This is such a wonderful opportunity! I haven't learned a lot about Jane Austen but I am sure she will wing my heart. Your collection seems contending. Bon Voyage!
Congratulations! I’m thrilled for you and your sister. I recommend Jane Austen by Carol Shields. It’s 200 pages and is a commentary on her life and work. Carol was a member of the Jane Austen Society of North America. It’s thought provoking. My sentimental favourite is Northanger Abbey because of the books. Next is Persuasion because of Captain Wentworth - a self made man. I’m increasing fond of Mansfield Park as I get older. I love the scenes where she returns to Portsmouth and sees her family with mature eyes.
Ooh, I will be checking out the Carol Shields book. Thank you for the recommendation! Yes, I have grown to love Mansfield Park more and more in recent years. There's so much depth to it!
I am currently reading "What Matters in Jane Austen" and it is really good. I really like how Mullen takes a short chapter to answer a specific question related to her novels. It is very interesting and really delves into her writing style. I recently read "Jane Austen at home" by Lucy Worsley. I thought it was in interesting way of looking at the life of Jane Austen. Worsley writes through the lens of the homes Austen lived in.
OMG take me with you!!! I've always wanted to do a literary tour of England including plenty of Jane Austen of course! What Matters in Jane Austen by John Mullen is the best! You'll notice some overlap with his youtube lectures though. The Lucy Worsley book is fantastic as well. I think you can skip What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew. It's just generally 19th c. focused and is also very dense. It would be a great reference manual if you were writing historical fiction or something, but might not be great prep for your trip. Everyone recommends Claire Tomalin's Jane Austen biography as well, though I haven't personally read it. There's a Jane Austen related non-fiction haul on my channel from July 2018 that you should check out. I did research at my local libraries and took out as many non-fiction Jane Austen books as I could carry. I'm so excited to watch more of your Jane Austen Journey related content soon! ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope you can do a literary tour sometime! Ooh, I will definitely be checking out your video! Thanks for the recommendations. This makes me so excited!
How exciting!! I'm planning on a literary England trip next year to see the houses of Gaskell, The Brontes and Beatrix Potter :D I look forward to hearing your thoughts on all the Austen works!
Thanks so much! I'm glad you'll be doing a literary tour too. I wanted to go to those houses as well, but I guess I'll just have to go to Englad again 😆
I'm so happy for you. I hope you're able to vlog your trip so we can experience it vicariously. 👍❤ Last year I found a Jane Austen for Dummies (a reference for the rest of us) in a library sale. I haven't read it, but have flipped through it and it seems as though it contains the minute details of life during her time period. I was going to wait until July to read it.
Love your enthusiasm. I think the best biography of Jane Austen was by the late Canadian author, Carol Shields - short but insightful. Talking of Jane Austen and More Talk of Jane Austen are no longer in print but obtainable second hand. Both very good. As is Letters to my Niece by Fay Wheldon. Enjoy your trip.
😆 I do want to share my experience with the booktube community, but I'm not sure if it'll technically be a vlog. I'm excited to see what ends up happening!
That's wonderful! So excited for you! :) When will you be there? Daniel and I will be in England in April. :) I got to meet John Mullan a couple years ago and he's such a nice person and has great insights on Austen and literature in general. You might be interested in Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen by Fay Weldon. There's also a few (two I think) chapters on Austen in The Madwoman in the Attic by Gubar and Gilbert.
Thanks for the recommendations! They sound great. That's so cool that you got to meet John Mullan! He seems like a really kind person. I won't be there in April, but that would have been lovely to see you. ❤
How wonderful! I hope you have a great time! I went through an intense Jane Austen period but I don't think I've reread anything for a few years now. Maybe it's time to revisit.
I’m excited for you! Have fun with your rereads! Sadly I have only read Pride and Prejudice and I did it on audiobook and it was not a great experience lol. I plan on physically reading Pride and Prejudice sometime this year.
Aw yay, awesome! Have fun :) and I can't wait for you to read What Matters in Jane Austen! Also, I didn't and don't recommend What Jane Austen Ate etc - it's not very good!!
This is such a wonderful opportunity! I haven't learned a lot about Jane Austen but I am sure she will wing my heart. Your collection seems contending.
Bon Voyage!
I'm sure she'll win your heart too 💖
Winchester is my favorite place!! Such a dreamy town with a gorgeous cathedral. I hope you love this trip!! It sounds amazing.
Thanks so much! That's great to hear that Winchester is so lovely.
Congratulations! I’m thrilled for you and your sister. I recommend Jane Austen by Carol Shields. It’s 200 pages and is a commentary on her life and work. Carol was a member of the Jane Austen Society of North America. It’s thought provoking. My sentimental favourite is Northanger Abbey because of the books. Next is Persuasion because of Captain Wentworth - a self made man. I’m increasing fond of Mansfield Park as I get older. I love the scenes where she returns to Portsmouth and sees her family with mature eyes.
Ooh, I will be checking out the Carol Shields book. Thank you for the recommendation! Yes, I have grown to love Mansfield Park more and more in recent years. There's so much depth to it!
