Similar situation here. Me and the neighbour above even recommend shit to each other, which is funny cause we haven't properly met yet. I'm pretty sure it's a guy living upstairs with his family and a dog, cause I've heard their voices from time to time. But I've never met them. So when he blasts a cool song I like, i look it up and listen to it the next day, and vice versa. I'veheard him play songs and videos I've listened to the previous day and it makes me laugh or vibe with it every time.
I have a pianist living right next door of my apartment and I can hear them play few times a week and it's so nice and relaxing to listen to because they are so good at it!
My neighbor's wife died last year, she had the absolute most beautiful voice I've ever heard. I swear I've heard no artist sound the way she used to. She only used to sing gospels and whenever I heard her start to sing, I'd turn off the TV to appreciate her voice. It was like a breath of fresh air.
He surely is💙 But eversince I saw that Dive Studios Edit with Peniel calling himself a Lego and that Lego toy illustration on his face, I can't unsee it anymore!😭 So, he is the most adorable "HUMAN LEGO" I have ever seen.😭💙
it kinda rolls off his tongue? like kinda slurred, i like to listen to it too. ppl can have american accents and also have different ways of speaking ok
@@sweetmimosamommysaranghae3163 because they're assuming that since he is asian, he didn't grow up learning English. pretty obvious. but I don't blame them. people can mean different things when they want to say something else. good wording is a key requirement.
I've had neighbours that played music loud enough to literally vibrate my walls. The only reason people didn't really complain is because they let everyone know when they do it, it was pretty much a once a week thing same time every time.
My neighbour used to play wall rattling EDM so I bought a guitar amp and returned fire with metal. This went on for about a week before I got bored and just had him evicted for selling controlled substances.
Most people don't realize that your base will vibrate through the wall. If you just turn down your base you can usually turn up the volume louder and the same person that heard it before won't hear it now. I actually have problems with base vibrating my ears when I can't hear the music through the wall. It will make you go insane.
@@SkinTipsTalk Yeah, I didn't say *his* music was too loud, I said if the music was too loud, regardless of who they are and what they're doing, I'd be mad
In my country you can get in trouble if you call the cops without trying to solve the situation peacefully at first - especially if the problem isn't even there. You might even have to pay bc of your wrong call
I think this shows why it’s so important to make sure to present yourself to our neighbors so they know you are nice. Sadly, some people put the music louder when asked if they could lower it or even start making noise on purpose in the middle of the night to mess with their neighbors for asking them. So sadly, some people are scared to go ask directly
I‘m a pianist and since I live in a flat I had to buy a electric piano and even have headphones for it.But I hate wearing headphones (every Pianist would understand why :/ ).So I like playing piano without it and every time I play the neighbors over us stomp like HORSES!And then I turn it down a bit but they still COMPLAINED!It wasn’t that loud!And I play very good!They don’t have any sense for music 😒👋!!!(Every day and every times it’s like This 💀✋!)
Losing faith in the number of fans that are justifying his behaviour, saying "He has great taste in music", or "I wouldn't mind". Clearly a number of fans have not been put in a similar position as the neighbours. Imagine coming home from a long hard day at work and trying to get some sleep when your neighbour doesn't have the common courtesy to turn the music down at 3AM. Y'all can support your idols while still holding them accountable. They're not perfect, they make mistakes, don't inflate their ego by saying they can do no wrong.
Oh Peniel… that Midwest accent “if they like came and woulda asked me ta turn et dowyn er something” back and forth with your korean… my heart fluttered! 😂😍
@@leeyes4405 right? I think a lot of people are missing the context here. It wasn't 11 on a Friday night, this was 3 in the fucking morning. Even if it was a Friday at 3, that's usually when everyone is passing out for the night when partying. I'm betting this was like a Tuesday night lol
Well maybe you shouldn't be the idiot playing loud ass base music vibrating through the walls at 3:00 am. Unlike this fool the vast majority of us have to wake up and go to actual work and it's super annoying to have to deal with shit like this. He was in the wrong and he deserved getting the police called on him
Something similar happened to Taylor Swift and she said " Sorry was I too loud in my own house which I bought from the money I got from writing my own songs " Ppl let the musicians and artists be ...
I don’t know where Peniel lives. But a lot of k-pop artist live in apartments, condos or townhouses. So their neighbors are usually quite close. I can understand if it was to loud and keeping them up. But even the cops said it wasn’t that loud. So for me, this ones on the neighbor.
If the speaker was on the floor or against the wall, the sound (even if it's not loud) will pass through the wall/floor and cause a problem. Keep speakers elevated or off walls people.
I’ve had my neighbours playing music to the point it vibrates through the wall. I really couldn’t sleep and it lasted for days. Apparently I just moved so I wasn’t used to it.
True, but why didn’t the neighbors go to him first instead of calling the cops and wasting their time? If he ignores them then its time to call the police
My neighbor did that to me when I first moved in. I didn’t have internet yet so I was playing music at a low volume so it wasn’t dead silent. Cops came and said the same thing. The next day, I asked my neighbor and she acted like she wasn’t the one. Can’t stand those types of people lol
My family got noise control called on us for my sister yelling because we were in the pool. But then this house was having a party and their house was literally shaking from how loud the music was and they didn’t get noise control called
@@RockyBeeast "not that loud" is not the same as "not loud". If the neighbour could hear it then it was in fact loud, it just wasn't as loud as the police were expecting it to be.
@@bencastor9207 sure, but if even the police found it "not that loud" (especially in the silence during the night) then it's mostly a neighbor's issue that they cannot bear some music in the background
@@RockyBeeast I don't have a problem with loud music but if it's past 10pm then it becomes a problem, it's time to sleep, and I can understand if you can't sleep but don't disturb other people sleeping
@@bencastor9207 They may have lived in an apartment complex (or something similar) where the walls were really thin. In my apartment complex you can sometimes hear people talking even if they're using an "inside voice" (idk what else to call it) so it may have been a similar situation
I had a neighbor who played the trumpet and I enjoyed it. I moved to another city and my previous neighbors were very loud at their parties, the whole neighborhood could hear the music I couldn't sleep. Now the new neighbors have parties often but they play music just for them that sometimes I don't even notice if I don't go outside . I love my new neighbors.
