How to Factory Reset your Pocket Operator (PO-20, PO-28, any model!)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @fredoe
    @fredoe Год назад +4

    WOW! I thought everything was broken. Now I see your video. I`s OK now. Thank You very much.

    • @docaustinlim
      @docaustinlim  Год назад +1

      Glad to hear it. Happy music making!

  • @franciscoramoncleriguesrov7187
    @franciscoramoncleriguesrov7187 Месяц назад

    Gracias por compartir experiencia..🤙🤙

    @CNTRRNDM 2 года назад +1

    Super useful video! Nice one!!!

    • @docaustinlim
      @docaustinlim  2 года назад +1

      Thanks! Sometimes we all need a reset.

      @CNTRRNDM 2 года назад

      @@docaustinlim definitely!!!😁

  • @dorijoe
    @dorijoe Год назад

    Yess! Thanks for sharing 👍

  • @chillcarrier
    @chillcarrier 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks, appreciated!

  • @mmafrance
    @mmafrance 6 месяцев назад

    Hello that does not work on PO-35 SPEAK, any ideas?

    • @gutsberserker5476
      @gutsberserker5476 6 месяцев назад

      i am not sure how this works if the device is off. its confusing

    • @docaustinlim
      @docaustinlim  6 месяцев назад

      From what I'm seeing, remove the battery, then hold down pattern + write, then reinsert the battery.

    • @mmafrance
      @mmafrance 6 месяцев назад

      @@docaustinlim I had Teenage Engineering Support, they told me that my PO was in freeze mode according to an issue with the "Lock" so i have to solder two points in order to unlock it, just after the LOCK tab

  • @joeclarmusic
    @joeclarmusic 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you!!!

  • @trashmask69
    @trashmask69 2 года назад

    Bruh when I did this with my k.o, it lost all of its sound. It can’t even play a song, or make a beat.

    • @docaustinlim
      @docaustinlim  2 года назад

      Does it still turn on? If not, I wonder if the connects got loose. The battery holder isn't built that well and may need to be pried a bit to make the battery fit better

    • @lewbyyyyyyyyy13
      @lewbyyyyyyyyy13 Год назад

      thats because its a the KO is a sampler! youve gotta record some new sounds into the pads.

    • @trashmask69
      @trashmask69 Год назад +1

      @@lewbyyyyyyyyy13 sadly my po died. RIP

    • @docaustinlim
      @docaustinlim  Год назад

      Sorry bout that dude. They are flimsy little guys.

    • @lewbyyyyyyyyy13
      @lewbyyyyyyyyy13 Год назад

      @@trashmask69 :(

  • @trabajo8140
    @trabajo8140 2 года назад

    Gracias por el tip

  • @supersentaiSUX-wk6cn
    @supersentaiSUX-wk6cn 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks bro

  • @MrBlowncat
    @MrBlowncat Год назад


  • @dottorkemiko9641
    @dottorkemiko9641 Год назад

    Grazie mille!!!

  • @colinmurphy2127
    @colinmurphy2127 2 года назад +1

    I found that you can do a reset without physically removing the batteries.
    While holding the buttons, use your thumbnail to gently pry one of the metal contacts away from the battery.
    Then release the contact back onto the battery and it will reset.