it doesn't even feel as satisfying anymore since you just have to guess if it will pull or not so you either waste your Q when it doesn't pull or do nothing thinking it won't pull but it pulls anyway
As someone who plays Vex a lot ever since the release. I love it when they pick a dashy champion and proceeding to get chunked every 10 secs without them knowing what the fuck happened.
@DarkDragonSlayerAQW Dashing or blinking causes Vex's passive (Gloom) to go on you. Which she can proc by hitting you with an auto or ability. Proc'ing this Gloom reduces her fear's cd by 2 and also deals damage. Gloom is also placed on enemy targets that are hit by her E. If the fear is off cooldown, getting hit by any ability fears you. Getting feared by E, makes you run away from the center or the ability instead of away from Vex.
Pyke mains (including me) also hate, when whole ally team dies after using EVERYTHING on enemy and end up getting only one killed, while you are last one alive, and they ping you have R. Okay, I have R, AND WHAT I AM GOING TO DO WITH IT? NOONE IN ENEMY WAS LOW ENOUGH TO EXECUTE THEM WITH ITTTTTT
14:17 Oh no, not the poor Milio mains having to wait an entire 1-2 years for a skin! That's so unreasonably long... Totally unrelated random info, Xin Zhao's last skin came out 1015 days ago as of today.
Elise mains know what it's like to repel onto a max range, low health enemy champ, only to miss it and sit awkwardly in the air with nothing to come down to.
28:23 REAL Vlad mains know that they fixed it earlier this year so that if you cast q and the minion dies before it hits you still get the heal off now
the Lulu issue can be easily overcome: - you want to shield an ally and they're clumped up with an enemy, press E on their character icon above the minimap - you want to hit E on an enemy character, toggle on "target champions only" and hit em
6:44 ok kinda true, BUT... Gnar mains know the pain of being able to pull off the E transformation double jump into a group of 3, 4, or even all 5 and ulting them, only for your team to not follow up.
31:18 We do exist, and we share the pain of Corki players, not being able to play a champion without her being astronerfed to prevent her from appearing in proplay
Hell yeah, i just want to hit my q's in peace but rito cant stop touching zeri, every time she's strong i get depressed bcs she will for sure get giga nerfed
My problem with Bel'veth is complete opposite.. I keep forgetting to pick her ulti and have to constantly turn back after I already started chasing other people or objectives. The walk of shame is so annoying, but at least you can go over walls after it.
17:46 I'm surprised this was mentionned. I'm a Qiyana OTP and I swear every time I mention this to somebody they go like "you're just finding excuses". Imo another massive issue with Qiyana that I find is how her E always shows the indicator even when not in range so you can be one pixel off of being in range but for Qiyana, being a really really high apm champion where as soon as you E thinking they are in range, you Q or R but you weren't in range so you're entire combo is just thrown onto a ghost. Call us schizo.
11:56 always happens when the enemy retreated far enough for us to not reach them anymore. We already calculated our target but yeah I wish I know how to dodge like them
Neeko main here, I was absolutely fucking flummoxed when someone first dropped a pink ward on my head and I became blind. It’s happened maybe twice since they let us become non-champs and I had mostly forgotten it.
The worst thing while playing Zoe is hitting the bubble and winding up the JUICIEST Q, only for your teammate to auto the enemy and wake them up because they don't understand how sleep works Also, every Vex main knows the urge to recast her ult, even when she will obviously be doomed
That fiddle ult was the saddets thing ive ever seen, you have to be unseen for 1.5aec to get the fear off and most people dont know that for some reason. Read your abilities.
Not a Zeri main because I'd never pick her in ranked, but as a Zeri enjoyer, we hate fighting in minion waves if our E is down, but love that we don't need vision of bushes to auto people
As a Yuumi main, most satisfying moment is hoping onto a tank in a hopeless teamfight and completely turning it with the power of cuteness and roleplaying
The vladimir one is not anymore since riot changed his q and now you rarely see a vlad misses his q. You will almost always get the heal off even if the target dies.
Vladimir q now always goes off even if the target dies or becomes untargetable. Really helps against things like akali shroud but could sometimes hurt if you q right when ekko ults or some uses zhonyas, etc.
