EAT Lancet is NOT a healthier diet!

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 150

  • @karenbole7130
    @karenbole7130 2 года назад +69

    Thank you for this info. Ive been fat from preschool age and throughout my 57 years, which included 25+ years of ever increasing insulin shots (i was taking nearly 300 units per day with the two types). i have been carnivore around 20 mos and have not needed one unit for more than a year. As long as bill gates doesnt succeed in making us all go vegan i will finally live in a healthy body eating meat

    • @TerriblePerfection
      @TerriblePerfection 2 года назад +6

      Congratulations! 🥳

    • @christopherellis2663
      @christopherellis2663 2 года назад

      Bill Gates is ill-advised by some yuppies

    • @cootiebooboo
      @cootiebooboo 2 года назад +2

      As soon as I heard the details of the diet, the name gates came to my mind as well. What a devil.

    • @karenohanlon4183
      @karenohanlon4183 2 года назад +3

      Brilliant keep Gates away from butting his nose in the Carnivore,keto and proper human diet world.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +1

      LMAO!! You can’t “make” someone go Vegan.
      Being Vegan is an ethical choice, it’s not all about the food you eat.
      Geezus, education is a thing.

  • @orlovsskibet
    @orlovsskibet 2 года назад +3

    The planet could not care less about what we humans do. It has been a lot worse, than what we can ever do.

  • @tomsawyer4108
    @tomsawyer4108 2 года назад

    Somebody should sue these companies into oblivion

  • @KatieZeldin
    @KatieZeldin 2 года назад +3

    Most mainstream recommendations have the purpose of creating as many chronically ill people as possible. Perhaps ignoring them is the modern days natural selection factor.

    • @chazwyman8951
      @chazwyman8951 2 года назад +1

      It's not the purpose but it is the result. The purpose is to make food corporations richer.

    • @KatieZeldin
      @KatieZeldin 2 года назад +1

      @@chazwyman8951 You're right: pharma companies invest money in major medical schools, they influence what is tought to the students. And all this to make food corporations richer.

    • @chazwyman8951
      @chazwyman8951 2 года назад +1

      @@KatieZeldin It's worse than that. Food corporations fund their own research projects and when the result go their way they publish, if they do not then they bury the report. An ex-Vegan Nina Teicholz studied this, and the result was she became a meat eater. Her book is "The Big Fat Surprise" its a great read.

  • @patriciawalters6778
    @patriciawalters6778 2 года назад +9

    A diet of impossible burgers, potato chips, Oreo cookies, and Coca-Cola would be plant based. But it would NOT help prevent chronic disease, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or lessen any environmental footprint of any kind. LOL

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +2

      That’s not really a plant based or a plant predominate diet now is it?
      That’s the standard American diet.

    • @patriciawalters6778
      @patriciawalters6778 2 года назад +7

      @@Marta_is_here I beg to differ. It absolutely is plant based. All of the foods I mentioned are produced entirely from plants. They are, in fact, vegan. How are these not plant based foods? This is not the standard American diet. The SAD includes animal products and dairy. But, then, that is precisely my point. The term "plant based diet" has no stable scientific, medical, or linguistic definition. It means exactly what it's proponents wish it to mean in any given moment or context. Any diet lacking or restricted in animal foods can be called "plant based". It is a pointless, meaningless term that has been bent and abused by vegan advocates for the purpose of forwarding their ideology.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +2

      @@patriciawalters6778 that’s my point. The foods you listed are not “plant based” it is a food list from a less than healthy ethical vegan who is basically eating the standard America diet.
      Vegan is an ethical choice, some vegans are plant based Vegans (healthier diet of predominately plant sourced foods) other Vegans just don’t want to eat animals, but don’t think too much about the health aspect.
      I (for instance) am a plant predominate omnivore. I eat a mostly plant based diet, with some animal sourced food thrown in. I would say, that “junky or fun” foods are a rare, mostly fun times being had occurrence for me. Been this way for decades.
      I just believe the general public can’t, won’t, or isn’t knowledgeable enough to distinguish between a person who is an actual Vegan, and another who is doing a healthy plant rich vegan diet to lose weight, but will go back to being an omnivore. Or another who eats Vegan processed food sometimes to mix things up.
      I’ve worked in the health and nutrition field for a very long time. There IS a difference. My son is in university right now studying nutrition science and kinesiology. We have awesome conversations about this stuff!

