LG WM6700H Smart Washing Machine with AI DD® 2.0 Built-In Intelligence

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @slide6577
    @slide6577 Год назад +30

    Why is "AI Wash" not the default cycle instead of "Normal"? Is there some advantage that Normal cycle has over AI Wash?

    • @m.t-thoughts8919
      @m.t-thoughts8919 Год назад +20

      Why AI to beginn with? I start to refuse bying AI bs, its just a stupid algorithm that gets activated by a specific input of a sensor....

    • @familei3349
      @familei3349 Год назад +17

      I guess my garage door is AI b/c it can stop closing because of a occupant under the door when closing. Hey, I just found out my toaster is AI, too! Did I say, AI?

    • @laundrybreadsticks
      @laundrybreadsticks Год назад +3

      Lg uses all kinds of different types of agitating/ washing the ai just picks and maybe makes the best ones for your cycle so you clothes come out the best. But at the same time the basic normal cycle will still do the job just fine.

    • @slide6577
      @slide6577 Год назад

      @chippsterstephens6800 I last used this machine 5 minutes ago, and am aware that one can make anything be the default. The question is why did LG think so little of their marquee newer better mode (AI Wash) that they were afraid to make it the default.

    • @johndoe-vc1we
      @johndoe-vc1we Год назад

      ​@@slide6577I guess it would be too forward to do so. Hey, there is normal that you were used to with your previous machine and it's totally fine if you want to use that. But there is something new if you would like to check out.

  • @tyalexander9005
    @tyalexander9005 5 месяцев назад

    how do you use the steam option? i want to use steam on my whites but when i press it the water temp and soil level lights go away and only the spin lights work i have the ai washer

    • @LGUSASupport
      @LGUSASupport 5 месяцев назад +1

      Hey there! To use the Steam setting, simply select a cycle close to the red strip on the knob and press the Steam button. Keep in mind that choosing steam may limit other options, but don't worry! Press Start and watch your machine do its magic, adjusting the cycle if needed. The Steam setting is automatic for certain cycles, so no need to worry about turning it off. If you encounter any issues, such as disappearing water temperature and soil level indicators when steam is selected, it's time to request a repair or click on "Live chat" for quick assistance. Happy washing!^ Diego

    • @tyalexander9005
      @tyalexander9005 5 месяцев назад

      @@LGUSASupport my machine is a dream come true ive nevrr had a washer so quiet and wonderful and beautiful i absolutely love it ! thank u so much :)

    • @LGUSASupport
      @LGUSASupport 5 месяцев назад

      Hey there! We love to see it. ^ Diego

  • @MigsTv_Gaming
    @MigsTv_Gaming 20 дней назад

    So the world is really becoming Mitchel’s vs The Machines.

    • @LGUSA
      @LGUSA  20 дней назад

      Hello, Migs. That's a fascinating viewpoint! It's indeed the case that with technological progress, we observe an increasing incorporation of AI into our daily lives, including our laundry processes. Instead of viewing it as a conflict, we prefer to see it as a collaboration-streamlining tasks and enhancing efficiency. If you have any insights or inquiries regarding the functionality of our smart appliances, or if you have any concerns, please feel free to send us a direct message on social media @LGUSSupport.^Con

  • @JohnBColby
    @JohnBColby 6 месяцев назад

    What is the difference between the AI DD 2.0 on the WM6700 and the AI DD (no mention of 2.0) on the WM5700? Is the 2.0 just a more recent branding, or is there any real difference?

    • @LGUSA
      @LGUSA  6 месяцев назад

      Hey John! AI DD 2.0 is the newest version of LG's innovative artificial intelligence direct drive technology. Please send us a private message on social media (@LGUSSupport) so that we can fill you on the details on how it compares to the previous version! ^Chris

    • @tony-todo
      @tony-todo 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@LGUSA Chris, the rest of us would also want to know the comparison. Why not share them here :)

    • @LGUSA
      @LGUSA  6 месяцев назад

      Hey there! We'd like to ensure that we have the correct details regarding the key differences between AI DD 2.0 and AI DD! As soon as we can, we'd love to post them publicly! In the meantime, please send us a message on social media (@LGUSSupport) for support! ^Chris

    • @user-d6b5o9
      @user-d6b5o9 2 месяца назад


    • @user-d6b5o9
      @user-d6b5o9 2 месяца назад


  • @binhdu4381
    @binhdu4381 Год назад +11

    Bought this very set and vibration sensor went out within the month. Buyers beware

    • @dank9288639
      @dank9288639 Год назад +8

      what were you washing in it? fkn bricks or what lol

  • @farmaaneilahi
    @farmaaneilahi Год назад +9

    Kindly do not buy LG AI products, it's poor quality plus poor service, since 2 weeks my laundry has been piled up, my brand new washing machine stopped working in 15days... The repair is taking months.. Worst choice I made in electronics

    • @kattykittylove
      @kattykittylove 3 месяца назад +1

      AGREED! My LG Tower shakes really bad during the spin cycle from the beginning. Now after 2 years 4 months I have to pay over $400 to have it fixed. The machine cost $2,149.49 from Costco. It is a poorly over priced appliance.

  • @kattykittylove
    @kattykittylove 3 месяца назад +1