0:36 ppl need to stop calling these toxic ass emotes "the greatest thing ever added" u all know damn well that it would be funny for the first day or 2 but after that the community will strictly use it to belittle and be toxic to others
Agreed it's fun to meme about it but in reality this is the exact toxicity everyone is crying about. Besides, are we really still on the level of penis jokes? Like grow up guys.
As twitch main, what we really hate is the absolute lack of damage we have even with R on, especially in late game. Stealing camp isn't a thing really and it never happens, nd missing R is pretty much positioning issue
21:46 FRIEREN!! I just finished this anime's season, it's soooo good. For anyone interested it's like a fantasy, slice-of-life and sad. The name is Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
As a Karthus main, not hitting the scuttle like in the clip was kind of a skill issue, the true problem with it arises when it randomly decides to turn direction or to purposefully dribble your Q because the AI thought it would be funny
In Rakan vs Morgana matchup it's playable if you play for CDs, her E has a lot of CD and Morg max it the last. Meanwhile Milio has less CD at lvl 1 on he's Q than Rakan on he's W until max, and thanks to AH he can have a lower cd than your W maxed, and with a little reflex, once Milio has he's q any going in it's probably going to be interrupted, and expecting Milio Lucian or Milio Cait, the other duos with Milio usually are late game threats like Jinx, Kog or Smolder. So basicly you end up being useless on lane and giving free scale to late champs. I understand that Morgana isn't easy matchup for everyone, but it's SO MUCH playable than the soccer kid. Unless Milio is bad or you use your flash to dogde Q or E to bait/dogde Q, i can assure you that it's a pain.
As a seraphine main the thing i hate most is when i calculate my R to hit a really far enemy going through a teammate only for them to dodge it or walk to a side...
Us Rell mains know the pain of landing the fattest W+R into Q engage of the century on all 5 enemy players only for your team to not follow up and you just die for free and none of the enemy die
As a Yuumi main, my greatest satisfaction is my ADC realizing I'm not just AFK, and thanking me for playing well, or winning a 1v1 against a cocky level 2 ADC that forgets minions deal damage too
I just became a Jhin main a week ago and this is already accurate. So is Soraka, and I get irritated with Taric when I cast E and the other person runs away from the enemy
As Nami main - Most of the time when I use my E ability on my ADC as I see them going in to buff their next three attacks, they run back and away right after -.-
As a Vex main, a lot of players don't respect the fear passive, specially Assassins trying to assassinate you under tower just to get feared and get turreted. And Yasuo players contastly getting gloom dash for free damages. Oh I also hate Morgana and Sylas.
28:18 same could be said about syndra. She needs cannons for her passive and she has no dashes (which is why I like phase rush on her sometimes). Im not a syndra main tho, but she is my go-to burst mage as a battle mage main
Also Rell mains know the pain of going in and actually connecting only to be left for dead because they get no follow up mostly and can't walk away fast enough
Nahh the lux part was so accurate.. throwing the whole combo with the Expectation of the Q landing 😂 then you get pinged and have to /deafen to stop thr pings
As a sivir main (well, not sivir main, but she is my second most played champ of all time, so I count it.) the most satisfying thing is pressing w while hitting the tower and instantly clearing the minion wave
Things only Vi mains know: there is a glowing ball on Vi's back showing when her passive is up, and also only mains know that if you time your Q correctly, you can cancel Briar's ultimate
We all do miss AP Zeri but probably not as much as tank Zeri, we all get our hopes up everytime a new tank ad item drops and immediatly try it just to be disappointed
What Teemo mains know: - Enemies flashing away and still dying to the poisen - Enemies surviving just one poisen tick away from death - Enemies constantly missing the shrooms - Getting kills by shrooms while being on the other side of the map or dead They also hate: - Control wards - The fact, that they don't counter bruiser anymore - Cannon and super minions in ARAM
You can't mention teamates running out of seraphine W, but NOT the ult leaving it just short of 3+ members of the enemy team... That and NEVER standing in front of you to help line that up
That Ezreal bit hurt me deep in the soul.. People truly don't understand his laning phase at all, or even whole game status for him.. Couple days ago someone tried to argue that Ezreal doesn't have engage or burst. And I've never been so confused about a statement, but they did end up getting engaged by that same Ezreal about 10 times during that game until we lost. (Enemy team had 5 engage champions with crazy all in potential and I tried to warn my team in champion select about it. They didn't believe me and we lost because they didn't respect it.)
