Lakshara Soft Toys - Matale

  • Опубликовано: 24 май 2022
  • The creativity and dedication that goes into making even the simplest looking soft toy can be seen through ‘Lakshara Soft Toys’ the enterprise of Rupa Withanage. Having, initially begun the production on her own, but eventually took it upon herself to train and employ females from her area. Now, ‘Lakshara Soft Toys’ is a thriving enterprise with multiple orders flooding in by the day.
    Rupa is supported by her two daughters, her husband and son-in-law with various tasks, but she mostly works together with her 10 employees, whom she proudly states are like family to her. After having taught them the craft behind the making of soft toys, her production line has not only increased but so has the demand from around the country.
    ‘Lakshara Soft Toys’ is now working to reach international markets and platforms as well to open their own independent sales centers in various locations around Sri Lanka.
    ‘Lakshara Soft Toys’ is a grantee of the Enterprise Project which is funded by the Delegation for the European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

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