Shipwreck at the Threshold of Europe, Lesvos, Aegean Sea, 28 October 2015

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @silavantalyn
    @silavantalyn 3 года назад +2

    Can you please increase the subtitle size? They are completely unreadable on a tablet, in several of your videos. Otherwise, thanks for the amazing work you do!

  • @AutoNomades
    @AutoNomades 3 года назад +2

    Quand ils sont venus chercher les juifs, je n'ai rien fait, je n'étais pas juif.
    Quand ils sont venus chercher les militants politiques, je n'ai rien fait, je n'étais pas militant.
    Quand ils sont venus chercher les immigrés, je n'ai rien fait, après tout, je suis né du bon côté de la frontière..
    ...Quand ils sont venu me chercher, il ne restait plus personne pour me venir en aide.

  • @larsthe3rd726
    @larsthe3rd726 7 месяцев назад

    Well... That was a lot of BS in just over 20 minutes! Let me tell you, the author of this «documentary» something. Why did’nt you check with us before posting this, we could have provided you with so much facts. Who are we? Well I am the Captain of RS «Peter Henry von Koss» the very vessel you speak so poorly of. The RS stands for Rescue Vessel (in Norwegian), because it is exactly what it is, and was in the greek waters between 2015-2017.
    So on that dreadful day on october 28th. 2015 we just completed our 4th pickup of migranter from the water, we were about to return to port for rest when we were informed that another group of people had capsized. No info on exact position, nor number of people. But based on some descriptions via our Hellenic liaison officer we headed for a possible position. Not long after we set course, we observed people in the water.
    So this is were it gets interesting. When we arrive at the position, we observed way more people in distress than to us described. You see us on the termal camera passing people in the water, claiming we did’nt know what to do. Wrong. We had to scramble everything we had due to the extreme amount of people in the water. Even the liaison officer and the police commander had to leave the bridge and attend on deck to assist. Me, I went on the VHF with a Mayday Relay to notify other vessels in the area. That is why other vessels arrived sooner, rather than later. It is AFTER our emergency call that other vessels and the lifeguards on the water scooters arrived..
    So we passed some people in the water, yes. At that time we were preparing ourselves and our gear, also our MOB boat (Man Overboard Boat). Triage, a word rescuers are familliar with. It means to sort, to make a choice. So when we se a small(er) group of people in need, and a larger group, or a group of strong men VS a group of woman and children, we have to decide.. And it may not always look logic to bystanders.
    This vessel was there to control borders as you say, yes. Because that is what Frontex is, and that is why 3 of the crew was professional police Offisers from Norway, all with serious experience. Two of them with experience from Utøya and the bomb in Oslo in 2011. It was also our ticket in, to save lives. That is why the other 3 crewmembers including myself was professional lifesavers. The work-platform we brought with us was a well chosen rescue vessel, designed spesifically for sea rescue, by our organization (Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue) founded in 1891, to save lives on the rugged Norwegian coast. This vessel in fact, was the ONLY vessel designed purely for sea rescue, and the ONLY vessel to have professional sea-rescue crew onboard.
    That dredful day, october 28th, the Hellenic coastguard, fishermen, local rescuers, volunteers and private boats saved about 120 in total. We alone, on our rescuevessel brought to shore 120-125 live souls that evening!!! My fantastic crew on deck had pulled so many people out of the water, for so long they could not fully extend their fingers anymore. Our police commander was transported to a hospital in Athens after this, he was in need for some serious medical attention, but still did his part on deck that day!!
    And many of the children we took onboard were lifeless, but we brought them back to life. We have so much video and picture material to back this all up.
    You say we take credit for the rescue of 120 people, an operation that was greatly mishandled?? Do you think for a minute that rescue in theese waters would be handled the same way in Europe for example? Were we have an organized coastguard, organized SAR organizations? Organized RCC (Rescue Coordination Center)? No is the short answer. For example, the turkish coastguard sped of east when this happended. There was no shorebased VHF radiostation to answer our emergency call. No RCC to take charge of the rescue operation. Can you just try to fathom what the outcome would have been if we had not been on watch?? And no, we did not discredit the other participants, actually another group tried to discredit us, by means of articles in big international newspapers.. But we did a fantastic job that day, so credit would be appreciated, indeed.
    So, I would like you to reconsider you accusations 😢 against us, they are wrong and unfair yet stated as facts.
    Yours truly, Lars, -Captain on the RS111 «Peter Henry von Koss»