This happened to me once. The neighbors called the cops for “loud music” and it wasn’t loud, like at all. We were playing it in our garage (a good 25 ft from the road) the cop was sitting in his car on the street with his window down, and he could barely even hear it. He said to leave it be and he drove off. THEN like 30 minutes later he drove by AGAIN because the same neighbor called. He told us that when people call they have to come out so he was forced to check on our music.
"I'm an insecure pussy who would rather call the cops than politely go ask my neighbor who obviously operates on a different time schedule than me to turn down the music"
It probably had nothing to do with it being loud but with it being 3 in the morning; waking up early in the morning for work is a concept utterly alien to artists and musicians.
I'm not an artist or musician and work night shifts. Maybe if my neighbors kids didn't scream all day while I'm sleeping for work, I'd consider turning my movies a little lower at night when they're sleeping for work. But since they don't, fuck them. Freedom goes both ways; their kids can scream all day and keep me awake and I'll watch movies all night and keep them awake.
Well we had a problem with a neighbor because his music, but as he said, we tried to fix up with him first before to call the police, and that time we could actually hear his music in all around our house, we couldn't even talk in our living room without scream. What I want to say is that they don't even had tried to talk with him and just called the police, sure this history wouldn't ever exist if they had tried to deal with him.
It may not be loud for yourself but sometimes in an apartment or something like that the bass can rubble through the walls, And that really gets to your head especially when they're trynna sleep. Also people don't want to go and bug the persons whose music is that loud because they're not sure how you'd react.
The thing is when you're at a room that is so quiet that even the most mid loud sounds outside are easily be heard, it would get annoying sometimes especially when its 3am the people who complain probably just wanted to rest...
Yeah but they didn't complain or ask him to do anything, they immediately called the cops, which is stupid and the chastising is kind of warranted. Additionallu, living near other people comes with noise, you agree to that shit when you move in. If you're gonna be a stickler about noise don't fuckin live in places where barely above average music ruins your sleep). Aka, don't defend dumbasses
If they can hear something so faint/quiet like that then they should definitely be looking to move..I understand how frustrating it can be when walls are so incredibly thin. But if this causes you to call the police..? It’s childish behavior. Be a grown adult and talk to the neighbor in the morning..or send out an anonymous complaint lol idk
It is 3 in the morning though, he play the music with the speaker on, even the not so loud noises would be noisy esp if he had neighbor with high school kids who only got home at 11 pm after long studying session ( which is very normal in korea)
@@a7xmaNga true his neighbor could be a karen... But the neighbor could also have been ringing his doorbell and he didnt hear it , like people usually turn down their speaker volume down when they want to talk to their visitor, he could have turn it down when he knew they were police officers. Besides, this is only one side of the story from him, we dont know what actually happened. 2nd, The neighbor could be afraid of direct confrontation esp if she is a woman living alone, even if his neighbor is not a she but still, a lot of people who live at apartment complex dont really know who is their neighbor. 3rd, The children might have an important exam tommorow, police officer actually drive high school kids who would take college entrance examination if they are afraid they would be late so i dont think it is a far fetched if the parents call the police if they think the noise would be too much fo their kids esp if there is no apartment security, etc. There is a lot of possibility, but the fact remain that Peniel is the one at fault first, it was inconsiderate of him to turn the speaker on at 3 a.m. esp when he was living in apartment complex.
@@mix4715 what i would take it from him not "turning down the volume" when officers arrive that he deemed (and i think) it was low enough to not warrant a police officer's visit. Also there's no straight cut black/white side to this. Plus, i know what it's like to be an anxious bish please. That is not an excuse to keep self from trying to be civil. If it's your children's exam or sth at stake, you can even try teaching your children by sending them to the "bothersome" neighbor for your child to explain their situation. Trust me not many of us are bitchasses that'd hurt a child's or teen's feelings.
@@mix4715 and do you think it is likely that loud that he would not hear when it is the neighbor while he clearly did and opened up the door when it is the officers
@@a7xmaNga i dont know, i mean i dont even know if he is telling the whole story so i dont know if it is even his first time bcs quite frankly idol have irregular working hour so how do we even know he is not a repeater and his neighbor finally sick of it ? What i do know is he is at fault for blasting his speaker at 3 in the morning. People need sleep and people get cranky when they have not enough sleep. If you can handle that than good for you, it is not like other have to. Calling a police is too much but i think that it might have been pretty common in korea if the apartment building doesnt have a security guard and the neighbor dont know each other. Live confrontation is not for everyone esp since they dont know each other anyway so how would they know how he would react ?
I live in an Asia country, several houses around mine play karaoke like 3 times a week, its like outdoor parties. Good to read comment and see people with pianist or musician nearby, it inspires me to leave my house
I mean if it's past midnight just use headphones, unless you live alone in the middle of a forest people are going to hear the music if it's 3am and there's no other noise
*imagine WHOLE BTOB was in that house, its either they will be reported for bwing noisy, or gonna be sulky and ready to fight "iTs nOT tHat vOluMe ah- ah-" i can imagine eunkwang english*
If the person playing the music says it’s not too loud then that’s subjectively quiet. If someone in a different house can hear you’re music at 3am then that’s objectively loud. I just hope this wasn’t on a weekday. Working a stressful job on hardly any sleep is a quick way to break a person. Thinking of others doesn’t take much effort tbh.
Maybe they just have good hearing. Sorry their schedule is in the day and mine is at night. They should have thought about that when planning their life 🤣
@@BobblesFlopolopogus dumbiest shit I ever heard... So if I want to get a job I have to ask all my neighbors if they approve my schedule or not? Cmon man
@@tof4967 I don't plan my schedule around them and they don't plan theirs around me. If they let their kids scream all day and stop me from sleeping for work at night then when I'm relaxing after work I'll keep them up watching movies all night. Fair is fair.
I remember having my music on 3 on the volume and I could hardly hear it myself. But the vibration on the other side of the wall was more than I realized. So I could imagine if it was on louder how it could be felt by neighbors I guess
Bruh lol, got a knock at my door to my house. They were there for a tip on illegal guns. (Roommates were drug dealers, turns out one had a warrant). Answered the door in my boxers and was held at gun point by three police officers. Lol they searched the entire house while I had to sit outside in front of my neibors almost completely naked for 3 hours lol
Surprised cops showed up. I had some very rude neighbors who disrespected peoples sleep. Called cops, cops didn't show. Fired 2 rounds in the air from back porch. Cops showed. Nobody saw who fired shots. Neighbors stopped being rude.