@@EmpyrIsAesir The general problem for us Ezreal mains is that our supports don't understand powerspikes and they want to fight without items.. And Ezreal has one of the weakest early game damages from all of the ADC's
As an Aatrox main of four years, it is absolutely true that playing against champions who dash constantly is just about impossible. Why can all these new champs dash around nonstop but Aatrox got the second charge of his E removed, along with his revive, and they nerfed the shit outta his W slow. While grievous is weak, it gets balanced out with how hard it is to do well on Aatrox now.
zilean main here, one thing i can't stomach, is when i go for a double Q and the other support moves a pixel and the Q lands on the minion, making it not only so i miss the stun, but also probabbly stealing 1 caster and my ADC going AFK
I miss swain right after the mini rework when he got the infinite ult, I loved being able to be a drain tank mage instead of just a useless little cc bot
BRO! Real Garen mains LIVE for channeling R and having it go off and killing an enemy just miliseconds after they flashed over a wall. Happens surprisingly often
Yo here's the time stamps!
0:00 Intro
0:33 Akali
0:39 Akshan
0:54 Alistar
0:59 Amumu
1:09 Anivia
1:15 Annie
1:26 Aphelios
1:34 Ashe
1:45 Aurelion Sol
1:50 Aurora
1:54 Azir
2:03 Bard
2:19 Bel'Veth
2:31 Blitzcrank
2:40 Brand
2:48 Braum
3:05 Briar
3:13 Caitlyn
3:15 Camille
3:21 Cassiopeia
3:33 Cho'Gath
3:50 Corki
4:01 Darius
4:17 Diana
4:26 Dr. Mundo
4:34 Draven
4:43 Ekko
4:53 Elise
5:01 Evelynn
5:23 Ezreal
5:33 Fiddlesticks
5:41 Fiora
5:58 Fizz
6:05 Galio
6:18 Gangplank
6:35 Garen
6:44 Gnar
6:56 Gragas
5:01 Evelynn
5:23 Ezreal
5:33 Fiddlesticks
5:41 Fiora
5:58 Fizz
6:05 Galio
6:18 Gangplank
7:10 Graves
7:17 Gwen
7:27 Hecarim
7:33 Heimerdinger
7:37 Hwei
7:46 Illaoi
7:55 Irelia
8:22 Ivern
8:31 Janna
8:40 Jarvan IV
8:43 Jax
8:51 Jayce
9:04 Jhin
9:27 Jinx
9:38 Kai'Sa
9:45 Kalista
10:08 Karthus
10:33 Kassadin
10:45 Katarina
11:01 Kayle
11:12 Kayn
11:23 Kennen
11:31 Kha'Zix
11:40 Kindred
11:52 Kled
12:00 Kog'Maw
12:04 K'Sante
12:09 LeBlanc
12:21 Lee Sin
12:33 Leona
12:37 Lillia
12:44 Lissandra
13:03 Lucian
13:17 Lulu
13:27 Lux
13:48 Malphite
13:52 Malzahar
14:06 Maoki
14:11 Master Yi
14:17 MIlio
14:30 Miss Fortune
14:36 Mordekaiser
14:49 Morgana
15:02 Naafiri
15:09 Nami
15:13 Nasus
15:41 Nautilus
15:54 Neeko
16:05 Nidalee
16:16 NIlah
16:22 Nocturne
16:29 Nunu
16:39 Olaf
16:48 Orianna
17:01 Ornn
17:15 Pantheon
17:18 Poppy
17:33 Pyke
17:46 Qiyana
17:56 Quinn
18:08 Rakan
18:18 Rammus
18:28 Rek'Sai
18:37 Rell
18:46 Renata
19:02 Rekenton
19:10 Rengar
19:16 Riven
19:31 Rumble
19:40 Ryze
20:06 Samira
20:13 Sejuani
20:20 Senna
20:32 Seraphine
20:43 Sett
20:52 Shaco
21:05 Shen
21:45 Shyvana
21:49 Singed
22:02 Sion
22:16 Sivir
22:22 Skarner
22:39 Smolder
22:45 Sona
22:49 Soraka
23:08 Swain
23:22 Sylas
23:30 Syndra
23:48 Tahm Kench
24:00 Taliyah
24:12 Talon
24:23 Taric
24:31 Teemo
24:57 Thresh
25:13 Tristana
25:32 Trundle
25:42 Tryndamere
26:01 Twisted Fate
26:15 Twitch
26:31 Udyr
26:37 Urgot
26:53 Varus
26:58 Vayne
27:08 Veigar
27:28 Vel'Koz
27:44 Vex
27:55 Vi
28:02 Viego
28:09 Viktor
28:23 Vladimir
28:43 Volibear
28:33 Warwick
28:58 Wukong
29:10 Xayah
29:22 Xerath
29:30 Xin Zhao
29:33 Yasuo
29:47 Yone
30:04 Yorick
30:12 Yuumi
30:31 Zac
30:55 Zed
