When I was young the compasses made by Silva & Suunto were good names for reasonable prices. Do you enjoy orenteering and do you ever use a gps? All the best "Triple G".
Yes those are great compasses still but a bit pricey now compared to then lol. I do enjoy it and yes I use both. Gps more so when with others especially if they are impatient non outdoor enthusiasts. Thanks! To you as well.
When I was young the compasses made by Silva & Suunto were good names for reasonable prices. Do you enjoy orenteering and do you ever use a gps? All the best "Triple G".
Yes those are great compasses still but a bit pricey now compared to then lol. I do enjoy it and yes I use both. Gps more so when with others especially if they are impatient non outdoor enthusiasts. Thanks! To you as well.
I hate the ones I bought so I gave one to some one I don't like, haven't seen him since
Hahahaha good thinking.
WARNING: He talks for the first three minutes solid without saying anything at all before he even starts to pick up the box.
Warning: She talks lol. Oh well can’t please everyone hahahaha