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +1

      @@patriciawalters6778 IMO “plant based” “predominately plant based” and “exclusively plant based” are NOT pointless and meaningless.
      They are descriptive of one’s diet.
      Seeing plant based on a food label that’s got over a dozen weird ingredients though…that’s just wrong. Often times VERY LITTLE plant went into that product. lol
      They should just read…
      This is a vegan food
      This is a vegetarian food
      To the point, you know. But that won’t happen.

    • @patriciawalters6778
      @patriciawalters6778 2 года назад +4

      @@Marta_is_here you have made my point for me! If 'plant based' does not mean 'made out of plants' then what, pray, does it mean? If it means only foods from a list advocated by a certain group with a certain opinion then who decides what foods belong on the list? Can different groups can have different lists? Can your opinion of what 'plant based' is be different from mine? You have asserted a differing opinion, but have (inadvertently, I believe) proved my point.

  • @joetart9905
    @joetart9905 2 года назад +11

    Wow, doctors not using science to make recommendations... how typical.

    • @zarroth
      @zarroth 2 года назад +5

      almost as if they have a financial incentive from the drug companies!? omy! Think it's long past time to make it illegal for drug companies to be able to give ANY incentives to anyone, including the gov't..also remove their immunities.

    • @sw6118
      @sw6118 2 года назад

      Unbeknownst to the rest of us the hippocratic oath requires doctors to NOT know anything about nutrition.

  • @cps_Zen_Run
    @cps_Zen_Run 2 года назад +5

    Plants don’t want to be eaten and have natural defense mechanisms which negatively affect many of us. I abstain from plants. Except I eat the animals that eat the plants. LOL.

    • @lilystonne4108
      @lilystonne4108 2 года назад +3

      Nobody wants to be eaten, including plants, lol!

    • @akiram6609
      @akiram6609 2 года назад +1

      Animals want to be eaten? Ever witnessed a pig being slaughtered?

    • @cps_Zen_Run
      @cps_Zen_Run 2 года назад +2

      @@lilystonne4108 , fruits want to be eaten, unlike plants. Their seeds are eaten and deposited later, with added fertilizer. 😉

    • @cps_Zen_Run
      @cps_Zen_Run 2 года назад +2

      @@akiram6609 , I don’t know anyone that promotes inhuman treatment of animals.

    • @brendamaggio9189
      @brendamaggio9189 2 года назад +2

      @@akiram6609 When the butcher does on-farm slaughter, and is a good shot, all it takes is one bullet to the middle of the forehead. The animal never sees it coming if they have their head in a bucket of corn, and they go out doing what they love best. That's the humane way to do it, with no trauma. Best-tasting pork I ever had! Keep the other animals out of sight, too, so they don't get stressed and traumatized.
      That can't be done on factory farms. That's why we need to return to small family farms and get rid of all the inhumane factory ones that only care about profits, while causing diseases in humans from unhealthy foods.

  • @Marta_is_here
    @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +9

    I’ll admit, study or not..The Eat Lancet diet looks extremely delicious.
    It’s close to how I’ve been eating for 35 years now.
    I’m a predominately plant based eater. I enjoy seafood, eggs and some dairy,( mostly goat and sheep dairy)
    When traveling or at home for the holidays I will have some poultry.
    I’ll be 60 next spring, my metabolic health is great, I lift, do yoga, jog, garden and walk my dogs. I’m 5’8” and 145 lbs.
    Maybe having a 18year old son, and a husband 9 years my jr, keeps me feeling youthful also.
    I wish I knew my diet could make me money, I would of wrote a book and had a study done first! 😂🤣
    Like you said, we all have our preferences, health issues and genetic differences that allow us to thrive on NOT the same cookie cutter diet.
    I would lose my S… if I was told to eat high meat keto
    Differences make the world go round 👍

  • @DrAJ_LatinAmerica
    @DrAJ_LatinAmerica 2 года назад +3

    Salt???? What? Salt is awesome. Try to live without it jejeje. So much depends on age, diet, activity levels, hydration, perspiration...

