Democracy vs. Autocracy: An Unproductive Dichotomy

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 193

  • @keepitflowyartem3973
    @keepitflowyartem3973 10 месяцев назад +217

    Well said, you are contextualizing some really important ideas. It is crazy to think that people in the west do not even consider the lack of economic democracy within the system.

    • @The_Engie
      @The_Engie 10 месяцев назад +2

      We have plenty
      One dollar is one vote. If you dislike the system feel free to start a cooperative.

    • @Moosemoose1
      @Moosemoose1 10 месяцев назад +10

      @@The_Engie Using that logic, that simply means Billionaires and millionaires have more votes than everyone else

    • @The_Engie
      @The_Engie 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@Moosemoose1 correct

    • @gamervox1707
      @gamervox1707 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@The_Engie People like Elon musk are some what autocrats and do not care about if you have one dollar but want to force you to have none or little dollars. so this a phantasy at this point.

    • @The_Engie
      @The_Engie 10 месяцев назад

      @@gamervox1707 I think billionaires care very little about the wealth of others and are generally ambivalent to the success or failure of others in society

  • @zorrost
    @zorrost 10 месяцев назад +25 overthrow all conditions in which man is a degraded, enslaved, abandoned, contemptible being. *Karl Marx

  • @Warkurus
    @Warkurus 10 месяцев назад +32

    I always thought that this dichotomy is only present in the media, because once you educate yourself about it, you find timocracies, oligarchies, kleptocracies etc.
    Therefore this dichotomy always appeared to me as an appeal to tribal instincts, "us vs them".

    • @gaberobison680
      @gaberobison680 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah once you learn to actually look at things beyond ideology you see the west is hypocritical as shit. Democracy to them means the ability to choose between neoliberal figureheads

  • @noheroespublishing1907
    @noheroespublishing1907 10 месяцев назад +103

    All people need to understand is that "Political Parties" simply represent different political interest groups; multiple political parties means warring political interests, nothing more.

    • @robert9016
      @robert9016 10 месяцев назад +20

      My favorite bit of American history is that George Washington essentially wanted the establishment of a one party state.

    • @noheroespublishing1907
      @noheroespublishing1907 10 месяцев назад +28

      @@robert9016 I mean, the two parties in the US (Democrat and Republican) are just two Liberal Parties, just one staking the claim of Social Liberalism and the other Social Conservatism as their primary dividing line; they rarely disagree on Economics for the most part, though, the Republican Party is moving more and more into a Fascist direction due to its failing popular base for Social Conservatism.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +16

      @@noheroespublishing1907 I would also say that multiple parties means multiple avenues of attack against workers by Porky. As with sheep, sometimes it takes two shepherds of different types coming from two directions to move the herd to where you ultimately want them... 🐏

    • @nicholascharles9625
      @nicholascharles9625 10 месяцев назад +7

      Exactly! Multiple parties just divide the working class. Preventing solidarity. At best they impede pr restrict progression and at worst you've created an environment for reactionary forces to spread, thus risking fascist overthrow of the workers state. The bolsheviks recognised this over 100 yrs ago. It's part of the reason democratic centralism became the form of governance. It allows direct action, whereas the government is beholden only to the people. One of the many key differences between communists and fascists is communists seize the state against the corporations, against the big landowners and private industrialists. Fascists seize state power to preserve and expand the capitalist exploitation with the government working hand in hand with big businesses to oppress the working class by convincing them that they're part of the same group as the rich. They're the same religion/ethnicity/race etc.

    • @noheroespublishing1907
      @noheroespublishing1907 10 месяцев назад +9

      @@fun_ghoul Right, the false sense of 'Choice" creates the illusion of agency, when in fact the advocacy is the same in the end result.

  • @PC42190
    @PC42190 10 месяцев назад +82

    Honestly, I find MUCH more explanatory power in the marxist concepts of "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie" and "dictatorship of the proletariat" than in any other category brought up by political "science". As the marxist sociologist Göran Therborn explains in his books, every state has a class character, or of a group of allied classes, so that determines a lot of how democratic a country is. And yes, I consider socialists experiments on average, with all their mistakes and flaws, more democratic than capitalist countries. Democracy =/= Liberal democracy.
    Also, regarding "authoritarianism", I think Second Though nailed in his last video.

    • @alioshax7797
      @alioshax7797 10 месяцев назад

      While I have no particular love for our current western systems, one could hardly decribe nations such as the USSR or China as more democratic than bourgeois capitalist nations.
      In fact, calling the USSR "democratic" in any given context is just utter delusion and gives weapons to defenders of capitalist nations.