If it's loud enough for your neighbors to hear at 3am, it's too loud. This guy is oblivious to the fact that some people actually have to wake up early.
The moral of the story was that his neighbor was too dramatic. The police said it wasn’t very loud. There are many instances where landlords are very, some say “crazy/unreasonable” too, but I see where you are coming from 😌
@KMMV It was loud enough to be heard. It's the middle of the night, people are trying to sleep. You think he randomly decided to call the cops because of a noise that he couldn't hear?
@@tortol4847 my neighbors called cops when they could barely hear my music in their toilet (bathroom and toilet is different things rooms here) and cops when they came out wss like DUDE JUST DONT SPEND YOUR WHOLE NIGHT AT TOILET GO SLEEP OR SOMETHING (he was able to slightly hear my music only in a toilet) some people are just too sensitive and dramatic. even if he can hear it in toilet and it somehow bothers him he could just knock at the door or even call me :/ and just say "turn out music" I dont even need please lol... but he just called the cops.............
I mean....he does too.....he's an idol....sleep is a commodity. They stay up late working and wake up early to work again. I like that we're looking over the fact that his job IS music, so there's a good chance he was working at 3a.m..
@@MicheleDoenges Headphones my friend. They're a wonderful thing. It doesn't matter what his job is. Construction workers make an absurd amount of noise, do you see them working into the night? No, because theyre not allowed due to... You guessed it, noise. Playing music in the middle of the night is rude regardless of the reason.
Had about 12 people over at my apartment hanging out and the cops came knocking (it was around 8-9pm, not late at all). The second my hand touched the doorknob the acid kicked in. I talked to the cops (they were really nice) and let them know I was sorry about being loud and if the neighbor had come to me to complain I would’ve been nice to them and been quieter (said that so if the neighbors were listening they would know I am a reasonable person and won’t get mad at them). When the cops left I kicked out everyone but my husband and one friend
Realistically there's not much excuse for playing music out loud at 3am. That's literally the middle of the night, 99% of regular folk are sleeping, and if you're playing music at all, it's going to propagate when it's the middle of the night. I've had to ask neighbours to turn down the sound on the film they're watching at 2am, and when I went to the door, it wasn't even that loud, but it just travels when it's the dead of night. Respect your neighbours, don't be the guy who thinks it's not cool to complain about your neighbour playing music out loud at 3am.
@@WaaluigiBoard Lived in cities most of my life, but there's a difference between the background noise of a city, and some asshat playing loud music in your building. Not only that, but the country I live in has an excess noise law after a certain time, and everyone takes it pretty seriously. It's one of the most densely populated countries in the world, not exactly a quiet place. I know you think you're cool for living in a city (weird thing to get high and mighty about by the way), but the truth is, you're probably the prick that makes way too much noise in the middle of the night, and you've no idea what it's like to have disrespectful neighbours like yourself. Check yourself.
There was a guy that killed for asking someone to turn down his music. The cops sadly is the only way to deal with it safely. I never had the cops called on me for music because I wear headphones.
Fucking what? In what world are the odds of asking your neighbor politely to turn their music down resulting in death any where near acknowledgeable? Only safe way to deal with it my ass
@@jacobpadilla9256 there are look it up. heres a headline Man asks neighbor to turn down music; relatives fear savage attack that followed could kill him
@@jacobpadilla9256 also in the case I was mentioning, the guy that shot the guy called the cops and said he feared for his life and got off with no charges. Even though the guy that got shot was an upstanding citizen and a father. just to ask his neighbor to turn down the music in his car, ended the guys life. People get attacked all the time, usually because the people blasting the music already have very little consideration of other people already. Its best to call the police and not put yourself or family at risk.
@@nugsnjugs9954 ok, I'm not denying that this happened obviously, but I'm not sure becoming inconsiderate yourself is a necessary precaution in this case? Like, I get it's possible, but it's also possible for some guy to mug and kill you on your way walking home every day, but people don't stop walking home over it. I'm just saying that the situation you're talking about is far from the norm, and unlikely enough to probably not call the cops over in every situation Also, just to acknowledge it real quick, what a crazy ass thing for someone to do, super fucked that the neighbor got off the hook too.
@@jacobpadilla9256 its up to you to determine what cautions you take. Walking down an alley in ghetto is much more risky than walking an alley in the suburbs. Like asking someone to turn down music in a park is much safer than asking someone in the middle of the night at their house. Its just that, if you want to lower your risk in that circumstance, best to call the police, instead of confronting drunk people at night. However those last 2 stories are not uncommon. Yeah that guy that got off is because of the stand your ground law where if you feel threatened by anyone in any situation, you can shoot to kill someone legally. As long as you call the police and say "I felt threatened for my life" the law cant touch you. It is one the most fucked up laws in America right now. Especially because people like Karens and racists can kill black people and get away with it because they "felt scared in their presence." So thats another reason I dont confront anyone anymore.
It’s 3am though. Calling the police is definitely excessive but why is he playing music on a speaker at that hour? Any kind of noise at that time is loud
The neighbors should have asked him to turn it down instead of calling the police but if they could hear it from their place and it kept them from sleeping, the music clearly really was too loud (even if it wasn’t as loud as it usually is when people file noise complaints). So tbh I don’t see why people are trying to demonize the neighbors …
Agreed, could be bass travelling as well, I’m living in hell rn, my neighbours are inconsiderate and have an industrial bass speaker that they love to play, wish my country had Korean cops because mine are always too busy to do anything about it. Ifs affecting someone else, stop.
@@kymtangy Exactly! Like, not getting any sleep is horrible and very frustrating (especially if you have an important appointment/test the next day!) so I really don’t see how this makes the neighbors “Karens” … they clearly heard the music otherwise they couldn’t have known he was playing it, therefore, it was too loud. And I’m not even judging him for it … that can happen 🤷🏻♀️
@@sophia4098 Oh that's for people who think the neighbors are completely innocent and fault free. Tho I also don't like how people antagonize the neighbors so much but at the same time I understand why they reacted that way lol
It's good that my neighbours and i have similar taste in music so whenever they play the music too loud, i vibe.
