Middle Access - The Intruder - Adventure 5 - 60fps - One Punch Man: Road to Hero 2.0

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 19

  • @TheRealDVO
    @TheRealDVO 4 года назад +3

    That's weird. The portal to Boros has always been missing in my game but when I walked to the position it said "invalid position" then booted me back the adventure select screen. I clicked on Intruder one more time and I spawn in Boros' room. Anyway thanks for the vid

    • @ashbjorn
      @ashbjorn 4 года назад +1

      Same deal here, latest patch must have messed something up, but could eventually complete the adventure.

    • @Boggyb25
      @Boggyb25 4 года назад +2

      Thanks, i was sure i was doing something wrong, u helped me and i murdered boros

    • @blackjoker874
      @blackjoker874 2 года назад

      How do I get the rewards in the upper right corner cuz I can get everything except for what's in that upper right corner

  • @lina282
    @lina282 2 года назад

    I dont know if its just my game thats broken but everytime i turn off the purple mech it wont give me a turn on or turn off it also breaks the yellow one

  • @rogigm6894
    @rogigm6894 4 года назад +4

    If i choose purple button first then i have to restart to collect rewards from yellow?

  • @48cocopop
    @48cocopop 4 года назад +1

    Can you do number 4 please I’m stuck rn

    • @COL2Gam3r
      @COL2Gam3r  4 года назад

      Late but ruclips.net/video/DiA5zhqQMN0/видео.html, subscribe and check my videos out ive got much more

  • @SickHedgehog777
    @SickHedgehog777 4 года назад

    fucking hell man thanks. i thought im stupid af but turns out THE PORTAL JUST DECIDED NOT TO SHOW UP! i entered the square where it should've been and an error popped up and i got kicked from the adventure. went back in and boom in in the last room. .

    • @COL2Gam3r
      @COL2Gam3r  4 года назад

      😂😂 well at least you got through the end

  • @PandaRuS224
    @PandaRuS224 4 года назад

    Is this game not on US?? Mine won't update at all

    • @COL2Gam3r
      @COL2Gam3r  4 года назад +2

      Ahh man sorry, maybe later it will be released or you can always use a vpn

  • @drogba2812
    @drogba2812 4 года назад

    Apenas de fuerza tengo 42000 es imposible pasarlo

  • @ritchvandenbosch1191
    @ritchvandenbosch1191 4 года назад

    No rewards?

    • @COL2Gam3r
      @COL2Gam3r  4 года назад +1

      Already collected

    • @royalxflush3
      @royalxflush3 4 года назад

      @@COL2Gam3r do we get a hero from the reward?

    • @lina282
      @lina282 2 года назад

      @@royalxflush3 sometimes

  • @tinacutaj8886
    @tinacutaj8886 4 года назад
