the thing with dropping games and picking them back up is when I do that I completely forget where am supposed to go, what is happening in the story and it just makes me wanna play it less cuz my brain tries so hard to remember what am supposed to do next but its so hard and I get too lazy to restart :c
what really worked for me was calls with friends where I stream the game to them so it encourages me to play it more cuz they want to watch me play it as well
You are definitely not the only one. You would not believe how much analysis and choice paralysis i have had this last eight years, ranging from how to deal with an existential crisis to deciding what bonus power i want on my mass effect 2 adept. The only thing i can think of is the trust your brief and mild yet noticeable feelings about something should they not be negative, instead of trying to logic your way into every single life choice.
Been binging your videos bro, very relatable and I loved your cyberpunk video felt like it was straight from my mind. Keep it up you’ll be big one day 💯
Yeah choice paralysis is a real thing. I also have it with shows. The choice is just overwhelming. I try to limit myself artifically but thanks for the tip with the hidden games. That sounds like a partial solution.
I’ve recently made a booktube channel where I discuss books. I made a video on various healthy habits to follow when reading books. One of which is stop buying books when you haven’t even finished reading one. Or only have ONE book in view. The rest are hidden in a closet. I’m also a video gamer. I recently put this to the test with my video games. I uninstalled every videogame on my Xbox. I only have one game installed at a time. This will help me to finish what I started! Also I am just completely stopping multiplayer games. Live service games just want our time and money. Whereas single player games are complete and self contained experiences. My wife and I will start Alan wake 2 next month! Enjoying that deep single player story.
the thing with dropping games and picking them back up is when I do that I completely forget where am supposed to go, what is happening in the story and it just makes me wanna play it less cuz my brain tries so hard to remember what am supposed to do next but its so hard and I get too lazy to restart :c
what really worked for me was calls with friends where I stream the game to them so it encourages me to play it more cuz they want to watch me play it as well
@@EnzoMazstep 1: have friends ... xd
Trueee yeah that happens to me as well! ( i have restarted the Witcher 3 and red dead 2 like 3 times
You are definitely not the only one. You would not believe how much analysis and choice paralysis i have had this last eight years, ranging from how to deal with an existential crisis to deciding what bonus power i want on my mass effect 2 adept. The only thing i can think of is the trust your brief and mild yet noticeable feelings about something should they not be negative, instead of trying to logic your way into every single life choice.
You’re very talented dude, deserve more subs for sure. Stay consistent and they’ll come! Earned one here.
Been binging your videos bro, very relatable and I loved your cyberpunk video felt like it was straight from my mind. Keep it up you’ll be big one day 💯
Ty! Glad you’ve enjoyed them
Yeah choice paralysis is a real thing. I also have it with shows. The choice is just overwhelming. I try to limit myself artifically but thanks for the tip with the hidden games. That sounds like a partial solution.
I’ve recently made a booktube channel where I discuss books. I made a video on various healthy habits to follow when reading books. One of which is stop buying books when you haven’t even finished reading one. Or only have ONE book in view. The rest are hidden in a closet.
I’m also a video gamer. I recently put this to the test with my video games. I uninstalled every videogame on my Xbox. I only have one game installed at a time. This will help me to finish what I started!
Also I am just completely stopping multiplayer games. Live service games just want our time and money. Whereas single player games are complete and self contained experiences.
My wife and I will start Alan wake 2 next month! Enjoying that deep single player story.
What game is that at 5:57 exactly ??
i dont think it is all us.... because i can play warframe for hours and hours... new games? im bored after 30 minutes...
Hey dude, so I can relate to this and it sounds like you're describing ADHD haha.
this dude is cute