31:18 Zeri
31:33 Ziggs
31:47 Zilean
32:21 Zoe
32:38 Zyra
32:52 Outro
thank you Outside Joke
@@alchesis ✌
Where ahri
mr aatrox where r u
It is rare to actually get called out for R us a zilean main. I know it because I have around 2m mastery points on 2 accounts
Zyra mains know the pain of having to get to the end of every single fact video to get their main mentioned.
As an aatrox main I feel for u
@benjezimo yeah I dont like spoilers
But you don't have to search for the duration of the video for your champion, you can just skip to the end.
As a katarina player I cannot do that
Zoe main here, I share your pain
Im not that zyra main but I know how it feels to struggle to hear your OTP champ mention it (Samira)
enemy support: perfectly wards to prepare objective
pyke: *laughs in umbral glaive*
aatrox: W doesnt pull
aatrox isnt in the video tho
@@Itz_Verius 0:10?
it doesn't even feel as satisfying anymore since you just have to guess if it will pull or not so you either waste your Q when it doesn't pull or do nothing thinking it won't pull but it pulls anyway
Solarbacca and Tobias Fate are truly the duality of man
definetly learned how to tactically seize air by watching tobito
As someone who plays Vex a lot ever since the release. I love it when they pick a dashy champion and proceeding to get chunked every 10 secs without them knowing what the fuck happened.
Ikr 😂 or they don’t know how her fear works and try to dash onto you only to get hit by a nicely timed W, just ✨ denied
still to this day i dont know what the fuck happened when i get chunked every 5 seconds vs vex
@DarkDragonSlayerAQW Dashing or blinking causes Vex's passive (Gloom) to go on you. Which she can proc by hitting you with an auto or ability. Proc'ing this Gloom reduces her fear's cd by 2 and also deals damage. Gloom is also placed on enemy targets that are hit by her E. If the fear is off cooldown, getting hit by any ability fears you. Getting feared by E, makes you run away from the center or the ability instead of away from Vex.
Pyke mains (including me) also hate, when whole ally team dies after using EVERYTHING on enemy and end up getting only one killed, while you are last one alive, and they ping you have R. Okay, I have R, AND WHAT I AM GOING TO DO WITH IT? NOONE IN ENEMY WAS LOW ENOUGH TO EXECUTE THEM WITH ITTTTTT
As an aatrox main with the attention span of an iPad kid i am glad that he is the first one on the list due to alphabetical order
14:17 Oh no, not the poor Milio mains having to wait an entire 1-2 years for a skin! That's so unreasonably long...
Totally unrelated random info, Xin Zhao's last skin came out 1015 days ago as of today.
The only skin they had was the release skin
@@Didagg That can happen for champions that released recently.
OMG, Ambessa only has a release skin! Riot's so cruel to Ambessa mains!
homeless man calling another homeless man broke
That Blitz one is so true lol.
100% hit rate on blind hook over the wall.
0% hit rate on straight walking target with no minions.
You always think they will dodge until they are bad all of a sudden
No the biggest pain for a jhin main is when you have 3 shots and see a control ward.
Elise mains know what it's like to repel onto a max range, low health enemy champ, only to miss it and sit awkwardly in the air with nothing to come down to.