  • @paladinprincipals
    @paladinprincipals 2 года назад +15

    Hey Bret, I’m thinking you live in San Diego and might appreciate this re: climate and drought. The green v blue water needed for animals v almonds is part of whats been driving CA droughts. Get rid of the almonds and avocados, replace w ruminants and CA can sustain itself. Ive been in CA for the past 15mo waiting for eastern Europe to calm down and have found the plant diet culture here counter to all common sense and science. My local pizza place has talked about switching to nut-based ‘cheese’! Not only is that not more nutritious, it wont save the planet and opens up pandoras box of allergy and intolerance issues.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +2

      Sad, there should ALWAYS be choices.
      Nut based cheese IS a better choice for some people, based on genetic disorders or health history.
      Nut cheese is a horrible choice for some people, based on genetics and health history.

    • @chazwyman8951
      @chazwyman8951 2 года назад

      The plant based obsession is mentally deficient. It no longer bares any relationship to common sense or science and is just another "lifestyle" choice, followed by sheeple and promoted by big food to sell more fake food-like substances.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +1

      @@chazwyman8951 unfortunately the term plant based has been completely skewed by the big food companies. One plant ingredient and it’s plant based 🤦‍♀️
      To be clear though, being “a vegan” IS and ideology. They don’t believe in consuming or using any animal product whenever it’s possible. A lot of vegans are just looking to see that there is no animal product. They eat their version of the standard American diet also and are no healthier than a omnivore who eats the SAD diet. Of course there are vegans who are healthy and fit, they stay away from the mock foods generally.
      So those “junk foods” should be called Vegan not plant based, as when most think of plants we don’t think of mock meat 🤣
      But I don’t rule the world, so it won’t change.
      *mock meats and cheese have their place I think. Like I’ve said, genetics, health, allergies, social situations, etc…everyone should have choices.

    • @sw6118
      @sw6118 2 года назад +1

      Those nuts are mainly for the export market. You are correct the amount of water required for almonds is too much. The farmers with the water rights really don’t want either you or me in between them and their profits. The real issue is greed over people.

  • @chrisminifie219
    @chrisminifie219 2 года назад +2

    Follow the money. Who is really behind this BS diet?

  • @brett6468
    @brett6468 2 года назад +3

    Grass fed beef heals the human body, amends the topsoil, and sequesters carbon out of the atmosphere.

  • @gmrbowden2133
    @gmrbowden2133 2 года назад +14

    Thank you very much for pointing out that a single diet cannot possibly work for everybody! A single diet cannot even work for a single person forever. I had become severely anemic a year ago and I had to increase my protein and iron intake like crazy. Now my iron levels fall within a normal range if I continue to eat like that it would go above normal. I personally think that's why it is better for people to eat seasonally because at some parts of the year it forces you to eat more meat and other parts of the year it forces you to eat more plants. But the thought that even that would work for every single person all the time still can't possibly be right because genetics and evolution simply do not work that way. ❤️

    • @Scottlp2
      @Scottlp2 2 года назад

      If you are male and have had anemia you need to get checked by MD (if you haven’t)

    • @chazwyman8951
      @chazwyman8951 2 года назад

      Actually the right diet can work for people forever. You just have to know how the human race is adapted by nature to eating. It's about eating animals and some plants.

    • @miklimecat9636
      @miklimecat9636 2 года назад +2

      There is always a baseline optimal diet specific for each species on earth. It’s the one that doesn’t result in deteriorating health. It’s the one that doesn’t require a ton of supplements. It’s the one that restores health when you go back to eating it after eating in a species-inappropriate way. Hint: it isn’t plant-based.

    • @PinkieJoJo
      @PinkieJoJo Год назад +1

      I agree. I get so frustrated with both ends of the spectrum. Vegans say plant based is right for all. Carnivores say all meat is right for all (and they often say it is how all ancestors are which is 100% not true). People have to start using their brains to realize that neither end is for all and never was.

