  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @carrollmbrenden
    @carrollmbrenden 2 года назад +86

    Gotta love the energy panda gives off. Good ass dude.

    • @bakeraus
      @bakeraus 2 года назад +1

      What's he actually do for a job? NFT? I see his streaming setup etc. More power to him

  • @ChabsGaming
    @ChabsGaming 2 года назад +4

    This guy are very humble and respectful . You making me feel inspired God Bless you bro..🙏🏻❤️

  • @davidmills7934
    @davidmills7934 2 года назад +12

    Very inspirational and uplifting to see individuals sharing the fruits of their labor. Much respect to this dude and Cool Kicks.

  • @jojostorm
    @jojostorm 2 года назад +1

    Dude in the orange hoodie is a real one he knew he got it and still ain’t flexing it or rubbing it in people faces and he giving away stuff and still asking for subs you know people once they get enough subs they stop asking and just act like they the Richie’s person in the world and don’t need anyone else I totally respect bro and he’s seem real nice and genuine and like a very cool calm and wholesome person

  • @janmenor
    @janmenor 2 года назад +1

    bros is so chill, fr a real humble king

  • @023Stolo
    @023Stolo 2 года назад +4

    so blessed to see this young brother giving back he knows where he came from 🙏🏾

  • @sammyaj7722
    @sammyaj7722 2 года назад +9

    That set setup/sneaker closest along with whatever we just saw go so crazy! Big ups cool kicks! Big ups panda ! 🙌🏽🙌🏽

  • @2xwill.s757
    @2xwill.s757 2 года назад +4

    Very inspirational I love how the video was filmed the people and there are amazing. This is a 10 out of the 10 video very very, very thought through.

  • @Rmcrockett24
    @Rmcrockett24 2 года назад +1

    “You’re giving away those too”
    Panda “why not”

  • @mikhailpetersen959
    @mikhailpetersen959 2 года назад +2

    This dude is humble. Wont say he is very successful. Keep staying the kind person bro💯👐

  • @JA-dm3le
    @JA-dm3le 2 года назад +6

    Panda is one of the chillest and one of the persons with the biggest heart. The fact that he lets people stay at his home when he knows he has millionnsss worth of stuff says a lot. He really does have a big heart. Osrs he should sleep at least 5 hours a night… maybe it won’t hit him right now, and I get it, it’s passion he has. But we want him longer… he should sleep more.
    Bless me up size 9

  • @drew8998
    @drew8998 2 года назад +20

    Appreciate all the love you guys show to the community. I wear size 9.5

  • @dadbod_1745
    @dadbod_1745 2 года назад +6

    Man you love the energy and vibes you guys give out keep these videos coming this is fr motivation🙏🙏🫡one day

  • @fromdashadows673
    @fromdashadows673 2 года назад +2

    Yall screaming yooooooooooo, and this mans house looks like an episode of horders.

  • @santiagocardozo4789
    @santiagocardozo4789 2 года назад +2

    Panda is very inspirational. Love the advice he gave. Very humble guy. Closet is crazy. Congrats on everything. Size 13

  • @mariobrinston7008
    @mariobrinston7008 2 года назад +3

    Real inspiration bro to keep going for your dreams to keep going no matter who doesn’t believe in you God bless you both❤️💯

  • @Jsing_55
    @Jsing_55 2 года назад +3

    Y’all guys keep doing what y’all doing, real inspiration. Size 13 & 14

  • @thereal_bruh_hunter
    @thereal_bruh_hunter 2 года назад +11

    This dude seems super chill I hope he has a great life kudos to you for making this awesome club and I hope we get 25,000 likes because this shit is so sick ❤❤❤

    • @linow7074
      @linow7074 2 года назад +3

      Hes a rich 31 year old dude that throws kareoke parties at his place for highschool kids…hes a weirdo…

    • @thereal_bruh_hunter
      @thereal_bruh_hunter 2 года назад

      @@linow7074 bruh who the fuc cares

  • @randysutton5395
    @randysutton5395 Год назад +1

    I need those 8.5. Good videos bro. Congrats

  • @willygets
    @willygets 2 года назад

    I love watching y’all so down to earth I loved visiting the store last month

  • @aatitled
    @aatitled 2 года назад +27

    Let’s run this up for sure definitely a crazy collection 💯🔥 I wear a size 11M 🙏🏽

  • @owenchan2182
    @owenchan2182 2 года назад +4

    Appreciate all the love you have given to the community.Keep up the good work. I wear size 9.5