28:23 REAL Vlad mains know that they fixed it earlier this year so that if you cast q and the minion dies before it hits you still get the heal off now
It’s so satisfying, as a thresh main, to interrupt someone’s dash or jump, like Tristana W
Its so unsatsfying to hook them, and tristana just jumping away WITH THE HOOK ATTACHED
Mentions how no-one knows what Milio / Vex does
Forgets that Yuumi's passive is automated now
(no shade lmao)
the Lulu issue can be easily overcome:
- you want to shield an ally and they're clumped up with an enemy, press E on their character icon above the minimap
- you want to hit E on an enemy character, toggle on "target champions only" and hit em
Legit this is the only difference between a good and a bad Lulu.
I became #1 Lulu on LAN on S13 just by clicking the icon above the minimap
6:44 ok kinda true, BUT...
Gnar mains know the pain of being able to pull off the E transformation double jump into a group of 3, 4, or even all 5 and ulting them, only for your team to not follow up.
Rengar main here. I get more annoyed when I cancel my ult by throwing an e right before I am about to one shot someone xD
31:18 We do exist, and we share the pain of Corki players, not being able to play a champion without her being astronerfed to prevent her from appearing in proplay
Hell yeah, i just want to hit my q's in peace but rito cant stop touching zeri, every time she's strong i get depressed bcs she will for sure get giga nerfed
29:10 as a rakan main i think its safe to say it goes both ways, dont lock xayah if you dont play her thanks c:
As a Jayce main, I wish they reverted his e changes to be able to wall hop with jungle camps :c
My problem with Bel'veth is complete opposite.. I keep forgetting to pick her ulti and have to constantly turn back after I already started chasing other people or objectives.
The walk of shame is so annoying, but at least you can go over walls after it.
The Bel’veth one is SO REAL 😭 I actively catch myself spamming r after killing a voidgrub
Aatrox mains with the pain of W not pulling the most perfect the most set up ones but then pulling the most random not prepared for ones
32:20 Good attempt to conceal their names. Everything but the shutdown message
17:46 I'm surprised this was mentionned. I'm a Qiyana OTP and I swear every time I mention this to somebody they go like "you're just finding excuses".
Imo another massive issue with Qiyana that I find is how her E always shows the indicator even when not in range so you can be one pixel off of being in range but for Qiyana, being a really really high apm champion where as soon as you E thinking they are in range, you Q or R but you weren't in range so you're entire combo is just thrown onto a ghost. Call us schizo.
Smolder mains know the feeling of their support taking a horrible engage at lvl 3 and then being flamed for doing no damage
8:11 No, no, no. The WORST thing to hear/see as Irelia, is when Baron Nashor dies to the enemy team.
11:56 always happens when the enemy retreated far enough for us to not reach them anymore. We already calculated our target but yeah I wish I know how to dodge like them
Neeko main here, I was absolutely fucking flummoxed when someone first dropped a pink ward on my head and I became blind. It’s happened maybe twice since they let us become non-champs and I had mostly forgotten it.
The worst thing while playing Zoe is hitting the bubble and winding up the JUICIEST Q, only for your teammate to auto the enemy and wake them up because they don't understand how sleep works
Also, every Vex main knows the urge to recast her ult, even when she will obviously be doomed
That fiddle ult was the saddets thing ive ever seen, you have to be unseen for 1.5aec to get the fear off and most people dont know that for some reason. Read your abilities.
11:27 irelia mains know the pain of people telling them their champ is just mashing q 😭
True Thresh mains know the pain of people taking the lantern, that you placed their to collect sould while you recall -,-
Not a Zeri main because I'd never pick her in ranked, but as a Zeri enjoyer, we hate fighting in minion waves if our E is down, but love that we don't need vision of bushes to auto people
As a Yuumi main, most satisfying moment is hoping onto a tank in a hopeless teamfight and completely turning it with the power of cuteness and roleplaying
We got the ZOOMIES!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Also miss her e heal and R root...
@marvinlauerwald same
Lux know the feeling of getting a 3rd ult kill
As a Kayle player, I have used R on many teammates that would immediately flash out
The vladimir one is not anymore since riot changed his q and now you rarely see a vlad misses his q. You will almost always get the heal off even if the target dies.
ive never felt so called out b4 Dx i literally threw my hands out to say "i know right!" when it came to my mains xD
Vladimir q now always goes off even if the target dies or becomes untargetable. Really helps against things like akali shroud but could sometimes hurt if you q right when ekko ults or some uses zhonyas, etc.
