Here’s How ACL Injuries Can Be A Blessing In Disguise

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • When you experience an ACL injury, you don’t just lose the ability to play your sport - you lose all the things that come with it.
    It’s ok to be upset. ACL injuries are tough. Take your time processing the injury as long as you need to.
    But if you’re ready to shift your focus from what’s happened to how you choose to respond to what’s happened, this message is for you.
    ACL injuries CAN be a blessing in disguise.
    How so?
    Let’s just take a moment and think about how the ACL injury occurred to begin with.
    The ACL was forced to take on more load than it was capable of holding.
    Because the ACL took on more load than it was capable of holding, it tore.
    Why was the ACL forced to take on so much load?
    The answer is that certain muscles were not creating and absorbing force efficiently enough to minimize load on the ACL. When muscles do not create and absorb force efficiently, those forces are distributed elsewhere in the body- to other muscles, soft tissues, and yes, ligaments like the ACL.
    In other words, some muscle (or muscles) were not performing to 100% of their capability, which put the ACL at risk.
    Not only did these muscles put the ACL at risk, but they were also holding you back from truly achieving your full performance capacity… and you probably didn’t even realize it.
    Therefore, if your ACL recovery program focuses on correcting the root of what caused the ACL injury in the first place, the injury can truly be a blessing in disguise.
    It means you have months to focus on identifying what your weaknesses were before the injury and working to make them your strengths.
    It means that you can come back from this injury performing at an even higher level.
    It means you CAN and SHOULD come back bigger, faster, and stronger AND feeling blessed.
    For more information, please visit
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Комментарии • 14

  • @Nisced
    @Nisced 19 дней назад +14

    First ACL tear came 3 years ago, when I was 23. Blew my knee out playing volleyball. Sucked a lot but I came stronger than before. Worked my ass off during physical therapy and in the gym in the following months. A year after the injury I starting playing team sports again and my body felt great. Upper body was the strongest it has ever been. Lower body obviously wasn't that strong but slowly getting there after a year and a half I was back to 100%.
    3 years later, 2 weeks ago it happened again. Again Volleyball. Second ACL tear, same knee, also another meniscus injury and more damage to the knee. Felt far more devastating than the first time. Haven't felt this shit in my whole life. But now I'm trying to change my outlook. I need to stop doing things, my body tells me not do. Volleyball is apparently not for my knees. I need to do more stability and strength work for the tendons and my whole knee in general and not just stop doing it, because I feel and more like before the first injury. And most importantly I now really need to work my ass off for myself to have a healthy future. I need to talk to my PT, what I need to change in my sports habits. Cut weight, cut unnecessary pressure on the knees and over all just improve physically as a human.
    So for everybody who is going through an ACL tear or even two, like me: No need in being sad and frustrated after the first anger. Try to use it as a way of listening to your body and realizing, where you can improve and what you can do to remain healthy.
    Hope everybody is doing well and will fight through the shit times of injury!!!!

    • @ManjotMan00
      @ManjotMan00 10 дней назад

      Would you be able to give any pointers for why it tore a second time? I had acl reconstruction 3 weeks ago and really hope to get back to volleyball without having another tear/injury so I’m trying to learn as much as I can do avoid that

    • @Nisced
      @Nisced 10 дней назад

      @@ManjotMan00 Yes I can. I asked my doctor, surgeon and physical therapist about it.
      The answer from all three was: Just got unlucky again. Maybe a bit of genetics in there but mostly just pure unluck. Males between 19 and 35 have the highest chance of an acl tear and it just happened twice to me during that span (and I'm only halfway through lol).
      It also might have a bit to do with the fact, that I couldn't really train legs in the gym for almost half a year due to a back injury, so taking your rehab, physical therapy and strength work seriously is very important but in the end it's mostly down to being lucky or not being lucky sadly. At least that's, what all the professionals tell me.
      But you can 100% get back to Volleyball again. I played for 2 years before my second tear at a quite decent level without any issues and worries. Just don't be scared. Take care of your body and work your ass off during rehab. You got this!!!

    • @jewishras
      @jewishras 9 дней назад +1

      Well said ! Thanks for these wise words.

  • 9 дней назад +2

    The comeback is bigger than the setback!

  • @midhunraj647
    @midhunraj647 10 месяцев назад +3

    Thnks for the positive note in a tough time

  • @abdulhirsi9921
    @abdulhirsi9921 5 месяцев назад +4

    The best message,i performed my first knee acl construction 2 weeks ago . And one more knee construction to go..the best message i heard from the social media thanks alot 💪

  • @10_Roads
    @10_Roads 8 дней назад

    I wish my ACLR was one of those that was successful. Mine went wrong, and now, 3 surgeries down the line I am left with daily pain and reduced quality of life and less functionality than before the surgeries 😥

  • @skobodabaws8946
    @skobodabaws8946 10 дней назад

    Strong points

  • @waiksmusic
    @waiksmusic 10 дней назад

    do you recommend surgery?

  • @asianangler
    @asianangler 3 месяца назад +3

    can ACL sprain sometime be mistaken as fully torn ACL?

    • @bernardluvin3281
      @bernardluvin3281 3 месяца назад +3

      Best to get an MRI buddy, atleast you'll have a better idea from your Doc than to be worried.

  • @oatmeal979
    @oatmeal979 3 месяца назад

    great video