  • @HansSchmidtUnfoldingStone
    @HansSchmidtUnfoldingStone 2 года назад +23

    Amen! Besides starting a meditation practice, getting off psychiatric drugs, and getting back on my bicycle, the keto diet and intermittent fasting have been the best things that I've ever done for health. I'm still working on finding My Beloved Wife to launch my love therapy practice, but as long as I keep doing what I am doing, that will happen. Sleep hygiene is critical, too, I have found. Thanks for all your work, Diet Doctor!

    • @chazwyman8951
      @chazwyman8951 2 года назад +4

      Me too. I started Keto with fasting in January. I've lost 42lbs, stopped 4 medications, no longer get heart pain from my CAD; and have not been hungry. Now eating one maybe two meals a day is normal and keeping the weight off after 8 months. This is on total contrast to dozens of calories restrictive diets I have been on since 1974. It's the bloody carbs man! Humans are not well adapted to eat all that veg.

    • @jakubchrobry3701
      @jakubchrobry3701 2 года назад

      @@chazwyman8951 Great! Keep it up. Please give us annual updates including blood test results and medical history like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.

    • @chazwyman8951
      @chazwyman8951 2 года назад

      @@jakubchrobry3701 A1C is now normalised and my HDL is higher and Triglycerides lower, achieving optimal ratio. As for cancer I had stage 4 throat cancer 14 years ago.

    • @jakubchrobry3701
      @jakubchrobry3701 2 года назад

      ​@@chazwyman8951 Congrats on recovering from cancer. I'm not sure what that has to do with starting a Keto diet eight months ago. I'm more interested in where you will be in a year, two years, five years, etc. Did you also start exercising and eliminating processed foods and junk foods? That's the most important. Everything else is noise: Keto, Paleo, EAT Lancet, Atkins...
      Keto does seem to be good for quickly losing weight in the first six months. There's no supporting data that it's a good diet in the long-term. Dr. Scher is promoting a highly restrictive and extreme diet for the whole population. There's going to be major problems with that. There are many different ways to eat a healthy diet, especially for individuals, because it needs to be sustainable. It needs to be enjoyable. And that's going to be different for everybody. The Keto diet could be good for a sliver of the population and I hope that could be you. Most fail with it. And then a bunch of new people come in and tell how great Keto has been for the first six months. They fail after a year, then the cycle continues with more new people trying it.
      Any diet that includes eliminating processed foods is going to be good. Get off the sweets and other junk foods, get to the gym and lower your BMI and things will improve. Following a highly restrictive diet such as Keto will only hinder that.

    • @chazwyman8951
      @chazwyman8951 2 года назад

      @@jakubchrobry3701 No it is not noise. It's not just the fact of food processing. I do not consume processed food. Many individuals like me are high responders to the effects of carbs. You should read "The Case for Keto" by Gary Taubes. Keto has been the only way that I can do intermittent fasting. Any amount of carbs mean I put on weight and stay hungry. I've tested this on numerous occasions through the year, by trying to stay fasting whilst including fruit or oats and other naturally occurring carbs. Exercise also makes me hungry and it is really difficult to exercise away the lbs. I've been on an annual diet for nearly 50 years, and they have all ended the same way - weight loss, but tiredness, lower metabolism, hunger and obsession with food through calorie counting; ending with a gradual putting the fat back on and rising to a new higher norm. Keto has been the best, but I have learned that I cannot afford to eat carbs, that is it. If you don't like it then I suggest you read some more.

  • @joantendler6518
    @joantendler6518 2 года назад +6

    Such a breath of fresh air-thanks so much Dr. Scher! A meat-based keto diet enabled me to recover from being a vegetarian for 35 years, so I really appreciate these videos, and hope that your message gets through to these people.

  • @samuelbrainsample
    @samuelbrainsample 2 года назад +21

    If it harms my health, screw the planet. I'm here for a much less time than it is.

    • @mementomori29231
      @mementomori29231 2 года назад +4

      Hopefully a super short short time based on your attitude.

    • @samuelbrainsample
      @samuelbrainsample 2 года назад +2

      @@mementomori29231 Doubtful that your diet does anything for the planet. Hopefully your diet is good for you.

