Yes, but you have to prime it with juice, or one guy gets a watered (or whatever) down version. :-) See, there is no free lunch, not even just the liquid part. :-/ That, too, is a very important physics concepts, usually stated more eloquently in the various equations that describe the applicable phenomena.
Random facts 2:35 thats actually how scientist knows what the hobble telescope see if you didnt know hobble telescope can only see black and white and the pictures we see online is Photoshopped by scientists by using 2:35 method
6:00 This is how Megalithic structures were built using reverse polarity to make the blocks weightless. Coral Castle was the same idea 💡i believe the the TR-38 uses something similar with anti-gravity mechanism
I think there is a 'square/circle' shape that is much simpler than that, but I would have to make one to see if the more 3D depth of mine in the circle direction would work to maintain the illusion. The one you showed was much more clever and interesting, though, in either case. I can envision where the idea behind the toy @ 5:51 might have some usable application in folded expanding structures for space, things like Hoberman sphere type objects or simple unfolding antennas, if you wanted to spring load them for increased reliability/weight/simplicity/whatever. Always great choices, and most 'hide' interesting concepts within. I always used to pre -rime gasoline siphon hoses like that (thumb on one end and quick) so as not to end up with a mouthful.
Tensegrity table seems to be useful for protect spilled water. It reduce resonance force!! I believe that you can produce them for use in real life in vehicle like truck van boat.....etc.
Dragon Flies wings do not have arteries, but hollow tubes with nano cones protruding upwards along the spine of the hollow tube. The vibration and frequency the beating of the wings produce is said to be at 124hz. Some say the precise design of Dragon Flies wings are what makes it's aerial skill rival that of a hummingbird. Others say the frequencies are similar to Viktor Grebennikov's scarab armour at the microscopic level. Energy, Frequency and Vibration - Tesla.
I was having trouble sleeping, so I thought I'd just watch some random cool/interesting videos and came across this. Now it didn't help me sleep because I ended up enthralled, but god damn it was worth it!
Any school and college students is here?
Where are you from 🌏🌍?
What one NEW THING you're learning this month?
Rakesh 3rd from THIRUVALLUR
Your name plz...?😥😥😥
I am frome kerala india 9th class student
I'm from India 🇮🇳 ♥
I'm learning 😌 about structure of atom ⚛.
Motion and a lot of things...
Our teacher can't explain better than you. Keep it up👍👍
Yes your right ☺️
Waah bhai waah
Yeah it's real
Logic : 100%
My Brain translation : 0% error
0:32 siblings would want this
I was gonna write it also 🤣🤣
@@mraj4701 Me too LOL ...... do we all have siblings? LOL
It doesn't divide liquid in equal volume untill you use same size of glass.
@@merck749 who tf would use different size glass with siblings thats a death sentence
I do not have siblings 😥😥
1:18 my eyes after finally standing after laying all day
0:50 I really need that when i share drinks with my brother😂😂
@@Ainmlas hello
@SAI ASHRIT SIRIPURAPU what should i do noobde
@SAI ASHRIT SIRIPURAPU ohh im very scared! There is a hacker!
0:36 every sibling in the world needs this!
This is probably the most mind blowing video on RUclips
3 is my favorite
Mine also !
5:33 can it lift up if you put in the middle a "floating Platte(like this levitation globus) and put up an down magnets with -/-
Pole ?
1:40 I had one of those flicker lights back in the early 70's.
0:42 A useful invention, especially for the brothers who quarrel over who owns more juice than the other and want to get the same amount
Yes, but you have to prime it with juice, or one guy gets a watered (or whatever) down version. :-) See, there is no free lunch, not even just the liquid part. :-/ That, too, is a very important physics concepts, usually stated more eloquently in the various equations that describe the applicable phenomena.
@@MrJdsenior wow, thank you friend for the lesson, how i love physics
@@aymanhadji8915 It is fun.
@@MrJdsenior yeh you are right
Same in my house
you don't have to tell me to wait for it. i'm going to watch the whole video XD
I loved the colour cube❤️
Random facts 2:35 thats actually how scientist knows what the hobble telescope see if you didnt know hobble telescope can only see black and white and the pictures we see online is Photoshopped by scientists by using 2:35 method
God created the world by physics law he created and man creates it with physics.
Bhai wah! Maza aa gaya
Love from India bro
Вот чудеса 👍🏽 красиво впечатляет . 😎
This is yoooour daily dose of physics
i actually fall asleep to these videos in a nice way
I was hitting like button after everything experiment 😂😂, but ultimately it counts just one. Really, amazing video👍🏻👌🌼🥰😘
Glad you liked it!
Посмотрел некоторые видео и залип!
Однозначно подписка и лайки!
6:00 This is how Megalithic structures were built using reverse polarity to make the blocks weightless. Coral Castle was the same idea 💡i believe the the TR-38 uses something similar with anti-gravity mechanism
I want cone cool gadgets/ cosplay stuff for Halloween costume
The whole illusion thing is Dope.
What r u saying
👍Wooow amazing physics world nice video
I am always so blown away by everything you show on this channel. Well done!
0:36 When you and your sibling need to share the last of bottle. this conment if you were floating While you were watching....amazing🎉
The whole world is governed by the law of physics.
Okay, I NEED to see the Colorizer on the Illuminature book...
