Josh of “Let’s Game It Out” also did a video on Cities Skylines 2, in his usual fashion. Which means doing everything he can to make all the people with the SLIGHTEST bit of OCD watching his video scream, “WHY?!??!??!” while he giggles maniacally.
I have OCD......and that's why I love Josh's videos. He's deliberately psychotic in such a fantastic way lol. But he does trigger my OCD sometimes but that's the fun of it. Seeing him build things I can never let myself build. Lol.
Maurice would definingly recommend Media Zealot, his villains/advanced civilizations too stupid to win/exist series are funny, very funny. Also Maurice is pretty sure that no one has reacted to that gold mine before.
I recall seeing someone make a working city in the shape of the yin and yang symbol. I forget if it was the first game or not. Also, a delightful skit from door monster about Sim City versus City Skylines.
You need to see RTGame’s Cities Skylines videos on the town of “West Virginia”. He did the original Poop-cano. Ironically enough, RT was ALSO invited to livestream this game 50 Meters in the air by Paradox. It's a great video too.
26:20 I am not sure if you know but Cities Skylines's AI choose the SHORTEST path and not the QUICKEST. This is the reason I can only play the game for a week or two before I just stop.
Adam something loves trains and public transportation. Cars just take up way too much space. Space that could be repurpose into buildings like homes and shiping.
If you wanna see someone build a city in City Skylines 2 expertly I recommend City Planner Plays video on it! Also if you desire me to give you the link i'll do so.
9:52 Yeah... EU4 and CK2 especially have that problem. CK3 is a LOT better on that front as the base game is an actual complete, enjoyable game and I've sank over 200 hours before any expansions relseased and had lots of fun. At no point did I feel like there was any basic stuff missing, aside from maybe the culture hybridisation mechanic introduced in Royal Court which is a really powerful mechanic that should have been in base game. Overall PDX has gotten a lot better about it, especially after the whole fiasco with the release of Leviathan DLC for EU4 which for a time was the lowest rated product in the history of Steam with single digit possitive reviews... Looks like they've learned their lesson and are doing better now.
“Forward-facing Martin isn’t real, he can’t hurt you”
Forward-facing Martin 17:28
Josh of “Let’s Game It Out” also did a video on Cities Skylines 2, in his usual fashion.
Which means doing everything he can to make all the people with the SLIGHTEST bit of OCD watching his video scream, “WHY?!??!??!” while he giggles maniacally.
I have OCD......and that's why I love Josh's videos. He's deliberately psychotic in such a fantastic way lol. But he does trigger my OCD sometimes but that's the fun of it. Seeing him build things I can never let myself build. Lol.
The poo-nami is a time honored tradition.
There is no better way to play.
Maurice would definingly recommend Media Zealot, his villains/advanced civilizations too stupid to win/exist series are funny, very funny. Also Maurice is pretty sure that no one has reacted to that gold mine before.
Holy shit, is that Maurice from the hit indie game ultrakill?
I recall seeing someone make a working city in the shape of the yin and yang symbol. I forget if it was the first game or not.
Also, a delightful skit from door monster about Sim City versus City Skylines.
You need to see RTGame’s Cities Skylines videos on the town of “West Virginia”. He did the original Poop-cano. Ironically enough, RT was ALSO invited to livestream this game 50 Meters in the air by Paradox. It's a great video too.
To quote professor Tex in the credits bloopers of his real life history vid, "I have a Cessna. I have a Cessna. I have a Cessna"
26:20 I am not sure if you know but Cities Skylines's AI choose the SHORTEST path and not the QUICKEST. This is the reason I can only play the game for a week or two before I just stop.
25:05 He is the hero we... have
I fear no man, but that thing… (plays the you know what toon). It scares me.
Adam something loves trains and public transportation.
Cars just take up way too much space. Space that could be repurpose into buildings like homes and shiping.
Well, there is a video about his travels in Germany...
I laughed so damn hard on the matrix bit lol
If you wanna see someone build a city in City Skylines 2 expertly I recommend City Planner Plays video on it! Also if you desire me to give you the link i'll do so.
I love how everyone that plays cities skylines just has the inherent desire to erect a poocano
Does unleashing a poonami count as a Nurglite ritual?
Something feel off about this Poo-cano. Now off to play City Skyline Remastered
Poopvile deserved better
9:52 Yeah... EU4 and CK2 especially have that problem. CK3 is a LOT better on that front as the base game is an actual complete, enjoyable game and I've sank over 200 hours before any expansions relseased and had lots of fun. At no point did I feel like there was any basic stuff missing, aside from maybe the culture hybridisation mechanic introduced in Royal Court which is a really powerful mechanic that should have been in base game.
Overall PDX has gotten a lot better about it, especially after the whole fiasco with the release of Leviathan DLC for EU4 which for a time was the lowest rated product in the history of Steam with single digit possitive reviews... Looks like they've learned their lesson and are doing better now.
Well that's a shitty way to destroy a City