she's an empress, treat her like an empress. she's a queen, you better treat her like a queen. when you were down and out she was there for you when you need a friend she were there for you now that she need a friend you choose to walk away, why treat her this way. she's a mother, she's a sister, she's a lover, she's a comforter to you, and the family. she's an empress, treat her like an empress. she's a queen, you better treat her like a queen she's royal, loyal, she's like a field marshall and she don't partial. she's always working and earning and keeping the fire burning, fire burning. and when the road is rocky and rough and full of curves and turns and up and down. for she never look back, she's always on track. why treat her this way. she's an empress, treat her like an empress yes she's a queen you better treat her like a queen.
Really rasta one love ❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚🙏✊💪👍✌️💯
Beautiful.. I Absolutely ❤️ Love all but this is my favorite..
Mi loooooove da chant yah 💚💛❤️
Treat her like an Empress👑🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
she's an empress, treat her like an empress.
she's a queen, you better treat her like a queen.
when you were down and out
she was there for you
when you need a friend
she were there for you
now that she need a friend
you choose to walk away, why treat her this way.
she's a mother, she's a sister, she's a lover, she's a comforter to you, and the family.
she's an empress, treat her like an empress.
she's a queen, you better treat her like a queen
she's royal, loyal, she's like a field marshall and she don't partial.
she's always working and earning and keeping the fire burning, fire burning.
and when the road is rocky and rough and full of curves and turns and up and down.
for she never look back, she's always on track. why treat her this way.
she's an empress, treat her like an empress
yes she's a queen you better treat her like a queen.
Give thanks for the lyrics.
Without the Empress there can never be any balance 🔥🔥🔥
The right way! 🙏🏾
Gratitude 🙏🏾
🗣️🗣️🗣️ MI FAVORITE ‼️👑💯