  • @brandonedwards9178
    @brandonedwards9178 2 года назад +14

    Man I been following y’all for almost 4 years and y’all never cease to make my day better❤️appreciate neonsniperpanda for showing an example of how to be when you get successful fr. Size 12M idec if I don’t win this is just dope to see so appreciate y’all boys

  • @kaifraser7264
    @kaifraser7264 2 года назад +2

    No way bro has my dream sneakers sitting in his bathroom this sh1t crazyyyy💀

  • @davidbeswick900
    @davidbeswick900 2 года назад

    This brother has a purpose, love this. It's not just about show boating but sharing knowledge, wealth and inspiration. love this.

  • @westsideatl2809
    @westsideatl2809 2 года назад +4

    Best I have seen💯💪💯💪💯cool kicks💯💪💯⚖️💯

    • @cephasmakuzva
      @cephasmakuzva 2 года назад +1

      I compare this to someone like Dj Khalad and Mayor COLLECTION. MAYOR'S COLLECTION IS OUTRAGEOUS. BEST IN THE GAME

  • @mohammeddobashi7322
    @mohammeddobashi7322 2 года назад +4

    Love the energy and the real hustle keep doin y’all ❤️‍🔥 size 12

  • @scrizyy
    @scrizyy 2 года назад +17

    appreciate y’all both always looking out for the community, I’ll take whatever I can get size 11.

  • @Captaindees420
    @Captaindees420 2 года назад

    Love the mlg community, they really understand humbleness

  • @Aussiesmusic
    @Aussiesmusic 2 года назад

    You gotta make more of these videos man, I love it

  • @813_.Jonathan
    @813_.Jonathan 2 года назад +4

    Panda such as genuine dude for always giving back to the community.He’s got a crazy ass collection which inspires me to be able to get there one day.Thank you and size 12.

    • @linow7074
      @linow7074 2 года назад

      Hes 31 and throws kareoke parties at his place for highschool kids…and they even spend the night at his place…what a weirdo

  • @YKCB3
    @YKCB3 2 года назад +6

    Been a follower for some years now, keep inspiring us sneaker heads and doing what you do! Appreciate the vids and give aways. Size 13.

  • @scottzepp5424
    @scottzepp5424 2 года назад +4

    What a amazing collaboration. My dream is to be as uplifting as these guys. I've been through and still going through a lot but im never gonna give up!!#neonsniperpanda #coolkicks

  • @ecommbulldog
    @ecommbulldog 2 года назад

    giving back is key i see you Shamsss

  • @Lightcapturing
    @Lightcapturing 2 года назад

    Down right dirty collection. Respect!
    Put stock into yourself and live everyday like it’s an opportunity to do better then the last….true words of wisdom.

  • @matthewmcquillen9520
    @matthewmcquillen9520 2 года назад +5

    These guys are really out here doing gods work🙏🏻🙏🏻, appreciate both of y’all and love the content.size 10👌🏼

  • @jaylion8136
    @jaylion8136 2 года назад +12

    Gotta love the energy panda gives off. Good ass dudes.appreciate y’all both always looking out for the community,Dope ass collection keep up the good work and stay blessed!! .. I’ll take whatever I can get size 12 --- or if u have 13 please

  • @jordynposey7412
    @jordynposey7412 2 года назад +28

    Thank y’all so much you know how to give back to the community keep grinding you guys ❤ size 11.5

    • @Otis-Tank
      @Otis-Tank 2 года назад

      @text me you won the shorter shortlist raffle. Dm for instructions!!!

    • @blazedname3404
      @blazedname3404 Год назад

      How are they giving back to the community by giving away free stuff they received from some sponsor especially if your not helping or feeding the poor, you see how he said don't put your stock in people put stock into yourself, these dudes are greedy and selfish its disgusting

    • @IsaiahPerez-un6dx
      @IsaiahPerez-un6dx Год назад

  • @jonathandelcid9975
    @jonathandelcid9975 2 года назад

    Blessings on blessings 🙏🏼🔥

  • @KenKenTV1
    @KenKenTV1 2 года назад

    Panda going crazy!!! Giveaway after giveaway! Spread the love ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @itsmedanzelcurtis
    @itsmedanzelcurtis 2 года назад +4

    Dope ass collection keep up the good work and stay blessed!!! 🙏🏾 Size 14M

  • @cookmalik31
    @cookmalik31 2 года назад +6

    I’m hoping to get the shoes or the bike like man this would be a dream come true🙏🏾

  • @tacomalone6437
    @tacomalone6437 2 года назад

    I’m a big fans of cool kicks. I watch y’all’s videos all the time!!!