As a janna main i hate the huge e hitbox of towers, i legit use target champions only while being under turret
You ever play Kled and someone flashes over a wall after your ult has already locked onto them? Happens too many times in my low elo games
0:36 ppl need to stop calling these toxic ass emotes "the greatest thing ever added" u all know damn well that it would be funny for the first day or 2 but after that the community will strictly use it to belittle and be toxic to others
Found mr small pp 😂
Agreed it's fun to meme about it but in reality this is the exact toxicity everyone is crying about. Besides, are we really still on the level of penis jokes? Like grow up guys.
The Karma one is actually so true. I bought the skin just to use it a couple times, get really annoyed at the voice lines and then switch to dark star
As twitch main, what we really hate is the absolute lack of damage we have even with R on, especially in late game.
Stealing camp isn't a thing really and it never happens, nd missing R is pretty much positioning issue
31:20 yup, here I am! Proud Zeri main at your service
The best recommendation I got in a long time
Yorick mains know that W can stop tp, tank tower, and stop rift herald if a person is in it.
21:46 FRIEREN!! I just finished this anime's season, it's soooo good. For anyone interested it's like a fantasy, slice-of-life and sad. The name is Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
As a Karthus main, not hitting the scuttle like in the clip was kind of a skill issue, the true problem with it arises when it randomly decides to turn direction or to purposefully dribble your Q because the AI thought it would be funny
In Rakan vs Morgana matchup it's playable if you play for CDs, her E has a lot of CD and Morg max it the last. Meanwhile Milio has less CD at lvl 1 on he's Q than Rakan on he's W until max, and thanks to AH he can have a lower cd than your W maxed, and with a little reflex, once Milio has he's q any going in it's probably going to be interrupted, and expecting Milio Lucian or Milio Cait, the other duos with Milio usually are late game threats like Jinx, Kog or Smolder. So basicly you end up being useless on lane and giving free scale to late champs.
I understand that Morgana isn't easy matchup for everyone, but it's SO MUCH playable than the soccer kid. Unless Milio is bad or you use your flash to dogde Q or E to bait/dogde Q, i can assure you that it's a pain.
As a seraphine main the thing i hate most is when i calculate my R to hit a really far enemy going through a teammate only for them to dodge it or walk to a side...
2:48 funnily enough braum players were the ones with the higher afk % for a long time
never have i seen something this accurate for ekko holy thanks for saying it... his ult only works if enemies are stupid not if you're good
Us Rell mains know the pain of landing the fattest W+R into Q engage of the century on all 5 enemy players only for your team to not follow up and you just die for free and none of the enemy die
As a Yuumi main, my greatest satisfaction is my ADC realizing I'm not just AFK, and thanking me for playing well, or winning a 1v1 against a cocky level 2 ADC that forgets minions deal damage too
Us irelia mains fear the enemy getting baron minions much more than the inhib I promise you
I just became a Jhin main a week ago and this is already accurate. So is Soraka, and I get irritated with Taric when I cast E and the other person runs away from the enemy
Wow. My entire personality, laid out in two sentences. LMAO for real though, you nailed the TF and Thresh mains perfectly.
As Nami main - Most of the time when I use my E ability on my ADC as I see them going in to buff their next three attacks, they run back and away right after -.-
As a shen player all i want from my team is to apriciate that i bringed shen so i can at least help despite being in another universe
The anvia one hurts my soul thinking how many times they’ve done it to me then I’d be 40% health too.
Thresh mains know the pain of their teamates pinging the souls and explaining your passive when it's actually dangerous to take it
Kayn otp here! They made a change so that even when you ult someone and they die, you still get the healing.
An addition to the skarner one, old skarner mains didn't even get to enioy him being popular because 99% of us hate the rework
“Gnar R ready”
No I used my R passive in mini form, I just couldn’t build mega Gnar since I had the tiered debuff
As a Vex main, a lot of players don't respect the fear passive, specially Assassins trying to assassinate you under tower just to get feared and get turreted.
