marvelous 🙌
That looks like Figma, but with a better animation system. I’m gonna try this tomorrow
i did not spent 6 months learning after effects and then this releases
This looks awesome! :))
Wow I clicked on this hoping it wasn't gonna be a useless piece of software. This actually looks amazing, I was not disappointed at all.
Could become a gamechanger
The obvious question - how does this compare to Rive?
i don't think i was ever sold on a product so fast. I used to make animations in a pirated copy of macromedia flash as a child. If you're telling me I can animate again like that as a web dev, SOLD.
lottie lab saving people !
I think it would be useful to mention that it's specifically for app animations. Showing After Effects in the beginning was a bit misleading. I thought it was going to be as powerful.
Looks intresting but i hope you guys will also have free plan like Figma to learn 😊
Looks very fun tbh
I used Lottielab for a while, but I find Rive significantly better.
Is this version superior in any way now?
Looks nice
Does Rive become obsolete with this ?
Looking too good to be true
The Figma of animation...watch out Adobe!
Welcome back, Adobe Flash!
all the best .
Canva for motion design
Who's here after Canva purchased the company?
What's the difference between Lottielab and Rive?
Looking forward
hope it gets bigger so we will get free tokens
It's fire 🔥
Adobe will be coming for you, they will offer the world, stay strong and stay independent, we need more tools not part of a monoply like this
can it generate the code that implements such animations?
Yes it does. It’s in the export panel
Dropping the most annoying part of the Lottie ecosystem (Adobe) while still taking advantage of the huge support for Lottie integration, and adding Figma style collaboration--this is really huge. Adobe should be even more worried, honestly.
The keyboard keeps changing troughout the ad. Closeup was a different keyboard than the one on the desk. And earlier in the stock footage was an OSX keyboard. 0/10
can i convert my animation to code directly form lottielab?
Looks good!!! Is there an easy recommended way to integrate Lottielab animations in a react app?
Hey yes there is, you can check the docs here: docs.lottielab.com/export-and-hand-off/code-export-platforms/web/react-js
@ Thanks! Appreciate it. I'll look into it!
Can you add an option for permanent licence ?
This is so cool
kinda odd they didn't leave a link to the site in the description
There was a link to our launch page in it, but updated to the site now!
@lottielab thanks
can we rig full body?
Just curious how this compares to Lottie creator?
I thought that Duolingo animations were done with Rive?
😱 Web based?? Wow. This is revolutionary 💜✨ Let me know if you'd like to collab on a tutorial
I think I just came
Strange I have to sign up to be able to view the pricing…
Hi, our pricing page is public and open-www.lottielab.com/pricing
@ ok cool thanks