I love the prejudice assumption. This is the last game before the Chinese new year. It has become a tradition in lpl to put popular games for it as sorta a gala and they said in comm that they want 3 games
I don't know about you but caedral is right, theshy did well this game and his team lost bot and all drakes even when wukong is wasting resources top side and his jgl is focused bot side. The jgl gap is too big wukong did 3 times more
I agree but I wouldn’t even call it if gap I feel like every team just knows if they don’t spam tanks he will become raid boss but if they do then other lanes get free lane phase
I am one of those ppl who don't subscribe but keep on watching your work. Let me say this, this subscriber "catch" was the best I've seen, d btich made my day. I'm subscribed now.
I know right? I remember hearing the bitch for the first time, it caught me of guard haha, I had to rewind to be sure he said what I thought I heard lmao then I subscribed afterwards.
As someone who plays Nidalee more than any other champ since season 3, the problem is his build. Sunderer doesn’t offer much for Nidalee compared to other items. After sheen, you can either go blade of the ruined king or finish iceborn gauntlet first. Those should be your 2 core items, after which you get ravenous hydra which makes your side lane threat at those 3 items really high. Cougar form is disgusting with ravenous + gauntlet. Bork adds more % damage and some extra mobility/kiting. I should also mention that if you’re the Nid’s jungler, either camp top or don’t bother ganking at all. There is no in between.
Your build is great, sunderer was the go to toplane for most of its existence though, that's probably why he went for it Iceborn just recently got its full appeal back !
the nidalee pick is a good example of why I think league is so toxic. If I go into a game and think I’m gonna play nidalee top that might be fun and maybe I don’t do to well or maybe it’s a lane kingdom but jg wrecks me. Then I get flamed and I’m trolling just for trying to have fun. You can’t pick off role champs, have a different item builds, have a relaxed attitude towards the game, or play a different style because then you’re trolling for trying to have fun or do something different. There’s so much info on what the best champs for specific roles are, the best item builds, the best roles, best jg pathing and best play style if you go outside of that you’re trolling or inting. Feels like every game I have to be a sweat. I get it for competitive but some people are just trying to have fun in a game and people think winning and doing the best strategy is the only way to play league.
As much as I dislike the way he’s turning into an 18 year old tiktoker and his constant use of “lil bro” I can’t help but find joy in seeing cathedral fan girling over theshy. I feel you brother
@@kyzh99610 yeah tian dominates in the lpl and i do belive making worlds from lpl is a very tall task (hopefully karsa bounces back from last year tho)
It was a meta pick once. Especially after her rework. Nidalee's mark dmg is more important than spear dmg. She has decent wave clear and has a ranged auto so she can poke and have sustain. If AD nid is ever viable it would come back again. nidalee top was useful cuz you can oneshot carries by dashing across the screen and be tanky enough to get out with the sustain and mobility.
i wish my gold teammates reacted the way you do when i pick nidalee top
The hype he got is golden
They wish u will not feed, same expectations
Just be the shy first and I’m sure they would
it's how I imagine they react everytime I pick nidalee top and support.
TheShy, what a fucking rockstar; picks Nidalee, loses game, refuses to elaborate, just walks away. 😆
I love the prejudice assumption. This is the last game before the Chinese new year. It has become a tradition in lpl to put popular games for it as sorta a gala and they said in comm that they want 3 games
@@jamesfeng9922 what xiaohu said was more of a joke, but in postmatch interview i beliebe it was karsa (or xiaohu) who said they wanted to try smt new
I don't know about you but caedral is right, theshy did well this game and his team lost bot and all drakes even when wukong is wasting resources top side and his jgl is focused bot side.
The jgl gap is too big wukong did 3 times more
@@ryanforgo3500 his pick offers nothing to help out of lane. ksante doesnt need to win lane to win game.
Caedral if you are casting for MSI and World's and WBG makes it you definitely should hang out with theShy
Ur delusional if you think WBG makes it to either
@@KittenCritters ??? They just beat the expected 2 best team retard
@@KittenCritters hey, xiaohu is their mid so its possible for them to win MSI
@@Chesteritea High IQ MSI Strat
@@okvideocafe big brain
Tian had been perma routing top since 2019 if he's playing vs theshy lmao
fr tho
Honestly, theshy always pop off but he keeps getting jungle gapped so hard. When he doesn't get 2v1 top, they usually win their game
I agree but I wouldn’t even call it if gap I feel like every team just knows if they don’t spam tanks he will become raid boss but if they do then other lanes get free lane phase
Theshy too based
I am one of those ppl who don't subscribe but keep on watching your work. Let me say this, this subscriber "catch" was the best I've seen, d btich made my day. I'm subscribed now.
I know right? I remember hearing the bitch for the first time, it caught me of guard haha, I had to rewind to be sure he said what I thought I heard lmao then I subscribed afterwards.
when caedrel screams "thats my boy" it sounds like when cedrics dad from harrypotter screams "thats my boy" when cedric dies
the nidalee top scream deserved the suscribe
“Where have I seen that one before, oh yeah EVERY F***** GAME!” Lmfao I was dying.
As someone who plays Nidalee more than any other champ since season 3, the problem is his build. Sunderer doesn’t offer much for Nidalee compared to other items. After sheen, you can either go blade of the ruined king or finish iceborn gauntlet first. Those should be your 2 core items, after which you get ravenous hydra which makes your side lane threat at those 3 items really high. Cougar form is disgusting with ravenous + gauntlet. Bork adds more % damage and some extra mobility/kiting. I should also mention that if you’re the Nid’s jungler, either camp top or don’t bother ganking at all. There is no in between.