    • @PC42190
      @PC42190 10 месяцев назад +6

      ​@@alioshax7797 seriously, why is that so obvious? why, specially for Westerners, is evident that despite its flaws liberal democracy is at least more democratic than the USSR, Cuba or China?
      I don't know what do you understand by "democracy", but I try to conceive it the way Aristotle did, basically as power for the "demos", the masses, which, according to him, were the poor. That means, in a democratric state, no matter the formalities taking place, what does matter is that the will of the masses translates into policy. The mechanisms employed to do this is another topic. (@Serpov0711 did post a comment in this section about this topic, look for it and read it if you want).
      Given that notion of democracy, I think that with all its imperfections, socialist states do more for the masses than capitalist ones (given their economic capabilities of course. Cuba can't do much because of the blockade, but countries much poorer thatn the US such as socialist Bulgaria had universal healthcare and public housing for all). And that has a lot to do with the way they're structured, the mechanism for representation. Another critique, which I share, is that these countries, specially during the 20th century, weren't democratic enough.
      Nonetheless, liberal democracy, as a specific kind of democracy and not a universal one, doesn't do this. You could see examples of this every day. So, stating if a country is democratic or not depending of the mechanism for the representation, is disingenuous at best. China or Cuba actually don't even pretend to be liberal democracies, and they acknowledge this.
      So try to think, do you even know how these countrie's mechanisms of representation actually work? what do people there think about them? if you want to know more I can even recommend you some books or videos

    • @hansfrankfurter2903
      @hansfrankfurter2903 10 месяцев назад

      I think liberal democracy is an oligarchy with a veneer of democracy. @@PC42190

  • @dogeman2566
    @dogeman2566 10 месяцев назад +33

    Happy October Revolution anniversary comerades! 🚩

  • @animeis4eva
    @animeis4eva 10 месяцев назад +20

    No freedom points for you!

  • @fun_ghoul
    @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +71

    A discourse such as this one could easily be the basis for a legal argument in a Canadian court against Section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a clause which allows other sections to be breached if the breach is considered reasonable "in a free and democratic society" (they obv. mean Canada is such a society, but don't say as much).
    I'm a law student of a sort; I got set up by the cops last year after my brother tried to auto-delete with an insufficiently full bottle of pills, and then didn't qualify for Legal Aid despite being poor af, so I had to represent myself in court. Found guilty of 2 out of 4 charges; appeal in progress...

    • @merbst
      @merbst 10 месяцев назад +5

      👍 regarding the words "tried to"
      (With apologies to your sibling for my words denying him the full use of his agency)

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@merbst Thanks.

    • @tetra.
      @tetra. 10 месяцев назад +5

      Ultra based pfp and banner holy shit

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +7

      @@tetra. Thanks...comrade. ✊

  • @icantaimpg3d776
    @icantaimpg3d776 10 месяцев назад +27

    Nice to see you post again ! Would be nice if we can have a series about smaller socialist countries like Laos, African socialist countries,…

  • @1Dimee
    @1Dimee 10 месяцев назад +22

    Its a very dubious binary for sure. All forms of existing representative democracy are some form of "managed democracy." I prefer the term "managed democracy," as a term coined by the theorist Sheldon Wolin. However, some managed democracies are a lot less democratic than others. Managed Democracy is a spectrum. Some formal "democratic" systems are managed to such an extent whereby they achieve the same totalizing neutralization of alternatives to the status quo as a "totalitarian" dictatorship would. Managed democracies that reach such a point become akin to what Wolin calls "inverted totalitarianism." The United States is a major case of that. For example, while it is quite difficult for socialist or communist parties to come to power electorally in any capitalist country (as the electoral process will be manipulated by the dominant classes and skewed by the system's very structure to the benefit of those classes), it is still possible in some countries, while practically impossible in others. France, Portugal, and Italy have seen very prominent socialist (and in some cases communist parties) gain a lot of power whereas in the USA, such a prospect is virtually impossible even if socialism was popular (due to the intense level of corporate management of the electoral process and the very structure of the electoral system itself, as well as its matrix of institutions like the separation of powers, and the US constitution which make the implementation of a popular socialist working-class agenda impossible to implement). Everybody would laugh at someone who thinks an electoral road to socialism is possible in Putin's highly managed-"democratic" system, yet so many people are still under the illusion that such a prospect is possible in the USA, when it is by far the least democratic of all of the first-world "liberal democracies" despite being the most "liberal" on paper (the contradiction between liberty and democracy is not a paradox, as it is in line with the anti-democratic origins of Liberal thought itself as well as modern right-wing liberal thought seen in the likes of Hayek and Von Mises who are very pro "liberty" but explicitly anti-democratic.
    I highly recommend Sheldon Wolin's book Democracy INC"

    • @themarxistproject
      @themarxistproject  10 месяцев назад +8

      Very interesting. Thanks for your thoughts and the reading rec!