  • @drivenbymotivation97
    @drivenbymotivation97 2 года назад +2

    The layout is crazy man 🔥🔥 keep blessing the community 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @ajkicksalot
    @ajkicksalot 2 года назад +1

    This whole room setup is so dope and I'm only like a minute into the video and just looking at it man this dude is truly blessed he's got the awesomest like the room to put your sneakers and all your collection and of different you know stuff it's just awesome to look at dude I can't wait to watch the rest of the video

  • @chadneal8815
    @chadneal8815 2 года назад


  • @mrpolo6767
    @mrpolo6767 2 года назад

    🔥🔥🔥🔥 creativity at its finest. Great set up

  • @Siddarthur
    @Siddarthur 2 года назад +2

    bless this man for the positivity he's spreading. 10.5 my guys

  • @hugocervantes7264
    @hugocervantes7264 2 года назад

    Nothing but good and chill vibes 💯🙌

  • @chrispurdy7402
    @chrispurdy7402 2 года назад

    Continue to be blessed and blessings shall come your way! You make life so much better! Size 9.5

  • @lorkhi1565
    @lorkhi1565 2 года назад

    This is crazy fire 🫶🏽

  • @Chris-jl7qr
    @Chris-jl7qr 2 года назад

    Love the energy panda such a nice and caring person ❤️‍🔥size 12

  • @jonathanestevez1864
    @jonathanestevez1864 2 года назад

    what a chill ass guy

  • @paulpierre4895
    @paulpierre4895 2 года назад +1

    Can’t wait to win 😂

  • @krishneelraj3769
    @krishneelraj3769 2 года назад +1

    I love the sneaker episodes and bless this man for giving away shoes for a give away and my size is 11.5 or 12 in mens.

  • @TheRowdyRudy
    @TheRowdyRudy Год назад +2

    how it go from a milly to 4 milly in 4 months lol. ya'll fucked up w the uploads fr

  • @herrerahernandezuriel9722
    @herrerahernandezuriel9722 2 года назад +2

    your vids literally never disapoint. Apreciatte your effort making this lit content. size 10.

  • @paulpierre4895
    @paulpierre4895 2 года назад +1

    The bike is crazy 😂

  • @LuisMartinez-wy7if
    @LuisMartinez-wy7if 2 года назад

    🔥🔥🔥 Rooms, 🔥🔥🔥 Vibe, 🔥🔥🔥 Lifestyle

  • @Tef-Million
    @Tef-Million 2 года назад

    Panda the realest . Peace blessings. Real inspiration

  • @johna2imcknight903
    @johna2imcknight903 2 года назад

    Always love watching y’all videos dope content and panda got some 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏

  • @MrImGonnaBFamous
    @MrImGonnaBFamous 2 года назад

    Another sick video. Cool seeing peoples houses and collections

  • @slymeballgaming3375
    @slymeballgaming3375 2 года назад

    It’s so amazing seeing how far this king has come!

  • @myliebiii
    @myliebiii Год назад

    This guy and the crib itself is more than a vibe, more than a dream.. I don't know how to describe it but I love it to the point when I feel like i live to accomplish that. Then I will be happy.

  • @b3eb031
    @b3eb031 2 года назад +1

    Damn these house/sneaker collection videos just keep getting better.

  • @Ziggy-Goldwire
    @Ziggy-Goldwire 2 года назад

    Bless you guys for providing giveaways..This guy's collection is ridiculously awesome! Not to mention the money he's invested into his home. Computers and cameras all high quality! Mindblowing!!

  • @carlkegley8350
    @carlkegley8350 2 года назад

    Lettttts goooooo!!!! My man goes hard. Let me get those!!

  • @allout0076
    @allout0076 2 года назад

    🎉🎉🎉🎉 like your energy your good brother congratulations on everything that you’re doing and keep going strong💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

  • @imransiddiqui445
    @imransiddiqui445 2 года назад

    Angela White’s heels too, amazing!

  • @conniedionne6748
    @conniedionne6748 2 года назад

    Panda so humble - love him!