Well im guessing you vibe to squidwords clarinet lol
@@fishingisfun9478 PLSS- you made my day
@@mistyjeon1449 welcome
Nobody like
Similar situation here. Me and the neighbour above even recommend shit to each other, which is funny cause we haven't properly met yet. I'm pretty sure it's a guy living upstairs with his family and a dog, cause I've heard their voices from time to time. But I've never met them. So when he blasts a cool song I like, i look it up and listen to it the next day, and vice versa. I'veheard him play songs and videos I've listened to the previous day and it makes me laugh or vibe with it every time.
I have a pianist living right next door of my apartment and I can hear them play few times a week and it's so nice and relaxing to listen to because they are so good at it!
I play guitar and my neighbors have called the police multiple times and literally have never interacted with me. I wish you were my neighbor.
@@justthink933 follow what your username says kyle
@@justthink933 close your mouth child
@@justthink933 damnnnn flaming his ass😭
@@justthink933 that was so unnecessary. You don't know them. They're maybe very talented. So JUST THINK before leaving hate comments.
My neighbor's wife died last year, she had the absolute most beautiful voice I've ever heard. I swear I've heard no artist sound the way she used to. She only used to sing gospels and whenever I heard her start to sing, I'd turn off the TV to appreciate her voice. It was like a breath of fresh air.
Awe :(
R.I.P your neighbour's wife :(
R.I.P, hopefully she's in a better place now.
@@RileyzStudioz LOL why did yall tell her like that
She said it was her neighbor's wife
Airheads 🙄
Peniel : even the police were like, its not that loud...
Bro, you need to get new neighbor 😌
They never would've guessed that their neighbor was a Kpop Idol!!!🤣🤣🤣
Yeah lol and I'm the type of person who will jam on the music my neighbors play because I'm a music lover idc how loud it is.
@@Yoru15127 I think this was when he was an idol
Still hilarious story🌚
@@Yoru15127 yeah a famous kpop idol bcs btob is very famous in korea
Btw btob comeback on august 30
Put the neighbor in rice :D
He is too adorable.
He surely is💙
But eversince I saw that Dive Studios Edit with Peniel calling himself a Lego and that Lego toy illustration on his face, I can't unsee it anymore!😭
So, he is the most adorable "HUMAN LEGO" I have ever seen.😭💙
Please support Peniel and BTOB, they're having a comeback on 30th Aug at 6pm kst. They're working extremely hard, please give them loads of love.
Peniel's english is always satisfying to hear.
You know he grew up in Chicago right?
it kinda rolls off his tongue? like kinda slurred, i like to listen to it too. ppl can have american accents and also have different ways of speaking ok
@@fjbird5581 what does that have to do with them finding him speaking English satisfying???
@@sweetmimosamommysaranghae3163 because they're assuming that since he is asian, he didn't grow up learning English. pretty obvious. but I don't blame them. people can mean different things when they want to say something else. good wording is a key requirement.
I've had neighbours that played music loud enough to literally vibrate my walls. The only reason people didn't really complain is because they let everyone know when they do it, it was pretty much a once a week thing same time every time.
That’s respectful in a weird way.
Bruh, it became a tradition lol
at least they give everyone a heads up, can't be mad at that
@@mikhailgorbachevsovietunion true
My neighbour used to play wall rattling EDM so I bought a guitar amp and returned fire with metal. This went on for about a week before I got bored and just had him evicted for selling controlled substances.
Just realize when this video is looping, hearing Peniel's speaking in english is like listening section on TOEFL
Does he normally not speak English?
@@Heythereitskirstyn he does
It’s my first time hearing him talk in English!! Aghhh why did I now know this sooner. I didn’t even know he’s so fluent.
@@maeganlozano7058 he’s from the USA Georgia
@@Heythereitskirstyn He's from Chicago. Eric Nam is from Georgia.
imagining peniel's stories is like trying to remember a fever dream
and the way he tells them sounds like people trying to explain a fever dream
Most people don't realize that your base will vibrate through the wall. If you just turn down your base you can usually turn up the volume louder and the same person that heard it before won't hear it now. I actually have problems with base vibrating my ears when I can't hear the music through the wall. It will make you go insane.
Well said! Yes the bass travels and penetrates walls easily while mids and highs get stop much easier.
@@shadowclonejutsu8500 sorry, speech to text wrote wrong bass and I didn't catch it.
@@BS-ne5cr ew why would you use speech to text?
@@BS-ne5cr and sometimes when you text this much you don't notice some small incorrect words with the voice text
please peniel is too adorable, ugh
imagine having the audacity to complain over *WORLD CLASS MUSIC*
If it's too loud and repeating over and over again I'd be mad too lol
@@somewherefaraway3093 He said it wasn't too loud even the police said that.
Who knows what music was he listening to? 🤷🏻♀️😅
@@SkinTipsTalk Yeah, I didn't say *his* music was too loud, I said if the music was too loud, regardless of who they are and what they're doing, I'd be mad
Well his music taste must be divine anyways
i love the detail of the police even thinking that the music wasn’t that loud
In my country you can get in trouble if you call the cops without trying to solve the situation peacefully at first - especially if the problem isn't even there. You might even have to pay bc of your wrong call
America could sure use that rule
So smart
Where do you live
Wherever you live I wanna move there.
I died at, the "when I'm at home, I'm not wearing anything" and the look of panic on his face😂😂
Even when he was still living in the dorm with BtoB he slept naked..
I think this shows why it’s so important to make sure to present yourself to our neighbors so they know you are nice. Sadly, some people put the music louder when asked if they could lower it or even start making noise on purpose in the middle of the night to mess with their neighbors for asking them.
So sadly, some people are scared to go ask directly
Yep , I had those kind of neighbors,it became so unbearable that I just moved out.Best decision I made.
"Doorbell rings at like three in the morning."
Yep, you were totally innocent in this story
Bro it was three am anyone would be scared he was probably working on his music at that time lots of ppl work late
@@bossbabypaints You missed the point
@@sauercrowder YOU missed the point
@@purplewine7362 Oh no I missed my own point
@@sauercrowder seems like you did
Petition for Peniel to stop being cute. My heart can't take it.