  • @Serpov2510
    @Serpov2510 10 месяцев назад +45

    "Democracy" vs "autocracy" is pretty much just the new "civilized" vs "uncivilized". Also, bourgeois "democracy" is not real democracy at all. There's an great bit on this is Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell's book Towards a New Socialism.
    "It is one of the great ironies of history that election by ballot, for millennia the mark of oligarchy, should now pass as the badge of democracy.
    In his dystopian novel 1984 Orwell makes ironic reference to Newspeak, a dialect of English so corrupted that phrases like ‘freedom is slavery’ or ‘war is peace’ could pass unremarked. What he was alluding to is the power of language to control our thoughts. When those in authority can redefine the meanings of words they make subversion literally unthinkable. The phrase ‘parliamentary democracy’ is an example of Newspeak: a contradiction in disguise. Go back to the Greek origins of the word democracy. The second half of the word means ‘power’ or ‘rule’. Hence we have autocracy-rule by one man-and aristocracy- rule by the aristoi, the best people, the elite. Democracy meant rule by the demos. Most commentators translate this as rule by ‘the people’, but the word demos had a more specific meaning. It meant rule by the common people or rule by the poor. Aristotle, describing the democracies of his day, was quite explicit about the fact that democracy meant rule by the poor.
    Countering the argument that democracies simply meant rule by the majority he gave the following example:
    “Suppose a total of 1,300; 1000 of these are rich, and they give no share in office to the 300 poor, who are also free men and in other respects like them; no one would say that these 1300 lived under a democracy” (Politics 1290).
    But he says this is an artificial case, “due to the fact that the rich are everywhere few, and the poor numerous.” As a specific definition he gives:
    “A democracy exists whenever those who are free and are not well off, being in a majority, are in sovereign control of the government, an oligarchy when control lies in the hands of the rich and better born, these being few” (ibid.).
    With regard to the filling of official positions, he further remarked that in Greece, “to do this by lot is regarded as democratic, by selection oligarchic” (Politics, 1294).
    What the ideologists of capitalism call democratic procedures would be more accurately described as psephonomic procedures (Greek psephos: vote by ballot). By glossing over the nature of class relations, such ideologies confuse the right to vote with the exercise of power. In fact all capitalist states are plutocratic oligarchies. Plutocracy is rule by a moneyed class; oligarchy is rule by the few.
    These are the characteristic principles of the modern state. This state, the end or telos of history according to Fukuyama (1992), the most perfect form of class rule since the Roman republic, exercises such hegemony, spiritual and temporal, that it appears to have banished all competition. Effective power resides in a series of concentric circles, concentrating as they contract through parliament and cabinet to prime minister or president: oligarchy. This power is openly exercised in the name of Capital, it being now accepted by all concerned that the job of government is to serve the ends of business, the highest objective of a state: plutocracy."

    • @samuelrosander1048
      @samuelrosander1048 10 месяцев назад +5

      I've been saying similar stuff for a while...but nowhere near that precise and succinct. Thanks.

    • @PC42190
      @PC42190 10 месяцев назад +2

      Excellent quote from an excellent book.
      Thank you

    • @nikolamilicevic1040
      @nikolamilicevic1040 10 месяцев назад

      some mechainicsm of so called bourgoies democracies are used and can be used productively
      that doesnt mean copy bourgoise democracy sistem but search for sistem whcih will best ensure input from populaion and satifsyt their needs and keep sistem in check for good of many of falied socialist experiments it was privliged parts of biraucracy whcih fucked up sistem and emerged as new so called democrats often among the first in plundering public resources.

    • @G.Bfit.93
      @G.Bfit.93 10 месяцев назад +7

      Facts no democracy under capitalism

    • @Слышьты-ф4ю
      @Слышьты-ф4ю 4 месяца назад

      That's what I wanna tell regarding his vid about Belarus.
      You don't need a democratic revolution in it, no matter how white-red-whiters try to tell they aren't Maidan. Belarus IS already as democratic as the West, despite rigging the elections more blatantly.

  • @Afriboy10
    @Afriboy10 10 месяцев назад +8

    Always good when you upload, but kudos for doing so on the day of the October Revolution.

  • @AwesomeSheep48
    @AwesomeSheep48 10 месяцев назад +7

    -130000 FICO credit score

  • @Thomas-oo1rm
    @Thomas-oo1rm 10 месяцев назад +8

    Very well written. Impressed as ever 👏

  • @anysimmers8702
    @anysimmers8702 10 месяцев назад +6

    Algo support comrade!
    Socialism / communism is true democracy💖

    • @tetra.
      @tetra. 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@merlinsbeard5210 0 successful revolutions, anarchism is merely a dogma and tool of western reaction.

  • @dorinpopa6962
    @dorinpopa6962 10 месяцев назад +3

    Oh, that soundtrack at the beginning brings back memories.

  • @thatpandaz6094
    @thatpandaz6094 10 месяцев назад +7

    Absolutely amazing video, you broke it all down extremely well!

  • @jamesmurphy9426
    @jamesmurphy9426 10 месяцев назад +2

    Never believed in Vampires until now

  • @GidneyNCloyd-hq7hl
    @GidneyNCloyd-hq7hl 10 месяцев назад +2

    Oligarchic governmental structures will always have difficulty achieving or maintaining democratic aspirations as they are inherently undemocratic. Democracy is a structural process. See Aristotle, _Politics_. "We can try to graft the elm tree so that it will bear pears, but at the same time we must plant pear trees." - Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. Think about it.

  • @andresjimenez8520
    @andresjimenez8520 10 месяцев назад +3

    Can you share more sources on this topic please ? .

  • @BicycleFunk
    @BicycleFunk 10 месяцев назад +6

    Excellent video. Have you heard of sortition as a means for a more direct democracy?

  • @MarxyMarxAndTheFunkyBunch
    @MarxyMarxAndTheFunkyBunch 10 месяцев назад +6

    Great video! A very important concept for people to understand.