    • @btudrus
      @btudrus 2 года назад

      @@samuelbrainsample "Doubtful that your diet does anything for the planet."
      Every "diet" containing plants (grown by men) is bad for the planet!

    • @samuelbrainsample
      @samuelbrainsample 2 года назад +1

      @@btudrus well, I don’t know about that. I am more for regenerative farming and shopping from the farmers market when possible.

    • @btudrus
      @btudrus 2 года назад

      @@samuelbrainsample While it is true that regenerative farming does the least harm, the humanity has been destroying this planet by growing plants since the invention of agriculture.
      Just look how detrimental to the biological system everything in the plant agriculture is: tilleage, fertilizing, irrigation (not to speak about pesticides and insecticides).
      Compare it to regeneratively managed livestock on a pasture: You have biodiversity and a real functioning biosystem...

  • @patriciawalters6778
    @patriciawalters6778 2 года назад +4

    "What is an expert? X is an unknown quantity, and a spurt is a drip under pressure."
    Bart Kay

  • @karenohanlon4183
    @karenohanlon4183 2 года назад +3

    My father and his four brothers worked in a fertiliser plant.
    They all died prematurely as the chemicals were lethal. Four died cancer one with heart probs before age 55.

  • @johndoudna7055
    @johndoudna7055 2 года назад +1

    Wouldn't be listening to these 'experts' . Wishful thinking and unsubstantiated claims - and flat out mis-takes and mis-statements is worthy of getting canned from a responsible position - just saying....

  • @seesharp81321
    @seesharp81321 2 года назад +6

    Eating shouldn't be moralized it's something we do to try to stay alive in a healthy way. People who tend to moralize it are in my eyes immature and backwards. I don't care what other people eat or don't eat, I have my own thoughts of course and I will ventilate them when asked, but in the end it's the persons own choice.
    My life was for about 20 years not good at all, DM2 and when I went Keto and later on mostly carnivore everything turned for the better, except for the one thing that shall not be named :). I'm not going to change something that works for me, at least not before that changes.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад

      Exactly! To each their own. 💕
      I have a genetic disorder, my body does not handle saturated fat well AT ALL! It highly contributes to early atherosclerosis and other problems.
      It not common, but not super rare. 1 in about 300 people have a variant. 1:10,000 people have a variant similar to mine, I have to keep saturated fat to a bare minimum.
      You never know someone’s story, or their reasons for the diet they eat.
      I really have issues with dogmatic, judgmental, high on their own horse diet cults.
      I hope someday us humans will treat each other better and respect differences.
      *that’s supposed to be 1 in 10,000 IDK why it showed up weird 🤷‍♀️

    • @seesharp81321
      @seesharp81321 2 года назад +1

      @@Marta_is_here it was recognized as a timestamp by the yt comment parser 🙂when you click on you go to 1 minute and 10 seconds in the video.
      It was better before all social media stuff. Hopefully it will get better again

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад

      @@seesharp81321 ah…thank you! I was so confused 😂
      🥂 to things getting better

  • @24carrotgold8
    @24carrotgold8 2 года назад +9

    Carnivore has been the only diet I could sustain for a long enough period to lose the weight and plan for continuity of improved health. 🥩🥓🍗🥚🍤🧈

    • @떡볶이나리
      @떡볶이나리 2 года назад

      Low carb for me. Easy to stick to with a lot of variety, and I can be keto carnivore on it as well depending on how I feel. 🌸

  • @km3268
    @km3268 2 года назад +2

    Dr. Scher is always thoughtful and balanced. No hysteria or hype.

  • @osteopathichomeopathicking6154
    @osteopathichomeopathicking6154 2 года назад +3

    Thanks for the coverage. I pretty much dismiss any diet advice not grounded in very very distant ancestral common sense.
    Having a doctor take 9 minutes to go over the science, or pseudoscience is very helpful.
    I feel spoiled as I never get this from any of my doctors.

  • @jamescalifornia2964
    @jamescalifornia2964 2 года назад +1

    🐟 Eat sardines for vim and vigor ! 😊👌

  • @erezcohen5453
    @erezcohen5453 2 года назад +3

    So true!