I agree
Pls support peniel and his group they have a comeback on august 30
Where do I sign
Where can I sign
Sign here _________________
Key word. 3 in the morning. 3 IN THE MORNING. You aren’t the innocent one in this story
Playing music at 3am and wondering why people are upset. The worst kind of neighbor
Peniel: "When I'm at home, I'm not wearing anything"
Sasaengs: "Let's make some holes! "
lmaooo but there's no sasaeng melos 🤣
@@leeminhyuk5665? Sorry I don't get it... 😅😭😂
@@lisaicanmeow5157 bruh
I‘m a pianist and since I live in a flat I had to buy a electric piano and even have headphones for it.But I hate wearing headphones (every Pianist would understand why :/ ).So I like playing piano without it and every time I play the neighbors over us stomp like HORSES!And then I turn it down a bit but they still COMPLAINED!It wasn’t that loud!And I play very good!They don’t have any sense for music 😒👋!!!(Every day and every times it’s like This 💀✋!)
You could have just gone to the house and asked him
you would get to meet him too
@@yuzuru525 I never thought of that you could
“It’s not that loud” at the end cracked me up 😂😂😂😂
Losing faith in the number of fans that are justifying his behaviour, saying "He has great taste in music", or "I wouldn't mind". Clearly a number of fans have not been put in a similar position as the neighbours. Imagine coming home from a long hard day at work and trying to get some sleep when your neighbour doesn't have the common courtesy to turn the music down at 3AM. Y'all can support your idols while still holding them accountable. They're not perfect, they make mistakes, don't inflate their ego by saying they can do no wrong.
The cops even said that it wasn't that loud
I love how the police said it wasn’t that loud too lmao 😂
People underestimate how annoying low end sound can be and it penetrates through materials easily.
No worries, i'll put it up for you
@@zzchillzz4824 cringe
Sound travels faster in solids than in gases because of its elastic modulus value.
@@sanskarbarhai4741 cringe
@@zura898 cringe
Oh Peniel… that Midwest accent “if they like came and woulda asked me ta turn et dowyn er something” back and forth with your korean… my heart fluttered! 😂😍
I didn't realize how strong my Midwest accent is until I heard Peniel and Johnny talk. We talk exactly the same 😂
These videos of Peniel is just too adorable, it's making me want to stan BTOB
It's a sign tho😂. And they're going to comeback with a special album this 30th August. There'll be lots of content to catch up
Whoever edits these shorts deserve a raise! I wish Ashley could invite her friend Rosé someday. Everyone is so cool
Even if Ashley invited her, Rosé wouldn't be able to go bc of her label.
Imagine callin the cops for a noise disturbance 😂😂
'When im at home i dont wear any clothes"
"Saesangs rushing to his window*
Just bought a telescope.
The Karen who just got exposed: I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO HIS MANAGER
guys.. it was 3 IN THE MORNING?? anyone would be pissed. stop getting mad at the neighbor just because your favorite idol had the cops called on them.
@@leeyes4405 i cant take u seriously if u have stretched res kpop face as ur pfp
@@leeyes4405 right? I think a lot of people are missing the context here. It wasn't 11 on a Friday night, this was 3 in the fucking morning.
Even if it was a Friday at 3, that's usually when everyone is passing out for the night when partying.
I'm betting this was like a Tuesday night lol
Well maybe you shouldn't be the idiot playing loud ass base music vibrating through the walls at 3:00 am. Unlike this fool the vast majority of us have to wake up and go to actual work and it's super annoying to have to deal with shit like this. He was in the wrong and he deserved getting the police called on him
I’m with the neighbors on this. He played music at 3AM. 10/10 would call cops again.
Bruh if you got music on at 3 am, you deserve to get the cops called on you without any warning.
Why would you even play music at 3am on speakers. Just use headphones. This dude is the problem here.
"3 in the morning" he exposed himself. At night you're more sensitive to noise.
He didn't expose shit, calling the cops should never be the first course of action over noise complaints
Something similar happened to Taylor Swift and she said " Sorry was I too loud in my own house which I bought from the money I got from writing my own songs "
Ppl let the musicians and artists be ...
I don’t know where Peniel lives. But a lot of k-pop artist live in apartments, condos or townhouses. So their neighbors are usually quite close. I can understand if it was to loud and keeping them up. But even the cops said it wasn’t that loud. So for me, this ones on the neighbor.
@@AuroraIchimaru seems like the neighbors were Karen
@@AuroraIchimaru yeah you're right
In this case the police said it wasn't too loud...but in other cases, you need to consider the neighbours too....They want peace too y'know....
@@zimaelohey1524 i mean i don't think peniel wouldve gone and blast the windows down w/ music at ass oclock anyways 😂🤣
Its probably because he played the music 3am in the morning and everyones asleep
Who else is on a endless loop of RUclips shorts lol 😂
If the speaker was on the floor or against the wall, the sound (even if it's not loud) will pass through the wall/floor and cause a problem. Keep speakers elevated or off walls people.
And then the quality is trash
Like on a couch or something?? Wouldn't it still be touching the ground cause the couch is?
@@teamofwinter8128 come on dude. Just use your brain before you comment.
@@lemonade7924 I assume it being on a couch would be more silent then -_-
bass doesn't have to be loud to be extremely annoying, placement matters a lot too
Maybe, still that's nothing to call the authorities over, especially when you haven't even tried to settle it yourself...
*Indeed dude, bass is cancer, the music could be low but 3 AM with high bass music I would be pissed.*
Who tf play music at 3am
Sound wave spread further in the morning
@@KitariItsSomethingRottenHere That's why we have headphones.
I’ve had my neighbours playing music to the point it vibrates through the wall. I really couldn’t sleep and it lasted for days. Apparently I just moved so I wasn’t used to it.
I live hearing him tell stories lol he makes everything 10 times more interesting than it is
idk who this guy is,but he is a good storyteller!
@@RacheliRozenman He's Peniel from BTOB! He's also my bias lmao I love him so much
“turn it dow- wait where’s the music?”
faint music in the distance*
“I wasn’t playing it… that loud”. Still too loud, especially at 3 AM.
How when the cops didn't even complain with his door open?