  • @birbeyboop
    @birbeyboop 10 месяцев назад +5

    phenomenal coverage of this topic

  • @bucketslash11
    @bucketslash11 10 месяцев назад +15

    8:34 could've just as easily said that the "democratic" rhetoric serves capital and exploitation abroad, but your expanded explanation does cover more bases, great video

  • @dionysianapollomarx
    @dionysianapollomarx 10 месяцев назад +2

    All I can say is- how liberals today misrepresent democracy in their usage, it’s weird how everyone including liberals and several videos by popular leftists like Second Thought’s (unlike this one) seem to misrepresent the technical, non-dictionary meaning and usage of words like autocracy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism by conflating it with the dictionary definition. I agree with this video and I generally don’t disagree with recent content creators critiquing how it is often deployed in most media (except Second Thought whose beef is with the dictionary definition of the words, not the accurate, technical one), or how even in some academic circles that central planning is portrayed as inherently authoritarian (it isn’t, especially when compared to the management of corporate hierarchies, though planning can be authoritarian in certain contexts but again not inherent to it), and I personally think the dictatorships of classes is the most useful dichotomy within society that portrays its class character. I understand what you’re getting at, which is that it is baffling how there is a lack of understanding about economic democracy and how that should factor into the discourse about democracy vs autocracy. Capitalists just have zero framing about that in that regard, or they see it but choose to ignore it out of convenience.

  • @jamesmurphy9426
    @jamesmurphy9426 10 месяцев назад +2

    Global financial oligarchy vs Domestic Financial oligarchy

  • @corpse6193
    @corpse6193 10 месяцев назад +1

    Very concise video, should be great for showing people you discuss with

  • @DavidPricegprofile
    @DavidPricegprofile 10 месяцев назад +2

    Nice way of framing this clash of paradigms

  • @judgemcnugget7110
    @judgemcnugget7110 10 месяцев назад +3

    Very good video as always - however i dearly miss the lovely intro!

  • @fun_ghoul
    @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thumb could equally have been the Double Spider-Mans meme.

  • @infinitymechanism3174
    @infinitymechanism3174 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you so much for this! Do y’all still have a Discord? Your old link expired.

  • @B_Estes_Undegöetz
    @B_Estes_Undegöetz 11 дней назад

    Thanks for video comrades.

  • @KozelPraiseGOELRO
    @KozelPraiseGOELRO 10 месяцев назад +2

    I will say it.
    Where is Hakim praising this video?

  • @carlosvigil1868
    @carlosvigil1868 10 месяцев назад +3

    Wow, this video deserves endless of thumbs up. It's just astonishing how USA people believe themselves as a democracy, when they don't even elect their own president directly 😂

    • @The_Engie
      @The_Engie 10 месяцев назад

      We're a Republic

    • @desmondtheneworder918
      @desmondtheneworder918 10 месяцев назад

      We're a Democratic Republic the electoral college is anti-democratic as it gives over representation for smaller states while leaving more populated states underrepresented but over all the system is still a democracy.

    • @boopydoopy4506
      @boopydoopy4506 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@The_Engie Sigh...
      If I hear 1 more person say "We're not a democracy, we're a republic" i'm going to end it all.
      A Republic is a system by which voting is done to decide policies, you can think of roman senates, order of the 12 etc. There is no guarantee of who can vote, how you can vote etc, it is simply that.
      A Democracy is a system by which political power originates from the people, the legitimacy of ones position exists by their election from the people. Essentially, it's one where people get to vote and if you ask the Leader "Why should YOU lead" they will respond "Because I was elected by the people" not "Because I was elected by aristocrats" and not "Because God chose me".
      The United States of America is a Democratic Republic. All democracies are republics.

  • @DebutModestes
    @DebutModestes 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you

  • @higztv1166
    @higztv1166 10 месяцев назад +1

    I got traumatized by the more radical leftist videos, thank you for being more moderate and adequate and actually trying to get the whole picture

  • @jimmartin2548
    @jimmartin2548 10 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing content! Thank you so much!

  • @fun_ghoul
    @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +8

    4:31 Materially, didn't those movements all oppose the Amerikkkan state?

