Fairy Tale in English - The Little Straw Bull Cartoon

  • Опубликовано: 20 авг 2022
  • Cartoon The Little Straw Bull
    There once lived a grandpa and a grandma. They had a granddaughter, Tanya.
    One day they were sitting near their house, when a herdsman drove a herd of cows past them. There were all kinds of cows: ginger cows, spotty cows, black cows, white cows. By the side of one of the cows, a little baby bull was frolicking - he was small and black. He jumped up and around as he ran. Watching the bull, Tanya said:
    - “If only we had a baby bull like that.”
    Grandpa thought for a while and came up with an idea: I’ll get a bull for Tanya. Yet where he would get it, he did not say.
    The night came. Grandma went to bed, Tanya went to bed, the cat went to bed, the dog went to bed, the chickens went to bed. Only grandpa didn’t go to bed. He silently got ready, and went into the forest. When he arrived, he collected a few buckets of resin from the trees, and carried them back home.
    Grandma slept, Tanya slept, the cat slept, the dog slept, the chickens slept. Only grandpa didn’t sleep - he was making a bull. He took some straw, and made a baby bull out of it. He took four pieces of wood, to make the legs. Then he attached a head, two horns, and smeared it with resin. Grandpa had created a little straw bull. He looked at the bull and thought- it’s a good bull, but it is lacking something. What could it be? Grandpa examined the bull - the horns were there, the legs were there, but the tail was missing! Grandpa took some more straw and made a tail. As soon as he adjusted the tail - Look! - the little straw bull came alive and ran into the barn!
    Tanya and grandma got up the next morning, went outside, and saw walking in the farmyard a little straw bull.
    Tanya was excited, and she picked up some grass to feed the bull. Later she took the baby bull on a walk. Next to the river, on a green field, she tied the bull up, left it there and went home.
    The little bull ate grass and wagged his tail.
    Then out of the forest came Misha the bear. There stood the little bull with his back to the forest. He didn’t move, and his coat shone in the sun.
    “Look, a fat one.” thought the bear to himself, “I’ll eat that bull.”
    The bear approached the bull from this side and that, then grabbed the bull…and got stuck.
    The baby bull wagged his tail and walked back home. “Clip, clop, clip, clop…”
    The frightened bear pleaded, “Little straw bull, let me go back into the woods.”
    The bull kept walking, dragging the bear along. Waiting on the porch, sat grandpa, grandma, and Tanya. They looked and saw that the bull had brought a bear with him.
    “There you are, little bull!” said grandpa, “Look who you have brought, a bear. I can sew myself a coat now.”
    The frightened bear pleaded, “Grandpa, grandma, and Tanya, don’t kill me please. I will bring you honey from the woods.”
    Grandpa unstuck the bear’s paw from the baby bull, and the bear ran off into the woods.
    Next day came and Tanya took the baby bull on a walk again. The bull wagged his tail, as he ate the grass. From the woods came a wolf, a gray-tailed wolf. He looked around, and saw the bull. The wolf sneaked up, gnashed his teeth, and then got stuck to the bulls’ straw coat. The wolf tried circling around, left and right. He couldn’t unstick himself. So he began to plead with the bull, “Oh baby bull! Let me go back into the woods.”
    The baby bull pretended that he didn’t hear, turned around, and walked home.
    “Clip, clop, clip, clop…” he arrived home.
    Grandpa saw the wolf and said,
    “Oh! Look what you brought here today! Now I will have a wolf-skin coat.” Frightened, the wolf spoke,
    “Oh, grandpa, let me go back to the woods. I will bring you a bag of nuts in return.”
    Grandpa let the wolf go.
    The next day, the bull went into the field again. He walked around and ate the grass, as he wagged his tail. All of a sudden, a rabbit hopped out from the woods. He looked at the bull, and in surprise thought, “Why is there a baby bull here?” Curiously, the rabbit ran up to him, touched him, and got stuck...
    Other fairy tales in English from the Kid Toon channel:
    At the Pike’s Behest - • Video
    Fedosya the Blabbermouth - • Video
    The Little Straw Bull - • Video
    The Rooster and The Bean Seed - • Video
    Stems and Roots - • Video
    The Princess and the Pea - • Video
    The Fox and the Wolf - • Video
    The frog Traveler - • Video
    The Vixen and the Rolling Pin - • Video
    The Wooden House - • Video
    The Hare and the Fox - • Video
    The Crane and the Fox- • Video
    Ryaba the Hen - • Video
    The Bun - • Video
    The Turnip - • Video
    The Mitten - • Video
    Masha and the Bear - • Video
    Made by #VladimirMarshala
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