Your build is great, sunderer was the go to toplane for most of its existence though, that's probably why he went for it
Iceborn just recently got its full appeal back !
watching theshy is better than sex caedrel saying .. damn now i don't want to have sex ever
Just play league then
@@dupinsylvio4153 i have a life sorry
@@manoneno3140 league IS the life
@@Darkstormsun9865 if my life i am bronze all the time i don't need it .. xdd
Caedral is joking but theshy actually was the only one who won his lane although enemy jgl wastes resources top and his jgl still did nothing
You are fking great man! You’re insane.
a throwback to the days of hotshotgg taking nidalee top, i miss season 2
Hotshot NidaleeGG he kick my brotha in the ass
This was my main for so many years before she got banished to jungle
TheShy is goated for this, no one can convince me otherwise
Can already see TheShy picking Nida in finals when they are up 2-0 against T1
caedral making me have TheShy as my favorite top laner or what
We really have come full circle, now.
R.I.P onivia highlights lol. my new go to for my LCK fix. please dont stop.
theshy to tes next split mark my words.
fun one thank you!
My man Turned joker for a moment
Cringe jungle role, theshy soloboloed ksante as nidalee
Peak ThShy content
the nidalee pick is a good example of why I think league is so toxic. If I go into a game and think I’m gonna play nidalee top that might be fun and maybe I don’t do to well or maybe it’s a lane kingdom but jg wrecks me. Then I get flamed and I’m trolling just for trying to have fun. You can’t pick off role champs, have a different item builds, have a relaxed attitude towards the game, or play a different style because then you’re trolling for trying to have fun or do something different. There’s so much info on what the best champs for specific roles are, the best item builds, the best roles, best jg pathing and best play style if you go outside of that you’re trolling or inting. Feels like every game I have to be a sweat. I get it for competitive but some people are just trying to have fun in a game and people think winning and doing the best strategy is the only way to play league.
You can do it in normals.
Fk man it has been 11 years.
There was not enough cooking for game
It's either theshy or theshit. 🤣
quintessential theshy game right there lol
how does he take the screens so fast?
Why do you have chronic gigachad brow
As much as I dislike the way he’s turning into an 18 year old tiktoker and his constant use of “lil bro” I can’t help but find joy in seeing cathedral fan girling over theshy. I feel you brother
feels weird seeing xiahou on a team other than rng
Caedrel gonna go nuts when TheShy plays vs YSKM I can see it
The shy has to get it out of his system
How you gonna post a single game in a 3 game set and it’s the middle game!
Canyon played the game of his life on Nidalee and still lost... this pick top is just disrespect 😆
Where is wayward?
Karsa my man why pathh to a no set up yummi sivir...
Poor theshy got Karsa in his team
? Karsa has been one of the best junglers in LPL for years now? Who would be better? Tian?? XD
@@owenclarke8417 karsa was so much worse than tian last season that it wasn't even funny
@@arjintiryaki6464 Agreed. According to GenG owner, going to worlds is all that matters for a league team/org, therefore Tian>Karsa
@@kyzh99610 yeah tian dominates in the lpl and i do belive making worlds from lpl is a very tall task (hopefully karsa bounces back from last year tho)
@@kyzh99610 Karsa literally had his chances and threw them himself. It actually hurted to watch.
Riding along the yt journey but maybe don't yell at me and call me a batch every video lol
I just don’t see how nid top is ever useful in a 5v5 lol but he pilots it well otherwise
It was a meta pick once. Especially after her rework. Nidalee's mark dmg is more important than spear dmg. She has decent wave clear and has a ranged auto so she can poke and have sustain. If AD nid is ever viable it would come back again. nidalee top was useful cuz you can oneshot carries by dashing across the screen and be tanky enough to get out with the sustain and mobility.
She doesn't shine in 5v5, but she's an excellent splitpusher
HotshotGG is rolling in his grave
lmfao @ 6:32
Where's wayward? I thought he was pretty good.
Funny I'm doing this Nidalee build/masteries since..6 month? And same for sylas/fizz
Spoiler alert fiddle tanky is over oP
Man I still don't know why qingtian plays over wayward
Qingtian is better in scrim I guess lol
Start of the season would be the best time to try out rookies
what happened mr ksante :D
Tian perma running bot to help a sivir? out of all champs. easy just farm under tower like rekkles did and go push that insane lane top...
Wait TES let knight go?
Knight went to JDG.
easyhoon coaching WBG. WTF!
No T1 game yet?
Caedrel T1 hater confirmed?
Just give me 3v3 back🥺
Ima be honest is theshy went ap and just started assassinating everyone it wouldve been cool but tank nidalee???
Yeah no not very useful
What do you know xd
Ksante better than nidalee. GG mida "bruiser" top
karsa joined WBG just to get inted by TheShit
I dont think you watched the series. TheShy played great
Keria Cait Sp, Theshy Nidalee Top -> RIP Solo Q
first vuu
nidalee bad choice
You were a bad choice 😠
Holy shit i thought your Karsa hate was a bit..... but.... yea he is beyond washed. absolutely 0 map presence
je n'aime pas
Yeah, apart from being the sole reason that lost Weibo game two, the Nid pick was dope af
not the sole reason at all bro watch the game
they won zero lanes and got zero drags, how the fuck can you blame that on 1 player for real.