  • @rachelhyatt5766
    @rachelhyatt5766 10 месяцев назад +9

    Always good to see more socialist content

  • @c.d.dailey8013
    @c.d.dailey8013 10 месяцев назад

    Wow. This is an interesting video. I ought to check out this channel. I think the main pair is order vs. freedom. This can be called authoritarian vs. libertarian. Democracy is really a balance between the two. There is enough order for a government to exist, but enough freedom for people to chose the leaders. Autocracy is more on the authoritarian side. This is not a simple binary. Order and freedom go more on a spectrum.
    In recent times. I figured there can be more kinds of authority. There is the basic authority of the government. Another authority is that of economic authority. Capitalism is a state or order, while socialism is a state of freedom. The order comes from the upper class controlling and exploiting the lower class. The boss in the workplace has control over thier workers. These two authorities don't necessarily have to go together. When they don't it can cause wierd inconsistensies. The video does talk about such things. The United States has government freedom in democracy. However there is also the order of capitalism. Americans have freedoms such as voting and expression. However they may not be truly free if they struggle to survive with a low wage. As an American I stuggle myself. One may say there is "free market". Big buissness has freedom to dominate the people without government interfereing much. However that is still not freedom to the people. The Soviet Union had the exact opposite situation. The Russian people had evonomic freedom due to communism. There wasn't big buissness and rich bosses to rule and exploit them. However there was a lot of government order with totalitarianism. So people were not really free and equal as they could be. There were still politicians ordering them. Maybe a staye of true freedom is one with both the democracy of the United States and the communism if the Soviet Union. It would work even better if communism was replaced with moderate socialism. The Russian Peter Kropotkin and the American Bernie Sanders were moving towerds this nice middle ground of freedom. I was wondering if there are other forms of authority. There can be some kind of cultural authority. Nationalism, theocracy and bigotry form a cultural order in a sense. It is where one culture rules and dominates the others. The main form of freedom comes in the form of political correctness. It can also come in globalism. Religious freedom comes in the form of freedom of religious practice as well as seleration of church and state. Even lifestyle freedoms count, such as the freedom fo abortion, niryh vontrol and gay matriage. Cultural authority can be a mix of issues. Nationalism vs. Political correctness is the main one. Perhaps military can be its own authority. It it control and dominate through the use of combat. So the order side has war and violence. The freedom side has peace and diplomacy. America is a rare case of gun ownership being legal. Civilians can own guns, not just soldiers and cops. It is controvesial however. I think that issue ties into the milltary rule. Now that I think of of, the term "gun control" is misleading. More gun control means more freedom for the people. They are free from the violence of a shooting. Now that I think of it, a gun is completely unessecisasy for a civilian anyway. In case of an emergency, they can call the cops. Then the cops can defend the civillian from a potential criminal. If a civilian wanted to eat meat, they can just buy it at the grocery store. It is way easier than hunting. Seriously dude. Beef, pork and chicken are delicious. A civilian can even go to the clothing store and buy clothes made of leather and fur. Between these two stores, one has easy access to animal products. PETA won't like it, but it is there. One doesn't need a gun for protection or hunting, because alternatives exist. One can just let the cops and soldiers have guns. They are highly trained professionals. They are specializers in gun use. I guess slaughterhouse workers can have specialized use of guns too. They only shoot animals, and not people. That is sort of like a replacement for a hunter. I guess the only use left for guns is sport hunting. However that is a horrible practice. That shouldn't be done. It is cruel. I don't even like the use of animal products in fashion. Wool made from well tended sheep is the only exception. I do like meat. I think meat is just fine.

  • @samaval9920
    @samaval9920 3 месяца назад

    1) purely internal den

  • @annb2586
    @annb2586 5 месяцев назад

    When i heard my parent use a new word today so I had to find out who said it. None other than the president himself. And my parents are just repeating wht comes out his mouth. So are we not going to consider we have an underlying autocratic system already.... I haven't watched the whole video but can't wait tho hear yalls take.

  • @sizla8837
    @sizla8837 10 месяцев назад

    Hi there, can i please ask you how 3rd world countries can avoid economic sanctions from the US or "The West" or generally overcome the dominance of the US Dollar?

    • @boopydoopy4506
      @boopydoopy4506 10 месяцев назад

      Nationalising industries will ultimately result in worsening relationships with the US/West. However, quite frankly, as a 3rd world country odds are you will perform much better under a nationalised economy compared to one provided by Corporations. You will likely still receive sanctions, but that's fine, continue to trade with your local partners and develop your economy free from outside influence. This will indeed remove the dominance of the US dollar from your country.

  • @anonimanonim2710
    @anonimanonim2710 10 месяцев назад +3

    I strongly believe in an autocratic, meritocratic society with very, very fluid social mobility, upwards and downwards. I know security is important for any human being, but this should be achievable if the lowest downward limit can still provide a reasonable living. I really hope I'm making myself understood here😅

  • @rachelhyatt5766
    @rachelhyatt5766 10 месяцев назад +5

    Good video clickbait title though

  • @leesnotbritish5386
    @leesnotbritish5386 7 месяцев назад +1

    A disagree with a lot of your logic. Under your definition would any country in the world actually be a democracy?

    • @teoteo3522
      @teoteo3522 6 месяцев назад

      its a spectrum as most things

  • @Jay.B.2046
    @Jay.B.2046 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @gaberobison680
    @gaberobison680 9 месяцев назад

    It is fully possible to have an authoritarian paradise and we all have seen the democratic hellhole of the US, so the fundamental idea of this dichotomy is false

  • @viktator4205
    @viktator4205 10 месяцев назад +5

    I think you raise valid points, but by calling it simply a false dichotomy it feels like a legitimisation of "oriental despotism" more so than a progressive critique of liberal democracy. It is also reductionist to call narratives of progress and civilization "colonial". According to Marx bourgeois democracy was a step forward from feudalism, and in turn communism would be a step forward from capitalism, is not each tier then inherently something which has progressed further, which is more civilized than the primitive states that came before? Would a genuinely socialist state not say that the capitalist countries outside it are backward, that they are in truth authoritarian through their economic systems? Even if the terms used may be different, is that not just as much a tale of civilization and barbarism?

