Violet Cockoo 紫金鵑, Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus,スミレテリカッコウ, SEWAH-ZAMRUD

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • 紫金鵑(學名:Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus)是一種羽色豔麗的小形杜鵑,體長約17釐米。雄鳥頭、頸、胸和上體輝紫色,腹白色,具紫藍色橫斑;雌鳥上體淡銅綠色,下體白色,具淡褐色橫斑。而相似種翠金鵑雄鳥上體和胸輝綠色,腹白色而具綠色光澤;雌鳥頭頂至後頸棕栗色,其餘上體銅綠色。區別甚明顯。
    紫金鵑雄鳥頭、頸、上胸和其餘上體,包括兩翅和尾表面均為輝紫色。最外側一對尾羽兩翻具成對排列的白色橫斑。兩翅內翻黑色,下體自頦至胸輝紫色,胸以下白色,具紫褐色橫斑。 [2]
    紫金鵑性怯,在樹枝間悄悄移動捕食昆蟲,或斯文地棲於無遮掩的高樹頂鳴叫。多單隻或成對活動。喜歡棲息於樹頂端高處,極不易觀察。鳴聲高而清脆,為二聲一度,其聲似“kie-vik,kie- vik”,常在爬高飛行時發出;也作尖而悦耳的顫音,音調下降但速度加快。主要以昆蟲、幼蟲、甲蟲為食。紫金鵑在雲南為夏留鳥,該鳥在印、巴等地的居留情況也不清楚,認為可能是留鳥,也可能是遊蕩鳥或者地區性遷徙鳥。故紫金鵑的居留情況需要更多的觀察資料才能確定.
    The violet cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus) is a species of cuckoo in the family Cuculidae.
    Violet cuckoos are insectivorous but they will also eat fruit. They have been seen shaking hairy caterpillars to remove the stomach contents for consumption. They forage by creeping up and down branches, but they can also flycatch on the wing.
    Cuckoos are brood parasites and lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. The males are active and vocal during the breeding season in order to attract mates. Once they have mated, the females become secretive as they search for appropriate nests in which to lay their eggs.
    Host species recorded for the violet cuckoo are sunbirds and spiderhunters (thirteen species of the genus Arachnothera, small birds related to sunbirds). Host species often recognise adult cuckoos as a threat and chase them off, but then do not recognise that the cuckoo eggs in the nest are aliens. Cuckoo chicks are usually larger than host chicks. The chicks of many cuckoo species have been observed to throw the host chicks out of the nest, although this behaviour has not been recorded for the violet cuckoo yet.

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