Awesome 😎😎 Bro
All of them were very awesome
Profes de fisica:¿cuántas mentes despertariais enseñando estas cosas?.¡Ánimo!.
0:09 *all these squares make a circle*
I was 9 when I first encountered colored Shadows
after 25 years I finally saw how it was done
0:36 Silblings be like:
Great toys !
5:33 Why not use all magnets ?
Sir where from buy you all these items...
Please read video description for details
wow love that show this video
Glad you liked it.
Physics describes the real magic of the universe.
I think there is a 'square/circle' shape that is much simpler than that, but I would have to make one to see if the more 3D depth of mine in the circle direction would work to maintain the illusion. The one you showed was much more clever and interesting, though, in either case.
I can envision where the idea behind the toy @ 5:51 might have some usable application in folded expanding structures for space, things like Hoberman sphere type objects or simple unfolding antennas, if you wanted to spring load them for increased reliability/weight/simplicity/whatever.
Always great choices, and most 'hide' interesting concepts within. I always used to pre -rime gasoline siphon hoses like that (thumb on one end and quick) so as not to end up with a mouthful.
Biggest Fan from India 🇮🇳...
I have been watching your videos for last two years .
Your all videos are very interesting and also informative.
I have also in a shorts part orignal lab video
Can I purchase the colorizer? How much will be it?
Please read video description for details.
These videos are such a joy to watch, with the chance to find a great idea for an gift.
Glad you think so!
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity.
Luv This! 🤯
These toys are neat. I liked this video.
0:50 I know it and I have tried it . It actually works. Wow ☺️😍🥰
The world will end once RUclips videos shows you that which you came for (as seen on the thumbnail) at the beginning of the video.
The second gadget will be helpful for people with siblings😂😂
Kya gajab hai yeh 👌🏻💯
0:35 I'll go to the bartender and steal everybody's drink when my glass almost empty
Tensegrity table seems to be useful for
protect spilled water. It reduce resonance force!! I believe that you can produce them for use in real life in vehicle like truck van boat.....etc.
imagine showing this to the medival people - they thought you`re a witch and you`ll end up on a stake
WoW, you used the caper funktion quite funny XD
That was very interesting to watch!
0:32 what every siblings need
My favorite game
Among us🙂
I would give 5 out of 5 for background music
Здесь можно сказать уверенно физика и математика делают чудеса.
Да! Самое прекрасное, что мы можем испытать, - это таинственное. Это источник всего истинного искусства и науки.
You deserve million subscriber
I love your all videos very much I am your biggest fan (Not air fan 🤣) 👈(just a joke)
Haha !
I'm first time watching this video. It's amazing.
Hope you enjoyed it!
@@physicsfun yes
Science is the bestest subject if you feel so bored you got the wrong teacher
true, even i am a science and space lover
These CMY Color Cube - amazing!
Glad you liked it.
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.
Me while studying physics:what is that
Me while seeing physics is fun videos : 😱😱😱😱
Riley amazing video 👍🏽 over nice . 😎
You are a legend.. Because you give us the opportunity to feel the physics... And you are wow person.... Love your channel 💝💝💝💝💝
Glad you liked it
Thank you :D
Dragon Flies wings do not have arteries, but hollow tubes with nano cones protruding upwards along the spine of the hollow tube. The vibration and frequency the beating of the wings produce is said to be at 124hz. Some say the precise design of Dragon Flies wings are what makes it's aerial skill rival that of a hummingbird. Others say the frequencies are similar to Viktor Grebennikov's scarab armour at the microscopic level. Energy, Frequency and Vibration - Tesla.
Especially nice without the accompanying noise.
That colourizer gives me some interesting ideas.
That's just beautiful! :)
You're every video very informative about subject.. Nice sir
it's not only just fun and exhilarating this knowledge with all this video, I believe we can make money in real life.
Une liste d'objets à acheter à mes enfants pour les faire rêver quand j'en aurais
The "Squared Circle" is very much like the Cal State Northridge sculpture that reads correctly from two angles
This is a fascinating video.
Number 3 is really cool
Huh i stopped getting recommended this channel and it randomly came back
This video was as lit as RGB
Where can we buy...
Please read video description for details
@@physicsfun Thanks.
I simultaneously love and hate physics
*Where can I buy **5:33**?*
Please read video description for details
@@physicsfun Thank you.
Where can i buy this
Please read video description for details.
Oh thank you alot
Some of those things are on my list now.
U r very the best seller in the world
Interesting but turn the sound off if you want to enjoy it
Thank You For Sharing.
Awesome 👏 💯 😎 👏💝
Glad you enjoyed!
Physics describes the real magic of the universe.
I was having trouble sleeping, so I thought I'd just watch some random cool/interesting videos and came across this.
Now it didn't help me sleep because I ended up enthralled, but god damn it was worth it!
Heartly waiting for your next video ❤️❤️❤️❤️
5:45 it is so easy to make it
when your siblings say that you need to make it even 0:33
This is a cool looking gadgets, wow! I like your videos, it's very good
Really good
Fantastic 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍
Nice video I enjoyed it
And subscribed too😭😭😭😭😭
how can we get them
Please read video description for details
Science can't Finish at any Stage ❤️🌍🙂🙂🙂🙂
The Colorizer is like the Blacklight 2.0
i love physics