    • @PC42190
      @PC42190 10 месяцев назад +3

      Actually, those are the topics in which Marx and Engels show a high degree of eurocentrism, and we can't really blame them because they were products of their time. Zak Cope has written a bit about this. Also, it shows Marx's extreme commitment to teleological thinking derived from Hegel, which, at least in my opinion, was correctly critizised by Althusser. History has proven to be much more aleatory than teleological.
      Nevertheless, indeed talking about "civilization" entails a deeply colonialist sense, because always has a very Western perspective behind it. As an example, Venezuela's system is much more democratic than a common liberal democracy (chavistas call it "participatory democracy", and even ex American president Jimmy Carter has admitted that it has the most reliable electoral system in the world), but it's still derided as "authoritarian" even by Western leftist. And I could say similar things even about countries without a leftist governments, like all Westerners think Russian's political system isn't very democratic (I personally agree) but think otherwise in the case of Poland or Latvia, which I think is nonesense. How progressive a country is or isn't is complex to determine, although possible. But that doesn't mean the criteria should be fulfilling a liberal democratic structure according to what Western think tanks think it should be

    • @idonnow2
      @idonnow2 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@PC42190 Venezuelan here. Just saying that Venezuela is no way shape or form a democracy since at least 2015, and the system could be criticized even before that, as the Tascón list incident shows

    • @PC42190
      @PC42190 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@idonnow2 Why is that?
      And yes, it can be absolutely criticized. I never said it was perfect, just that it was more democratic than a standard liberal democracy, and I still think it is.
      Btw, for me the fact you're Venezuelan is no real argument at all. Trust me, I've talked with many foreigners who think my country's economy during the times of Pinochet was good because other Chilean people told them so.

    • @idonnow2
      @idonnow2 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@PC42190 Right before losing the 2015 parlamentarian elections by a landslide, the first electoral loss of chavism in 8 years, the government stacked the supreme court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia) and utilized it to essentially make the parliament completely useless. The actual circus of 2016 was one in which basically every single law passed by the parliament was shot down as "unconstitutional" by the supreme court, making it completely harmless. During that year the opposition tried to recollect enough signatures for a recall referendum, but halfway through the CNE (consejo nacional electoral, a literal centralized body that manages elections, controlled by the government), just suspended the process citing vague irregularities.
      The parliamente nominally had an opposition supermajority, but at the very beggining of the whole show the TSJ inhabilitated a few deputies from Amazonas state to ensure they couldn't actually use the supermajority. Over this issue eventually in early 2017 the TSJ literally proclaimed a few sentences that equated to dissolving the parliament, the democratically elected parliament, that was trying through lawful constitutional processes, to get Maduro out, as per the will of the people who had literally gone through the greatest economic catastrophe of the continent's history (the begginings of it, ominously for us back then), which at that point in time was 100% exclusively and only the fault of the government, as the American financial sanctions only came in late 2017 (the ones in 2014 were only freezing assets of public functionaries implicated in human rights violations during the 2014 protests).
      THIS is what caused the protests of 2017, in which over 150 protesters, mostly young students, were murdered by the national guard, and several hundred others dissapeared till today. And you know the way the American government co-opted "defund the police" into "fund MORE the police, to ensure better standards ofc ;)"? well the government here did the same. They announce the creation of a "national constitutional assembly", as per "the will of the people who wanted change", to draw up a new constitution. This was just a move to rule supra constitutionally, as the opposition parties couldn't run for deputies in that assembly, and upon its dissolution in 2020 the ANC had not produced a new constitution, which was the reason it was apparently created in the first place
      And since people love quoting that Jimmy Carter stuff, which was in 2012, let me lend you this quote from the chief executive of Smartmatic in 2017, the company which provided the machines and network infrastructure for nearly all elections during Chavism up to that point, including those which Carter refered to in his quote:
      "We know, without any doubt, that the turnout of the recent election for a National Constituent Assembly was manipulated. We estimate the difference between the actual participation and the one announced by authorities is at least 1 million votes"
      Smartmatic left Venezuela after that debacle, and later stated that it could not verify theresults of the 2018 presidential election, in which the most popular opposition parties were also barred from participating.
      The last free and fair elections were in 2015, and it clearly shows, cuz the government lost so hard it had to damage control until its democratic mask completely fell off. A true free and fair election today would result in the immediate ousting of Maduro, but if you ask the average Venezuelan, nobody really beliefs in the democratic process anymore and those who do are usually mocked for their idealism, an idealism that for many of us was (literally) shot down in 2017.
      Lastly, the ANC proclaimed the "blockade law" in 2020, obsviously citing some bs excuse related to the American sanctions, to give Maduro special powers for privatizing state assets without any public records. So at this point Venezuela is not only not democratic, its also not been socialist for a long while either
      As for the last thing you mention, i'm in the complete opposite side, i've been for nearly a decade more than sick and tired of foreigners trying to tell me how my country works, without them having ANY Venezuelan input at all. It's really a challenge being a leftist when tankies on the internet love to tell me that i live in a democratic socialist paradise (not talking about you) when that couldn't be further from the truth, Venezuela's government coopts anti imperialist and socialist rhetoric in the exact same way that countries like Russia and Iran, our fellow oil rentier geopolitical pariahs, do

    • @hansfrankfurter2903
      @hansfrankfurter2903 10 месяцев назад

      This was the early Marx, Marx later on changed his view on the stagist progressive view of history, and he acknowledged that capitalism was horrific for the colonized ppl as opposed to the colonizers.