I am so glad that you get to go!
I am currently reading "What Matters in Jane Austen" and it is really good. I really like how Mullen takes a short chapter to answer a specific question related to her novels. It is very interesting and really delves into her writing style. I recently read "Jane Austen at home" by Lucy Worsley. I thought it was in interesting way of looking at the life of Jane Austen. Worsley writes through the lens of the homes Austen lived in.
So glad to hear you like these books! I've heard such good things about them.
You are going to love this trip!!!!! Love the chest of books.
I can hardly wait!
I'm so glad you and em are doing this trip!
Also, Lucy Worsley?!
She's done a lot of great stuff!
@@meghanthestorygirl4581 I love her documentaries!
@@pamdawkins13 Me too!
What exciting news! I hope you enjoy your trip!
Thanks so much!
Oh those versions you have are beautiful!! So simple and classic. I’m so jealous about your trip!! Can I stow away in your luggage??? Lol
Yes, please do stow away in my luggage! I'd love to have you along 😆
OMG take me with you!!! I've always wanted to do a literary tour of England including plenty of Jane Austen of course! What Matters in Jane Austen by John Mullen is the best! You'll notice some overlap with his youtube lectures though. The Lucy Worsley book is fantastic as well. I think you can skip What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew. It's just generally 19th c. focused and is also very dense. It would be a great reference manual if you were writing historical fiction or something, but might not be great prep for your trip. Everyone recommends Claire Tomalin's Jane Austen biography as well, though I haven't personally read it. There's a Jane Austen related non-fiction haul on my channel from July 2018 that you should check out. I did research at my local libraries and took out as many non-fiction Jane Austen books as I could carry. I'm so excited to watch more of your Jane Austen Journey related content soon! ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope you can do a literary tour sometime! Ooh, I will definitely be checking out your video! Thanks for the recommendations. This makes me so excited!
I am so excited for you!!! Yay!!!!
Thanks, Stephanie! I'm pretty ecstatic!
How exciting!! I'm planning on a literary England trip next year to see the houses of Gaskell, The Brontes and Beatrix Potter :D I look forward to hearing your thoughts on all the Austen works!
Thanks so much! I'm glad you'll be doing a literary tour too. I wanted to go to those houses as well, but I guess I'll just have to go to Englad again 😆
Woot I’m so excited for you! I hope you have the time of your life!
Thanks, Summer! I'm sure I will 😆
I'm so happy for you. I hope you're able to vlog your trip so we can experience it vicariously. 👍❤ Last year I found a Jane Austen for Dummies (a reference for the rest of us) in a library sale. I haven't read it, but have flipped through it and it seems as though it contains the minute details of life during her time period. I was going to wait until July to read it.
Ooh, sounds great! Yes, I hope to share my trip on here. I'm going to buy a selfie stick in preparation!
@@meghanthestorygirl4581 yay~ super excited for us viewers now. lol
Love your enthusiasm. I think the best biography of Jane Austen was by the late Canadian author, Carol Shields - short but insightful. Talking of Jane Austen and More Talk of Jane Austen are no longer in print but obtainable second hand. Both very good. As is Letters to my Niece by Fay Wheldon. Enjoy your trip.
Thanks so much!
Oh my goodness, this sounds amazing!!! But what we all want to know is if you will be vlogging the trip 😉
😆 I do want to share my experience with the booktube community, but I'm not sure if it'll technically be a vlog. I'm excited to see what ends up happening!
That's wonderful! So excited for you! :) When will you be there? Daniel and I will be in England in April. :) I got to meet John Mullan a couple years ago and he's such a nice person and has great insights on Austen and literature in general. You might be interested in Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen by Fay Weldon. There's also a few (two I think) chapters on Austen in The Madwoman in the Attic by Gubar and Gilbert.
Thanks for the recommendations! They sound great. That's so cool that you got to meet John Mullan! He seems like a really kind person. I won't be there in April, but that would have been lovely to see you. ❤
How wonderful! I hope you have a great time! I went through an intense Jane Austen period but I don't think I've reread anything for a few years now. Maybe it's time to revisit.
Jane Austen is so rereadable! I highly recommend it 😊
I’m excited for you! Have fun with your rereads! Sadly I have only read Pride and Prejudice and I did it on audiobook and it was not a great experience lol. I plan on physically reading Pride and Prejudice sometime this year.
Ooh, I hope it's a better experience this time around! Have you ever seen one of the adaptations? That might help you enjoy it more.
Oh you lucky duck!!!
I know, I totally am!
Omg that’s so exciting.. I wish you were coming nearer my way.. Can’t wait to hear all your opinions of them all 💜
Yes, a visit would have been lovely! I am really looking forward to making videos about them.
Aw yay, awesome! Have fun :) and I can't wait for you to read What Matters in Jane Austen! Also, I didn't and don't recommend What Jane Austen Ate etc - it's not very good!!
Oh, thank you for that correction! I won't be reading that one!
Congratulations Meghan
@@meghanthestorygirl4581 Your welcome
I love the beginning of this. 😂
Haha, thanks! It was fun to parody Jane Austen's words!