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  • @mattnerdy7236
    @mattnerdy7236 4 месяца назад +4

    Hey Wally, I like the scenes with you and the artwork combined, that is new! The mending spell there is no way. Mending has a minimum of 1 minute per foot, that's 10 rounds 5 hp of damage per round that equals death 💀💀💀 I would have included exhaustion in the extreme heat. The vines confused me they were brought up 3 times in the video but have no purpose. Have them eventually catch fire from the heat and burn for about 3 rounds. Why would somebody build a trap then have short walls to help out the people trying to steal from them? That metal key should be red hot. I'm not sure this is a trap I would use, it leaves to many questions, things that just don't make any sense.
    Thanks Wally you have a wonderful day!

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +3

      Thank you Matt! I thought I'd try adding myself a bit more to the videos when appropriate. I couldn't find an image I wanted to represent a portion of the trap, so I made my own, lol. I'm glad that you liked them! And yeah... I recorded this trap as it was written in the D&D 5E Book of Many Things, and I agree, there are definitely some wonky points that need addressed, and as you mentioned, a lot of questions to be answered.
      I love your ideas and if I ran this trap, I'd add them. The combustible vines, is an auto include and I really dig the red hot key more than it becoming an animated key. Makes more sense, well done!
      Still, this is one of the best trap/puzzles ideas that WoTC has put in their books in quite a while, so I feel like they are getting a tad better at these things. It's always amazing for me to see the community here take a decent idea presented in my videos and make it great. :-) Thanks again!

  • @minimoose7890
    @minimoose7890 4 месяца назад +2

    That picture of you being grappled is hilarious, and I love it -- your expression: chef's kiss, lol

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1

      Haha! THank you so much. I had fun making those. Glad they went over well. Cheers!

  • @greatmoustache8731
    @greatmoustache8731 4 месяца назад +1

    Nice coverage of the trap. Like this concept.
    ? - If there are bald characters, do they give the characters around them disadvantage from the shine of their head?
    Think I would make the key a talking key too, complain about being taken, insult the party, etc.
    Also, bonus: that's an awesome hand holding that orb!

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1

      Need to have some sunblock before they go into this room, for sure. And bald... I'm wearing a boonie hat, haha! Thank you again for printing the miniature! As you can see, it was perfect for this video. :-) Cheers!

  • @linkatronic
    @linkatronic 4 месяца назад +2

    Neat puzzle and I like how the trap is for added treasure and not required.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      Definitely. I dig this bit as well. And of course, if it was me... I'm going for that orb! Cheers!

  • @dr.feargood2669
    @dr.feargood2669 4 месяца назад +2

    Inserting yourself in the video for reactions was brilliant and made me laugh. Traps with many aspects are always good to divide a group up. I have a magic user that would go for that.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      Haha, thanks, my friend. It was exhausting looking for images I needed to fit the scene, so I decided to use me instead. :-) Glad they went over well! Thanks again, my friend. :-)

  • @cadenceclearwater4340
    @cadenceclearwater4340 4 месяца назад +1

    I'm reminded of a scene, from a certain movie, where Roy Scheider replies _"foreground my ass!"_
    Nice touch with the yous 😅

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      lol. Thank you!

  • @granttrain3553
    @granttrain3553 3 месяца назад +1

    I would put the door behing the silver ball. I would make the Key another silver ball that was actually a flaming skull with the fire effects switched to lightning. The key hole would now be 2 silver balls with lighting going back and forth with a third missing (the old complete the circuit trick). Both are clearly electrofied If they go for the middle one it will slash down into a puddle of mucury and electrocute anyone near by. BUT the "hand" is hallow and has a long magnetic cattle prode type thing that allows the PC to catch the "Key" orb from over the wall if someone the other side lifts it up and they can turn off the magnet to drop it on the other side for someone to catch befor it flies off.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 3 месяца назад

      Ah, nice! Definitely like where you took this trap idea. Super cool. The original trap definitely has potential, and in the right DM's hands, could be amazing, for sure. Cheers, my friend!

  • @InquisitorThorn
    @InquisitorThorn 4 месяца назад +3

    This trap is insane; the level 1-4 has to be a mistake. Let's assume the PCs immediately know where the key is and what they need to do with it. Furthermore, they will full dash every round. First, (1d10 damage as Init 20 will likely be first at such low levels) 15 feet lateral movement to the right hallway, 45 feet forward (1d10). Next round, 55 foot dash, object interaction, 5 feet returning. (1d10) Next round, the key activates and the party manages to incapacitate it in one round without slowing down. The key carrier runs 60ft (1d10). Next round, The bearer runs the last 35 feet, moves laterally 25 feet, entering the left hall (1d10). Next round, full dash 60 ft (1d10). Next round, dash 40 ft, object interaction, use last 20 ft to exit the room as needed. Unless the party includes tabaxis, monks, or spiderclimb potions, that's 6d10 (33 avg) radiant damage to every member of the party. Assuming 31 average hp @ level 4 (d8 hit pool, +2 Con), this is a likely TPK without preparation or foreknowledge - a healer would ideally be positioned at the end of the left hall, healing every single round. I'd consider this a dangerous trap for a party of levels 5-8.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1

      100% agree. I mentioned it in the Behind the Scenes video about this being more powerful than written, but forgot to say something in this video. But yeah, absolutely insane for characters 1-3... and at level 4, I'd bump it up to deadly. I still think its a good trap, but definitely something a DM will need to adjust accordingly. Like you mentioned, a TPK is likely to happen if the DM implements this at low levels. Great breakdown on this Thorn!