  • @denitam917
    @denitam917 2 года назад +1

    I’ve never heard of EAT-Lancet and looked it up but couldn’t find what it means. Is EAT an acronym, is Lancet the last name of the person who founded it? What does it mean???

  • @debmary2999
    @debmary2999 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for doing the critical appraisal for us Bret!! Much appreciated 🙏🏻

  • @dailybookreading
    @dailybookreading 7 месяцев назад

    Is wearing Spectacles healthy?
    - #VishenLakhiani Founder, Mind Valley

    • @dailybookreading
      @dailybookreading 7 месяцев назадвидео.html

  • @zerocarbdoc
    @zerocarbdoc 2 года назад +1

    Accountability is very important, thank you for keeping these reports accountable for their information and recommendations. Feel the journals should have a rating system for supporting evidence, strength, and bias because most just read them, if they read them, and assume the conclusion is truth.

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 2 года назад +3

    A quick diet breakdown would have been helpful, for those of us that didn't know of this diet.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад

      Yeah, I googled it

    • @boxerfencer
      @boxerfencer 2 года назад

      @@Marta_is_here yeah but shouldnt it be covered in video that goes over its efficacy?

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +1

      @@boxerfencer why I said “yeah”

    • @boxerfencer
      @boxerfencer 2 года назад

      @@Marta_is_here I looked at it and the animal protein requirements are laughable. An egg and a half a week?!?! 6 grams of pork or red meat a day?! If I recall.
      There's another diet discussed here on this chanel recently that was high protein veggie orientated, where half the protein came from non animal sources.
      I started to punch those numbers into my diet template creator and quickly realized those macros wouldn't be reachable without relying heavily on veggie protein powders.
      It was made to looked good against a regular diet with less protein. That diet needs to be compared to a diet of equal protein where most of it comes from animals.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +1

      @@boxerfencer well, like you can get protein from plant sources also. So the animal protein servings may be just suggestions?
      I tend to agree with Dr. Valter Longo, protein requirements are personal to one’s own body and activity, BUT everyone over 60/65 should make sure they eat more animal based protein. (He suggests mostly seafood and high quality dairy) And that a plant predominate diet is extremely healthy when done correctly.
      He did an interview with Rich Roll, told Rich in a few years he should at least add some fish and yogurt to his diet. Rich got weird….Dr. Longo basically said and I’m paraphrasing “whatever, that’s not the science” LOL
      I personally haven’t had pork or beef since the 1980’s…I’m not dead 😉
      I’m a life long athlete though, and almost 60, I’ve always minded my protein, from plant and animal sources.
      This diet (IMO) is trying to capture the Blue Zones crowd, people who are flexible plant predominate eaters, but it fails.

  • @asarcadyn2414
    @asarcadyn2414 2 года назад

    We have a species appropriate diet and it is of course the healthiest for the entire population. So we can indeed prescribe one diet for the whole of the human race. Any movement away from that diet will not improve it, and is likely to introduce health problems for some people.

  • @Billy97ify
    @Billy97ify 2 года назад +2

    I trust the planet to take care of itself more than I trust Lancet.

  • @chazwyman8951
    @chazwyman8951 2 года назад

    There is a clown out there calling himself DaPokeBoss, claiming to be a PhD student concerned with diet, but he can't remember what his thesis is. Seems odd. It also seems odd that he does not know the positive results to be had from going carnivore. Odd. He also seems ignorant of the fact that leaky gut is the result of wheat based products. Odd. Either academic standards have plummeted or DaPokeBoss is just a faker?

  • @jaydajediful
    @jaydajediful 2 года назад

    So if it really just comes down to BMI what am I supposed to do I'm 5'8 210 with a BMI of 32 but body fat % of 13? 😕

  • @MarmaladeINFP
    @MarmaladeINFP 2 года назад

    A few years ago when everyone was talking about it, I wrote a long analysis, "Dietary Dictocrats of EAT-Lancet". I'll add this video to it.

  • @ashwanikumar626
    @ashwanikumar626 2 года назад

    What is a good and safe (low and high both) BMI (body mass index) for a diabetic person?