@@dwhite8005 IT’S THREE AM
@@dwhite8005 The music may not be this loud, but the bass sure is. And at 3 AM no one wants to hear the bass go *Boom Boom Boom Boom*
@@josephjackson1956 Even at 3 AM, a certain volume is no problem.
True, but why didn’t the neighbors go to him first instead of calling the cops and wasting their time? If he ignores them then its time to call the police
I have never met someone who plays loud music say "yes, it is loud isn't it".
My neighbor did that to me when I first moved in. I didn’t have internet yet so I was playing music at a low volume so it wasn’t dead silent. Cops came and said the same thing. The next day, I asked my neighbor and she acted like she wasn’t the one. Can’t stand those types of people lol
Could’ve been ur neighbour on the other side lol
@@ComedyGlor I didn’t have one. I had the entire top floor of an old Victorian house.
@@fluffypanda8287 oh okay
My family got noise control called on us for my sister yelling because we were in the pool. But then this house was having a party and their house was literally shaking from how loud the music was and they didn’t get noise control called
“The music was too loud.”
My brain: What if other BTOB members come through Peniel's house? hmm... 🤔
I usually agree that the neighbor should have talked to you before getting the police involved...
It wasn't loud
@@RockyBeeast "not that loud" is not the same as "not loud". If the neighbour could hear it then it was in fact loud, it just wasn't as loud as the police were expecting it to be.
@@bencastor9207 sure, but if even the police found it "not that loud" (especially in the silence during the night) then it's mostly a neighbor's issue that they cannot bear some music in the background
@@RockyBeeast I don't have a problem with loud music but if it's past 10pm then it becomes a problem, it's time to sleep, and I can understand if you can't sleep but don't disturb other people sleeping
@@bencastor9207 They may have lived in an apartment complex (or something similar) where the walls were really thin. In my apartment complex you can sometimes hear people talking even if they're using an "inside voice" (idk what else to call it) so it may have been a similar situation
I had a neighbor who played the trumpet and I enjoyed it. I moved to another city and my previous neighbors were very loud at their parties, the whole neighborhood could hear the music I couldn't sleep. Now the new neighbors have parties often but they play music just for them that sometimes I don't even notice if I don't go outside . I love my new neighbors.
But the real question is, why would you have music on at 3 AM when you are living in an apartment
Why wouldn't he? Mind your business
@@cleansingforallah3515 you must be an annoying person
@@cleansingforallah3515 here comes the toxic kpop "stan"
Probably had a Nightmare or something. I usually play Davy Jones when I have a Nightmare
This happened to me once. The neighbors called the cops for “loud music” and it wasn’t loud, like at all. We were playing it in our garage (a good 25 ft from the road) the cop was sitting in his car on the street with his window down, and he could barely even hear it. He said to leave it be and he drove off. THEN like 30 minutes later he drove by AGAIN because the same neighbor called. He told us that when people call they have to come out so he was forced to check on our music.
So moral of this story is... DON'T RANDOMLY GO TO PENIELS HOUSE😅 CALL FIRST😮 Got it!😅
"Im an obnoxious asshole who thinks i can do anything and im totally innocent when i play music in the time when everyone sleeps"
"I'm an insecure pussy who would rather call the cops than politely go ask my neighbor who obviously operates on a different time schedule than me to turn down the music"
o are you?
Probably a fan who wanted to see Peniel at 3 AM.😂🤣
When you are making Noise at 3 AM then its Fucking loud. People sleeps at night. No sense in you.
“It’s not that loud” wise words by a cop
It probably had nothing to do with it being loud but with it being 3 in the morning; waking up early in the morning for work is a concept utterly alien to artists and musicians.
Yeah exactly most people are saying he is right
Someone finally said it! Thank you.
Yup, like any music or TV at 3 am is too loud if I can hear it yo. Headphones exist
I'm not an artist or musician and work night shifts. Maybe if my neighbors kids didn't scream all day while I'm sleeping for work, I'd consider turning my movies a little lower at night when they're sleeping for work. But since they don't, fuck them. Freedom goes both ways; their kids can scream all day and keep me awake and I'll watch movies all night and keep them awake.
@@BobblesFlopolopogus amen to that
We had a neighbor who would harass us with things like this. She even called the cops on us for 'noise' when there wasn't anything playing at all!
Just by reading the title my mind immedietly goes to his raps in Guitar😏
Well we had a problem with a neighbor because his music, but as he said, we tried to fix up with him first before to call the police, and that time we could actually hear his music in all around our house, we couldn't even talk in our living room without scream. What I want to say is that they don't even had tried to talk with him and just called the police, sure this history wouldn't ever exist if they had tried to deal with him.
Social credit points: *-99999999*
It may not be loud for yourself but sometimes in an apartment or something like that the bass can rubble through the walls, And that really gets to your head especially when they're trynna sleep. Also people don't want to go and bug the persons whose music is that loud because they're not sure how you'd react.
The thing is when you're at a room that is so quiet that even the most mid loud sounds outside are easily be heard, it would get annoying sometimes especially when its 3am the people who complain probably just wanted to rest...
Yeah but they didn't complain or ask him to do anything, they immediately called the cops, which is stupid and the chastising is kind of warranted. Additionallu, living near other people comes with noise, you agree to that shit when you move in. If you're gonna be a stickler about noise don't fuckin live in places where barely above average music ruins your sleep). Aka, don't defend dumbasses
If they can hear something so faint/quiet like that then they should definitely be looking to move..I understand how frustrating it can be when walls are so incredibly thin. But if this causes you to call the police..? It’s childish behavior. Be a grown adult and talk to the neighbor in the morning..or send out an anonymous complaint lol idk
My neighbors like to start playing the drums at 12am on a school night😭
It is 3 in the morning though, he play the music with the speaker on, even the not so loud noises would be noisy esp if he had neighbor with high school kids who only got home at 11 pm after long studying session ( which is very normal in korea)
Still that's not enough a reason to not be civil enough and go talk to him before getting police involved huh?