    • @InquisitorThorn
      @InquisitorThorn 4 месяца назад +2

      @@WallyDM Thanks man. I feel like your puzzles and traps are usually better than WotC's. I feel like you're more likely to consider the circumstances and come up with something clever.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      @@InquisitorThorn thank you, I appreciate this. :-) .
      And, I gave my puzzle book to Chris Perkins at a convention last year, so maybe he will reach out at some point and ask me to help out with some puzzle/trap ideas, lmao. Cheers, my friend!

  • @tqbrowne
    @tqbrowne 4 месяца назад +1

    Sounds perfect for an Avernus or fiend-related setting!

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      Great idea!

  • @HowtoRPG
    @HowtoRPG 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks Wally.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1

      Thanks Fred!

  • @Kokosnuss
    @Kokosnuss 4 месяца назад +1

    Great puzzle, thanks for sharing! I only do not like the key breaking. Players having something in their arsenal to repair the key on the fly isn't that likely I would believe. They could also be short on spell slots, if they even have something like mending. I'd make that part optional, depending on said factors.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      I think that more than fair. Destroying the key in combat to simply fix it, while baking in the oven at 425 degrees... yeah, that is definitely a bit much, lol. Glad you enjoyed the video and thank you for the comment. Cheers!

  • @petermcinnes2499
    @petermcinnes2499 4 месяца назад +1

    Mending has a 1 minute casting time. Wouldn't want to be taking 50 damage at level 4.

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1

      lol, That's hilarious. I didn't even realize that. It's a bit funny that WoTC offered the mending spell as an option in the written version of the book, but at that level, they will probably be toast. Literally. Thanks for watching, cheers!

  • @RIVERSRPGChannel
    @RIVERSRPGChannel 4 месяца назад +1

    Cool trap

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      Thanks Rivers!

  • @glitchking666
    @glitchking666 4 месяца назад +2

    Fascinating trap , question though what if someone cast fog cloud near the ceiling, would that block some or all of the damage in the 20 foot radius? Possibly buying the team more time?

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +2

      I think the results of effects like this are best left to the DM/GM running it. For me, personally, absolutely. I would definitely reward that type of creativity. I think a fog cloud would be a tremendous idea and would definitely reward them with reduced damage or a few rounds of relief as they explored the corridors. Great question!

  • @minimoose7890
    @minimoose7890 4 месяца назад +1

    Sheesh, those WotC writers and editors... I have to agree with the other comments: this trap is insane and nigh impossible for low levels. You'd need some real creativity as players and the DM allowing it. And the person carrying that key probably isn't gonna be climbing quick enough to save any time... maybe they're better off stealing the shelf and having the key fly after them -- likely weighs a lot less.
    Definitely would do something to vary the sun like a CON save for any or half damage, and the DC rises each round you're still there?

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, the more I read the comments, the more insane I find this trap for characters of 1-2 level. I mean, after contemplating the predicament for well over a week, a bag of holding for the key sounds like a good idea, but in the moment, when things are going down... I don't know if I could come up with something creative enough to survive this. I like your ideas of CON saves, I think that's a good place to start... also, I'd change the level recommendation up to the 5-8 area for 5th edition. OR, change the length of the hallways from 100' to 30'.
      THat's what is great about sharing these videos, to be honest... seeing how fellow GMs/DMs make them better. And the Surface of the Sun trap, its getting some much needed help, for sure. lol. Cheers!

  • @TwinSteel
    @TwinSteel 4 месяца назад +1


    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1


  • @aureliomanalo
    @aureliomanalo 4 месяца назад +1


    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      Thank you! :-)

  • @p.h.744
    @p.h.744 4 месяца назад +1

    Boy ... a lot of running around. Is this really doable for first level characters? Even fourth level seems a stretch.
    Other than that, I like that trap a lot. Thank you! 😃

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад

      As Thorn mentions in his comment... I think low level characters parish. Not a chance. I mention this in the Behind the Scenes video as well. But yeah, you are on to something... a really good trap, but the DM needs to bump this up to mid-tier characters, 4 at the lowest, I think. Thank you PH, cheers!

  • @PrippyMontyPoppyCock
    @PrippyMontyPoppyCock 4 месяца назад +2

    I appreciate the illustrative pics lol!

    • @WallyDM
      @WallyDM 4 месяца назад +1

      Haha, thank you Prippy! I was hoping someone would mention my action poses. I actually had a bit of fun with those. ;-) Cheers!