I read in a report: Two stars, two soulmates, the charm and beauty of Xiao Zhan and Yang Zi, what else to add??? ZHANZI power couple blessings and happiness always ♥️💜🐰🐵🌛 ☀🌻🌻🌻🎎💍
Support YangZi no matter whoever’s collaborated with her colleagues . She is intelligent , talented professional artist with high IQ 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯💯🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️♥️♥️💜💜❤️❤️💖💖💖💕💕💕
Don't get too excited lol. Nothing is happening on Valentine's Day. Xiao Zhan has never been seen with YZ in private and he has only given her and her cp LX polite waves at the latest Weibo night. There were no photos of them together rehearsing for any Spring Festival event and this channel has not posted any such photos in the video. All these news are likely false.
Yangzi merece un hombre xiaozang no es confiable ni como amigo sería bueno que no estuviera serca de ella es desagradable ver un tipo gay cínico que se aprovecha de las personas decentes es desagradable y vergonzoso que se desaparezca al patio de atrás yangzi merece buenas personas a su lado como lixian el vale
I read in a report:
Two stars, two soulmates, the charm and beauty of Xiao Zhan and Yang Zi, what else to add??? ZHANZI power couple blessings and happiness always ♥️💜🐰🐵🌛 ☀🌻🌻🌻🎎💍
Nonsense 😊
复制的一个回言 YS 拍摄期間发生的肮脏事 依照肖战的個性是能避开就避开 一杀青馬上連夜回北京睡覺去也不願出席某女假杀青宴 實则是某女的生日宴 看肖战哪一部戏的杀青宴没出席過 就唯一一部戏不参加杀青宴連夜逃啊 人家导演也说了没有真CP事不要乱傳 还有上次蹭肖战梦中那片海杀青宴也是非说YS庆功宴 特意跟梦的劇组在一起 导演马上微博打脸人在北京没庆功宴 一群颜色疯子去灌爆导演微博让人刪文 还造谣備孕見家长了不要再胡乱编造了 見一个就拉郎一个若是真就拿有约会吃饭牵手進飯店照片证明一下吧 肖战在职場上一向谦和客气 不想多得罪同行 女方真不要太過了 肖战是个颜控 也是固守品格的人 不会看上一个真的長得就还好 还有到处挖了好幾個男主鼻孔 摸腿的怪癖 还好就没挖肖战的鼻孔 就是一直NG 吻戏 吻到肖战受不了要求吻替上場之後才停歇 还好要求的脱衣上床的床戏没得逞 这些影剧線的记者或小编一定非常清楚 不会空穴来风的 所以不要再乱编造了 巴不得連同事都不要有過
@@cathycheung1858 你是活在平行時空嗎😳😳沒看到楊紫和李現這麼賣力的用行動來讓大家感受他倆的CP 💜💛別再睜眼說瞎話啦☺️得接受事實的必定是你們🤭🤭
Support YangZi no matter whoever’s collaborated with her colleagues . She is intelligent , talented professional artist with high IQ 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯💯🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️♥️♥️💜💜❤️❤️💖💖💖💕💕💕
Yangzi 🎉🎉🎉
Don't get too excited lol. Nothing is happening on Valentine's Day. Xiao Zhan has never been seen with YZ in private and he has only given her and her cp LX polite waves at the latest Weibo night. There were no photos of them together rehearsing for any Spring Festival event and this channel has not posted any such photos in the video. All these news are likely false.
楊女接二連三和賀~俊~義交往分分合合合作男女CP組合何其多樂在其中 年終和馮金主友好關係內外皆知 誰要?祝你們百年好合。 肖戰不要!
Yangzi merece un hombre xiaozang no es confiable ni como amigo sería bueno que no estuviera serca de ella es desagradable ver un tipo gay cínico que se aprovecha de las personas decentes es desagradable y vergonzoso que se desaparezca al patio de atrás yangzi merece buenas personas a su lado como lixian el vale
Whole world kwons BJYXSZD💕💚♥️🐰🦁💕
@@滿天星-520 你們那幫崽紫放過肖戰吧😠😠
Yangzi merece mejores personas a su lado no un gay mentiroso sáquenlo solo le hace daño a yangzi merece lo mejor no más noticias sucias y equivocadas
咦?“說謊”...“楊紫劉學義 撒謊”上過熱一喔😊
Gay 😅😅
@@Krishnayoutuber-zr3zt 🌈True love is the most beautiful thing in the world🌈🥰💕💕
肖战工作室狀告有狐 战紫绯闻谣言肖战以维權的方式与楊紫划清界限
Gay gay 😅😅😅
@@Krishnayoutuber-zr3zt 🌈True love is the most beautiful thing in the world🌈🥰💕
No es confiable es nu mentiroso