Hi how are you doing today komlospilla and your wife and your niece trip in Cambodia I see you have a very happy time ❤❤❤❤❤from me rom in the United States California anyway have a good trip when you come back home to united state because I want to see your wife cooking food ❤❤❤❤❤
Hi how are you doing today komlospilla and your wife and your niece trip in Cambodia I see you have a very happy time ❤❤❤❤❤from me rom in the United States California anyway have a good trip when you come back home to united state because I want to see your wife cooking food ❤❤❤❤❤
Nice family family and Tina chose pretty bracelets
បងមកស្រុកខ្មែរទៀតហើយ សុំសួរបងមួយ ក្មួយធីណា កូនបងប្រុសលក់ទឯកអំពៅមែនបង ក្មេងល្អ
You must speak chinese teochew sometime. It's your ancestor 's language.🤔🤔🇰🇭🇨🇳
មិនមែននិយមទេបង ជិះតាមលទ្ធភាព
បាទ អរគុណបងដា