  • @anwaypradhan6591
    @anwaypradhan6591 9 месяцев назад

    No to terrorism, No to communalism, No to authoritarian rule, No to dictatorship, No to feudal monarchial colonial rule, No to capitalistic imperialistic fascistic rule, No to idealism, No to dualism, No to supernaturalism, No to conservatism, No to bourgeoisie and petti bourgeoisie, No to bourgeoisie exploitative parliamentary rule, No to revisionists, No to reactionists, No to counter revolutionaries, No to anti socials, No to anti Marxists, No to anti pogressive democrats, No to free market trade, No to neo liberalism, No to trade of men, No to exploitations, No to suppressive and oppressive power, No to slavery, No to illiteracy, No to unemployment, No to class divisive politics, No to class discrimination, No to gender discrimination, No to racial discrimination, No to economical-social-cultural and political discrimination, No to destruction of human society and nature, No to taming and caging of wild animals, No to slaughtering and poaching, No to obstructors of liberty and justice, No to obstructors of liberty and peace, No to obstructors of freedom and liberty, No to unscientific industrialisation, No to unscientific urbanisation.

  • @fun_ghoul
    @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +9

    There is no, or are no, "American people".

    • @robert9016
      @robert9016 10 месяцев назад +1

      What should I call all those idiots in North America then

    • @sasho_b.
      @sasho_b. 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@robert9016 idiots, you said it yourself

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@robert9016 Europeans. You can recognize us as your kin because we act as dumb as you.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@sasho_b. Two points for a good comeback.

  • @caramelldansen2204
    @caramelldansen2204 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @Heinrich-k1u
    @Heinrich-k1u 9 месяцев назад +1

    I am neither fan of both. I would prefer corporatism which is the class hierarchical friendship that doesn’t fight against each other, though a sense of patriotism and militarism wouldn’t hurt, because as a German conservative, these are the Prussian tradition and we have different conservative elements than the western world we see nowadays (the transatlantic degenerate culture)

  • @perfectlyfine1675
    @perfectlyfine1675 10 месяцев назад +4

    When I saw the notification for this video, I expected a stupid kind of video: one which claims there's no difference between the worst regimes on earth and milquetoast liberal democracy. Thankfully, this video rather was about the geopolitical implications of ideologically dividing the world into autocracies and democracies and the Orientalism resulting therefrom.

    • @alioshax7797
      @alioshax7797 10 месяцев назад +1

      I don't think you could apply the concept of Orientalism to the - flawed - divide between autocracies and democracies.
      I don't know about the US, but in Europe, autocracy is less a foreign system than a very material and tangible part of our national histories. And for most countries, democracy isn't that old. 1949 in Germany. 1975 in Spain. 1990 in Poland and Hungary.
      In Eastern Europe, autocracy has been the structure of the political and social system for most of their past. It is democracy that is a new, foreign and strange concept.

  • @byrolyn8182
    @byrolyn8182 6 месяцев назад


  • @sebastienstreett2277
    @sebastienstreett2277 9 месяцев назад

    *PromoSM* 💖

  • @pinchebruha405
    @pinchebruha405 8 месяцев назад +1

    I’m sorry I’m here to learn, I can’t get past the actual bias you’re showing, both sides are to extreme for my senses.

    • @ZuperZucker
      @ZuperZucker 5 месяцев назад

      If you don’t want bias you shouldn’t be watching an openly communist RUclips channel. They obviously are going to be biased towards the left

  • @scubasteve4355
    @scubasteve4355 10 месяцев назад +2

    Least authoritarian Marxist content

    • @tetra.
      @tetra. 10 месяцев назад +9

      how is a video espousing democratic values "authoritarian" 😭😭

    • @DivergencesofHistory
      @DivergencesofHistory 3 месяца назад +1

      > critique of the failure of liberal democracies to fulfill their stated democratic ideals, that goes as far as to acknowledge instances where liberal democracies were more democratic or egalitarian than more overtly autocratic counter parts
      "is this an endorsement of authoritarianism?"

  • @randomsnow6510
    @randomsnow6510 10 месяцев назад

    this video is a *MUG* propaganda

  • @KeganTheTowel
    @KeganTheTowel 10 месяцев назад +3

    You can shit talk most of the founding fathers but you best put some respect on Thomas Paine's name.

  • @meinhart_esror
    @meinhart_esror 10 месяцев назад +1

    This conclusion of as long as we do not have a perfect world (without imperialism, class conflict etc.) we shouldnt call a society democratic is pretty stupid. We can identify nations closer to the ideal of democracy and nations with a one party state. So completely ignoring that for one makes people unable to criticise a decrease in democracy and plays defense for the least democratic nations by just saying "eh they are all not perfect". Just playing defense for antidemocratic aspirations, Marx would have been disgusted by this BS

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +2

      Wtf did you just puke out???