@@a7xmaNga true his neighbor could be a karen... But the neighbor could also have been ringing his doorbell and he didnt hear it , like people usually turn down their speaker volume down when they want to talk to their visitor, he could have turn it down when he knew they were police officers. Besides, this is only one side of the story from him, we dont know what actually happened. 2nd, The neighbor could be afraid of direct confrontation esp if she is a woman living alone, even if his neighbor is not a she but still, a lot of people who live at apartment complex dont really know who is their neighbor. 3rd, The children might have an important exam tommorow, police officer actually drive high school kids who would take college entrance examination if they are afraid they would be late so i dont think it is a far fetched if the parents call the police if they think the noise would be too much fo their kids esp if there is no apartment security, etc. There is a lot of possibility, but the fact remain that Peniel is the one at fault first, it was inconsiderate of him to turn the speaker on at 3 a.m. esp when he was living in apartment complex.
@@mix4715 what i would take it from him not "turning down the volume" when officers arrive that he deemed (and i think) it was low enough to not warrant a police officer's visit. Also there's no straight cut black/white side to this.
Plus, i know what it's like to be an anxious bish please. That is not an excuse to keep self from trying to be civil. If it's your children's exam or sth at stake, you can even try teaching your children by sending them to the "bothersome" neighbor for your child to explain their situation. Trust me not many of us are bitchasses that'd hurt a child's or teen's feelings.
@@mix4715 and do you think it is likely that loud that he would not hear when it is the neighbor while he clearly did and opened up the door when it is the officers
@@a7xmaNga i dont know, i mean i dont even know if he is telling the whole story so i dont know if it is even his first time bcs quite frankly idol have irregular working hour so how do we even know he is not a repeater and his neighbor finally sick of it ? What i do know is he is at fault for blasting his speaker at 3 in the morning. People need sleep and people get cranky when they have not enough sleep. If you can handle that than good for you, it is not like other have to. Calling a police is too much but i think that it might have been pretty common in korea if the apartment building doesnt have a security guard and the neighbor dont know each other. Live confrontation is not for everyone esp since they dont know each other anyway so how would they know how he would react ?
It was a "three in the morning" complaint. When everything else is so quiet at zero dark thirty music doesn't need to be loud to be disturbing. .
I got the cops called on me so many times but since we moved it never happend again
"Door bell rings at 3 in the morning"
Yeah like he was sleeping.
I live in an Asia country, several houses around mine play karaoke like 3 times a week, its like outdoor parties. Good to read comment and see people with pianist or musician nearby, it inspires me to leave my house
Same! Hahaha. At this point I'd rather have a pianist neighbor than a karaoke party from 7-2 am
@@lindsaycabero5844 just found out we have a hotline for those kind of thing. I called them to report and they take my neighbor's speaker away
My neighbors are drummers and they usually play 80’s-90’s rock and I love it it’s such a vibe
Lol imagine being the person who rang the cops on an famous idol and the music isn’t even loud 😂😂😂
Bless the female cop's eyes
If the neighbour can hear it then it has to be loud
I mean if it's past midnight just use headphones, unless you live alone in the middle of a forest people are going to hear the music if it's 3am and there's no other noise
*imagine WHOLE BTOB was in that house, its either they will be reported for bwing noisy, or gonna be sulky and ready to fight "iTs nOT tHat vOluMe ah- ah-" i can imagine eunkwang english*
Imagine if you're sick or dead tired and the neighbor is listening music at three am without headphones.
If the person playing the music says it’s not too loud then that’s subjectively quiet.
If someone in a different house can hear you’re music at 3am then that’s objectively loud.
I just hope this wasn’t on a weekday.
Working a stressful job on hardly any sleep is a quick way to break a person.
Thinking of others doesn’t take much effort tbh.
Maybe they just have good hearing. Sorry their schedule is in the day and mine is at night. They should have thought about that when planning their life 🤣
I think the point of the story is that they should have just asked him, instead of calling the police.
@@BobblesFlopolopogus dumbiest shit I ever heard... So if I want to get a job I have to ask all my neighbors if they approve my schedule or not? Cmon man
@@tof4967 I don't plan my schedule around them and they don't plan theirs around me. If they let their kids scream all day and stop me from sleeping for work at night then when I'm relaxing after work I'll keep them up watching movies all night. Fair is fair.
@@BobblesFlopolopogus Tooth and nail huh?
I remember having my music on 3 on the volume and I could hardly hear it myself.
But the vibration on the other side of the wall was more than I realized. So I could imagine if it was on louder how it could be felt by neighbors I guess
Btw that means your neighbours are karens 😂🧋✌🏽
I just love how his hands gestures along the words that came out from his mouth. Loveeee peniel
Plot twist: The neighbour has Zenitsu's hearing ability
Bruh lol, got a knock at my door to my house. They were there for a tip on illegal guns. (Roommates were drug dealers, turns out one had a warrant). Answered the door in my boxers and was held at gun point by three police officers. Lol they searched the entire house while I had to sit outside in front of my neibors almost completely naked for 3 hours lol
Surprised cops showed up. I had some very rude neighbors who disrespected peoples sleep. Called cops, cops didn't show. Fired 2 rounds in the air from back porch. Cops showed. Nobody saw who fired shots. Neighbors stopped being rude.
I literally love you 💕
Not in a gay way
Nothing like being a hardass in the comments
If it's loud enough for your neighbors to hear at 3am, it's too loud. This guy is oblivious to the fact that some people actually have to wake up early.
The moral of the story was that his neighbor was too dramatic. The police said it wasn’t very loud. There are many instances where landlords are very, some say “crazy/unreasonable” too, but I see where you are coming from 😌
@KMMV It was loud enough to be heard. It's the middle of the night, people are trying to sleep. You think he randomly decided to call the cops because of a noise that he couldn't hear?
@@tortol4847 my neighbors called cops when they could barely hear my music in their toilet (bathroom and toilet is different things rooms here)
and cops when they came out wss like DUDE JUST DONT SPEND YOUR WHOLE NIGHT AT TOILET GO SLEEP OR SOMETHING (he was able to slightly hear my music only in a toilet)
some people are just too sensitive and dramatic.
even if he can hear it in toilet and it somehow bothers him he could just knock at the door or even call me :/ and just say "turn out music" I dont even need please lol... but he just called the cops.............
I mean....he does too.....he's an idol....sleep is a commodity. They stay up late working and wake up early to work again. I like that we're looking over the fact that his job IS music, so there's a good chance he was working at 3a.m..