  • @Yaasahh
    @Yaasahh 2 года назад

    Crazy set up 😍

  • @Marcusvester09
    @Marcusvester09 2 года назад

    Keep it going panda the youth needs you ❤

  • @pry3696
    @pry3696 2 года назад

    panda is really inspirational, always positive and genuine. very generous of him to giveaway and bless others. i wear a size 10.5

  • @ajkicksalot
    @ajkicksalot 2 года назад +2

    Damn bro your video setup and equipment is like top of the line you're so on point with all this stuff it just doesn't get any better than this I mean the amount of equipment the quality Equipment is like just top of the line it doesn't I mean I can't say it enough but it's just crazy this whole setup in these few rooms is just bananas

  • @Foreign_Benzz
    @Foreign_Benzz 2 года назад

    The Love Is Crazy Keep The Energy Going!!!

  • @supaLundi
    @supaLundi 2 года назад

    yoo soo cool, thank you so much for the love to the community

  • @MrKwamz1221
    @MrKwamz1221 2 года назад

    Thank yall for blessing me neon, he is different!!!

  • @pipiklatie
    @pipiklatie 2 года назад +1

    This guy living the life he deserved. Mans even rock my fav colour orange drip. My guy! My size: 10 or hook my brother up with some fresh sneaker for his bday next month with size 10.5!❤️

  • @djohnson3147
    @djohnson3147 2 года назад

    That podcast room is insane!!!! So dope.

  • @MrCocoNut08X80
    @MrCocoNut08X80 2 года назад +1

    That room design and equipment it’s unique in the world!!! The collection it’s amazing! Really a special collector among all!!!
    Congrats! I’m US12, haha

  • @andrewjordan1701
    @andrewjordan1701 2 года назад

    Panda seems very chill but here is his panda dunks

  • @lucid-9621
    @lucid-9621 2 года назад

    Bro y’all content it lit 🔥 I love it I can’t stop watching it ❤ 😂

  • @SuperPedrostar
    @SuperPedrostar 2 года назад

    Blessings manifest blessings 🙌 more power to you 🙏

  • @lucabrassi2381
    @lucabrassi2381 2 года назад

    Love the channel coolest and rarest kicks

  • @CraftingAstronaut
    @CraftingAstronaut 2 года назад

    Always nice to watch a Cool Kicks video!!! I wear size 9.5.

  • @airinder5308
    @airinder5308 2 года назад

    dude always stays humble while hustling and then still has time to give back to the community... size 11.5

  • @myshxtnice
    @myshxtnice 2 года назад

    Wow the set up, the collection . speechless
    sz 7

  • @FatxgodGod
    @FatxgodGod 2 года назад +1

    I been a fan since cool kick start shop there all that I would love 2 win

  • @khalil2930
    @khalil2930 2 года назад +1

    That setup is so dope. I would love to be there and do a podcast there. Keep up the great work! Size 11.5 or 12 for me 💯

  • @KristianH16
    @KristianH16 2 года назад

    Just recently found out you guys have a store in Springfield. Will definitely be checking it out. Sz 9

  • @Mistereveryoppshot
    @Mistereveryoppshot 2 года назад

    4:20 sniper panda in tune 😂😂😂 if ykyk

  • @mannysosa413
    @mannysosa413 2 года назад

    Thanks for the video and STAY BLESSED 💯💪🏽🙏🏾

  • @raybandzofficial8774
    @raybandzofficial8774 2 года назад

    keep up the work my guys 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 real one

  • @rogeliojulian7133
    @rogeliojulian7133 2 года назад

    Love videos like this🔥lit 🔥🔥

  • @chigo_fn2812
    @chigo_fn2812 2 года назад +1


  • @briannasanchez4835
    @briannasanchez4835 Год назад

    I love these coolkribs! 😉

  • @victorthequick
    @victorthequick 2 года назад

    Panda a real generous dude for real, he always giving stuff away.

  • @anthonymontemagni0p160
    @anthonymontemagni0p160 2 года назад

    Blessed. Very very cool dude & obviously the collection

  • @Mikoi0104
    @Mikoi0104 2 года назад

    panda got a lot of stuffs and those fragments are fire! keep it up! ill take whatever size 9.5 thanks

  • @kikkk797
    @kikkk797 2 года назад +1

    U guys amazing to be giving away shoes when some people really need them. I need some new shoes size 12💚