    • @jeremiahbaxter6887
      @jeremiahbaxter6887 10 месяцев назад +2

      "Nations with a one party state" like China and Cuba are infinitely more democratic than the US, so in that sense I agree, but I suspect that's not what you're getting at lol

  • @Taipei_103
    @Taipei_103 10 месяцев назад +2

    Protest Communism in Pyongyang. Protest capitalism in Washkngton. Compare results.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +4

      Uh...what about if you protest it at Standing Rock, Poindexter?

    • @lilestojkovicii6618
      @lilestojkovicii6618 10 месяцев назад +6

      What results
      Just because ppl in america went out on the streets and expressed what they want it doesnt mean that they will get it
      Or that they will stay unaffected by their decision later on

    • @jeremiahbaxter6887
      @jeremiahbaxter6887 10 месяцев назад +5

      Have you ever been to Pyongyang?

    • @idonnow2
      @idonnow2 10 месяцев назад +6

      kneel at a football game in Washington

    • @dropyourself
      @dropyourself 10 месяцев назад +8

      Yes because people "protest communism" and "protest capitalism" and not specific policies. I assume you're referring to the 0 COVID protest which was far less brutal than the several dead from the BLM protests.

  • @amielgarcia3784
    @amielgarcia3784 10 месяцев назад

    Even china and Soviet union do that too

  • @amielgarcia3784
    @amielgarcia3784 10 месяцев назад +1

    Why soviet union a autocratic state

  • @amielgarcia3784
    @amielgarcia3784 10 месяцев назад +3

    Marxist socialism will fail
    Im a voluntarist and ethicsl socialist

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 10 месяцев назад +30

      *utopian socialist

    • @sasho_b.
      @sasho_b. 10 месяцев назад +2

      Where is the Union of Voluntarist Socialist Republics? How utopians idealize post-capitalism yet slander successful socialist revolutions is beyond me. Where is the criticism for the CPUSA for not having a revolution yet? Or for the CPGB for being revisionists? Or for all of anarchism in the 20th century? If you slander every successful opposition to capitalism ever, you are a tool for capitalism, even if you like queer and workers rights and hate racial and class oppression, if you oppose their abolition then whats the support even meanm You are a tool even if you make up a nice sounding ideology to hide behind.

    • @jeremiahbaxter6887
      @jeremiahbaxter6887 10 месяцев назад +10

      That's because you're an idealist. It's fun to have neat ideas about how you'd like the world to be but if you don't have a scientific, proven approach for bringing your desired world about then you might as well be a liberal, or a rock for that matter lol

    • @amielgarcia3784
      @amielgarcia3784 10 месяцев назад

      @@jeremiahbaxter6887 where is the science if Karl popper just use falsification of historical materialism and so called scientific socialism but in turn it is pseudoscientific shit
      Marx is an evil person a racist which destroy the name of socialism because of him most of socialist today like Stalin,mao,Kim,and many others
      That kills a million of people combined same as capitalism killed 10 millions but Marxist socialism killed 100 million
      Socialism with the ricardian and the utopian is the good socialism

    • @amielgarcia3784
      @amielgarcia3784 10 месяцев назад

      @@jeremiahbaxter6887all Marxist socialist is not socialist at all they are cultist of marx as there messiah
      The true socialist are the ricardian, Lysander spooner,Thomas hodgskin and many others

  • @icantaimpg3d776
    @icantaimpg3d776 10 месяцев назад +60

    Unfortunately lots of Vietnamese people fall for Western liberal democracy style because they think that adopt their government model will allow us to become “civilized” and “advanced” both socially and economically and that our current government system is “very authoritarian” or even “totalitarian”

    • @moustachio05
      @moustachio05 10 месяцев назад +1

      You're government system is objectively authoritarian according to political science

    • @frocco7125
      @frocco7125 10 месяцев назад

      The current government is ALLIED with the USA. It is a country in the western sphere of influence RIGHT NOW, except with even less democracy.

    • @jeremiahbaxter6887
      @jeremiahbaxter6887 10 месяцев назад +1

      That's sad. Western propaganda has long tentacles.

    • @muxijim6442
      @muxijim6442 10 месяцев назад +5

      So be it, in a democratic society they should have the Freedom to express stupid opinions

    • @NeostormXLMAX
      @NeostormXLMAX 10 месяцев назад +24

      @@muxijim6442democratic societies ban speech all the time, why is Assange still in house arrest and jail?

  • @theunknowncorps22
    @theunknowncorps22 6 месяцев назад +4

    All societies have a mixture of the autocratic and democratic. Capitalist societies however are economically autocratic with political democracy for the wealthy few that the masses are allowed to 'participate' in by voting for rich people.
    Whereas socialist societies are politically & economically democratic for the majority but autocratic against the bourgeoisie/ would be rich. A dictatorship of the proletariat for the proletariat.

  • @АндрейДергачёв-р8ж
    @АндрейДергачёв-р8ж 10 месяцев назад +3


  • @NGCS-ej4lz
    @NGCS-ej4lz 10 месяцев назад

    Demographics is Destiny. Japan.

  • @anwaypradhan6591
    @anwaypradhan6591 9 месяцев назад

    Even if a democratic establishment is dominated by the autocrats would be declared as autocratic establishment.