@@MicheleDoenges Headphones my friend. They're a wonderful thing. It doesn't matter what his job is. Construction workers make an absurd amount of noise, do you see them working into the night? No, because theyre not allowed due to... You guessed it, noise. Playing music in the middle of the night is rude regardless of the reason.
Had about 12 people over at my apartment hanging out and the cops came knocking (it was around 8-9pm, not late at all). The second my hand touched the doorknob the acid kicked in. I talked to the cops (they were really nice) and let them know I was sorry about being loud and if the neighbor had come to me to complain I would’ve been nice to them and been quieter (said that so if the neighbors were listening they would know I am a reasonable person and won’t get mad at them). When the cops left I kicked out everyone but my husband and one friend
Realistically there's not much excuse for playing music out loud at 3am. That's literally the middle of the night, 99% of regular folk are sleeping, and if you're playing music at all, it's going to propagate when it's the middle of the night.
I've had to ask neighbours to turn down the sound on the film they're watching at 2am, and when I went to the door, it wasn't even that loud, but it just travels when it's the dead of night.
Respect your neighbours, don't be the guy who thinks it's not cool to complain about your neighbour playing music out loud at 3am.
Just go to sleep. You could never live in a city
@@WaaluigiBoard Lived in cities most of my life, but there's a difference between the background noise of a city, and some asshat playing loud music in your building.
Not only that, but the country I live in has an excess noise law after a certain time, and everyone takes it pretty seriously. It's one of the most densely populated countries in the world, not exactly a quiet place.
I know you think you're cool for living in a city (weird thing to get high and mighty about by the way), but the truth is, you're probably the prick that makes way too much noise in the middle of the night, and you've no idea what it's like to have disrespectful neighbours like yourself. Check yourself.
mucho texto pa
Hey. I need you to know that this makes you sound like an insane person
@@crowinthedusk Okay
Imagine playing music at 3 am in an apartment building and complaining that people want to sleep and not hear your shit
Am I the only one watching on repeat to just listen to him speak?
when I first listened to this episode I was dyinggg bahaha
Him: playing music neighbours:*calls police* police:its not even that loud?
I guarantee that the music was way louder than he describes it.
Pretty much yeah. Also any music you can hear at 3am is annoying. The guy is a kpop idol so ofcourse people side with him here.
bruh even the police said it wasn't that loud but it was probably bc of the bass so it's still annoying
@@lealouxo He's talking shit. Making up a story to get people on his side.
@@Anticulationfor what lol it aint that serious
@@lealouxo Not to you, but to those who want a respectful neighbour that got empathy for his neighbours and is smart enough to use Headphones.
I would’ve just vibed with him even if I was studying
There was a guy that killed for asking someone to turn down his music. The cops sadly is the only way to deal with it safely. I never had the cops called on me for music because I wear headphones.
Fucking what? In what world are the odds of asking your neighbor politely to turn their music down resulting in death any where near acknowledgeable? Only safe way to deal with it my ass
@@jacobpadilla9256 there are look it up. heres a headline Man asks neighbor to turn down music; relatives fear savage attack that followed could kill him
@@jacobpadilla9256 also in the case I was mentioning, the guy that shot the guy called the cops and said he feared for his life and got off with no charges. Even though the guy that got shot was an upstanding citizen and a father. just to ask his neighbor to turn down the music in his car, ended the guys life. People get attacked all the time, usually because the people blasting the music already have very little consideration of other people already. Its best to call the police and not put yourself or family at risk.
@@nugsnjugs9954 ok, I'm not denying that this happened obviously, but I'm not sure becoming inconsiderate yourself is a necessary precaution in this case? Like, I get it's possible, but it's also possible for some guy to mug and kill you on your way walking home every day, but people don't stop walking home over it. I'm just saying that the situation you're talking about is far from the norm, and unlikely enough to probably not call the cops over in every situation
Also, just to acknowledge it real quick, what a crazy ass thing for someone to do, super fucked that the neighbor got off the hook too.
@@jacobpadilla9256 its up to you to determine what cautions you take. Walking down an alley in ghetto is much more risky than walking an alley in the suburbs. Like asking someone to turn down music in a park is much safer than asking someone in the middle of the night at their house. Its just that, if you want to lower your risk in that circumstance, best to call the police, instead of confronting drunk people at night. However those last 2 stories are not uncommon. Yeah that guy that got off is because of the stand your ground law where if you feel threatened by anyone in any situation, you can shoot to kill someone legally. As long as you call the police and say "I felt threatened for my life" the law cant touch you. It is one the most fucked up laws in America right now. Especially because people like Karens and racists can kill black people and get away with it because they "felt scared in their presence." So thats another reason I dont confront anyone anymore.
It’s 3am though. Calling the police is definitely excessive but why is he playing music on a speaker at that hour? Any kind of noise at that time is loud
We're the neighbors supposed to knock at 3am?
How is it excessive?? You expect the neighbors to knock on his door and get dressed at 3:00 am while they have to go to work tomorrow unlike him.
He got Karen/Daren neighbors bro I feel bad for him on that one lol
If your neighbor hear your music at 3AM, IT IS LOUD. Lol
The neighbors should have asked him to turn it down instead of calling the police but if they could hear it from their place and it kept them from sleeping, the music clearly really was too loud (even if it wasn’t as loud as it usually is when people file noise complaints). So tbh I don’t see why people are trying to demonize the neighbors …
Agreed, could be bass travelling as well, I’m living in hell rn, my neighbours are inconsiderate and have an industrial bass speaker that they love to play, wish my country had Korean cops because mine are always too busy to do anything about it. Ifs affecting someone else, stop.
@@kymtangy Exactly! Like, not getting any sleep is horrible and very frustrating (especially if you have an important appointment/test the next day!) so I really don’t see how this makes the neighbors “Karens” … they clearly heard the music otherwise they couldn’t have known he was playing it, therefore, it was too loud. And I’m not even judging him for it … that can happen 🤷🏻♀️
Then the first thing to do is ask that neighbor to ask them to turn it down instead of calling the police immediately.
@@xxx-mf4cc thats literally what I said.
@@sophia4098 Oh that's for people who think the neighbors are completely innocent and fault free. Tho I also don't like how people antagonize the neighbors so much but at the same time I understand why they reacted that way lol