I hope to see this series uploaded. Funny, adorable, feels good after watching this. Saw it a long time ago, and want to see it again. Derek Wan and Paul Chan were great in their roles. Hoi Mei was outstanding as a newcomer to TVB in a comedy role. Everyone were charming playing the characters. Like like like...
I knew Kathy Chow Hoi-mei as a very very quietly girl in person. Her smiles enhanced with twins shiny teeth. I nickname her as Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny never die, and always remember in our hearts. They are murderers. 🙏🙏🙏Hell to all these backstabbers and shall die with no soul remaining 👊🤟🤟🤟 Check her passport, did she visited Singapore recently? If yes! Than she have been harassed and hijacked. A large amount of money withdrawal from her bank accounts while she was in Singapore. An organised murder in Singapore and drama performance in China. A senior criminal lawyer need to help within this case and issue. Regards : A scholar from kingdom of Thailand. Khalifa, an island from Indonesia. Leonard Tan. Note: The incident took place at Keat Hong Shopping Centre. Tsuyoi #B1-18. And the aggressors :- Ageless Salon, SK Salon, fruit's and sundry market stall 01-24-S25, group of lorry drivers, local artists and regency subordinates.
帅气醒目仔丁🈶康来了 港剧男神温兆伦😍
👉年轻时讲话得确非常流利 反应非常精灵👍又很面带笑容 气质特别好😍
小温好可爱啊!❤❤❤ 太喜欢他了!
👉年轻时讲话得确非常流利 反应非常精灵 又面带笑容和特别的气质😍
@@wltt80i10ltt 不但外表和演技吸引,他性格也很好,阳光开朗,很招人欢喜。以前跟他合作的很多人都说他人很好,会为人着想,幽默好玩,很喜欢跟他一起工作。可惜后来被坏人和无良媒体造谣抹黑的太惨烈,导致很多无知观众对他误解太深。直到现在还有很多一无所知又自以为是的人在信谣传谣。
Deric Wan ❤️❤️❤️
I hope to see this series uploaded.
Funny, adorable, feels good after watching this. Saw it a long time ago, and want to see it again. Derek Wan and Paul Chan were great in their roles. Hoi Mei was outstanding as a newcomer to TVB in a comedy role. Everyone were charming playing the characters.
Like like like...
Hope so too, would be awesome to watch this classic Cantonese drama 🙏🙏
@@wltt80i10ltt 对,看城市故事就能看出来。那时罗已经上过了艺员训练班,而温没经过任何培训,但演技却比罗和郭好太多了。
真的 他火的太早了 我也认为他才是tvb的前一哥😢❤他是白纸型天才,没受过任何演技训练 但演技太好了。天才演员!
@@hyemoonjang6089 得确事实无可否认的tvb当红前一哥 也是很快成为tvb一线大咔当家小生👌
年轻时无论他的外表气质才华兼讲话绝对可打压当今好多小鲜肉的 也不输给所谓挂名4大天王的呢👌💯🔥
@@wltt80i10ltt 说实话,那四个挂名天王真的远远不及他。小温的一哥地位是实打实的,没有一点水份。现在的鲜肉更不配跟他比。
I knew Kathy Chow Hoi-mei as a very very quietly girl in person. Her smiles enhanced with twins shiny teeth. I nickname her as Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny never die, and always remember in our hearts. They are murderers. 🙏🙏🙏Hell to all these backstabbers and shall die with no soul remaining 👊🤟🤟🤟
Check her passport, did she visited Singapore recently? If yes! Than she have been harassed and hijacked. A large amount of money withdrawal from her bank accounts while she was in Singapore. An organised murder in Singapore and drama performance in China. A senior criminal lawyer need to help within this case and issue. Regards : A scholar from kingdom of Thailand. Khalifa, an island from Indonesia. Leonard Tan.
Note: The incident took place at Keat Hong Shopping Centre. Tsuyoi #B1-18. And the aggressors :- Ageless Salon, SK Salon, fruit's and sundry market stall 01-24-S25, group of lorry drivers, local artists and regency subordinates.