  • @ashwanikumar626
    @ashwanikumar626 2 года назад

    What is the bad and unsafe body mass index (especially low) for a diabetic person?

  • @mrtmchenry
    @mrtmchenry 2 года назад

    Prevent 10 million deaths per year. I wonder what the names of the people are who won't die?

  • @greco37
    @greco37 2 года назад

    I think you really hit the nail on the head during the last two minutes, well said!

  • @donnabronner4837
    @donnabronner4837 2 года назад +1

    Great analysis. Wish more students could see how you analyze so-called scientific literature. Even high-schoolers could understand this. Thanks Diet Doc.

    • @boink800
      @boink800 2 года назад

      Students should learn how to investigate to see how people lie, like those vegan fanatics love to lie.

    • @mementomori29231
      @mementomori29231 2 года назад +1

      There is no analysis in this video. Nutrition Made Simple, Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, Plant Chompers have way more and better analysis.
      This guy didn't go into any details of the study, or the preponderance of vast majority of scientific studies.

    • @terry2346
      @terry2346 2 года назад +2

      @@mementomori29231 And also a HUGE bias, which makes them less reliable IMHO. Watch out for anyone with a strong bias. Question everything! For me Keto is working well to control my Type 2 Diabetes and I feel great! Nuff said

    • @mementomori29231
      @mementomori29231 2 года назад +1

      @@terry2346 good luck with that. It may kill you in the long run. High protein intake via keto is going to be hard on your kidneys. I have a relative who died from kidney failure that ate way too much protein and fats. Was on dialysis for 4 years when the kidney failed completely.

  • @metalrunner4398
    @metalrunner4398 2 года назад

    Low carbers when observational self reported study supports plant based diet: “this is the worst possible study! Omg, It is impossible to remember what you ate last tuesday. This is trash data!”
    Low carbers when observational self reported study doesn’t support plant based diet 100%: “omg this is the best study ever! I have never seen such magical science!”

    • @davidr1431
      @davidr1431 Год назад

      Vegans when ……(substitute for same outcome)

  • @plumeria8357
    @plumeria8357 2 года назад

    So wonderful to hear truth. Thank you.

  • @Lisimachos
    @Lisimachos 2 года назад

    Agree in everything you said..

  • @vas4739
    @vas4739 2 года назад

    Thank you Dr S

  • @SensitivityIsland
    @SensitivityIsland 2 года назад

    Had terribly swollen feet. Switched from keto to Slimming World ...5 days and feet swelling totally gone. Gobsmacked. Not convinced keto can be done long term.

    • @auntyjo1792
      @auntyjo1792 2 года назад


    • @davidr1431
      @davidr1431 Год назад

      Not convinced you can do keto long term. Find what works for you.

  • @Alec_Collins78
    @Alec_Collins78 2 года назад

    I think it was published in 2019.

    • @Alec_Collins78
      @Alec_Collins78 2 года назад

      I beg your pardon, that's not what you meant. Don't mind me.

  • @infini_ryu9461
    @infini_ryu9461 2 года назад +1

    Wait, so if Sugar(Carbs are sugars) is bad for you, and Fat is bad for you... Then how do we live at all? Do these people even think? We need at least one of those inputs to survive. It can't just be protein. lol

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад

      Yeah, don’t mix them together

    • @infini_ryu9461
      @infini_ryu9461 2 года назад

      @@Marta_is_here Yup. Mixing high carbs and high fat is completely new to the human experience. If you had fat available that's all you were eating, if you had carbs available(rarely) then that is all you were eating. Both together increases inflammation.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +2

      @@infini_ryu9461 Right!
      I mean, I like almond butter on my apple slice, and some olive oil on my broccoli.
      BUT generally speaking, when the “food” makers are mixing carbs and fat it equals highly processed, super palatable food. It’s a shame.

    • @sparksdrinker5650
      @sparksdrinker5650 2 года назад +2

      Just eat clean unprocessed foods, fast every once and a while, exercise, sleep well, and you'll be fine.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 года назад +1

      @@sparksdrinker5650 exactly, it’s simple right! Some people try to make it SO difficult 😉