And Yasuo players contastly getting gloom dash for free damages. Oh I also hate Morgana and Sylas.
playing karthus and your whole team decides to go ap
28:18 same could be said about syndra. She needs cannons for her passive and she has no dashes (which is why I like phase rush on her sometimes). Im not a syndra main tho, but she is my go-to burst mage as a battle mage main
Also Rell mains know the pain of going in and actually connecting only to be left for dead because they get no follow up mostly and can't walk away fast enough
1:15.Jon, that you? 😂
Nahh the lux part was so accurate.. throwing the whole combo with the Expectation of the Q landing 😂 then you get pinged and have to /deafen to stop thr pings
As a sivir main (well, not sivir main, but she is my second most played champ of all time, so I count it.) the most satisfying thing is pressing w while hitting the tower and instantly clearing the minion wave
Getting that 50 hit combo feels so satisfying with hwei.
My worst pain with volibear is when your low health and your about to W a marked target only for them to die just before you use it
That second xayah one OMG, hit way too close to home
As a teemo player, please don't use my shrooms in late game to destroy minion waves, they can delete whole teams
As senna, yes but more often hate ultimate being dodged by both allies and enemies
Things only Vi mains know: there is a glowing ball on Vi's back showing when her passive is up, and also only mains know that if you time your Q correctly, you can cancel Briar's ultimate
We all do miss AP Zeri but probably not as much as tank Zeri, we all get our hopes up everytime a new tank ad item drops and immediatly try it just to be disappointed
What Teemo mains know:
- Enemies flashing away and still dying to the poisen
- Enemies surviving just one poisen tick away from death
- Enemies constantly missing the shrooms
- Getting kills by shrooms while being on the other side of the map or dead
They also hate:
- Control wards
- The fact, that they don't counter bruiser anymore
- Cannon and super minions in ARAM
I died when the Zoe Q wind up hit the minion, especially after hitting that juicy Bubble.
As a Caitlyn main I am appalled, however you do get a point for accuracy.
You can't mention teamates running out of seraphine W, but NOT the ult leaving it just short of 3+ members of the enemy team... That and NEVER standing in front of you to help line that up
The worst Zoe thing is someone cancelling sleep with AA worth of damage
4:30 "Why are we at Mundo already? Oh"
21:49 relatable lmao
That Ezreal bit hurt me deep in the soul.. People truly don't understand his laning phase at all, or even whole game status for him.. Couple days ago someone tried to argue that Ezreal doesn't have engage or burst. And I've never been so confused about a statement, but they did end up getting engaged by that same Ezreal about 10 times during that game until we lost.
(Enemy team had 5 engage champions with crazy all in potential and I tried to warn my team in champion select about it. They didn't believe me and we lost because they didn't respect it.)
ezreal mains is like yasuo mains. theyre either chinese or absolute dogshit, theres no in-between
@@EmpyrIsAesir The general problem for us Ezreal mains is that our supports don't understand powerspikes and they want to fight without items..
And Ezreal has one of the weakest early game damages from all of the ADC's
As a Zeri main, I do miss AP Zeri :( we also miss our passive since we can't steal shields anymore
As an Aatrox main of four years, it is absolutely true that playing against champions who dash constantly is just about impossible. Why can all these new champs dash around nonstop but Aatrox got the second charge of his E removed, along with his revive, and they nerfed the shit outta his W slow. While grievous is weak, it gets balanced out with how hard it is to do well on Aatrox now.
you did not mention MY TEEMO PAIN when the enemy step on my shrooms and not go off
It's actually condemn flash in the clip for the vayne play♥ but it is indeed very satisfying to pull it off. Awesome video tysm 🙏🙏
zilean main here, one thing i can't stomach, is when i go for a double Q and the other support moves a pixel and the Q lands on the minion, making it not only so i miss the stun, but also probabbly stealing 1 caster and my ADC going AFK
The thing about Xayah mains with first time Rakan players… the same goes the other way around
I miss swain right after the mini rework when he got the infinite ult, I loved being able to be a drain tank mage instead of just a useless little cc bot
As a Sett main thing I hate most is how easy it is to kite Sett compared to every other bruiser in the game
BRO! Real Garen mains LIVE for channeling R and having it go off and killing an enemy just miliseconds after they flashed over a wall. Happens surprisingly often
3:03 MY EYES